Wing v. Chico Healthcare & Wellness Centre ( 2022 )

  • Filed 4/28/22
    JILL WING,                           B310232
    Plaintiff and Respondent,    (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC719077)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Elihu M. Berle, Judge. Affirmed.
    Fisher & Phillips, Grace Y. Horoupian, Shaun J. Voight,
    Rebecca S. King and Raymond W. Duer for Defendant and
    Mara Law Firm, David Mara and Matthew Crawford for
    Plaintiff and Respondent.
    In this appeal, Chico Healthcare & Wellness Centre, LP
    asks us to reconsider the California Supreme Court’s decision in
    Iskanian v. CLS Transportation Los Angeles, LLC (2014)
    59 Cal.4th 348
     (Iskanian) in light of subsequent United States
    Supreme Court authority. The trial court relied on Iskanian to
    deny Chico’s motion to compel arbitration of Jill Wing’s Private
    Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims. PAGA allows an
    aggrieved employee to sue for civil penalties under the Labor
    Code as a representative of the state. (Lab. Code, § 2699 et seq.)1
    Chico contends two United States Supreme Court cases —
    Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis (2018) __ U.S. __ [
    138 S.Ct. 1612
    (Epic Systems) and Kindred Nursing Centers Ltd. Partnership v.
    Clark (2017) __ U.S. __ [
    137 S.Ct. 1421
    ] (Kindred Nursing) —
    impliedly overruled Iskanian, but Chico itself acknowledges these
    cases do “not [address] PAGA directly . . . .” As we set out below,
    Epic Systems and Kindred Nursing did not decide the same
    question Iskanian decided. We affirm the order denying the
    motion to compel arbitration.
    On October 17, 2017, Wing was hired to work for Chico as a
    receptionist at a skilled nursing facility. As a condition of her
    employment, Wing agreed to be bound by Chico’s Alternative
    Dispute Resolution Policy (ADR Policy), which provided that
    “final and binding arbitration” would be the exclusive means for
    resolving “covered disputes” between the employee and employer.
    The ADR Policy defined “covered disputes” as including
    “any dispute arising out of or related to my employment, the
    terms and conditions of my employment and/or the termination of
    1    All further undesignated statutory references are to the
    Labor Code.
    your employment [sic], including, but not limited to, the
    following: [¶] Alleged violations of federal, state and/or local
    constitutions, statutes or regulations; [¶] . . . [¶] Claims alleging
    failure to compensate for all hours worked, failure to pay
    overtime, failure to pay minimum wage, failure to reimburse
    expenses, failure to pay wages upon termination, failure to
    provide accurate, itemized wage statements, failure to provide
    meal and/or rest breaks, entitlement to waiting time penalties
    and/or other claims involving employee wages, including, but not
    limited to, claims brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act
    and any other statutory scheme related to wages or working
    hours . . . .”
    The ADR Policy included a waiver of class or representative
    actions: “I understand and agree this ADR Program prohibits me
    from joining or participating in a class action or representative
    action, acting as a private attorney general or representative of
    others, or otherwise consolidating a covered claim with the claim
    of others.”
    On June 11, 2018, Wing provided statutorily required
    notice to the Labor and Workforce Development Agency of alleged
    Labor Code violations by her employer.2 (§ 2699.3.) The agency
    did not respond to her notice within the time provided by statute,
    allowing Wing to file PAGA representative claims for wage,
    2    Wing initially believed her employer was Rockport
    Administrative Services, LLC. She amended the notice to the
    agency and her subsequent complaint when she learned Chico
    Healthcare was her employer.
    overtime, meal break, and other Labor Code violations.3 She filed
    her complaint on August 22, 2018. Wing’s lawsuit also alleged
    class claims. Relying on the ADR Policy, Chico requested Wing
    stipulate to arbitrate her individual claims, strike her class
    claims, and stay her PAGA claims pending the outcome of
    arbitration. Wing refused; she instead amended her complaint to
    drop the class claims, leaving only the PAGA claims that were
    asserted on behalf of herself and all other similarly aggrieved
    employees. After an unsuccessful mediation, Chico moved to
    compel arbitration of Wing’s PAGA claims.
