People v. Padilla-Martel ( 2022 )

  • Filed 4/29/22
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    CHRISTIAN NOEL PADILLA-                     (San Francisco County
    MARTEL,                                     Super. Ct. No. CGC-20-586763)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    VICTOR ZELAYA,                              (San Francisco County
    Super. Ct. No. CGC-20-586761)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    JAROLD SANCHEZ,                             (San Francisco County
    Super. Ct. No. CGC-20-586753)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    GUADALOUPE AGUILAR–                         (San Francisco County
    BENEGAS,                                    Super. Ct. No. CGC-20-586732)
    Defendant and Respondent.
    In these civil actions, the People, by the San Francisco City Attorney
    (City) allege defendants Christian Noel Padilla-Martel, Victor Zelaya, Jarold
    Sanchez, and Guadaloupe Aguilar-Benegas are street-level drug dealers
    whose drug-dealing activities in the Tenderloin neighborhood create a public
    nuisance (Civ. Code, §§ 3479, 3480) and violate the unfair competition law
    (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 17200 et seq.) (UCL).
    Before a trial on the merits of its claims, the City moved for
    preliminary injunctions against defendants that would prohibit them from
    entering a 50-block exclusion zone in the heart of San Francisco. There was
    no dispute about the conditions in the Tenderloin. Defendants acknowledged
    the area is “facing a drug-related health crisis,” and the trial court found the
    City established the neighborhood is “rife with illegal drug-dealing” and
    related activities. Nor was there any dispute that the City has authority to
    seek injunctive relief to address public nuisances and UCL violations;
    defendants and the trial court agreed, for example, that the City could enjoin
    individuals from engaging in illegal drug selling in the Tenderloin.
    But the trial court denied the City’s motions for preliminary injunctions
    on two independent grounds, both based on the scope of the proposed
    injunctions. First, the trial court determined that a stay-away order—as
    opposed to an injunction prohibiting certain conduct—is not an authorized
    remedy under either the public nuisance law or the UCL. Second, even
    assuming stay-away orders are available statutory remedies, the trial court
    concluded the specific injunctive relief the City requested would be
    constitutionally impermissible under the facts of these cases. The court
    determined that excluding defendants from such a large area in the center of
    San Francisco implicates the constitutional right to intrastate travel—that is,
    the right to travel locally through public spaces and roads—and the City
    failed to meet its evidentiary burden of convincing the court that its proposed
    remedy was sufficiently tailored to minimally infringe upon the protected
    interests at stake.
    The City appeals, challenging both grounds for denying its motions.
    Unlike the trial court, we are not prepared to hold that a stay-away order
    could never be a potential remedy for a public nuisance or unfair business
    practice in an appropriate case. However, the City has failed to show error in
    the trial court’s finding that the proposed stay-away orders are insufficiently
    tailored to pass constitutional muster based on the evidentiary record before
    it. Accordingly, we affirm.
    The City’s Complaints
    In September 2020, the City filed similar civil complaints against each
    defendant, and against 24 other individuals whose cases are not before us,
    asserting public nuisance and UCL claims. In each complaint, the City
    sought a permanent injunction ordering the defendant “to stay away from the
    proposed Tenderloin Drug Abatement Area and any area of the City and
    County of San Francisco where DEFENDANT has engaged in the illegal sale
    of controlled substances.” The “proposed Tenderloin Drug Abatement Area”
    (abatement area) comprises about 50 square blocks and covers over 221
    acres. 1 The City sought liability of up to $6,000 for each violation of the
    injunction and civil penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation of the UCL,
    plus fees and costs.
    1 The borders of the abatement area are Ninth Street from Mission
    Street to Market Street, north on Larkin Street to Turk Street, west on Turk
    to Van Ness Avenue, north to Geary Street, east to Powell Street, south to
    Market, southwest to Fifth Street, south on Fifth to Mission, and Mission to
    Motions for Preliminary Injunctions
    In March 2021, the City filed a motion for preliminary injunction
    against each of the four defendants. 2 The City asked the court to issue stay-
    away orders prohibiting defendants from entering the abatement area with
    limited exceptions for (1) riding public transit (but not getting on or off) either
    by bus along the western boundary of the abatement area or by train running
    underground through the Tenderloin, (2) using one side of the sidewalk on
    one street for half a block if necessary to go to scheduled federal court
    appearances, and (3) making “a scheduled visit to a particular location” in the
    abatement area “to conduct specified lawful business on a designated date
    and time,” but “only with the PEOPLE’s advance written and filed
    stipulation” and with the requirement that the defendant carry a copy of the
    stipulation. 3 A violation of the proposed injunction would subject a defendant
    to criminal proceedings under Penal Code section 166.
    2 The City states in its opening brief that these four defendants’ cases
    are the first to reach the preliminary injunction stage, and this is the reason
    the other 24 defendants are not parties to these consolidated appeals.
    Defendants respond it is more accurate to say these are the only cases being
    litigated; they assert the City has failed to serve most of the other named
    defendants and one defendant has died.
    3   The exceptions provided in the proposed injunctions were:
    “a. DEFENDANT is allowed to travel underground through the
    Tenderloin Drug Abatement Area on BART and Muni Metro. DEFENDANT,
    however, may not board or leave the trains at Civic Center Station or Powell
    Street Station.
