v. Davis , 2019 CO 84 ( 2019 )

  •              Opinions of the Colorado Supreme Court are available to the
    public and can be accessed through the Judicial Branch’s homepage at
    http://www.courts.state.co.us. Opinions are also posted on the
    Colorado Bar Association’s homepage at http://www.cobar.org.
    October 7, 2019
    2019 CO 84
    No. 18SA271, People v. Davis—Criminal Procedure—U.S. Constitution Fifth
    Amendment—Miranda Warnings—Custody—U.S. Constitution Fourth
    Amendment—Investigatory Stop.
    In this interlocutory appeal, the prosecution challenges the trial court’s
    order suppressing statements the defendant made to deputies without being given
    the proper warnings under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
     (1966). The supreme
    court reverses, concluding that under the totality of the circumstances, the
    defendant was not in custody for purposes of Miranda because a reasonable person
    in the defendant’s position would not have felt deprived of his freedom of action
    to a degree associated with a formal arrest. Further, considering the factors
    identified in People v. Rodriguez, 
    945 P.2d 1351
    , 1362 (Colo. 1997), and People v. Ball,
    2017 CO 108
    , ¶ 9, 
    407 P.3d 580
    , 584, the court concludes that the defendant’s
    detention did not escalate to an arrest in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
    The Supreme Court of the State of Colorado
    2 East 14th Avenue • Denver, Colorado 80203
    2019 CO 84
    Supreme Court Case No. 18SA271
    Interlocutory Appeal from the District Court
    El Paso County District Court Case No. 18CR703
    Honorable Marla R. Prudek, Judge
    The People of the State of Colorado,
    Jacob Paul Davis.
    Order Reversed
    en banc
    October 7, 2019
    Attorneys for Plaintiff-Appellant:
    Daniel H. May, District Attorney, Fourth Judicial District
    Michael Fisher, Deputy District Attorney
    Tanya A. Karimi, Deputy District Attorney
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee:
    Megan A. Ring, Public Defender
    Hilary Gurney, Deputy Public Defender
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    JUSTICE MÁRQUEZ delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    CHIEF JUSTICE COATS dissents, and JUSTICE GABRIEL joins in the dissent.
    ¶1    Deputies interrogated Jacob Paul Davis in the basement of his parents’ home
    about an alleged sexual assault.         During this questioning, Davis made
    incriminating statements. He later moved to suppress these statements, arguing
    they were obtained in violation of Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
     (1966). The trial
    court granted the motion to suppress, agreeing that Davis was subjected to
    custodial interrogation without having been given a Miranda advisement. The
    People then filed this interlocutory appeal under section 16-12-102(2), C.R.S.
    (2019), and C.A.R. 4.1, seeking review of the court’s suppression order. Because
    we conclude that Davis was not in custody for purposes of Miranda, we reverse
    the trial court’s order suppressing the statements.
    I. Facts and Procedural History
    ¶2    Deputy testimony and body camera footage presented at Davis’s
    suppression hearing yielded the following facts. At approximately 6 a.m. on
    February 2, 2018, Deputy David Glenn and Sergeant Owen McCormack arrived at
    Davis’s residence in response to a report of sexual assault. Davis had been living
    for approximately nine months in a basement bedroom of the home, which
    belonged to his father and stepmother. When the deputies arrived, the alleged
    victim was in the kitchen on the main floor.
    ¶3    Davis’s stepmother escorted the deputies to Davis’s basement bedroom.
    The deputies were armed but did not have any weapons drawn. Before entering
    Davis’s room, Glenn called Davis’s name several times.
    ¶4    After receiving no response, Glenn entered the room, while McCormack
    remained in the doorway. Davis appeared to be sleeping. Standing a few feet
    from the bed, Glenn shook Davis’s leg. Glenn asked Davis to sit up and began
    asking open-ended questions about several topics, including the nature of Davis’s
    relationship with the victim. This interaction lasted between five and seven
    ¶5    McCormack then instructed Davis to get out of bed and asked him to move
    out of the bedroom, explaining that “[t]hings are a little safer that way.” Davis,
    who was wearing boxers and a t-shirt, asked McCormack for permission to
    retrieve a pair of sweatpants; McCormack responded “sure” and retrieved the
    sweatpants for him, explaining that he did not know if Davis “ha[d] any weapons
    in here or anything like that.” Davis then attempted to find his glasses, and
    McCormack told him the deputies would retrieve his glasses later. The deputies
    accompanied Davis down a short hallway to an open area in the basement used
    for gaming. Glenn instructed Davis to sit in an armchair next to the wall. Davis
    was not handcuffed, nor did the deputies place their hands on him to move him.
    ¶6    Both deputies briefly left the basement to speak with the victim, who
    remained upstairs in the kitchen area. McCormack later returned to the basement
    area and stood several feet from Davis’s chair. McCormack testified that he stayed
    in the basement with Davis “for officer safety reasons just to make sure that
    nothing happened or nobody got hurt.”        For the next eight to ten minutes,
    McCormack and Davis casually discussed several topics unrelated to the
    investigation, including Davis’s relationship with his parents, his relationship
    with his daughter, his recent divorce, and McCormack’s law enforcement career.
    At one point, they talked about the gaming tables in the basement, and Davis stood
    up and went over to one of the tables to remove the cover and show the table to
    ¶7    Glenn eventually returned to the basement and questioned Davis about the
    alleged assault for approximately ten minutes. Glenn stood about five feet from
    Davis’s chair during this questioning. He spoke in a conversational tone and used
    open-ended questions. McCormack, who had remained a few feet away, twice
    remarked to Davis that telling the truth was for Davis’s benefit and that he needed
    to be honest with the deputies. During the questioning by Glenn, Davis stated that
    he had sexual contact with the victim, including digital penetration, but contended
    that it was consensual.
    ¶8    After this questioning, Glenn returned upstairs to interview the victim
    again. McCormack remained in the basement with Davis, and for the next twenty