    The trial court denied the motion. In its statement of
    decision, the court found it was bound to follow “the Supreme
    Court precedent of Iskanian and the subsequent overwhelming
    authority reaffirming its holding.” Chico timely appealed.
    On appeal, Chico argues the trial court erred when it relied
    on Iskanian to deny the motion to compel arbitration. Where, as
    here, the trial court’s order denying a motion to compel
    arbitration “rests solely on a decision of law,” we review that
    decision de novo. (Robertson v. Health Net of California, Inc.
    132 Cal.App.4th 1419
    , 1425.)
    3      PAGA requires that an employee give written notice both to
    the agency and the employer of an alleged Labor Code violation.
    (§ 2699.3, subd. (a)(1); Kim v. Reins International California, Inc.
    9 Cal.5th 73
    , 81 (Kim).) If the agency does not investigate,
    does not issue a citation, or fails to respond within a specified
    time, the employee may assert PAGA claims as a representative
    of the state. (§ 2699.3, subd. (a)(2); LaFace v. Ralphs Grocery Co.
    75 Cal.App.5th 388
    , 394.)
    1.     Relevant Law
    The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA; 
    9 U.S.C. § 1
     et seq.) was
    enacted to address perceived judicial hostility to arbitration
    agreements. (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion (2011) 
    563 U.S. 333
    , 339.) “The ‘principal purpose’ of the FAA is to ‘ensur[e] that
    private arbitration agreements are enforced according to their
    terms.’ ” (Id. at p. 344.) “When state law prohibits outright the
    arbitration of a particular type of claim, the analysis is
    straightforward: The conflicting rule is displaced by the FAA.”
    (Id. at p. 341.) Thus, a contract defense based on state law is
    preempted if it applies only to arbitration contracts or interferes
    with the fundamental attributes of arbitration. (Id. at pp. 341–
    344.) State laws relating to arbitration contracts are enforceable
    to the extent they do not conflict with the FAA. (Id. at pp. 339,
    PAGA “authorizes an employee to bring an action for civil
    penalties on behalf of the state against his or her employer for
    Labor Code violations committed against the employee and fellow
    employees, with most of the proceeds of that litigation going to
    the state.” (Iskanian, supra, 59 Cal.4th at p. 360.) Before PAGA
    was enacted, only the state could sue employers for civil penalties
    under the Labor Code. (Kim, supra, 9 Cal.5th at p. 80.) “A PAGA
    claim is legally and conceptually different from an employee’s
    own suit for damages and statutory penalties. An employee
    suing under PAGA ‘does so as the proxy or agent of the state’s
    labor law enforcement agencies.’ Every PAGA claim is ‘a dispute
    between an employer and the state.’ Moreover, the civil penalties
    a PAGA plaintiff may recover on the state’s behalf are distinct
    from the statutory damages or penalties that may be available to
    employees suing for individual violations. Relief under PAGA is
    designed primarily to benefit the general public, not the party
    bringing the action. ‘A PAGA representative action is therefore a
    type of qui tam action,’ conforming to all ‘traditional criteria,
    except that a portion of the penalty goes not only to the citizen
    bringing the suit but to all employees affected by the Labor Code
    violation.’ The ‘government entity on whose behalf the plaintiff
    files suit is always the real party in interest.’ ” (Ibid., internal
    citations omitted.)
    In Iskanian, our Supreme Court examined an arbitration
    agreement that, like Chico’s ADR Policy, contained a waiver of
    representative actions, including PAGA claims. (Iskanian, supra,
    59 Cal.4th at p. 377.) Iskanian held “an employee’s right to bring
    a PAGA action is unwaivable” and that such a rule was not
    preempted by the FAA to the extent the rule barred “predispute
    waiver[s] of an employee’s right to bring an action that can only
    be brought by the state or its representatives.” (Id. at pp. 383,
    388.) The court reasoned, “the rule against PAGA waivers does
    not frustrate the FAA’s objectives because . . . the FAA aims to
    ensure an efficient forum for the resolution of private disputes,
    whereas a PAGA action is a dispute between an employer and the
    state [Labor and Workforce Development] Agency.” (Iskanian,
    supra, 59 Cal.4th at p. 384.)