    “b. DEFENDANT is allowed to travel on public transit buses along Van
    Ness Avenue. DEFENDANT may not board or leave the bus within the
    Tenderloin Drug Abatement Area.
    “c. If DEFENDANT has a scheduled federal court appearance at 450
    Golden Gate Avenue and the Golden Gate entrance is not available to
    The City supported its motions with declarations from San Francisco
    police officers and members of the community that described drug dealing,
    drug use, and associated crime and disruptive activities in the Tenderloin
    The City submitted a declaration from San Francisco Police Captain
    Carl Fabbri, who as of the date of his declaration in March 2021, was the
    commanding officer of the Tenderloin police district, which is one of 10 police
    districts in San Francisco. 4 According to Fabbri, “the overall crime rates in
    the Tenderloin are historically about three times higher than in the City
    overall on a per capita basis,” it “is the epicenter of illegal drug sales in the
    City,” and “the situation [in the neighborhood] has worsened in recent years
    and months.” In 2020, there were 600 arrests for drug dealing in the
    Tenderloin, and officers seized over $288,000 in cash and more than 18
    kilograms of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. In addition,
    drug overdoses have increased in recent years. There were 699 drug overdose
    deaths in San Francisco in 2020, 5 up from 441 overdose deaths in 2019 and
    259 in 2018.
    DEFENDANT, DEFENDANT is allowed to use the sidewalk on the south
    side of Turk Street from Polk Street to the Turk Street entrance.
    “d. DEFENDANT may, only with the PEOPLE’s advance written and
    filed stipulation, make a scheduled visit to a particular location in the
    Tenderloin Drug Abatement Area to conduct specified lawful business on a
    designated date and time. DEFENDANT must carry a copy of said
    The City’s proposed abatement area encompasses most of the
    Tenderloin police district plus a few streets in the Northern police district.
    5 In a declaration from February 2021, the Chief Forensic Toxicologist
    of the City’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner reported that 154 of the
    699 overdose deaths occurred in the Tenderloin.
    Fabbri reported that approximately 125 full-time police officers were
    assigned to Tenderloin Station but the Tenderloin neighborhood remains the
    “primary place to buy or sell drugs in San Francisco and throughout the Bay
    Area.” According to Fabbri, most drug dealers do not live in the Tenderloin.
    He stated that drug users are also a problem, as they commit theft crimes in
    the Tenderloin to buy drugs and, when using drugs, they often exhibit erratic
    Fabbri opined that a civil “injunction preventing drug dealers from
    coming to the Tenderloin would be a useful tool to combat street drug dealing
    and the negative effects on the Tenderloin, beyond the tools of existing
    criminal laws” because “enforcing a stay-away order requires far less police
    resources than doing a drug bust.” He believed the size and borders of the
    proposed abatement area were “appropriate and necessary” because “sellers
    are mobile, and are not confined to a particular street corner.”
    Officer declarations described each defendant’s arrests in San
    Francisco for drug-related charges and for violating stay-away orders. The
    declarations, however, did not show that any of the defendants has been
    convicted of selling drugs, possessing drugs for sale, or violating any pre-trial
    stay-away orders. Padilla-Martel was arrested three times within three
    months in 2020. 6 Zelaya was arrested three times from July 2019 to May
    6 On May 2, 2020, Padilla-Martell was found on the 300 block of Golden
    Gate Avenue with suspected fentanyl, cocaine salt, heroin, and $446 in cash,
    and he admitted to police that he was conducting drug sales. On June 29, he
    was observed on Hyde Street between Golden Gate Avenue and McAllister
    Street engaging in hand-to-hand drug sales. He was arrested for violating a
    court order to stay 150 yards away from 300 Golden Gate Avenue, and he was
    found with suspected fentanyl and methamphetamine, as well as $201 in
    crumpled bills. On July 20, he was seen on Hyde Street near Golden Gate
    Avenue engaging in hand-to-hand drug sales. On that occasion, Padilla-
    2020. 7 Sanchez was arrested five times between February 2020 and
    February 2021. 8 Aguilar-Benegas was arrested on five different occasions
    between May 2020 and February 2021. 9
    All four defendants were Oakland residents at the time of their arrests.
    None of defendants’ arrests involved violence, and to the extent defendants
    were arrested in the Tenderloin, each defendant’s arrests occurred within a
    small portion of the proposed abatement area. 10
    Defendants’ Oppositions
    Defendants opposed the motions for preliminary injunctions, arguing
    the City did not show a likelihood of success on the merits at trial. (Whether
    the City ultimately will prevail on its public nuisance and UCL claims at trial
    is not an issue on appeal, but defendants dispute the merits of the City’s
    Martel had over $1,000 and suspected fentanyl, cocaine base, and heroin, and
    he was again in violation of a stay-away order.
    7On May 20, 2020, Zelaya was observed at Seventh and Market Streets
    engaged in hand-to-hand drug sales and was found with suspected fentanyl,
    cocaine base, heroin, and methamphetamine. He was in violation of several
    stay-away orders from criminal cases. One court order required Zelaya to
    stay away from the area bounded by Mission Street, O’Farrell Street, Van
    Ness Avenue, and Powell Street. Another ordered him to stay 150 yards from
    the area bounded by Franklin, Geary, and Market Streets.