    minutes, they chatted about a range of topics unrelated to the case, including the
    weather, poker, and the Denver Broncos football team.            McCormack also
    accompanied Davis to his bedroom and allowed Davis to rummage through his
    bedding to retrieve his glasses.
    ¶9    When Glenn returned, McCormack explained to Davis that another deputy
    had arrived to help out with interviews to “make sure we have all the appropriate
    information—factual information.” McCormack then stated:
    [I]f there’s anything considered probable cause to make an arrest,
    then obviously we’re gonna let you know on that. If not, then we’ll
    let you know that, too. Okay? So that’s where we are right now . . . if
    you’re wondering why we’re standing here, looking at you, waiting,
    that’s what we’re doing. Okay?
    Glenn questioned Davis again for approximately six minutes.
    ¶10   Around this time, Deputy Bethany Gibson arrived to take over the case
    because the other deputies’ shifts were ending.        She later testified at the
    suppression hearing that when she arrived, McCormack and Glenn “still hadn’t
    made a conclusion yet on exactly what happened.” Gibson came down to the
    basement to question Davis, explaining to him that she had just arrived and asking
    him to start from the beginning.      Like Glenn, Gibson spoke to Davis in a
    conversational tone. At one point, Gibson asked to see a text exchange with the
    victim that Davis had described. Davis asked McCormack for permission to
    retrieve his phone. Both deputies accompanied Davis to his room, where he was
    permitted to search through his bedding a second time and retrieve the phone. He
    then showed the text messages to Gibson.
    ¶11   Gibson left the basement while McCormack remained with Davis. The
    conversation between McCormack and Davis continued as they waited another
    twenty minutes. During this time, Davis asked McCormack if he could show the
    deputy a favorite Broncos jersey. McCormack allowed Davis to retrieve the jersey
    from an adjoining room. Davis also asked to use the restroom but was initially
    denied permission because the deputies wanted to collect his clothing as evidence.
    Finally, at approximately 7:30 a.m., Gibson returned to the basement and placed
    Davis under formal arrest.
    ¶12   Davis was charged in El Paso County District Court with two counts of
    sexual assault and one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He
    later moved to suppress the statements he made in the basement, arguing that he
    was subjected to custodial interrogation without having been given a Miranda
    advisement. In response, the prosecution contended that Davis was subjected
    only to an investigatory detention, not an arrest, and thus, Miranda warnings were
    not required. Following a hearing, the trial court agreed with Davis and granted
    the motion to suppress.
    ¶13   The trial court began its oral ruling by noting that to determine whether
    Davis was in custody for purposes of Miranda, it had to look at the totality of the
    circumstances as discussed in this court’s decision in People v. Matheny, 
    46 P.3d 453
    , 465–66 (Colo. 2002). The trial court also observed that in People v. Rodriguez,
    945 P.2d 1351
    , 1362 (Colo. 1997), this court identified certain factors a court must
    consider in determining whether an investigatory detention has escalated into an
    arrest. Ultimately, however, the trial court did not rest its ruling on a Rodriguez
    analysis. That is, Davis did not argue, and the trial court did not hold, that Davis’s
    detention was too long in duration to be justified as an investigative stop and
    escalated into an arrest that had to be justified by probable cause.
    ¶14   Instead, the trial court concluded that the encounter was never an
    investigatory detention but was an arrest from the outset; in other words, the court
    agreed with Davis that he was in custody for Miranda purposes from the moment
    he was awakened by the deputies.           In reaching this conclusion, the court
    acknowledged that the deputies did not display any weapons, did not threaten
    Davis, and never told Davis he could not leave the basement. Nevertheless, it
    concluded that, under the totality of the circumstances, Davis was in custody
    because a reasonable person in his circumstances would not have felt free to leave
    the basement.     The court emphasized the early hour and length of the
    interrogation, noting that Davis was kept in the basement for an hour and twenty-
    five minutes. It also noted the limitations placed on Davis’s movement, focusing
    on whether a reasonable person would have believed himself free to leave. The
    court ultimately suppressed all statements Davis made after his first contact with
    the deputies at 6 a.m. and before his formal arrest.
    ¶15   The People now appeal the suppression order.
    II. Law
    ¶16   Miranda sought to address the problem of how the Fifth Amendment
    privilege against compelled self-incrimination could be protected from “the
    coercive pressures that can be brought to bear upon a suspect in the context of
    custodial interrogation.” Berkemer v. McCarty, 
    468 U.S. 420
    , 428 (1984). Miranda
    holds that the prosecution may not introduce in its case-in-chief “any statement,
    whether inculpatory or exculpatory, procured by custodial interrogation, unless
    the police precede their interrogation with certain warnings.” Matheny, 46 P.3d at
    462 (citing Miranda, 
    384 U.S. at 444
    ). Those required warnings include advising
    the suspect that “he has the right to remain silent, that anything he says can be
    used against him in a court of law, that he has the right to the presence of an
    attorney, and that if he cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for him.”
    384 U.S. at 479
    . Given the Fifth Amendment concerns that animated the
    decision, Miranda warnings are required only “when a suspect is subject to both
    custody and interrogation.” Effland v. People, 
    240 P.3d 868
    , 873 (Colo. 2010). The
    parties agree that this case turns on whether Davis was in custody during his
    questioning in the basement.
    ¶17   In the Miranda context, “‘custody’ is a term of art that specifies
    circumstances that are thought generally to present a serious danger of coercion.”
    Howes v. Fields, 
    565 U.S. 499
    , 508–09 (2012). In determining whether a defendant
    was in custody for purposes of Miranda, the proper inquiry is “whether a
