Romero v. Los Angeles Rams ( 2023 )

  • Filed 4/27/23; Certified for Publication 5/15/23 (order attached)
    ENRIQUE ROMERO et al.,                                  B310152
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,                      (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. 18STCV00679)
    LOS ANGELES RAMS et al.,
    Defendants and Respondents.
    APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, David J. Cowan, Judge. Affirmed.
    Blair & Ramirez, Oscar Ramirez, Matthew P. Blair and
    Kirill Lavinski for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester, Robert P. Wargo,
    Jeffrey M. Lenkov and Steven J. Renick for Defendant and
    Respondent Los Angeles Rams.
    Murchison & Cumming, Gina E. Och; Skane Mills and
    Heather L. Mills for Defendant and Respondent Contemporary
    Services Corporation.
    Appellant Enrique Romero was injured by fellow fans at
    the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (Coliseum) near the end of a
    Los Angeles Rams football game. Enrique, his wife and two
    daughters (appellants) brought this action against Contemporary
    Services Corporation (CSC), the Los Angeles Rams (Rams) and
    the University of Southern California (USC), alleging causes of
    action for negligence, premises liability and related ancillary
    torts. All three defendants obtained summary judgment in their
    favor. This appeal involves two of the defendants: CSC and the
    Rams. 1 CSC is an entity hired to provide crowd management
    services at the Coliseum during certain events, including Rams
    football games. In granting CSC’s and the Rams’ motions for
    summary judgment, the trial court assumed that both defendants
    had a duty to protect Enrique and his family and had failed to
    take the ameliorative steps proposed by appellants.
    Nevertheless, the court granted summary judgment on the
    ground that these failures, as a matter of law, were not the cause
    of the assault.
    Appellants appeal, contending the trial court erred in
    finding they had failed to create triable issues of fact concerning
    causation. We affirm the judgment.
    1      The record in this case reveals that USC filed its motion at
    the same time as CSC and the Rams, but that motion was denied
    without prejudice on the ground of defective service. We take
    judicial notice of the record in case No. B313461, also before this
    court on appeal; that record shows that USC subsequently refiled
    its motion, which was granted by a different trial court on a
    different ground.
    For the 2017–2018 season, the Rams played their home
    games at the Coliseum, pursuant to an agreement with USC. For
    purposes of the motion for summary judgment, the Rams
    conceded they had a duty to protect the fans in the Coliseum.
    Some of the security at the Rams games was provided by
    off-duty Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers and Apex
    Security Group, Inc. (APEX) security personnel. Some LAPD
    officers were hired directly by USC, and others by the Rams.
    APEX is a subsidiary of CSC, but the record does not show what
    control, if any, CSC had over the deployment of APEX personnel.
    CSC’s contract with USC called for CSC to provide crowd
    management services at the Coliseum, and the Rams were
    required to use CSC for this purpose. CSC divided its staff into
    two categories: event staff and security staff. Event staff are not
    authorized to perform any security functions. Security staff are
    required to have a security guard card. They perform some
    security functions such as gate searches. CSC told both its event
    staff and its security staff not to intervene in any verbal or
    physical altercations involving fans. Their role was to observe
    and, if necessary, refer those matters to LAPD and APEX.
    Kevin Daly, USC’s event manager for Rams’ games,
    explained USC’s expectations of the various security providers.
    He testified USC expected LAPD to become involved when
    someone was breaking the law. In the event of a fight, USC
    instructed CSC “to not get hurt and to be the best witness they
    can be to a situation. But we do not ask them to intervene where
    they might be harmed or suffer injury.” The parties do not
    discuss APEX’S role in any detail on appeal, but it appears APEX
    personnel were authorized to intervene in some altercations and
    to eject fans from the Coliseum.
    LAPD officers, APEX personnel, and CSC event and
    security staff were present inside and outside the Coliseum for
    the January 6, 2018, play-off game which Enrique attended with
    his wife Karina and his two daughters Alannah and Yasmine.
