Bernstein v. LaBeouf ( 2019 )

  • Filed 11/19/19; Certified for Publication 12/6/19 (order attached)
    DAVID BERNSTEIN,                                     B288054
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                       Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC663207
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of Los
    Angeles County, Laura A. Matz, Judge. Affirmed.
    Lavely & Singer, Brian G. Wolf and David B. Jonelis for
    Defendant and Appellant.
    Shaw Koepke & Satter, Jens B. Koepke; Law Offices of
    Bruce A. Wernik, Bruce A. Wernik and Frederic L.F. Hamilton
    for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    This lawsuit arises out of an altercation between plaintiff
    David Bernstein, a bartender, and defendant Shia LaBeouf, an
    actor. LaBeouf confronted Bernstein and called him a “racist”
    after Bernstein refused to serve LaBeouf and his companion
    alcohol. Video footage of the incident was later posted on the
    internet and broadcast on television. Bernstein sued LaBeouf for
    assault, slander, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
    LaBeouf filed a special motion to strike Bernstein’s first amended
    complaint under Code of Civil Procedure1 section 425.16 (anti-
    SLAPP statute), arguing the conduct giving rise to Bernstein’s
    claims was protected speech-related activity concerning a matter
    of public interest. The trial court denied the motion in its entirety
    and LaBeouf appeals. We affirm.
    1.    The Incident
    Around 9:45 p.m. on April 5, 2017, LaBeouf’s companion,
    Mia Goth, went to the bar at Jerry’s Famous Deli (Jerry’s) in
    Studio City, where Bernstein worked, and tried to order alcoholic
    drinks. The bartenders refused to serve Goth because she
    appeared “significantly under the influence.” Shortly thereafter,
    LaBeouf entered the bar and demanded the bartenders serve him
    and Goth alcohol. Bernstein refused to serve LaBeouf alcohol
    because he too appeared “significantly under the influence.”
    LaBeouf became angry, pounded his fist on the bar counter, and
    yelled “[y]ou’re not going to fucking serve me?”
    1All undesignated statutory references are to the Code of Civil
    LaBeouf then walked around the counter and entered the
    well area behind the bar, where the bartenders work. LaBeouf,
    who was “yelling at the top of his lungs,” took several steps
    toward Bernstein. “[F]earful of an imminent attack,” Bernstein
    grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose vodka and held it over his
    shoulder “to deter” LaBeouf. LaBeouf then stepped back and was
    escorted out of the restaurant by security.
    As LaBeouf was being taken out of the restaurant, he
    shouted at Bernstein, “You Fucked Up,” and called him a
    “Fucking Racist” and a “Fuckin’ Racist Bitch.” LaBeouf also told
    the “predominantly African-American crowd” to “Wake Up, this
    Motherfucker is a Racist.”2
    “Videotapes of [the] incident were published by TMZ and
    were circulated instantly world-wide to millions of people via
    television, internet, social and print media.” After videos of the
    incident were circulated, “[t]here were many internet and social
    media posts supporting” LaBeouf. “On a near[ly] daily basis,”
    customers whom Bernstein has never met called him “ ‘The
    Racist Bartender,’ ”and people Bernstein knows “have constantly
    been bringing up th[e] event.”
    2.    Bernstein’s Lawsuit
    Bernstein sued LaBeouf for assault, slander per se, and
    intentional infliction of emotional distress. The assault claim was
    based on allegations that LaBeouf engaged in physically
    threatening conduct, including entering the well area behind
    Jerry’s bar without permission, when he confronted Bernstein.
    2There is no indication in the record that LaBeouf or Goth are African-
    With respect to the slander claim, Bernstein alleged LaBeouf
    called him a “racist,” without any basis in fact to support that
    statement, in front of a large crowd that was predominantly
    African-American. Finally, the intentional infliction of emotional
    distress claim was based on LaBeouf’s conduct throughout the
    entire encounter, including his threatening physical conduct and
    his statements that Bernstein was a “racist.”
