General Accident Ins. Co. v. Mortara ( 2014 )

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    The ‘‘officially released’’ date that appears near the
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    (SC 19146)
    Rogers, C. J., and Palmer, Zarella, Eveleigh, McDonald, Espinosa and
    Vertefeuille, Js.
    Argued April 22—officially released November 4, 2014
    David A. Leff, for the appellant (defendant).
    Michael M. Wilson, for the appellee (plaintiff).
    ESPINOSA, J. This appeal presents a choice of law
    question: when a dispute between an insurance carrier
    and its insured regarding the insurance carrier’s obliga-
    tion to pay underinsured motorist benefits requires a
    determination of whether the relevant policy provisions
    provide coverage for the claim, is the issue properly
    resolved under the choice of law rules governing claims
    sounding in tort or claims sounding in insurance and
    contract? Our existing precedent already has conclu-
    sively answered this question. As we explain herein, it
    is well established that in such an instance, the choice
    of law determination is made by applying the insurance
    and contract choice of law rules set forth in §§ 6, 188,
    and 193 of 1 Restatement (Second), Conflict of Laws
    (1971). The defendant, Jason Mortara, appeals from the
    judgment of the Appellate Court, which affirmed the
    judgment of the trial court vacating the arbitration
    award rendered in his favor.1 The defendant claims that
    the arbitration panel properly determined that this
    court’s decision in Williams v. State Farm Mutual
    Automobile Ins. Co., 
    229 Conn. 359
    641 A.2d 783
    applying choice of law rules for tort claims, dictates that
    New Jersey law rather than Connecticut law governs his
    claim for uninsured motorist benefits under the motor
    vehicle insurance policy issued by the plaintiff, General
    Accident Insurance Company. To the contrary, we con-
    clude that pursuant to this court’s decisions in Dodd v.
    Middlesex Mutual Assurance Co., 
    242 Conn. 375
    698 A.2d 859
    (1997), and Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. v. Hart-
    ford Accident & Indemnity Co., 
    243 Conn. 401
    703 A.2d 1132
    (1997), the Appellate Court, in its opinion
    adopting the decision of the trial court, properly applied
    §§ 6 (2), 188 and 193 of the Restatement (Second), con-
    tract choice of law, to determine that Connecticut law
    governed the claim. See General Accident Ins. Co. v.
    141 Conn. App. 571
    , 573, 
    62 A.3d 553
    Accordingly, the judgment of the Appellate Court is
    In its memorandum of decision, the trial court set
    forth the following relevant facts and procedural his-
    tory. ‘‘The defendant . . . was a passenger in a vehicle
    that was driven by his mother [Jacqueline Mortara]
    when it was negligently struck by Richard Ednie. At
    the time of the collision, Ednie, who was a resident of
    Pennsylvania, had a State Farm Insurance policy with
    liability limits of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per
    accident. Following the collision, a lawsuit was filed in
    New Jersey on behalf of [the defendant] against Ednie.2
    The claim was settled for $95,000. At the time of the
    collision, [the defendant] lived in Connecticut with [Jac-
    queline Mortara], and [her] vehicle was insured by the
    Pennsylvania General Insurance Company, which is a
    subsidiary of the plaintiff . . . . The policy was issued
    in Connecticut and included underinsured motorist cov-
    erage with a limit of $300,000.
    ‘‘[The defendant] asserted an underinsured motorist
    claim against the plaintiff and subsequently requested
    that the claim be submitted to arbitration. The following
    three questions were submitted to the arbitration panel:
    1. Does Connecticut law or New Jersey law apply to
    the application and interpretation of the . . . Pennsyl-
    vania General Insurance [Company] policy? . . . 2. If
    New Jersey law applies, has [the defendant] complied
    with the Longworth [v. Van Houten, 
    223 N.J. Super. 174
    538 A.2d 414
    (App. Div. 1988)] line of decisions of
    the New Jersey courts, so as to allow [the defendant]
    . . . to recover under the [underinsured] motorist cov-
    erage of [Jacqueline Mortara’s] vehicle policy? 3. If
    recovery is allowed, what is the amount of fair, just
    and reasonable compensation for [the defendant] . . .