    The Ninth Circuit is in accord: “[T]he Iskanian rule does
    not stand as an obstacle to the accomplishment of the FAA’s
    objectives, and [Iskanian] is not preempted.” (Sakkab v.
    Luxottica Retail N. Am., Inc. (9th Cir. 2015) 
    803 F.3d 425
    , 427
    4     In Valdez v. Terminix Int’l Co. Ltd. Partnership (9th Cir.
    2017) 681 F.Appx. 592, 593, the Ninth Circuit affirmed its
    In Kindred Nursing and Epic Systems, issued three and
    four years, respectively, after Iskanian, the United States
    Supreme Court reaffirmed the broad reach of the FAA. In
    Kindred Nursing, the high court considered the Kentucky
    Supreme Court’s “clear-statement rule,” which held a power of
    attorney could not authorize a legal representative to enter into
    an arbitration agreement unless the representative had specific
    authority to “ ‘waive his principal’s constitutional right to access
    the courts and to trial by jury.’ ” (Kindred Nursing, supra,
    137 S.Ct. at pp. 1425–1426.) Kindred Nursing held the clear-
    statement rule was “too tailor-made to arbitration agreements —
    subjecting them, by virtue of their defining trait, to uncommon
    barriers — to survive the FAA’s edict against singling out those
    contracts for disfavored treatment.” (Id. at p. 1427.)
    Epic Systems held the FAA requires courts to enforce class
    or collective action waivers in employment agreements that
    mandate individualized arbitration. (Epic Systems, supra,
    holding in Sakkab that the Iskanian rule is not preempted by the
    FAA. Valdez held “an individual employee, acting as an agent for
    the government, can agree to pursue a PAGA claim in
    arbitration. Iskanian does not require that a PAGA claim be
    pursued in the judicial forum; it holds only that a complete
    waiver of the right to bring a PAGA claim is invalid. [Citation.]
    [¶] Sakkab likewise recognized that individual employees may
    pursue PAGA claims in arbitration.” (Id. at p. 594.) Chico does
    not cite to or examine Valdez. To the extent Chico relies on the
    same reasoning as Valdez to argue Wing had authority to bind
    the state to the ADR Policy prior to her PAGA claims, we reject
    this argument and agree with Correia v. NB Baker Electric, Inc.
    32 Cal.App.5th 602
    , 623–624 (Correia) that an employee
    does not become a proxy of the state under PAGA until he or she
    is an “aggrieved employee.”
    138 S.Ct. at p. 1619.) Following Epic Systems, California
    appellate courts uniformly concluded it did not overrule Iskanian.
    (See, e.g., Williams v. RGIS, LLC (2021) 
    70 Cal.App.5th 445
    451–454 (Williams); Herrera v. Doctors Medical Center of
    Modesto, Inc. (2021) 
    67 Cal.App.5th 538
     (Herrera); Winns v.
    Postmates Inc. (2021) 
    66 Cal.App.5th 803
    , 812–813; Olson v. Lyft,
    Inc. (2020) 
    56 Cal.App.5th 862
    , 872; Collie v. The Icee Co. (2020)
    52 Cal.App.5th 477
     (Collie); Correia, supra, 32 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 620.)
    2.     Iskanian Remains the Law
    Recognizing that “overwhelming authorities” have
    concluded Epic Systems did not invalidate Iskanian, Chico relies
    on Kindred Nursing to do so. Kindred Nursing was published
    one year before Epic Systems but is not cited in any California
    published case involving PAGA claims. According to Chico, there
    is no distinction between the agent binding the principal to
    arbitration under a power of attorney in Kindred Nursing and an
    employee binding the State of California in a PAGA action.