    LaBeouf filed a special motion to strike Bernstein’s
    complaint under the anti-SLAPP statute (§ 425.16). With respect
    to his statements calling Bernstein a “racist,” LaBeouf insisted
    they were protected speech under the anti-SLAPP statute
    because: (1) they occurred in a place open to the public—i.e., a
    restaurant; (2) they “were of ‘public interest,’ as evidenced by the
    fact that video footage of the [i]ncident was posted publicly on the
    TMZ website”; and (3) because LaBeouf is a celebrity, “ ‘[t]he
    public’s fascination with [him] and widespread interest in his
    personal life’ render his day to day conduct ‘a public issue or an
    issue of public interest.’ ” Alternatively, LaBeouf argued his
    statements addressed a matter of public interest because they
    contributed to the public debate on racism, since “it [is] axiomatic
    that racism and allegations of racial discrimination are matters
    of the highest public concern.” As for his physical conduct,
    LaBeouf claimed it too was protected because it was used in
    furtherance of, or to “emphasize,” his protected speech.
    With respect to the second prong of the anti-SLAPP
    statute, LaBeouf argued Bernstein could not demonstrate a
    probability of prevailing on the merits of any of his claims.
    Among other things, LaBeouf asserted Bernstein could not
    prevail on his slander claim because LaBeouf’s statements that
    Bernstein was a “racist” constituted nothing more than “ ‘mere
    name calling.’ ” (Emphasis omitted.) LaBeouf did not submit any
    supporting evidence.
    Bernstein opposed LaBeouf’s motion. In support of his
    opposition, Bernstein submitted declarations from several
    customers who witnessed the incident at Jerry’s, fellow Jerry’s
    employees who were working during the incident, and a
    psychologist who diagnosed Bernstein with Post-Traumatic
    Stress Disorder because of the incident. The customers who
    submitted declarations on Bernstein’s behalf stated they knew
    Bernstein because they frequented Jerry’s. None of them had
    ever seen Bernstein engage in any racist conduct.3
    Bernstein also submitted several newspaper articles
    documenting LaBeouf’s various run-ins with law enforcement, as
    well as screenshots of several social media posts in which people
    comment on the incident at Jerry’s and, in many of the posts,
    express their support for LaBeouf or call Bernstein a “racist.”
    Finally, Bernstein filed a copy of the video of the TMZ broadcast
    covering the incident, which includes footage of LaBeouf’s
    conduct inside Jerry’s, a copy of a video of the incident recorded
    by one of Jerry’s other employees, and copies of videos concerning
    LaBeouf’s other public outbursts.
    The court denied LaBeouf’s anti-SLAPP motion. The court
    found LaBeouf failed to show any of the claims in Bernstein’s
    complaint arose out of LaBeouf’s “constitutional right of free
    speech in connection with a public issue or an issue of public
    interest.” Rather, the court found the claims stemmed from “a
    3 We grant Bernstein’s May 9, 2019 motion to augment the record with
    the corrected versions of several of the witnesses’ declarations that he
    filed in the trial court but which LaBeouf omitted from the record on
    private dispute between [LaBeouf] and [Bernstein] concerning
    [Bernstein’s] refusal … to serve [LaBeouf] alcohol and [LaBeouf’s]
    reaction.” The court rejected LaBeouf’s arguments that his
    statements calling Bernstein a “racist” contributed to the public
    debate on racism and that his celebrity status converted the
    dispute into a matter of public interest.
    LaBeouf timely appealed the order denying his anti-SLAPP
    LaBeouf contends each of Bernstein’s claims arises out of
    activity protected by the anti-SLAPP statute because “what
    would have otherwise been an unremarkable and insignificant
    altercation between two individuals became a matter of
    significant and inherent public interest” due to “LaBeouf’s
    celebrity status.” LaBeouf also argues his statements address
    racial discrimination, “a hot-button topic of significant public
    concern.” We are not persuaded.
    1.    Applicable Law and Standard of Review
    Under section 425.16, a defendant may move to strike
    claims “ ‘arising from any act … in furtherance of the
    [defendant’s] right of petition or free speech under the United
    States Constitution or the California Constitution in connection
    with a public issue.’ ” (Wilson v. Cable News Network, Inc. (2019)
    7 Cal.5th 871
    , 884.) Section 425.16 does not completely insulate a
    defendant’s protected speech; rather, it provides a mechanism
    “for weeding out, at an early stage, meritless claims arising from”
    protected activity. (Baral v. Schnitt (2016) 
    1 Cal.5th 376
    , 384
    Courts apply a two-prong test when evaluating an anti-
    SLAPP motion. (Baral, supra, 1 Cal.5th at p. 384.) “First, the
    defendant must establish that the challenged claim arises from
    activity protected by section 425.16.” (Ibid.) To determine
    whether the plaintiff’s causes of action arise from the defendant’s
    protected activity, we look at the “pleadings, and supporting and
    opposing affidavits stating the facts upon which the liability or
    defense is based.” (§ 425.16, subd. (b)(2); see also Equilon
    Enterprises v. Consumer Cause, Inc. (2002) 
    29 Cal.4th 53
    , 67.)