    ? The parties stipulated that if Connecticut law applies,
    then the defendant’s failure to exhaust Ednie’s State
    Farm Insurance policy would preclude recovery of
    underinsured motorist benefits pursuant to Connecti-
    cut law.
    ‘‘On April 5, 2011, the majority of the panel decided,
    in a two page decision, that pursuant to Williams v.
    State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co., [supra, 
    229 Conn. 359
    ], New Jersey law applied and that the defen-
    dant complied with the procedure set forth in Longw-
    orth v. Van Houten, [supra, 
    223 N.J. Super. 174
    ]. The
    panel awarded the defendant a gross sum of $275,000,
    which was adjusted to $160,125.54.
    ‘‘On May 6, 2011, the plaintiff filed an application to
    vacate the arbitration award on the ground that pursu-
    ant to General Statutes § 52-418 (a) (4), the arbitrators
    have exceeded their powers or so imperfectly executed
    them that a mutual, final and definite award upon the
    subject matter was not made. In response, the defen-
    dant filed an application to confirm the arbitration
    award and memorandum of law in support on August
    8, 2011. On September 16, 2011, the plaintiff filed a
    reply brief. The matter was heard before the court on
    September 28, 2011.’’ (Footnotes altered; internal quota-
    tion marks omitted.) General Accident Ins. Co. v. Mor-
    52 Conn. Supp. 522
    , 523–24, 
    72 A.3d 482
    On the basis of its conclusion that Connecticut law
    governed the claim, the trial court granted the plaintiff’s
    application to vacate the arbitration award and denied
    the defendant’s application to confirm the award. 
    Id., 544. The
    defendant appealed from the judgment of the
    trial court to the Appellate Court, which affirmed the
    judgment of the trial court in a per curiam decision
    and adopted its memorandum of decision as a proper
    statement of the relevant facts, issues and applicable
    law. General Accident Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    141 Conn. App. 571
    . This certified appeal followed.
    ‘‘[T]he standard of review for arbitration awards is
    determined by whether the arbitration was compulsory
    or voluntary. This court recognized the fundamental
    differences between voluntary and compulsory arbitra-
    tion in American Universal Ins. Co. v. DelGreco, 
    205 Conn. 178
    , 190–91, 
    530 A.2d 171
    (1987). The court con-
    cluded therein that whe[n] judicial review of compul-
    sory arbitration proceedings required by [General
    Statutes § 38a-336 (c)]3 is undertaken . . . the
    reviewing court must conduct a de novo review of the
    interpretation and application of the law by the arbitra-
    tors. The court is not bound by the limitations contrac-
    tually placed on the extent of its review as in voluntary
    arbitration proceedings. 
    Id., 191. A
    reviewing court
    therefore must conduct a de novo review of the arbitra-
    tors’ decision on coverage issues because such issues
    are subject to compulsory arbitration.’’ (Footnote
    added; internal quotation marks omitted.) Kinsey v.
    Pacific Employers Ins. Co., 
    277 Conn. 398
    , 404 n.5, 
    891 A.2d 959
    Because the substantive issue in the present case
    concerns a question of insurance coverage, which is
    subject to compulsory arbitration, our review is de
    novo. We explained in Quigley-Dodd v. General Acci-
    dent Ins. Co. of America, 
    256 Conn. 225
    , 238, 
    772 A.2d 577
    (2001), that a ‘‘question involving the interpretation
    of a policy term or governing law that affects how much
    [the insured] can recover from the insurer . . . is a
    coverage question . . . .’’ By contrast, if the question
    turns on ‘‘the measure of damages that can be recovered
    from the tortfeasor . . . the question is a damages
    issue . . . .’’ (Emphasis omitted.) 