    reasonable person in the suspect’s position would believe himself to be deprived
    of his freedom of action to the degree associated with a formal arrest.” People v.
    201 P.3d 1215
    , 1218 (Colo. 2009) (quoting Matheny, 46 P.3d at 467).
    ¶18   A trial court’s custody determination presents a mixed question of law and
    fact. Matheny, 46 P.3d at 462. We defer to a trial court’s findings of historical fact
    and credibility so long as they are supported by competent evidence in the record.
    Id. However, we review de novo the trial court’s legal conclusion that the facts
    amount to custody for purposes of Miranda. See People v. Garcia, 
    2017 CO 106
    , ¶ 18,
    409 P.3d 312
    , 316; see also People v. Minjarez, 
    81 P.3d 348
    , 353 (Colo. 2003). This
    court’s analysis is not limited to the factual findings that form the basis of the trial
    court’s order; it may also consider undisputed facts evident in the record. People v.
    2013 CO 18
    , ¶ 16, 
    298 P.3d 228
    , 232. In addition,
    “[W]here the statements sought to be suppressed are audio- and
    video-recorded, and there are no disputed facts outside the recording
    controlling the issue of suppression, we are in a similar position as the
    trial court to determine whether the statements should be
    suppressed.” Thus, we may undertake an independent review of the
    audio or video recording to determine whether the statements were
    properly suppressed in light of the controlling law.
    People v. Kutlak, 
    2016 CO 1
    , ¶ 13, 
    364 P.3d 199
    , 203 (quoting People v. Madrid,
    179 P.3d 1010
    , 1014 (Colo. 2008)).
    ¶19   A Miranda custody assessment considers “the objective circumstances of the
    interrogation, not . . . the subjective views harbored by either the interrogating
    officers or the person being questioned.” Stansbury v. California, 
    511 U.S. 318
    , 323
    (1994). “In making this determination, a court must consider the totality of the
    circumstances under which the interrogation was conducted.” Mumford v. People,
    2012 CO 2
    , ¶ 13, 
    270 P.3d 953
    , 957. The factors a court should consider include
    (1) the time, place, and purpose of the encounter;
    (2) the persons present during the interrogation;
    (3) the words spoken by the officer to the defendant;
    (4) the officer’s tone of voice and general demeanor;
    (5) the length and mood of the interrogation;
    (6) whether any limitation of movement or other form of restraint
    was placed on the defendant during the interrogation;
    (7) the officer’s response to any questions asked by the defendant;
    (8) whether directions were given to the defendant during the
    interrogation; and
    (9) the defendant’s verbal or nonverbal response to such directions.
     (citing Matheny, 46 P.3d at 465–66). These factors are not exhaustive, and no
    single factor is determinative. People v. Holt, 
    233 P.3d 1194
    , 1197 (Colo. 2010);
    Hankins, 201 P.3d at 1219.
    ¶20     Mere detention does not deprive a person of his freedom to the degree
    associated with formal arrest. Thus, although relevant to the analysis, detention
    alone is not dispositive of a custody determination. See Mumford, ¶ 16, 
    270 P.3d at 957
     (concluding that while the defendant was obviously not free to leave, “his
    temporary detention had not escalated to the point that an objective, reasonable
    person in Mumford’s position would feel restrained to a degree associated with a
    formal arrest”). In other words, although an investigatory detention constitutes a
    “seizure” for purposes of the Fourth Amendment, such detention does not
    necessarily mean that the suspect is “in custody” for purposes of Miranda. People v.
    875 P.2d 879
    , 885 (Colo. 1994) (citing, inter alia, Berkemer, 
    468 U.S. at 440
    ¶21     This is not to say that Miranda can never be implicated during a valid
    investigatory detention. A court must examine the facts and circumstances of the
    encounter to determine whether Miranda applies. Id. at 886. If a person detained
    pursuant to an investigatory stop “thereafter is subjected to treatment that renders
    him ‘in custody’ for practical purposes, he will be entitled to the full panoply of
    protections prescribed by [Miranda].” Berkemer, 
    468 U.S. at 440
    . Miranda can be
    implicated, for example, if the police detain a suspect using a degree of force or
    physical restraint more traditionally associated with “custody” or “arrest” than
    with a brief investigatory detention, such as the display of a gun or the use of
    handcuffs. Breidenbach, 875 P.2d at 886.
    ¶22   In addition, we have recognized (for purposes of the Fourth Amendment)
    that if an investigatory stop involves more than a brief detention and questioning,
    it can escalate into a de facto arrest that must be supported by probable cause.
    Rodriguez, 945 P.2d at 1362. In other words, “if an investigative stop continues
    indefinitely, at some point it can no longer be justified as an investigative stop.”
    United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 685 (1985).     In evaluating whether an
    investigative detention is unreasonable for purposes of the Fourth Amendment,
    “common sense and ordinary human experience must govern over rigid criteria.”
     Relevant considerations include, for example, the length of the detention; the
    diligence exercised by the investigating officer in pursuing the investigation
    during the detention; the extent of (and reasons for) moving the suspect from one
    location to another; and whether the police acted unreasonably in failing to
    recognize or pursue less intrusive means of accomplishing their objectives.
    People v. Ball, 
    2017 CO 108
    , ¶ 9, 
    407 P.3d 580
    , 584 (citing, inter alia, Rodriguez,
    945 P.2d at 1362); see also Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. at 686
     (considering “whether the police
    diligently pursued a means of investigation that was likely to confirm or dispel
    their suspicions quickly”).
    ¶23   Importantly, the United States Supreme Court has “impose[d] no rigid time
    limitation” on investigative stops.    Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. at 685
    .     Rather, it has
    “emphasized the need to consider the law enforcement purposes to be served by
    the stop as well as the time reasonably needed to effectuate those purposes.” 
    III. Application
    A. Davis Was Not in Custody for Purposes of Miranda
    ¶24   Applying these standards here, we conclude that, under the totality of the
    circumstances, a reasonable person in Davis’s position would not have felt