    Three times, Sanchez was arrested around the 300 block of Golden
    Gate Avenue. The drugs found in his possession included suspected
    methamphetamine, cocaine salt, cocaine base, heroin, and fentanyl.
    9On each occasion, Aguilar-Benegas was found with large amounts of
    cash and multiple illegal drugs, including suspected cocaine base, heroin,
    methamphetamine, cocaine salt, and fentanyl. She was arrested twice at 240
    Hyde Street and once at 308 Turk Street. Several times, Aguilar-Benegas
    was also in violation of stay-away orders issued by the criminal court.
    10Zelaya was arrested three times, but only one arrest occurred within
    the abatement area.
    claims.) Defendants also argued the City could not establish the balance of
    interim harms tipped in its favor and, in any event, the proposed injunctive
    relief was improper and overbroad. They asserted the City was using
    defendants as “scapegoat[s] in its ill-conceived effort to make a political
    point” and the proposed injunctions would harm defendants “and the
    community while doing nothing to increase public safety or reduce substance
    Defendants submitted declarations from attorneys, social and health
    services providers in the Tenderloin, and professors with expertise in policing
    and drug laws, all of whom supported the view that the proposed injunctions
    would not address the serious problems facing the Tenderloin, which include
    poverty, housing insecurity, mental and physical health issues, drug use
    disorder, and food insecurity.
    For example, the director of harm reduction services at the Glide
    Foundation, located in the Tenderloin neighborhood, stated that in her
    experience, “arresting individuals selling drugs on the streets of the
    Tenderloin has no impact on the availability of drugs for sale” as “other
    people simply fill in any gap.” She opined, “Spending money on these
    lawsuits and seeking to ban people from the Tenderloin is a waste of
    resources and will do nothing to reduce the availability and use of drugs in
    the neighborhood.” Two sociology professors who have published extensively
    on policing and punishment, Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert of the
    University of Washington, stated that the use of “spatial exclusion, or
    banishment” (including injunctions, curfews, and stay-away orders)
    significantly erodes the citizenship status of those subject to exclusion and is
    “futile and counterproductive.”
    The clinical director of Legal Services for Children described “the
    various resources, community-based organizations, and governmental
    agencies” that are located within the proposed abatement area, which provide
    “vital services” including “substance abuse treatment, emergency shelter and
    housing, access to public benefits, education restoration, employment
    readiness and extracurricular programing for youth.” He believed that crime
    and community safety would “remain unchanged by [the proposed]
    Defendants also submitted their own declarations. Zelaya stated he
    was 27 years old. He lives with his wife and daughter and runs a food cart
    business with his wife and sister-in-law. He has two other daughters from a
    previous relationship who live in the Tenderloin with their grandmother.
    Zelaya stated he would like to visit his daughters in the Tenderloin and take
    them to school, to soccer matches, and to get food in the neighborhood, and he
    would like to be able to take them to the doctor, respond whenever they call,
    and be able to stay overnight at their apartment. In addition, he is aware of
    and would like to be able to access various services available in the
    Tenderloin, such as nonprofits and community organizations that assist with
    employment, treatment, health, and harm reduction services. Zelaya stated
    that barring him from the proposed abatement area “would seriously impact
    [his] everyday life” and he would have to find a way to be with his family
    without being able to meet his daughters in the Tenderloin when they call
    Padilla-Martel stated he works painting houses and he would like to
    find work as a mechanic, which he has trained to do. He has a five-year-old
    son who lives with his grandparents, and he sends his family money every
    month. He has taken public transportation in San Francisco using routes
    that go through the Tenderloin in the past, and he plans to do so in the
    Sanchez stated he was 23 years old. He lives with his wife, their young
    son, and his brother-in-law, and his wife was pregnant. He stated he is
    looking for work and he takes public transportation regularly, including
    public transportation that passes through the Tenderloin. He understands
    that there are nonprofits and community organizations in the Tenderloin
    that assist with employment, housing, and health services, and he would like
    to access those services.
    Aguilar-Benegas stated she was 28 years old, she had two young
    children, and she was pregnant and expecting her third child in a few weeks.
    Her husband had died unexpectedly in 2020. She was contacted about
    scheduling an ultrasound appointment at a clinic she believed was in the
    Tenderloin. She understands there are nonprofits and community
    organizations in the Tenderloin and she would like to access those services,
    including help finding work and affordable housing.
    Trial Court Ruling
    The trial court heard argument on the City’s motions for preliminary
    injunctions and subsequently issued a comprehensive 23-page order denying
    the motions.
