In re J.M. CA4/1 ( 2023 )

  • Filed 5/11/23 In re J.M. CA4/1
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
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    In re J.M., a Person Coming Under
    the Juvenile Court Law.
    AGENCY,                                                         (Super. Ct. No. J520671)
    Plaintiff and Respondent,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of San Diego County,
    Bonnie M. Dumanis, Judge. Conditionally reversed and remanded with
    Lauren K. Johnson, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Claudia G. Silva, County Counsel, Lisa M. Maldonado, Chief Deputy
    County Counsel and Evangelina Woo, Deputy County Counsel, for Plaintiff
    and Respondent.
    L.M. (Mother) appeals the juvenile court’s order terminating her
    parental rights to her daughter, J.M., under Welfare and Institutions Code1
    section 366.26. Mother’s sole claim is that the San Diego County Health and
    Human Services Agency (Agency) did not comply with its inquiry duties
    under the Indian Child Welfare Act (
    25 U.S.C. § 1901
     et seq.) (ICWA) and
    Welfare and Institutions Code section 224.2. The Agency concedes that its
    inquiry was deficient and that a limited remand is appropriate, and the
    parties stipulate to the immediate issuance of the remittitur. We accept the
    Agency’s concession and the parties’ joint stipulation, conditionally reverse
    the order, and remand for the limited purpose of compliance with ICWA.
    In March 2021, the Agency petitioned the juvenile court under section
    300, subdivisions (a) and (b) on behalf of four-year-old J.M. The Agency
    alleged that Mother physically abused J.M. with a belt and failed to protect
    J.M. from Mother’s boyfriend, who burned J.M. with a cooking tool and
    brandished a gun at her. The juvenile court sustained the petition, declared
    J.M. a dependent, and detained her in out-of-home care.
    During Mother’s interview with the Agency, she denied having any
    Native American ancestry. At the subsequent detention hearing, she again
    denied having any Native American ancestry and stated that Jo.F. (alleged
    father) also did not have Native American ancestry. Although the juvenile
    1     Undesignated statutory references are to the Welfare and Institutions
    2     Because Mother’s only contention on appeal concerns ICWA, we limit
    our factual background accordingly.
    court ordered Mother to complete a “Parental Notification of Indian Status”
    form (ICWA-020 form), no ICWA-020 form was ever filed.
    The Agency’s reports indicate that it spoke with several of alleged
    father’s relatives throughout the dependency proceedings. According to the
    ICWA-010 form completed by the Agency in March 2021, the Agency asked
    alleged father’s mother (paternal grandmother) about J.M.’s potential “Indian
    status,” and she gave the Agency “no reason to believe [J.M.] is or may be an
    Indian child.” The Agency also spoke with alleged father’s sisters (paternal
    aunts), Lau.J.A., Lou.J.A., and J.A. Although paternal aunt Lau.J.A. denied
    having any Native American ancestry in her family, the record is ambiguous
    about whether she is the same aunt referenced by the similar names of
    Lou.J.A. and J.F., neither of whom are documented as having been asked
    about ICWA. The Agency additionally spoke with another paternal aunt,
    E.G., but again, the record does not indicate if she was asked about J.M.’s
    potential Native American ancestry.
    As for maternal relatives, the Agency’s reports state that it interviewed
    maternal aunt, E.C., about placement, but there is no indication it asked her
    about J.M.’s potential Native American ancestry. The Agency also spoke
    with maternal grandmother, who denied having any Native American
    ancestry in her family.
    As of late November 2022, alleged father had not appeared at any
    dependency hearings and the Agency had not been able to reach him, despite
    speaking with two of his sisters and paternal grandmother.
    At the January 23, 2023 section 366.26 hearing, the juvenile court
    found without prejudice that ICWA did not apply, terminated parental rights,
    and ordered adoption as J.M.’s permanent plan. Mother appeals that order,
    challenging only the juvenile court’s finding that ICWA does not apply.
    Congress enacted ICWA to address concerns regarding the separation
    of Indian children from their tribes through adoption or foster care placement
    with non-Indian families. (In re Isaiah W. (2016) 
    1 Cal.5th 1
    , 7.) Under
    California law adopted pursuant to ICWA, the juvenile court and Agency
    have an “affirmative and continuing duty to inquire” whether a child “is or
    may be an Indian child.” (§ 224.2, subd. (a); see In re Isaiah W., at p. 9.)
