State v. Lugojanu , 184 Conn. App. 576 ( 2018 )

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    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying the
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    (AC 40691)
    (AC 40824)
    Alvord, Sheldon and Norcott, Js.
    The defendant, who had been convicted of conspiracy to commit home
    invasion following a plea of guilty, appealed to this court from the
    trial court’s dismissal of his motion to correct an illegal sentence. The
    defendant claimed that his sentence of twenty years of incarceration
    followed by a five year term of probation effectively constituted a twenty-
    five year sentence, which exceeded the twenty year limit for a class B
    felony authorized by statute (§ 53a-35a). After the trial court rendered
    judgment dismissing the motion in its entirety for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction, the defendant appealed to this court, which consolidated
    the appeal from that judgment from the defendant’s separate appeal
    from certain postjudgment rulings. Held:
    1. The defendant’s claim that the trial court erred in not granting his motion
    to correct because his sentence exceeded the statutory limit for a class
    B felony was unavailing: pursuant to the rule of practice (§ 43-22) con-
    cerning motions to correct, the trial court has limited jurisdiction to
    correct an illegal sentence at any time if the sentence exceeds the
    relevant statutory maximum limits, and although the defendant’s claim
    that his sentence exceeded the statutory limit failed on its merits, as
    his sentence did not violate the statute (§ 53a-28 [b] [5]) that specifies
    that a defendant can be sentenced to a term of imprisonment but have
    that sentence suspended while he serves a period of probation, nor did
    it violate the requirement in § 53a-35a that the sentence of imprisonment
    for a class B felony shall be not more than twenty years, or the require-
    ment in the statute pertaining to terms of probation (§ 53a-29 [d]) that
    the period of probation for a class B felony shall not be more than
    five years, the defendant’s claim fell within the trial court’s limited
    jurisdiction under the rule of practice governing motions to correct;
    accordingly, the trial court should have denied, rather than dismissed,
    the motion to correct as to that claim.
    2. The trial court properly dismissed the defendant’s motion to correct an
    illegal sentence as to his remaining claims; the defendant’s claim that
    there was a disparity between his sentence and the sentences received
    by the other participants in the underlying crime did not fall within the
    limited purview of the rule of practice (§ 43-22) governing motions to
    correct an illegal sentence, and the events underlying the defendant’s
    claim that the prosecutor improperly increased the length of his recom-
    mended sentence after the defendant rejected a prior plea offer and
    elected a jury trial occurred during plea negotiations, not at the sentenc-
    ing stage, and did not implicate the court’s jurisdiction under § 43-22.
    Argued May 24—officially released September 11, 2018
    Procedural History
    Substitute information charging the defendant with
    the crime of conspiracy to commit home invasion,
    brought to the Superior Court in the judicial district of
    New Haven, where the defendant was presented to the
    court, Fasano, J., on a plea of guilty; judgment of guilty
    in accordance with the plea; thereafter, the court, Clif-
    ford, J., dismissed the defendant’s motion to correct
    an illegal sentence, and the defendant appealed to this
    court; subsequently, the court, Clifford, J., denied, inter
    alia, the defendant’s motion for reconsideration, and
    the defendant filed a separate appeal to this court; there-
    after, this court consolidated the appeals. Improper
    form of judgment; judgment directed.
    Laurentiu Lugojanu, self-represented, the appel-
    lant (defendant).
    Timothy F. Costello, assistant state’s attorney, with
    whom, on the brief, were Patrick J. Griffin, state’s
    attorney, and Stacey M. Miranda, senior assistant
    state’s attorney, for the appellee (state).
    PER CURIAM. The self-represented defendant,
    Laurentiu Lugojanu, appeals from the judgment of the
    trial court dismissing his motion to correct an illegal
    sentence under Practice Book § 43-22.1 The defendant
    claims that the trial court erred in not granting his
    motion because (1) his sentence exceeded the statutory
    limit for a class B felony, (2) there was a disparity
    between his sentence and the sentences received by
    the other participants in the underlying crime, and (3)
    the prosecutor vindictively increased the length of the
    defendant’s recommended sentence under the plea deal
    offered to him after the defendant invoked his right to
    a jury trial.2 The state argues that the trial court properly
    dismissed the defendant’s second and third claims in
    support of his motion to correct because it lacked sub-
    ject matter jurisdiction over those claims pursuant to
    § 43-22. As for the defendant’s first claim in support of
    his motion to correct, by contrast, the state contends
    that that claim should have been denied on the merits
    rather than dismissed because, although the claim was
    unfounded in law or in fact, it fell within the court’s
    limited subject matter jurisdiction under § 43-22. We
    agree with the state and, thus, reverse the court’s judg-