    Id., 239. The
    question submitted for arbitration—whether Connecti-
    cut law or New Jersey law applied to the application
    and interpretation of the defendant’s insurance policy—
    made clear that the disputed issue between the parties
    concerned coverage under the policy rather than dam-
    ages recoverable from the tortfeasor. Specifically, the
    plaintiff denied the defendant’s claim for benefits under
    the underinsured motorist provision in the insurance
    policy issued to Jacqueline Mortara on the basis that
    pursuant to Connecticut law, the defendant’s failure to
    exhaust the limits of the tortfeasor’s policy released
    the plaintiff from any obligation to pay underinsured
    motorist benefits pursuant to the insurance policy. See
    General Statutes § 38a-336 (b).4
    Our conclusion that the appeal presents a coverage
    issue also means that the choice of law rules governing
    claims sounding in insurance and contract govern the
    defendant’s claim, rather than the rules governing
    claims sounding in tort. See Dodd v. Middlesex Mutual
    Co., supra
    242 Conn. 384
    (‘‘An action to
    recover under an automobile insurance policy is not an
    action in tort but, rather, an action in contract. The
    obligation of [an] insurance carrier providing uninsured
    motorist coverage as a part of its liability insurance
    coverage on the automobile of the insured person is a
    contractual obligation arising under the policy of insur-
    ance.’’ [Emphasis omitted; internal quotation marks
    We therefore turn to the choice of law rules governing
    the present case. ‘‘In Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. v. Hart-
    ford Accident & Indemnity Co., [supra, 
    243 Conn. 413
    we abandoned the ancient lex loci contractus approach
    to choice of law, which looked primarily to the law of
    the state in which the contract was made. In its place,
    we adopted the most significant relationship approach
    of the Restatement (Second) . . . for analyzing choice
    of law issues involving contracts. . . . Thus, the choice
    of law determination in this case involves an interplay
    among §§ 193, 188 and 6 of the Restatement (Second)
    . . . . Where there is no choice of law provision in the
    contract, the general rule to be applied is that of § 188.
    Section 188, in turn, directs us to other provisions for
    specific types of contracts. With respect to liability
    insurance contracts, the starting point is § 193 of the
    Restatement (Second) . . . .
    ‘‘Section 193 of the Restatement (Second) provides
    that [t]he validity of a contract of fire, surety or casualty
    insurance and the rights created thereby are determined
    by the local law of the state which the parties under-
    stood was to be the principal location of the insured
    risk during the term of the policy, unless with respect
    to the particular issue, some other state has a more
    significant relationship under the principles stated in
    § 6 to the transaction and the parties, in which event
    the local law of the other state will be applied. Thus,
    § 193 establishes a special presumption in favor of
    application, in liability insurance coverage cases, of the
    law of the jurisdiction that is the principal location of
    the insured risk. . . .
    ‘‘The commentary to § 193 notes that [a]n insured
    risk, namely the object or activity which is the subject
    matter of the insurance, has its principal location, in
    the sense here used, in the state where it will be during
    at least the major portion of the insurance period. In
    the great majority of instances, the term of a contract
    of fire, surety or casualty insurance will be relatively
    brief, and it will usually be possible to predict with fair
    accuracy where the risk will be located, or at least
    principally located, during the life of the policy. . . .
    So, in the case of an automobile liability policy, the
    parties will usually know beforehand where the auto-
    mobile will be garaged at least during most of the
    period in question. . . . 1 Restatement (Second),
    supra, § 193, comment (b), p. 611. The Restatement
    (Second) considers the principal location of the insured
    risk to be a matter of intense concern to the parties
    to the insurance contract because [it] has an intimate
    bearing upon the risk’s nature and extent and is a factor
    upon which the terms and conditions of the policy will
    frequently depend. So the cost of automobile liability
    or of collision insurance will probably be higher if the
    place where the automobile will be principally garaged
    during the term of the policy is an urban, as opposed
    to a rural, community. 
    Id., § 193,
    comment (c), p. 612.’’