    Near the end of the game, Enrique and Yasmine walked
    from their assigned seats to the section of the Coliseum where
    family members of the Rams players were seated (Family
    section). 2 This section was closer to the field, and Yasmine
    wanted to take photographs of the players and greet them. The
    only CSC staff assigned to this seating area were two event staff
    employees, who were essentially ushers.
    At about this same time, CSC supervisor James Mayhan
    was informed by a Rams employee that there was “an issue” in
    the Family section near the Romeros. Mayhan went to the
    Family section, where another CSC supervisor was already
    present. Mayhan observed overcrowding in the aisle and asked
    the Romeros and others to return to their seats. The Romeros did
    not move out of the aisle and return to their seats. At this point,
    a verbal altercation developed between Enrique and some of the
    Rams family members. 3 Mayhan positioned himself between
    Enrique and the row of family members and explained to Enrique
    2    There is contradictory evidence about exactly when
    Enrique and his daughter went to the Family seating section.
    We discuss this in more detail in section D.4, post.
    3     Mayhan did not describe an ongoing verbal altercation
    when he arrived, but his testimony did not rule out that a verbal
    altercation started before he arrived.
    that he, Mayhan, needed to escort the family members out of the
    Enrique and his daughter began to walk up the aisle.
    Mayhan moved to allow the family members out of their row, and
    they began to walk up the aisle as well, with Mayhan behind one
    or more of the family members. 4 The verbal altercation
    continued as Enrique and the Rams family members walked up
    the aisle.
    At some point, Enrique walked into a row of seats and
    stood about four to five seats into the row. As the Rams family
    members walked by Enrique, he waved good-bye to a specific
    female family member with whom he had been having the verbal
    altercation. Mayhan heard someone say the word “bitch.” The
    female family member turned and ran into the row where
    Enrique was standing and slapped him. Mayhan began
    scrambling to get between the woman and Enrique and was able
    to get over a seat and position himself between the two. Mayhan
    was immediately hit in the back of the head and knocked to the
    ground for about five to seven seconds. When Mayhan stood up,
    he saw that Enrique had a gash over his eye.
    Although there had been crowding in the Family section at
    the end of previous games, this was the first known fight in that
    Enrique’s gash required stitches and he was advised to
    have a titanium plate implanted in the area next to his eye socket
    to prevent further/future damage to his eye. He testified at his
    deposition that he did have such a plate.
    4   According to Enrique, Mayhan was in front of all the family
    Appellants initially brought this claim against the Los
    Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission, the City of Los Angeles,
    the County of Los Angeles, the State of California, and an
    individual named Jada Woolfolk, as well as CSC, the Rams and
    USC. Appellants subsequently dismissed the governmental
    defendants and Woolfolk.
    “ ‘On review of an order granting or denying summary
    judgment, we examine the facts presented to the trial court and
    determine their effect as a matter of law.’ [Citation.] We review
    the entire record, ‘considering all the evidence set forth in the
    moving and opposition papers except that to which objections
    have been made and sustained.’ [Citation.] Evidence presented
    in opposition to summary judgment is liberally construed, with
    any doubts about the evidence resolved in favor of the party
    opposing the motion.” (Regents of University of California v.
    Superior Court (2018) 
    4 Cal.5th 607
    , 618 (Regents).) We consider
    evidentiary facts, not conclusions or “ultimate” facts. (See, e.g.
    Hayman v. Block (1986) 
    176 Cal.App.3d 629
    , 639.)
    Summary judgment is appropriate only where no triable
    issue of material fact exists and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. A defendant seeking summary
    judgment must show that the plaintiff cannot establish at least
    one element of the cause of action. (Regents, 
     4 Cal.5th at
    p. 618.) The elements of a negligence cause of action are 1) the
    existence of a duty, 2) a breach of that duty, 3) injury to the
    plaintiff caused by the defendant’s breach, and 4) actual
    damages. (Melton v. Boustred (2010) 
    183 Cal.App.4th 521
    , 529.)