    ment of dismissal with respect to the defendant’s first
    claim only and remand this case with direction to render
    judgment denying that claim on the merits. The court’s
    judgment of dismissal is affirmed in all other respects.
    The following facts are relevant to this appeal. On
    or about May 7, 2009, the defendant and two other
    individuals were arrested and charged, inter alia, with
    home invasion in violation of General Statutes § 53a-
    100aa. Subsequently, the defendant and the others were
    offered plea deals involving recommended sentences
    of ten years incarceration in exchange for guilty pleas
    to conspiracy to commit home invasion in violation of
    General Statutes §§ 53a-48 and 53a-100aa. Although the
    other two individuals accepted such plea deals, the
    defendant rejected the state’s offer and exercised his
    right to proceed to jury trial.
    After unsuccessfully prosecuting a motion to sup-
    press identification evidence, the defendant reinitiated
    plea negotiations with the state. The prosecutor
    responded by offering the defendant a revised plea deal
    involving a recommended sentence of twenty years
    incarceration, execution suspended after twelve years,
    followed by five years of probation in exchange for his
    plea of guilty to conspiracy to commit home invasion.
    On January 31, 2012, the defendant accepted this offer
    and pleaded guilty under the Alford doctrine.3
    Notwithstanding this agreement, the defendant, at
    sentencing on April 5, 2012, asked the court to reinstate
    the original plea deal that he initially had been offered,
    but which he had rejected, for a recommended sentence
    of ten years incarceration in exchange for his guilty
    plea to conspiracy to commit home invasion. The court
    responded by noting that the defendant had rejected
    that offer and had ‘‘substantially [gone] through the
    trial.’’ The court then imposed sentence as agreed to in
    the second plea deal, which the defendant had accepted.
    The defendant subsequently filed a motion to correct
    an illegal sentence under Practice Book § 43-22. The
    motion was dismissed for lack of subject matter juris-
    diction. This appeal followed.
    Because the trial court dismissed the defendant’s
    claims for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, we first
    set forth general legal principles and our standard of
    review as to jurisdiction. ‘‘[T]he jurisdiction of the sen-
    tencing court terminates once a defendant’s sentence
    has begun, and, therefore, that court may no longer
    take any action affecting a defendant’s sentence unless
    it expressly has been authorized to act.’’ (Internal quota-
    tion marks omitted.) State v. Tabone, 
    279 Conn. 527
    902 A.2d 1058
    (2006). Practice Book § 43-22 pro-
    vides such authority, stating that ‘‘[t]he judicial author-
    ity may at any time correct an illegal sentence . . . or
    it may correct a sentence imposed in an illegal manner
    . . . .’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) State v.
    Tabone, supra
    279 Conn. 534
    . ‘‘An illegal sentence is
    essentially one [that] either exceeds the relevant statu-
    tory maximum limits, violates a defendant’s right
    against double jeopardy, is ambiguous, or is internally
    contradictory.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) 
    Id. ‘‘[I]f the
    defendant cannot demonstrate that his motion
    to correct falls within the purview of § 43-22, the court
    lacks jurisdiction to entertain it. . . . [I]n order for the
    court to have jurisdiction over a motion to correct an
    illegal sentence after the sentence has been executed,
    the sentencing proceeding [itself] . . . must be the
    subject of the attack.’’ (Emphasis omitted; internal quo-
    tation marks omitted.) State v. Jason B., 
    176 Conn. App. 236
    , 243, 
    170 A.3d 139
    (2017). ‘‘Our determination of
    whether a motion to correct falls within the scope of
    Practice Book § 43-22 is a question of law and, thus our
    review is plenary.’’ State v. Osuch, 
    124 Conn. App. 572
    5 A.3d 976
    , cert. denied, 
    299 Conn. 918
    10 A.3d 1052
    The defendant first claims that his sentence was ille-
    gal because it exceeded the statutory limit for a class B
    felony. Specifically, the defendant claims that a twenty
    year sentence of imprisonment followed by a five year
    term of probation effectively constitutes a twenty-five
    year sentence thus exceeds the twenty year limit for a
    class B felony authorized by General Statutes § 53a-35a
    (6). We disagree.
    ‘‘Absent a statutory prohibition, a term of imprison-
    ment with the execution of such sentence of imprison-
    ment suspended after a period set by the court and a
    period of probation is an authorized sentence.’’ State
    v. Dupree, 
    196 Conn. 655
    , 660–61, 
    495 A.2d 691
    , cert.
    474 U.S. 951
    106 S. Ct. 318
    88 L. Ed. 2d 301
    (1985). The plain language of the statute concerning
    authorized sentences, General Statutes § 53a-28 (b) (5),
    specifies that a defendant can be sentenced to a term
    of imprisonment, but have that sentence suspended
    while he serves a period of probation.4 In the present
    case, the defendant’s maximum exposure to imprison-
    ment under such a sentence is twenty, not twenty-five,
    years. Moreover, § 53a-35a expressly states that ‘‘the
    sentence of imprisonment shall be a definite sentence
    and . . . the term shall be . . . (1) [f]or a class B fel-