    (Citations omitted; emphasis in original; footnote omit-
    ted; internal quotation marks omitted.) American
    States Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    282 Conn. 454
    , 461–
    922 A.2d 1043
    ‘‘In order to overcome this presumption, another
    state’s interest must outweigh those of the state where
    the insured risk is located and must be sufficiently
    compelling to trump the § 193 presumption. Section 6
    (2) of the Restatement (Second) . . . provides the cri-
    teria by which that overriding interest should be evalu-
    ated. It must be remembered that even if another state
    has a substantial interest under § 6 (2), that interest will
    not defeat the § 193 presumption unless it is sufficiently
    compelling. As we indicated in Reichhold Chemicals,
    Inc. v. Hartford Accident & Indemnity 
    Co., supra
    243 Conn. 417
    , the analysis begins but does not end with
    § 193. . . .
    ‘‘[Section] 6 (2) of the Restatement (Second) . . .
    which is applicable to all substantive areas, sets forth
    seven overarching considerations in determining which
    state has the most significant relationship: (a) the needs
    of the interstate and international systems, (b) the rele-
    vant policies of the forum, (c) the relevant policies of
    other interested states and the relative interests of those
    states in the determination of the particular issue, (d)
    the protection of justified expectations, (e) the basic
    policies underlying the particular field of law, (f) cer-
    tainty, predictability and uniformity of result, and (g)
    ease in the determination and application of the law to
    be applied. . . .
    ‘‘Furthermore, [§] 188 (2) [of the Restatement (Sec-
    ond)] lists five contacts to be considered in applying
    the principles set forth in § 6 to a contract dispute: (a)
    the place of contracting, (b) the place of negotiation
    of the contract, (c) the place of performance, (d) the
    location of the subject matter of the contract, and (e)
    the domicile, residence, nationality, place of incorpora-
    tion and place of business of the parties. Comment
    (e) to § 188 (2) states that the forum, in applying the
    principles of § 6 to determine the state of most signifi-
    cant relationship, should give consideration to the rele-
    vant policies of all potentially interested states and the
    relative interests of those states in the decision of the
    particular issue. The states which are most likely to be
    interested are those which have one or more of the
    [enumerated] contacts with the transaction or the par-
    Id., § 188
    (2), comment (e), p. 579.
    ‘‘The appropriate starting point under § 188, there-
    fore, is identification of the policy underlying the rele-
    vant law of each state having one or more of the listed
    contacts. If application of a particular state’s law would
    further its underlying policy, that state is said to have
    an interest. See 
    id., § 6
    (2) (c). If two or more states
    have conflicting interests, the court must determine
    which gives rise to the most significant relationship.
    Id., § 188
    (1). . . . Moreover, application of the § 6 and
    § 188 factors is neither mathematical nor mechanical.’’
    (Citations omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    American States Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. 
    Co., supra
    282 Conn. 467
    In a well reasoned opinion, the trial court properly
    applied these principles to the defendant’s claim. As to
    § 193 of the Restatement (Second), the court stated:
    ‘‘The record before this court indicates that the princi-
    pal location of the insured risk was Connecticut. In
    reviewing the insurance policy, it appears likely that
    the parties to it anticipated that the [insured] vehicle
    would be principally garaged in Connecticut during the
    term of the insurance policy. Further, the policy was
    issued in Ridgefield, Connecticut, to Jacqueline Mor-
    tara, a Bethel, Connecticut, resident. Additionally, the
    policy includes an amendment of the policy provisions
    for Connecticut, which makes references to Connecti-
    cut law, thus demonstrating that the principal location
    of the insured risk was a factor in formulating the terms
    of the policy. Accordingly, because the record indicates
    that the parties understood that the principal location
    of the insured risk was Connecticut, there is a special
    presumption in favor of the application of Connecticut
    law to the present case.’’ General Accident Ins. Co. v.