    A.     Trial court proceedings
    The trial court granted CSC’s and the Rams’ motions on the
    ground that appellants could not show causation. Causation is
    ordinarily a question of fact which cannot be resolved by
    summary judgment. Causation may be decided as a question of
    law if under the undisputed facts, “there is no room for a
    reasonable difference of opinion.” (Nichols v. Keller (1993)
    15 Cal.App.4th 1672
    , 1687.)
    CSC moved for summary judgment on two grounds: it had
    no duty to protect appellants and appellants were unable to prove
    that it was more probable than not that the additional security
    precautions they proposed would have prevented the attack. The
    trial court summarized appellants’ arguments in opposition to
    CSC’s motion for summary judgment as 1) CSC had a duty to
    protect them from the criminal acts of third parties, and 2) CSC
    “was negligent in providing inadequate security personnel in
    terms of numbers, training and equipment (specifically
    communications equipment).”
    Appellants contended CSC should have taken these
    specific measures: (1) authorize staff members in the seating
    bowl to enforce the Fan Code of Conduct, including ejection of
    fans; (2) provide radios to CSC employees deployed in the lower
    bowl; (3) provide radios capable of direct communication with
    LAPD or APEX to CSC employees deployed in the seating bowl;
    (4) inform CSC employees deployed in the seating bowl about
    LAPD and APEX deployments; (5) timely call LAPD and/or APEX
    to the verbal altercation involving Mr. Romero; and (6) keep Mr.
    Romero and his assailants physically separated until LAPD
    and/or APEX arrived on scene.
    The trial court recognized that, in contrast to CSC, the
    Rams conceded for purposes of summary judgment that they had
    “some” duty to provide security at the Coliseum during games.
    They contended, however, that in the absence of prior incidents
    in the Family section, they had no duty to provide additional
    security personnel in that section.
    Appellants contended that overcrowding in the Family
    section made an altercation there foreseeable. Appellants also
    contended the Rams should have: (1) provided enough LAPD
    officers in the seating bowl to “maintain order, deter violent
    fights among the massive crowd of attendees, ensure the safety of
    attendees and discourage overconsumption of alcohol”;
    (2) implemented “adequate security measures”; (3) ensured that
    security personnel in the seating bowl were aware of LAPD and
    APEX deployments; (4) ensured that CSC staff members could
    directly communicate with LAPD and/or APEX; and (5) provided
    additional security personnel to the Family section in light of
    prior complaints.
    The trial court separately analyzed each defendant’s
    motion for summary judgment, but for both motions stated it
    would assume for the sake of the motion that the defendant
    should have taken the measures identified by appellants, and
    had failed to do so. The trial court then granted both motions,
    finding appellants did not show that CSC’s and the Rams’ failure
    to take ameliorative steps was a substantial factor in causing the
    B.    Duty
    On appeal, appellants argue CSC and the Rams had a duty
    to take reasonable steps to protect them against the foreseeable
    criminal acts of third parties. Like the trial court, we will
    assume both CSC and the Rams had such a duty. The scope of
    that duty to protect is a question of law for the court. (Castaneda
    v. Olsher (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 1205
    , 1214 (Olsher).)
    The duty analysis developed by the California Supreme
    Court “requires the court in each case (whether trial or appellate)
    to identify the specific action or actions the plaintiff claims the
    defendant had a duty to undertake. . . . ‘This frames the issue for
    the court’s determination by defining the scope of the duty under
    consideration.’ ” (Olsher, supra, 41 Cal.4th at p. 1214.) Only
    after the scope of the duty under consideration is defined may a
    court meaningfully undertake the balancing analysis of the risks
    and burdens present in a given case to determine whether the
    specific obligations should or should not be imposed on the
    landlord. (Ibid.)
    Here the trial court largely accepted the ameliorative steps
    proposed by appellants, with two exceptions. The trial court
    found no evidence that CSC could control the deployment of
    APEX or LAPD personnel and no evidence that the Rams could
    control or increase the number of LAPD personnel. Thus, the
    court declined to impose the duty identified in the ameliorative
    steps related to the number and deployment of LAPD and APEX
    personnel. The accepted steps then defined the scope of CSC’s
    and the Rams’ duty.