    The trial court found the City’s “extensive and largely undisputed”
    evidence showed the Tenderloin is “rife with illegal drug-dealing and other
    associated activities.” The court found that “blatant and open-air drug sales
    have been increasingly common in the Tenderloin, with drug dealing
    occurring all day and night; that sales of narcotics take place” near children;
    “that neighborhood residents and workers have to move to the other side of
    the street or into the street to avoid drug dealers; that injection and other
    open drug use is common on public streets, [and] sidewalks”; that users leave
    behind “crack pipes and dirty syringes, as well as human waste; and that
    rampant drug dealing in the Tenderloin is directly and indirectly related to
    numerous other crimes committed by drug dealers and their customers,
    including theft, weapons trafficking, and violent crimes.” 11 The court also
    found substantial evidence that each defendant engaged in illegal sales of, or
    possessed for sale, controlled substances in the Tenderloin on multiple
    occasions and violated stay-away orders issued by the criminal courts. 12
    Based on these findings, the court determined the City showed a
    likelihood of prevailing on the merits of its claims. As to the public nuisance
    claim, the court reasoned, “illegal drug-dealing in the Tenderloin . . .
    constitutes a public nuisance that affects the entire Tenderloin neighborhood,
    or at the very least a considerable number of persons who reside or work in
    that neighborhood,” and defendants’ illegal activity “contributed to the
    overall public nuisance.” As to the UCL claim, it found “[t]he UCL extends to
    the illegal sale of drugs,” including the individual defendants’ “ongoing
    unlawful conduct.”
    Nonetheless, the trial court denied the City’s motions after determining
    the injunctive relief the City asked for was both statutorily and
    constitutionally impermissible. At the outset, the court concluded that
    neither the public nuisance law nor the UCL authorizes the “creation of an
    11We grant the City’s request that we take judicial notice of the Mayor
    of San Francisco’s declaration on December 17, 2021, of a 90-day local
    emergency related to drug overdoses in the Tenderloin.
    12We note that, from our review of the record, it appears Zelaya was
    arrested only once within the abatement area and was arrested just outside
    the area on two occasions. This does not change our analysis or disposition,
    exclusion zone” as a potential remedy. Distinguishing a person’s conduct
    (which may create a nuisance or constitute an unlawful business practice)
    from a person’s presence in a geographic location, the court inferred that the
    public nuisance law does not authorize the City’s proposed injunctions
    because “abatement is equivalent to an injunction against injurious activity
    or conduct—not removal of a person who has engaged in such conduct.”
    Similarly, the court reasoned, “the purpose of injunctive relief under the UCL
    is to prohibit unfair competitive practices or conduct—not to exclude the
    persons engaged in it.”
    The court further found that, even assuming stay-away orders are
    authorized by statute, the specific injunctive relief sought by the City in these
    cases would violate defendants’ constitutional rights because it was not
    sufficiently tailored to minimally infringe upon defendants’ constitutional
    rights to intrastate travel. The court reasoned, “By no stretch of the
    imagination is [the City’s proposed injunctive relief] narrowly tailored.
    Rather than prohibit specified harmful conduct, it prohibits mere presence in
    the exclusion zone, at any time of the day or night and for any reason. It
    would preclude defendants from entering the area for any purpose, including
    accessing vital social and health services.”
    A.    Standard of Review
    Generally, “the question whether a preliminary injunction should be
    granted involves two interrelated factors: (1) the likelihood that the plaintiff
    will prevail on the merits, and (2) the relative balance of harms that is likely
    to result from the granting or denial of interim injunctive relief.” (White v.
    Davis (2003) 
    30 Cal.4th 528
    , 554.)
    On appeal, we accept the trial court’s factual findings if they are
    supported by substantial evidence. We review its decision whether to issue a
    preliminary injunction for abuse of discretion. We review questions of law de
    novo. (People ex rel. Feuer v. FXS Management, Inc. (2016) 
    2 Cal.App.5th 1154
    , 1159.)
    B.    Statutory Authority and Scope of Injunctive Relief
    A “nuisance” is defined by statute to include “[a]nything which is
    injurious to health, including, but not limited to, the illegal sale of controlled
    substances.” (Civ. Code, § 3479.) A “public nuisance is one which affects at
    the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable
    number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted
    upon individuals may be unequal.” (Id., § 3480.) Civil Code section 3491
    provides that the “remedies against a public nuisance” include “[a]batement.”
    “ ‘ “An abatement of a nuisance is accomplished in a court of equity by means
    of an injunction proper and suitable to the facts of each case.” ’ ” (People ex
    rel. Busch v. Projection Room Theater (1976) 
    17 Cal.3d 42
    , 57 (Projection
    Room Theater), italics omitted.)
    “[U]nfair competition” includes “any unlawful . . . business act or
    practice.” (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 17200.) The UCL covers “ ‘anything that can
    properly be called a business practice and that at the same time is forbidden
    by law’ ” (Barquis v. Merchants Collection Assn. (1972) 
    7 Cal.3d 94
    , 113) and
    provides, “[a]ny person who engages . . . in unfair competition may be
    enjoined in any court of competent jurisdiction” (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 17203).
    Thus, an injunction to abate unlawful activity is an appropriate remedy
    under both the public nuisance law and the UCL.