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 535
    The court next turned to §§ 188 and 6 (2) of the
    Restatement (Second), and properly concluded that the
    interests of New Jersey are not sufficiently compelling
    to overcome the presumption established under § 193
    that Connecticut law applies. General Accident Ins. Co.
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 544
    . The court began
    by considering the five contacts enumerated in § 188,
    and noted that because the contract was formed in
    Ridgefield, Connecticut, ‘‘the place of contracting and
    negotiation of the contract was Connecticut.’’ 
    Id., 537. That
    fact, taken together with the failure of the defen-
    dant to offer any evidence to suggest that New Jersey,
    rather than Connecticut, was the place of performance
    of the contract establishes that Connecticut was the
    place of performance. 
    Id. The subject
    matter of the
    contract, the insured vehicle, was principally located
    in Connecticut. Finally, Jacqueline Mortara, the named
    insured, was domiciled in Connecticut, and although
    the plaintiff has a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania address
    listed on the policy, the plaintiff was doing business in
    Id., 538. Finally,
    the court turned to the policy considerations
    set forth in § 6 (2) of the Restatement (Second), and
    correctly concluded that those considerations support
    rather than overcome the presumption that Connecticut
    law governs the defendant’s claim. General Accident
    Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 544
    . The
    court properly concluded that where, as in the present
    case, the insurer has multiple places of business in
    various states, the first consideration, the needs of inter-
    state and international systems, is not a factor accorded
    significant weight. 
    Id., 539; see
    Bellavita v. Allstate Ins.
    Co., Superior Court, judicial district of Fairfield, Docket
    No. CV-95-0327000-S (August 13, 1999) (
    25 Conn. L
    Rptr. 229, 232).
    The fourth, fifth and sixth factors—the protection of
    justified expectations, the basic policies underlying the
    particular field of law, and certainty, predictability and
    uniformity of result—all support the conclusion that
    Connecticut law governs. 1 Restatement (Second),
    supra, § 6 (2) (d), (e) and (f). With respect to the fifth
    and sixth factors, this court has noted that ‘‘[t]he com-
    mentary to § 188 of the Restatement (Second), indicates
    that [p]rotection of the justified expectations of the
    parties is the basic policy underlying the field of con-
    tracts, for the purpose of § 6 (2) (e) of the Restatement
    (Second). . . . Additionally, protection of justified
    expectations is also relevant to the factor of certainty,
    predictability, and uniformity of result under § 6 (2) (f)
    of the Restatement (Second). The need for protecting
    the expectations of the parties gives importance in turn
    to the values of certainty, predictability and uniformity
    of result. For unless these values are attained, the
    expectations of the parties are likely to be disap-
    pointed.’’ (Citation omitted; internal quotation marks
    omitted.) Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. v. Aetna
    Casualty & Surety Co., 
    261 Conn. 601
    , 612–13, 
    804 A.2d 201
    (2002). Accordingly, the justified expectations of
    the contracting parties regarding the law that will apply
    to the insurance contract are relevant to all three of
    these factors. The trial court, therefore, properly con-
    cluded that because the parties understood at the time
    of contracting that Connecticut law would apply to the
    policy, the application of Connecticut law ‘‘protect[s]
    the justified expectations of the parties to [the] contract
    and would in turn promote the values of certainty, pre-
    dictability and uniformity of result.’’ General Accident
    Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 540
    Turning to the second and third factors of § 6 (2),
    the trial court correctly observed that they direct the
    court to consider the ‘‘relevant policies of the forum’’
    and the ‘‘relevant policies of other interested states and
    the relative interests of those states in the determination
    of the particular issue . . . .’’ Id.; see 1 Restatement
    (Second), supra, § 6 (2) (b) and (c). Applied to the
    present case, these two factors require the court to
    consider the relevant policies and interests of Connecti-
    cut and New Jersey on this issue. As the trial court
    explained, the policies of both Connecticut and New
    Jersey with respect to the exhaustion requirement
    applied to underinsured motorist coverage in motor
    vehicle insurance policies are to ‘‘provide insurance
    protection when the liability coverage of the tortfeasor
    is inadequate, but neither state aims to make the insured
    whole. Additionally, both states have an exhaustion
    requirement to prevent the insured from receiving a
    windfall. Under Connecticut law, the requirement that
    the insured must fully exhaust the tortfeasor’s liability
    coverage before recovering underinsured motorist ben-
    efits is absolute. See Ciarelli v. Commercial Union Ins.