    “[S]ection 224.2 creates three distinct duties regarding ICWA in
    dependency proceedings.” (In re D.S. (2020) 
    46 Cal.App.5th 1041
    , 1052
    (D.S.).) First, the Agency’s duty of initial inquiry requires it to “ask all
    involved persons whether the child may be an Indian child.” (D.S., at
    p. 1052.) “If [the] child is placed into the temporary custody of a county
    welfare department pursuant to Section 306 or county probation department
    pursuant to Section 307,” this duty includes “asking the child, parents, legal
    guardian, Indian custodian, extended family members, others who have an
    interest in the child, and the party reporting child abuse or neglect, whether
    the child is, or may be, an Indian child . . .” (§ 224.2, subd. (b), italics
    added.)3 “Second, if that initial inquiry creates a ‘reason to believe’ the child
    3     Section 306, subdivision (a)(1) provides that a county welfare
    department may receive and maintain temporary custody of a child who is
    described in section 300 and who has been “delivered by a peace officer.”
    Section 306, subdivision (a)(2) provides that a county welfare department
    may take into and maintain temporary custody of, without a warrant, a child
    who has been declared a dependent under section 300, or who the social
    worker has reasonable cause to believe is a person described in section 300,
    subdivision (b) or (g), and the social worker has reasonable cause to believe
    the child has an immediate need for medical care, or is in immediate danger
    of physical or sexual abuse, or the physical environment poses an immediate
    threat to the child’s health or safety.
    is an Indian child, then the Agency ‘shall make further inquiry regarding the
    possible Indian status of the child, and shall make that inquiry as soon as
    practicable.’ (Id., subd. (e), italics added.) Third, if that further inquiry
    results in a reason to know the child is an Indian child, then the formal notice
    requirements of section 224.3 apply.” (D.S., at p. 1052.)
    ICWA defines “ ‘extended family member’ ” by “the law or custom of the
    Indian child’s tribe” or, absent such law or custom, as “a person who has
    reached the age of eighteen and who is the Indian child’s grandparent, aunt
    or uncle, brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, niece or nephew,
    first or second cousin, or stepparent.” (
    25 U.S.C. § 1903
    (2); § 224.1, subd. (c)
    [“ ‘extended family member’ . . . defined as provided in [§] 1903” of [ICWA]].)
    “On appeal, we review the juvenile court’s ICWA findings for
    substantial evidence.” (In re D.S., supra, 46 Cal.App.5th at p. 1051.)
    However, where the facts are undisputed, we independently determine
    whether ICWA’s requirements have been satisfied. (Ibid.)
    Mother challenges only the sufficiency of the initial inquiry and
    contends substantial evidence does not support the juvenile court’s finding
    that ICWA did not apply. Specifically, she complains that the Agency failed
    to conduct ICWA inquiries with alleged father’s relatives (paternal
    The record here does not definitively show whether the Agency took
    temporary custody of J.M. pursuant to section 306. If it did not, then the
    Agency’s duty to question extended family members imposed by section
    224.2, subdivision (b) arguably was not triggered. (See In re Robert F.
    90 Cal.App.5th 492
    , 504 [duty to inquire of extended family members
    under section 224.2, subdivision (b) is triggered only when child is taken into
    temporary emergency custody under section 306].) Because the record is not
    clear on the matter and the parties have not raised the issue, we assume
    without deciding that the Agency took temporary custody of J.M. pursuant to
    section 306 and therefore had a duty to question extended family members
    about her Native American ancestry.
    grandmother and a paternal aunt), maternal grandmother, and maternal
    aunt. The Agency responds that it had no duty to conduct ICWA inquiries
    with alleged father’s relatives and that it did, in fact, conduct an ICWA
    inquiry with maternal grandmother. The Agency concedes, however, that it
    failed to conduct an ICWA inquiry with maternal aunt and that a limited
    remand is therefore warranted. As discussed below, we agree with the
    Agency on all points and accept its concession as proper.
    First, Mother’s argument that the Agency had a duty to inquire of
    alleged father’s relatives is belied by ICWA’s statutory definition of “parent.”
    Under ICWA, a “parent” is defined as “any biological parent or parents of an
    Indian child or any Indian person who has lawfully adopted an Indian child,
    including adoptions under tribal law or custom.” (
    25 U.S.C. § 1903
    (9); see
    also § 1903(4), italics added [defining “Indian child” as “any unmarried
    person who is . . . eligible for membership in an Indian tribe and is the
    biological child of a member of an Indian tribe”].) Importantly, the statute
    expressly excludes from the definition of “parent” an “unwed father where
    paternity has not been acknowledged or established.” (Id., § 1903(9); see also
    In re C.A. (2018) 
    24 Cal.App.5th 511
    , 520 (C.A.) [definition of parent does not
    include an unwed father where paternity has not been acknowledged or
    established]; In re E.G. (2009) 
    170 Cal.App.4th 1530
    , 1533 (E.G.) [“[A]bsent a
    biological connection, the child cannot claim Indian heritage through the
    alleged father.”].) “[B]ecause the ICWA does not provide a standard for the
    acknowledgment or establishment of paternity, courts have resolved the issue
    under state law.” (In re Daniel M. (2003) 
    110 Cal.App.4th 703
    , 708–709.)