    On appeal, appellants do not contend the trial court erred
    in modifying the scope of CSC’s and the Rams’ duty to exclude
    ameliorative measures related to LAPD and APEX. In discussing
    ameliorative measures on appeal, however, appellants omit the
    list of measures they identified in opposition to the Rams’ motion.
    They attempt to aggregate CSC and the Rams, contending they
    identified six ameliorative measures “respondents” should have
    taken to prevent Enrique’s injuries. These measures were
    “(1) providing staff members in the seating bowl that were
    authorized to enforce the Fan Code of Conduct, including the
    ejection of fans; (2) providing CSC employees deployed in the
    lower bowl with radios; (3) providing CSC employees deployed in
    the seating bowl with radios capable of direct communication
    with LAPD or [APEX]; (4) providing CSC employees in the
    seating bowl with information about LAPD and/or [APEX]
    deployments; (5) timely escalating the verbal altercation
    involving Mr. Romero to LAPD and/or [APEX]; and (6) keeping
    Mr. Romero and the Assailants physically separated until LAPD
    and/or [APEX] arrived on-scene.” As the record citation reveals,
    these are the steps appellants identified in opposition to CSC’s
    motion for summary judgment.
    In the trial court, as discussed above, appellants identified
    a somewhat different set of measures which they claimed the
    Rams should have taken. 5 Appellants do not repeat their
    contention that the Rams should have taken these previously
    identified measures, but do argue that the Rams “owed the
    Romeros a nondelegable duty to maintain the premises in a
    reasonably safe condition. [Citation.] The Rams cannot,
    therefore, escape liability for the negligent handling of the
    incident by CSC staff, who failed to take a number of reasonable
    5     There is some overlap with the CSC measures. Appellants
    contended the Rams should have “ensured” that security
    personnel in the seating bowl were aware of LAPD and APEX
    deployments; and that CSC staff members could directly
    communicate with LAPD and/or APEX. They also contended,
    vaguely, that the Rams should have provided “additional security
    personnel to the Family [s]ection in light of prior complaints."
    ameliorative measures discussed below.” We will assume solely
    for purposes of this appeal that the Rams would be liable for
    CSC’s negligence. We will treat appellants’ omission on appeal of
    the ameliorative measures they identified for the Rams in the
    trial court as a concession that there were no ameliorative
    measures which the Rams should have taken to prevent
    Enrique’s injuries.
    We note that well after specifying and discussing the
    ameliorative measures which they claim CSC should have taken,
    and under a heading indicating its subject was breach of duty,
    appellants contend “triable issues of fact exist as to whether,
    among other things, Respondents failed to properly coordinate
    security responsibilities between the Rams, USC, CSC, [APEX],
    and LAPD; whether they failed to properly train and authorize
    CSC employees to handle fan altercations; and whether CSC’s
    employees were negligent in failing to keep the Assailants
    physically separated from the Romeros.” This Columbo-like
    briefing of adding “just one more thing” is not a helpful way for
    appellants to structure their arguments; nor is indirectly
    identifying additional ameliorative steps by negative implication
    in a list of breaches rather than in the list of duties. Further,
    appellants may not propose new ameliorative steps for the first
    time on appeal.
    Turning to the substance of these failures, only physical
    separation is clearly included in appellant’s list of ameliorative
    measures. In the trial court, appellants used the phrase
    “coordinate security” to refer to steps 2 through 5 collectively, and
    we will treat it as having the same meaning on appeal. We will
    similarly treat the failure to train claim as equivalent to the
    ameliorative measure previously identified in the trial court as
    providing personnel trained to enforce the Code of Conduct.
    C.    Breach
    The trial court assumed for purposes of the summary
    judgment motion that CSC had a duty to take the suggested
    ameliorative measures, and that CSC had failed to do so. We will
    do the same.