    234 Conn. 807
    , 811, 
    663 A.2d 377
    (1995); Continen-
    tal Ins. Co. v. Cebe-Habersky, 
    214 Conn. 209
    , 212–13,
    571 A.2d 104
    (1990). New Jersey applies the exhaustion
    requirement of its underinsured motorist statute differ-
    ently.’’5 General Accident Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 542
    –43. The court additionally observed,
    however, that ‘‘the defendant has not provided, and
    the court’s independent research has not revealed, any
    differences in policy so fundamental as to override the
    special presumption favoring the application of the law
    of Connecticut, the principal location of the insured
    risk, to the present case. American States Ins. Co. v.
    Allstate Ins. 
    Co., supra
    282 Conn. 475
    .’’ (Emphasis in
    original; internal quotation marks omitted.) General
    Accident Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    , 543.
    Finally, the trial court noted that the seventh and
    final factor of § 6 (2) of the Restatement (Second), the
    ‘‘ease in the determination and application of the law
    to be applied, favors the application of Connecticut’s
    straightforward exhaustion requirement in the present
    matter.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) 
    Id., 543–44; see
    1 Restatement (Second), supra, § 6 (2) (g). The
    court properly concluded that considering all of the
    factors together provides further support for the conclu-
    sion that Connecticut law governs in the present case.
    General Accident Ins. Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    , 52 Conn.
    Supp. 544.
    The defendant’s argument that the arbitration panel
    correctly concluded that this court’s decision in Wil-
    liams v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. 
    Co., supra
    229 Conn. 359
    , controls the present case and dictates
    the application of New Jersey law to his claim is unper-
    suasive. In Williams, which involved a claim for unin-
    sured motorist benefits, the disputed issue did not
    pertain to insurance coverage, but to damages that
    would have been recoverable from the tortfeasor. Spe-
    cifically, in that case, the defendant insurer denied bene-
    fits to the plaintiff on the basis that ‘‘the plaintiff could
    not maintain an action against the tortfeasor because
    he had not sustained either ‘serious injury’ or basic
    economic loss in excess of $50,000,’’ as required under
    New York law. 
    Id., 363. Thus,
    the disputed issue in
    Williams implicated tort law principles rather than con-
    tract law principles.6 It is true that the court in Williams
    concluded that because the choice of law test under
    either a tort or a contract analysis yielded the same
    result, i.e., the application of New York law to the claim,
    it was not necessary to determine whether the claim
    implicated tort or contract principles. 
    Id., 364. Williams
    was decided, however, before Reichhold Chemicals,
    Inc. v. Hartford Accident & Indemnity 
    Co., supra
    243 Conn. 413
    , in which we adopted the contract choice of
    law test applying §§ 6 (2), 188 and 193 of the
    Restatement (Second). Because Williams did not apply
    the same test that we now apply in a contract choice
    of law analysis, the trial court, and therefore also the
    Appellate Court, properly concluded that Williams
    does not apply to the present case.
    The judgment of the Appellate Court is affirmed.
    In this opinion the other justices concurred.
    We granted the plaintiff’s petition for certification to appeal limited to
    the following issue: ‘‘Did the Appellate Court properly apply Williams v.
    State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co., 
    229 Conn. 359
    641 A.2d 783
    when it affirmed the trial court’s judgment vacating the arbitration award?’’
    General Accident Ins. Co. v. Mortara, 
    308 Conn. 945
    66 A.3d 886
    The accident occurred in New Jersey.