    Thus, in California, an alleged father may acknowledge or establish paternity
    through blood testing (Fam. Code, § 7551) or by voluntarily signing a
    declaration of paternity filed with the child’s birth certificate (Fam. Code,
    § 7571, subd. (a)). (In re Daniel M., at pp. 708–709.)
    Here, alleged father did not take any steps to acknowledge or establish
    his status as J.M.’s father—he never appeared in the dependency case, and
    there is no indication that he ever took a paternity test or signed a
    declaration of paternity filed with J.M.’s birth certificate. Moreover, despite
    the Agency’s efforts to locate alleged father, including by contacting his
    mother and sister about his whereabouts, alleged father never materialized.
    Accordingly, we conclude alleged father was not J.M.’s “parent” for purposes
    of ICWA, and thus, the Agency did not have a duty to conduct ICWA
    inquiries with his family members.4 (
    25 U.S.C. § 1903
    (9); see also E.G.,
    supra, 170 Cal.App.4th at p. 1532 [“Until biological paternity is established,
    an alleged father’s claims of Indian heritage do not trigger any ICWA notice
    requirement because, absent a biological connection, the child cannot claim
    Indian heritage through the alleged father.”]; (C.A., supra, 24 Cal.App.5th at
    pp. 514–515 [ICWA notice to tribes identified by presumed father not
    required where father was presumed by marriage but was not the child’s
    biological or adoptive father.].)
    Next, Mother alleges that the Agency neglected to conduct an ICWA
    inquiry with maternal grandmother. But she is again mistaken. The record
    reflects that the Agency interviewed maternal grandmother, who “denied
    having any Native American ancestry in her family.”
    Finally, Mother contends and the Agency concedes that the Agency
    failed to conduct an ICWA inquiry with maternal aunt E.C., despite being in
    contact with her during the dependency proceedings. Because aunts qualify
    4     Even assuming the Agency did have such a duty, the record shows the
    Agency complied with its duty at least as to paternal grandmother and one
    paternal aunt, Lau.J.A.
    as “extended family members” under ICWA, the Agency’s concession is
    proper.5 (See 
    25 U.S.C. § 1903
    (2); § 224.1, subd. (c).) In addition, our review
    of the record indicates that J.M. has several other maternal aunts E.M.,
    D.M., and A.M. and at least one maternal uncle S.M. Thus, to the extent the
    Agency on remand can contact maternal aunts and maternal uncles who
    qualify as “extended family members,” it should ask them about J.M.’s
    potential Native American ancestry.
    The juvenile court’s order terminating parental rights is conditionally
    reversed. The matter is remanded to the juvenile court with directions to
    comply with the inquiry provisions of ICWA and section 224.2 (and, if
    applicable, the notice provisions under § 224.3). If, after completing its
    inquiry, neither the Agency nor the juvenile court has reason to believe or
    reason to know that J.M. is an Indian child, the order terminating parental
    5      Mother additionally complains that “no ICWA-020 forms were ever
    filed with the juvenile court” while also admitting that she was ordered to file
    an ICWA-020 form. Because Mother offers no authority or argument on this
    point, it is abandoned. (See e.g., In re Sade C. (1996) 
    13 Cal.4th 952
    , 994
    [presumption casts burden on appellant to present argument and authority
    on each point; otherwise, the point is deemed abandoned].) Regardless, we
    conclude the juvenile court satisfied its duty under California Rules of Court,
    rule 5.481, subd. (a)(2)(C) by ordering Mother to complete an ICWA-020 form,
    which she failed to do. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 5.481, subd. (a)(2)(C)
    [requiring the juvenile court, at a parent’s first appearance in a dependency
    case, to “[o]rder the parent, if available, to complete a Parental Notification of
    Indian Status (form ICWA-020)”].) To the extent Mother contends the court
    failed to order alleged father to complete an ICWA-020 form, she is incorrect.
    Alleged father was not “available,” as evidenced by the record showing the
    Agency’s ongoing efforts to locate and speak with him. (See 
     italics added
    [requiring juvenile court to “[o]rder the parent, if available, to complete a
    [ICWA-020 form]”.) And, as discussed previously, he is not a “parent” for
    purposes of ICWA.
    rights shall be reinstated. If the Agency or the juvenile court has reason to
    believe or reason to know J.M. is an Indian child, the juvenile court shall
    proceed accordingly. The remittitur shall issue immediately.
    O'ROURKE, Acting P. J.
    DO, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: D081508

Filed Date: 5/11/2023

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 5/11/2023