    restrained to the degree associated with formal arrest. Consequently, Davis was
    not in custody for purposes of Miranda, and the trial court erred in suppressing his
    ¶25   The totality of the circumstances does not reflect that Davis was restrained
    to the degree associated with formal arrest. True, Davis was detained for close to
    an hour and a half while deputies alternated between briefly questioning him and
    going upstairs to speak with the victim.       Cf. Garcia, ¶ 28, 409 P.3d at 318
    (determining that the brief nature of the police encounter at issue weighed against
    a finding of custody). And a deputy also stood between Davis and the stairwell
    to the main floor. Cf. People v. Sampson, 
    2017 CO 100
    , ¶ 25, 
    404 P.3d 273
    , 278
    (concluding that officers standing between the defendant and the exit weighed in
    favor of a finding of custody). Additionally, when Davis did not respond to his
    name being called several times by Deputy Glenn, he was roused from bed and
    questioned, see Commonwealth v. Zogby, 
    689 A.2d 280
    , 283 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1997)
    (concluding that waking defendant and commanding him to go outside was
    “highly intrusive” and suggested “a will on the part of the police officer that would
    not be denied”), and isolated from family and friends during his questioning, see
    Minjarez, 81 P.3d at 352–53 (reasoning that one of the concerns animating Miranda
    was the impact of interrogation on “individuals who are isolated and deprived of
    contact with friends and family” in police-dominated settings).
    ¶26   But “[w]hile some of the[] circumstances” in this case “may suggest custody,
    the totality does not.” Garcia, ¶ 37, 409 P.3d at 319. Based on the trial court’s factual
    findings and undisputed facts in the record, we conclude that the neutral location,
    the lack of force or physical restraint, and the conversational tone of questioning
    indicated that a reasonable person in Davis’s position would not have felt
    restrained to the degree associated with formal arrest at the time he made the
    challenged statements.
    ¶27   We have previously emphasized that the setting in which police contact
    occurs is significant. “Location matters . . . because it can affect a suspect’s peace
    of mind, and thus her ability to withstand psychological compulsion . . . .” Id. at
    ¶ 22, 409 P.3d at 317. Thus, a neutral or familiar location such as the suspect’s
    home can weigh against a finding of custody. Id. at ¶ 21, 409 P.3d at 317; see also
    Mumford, ¶ 19, 
    270 P.3d at 958
     (noting that “neutral area” where questioning
    occurred—the curb directly in front of defendant’s home—weighed against a
    finding of custody); People v. Klinck, 
    259 P.3d 489
    , 494 (Colo. 2011) (noting that
    “familiar location” of the encounter—the front porch of defendant’s girlfriend’s
    house—did not support a finding of custody).
    ¶28   We note that police presence—even when unwanted by the defendant—
    does not automatically render an otherwise neutral or defendant-friendly location
    police dominated. In Garcia, for example, the defendant made several inculpatory
    statements to officers who had forced their way into her home to perform a welfare
    check. ¶¶ 1–2, 409 P.3d at 314. The defendant made some of the statements in the
    stairwell of her home and others in her front yard. Id. at ¶¶ 9, 11–12, 409 P.3d at
    315. We concluded that the familiarity of these settings weighed against a finding
    of custody, even though the defendant had not invited the officers into her home.
    Id. at ¶¶ 27, 29, 409 P.3d at 318.
    ¶29   Here, the mere presence of police in Davis’s home did not render it a police-
    dominated setting. The residence where Davis was interrogated belonged to his
    father and stepmother, and Davis had been living there for approximately nine
    months. True, questioning that occurs in a home or bedroom can be custodial
    interrogation for purposes of Miranda. For example, in Orozco v. Texas, 
    394 U.S. 324
    , 325–27 (1969), the Supreme Court concluded that a suspect interrogated by
    four officers in his bedroom at 4 a.m. was “in custody” and thus should have been
    given Miranda warnings. However, the Supreme Court did not evaluate the
    circumstances that established custody in that case; rather, it rested its custody
    determination entirely on officer testimony that the suspect was “under arrest” at
    the time he was questioned. 
    Id. at 325, 327
    . Thus, Orozco offers little guidance.
    ¶30   Here, although Davis was wakened by the deputies in his bedroom, the
    deputies entered the bedroom only after Davis failed to respond to them calling
    his name from the hallway.       After asking Davis to move out into the main
    basement area, the deputies conducted the bulk of the questioning (including the
    questioning that elicited the statements at issue here) in this living area, a neutral
    and familiar location, one that weighs against a finding of custody.
    ¶31   Another “well-recognized circumstance tending to show custody is the
    degree of physical restraint used by police officers to detain” a person. Breidenbach,
    875 P.2d at 886. But in this case, Davis was never physically restrained. The
    deputies did not make physical contact with him at all, save for the initial shake of
    his leg to awaken him, and he was not handcuffed until his formal arrest. The
    deputies instructed Davis to move from his bedroom to the basement game room,
    but did so for officer safety reasons. And they initially did not let him use the
    restroom. On the other hand, they twice allowed Davis to return to his bedroom
    and rummage around in his bedding to retrieve his eyeglasses and his phone.
    Davis also went to his closet to retrieve a Broncos jersey to show McCormack.
    ¶32   We have held that suspects subjected to much more invasive restraint than
    Davis were nonetheless not in custody for purposes of Miranda. In Mumford, for
    example, the defendant was detained by officers who briefly drew their weapons
    during their initial sweep of his home. ¶ 8, 
    270 P.3d at 955
    . The defendant was
    interrogated while he sat, at the officers’ direction, on the curb outside his house.
    Id. at ¶ 19, 
    270 P.3d at 958
    . Even under those circumstances, we concluded that
    the defendant was not restrained to the degree associated with formal arrest. Id.
    at ¶ 16, 
    270 P.3d at 957
    . By contrast, here, the deputies never drew or displayed