    D.     Causation
    Having assumed duty and breach, the trial court decided
    the summary judgment motion on the basis of no causation. The
    trial court found that none of the breaches were a substantial
    factor in causing Enrique’s injuries, specifically that it was not
    more probable than not that the ameliorative measures proposed
    by appellants would have prevented the attack.
    Appellants contend that the trial court applied the wrong
    standard for causation. They acknowledge they were required to
    show that CSC’s acts or omissions were a “substantial factor” in
    causing Enrique’s injury. They contend the substantial factor
    standard “is a relatively broad one, requiring only that the
    contribution of the individual cause be more than negligible or
    theoretical.” (Rutherford v. Owens-Illinois, Inc. (1997) 
    16 Cal.4th 953
    , 978 (Rutherford).) According to appellants, “a very minor
    force that does cause harm is a substantial factor.” (Bockrath v.
    31 Aldrich Chemical Co. (1999) 
    21 Cal.4th 71
    , 79.)
    While these quotes are accurate, they are taken out of
    context. Both cases are discussing comparative negligence in
    product liability cases where multiple defendants have
    manufactured the defective product. In this context, the
    contribution of an individual defendant’s product to the plaintiff’s
    injury need only be “more than negligible or theoretical” for the
    defendant to be liable. (Rutherford, supra, 16 Cal.4th at p. 978.)
    This standard applies once there is proof that the product caused
    the plaintiff’s injury and looks at an individual defendant’s share
    of liability. To show that the product caused the injury, “the
    standard of proof” ordinarily required is “ ‘a reasonable medical
    probability based upon competent expert testimony that the
    defendant's conduct contributed to [the] plaintiff's injury.’ ”
    (Id. at p. 976, fn. 11.)
    As the California Supreme Court has put in a non-medical
    context: “ ‘On the issue of the fact of causation, as on other issues
    essential to the cause of action for negligence, the plaintiff, in
    general, has the burden of proof. The plaintiff must introduce
    evidence which affords a reasonable basis for the conclusion that
    it is more likely than not that the conduct of the defendant was a
    cause in fact of the result. A mere possibility of such causation is
    not enough; and when the matter remains one of pure
    speculation or conjecture, or the probabilities are at best evenly
    balanced, it becomes the duty of the court to direct a verdict for
    the defendant.’ ” (Ortega v. Kmart Corp. (2001) 
    26 Cal.4th 1200
    1205–1206.) More specifically, in a case like the one before us,
    the plaintiff is required “to prove it was ‘more probable than not’
    that additional security precautions would have prevented the
    attack.” (Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400 (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 763
    , 776 (Saelzler).)
    1.    Train CSC staff to enforce Fan Code of Conduct
    Appellants contend that CSC should have provided staff in
    the seating area who were trained to enforce the Fan Code of
    Conduct including ejecting fans. 6 This is in effect a claim that
    CSC should have provided additional security personnel. As the
    trial court correctly noted, the bare claim that more security
    personnel could have prevented a criminal attack shows only
    “abstract negligence.” (Saelzler, supra, 25 Cal.4th at p. 773.)
    There must be direct or circumstantial evidence showing that the
    assailant took advantage of the defendant’s lapse or omission “in
    the course of committing his attack, and that the omission was a
    substantial factor in causing the injury.” (Id. at p. 779.) When
    the claimed lapse or omission is insufficient security personnel,
    this can be a difficult burden to meet because “ ‘[n]o one can
    reasonably contend that even a significant increase in police
    personnel will prevent all crime or any particular crime.’ ” (Id. at
    p. 777 quoting Noble v. Los Angeles Dodgers, Inc. (1985)
    168 Cal.App.3d 912
    , 918.) “[A]ssaults and other crimes can occur
    despite the maintenance of the highest level of security.”
    (Saelzler, at p. 777.)