    The scope of injunctive relief available to address a public nuisance or
    unlawful business practice is limited, however. “It is a familiar doctrine of
    equity that the scope of [an] injunction will be limited to the wrongful act
    sought to be prevented.” (Magill Bros. v. Building Service etc. Union (1942)
    20 Cal.2d 506
    , 512.) Our high court has cautioned, “Injunctive process ought
    never to go beyond the necessities of the case.” (Anderson v. Souza (1952) 
    38 Cal.2d 825
    , 840–841 (Anderson).) “In fashioning a remedy, a court should
    ‘strive for the least disruptive remedy adequate to its legitimate task’ and
    tailor it to the harm at issue.” (People v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (2020) 
    56 Cal.App.5th 266
    , 313 (Uber).)
    When a nuisance or unlawful business practice occurs in the operation
    of a legitimate business, any injunction to address the problem must be
    narrowly drawn to eliminate the unlawful activity and should not restrict on
    lawful business activity unless absolutely necessary. 13
    Similarly, when an individual creates a nuisance or engages in an
    unlawful business practice, an injunction against the individual must be
    limited to addressing the unlawful activity. Perhaps the most closely
    analogous cases to the City’s current action are gang injunctions. In People
    ex rel. Gallo v. Acuna (1997) 
    14 Cal.4th 1090
     (Acuna), the City of San Jose
    brought a public nuisance claim against individual alleged criminal street
    13In Anderson, neighbors brought a nuisance claim based on the
    operation of an airport. Our Supreme Court explained, “where a legitimate
    business is being conducted and in the conduct thereof a nuisance has been
    created and is being maintained, the [injunctive] relief granted should be
    directed and confined to the elimination of the nuisance, unless under the
    peculiar circumstances of the case the business, lawful in itself, cannot be
    conducted without creating a nuisance and violating the rights of contiguous
    property owners.” (Anderson, supra, 38 Cal.2d at p. 841, italics added.) Uber
    involved a UCL claim, and the Court of Appeal stated, “an injunction against
    legitimate business activities ‘should go no further than is absolutely
    necessary to protect the lawful rights of the parties seeking such injunction.’ ”
    (Uber, supra, 56 Cal.App.5th at p. 313, italics added.)
    gang members. The lower court entered a preliminary injunction prohibiting
    the defendants from engaging in certain activities in a four-block
    neighborhood, and the defendants challenged some of the restrictions. (Id. at
    p. 1100.) The California Supreme Court explained that, in “considering the
    limitations on the scope” of the preliminary junction, its first task was to
    decide, “whether the activity enjoined . . . reasonably falls within the
    statutory definition of a public nuisance . . . .” (Id. at p. 1120, italics added.)
    In other words, the scope of an injunction against an individual generally
    should be limited to enjoining his or her unlawful activity.
    It is possible to enjoin an individual’s lawful activity that is not in itself
    a nuisance or unlawful business practice, but this is extraordinary relief. In
    another gang injunction case, the defendant was enjoined from engaging in
    “particular gang-related activity in the target area,” including “a host of
    noncriminal, usually innocuous and wholly ordinary activities, e.g., drinking
    alcoholic beverages, possessing a glass bottle or a baseball bat or a marker
    pen or a screwdriver or wire cutters.” (People v. Englebrecht (2001) 
    88 Cal.App.4th 1236
    , 1256.) The Court of Appeal observed, “While it may be
    lawful to restrict such activity, it is also extraordinary. The government, in
    any guise, should not undertake such restrictions without good reason and
    without firmly establishing the facts making such restrictions necessary.”
    Any injunctive relief in these cases, therefore, must be tailored to
    addressing the public nuisance or unlawful business practice the trial court
    finds defendants have engaged in and should not restrict defendants’ lawful
    activities unless the City firmly establishes facts showing that the proposed
    restrictions are necessary to prevent the unlawful conduct at issue.
    C.     Availability of Stay-Away Orders Under the Statutes
    Here, the trial court recognized injunctive relief is available under the
    public nuisance law and the UCL and, for example, “[t]here is no question
    that a court may enjoin the illegal sale of drugs.” But the court correctly
    observed the particular injunctive relief the City requested is unprecedented
    under California law. The parties have not cited, and we have not found, any
    case in California upholding the use of a neighborhood-wide exclusion zone as
    injunctive relief to abate a public nuisance or address an unfair business
    As we have described, the trial court went on to decide that the broad
    stay-away orders the City seeks are not simply unprecedented, they are not
    permitted under the statutes. The City contends the court erred in
    concluding that stay-away orders are not potential equitable remedies under
    either the public nuisance or UCL statutes. The City relies on the principle
    that courts generally have broad power to abate nuisances and fashion relief
    under the UCL, although the examples the City relies on are not particularly
    Discussing nuisances, the City cites cases in which structures were
    ordered to be demolished and removed because the structures themselves
    constituted nuisances (e.g., Golden Gate Water Ski Club v. County of Contra
    Costa (2008) 
    165 Cal.App.4th 249
    , 253–254, 266; People v. Wheeler (1973) 
    30 Cal.App.3d 282
    , 285, 292, 299) and Civil Code section 3495, which provides,
    “Any person may abate a public nuisance which is specially injurious to him
    by removing, or, if necessary, destroying the thing which constitutes the
    same, without committing a breach of the peace, or doing unnecessary
    injury.” The City also cites statutes that authorize the closure of buildings or
    places that constitute particular types of nuisances. 14 (See Pen. Code,
    § 11230, subd. (a); Health and Saf. Code, § 11573.5.) Although the City
    concedes that these statutes do not apply in the cases now before us, it
    asserts they are “illustrative of the expansive powers granted courts to
    address and abate nuisances.” The City suggests, “If courts are authorized to
    raze entire buildings to abate a nuisance, surely, they can prohibit
    individuals from coming to a location to engage in illegal activity.” We find
    this argument less than persuasive. It goes without saying that human
    beings do not constitute nuisances in themselves and that things do not have
    the same rights as individuals. That a “thing” (Civ. Code, § 3495)
    constituting a nuisance can be removed and destroyed or a nuisance building
    can be shut down sheds no light on the limits of a court’s power to curtail a
    person’s freedom of movement generally when that person has been found to
    have created a public nuisance by their unlawful conduct.