    their weapons. And although the deputies kept Davis in the basement while they
    questioned the alleged victim upstairs, they allowed Davis to move around the
    basement gaming area and return to his bedroom to retrieve his glasses and his
    phone, albeit under supervision. We conclude that Davis’s restriction to the
    basement under these circumstances did not present “the same inherently coercive
    pressures as the type of station house questioning at issue in Miranda.” Howes,
    565 U.S. at 509
    ¶33   We have also considered an officer’s tone of questioning particularly
    relevant to a custody determination. In Minjarez, the defendant was not physically
    restrained, yet we concluded he was in custody for purposes of Miranda, based
    largely on the tone of the officer’s questioning—a tone that, in combination with
    other factors, created an atmosphere suggestive of formal arrest. 81 P.3d at
    356–57. There, “[t]he interrogating officer’s questions provided all of the details
    of the incident and were designed essentially to force agreement from the
    defendant.” Id. at 356.
    ¶34   In contrast, the body camera footage in the record here reveals that the mood
    of Davis’s interrogation was calm and conversational.           The record does not
    support the trial court’s conclusion that the questioning was conducted in an
    “accusatory mood.”        The interrogating deputies asked detailed questions,
    encouraged Davis to tell the truth, and confronted him with contradictory
    evidence. However, “merely confronting a suspect with the evidence against him
    . . . does not, by itself, constitute an infringement on his liberty, much less the kind
    of infringement associated with a formal arrest.”          People v. Figueroa-Ortega,
    2012 CO 51
    , ¶ 10, 
    283 P.3d 691
    , 694. The deputies’ questions were generally open-
    ended and in a conversational tone of the exact kind we have found to weigh
    against a finding of custody. See 
     The deputies’ few pointed questions and their
    exhortations to be honest did not render the overall mood of the interrogation
    aggressive or accusatory.     Indeed, the record reflects that for the significant
    majority of Davis’s time in the basement, the discussion revolved around matters
    wholly unrelated to the investigation: Davis’s divorce, his father’s poker nights,
    and the Denver Broncos.
    B. Davis’s Detention Did Not Violate the Fourth
    Amendment Under the Factors in Rodriguez
    ¶35   Finally, to the extent the trial court’s reference to Rodriguez in its oral ruling
    suggested concern that the duration of Davis’s detention escalated the encounter
    into an arrest requiring probable cause, we note that Davis did not raise such an
    argument, nor did the trial court ultimately rest its ruling on such grounds.
    Rather, Davis contended that he was in custody “from the moment [he] was
    contacted,” and the trial court agreed, suppressing all the statements that Davis
    made after he was roused. In any event, even considering the factors we have
    identified in Rodriguez and Ball, we conclude that Davis’s detention did not run
    afoul of the Fourth Amendment. See Rodriguez, 945 P.2d at 1362 (holding that
    relevant factors include the length of the detention; whether the officer diligently
    pursued the investigation during the detention; whether the suspect was required
    to move from one location to another; and whether there were alternative, less
    intrusive means available that police acted unreasonably in failing to recognize or
    pursue); see also Ball, ¶ 9, 407 P.3d at 584 (same).
    ¶36   First, the duration of the detention here, although certainly longer than a
    typical investigatory stop, did not exceed a reasonable period. As noted above,
    the brevity of such an invasion of an individual’s Fourth Amendment interests is
    an important factor, but the Supreme Court has expressly refrained from imposing
    any “rigid time limitation” on investigative detentions. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. at 685
    The Court instead has emphasized consideration of the law enforcement purposes
    to be served by the stop and the time reasonably needed to effectuate those
     Second, nothing in the record indicates that the deputies did not
    diligently pursue their investigation of these allegations throughout the time
    Davis was detained. Indeed, Glenn explained to Davis that another deputy had
    arrived to help with interviews to make sure they had all the appropriate
    information. Here, the deputies were investigating allegations of sexual contact,
    including whether such contact was consensual. Glenn also indicated to Davis
    that the deputies had not yet made any probable cause determination.             Cf.
    511 U.S. at 325
     (an officer’s knowledge or beliefs may bear on custody
    if they are conveyed to the individual being questioned). Third, to the extent Davis
    was asked to move from the bedroom to the basement gaming area, the record
    indicates that this was done for officer safety reasons. Fourth, we cannot say under
    the facts here that the deputies acted unreasonably in failing to recognize or
    pursue less intrusive means of conducting their investigation. The deputies’
    decision to keep Davis and the alleged victim in separate parts of the house during
    their investigation was justified under the circumstances. In sum, we cannot
    conclude that suppression of Davis’s statements is warranted on grounds that his
    detention violated the Fourth Amendment.
    IV. Conclusion
    ¶37   Here, the trial court incorrectly concluded that Davis was under arrest and
    thus “in custody” for purposes of Miranda.          Examining the totality of the
    circumstances, we conclude that Davis was not in custody during his pre-arrest
    interrogation, and therefore Miranda warnings were not required. We reverse the
    trial court’s suppression order.
    CHIEF JUSTICE COATS dissents, and JUSTICE GABRIEL joins in the dissent.
    CHIEF JUSTICE COATS, dissenting.
    ¶38   I write separately not only because I believe the analysis of the district court
    in this case, rather than that of the majority, is the better one, but perhaps even
    more importantly, because I believe the detention and interrogation of the
    defendant in this case bring into focus an important but little-discussed distinction
    concerning “custody” as contemplated by the Fourth Amendment’s protection
    against unreasonable seizures of the person, on the one hand, and the Fifth
    Amendment-related requirement for prophylactic warnings prior to interrogation,