    If the defendant meets that burden, the plaintiff then must
    “demonstrate the merit of the claim by establishing a probability
    of success.” (Baral, supra, 1 Cal.5th at p. 384.) The second prong
    involves an analysis similar to that used to evaluate a summary
    judgment motion. (Ibid.) “The court does not weigh evidence or
    resolve conflicting factual claims. Its inquiry is limited to
    whether the plaintiff has stated a legally sufficient claim and
    made a prima facie factual showing sufficient to sustain a
    favorable judgment. [The court] accepts the plaintiff’s evidence as
    true, and evaluates the defendant’s showing only to determine if
    it defeats the plaintiff’s claim as a matter of law.” (Id. at pp. 384–
    We independently review an order granting a special
    motion to strike under section 425.16. (Paulus v. Bob Lynch Ford,
    Inc. (2006) 
    139 Cal.App.4th 659
    , 672.) “ ‘ “[W]e engage in the
    same, two-step process as the trial court to determine if the
    parties have satisfied their respective burdens. [Citations.] If the
    defendant fails to show that the lawsuit arises from protected
    activity, we affirm the trial court’s ruling and need not address
    the merits of the case under the second prong of the statute.” ’
    [Citation.]” (Abuemeira v. Stephens (2016) 
    246 Cal.App.4th 1291
    2.    LaBeouf’s conduct does not fall within the scope of the
    anti-SLAPP statute.
    The anti-SLAPP statute protects, among other things,
    statements or conduct made “in connection with a public issue or
    an issue of public interest.” (See § 425.16, subd. (e)(3)–(4).)4 To
    fall within the scope of subdivision (e)(3) and (4) of the anti-
    SLAPP statute, a defendant must establish: (1) that the
    challenged statement or conduct implicates a public issue or a
    matter of public interest; and (2) that the speech or conduct was
    made “in connection with” a public issue or a matter of public
    interest. (See § 425.16, subd. (e)(3)–(4); see also Inc.
    v. DoubleVerify Inc. (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 133
    , 149 (FilmOn).)
    To determine whether challenged speech or other conduct
    involves a public issue or a matter of public interest, courts look
    to “certain specific considerations.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at
    p. 145.) For instance, courts look to whether “the subject of the
    speech or activity ‘was a person or entity in the public eye’ or
    ‘could affect large numbers of people beyond the direct
    participants’ [citation]; and whether the activity ‘occur[red] in the
    context of an ongoing controversy, dispute or discussion’
    [citation], or ‘affect[ed] a community in a manner similar to that
    of a governmental entity’ [citation].” (Id. at pp. 145–146.)
    4The parties agree the first two categories of protected activity under
    section 425.16, subdivision (e) do not apply in this case because none of
    the underlying conduct concerns “a legislative, executive, or judicial
    proceeding, or any other official proceeding authorized by law[.]” (§
    425.16, subd. (e)(1)–(2).)
    “ ‘[P]ublic interest’ does not equate with mere curiosity,” and “the
    focus of the speaker’s conduct should be the public interest rather
    than a mere effort ‘to gather ammunition for another round of
    [private] controversy … .’ [Citation.]” (Weinberg v. Feisel (2003)
    110 Cal.App.4th 1122
    , 1132–1133 (Weinberg).)
    As for the second requirement, the California Supreme
    Court recently articulated a two-part test to determine whether
    speech or conduct was made “in connection with” an issue of
    public interest. (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 149.) “First, we
    ask what ‘public issue or … issue of public interest’ the speech in
    question implicates—a question we answer by looking to the
    content of the speech. [Citation.] Second, we ask what functional
    relationship exists between the speech and the public
    conversation about some matter of public interest.” (Id. at pp.