    On appeal, appellants contend that if security personnel
    who were authorized to eject fans pursuant to the Code of
    Conduct had been present in the seating area, they could have
    ejected the family members, and perhaps Enrique himself, while
    the altercation was still verbal, and before it escalated to physical
    6      We note appellants claim this would not necessarily require
    more security personnel, just better training of the existing CSC
    staff assigned to the seating area and so the burden would be
    minimal. The burden of a measure is relevant to the scope of
    duty, not causation. (See Castaneda v. Olsher (2007) 
    41 Cal.4th 1205
    , 1214.) We note, however, that appellants have not
    provided evidence showing that the burden of such training
    would be minimal. We strongly question whether it would be.
    assault. Put differently, appellants are contending that the
    family members took advantage of CSC’s failure to eject them,
    and that this failure was a substantial factor in Enrique’s injury.
    This does not appear to be an argument which was developed in
    the trial court. The record shows, however, that Mayhan began
    the process of removing Enrique and the family members from
    the family seating area while the altercation was still verbal.
    Mayhan directed Enrique to clear the aisle in the family
    seating area, and it is undisputed that Enrique began walking up
    the aisle. Mayhan then began to walk up the aisle with the
    female family member and her companions. Although neither of
    these actions were a formal “ejection,” they would have
    accomplished the same result as an ejection: the departure of the
    female family member from the Coliseum and Enrique from the
    seating area before the verbal altercation had become physical. 7
    Thus, CSC was doing what appellants contend it should have
    done to prevent an assault, but the assault still occurred. It is
    hard to imagine a clearer example of no causation. There is no
    room for a reasonable difference of opinion here.
    7      The family members’ departure had many of the hallmarks
    of a formal ejection. Mayhan stated he tried to “guide” and
    “direct” the female family member. Enrique described the female
    family member’s departure as being “escorted out by security.”
    and agreed with the characterization that she “broke apart from
    the security guard” and ran into the row to slap him. Appellants
    have not shown that a formal ejection of an apparently compliant
    fan should have been conducted differently, apart perhaps from
    their claim that common sense required physical separation,
    which we discuss separately.
    2.    Maintain physical separation
    On appeal, appellants repeat the ameliorative measure of
    “keeping Mr. Romero and the Assailants physically separated
    until LAPD and/or [APEX] arrived on-scene.” Generally, in the
    trial court, when appellants discussed physical separation, they
    were referring to CSC personnel positioning themselves in
    between the parties. When they discuss this measure on appeal,
    however, they also contend that CSC should not have attempted
    to escort the family members “directly past the Romeros in
    contravention of the commonsense measure to keep parties in a
    verbal altercation physically apart from each other and thus
    preclude escalation into physical violence.” 8 They then contend
    there is a triable issue of fact concerning whether Mayhan’s
    decision “to escort the Assailants within arm’s reach of Mr.
    Romero, with who[m] they had been feuding verbally, was a
    substantial factor in causing the assault.”
    “Directly past” is a vague term, and “within arm’s reach” an
    even vaguer one, but the record does not show Mayhan escorted
    the family members so close to Enrique that they could reach him
    while they were in the aisle walking past him. Enrique himself
    testified that he moved four or five seats into a row to let the
    family members pass. Both Enrique’s and Mayhan’s description
    of the assault showed that the female member had to turn, leave
    the aisle, enter the row where Enrique was standing and then
    move into the row to reach Enrique. Put differently, she did not
    slap him while she was standing in the aisle. The male family
    members were behind the female and Mayhan and so were even
    8     Thus, appellants essentially abandoned the “until LAPD
    and/or APEX arrived” aspect of this step in the trial court.
    farther away. Since there is no evidence that Mayhan escorted
    the family members “directly past” or “within arm’s reach” of
    Enrique, there is no triable issue of fact concerning whether such
    an act was a substantial factor in causing Enrique’s injuries.
    As for appellants’ trial court argument that CSC should
    have “physically separated” the parties by having a CSC
    employee stand between the parties, the trial court found there
    was no evidence that “keeping Romero and the assailant
    ‘physically separated’ would ‘more likely than not’ have prevented
    the (post-slap) attack which caused a gash above Romero's eye.”