    Discussing the UCL, the City quotes Hewlett v. Squaw Valley Ski Corp.
    54 Cal.App.4th 499
    , 540 (Hewlett), which described the remedial power
    of Business and Professions Code section 17203 as “ ‘extraordinarily broad’ ”
    and observed, “Injunctive relief ‘may be as wide and diversified as the means
    employed in perpetration of the wrongdoing.’ ” But nothing about the facts of
    that case suggests that a neighborhood-wide stay-away order against an
    14The City cites laws that define as nuisances any building or place
    used for illegal gambling, lewdness, or prostitution (Pen. Code, § 11225) and
    any building or place used for unlawfully selling storing or manufacturing
    any controlled substance is a nuisance (Health and Saf. Code, § 11570).
    Under these laws, the building or place may be closed to abate the nuisance.
    (Pen. Code, § 11230, subd. (a); Health and Saf. Code, § 11573.5.) These
    statutes are not at issue in this case and do not form the basis for the relief
    the City seeks.
    individual would be an available remedy for unfair business practices. 15 The
    City describes People ex rel. City of Santa Monica v. Gabriel (2010) 
    186 Cal.App.4th 882
     (Gabriel) as demonstrating that a UCL injunction may
    exclude “the violator from the scene of their earlier violations and victims.”
    There, the City of Santa Monica filed a UCL action against a landlord
    alleging the landlord sexually harassed a tenant, entered tenants’ units
    without permission, and rented uninhabitable space as living quarters.” (Id.
    at p. 884.) The trial court found the allegations true and ordered the
    defendant “ ‘to have no contact with any past, present or future tenants,’ ”
    and “ ‘not to enter any rental unit, either occupied or vacant, unless
    accompanied by a member of the management company and with good
    cause.’ ” (Id. at p. 886.) The defendant did not challenge this order on
    appeal, 16 and it is well established that “a case is authority only for a
    proposition actually considered and decided therein.” (In re Chavez (2003) 
    30 Cal.4th 643
    , 656.) However even considering the injunctive relief in Gabriel
    as an example of a UCL remedy, it shows at most that a no-contact order to
    15 In Hewlett, the Placer County District Attorney alleged a ski resort
    engaged in unlawful business practices by cutting down trees in violation of
    the Forest Practice Act. (Hewlett, supra, 54 Cal.App.4th at p. 509.) The trial
    court found the resort violated the Forest Practice Act and enjoined the resort
    from any tree cutting and prohibited further development. (Id. at pp. 509–
    510, 517.) On appeal, the resort challenged the injunctive relief ordered, and
    it was in this context that the appellate court made its observations about the
    breadth of trial court remedial powers under the UCL. But the injunction at
    issue enjoined the resort’s unlawful conduct of cutting trees. It did not
    prohibit alleged wrongdoers from entering their own property.
    16Instead, the landlord unsuccessfully argued sexual harassment of a
    tenant is not a business practice and successfully challenged an award of
    attorney’s fees as unauthorized under the UCL. (Gabriel, supra, 186
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 887, 889.)
    protect individual victims may be an available remedy in the appropriate
    case, not that an order to stay away from an area is authorized. The Gabriel
    defendant was not prohibited altogether from going to the area where the
    rental property was located. He was only prohibited from entering a rental
    unit without a manager present and without good cause after the court found
    that he committed UCL violations by entering tenants’ units without
    permission in the past.
    Still, the fact that a remedy has not been ordered before does not mean
    it is not allowed. While it is true that the City has not definitively
    established that stay-away orders are statutorily authorized, defendants
    have not convinced us stay-away orders are necessarily prohibited either.
    Thus, we cannot affirm the trial court’s order on the ground the public
    nuisance and UCL statutes categorically prohibit stay-away orders.
    D.    Constitutional Considerations
    Next, we consider the trial court’s alternative basis for denying the
    City’s motions—that the proposed injunctions would violate defendants’
    constitutional rights because they are not narrowly tailored to the
    circumstances of these cases.
    Any injunctive relief must, of course, comply with our state and federal
    constitutions. (See Projection Room Theater, supra, 17 Cal.3d at p. 55 [“the
    California public nuisance statutes must be enforced in such a way as to
    operate in a constitutional fashion”].) Here, the trial court determined that,
    even if the remedy were authorized by the public nuisance or UCL statutes,
    the City’s proposed injunctive relief would violate defendants’ constitutional
    right to intrastate travel.