    on the other. Because I also believe, quite apart from any nuanced distinction the
    majority may suggest between a functional arrest and a formal arrest, that the
    record of the detention and interrogation in this case simply compels the
    affirmance of the district court’s suppression order, I respectfully dissent.
    ¶39   As the district court clearly understood, a person has been seized, and is
    therefore in custody within the contemplation of the Fourth Amendment, as soon
    as the exercise of police authority is such as to make a reasonable person in his
    situation feel no longer free to leave or to ignore police direction. See People v.
    2018 CO 2
    , ¶ 11, 
    411 P.3d 661
    , 665 (explaining Florida v. Bostick, 
    501 U.S. 429
    (1991), and Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
     (1968)).        But the court’s findings and
    conclusions also made clear its understanding that this minimal level of seizure,
    permitted upon no more than reasonable articulable suspicion and designated an
    “investigative stop,” does not imply, in and of itself, that subsequent questioning
    by the police must be preceded by a waiver of the so-called Miranda rights. See
    People v. Ball, 
    2017 CO 108
    , ¶¶ 15–16, 
    407 P.3d 580
    , 585–86 (explaining Berkemer v.
    468 U.S. 420
    , 441–42 (1984), and People v. Breidenbach, 
    875 P.2d 879
    885–86 (Colo. 1994)). As the district court expressly recognized, a waiver of
    Miranda rights need not precede interrogation unless and until the liberty of the
    detained person has been infringed upon to a degree associated with a formal
    arrest, the higher level of Fourth Amendment seizure of a person recognized in
    the jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court, which level of seizure can
    be justified only upon probable cause to believe the detainee has committed a
    crime. Gerstein v. Pugh, 
    420 U.S. 103
    , 111–12 (1975); Ball, ¶¶ 15–16, 407 P.3d at
    585–86. Finally, the district court recounted and evaluated the various factors that
    we and the United States Supreme Court have previously identified as relevant to
    the determination whether a person has been detained by the police at all, and if
    so, whether that person’s liberty has been infringed upon to a degree associated
    with an arrest rather than a mere stop. See People v. Figueroa-Ortega, 
    2012 CO 51
    ¶ 8, 
    283 P.3d 691
    , 693 (explaining United States v. Mendenhall, 
    446 U.S. 544
    People v. Matheny, 
    46 P.3d 453
    , 465–66 (Colo. 2002); and People v. Pancoast, 
    659 P.2d 1348
    , 1350 (Colo. 1982)).
    ¶40   Although we have held that Miranda warnings may sometimes be required
    under extreme conditions of detention constituting no more than an investigative
    stop, see, e.g., Breidenbach, 875 P.2d at 885, the question remains whether Miranda
    warnings are necessarily required prior to interrogation during a detention that has
    progressed to a stage at which it can no longer be justified upon reasonable
    suspicion alone, but rather only upon probable cause to support an arrest. Unlike
    the majority, which appears reluctant to directly answer that question and instead
    finds that, in any event, the detention in this case did not rise to the level of an
    arrest until some hour and a half after the officers began holding and interrogating
    the defendant and finally announced to him that he was under arrest, I believe the
    answer to that question to be an emphatic “Yes.” See, e.g., United States v. Santillan,
    902 F.3d 49
    , 60 (2d Cir. 2018) (asking whether the defendant’s statements should
    have been suppressed on grounds that he was subject to de facto arrest but was
    not given Miranda warnings); United States v. Rabbia, 
    699 F.3d 85
    , 91 (1st Cir. 2012)
    (stating that if a stop evolves into a de facto arrest, a suspect is entitled under the
    Fifth Amendment to Miranda warnings before being interrogated); United States v.
    238 F.3d 79
    , 92–93 (1st Cir. 2001) (“The central issue in this case is whether
    an otherwise valid Terry stop escalated into a de facto arrest necessitating the
    administration of Miranda warnings.”). Furthermore, I consider both the question
    and answer to be of substantial import to the district court’s ultimate ruling in this
    case. While I, like the district court, would find that waking someone up and
    rousting him out of bed, in his underwear, at six o’clock in the morning;
    preventing him from getting fully dressed or putting his shoes on; denying him
    access to his glasses and the use of a bathroom; and isolating and interrogating
    him in a basement, while periodically comparing his answers to those of his
    accuser upstairs, constitute more than sufficient grounds to establish, at the very
    least, custody for purposes of interrogation, I would also find that detaining
    someone under these conditions for ninety minutes can only be characterized as
    an arrest.
    ¶41   Unlike some infringements on a person’s liberty, such as a show of weapons
    or the use of handcuffs, which are typically associated with an arrest but can for
    various reasons, including especially officer safety, nevertheless be permissible
    incidents of an investigative stop, Breidenbach, 875 P.2d at 885 n.7, the length of
    such a stop may not exceed the brief time necessary to identify the suspect and
    accomplish limited investigative objectives. Although some jurisdictions and
    codes have done so, e.g., Barrios-Lomeli v. State, 
    961 P.2d 750
     (Nev. 1998)
    (interpreting Nevada’s sixty-minute statutory time limit for temporary detention);
    Model Code of Pre-Arraignment Procedure § 110.2(1) (Am. Law Inst. 1975)
    (placing an absolute limit of twenty minutes on investigative detentions), neither
    this court nor the Supreme Court has ever specified an outside limit on the length
    of a detention permissible upon reasonable suspicion alone. Nevertheless, state
    and federal courts alike have regularly held that in the absence of emergent
    probable cause, which would effectively justify any longer detention as a full
    arrest, Ball, ¶ 11, 407 P.3d at 584 (explaining Sibron v. New York, 
    392 U.S. 40
    66–67 (1968), and People v. Lagrutta, 
    775 P.2d 576
    , 581–82 (Colo. 1989)), or new
    discoveries providing articulable suspicion justifying further detention for
    different reasons altogether, 
     that limit is necessarily measured in minutes, not
    hours. In holding, for example, that the line between an investigative detention