    149–150.) The second part of this test “address[es] the specific
    nature of [the defendant’s] speech and its relationship to the
    matters of public interest.” (Id. at p. 152.)5
    LaBeouf contends his celebrity status makes “his day to
    day conduct ‘a public issue or an issue of public interest.’ ”
    According to LaBeouf, since footage of him calling Bernstein a
    racist and physically threatening Bernstein was disseminated on
    the internet and on television, his conduct must involve a matter
    5While FilmOn addressed the meaning of the phrase “in connection
    with” as it is used in subdivision (e)(4) of section 425.16, we see no
    reason why the same analysis should not apply when determining
    whether a statement was made “in connection with” a public issue or a
    matter of public interest for purposes of subdivision (e)(3) of section
    425.16. (See People v. McCart (1982) 
    32 Cal.3d 338
    , 344 [“When a word
    or phrase is repeated in a statute, it is normally presumed to have the
    same meaning throughout.”].)
    of public interest under section 425.16, subdivision (e)(3) and (4).
    We disagree.
    While courts have held the public’s interest in the life and
    work of entertainers and other celebrities can create an issue of
    public interest for purposes of section 425.16, subdivision (e) (see
    Stewart v. Rolling Stone LLC (2010) 
    181 Cal.App.4th 664
    , 678), it
    is the subject of the defendant’s speech or conduct that
    determines whether an issue of public interest has been
    implicated for purposes of anti-SLAPP protection. (See FilmOn,
    supra, 7 Cal.5th at pp. 145–146.) The defendant’s celebrity
    status, on its own, is not sufficient to render anything the
    defendant says or does subject to anti-SLAPP protection. (Id. at
    p. 152; see also D.C. v. R.R. (2010) 
    182 Cal.App.4th 1190
    , 1226
    (D.C.) [“No authority supports the [defendant’s] broad proposition
    that anything said or written about a public figure or limited
    public figure in a public forum involves a public issue.”].)
    Here, LaBeouf’s statements—calling Bernstein a “racist”—
    were not directed at someone in the public eye. Nothing in the
    record suggests that, prior to this incident, Bernstein was a
    public figure or had been involved in any issue of public interest.
    (See D.C., supra, 182 Cal.App.4th at p. 1229 [a bully’s threats of
    bodily harm toward fellow student who maintained a website
    promoting his musical career did not implicate a matter of public
    interest because the subject of the speech—the fellow student—
    was not a person in the public eye].)
    There is also no evidence that LaBeouf’s comments
    addressed an ongoing controversy or an issue that had garnered
    any public interest before LaBeouf lashed out at Bernstein.
    Rather, the statements concerned an isolated dispute between a
    bartender and an inebriated client over the bartender’s refusal to
    serve the client alcohol at a restaurant. Indeed, as LaBeouf
    concedes in his opening brief, the subject of his altercation with
    Bernstein was “unremarkable and insignificant.” (See Albanese v.
    Menounos (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 923
    , 936 [“the focus of the
    speaker’s conduct should be the public interest, not a private
    controversy”].) Although footage of the altercation was later
    disseminated to many people on the internet and television, a
    private dispute does not become a matter of public interest
    simply because it was widely communicated to the public.
    (Weinberg, supra, 110 Cal.App.4th at p. 1133.)
    Moreover, the fact that LaBeouf used the word “racist”
    when confronting Bernstein did not convert the statements into
    the type of speech entitled to anti-SLAPP protection. It is obvious
    from the circumstances surrounding LaBeouf’s statements that
    they were not intended to further any public debate on the issue
    of racism. Rather, the comments were merely part of LaBeouf’s
    tantrum triggered by Bernstein’s refusal to serve him and Goth
    alcohol. Nothing in the record shows Bernstein or any other
    Jerry’s employee had been accused of engaging in racist behavior
    in the past, and nothing in the video footage of the Jerry’s
    incident supports an inference that Bernstein engaged in any
    racist behavior before LaBeouf lost his temper. Indeed, in his
    anti-SLAPP motion, LaBeouf admitted his statements were
    “ ‘mere name calling.’ ” While racism is undoubtedly an issue of
    public interest, a defendant cannot convert speech that would
    otherwise not be entitled to anti-SLAPP protection into protected
    activity by “defining the[] narrow dispute by its slight reference
    to the broader public issue.” (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 152.)
    In short, the “content of [LaBeouf’s] communication added
    nothing to any public discourse or interest.” (D.C., supra, 182
    Cal.App.4th at p. 1230, italics omitted.)
    This case is distinguishable from Hall v. Time Warner, Inc.