    “The right of intrastate travel has been recognized as a basic human
    right protected by article I, sections 7 and 24 of the California Constitution.”
    (Tobe v. City of Santa Ana (1995) 
    9 Cal.4th 1069
    , 1100, citing In re White
    97 Cal.App.3d 141
    .) And the United States Supreme Court has
    observed, “[T]he freedom to loiter for innocent purposes is part of the ‘liberty’
    protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. We have
    expressly identified this ‘right to remove from one place to another according
    to inclination’ as ‘an attribute of personal liberty’ protected by the
    Constitution.” (City of Chicago v. Morales (1999) 
    527 U.S. 41
    , 53.) The right
    to intrastate travel is based on its necessity for daily life. It has been said,
    “The right to travel locally through public spaces and roadways—perhaps
    more than any other right secured by substantive due process—is an
    everyday right, a right we depend on to carry out our daily life activities. It
    is, at its core, a right of function.” (Johnson v. City of Cincinnati (6th Cir.
    310 F.3d 484
    , 498 (Johnson).) 17
    As a preliminary matter, the City suggests the trial court applied the
    incorrect level of scrutiny in evaluating the constitutionality of the proposed
    injunction. The City argues the correct standard for assessing the
    17 Although the United States Supreme Court has not explicitly
    recognized a federal constitutional right to intrastate travel, the federal right
    was recognized by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Johnson. (310 F.3d
    at pp. 487–488, 498, 502–505 [concluding an ordinance banning individuals
    arrested for drug offenses from “drug exclusion zones” violated the right to
    intrastate travel of plaintiffs subject to the ordinance]; see also Ramos v.
    Town of Vernon (2d Cir. 2003) 
    353 F.3d 171
    , 176 [“The right to intrastate
    travel, or what we sometimes will refer to as the right to free movement, has
    been recognized in this Circuit”]; Lutz v. City of York (3d Cir. 1990) 
    899 F.2d 255
    , 267 [recognizing the Due Process Clause protects the right to intrastate
    travel]; but see McGraw v. City of Oklahoma City (10th Cir. 2020) 
    973 F.3d 1057
    , 1081 [while acknowledging that several “circuits have explicitly held
    that a fundamental right to the freedom of movement exists” the Tenth
    Circuit Court of Appeals has “concluded that the fundamental right to
    freedom of movement ‘appl[ies] only to interstate travel’ ”].)
    constitutionality of the proposed injunctions is the standard used in
    probation condition cases such as People v. Smith (2007) 
    152 Cal.App.4th 1245
    . In Smith, the court held, “Probation conditions restricting a
    probationer’s exercise of his constitutional rights are upheld only if narrowly
    drawn to serve the important interests of public safety and rehabilitation,
    and if they are ‘specifically tailored to the individual probationer.’ ” (Id. at p.
    Defendants contend that the correct level of scrutiny is strict scrutiny
    (i.e., “narrowly tailored to promote a compelling governmental interest”)
    because the proposed injunctions impinge on defendants’ fundamental right
    to travel. (Nunez by Nunez v. City of San Diego (9th Cir. 1997) 
    114 F.3d 935
    944, 946 [applying strict scrutiny review to a curfew ordinance challenged on
    the ground it infringed on “fundamental rights” of “the right of free
    movement and the right to travel”]; see Thompson v. Mellon (1973) 
    9 Cal.3d 96
    , 102 [applying strict scrutiny test to durational residence requirements for
    candidacy for public office because “such restrictions on the right to be a
    candidate impinge on . . . fundamental rights, [including] . . . the right to
    We need not decide this question, however, because the trial court
    applied the standard the City advocates and still determined the proposed
    injunctions would impermissibly infringe the constitutional right to travel.
    The trial court wrote, “ ‘[a] probation condition that imposes limitations on a
    person’s constitutional rights must closely tailor those limitations to the
    purpose of the condition to avoid being invalidated as unconstitutionally
    overbroad.’ ” (In re Sheena K. (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 875
    , 890.) The broad relief
    the People seek here—a preliminary injunction prohibiting defendants from
    entering an entire neighborhood of San Francisco—sweeps far more broadly
    than the stay-away order from a single chain of stores involved in [People v.]
    Moran.[18] By no stretch of the imagination is it narrowly tailored.” (Italics
    added.) Thus, the court found, even under the more lenient standard used for
    probation conditions imposed on individuals who have been convicted of
    crimes, the City’s proposed injunctions would violate defendants’
    constitutional right to intrastate travel.
    The City next asserts that the trial court erred by “fail[ing] to consider
    the ‘fit’ between the proposed restriction, [defendants]’ misconduct, and the
    nuisance conditions in the Tenderloin community.” We see no basis for this
    assertion. The trial court explicitly found the injunctive relief sought by the
    City was “[b]y no stretch of the imagination . . . narrowly tailored,” because,
    18 The City had cited People v. Moran (2016) 
    1 Cal.5th 398
    , for the
    proposition that a stay-away order’s “incidental effect of precluding a
    defendant from traveling within the stay-away area” would not violate a
    constitutional right to travel. In Moran, the defendant stole items from a
    Home Depot store and, in a plea deal, agreed to the probation condition that
    he not enter any Home Depot store or adjacent parking lot in the state of
    California. (Id. at p. 401.) Addressing the defendant’s subsequent challenge
    to the probation condition as violating his right to travel, the California
    Supreme Court concluded, “The effort fails, as the condition simply does not
    implicate his constitutional travel right. Indeed, one struggles to perceive
    how the condition curtails his right to free movement in any meaningful way.