    and an arrest had not been crossed with regard to a thirty-minute detention, the
    Second Circuit Court of Appeals noted: “The agent made speedy and appropriate
    inquiries in a reasonable way. We decline to hold that a thirty minute detention
    based on reasonable suspicion is, per se, too long.” United States v. Tehrani, 
    49 F.3d 54
    , 61 (2d Cir. 1995) (comparing with United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 687–88
    (1985) (twenty minutes); United States v. Mondello, 
    927 F.2d 1463
    , 1471 (9th Cir.
    1991) (thirty minutes); United States v. Nurse, 
    916 F.2d 20
    , 24–25 (D.C. Cir.
    1990) (twenty to thirty minutes); United States v. Knox, 
    839 F.2d 285
    , 290–91 (6th
    Cir. 1988) (thirty minutes); United States v. Davies, 
    768 F.2d 893
    , 902 (7th Cir. 1985)
    (forty-five minutes)).
    ¶42   Similarly, relying on United States v. Place, 
    462 U.S. 696
    , 709 (1983), and 4
    Wayne R. LaFave, Search and Seizure § 9.2(f), at 58–65 (3d ed. 1996), for the notion
    that the brevity of an intrusion is an important factor in determining whether an
    investigative stop has escalated into an arrest, this court found that a ninety-
    minute traffic stop could not be justified as an investigative stop. See People v.
    945 P.2d 1351
    , 1362 (Colo. 1997) (comparing Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. at 683
    (twenty-minute detention was reasonable); with Place, 
    462 U.S. at
    709–10 (ninety-
    minute detention of suspect’s luggage was “prolonged” and exceeded scope of
    stop); and People v. Hazelhurst, 
    662 P.2d 1081
    , 1086 (Colo. 1983) (twenty- to thirty-
    minute detention exceeded scope of stop); and People v. Mickens, 
    734 P.2d 646
    649 (Colo. App. 1986) (one-and-one-half-hour detention exceeded scope of stop)).
    In light of abundant existing Fourth Amendment precedent to the contrary, I fail
    to see how it can realistically be argued that the defendant was not subjected to a
    de facto arrest and therefore was never under arrest until an arrest was formally
    announced. The only reasonable question before the court would seem to be when
    along this continuum of detention the arrest occurred, and for purposes of any
    statements the defendant made without the benefit of Miranda warnings, at
    precisely what point in that continuum his liberty had been infringed on to a
    degree associated with arrest rather than a mere investigative stop.
    ¶43   It is not entirely clear to me what the majority intends by noting that the
    district court did not rest its ruling solely on the length of the detention both
    because the question whether the detention constituted a stop or an arrest is clearly
    a mixed question of fact and law for this court, see Matheny, 46 P.3d at 461, and
    because the ultimate length of the detention was clearly relevant to a
    determination of its nature and purpose. After setting out the controlling law and
    its factual findings, not least being that the interrogation lasted fully an hour and
    twenty-five minutes, the district court expressly found it to have been an arrest
    rather than being in the nature of an investigative stop—from its very inception at
    6 a.m. Defense counsel expressly argued and the district court expressly found
    that all of the defendant’s statements were taken in violation of Miranda for the
    reason that the detention constituted a restraint on the defendant’s freedom
    amounting to an arrest virtually from its inception.
    ¶44   Rather than defense counsel or the district court, it appears to be the
    majority that considers the question of custody in the Miranda context to turn on
    more than the extent to which a detainee’s liberty has been restrained. Perhaps
    because the factors we have identified as relevant to the question of custody for
    purposes of custodial interrogation overlap so heavily with the factors designed
    to answer the question whether an encounter between a citizen and the police is
    consensual or is in fact a stop for investigative purposes, see Figueroa-Ortega, ¶ 8,
    283 P.3d at 693
    , the majority’s mechanical analysis of those same factors for
    purposes of Miranda warnings is similarly heavily oriented toward evaluating the
    pressure a reasonable suspect would feel to comply with police demands for
    information, rather than whether he could reasonably expect to be released after
    brief questioning. See People v. Polander, 
    41 P.3d 698
    , 705 (Colo. 2001). From its
    analysis, it seems clear to me that the majority conflates “custody” with
    “voluntariness.” Unlike the majority, I do not believe the “custody” component
    of “custodial interrogation” turns on whether the interrogation techniques of the
    police have actually overborne the detainee’s will, and I think it clear that such an
    understanding would not be sanctioned either by the Supreme Court or the prior
    interpretations of this court.
    ¶45   And even if it were, the majority’s virtually dispositive reliance on its
    characterization of the interrogation as having taken place in a “neutral”
    environment strains credulity. To my mind, it would be difficult to conceive of a
    more threatening and psychologically disorienting experience than to be accosted
    by police officers while sleeping in one’s own bed and ordered about while being
    deprived of one’s glasses and being forbidden the use of a bathroom until
    sometime later, after he had given up his underwear. Even if the coerciveness of
    interrogation techniques rather than the degree of force used to restrain his liberty
    were the triggering condition for requiring the prophylactic Miranda warnings, I
    fail to see how being isolated by one’s captors in the basement of the very people
    who allowed them access in the first place could reasonably be considered a
    “neutral,” or less coercive, atmosphere for interrogation than, for instance, a patrol
    car. Cf. Berkemer, 
    468 U.S. at
    442 n.36 (contrasting brief questioning in full view of
    passing traffic with subjecting suspect to persistent questioning in the squad car,
    as occurred in United States v. Schultz, 
    442 F. Supp. 176
    , 180 (D. Md. 1977)).
    ¶46   Because I believe the district court correctly concluded that the defendant
    was effectively under arrest from the moment the police barged unbidden into his
    bedroom and woke him up, and therefore his un-Mirandized responses to their
    interrogation had to be suppressed, I respectfully dissent.
    I am authorized to state that JUSTICE GABRIEL joins in this dissent.