    The court specifically found that Mayhan was able to physically
    place himself between Romero and the female family member
    after the slap. The evidence shows that Mayhan was then also
    between the male family members, as they knocked him down to
    get at Enrique. The court found there was no evidence that
    another CSC employee would have been able to separate the
    parties without being attacked or that Mayhan's attempt to
    separate the parties was deficient. Put differently, the
    undisputed evidence showed that the physical presence of a CSC
    employee did not prevent the attack from occurring. There is no
    room for a reasonable difference of opinion here.
    3.    Better communications
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in finding that
    LAPD and APEX would not have arrived before the assault
    occurred even if CSC had called them as soon as it had notice of
    overcrowding in the family section. The trial court stated “CSC
    only had notice of overcrowding in the [F]amily section with less
    than five minutes remaining in the Rams game” and since the
    average response times of APEX and LAPD were over eight and
    nine minutes respectively, they would have arrived after the
    Appellants contend the trial court wrongly equated five
    minutes remaining in the game with five minutes in real time.
    They contend that football games had timeouts, commercial
    breaks and two minute warnings at the end of the game that
    multiply the actual duration of the last few minutes of each
    game. Appellants do not provide a record citation to support this
    contention. Even if we were to take judicial notice of the common
    fact that the clock may be stopped in a timed game by various
    occurrences, there is nothing in the record on appeal to show that
    such stoppages actually occurred in this game or how long any
    stoppages were. We cannot simply guess at what the “real time”
    was. Put differently, we have no basis to find that time left to
    play did not equate to real time and so no basis to find error on
    the part of the trial court. 9
    Appellants further contend the better communication
    measures of steps 2 through 5 would have resulted in a faster
    response time by APEX and LAPD, who were better trained to
    prevent assaults. They contend there is triable issue of fact as to
    whether respondents’ failure to take those steps was a
    substantial factor in causing the assault.
    9     We note that in his deposition, Enrique estimated that
    about two to four minutes elapsed between his arrival in the
    family section and the assault, which is not consistent with his
    claim on appeal that substantially more than five minutes
    elapsed. To the extent that Enrique attempted to contradict his
    deposition testimony and provide a longer time estimate in his
    declaration in opposition to summary judgment, we disregard
    that declaration. (Whitmire v. Ingersoll-Rand Co. (2010) 
    184 Cal.App.4th 1078
    , 1087.)
    There is evidence that CSC staff, even supervisors such as
    Mayhan, could not communicate directly with LAPD or APEX via
    radio. They would contact CSC command, who would in turn
    contact LAPD or APEX. They could contact LAPD or APEX
    directly if those personnel were in the area.
    Appellants do not provide any record citation showing how
    response time was measured. Appellants seem to assume that
    response time is measured from when a CSC employee first
    decides to seek assistance from APEX or LAPD to the time APEX
    or LAPD personnel arrives, but we cannot simply assume that is
    what it measures. It is equally, if not more, likely that response
    time is measured from when APEX or LAPD receive the request
    for assistance from CSC command. If the latter were true,
    improved communications by CSC staff would not improve APEX
    or LAPD response time. (Such communications could only reduce
    the unknown time it took for a request to travel from a CSC
    employee to the CSC command center.)
    In the absence of the above-described evidentiary fact,
    appellants have not created a triable issue of fact concerning
    whether improving CSC communications would have prevented
    the assault.
    The judgment is affirmed. Appellants to bear costs on
    We concur:
    GRIMES, J.
    Filed 5/15/23
    ENRIQUE ROMERO et al.,                    B310152
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,         (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. 18STCV00679)
    Defendants and Respondents.        [NO CHANGE IN JUDGMENT]
    The opinion in the above-entitled matter filed on April 27, 2023, was
    not certified for publication in the Official Reports. For good cause, it now
    appears that the opinion should be published in the Official Reports.
    [There is no change in the judgment.]
    STRATTON, P. J.                 GRIMES, J.           VIRAMONTES, J.