    153 Cal.App.4th 1337
     (Hall), which LaBeouf relies on to
    argue his statements are entitled to anti-SLAPP protection. Hall
    arose out of the probate of Marlon Brando’s will following the
    actor’s death. (Id. at pp. 1341–1344.) After “[a] petition for
    probate of Brando’s will was filed in the Los Angeles Superior
    Court,” the producers of a television program interviewed
    Brando’s retired housekeeper, who was named as a beneficiary in
    the will. (Id. at p. 1342.) After the interview was aired on
    national television, the housekeeper sued the producers for,
    among other things, elder abuse and intentional infliction of
    emotional distress. (Id. at p. 1343.)
    The trial court in Hall denied the producers’ anti-SLAPP
    motion, but the appellate court reversed. (Hall, supra, 153
    Cal.App.4th at pp. 1344, 1346–1348.) The reviewing court held
    the defendants’ conduct was protected under the anti-SLAPP
    statute because it addressed matters of public interest: Brando’s
    death and the probate of his will, which had garnered significant
    national media attention in print and on television even before
    the defendants aired the housekeeper’s interview. (Id. at p. 1342.)
    Although the housekeeper did not volunteer to participate in the
    interview or otherwise make public statements about Brando’s
    will, the reviewing court held she “nevertheless became involved
    in an issue of public interest by virtue of being named in Brando’s
    will.” (Id. at p. 1347.) In other words, the housekeeper was a
    figure of public interest because of her relationship to Brando and
    the fact that she was a key figure in the probate of his will.
    To be sure, Hall and this case share some similarities: they
    each involve a celebrity, and the underlying incidents attracted
    the media’s and the public’s attention. But the similarities end
    there. In Hall, the “subjects” of the defendants’ conduct—a
    beneficiary of Brando’s will and the execution of that will—were
    matters of public interest before the defendants recorded and
    later aired their interview with Brando’s housekeeper. And, while
    the reviewing court did not expressly rely on this fact in reaching
    its decision, the dispute in Hall arose out of an ongoing judicial
    proceeding: the probate of Brando’s will in the Los Angeles
    Superior Court. Judicial proceedings, by definition, are matters of
    public interest under the anti-SLAPP statute. (See § 425.16,
    subd. (e)(2) [any statement made “in connection with” a “judicial
    proceeding” is a “public issue” entitled to anti-SLAPP
    protection].) LaBeouf’s conduct in this case, on the other hand,
    involved a purely private dispute that only drew media attention
    after it occurred.6
    In any event, even if Hall could be read to suggest that a
    defendant’s celebrity status, by itself, converts an otherwise
    private dispute involving that celebrity into a matter of public
    interest, we would disagree with that holding. Hall was decided
    more than 10 years before the Supreme Court decided FilmOn.
    As we explained above, FilmOn makes clear that the social or
    celebrity status of a party does not, without more, convert
    anything that party says into a matter of public interest. Under
    FilmOn, the focus of the “public interest” inquiry “must be on ‘the
    specific nature of the speech,’ rather than on any ‘generalities
    6We note that LaBeouf does not contend that Bernstein’s complaint
    contains “mixed” causes of action. (Baral, supra, 1 Cal.5th at p. 395.)
    that might be abstracted from it,’ ” such as the fact that the
    defendant “ ‘regularly injects himself in the public spotlight.’ ”
    (FilmOn, supra, 7 Cal.5th at p. 152.)
    In sum, neither LaBeouf’s statements calling Bernstein a
    “racist,” nor LaBeouf’s other conduct during the incident at
    Jerry’s, involved a matter of public interest or concern. Rather,
    LaBeouf’s statements stemmed out of an isolated dispute
    between himself and Bernstein. The lower court, therefore,
    properly denied LaBeouf’s anti-SLAPP motion.
    The order denying LaBeouf’s anti-SLAPP motion is
    affirmed. David Bernstein shall recover his costs on appeal.
    LAVIN, J.
    EDMON, P. J.
    Filed 12/6/19
    DAVID BERNSTEIN,                       B288054
    Plaintiff and Respondent,       Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. BC663207
    Order Certifying Opinion
    for Publication
    Defendant and Appellant.        [NO CHANGE IN
    Respondent David Bernstein has requested that our
    opinion in the above-entitled matter, filed November 19, 2019, be
    certified for publication. It appears that our opinion meets the
    standards set forth in California Rules of Court, rule 8.1105(c).
    The opinion is ordered published in the Official Reports.
    * EDMON,        P. J.           LAVIN, J.           EGERTON, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: B288054

Filed Date: 12/6/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/6/2019