    Although defendant argues he is prohibited ‘from entering large areas of the
    state’ and from ‘shopping or working in any store that shares a parking lot
    with a Home Depot,’ that surely is an exaggeration. He remains free to drive
    on any public freeway, street or road, use public transportation, work (except
    in Home Depot stores), shop, visit the doctor's office, attend school, enjoy
    parks, libraries, museums, restaurants, bars, clubs, and movie theaters. He
    may—without violating the challenged condition—freely move about his
    community, the city, and the State of California. In short, the restriction on
    [the defendant’s] movement imposed by the probation condition is too de
    minimis to implicate the constitutional travel right.” (Id. at p. 407, italics
    “[r]ather than prohibit specified harmful conduct, it prohibits mere presence
    in the exclusion zone, at any time of the day or night and for any reason . . .,
    including accessing vital social and health services.” In this way, the trial
    court found, based on the evidence before it, that the proposed 50-block stay-
    away orders were not necessary to address the harm caused by defendants.
    The record showed that each defendant was arrested in a small area within
    the proposed abatement area, and the trial court reasonably could have
    determined that the exclusion zone was unnecessarily large or its borders
    unnecessarily kept these defendants from accessing public transit and health
    and social services. Although the City contends these defendants have no
    reason to ever even be in the 50-square-block Tenderloin neighborhood except
    to sell drugs there was evidence that many community resources and
    government agencies are located in the Tenderloin, and the trial court
    certainly was not required to discredit defendants’ statements that they were
    interested in taking advantage of the employment, treatment, housing, and
    health services available in the 50-square-block neighborhood. 19
    We have rejected the City’s legal claims that the trial court applied the
    incorrect level of scrutiny and that it failed to consider the “fit” between the
    proposed restrictions and harm at issue. What remains is the trial court’s
    determination, based on the evidence presented, that the City’s proposed
    injunctions are not sufficiently narrowly tailored to address the harm at issue
    to pass constitutional muster. Although the City continues to argue that the
    proposed injunctions are narrowly drawn, to establish reversible error, the
    19 Moreover, the “ ‘right to remove from one place to another according
    to inclination’ [i]s ‘an attribute of personal liberty’ protected by the
    Constitution” (City of Chicago v. Morales, 
     527 U.S. at p. 53), and it is
    not normally an individual’s burden to show she has a reason or purpose for
    traveling from place to place.
    City must show the trial court’s contrary factual findings are unsupported by
    substantial evidence. (People ex rel. Feuer v. FXS Management, Inc., supra, 2
    Cal.App.5th at p. 1159.) That it has simply failed to do. We defer to the trial
    court’s factual findings even when they are applied to constitutional concerns.
    (See Acuna, 
     14 Cal.4th at pp. 1121–1122 [considering a constitutional
    challenge to a gang injunction provision, the California Supreme Court
    “defer[red] to the superior knowledge of the trial judge” on the question
    whether a lesser restriction would be reasonable.]) Therefore, we will not
    disturb the trial court’s ruling on the City’s motions for preliminary
    We close by observing that we do not minimize the serious and
    pervasive harm caused by the flood of street-level drug sales in the
    Tenderloin. We are mindful of, and sympathetic to, the challenges faced by
    the City in addressing the issues of illegal drug sales, drug use, and the drug-
    related health crisis and its effects on the people who live and work in the
    neighborhood. That said, we hold—and it is all we hold—that the City has
    not shown the trial court erred in denying the City’s requested interim relief
    against these four defendants.
    The order denying the motions for preliminary injunctions is affirmed.
    Miller, J.
    Richman, Acting P.J.
    Stewart, J.
    A162872, People v. Padilla-Martel; A162873, People v. Zelaya; A162874,
    People v. Sanchez; A162875, People v. Aguilar-Benegas
    Court: San Francisco County Superior Court
    Trial Judge: Hon. Ethan P. Schulman
    Dennis J. Herrera and David Chiu, City Attorneys, Peter J. Keith, Chief
    Attorney, Meredith B. Osborn, Chief Trial Attorney, and Holly D. Coulehan,
    Deputy City Attorney, for Plaintiff and Appellant.
    Swanson & McNamara, Edward Swanson, Carly Bittman; American Civil
    Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California, Chessie Thacher; DLA
    Piper, David F. Gross, Robert Nolan, Mandy Chan, Karley Buckley and
    Katherine Thoreson for Defendants and Respondents.
    Tifanei Ressl-Moyer and Lauren Carbajal for Lawyers’ Committee for Civil
    Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, National Harm Reduction Coalition,
    Pangea Legal Services, Centro Legal de la Raza and Coalition on
    Homelessness as Amici Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents.
    A162872, People v. Padilla-Martel; A162873, People v. Zelaya; A162874,
    People v. Sanchez; A162875, People v. Aguilar-Benegas