    Combined with Epic Systems’s holding that the FAA requires
    courts to enforce arbitration agreements that waive class or
    collective actions in favor of individualized proceedings, Chico
    contends these cases require us to conclude the Iskanian rule is
    preempted by the FAA. We disagree. Chico asks us to resolve
    “the tension between Iskanian and the recent United States
    Supreme Court opinions” that Chico has cited. We frame the
    issue differently: does the reasoning of Kindred Nursing and
    Epic Systems undermine the force of our Supreme Court’s holding
    in Iskanian?5
    We answer in the negative. Chico does not dispute the
    “same question” standard articulated by Correia to determine
    when an intervening United States Supreme Court decision
    overrules a California Supreme Court decision. (Correia, supra,
    32 Cal.App.5th at p. 619.) Chico asserts the United States
    Supreme Court need not specifically cite to Iskanian or PAGA for
    its decisions to resolve the “same question.” We agree with this
    general proposition but, as we explain below, Epic Systems and
    Kindred Nursing are distinguishable and do not conflict with
    Iskanian. These cases do not suggest that we should disregard
    our Supreme Court’s controlling authority. (Cf. In re Harris
    20 Cal.App.3d 632
    , 634 [U.S. Supreme Court decision
    holding Ohio Criminal Syndicalism Act unconstitutional was
    conclusive on unconstitutionality of California’s similar statute];
    County of Santa Clara v. Superior Court (1992) 
    2 Cal.App.4th 1686
    , 1691, fn. 3 [“The constraints of the common law method
    and of our position in the judicial hierarchy require that we
    consider only the case before us, and that we do so in light of the
    decisions of other courts to the extent those decisions control ours
    either directly or by compelling analogy”].)
    Starting with Epic Systems, we need not repeat the
    reasoned analysis by the courts that have rejected the argument
    that Epic Systems disapproved Iskanian. (Williams, supra,
    5     Our Supreme Court affirmed Iskanian after Epic Systems
    and Kindred Nursing by applying it to determine whether the
    recovery of civil penalties under section 558 is immunized from
    predispute waivers of arbitration. (ZB, N.A. v. Superior Court
    8 Cal.5th 175
    , 187.)
    70 Cal.App.5th at pp. 451–454; Herrera, supra, 67 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 542; Winns v. Postmates Inc., supra, 66 Cal.App.5th at p. 812;
    Olson v. Lyft, Inc., supra, 56 Cal.App.5th at p. 872; Collie, supra,
    52 Cal.App.5th at p. 482; Correia, supra, 32 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 620.) We agree with them.
    Adding Kindred Nursing to the equation does not change
    the legal sum. As in Epic Systems, Kindred Nursing involved
    private actions between private parties asserting private rights.
    It did not involve an action between an employer and a
    representative of the state to recover civil penalties on the state’s
    behalf to benefit the general public. To put it directly, Kindred
    Nursing did not address whether a worker may waive the right to
    bring a representative action on behalf of a state government.6
    6      Kindred Nursing is also distinguishable on its facts. There,
    the representatives signed the arbitration agreements on behalf
    of their principals under a power of attorney. That is, the
    principals had already agreed to be bound by their
    representative’s actions at the time the agreements were
    executed. (Kindred Nursing, supra, 137 S.Ct. at pp. 1425–1426.)
    Here, Wing agreed to be bound by the ADR Policy one year before
    her PAGA claims arose. As we have observed, an employee does
    not become a proxy of the state under PAGA until he or she is an
    “aggrieved employee.” (Correia, supra, 32 Cal.App.5th at
    pp. 623–624.) Wing “executed the agreement in [her] individual
    capacity. The state had not deputized [her] to act at the time,
    and [she] therefore could not agree to arbitrate on behalf of the
    state.” (Collie, supra, 52 Cal.App.5th at p. 482.) “Without the
    state’s consent, a predispute agreement between an employee
    and an employer cannot be the basis for compelling arbitration of
    a representative PAGA claim because the state is the owner of
    the claim and the real party in interest, and the state was not a
    Nor does Kindred Nursing even mention PAGA, qui tam or other
    similar representative actions, or suggest that its holding might
    extend to such claims. In short, Kindred Nursing did not
    consider the same question that Iskanian put to rest.
    The order denying the motion to compel arbitration is
    affirmed. Wing is to recover her costs on appeal.
    RUBIN, P. J.
    BAKER, J.
    KIM, J.
    party to the arbitration agreement.” (Correia, supra,
    32 Cal.App.5th at p. 622.)

Document Info

Docket Number: B310232

Filed Date: 4/28/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/28/2022