Document Info

Docket Number: 18SA271, People

Citation Numbers: 2019 CO 84

Filed Date: 10/7/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/7/2019

Authorities (25)

United States v. Trueber , 238 F.3d 79 ( 2001 )

United States v. Mehdi Tehrani, Amir Alaei , 49 F.3d 54 ( 1995 )

United States v. Robin Nurse , 916 F.2d 20 ( 1990 )

United States v. Edward X. Mondello , 927 F.2d 1463 ( 1991 )

United States v. Patricia Davies and Martin Kaprelian , 768 F.2d 893 ( 1985 )

United States v. Dorothy Ann Knox, (85-5952, 86-5089), ... , 839 F.2d 285 ( 1988 )

People v. Figueroa-Ortega , 283 P.3d 691 ( 2012 )

People v. Pleshakov , 298 P.3d 228 ( 2013 )

Mumford v. People , 270 P.3d 953 ( 2012 )

Commonwealth v. Zogby , 455 Pa. Super. 621 ( 1997 )

People v. Samspon , 404 P.3d 273 ( 2017 )

United States v. Mendenhall , 100 S. Ct. 1870 ( 1980 )

United States v. Schultz , 442 F. Supp. 176 ( 1977 )

People v. Mickens , 734 P.2d 646 ( 1986 )

Gerstein v. Pugh , 95 S. Ct. 854 ( 1975 )

Miranda v. Arizona , 86 S. Ct. 1602 ( 1966 )

Terry v. Ohio , 88 S. Ct. 1868 ( 1968 )

Sibron v. New York , 88 S. Ct. 1889 ( 1968 )

Orozco v. Texas , 394 U.S. 324 ( 1969 )

Howes v. Fields , 132 S. Ct. 1181 ( 2012 )

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