    ony other than manslaughter in the first degree with a
    firearm . . . a term not less than one year nor more
    than twenty years . . . .’’ (Emphasis added.) Further-
    more, the statute concerning periods of probation, Gen-
    eral Statutes § 53a-29 (d), expressly states that ‘‘the
    period of probation . . . (1) [f]or a class B felony, [shall
    be] not more than five years.’’ (Emphasis added.) The
    defendant’s sentence does not violate any of these pro-
    visions. We agree with the state, however, that the
    defendant’s claim that his sentence exceeds the statu-
    tory maximum falls within the court’s narrow jurisdic-
    tion to correct an illegal sentence under Practice Book
    § 43-22. See State v. 
    Tabone, supra
    279 Conn. 533
    An appellate court, however, ‘‘can sustain a right deci-
    sion although it may have been placed on a wrong
    ground.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) State v.
    Osuch, supra
    124 Conn. 583
    . The form of the trial
    court’s judgment is improper as the court should have
    denied on the merits, rather than dismissed, this part
    of the defendant’s motion.
    The defendant’s remaining claims were properly dis-
    missed for lack of jurisdiction. The defendant asserts
    that the disparity between his sentence and those of
    the other individuals involved in the underlying crime
    brings his claim within the purview of Practice Book
    § 43-22. As previously noted, jurisdiction under § 43-22
    is narrow, applying only to limited claims. See State v.
    Tabone, supra
    279 Conn. 534
    . ‘‘Connecticut courts have
    considered four categories of claims pursuant to [Prac-
    tice Book] § 43-22. The first category has addressed
    whether the sentence was within the permissible range
    for the crimes charged. . . . The second category has
    considered violations of the prohibition against double
    jeopardy. . . . The third category has involved claims
    pertaining to the computation of the length of the sen-
    tence and the question of consecutive or concurrent
    prison time. . . . The fourth category has involved
    questions as to which sentencing statute was applica-
    ble. . . . [I]f a defendant’s claim falls within one of
    these four categories the trial court has jurisdiction to
    modify a sentence after it has commenced. . . . If the
    claim is not within one of the categories, then the court
    must dismiss the claim for a lack of jurisdiction and
    not consider its merits.’’ (Internal quotation marks omit-
    ted.) State v. Robles, 
    169 Conn. App. 127
    , 133, 
    150 A.3d 687
    (2016), cert. denied, 
    324 Conn. 906
    152 A.3d 544
    (2017); see also State v. Mollo, 
    63 Conn. App. 487
    , 490,
    776 A.2d 1176
    (‘‘a sentence imposed within statutory
    limits is generally not subject to review’’), cert. denied,
    257 Conn. 904
    777 A.2d 194
    (2001). The defendant’s
    claim regarding the disparity of sentences does not fall
    within the narrow scope of the trial court’s jurisdiction,
    and thus the court properly dismissed that claim.
    The defendant finally claims that the prosecutor
    acted vindictively in increasing his plea offer after the
    defendant exercised his right to a jury trial. The defen-
    dant notes that ‘‘as a direct result of [his] trial contem-
    plation, the prosecution doubled [his] offer from [ten]
    years, to [twenty] years with [five] years [of] probation.’’
    The court’s jurisdiction under Practice Book § 43-22 is
    not implicated because these events occurred during
    plea negotiations, not the sentencing stage of his crimi-
    nal prosecution. See State v. 
    Robles, supra
    , 169 Conn.
    App. 133; see also State v. Francis 
    322 Conn. 247
    , 264,
    140 A.3d 927
    (2016) (‘‘[i]n light of the limited and
    straightforward nature of the claims that may be raised
    in a motion to correct, the potential merits of such a
    motion frequently will be apparent to the court . . .
    from a simple review of the sentencing record’’).
    Accordingly, the trial court properly dismissed this
    The form of the judgment is improper, the judgment
    dismissing the motion to correct an illegal sentence is
    reversed in part only as to the defendant’s claim that
    his sentence exceeded the statutory maximum limit for
    a class B felony, and the case is remanded with direction
    to render judgment denying the motion as to that claim;
    the judgment is affirmed in all other respects.
    Practice Book § 43-22 provides: ‘‘The judicial authority may at any time
    correct an illegal sentence or other illegal disposition, or it may correct a
    sentence imposed in an illegal manner or any other disposition made in an
    illegal manner.’’
    The defendant filed two appeals, which this court ordered consolidated.
    North Carolina v. Alford, 
    400 U.S. 25
    , 37, 
    91 S. Ct. 160
    27 L. Ed. 2d 162
    General Statutes § 53a-28 (b) provides in relevant part: ‘‘Except as pro-
    vided in section 53a-46a, when a person is convicted of an offense, the court
    shall impose one of the following sentences . . . (5) a term of imprison-
    ment, with the execution of such sentence of imprisonment suspended,
    entirely or after a period set by the court, and a period of probation or a
    period of conditional discharge . . . .’’

Document Info

Docket Number: AC40691, AC40824

Citation Numbers: 195 A.3d 1191, 184 Conn. App. 576

Filed Date: 9/11/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023