    General Statutes § 38a-336 (c) provides: ‘‘Each automobile liability insur-
    ance policy issued on or after October 1, 1971, which contains a provision
    for binding arbitration shall include a provision for final determination of
    insurance coverage in such arbitration proceeding. With respect to any
    claim submitted to arbitration on or after October 1, 1983, the arbitration
    proceeding shall be conducted by a single arbitrator if the amount in demand
    is forty thousand dollars or less or by a panel of three arbitrators if the
    amount in demand is more than forty thousand dollars.’’
    We note that the policy in the present case was issued in 1988, and at
    that time the binding arbitration provision of § 38a-336 (c) was codified at
    General Statutes (Rev. to 1987) § 38-175c, and contained substantively the
    same language. In 1991, § 38-175c was transferred to § 38a-336. We refer
    herein to the provisions of § 38a-336 unless otherwise indicated.
    General Statutes § 38a-336 (b) provides in relevant part: ‘‘An insurance
    company shall be obligated to make payment to its insured up to the limits
    of the policy’s uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage after the limits
    of liability under all bodily injury liability bonds or insurance policies
    applicable at the time of the accident have been exhausted by payment of
    judgments or settlements . . . .’’ (Emphasis added.)
    The trial court explained: ‘‘In Longworth v. Van 
    Houten, supra
    , 223 N.J.
    Super. 174, the court articulated a procedure by which the insured could
    potentially pursue underinsured motorist benefits after reaching a settlement
    for less than the limits of the tortfeasor’s liability policy. The Longworth
    procedure was subsequently adopted by the New Jersey Supreme Court in
    Rutgers Casualty Ins. Co. v. Vassas, 
    139 N.J. 163
    652 A.2d 162
    In adopting Longworth, the court reasoned: ‘[W]hen an insured under an
    automobile insurance policy providing [underinsured motorist] benefits is
    involved in an accident and undertakes legal action against the tortfeasor,
    the insured must notify the [underinsured motorist]insurer of that action.
    If, during the pendency of the claim, the tortfeasor’s insurance coverage
    proves insufficient to satisfy the insured’s damages, then the insured should
    again notify the [underinsured motorist] insurer of that fact.
    ‘‘ ‘If the insured receives a settlement offer or arbitration award that does
    not completely satisfy the claim, because the tortfeasor is underinsured,
    the [underinsured motorist] insurer then has two options: offer to pay the
    insured the amount of the tortfeasor’s settlement offer or the arbitration
    award, usually the tortfeasor’s policy limit, in exchange for subrogation of
    the insured’s rights against the tortfeasor; or, allow the insured to settle. In
    either case, the [underinsured motorist] insurer must further allow the
    insured the benefit of the [underinsured motorist] coverage. If the insurer
    does not respond within the time allotted for rejection of the award or
    settlement offer, the insured victim may, consistent with [Longworth] . . .
    move for a declaratory ruling on order to show cause concerning the parties’
    rights and responsibilities. In this manner, the insured victim is afforded
    the protection and benefits of the tortfeasor’s insurance coverage in addition
    to the insured’s own [underinsured motorist] coverage. As well, the [underin-
    sured motorist] carrier is able to weigh the relative merits of allowing its
    insured to settle and paying the difference in [underinsured motorist] bene-
    fits compared with paying its insured the settlement offer plus [underinsured
    motorist] benefits and itself maintaining a subrogation action against the
    tortfeasor.’ . . . 
    Id., 174–75.’’ (Emphasis
    in original.) General Accident Ins.
    Co. v. 
    Mortara, supra
    52 Conn. Supp. 543
    –44 n.4.
    The defendant claims that Williams stands for the proposition that tort
    law principles always apply to a choice of law analysis arising from a claim
    for underinsured motorist benefits. The court’s analysis in Williams does
    not lead to such a conclusion, and instead is consistent with the rule we
    adhere to in the present case, that the question of which principles govern the
    choice of law analysis depends on whether the claim implicates a question of
    the obligation of the insurer to provide coverage, or the measure of damages
    recoverable from the tortfeasor.