Kearse v. Taylor , 165 Conn. App. 780 ( 2016 )

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    The ‘‘officially released’’ date that appears near the
    beginning of each opinion is the date the opinion will
    be published in the Connecticut Law Journal or the
    date it was released as a slip opinion. The operative
    date for the beginning of all time periods for filing
    postopinion motions and petitions for certification is
    the ‘‘officially released’’ date appearing in the opinion.
    In no event will any such motions be accepted before
    the ‘‘officially released’’ date.
    All opinions are subject to modification and technical
    correction prior to official publication in the Connecti-
    cut Reports and Connecticut Appellate Reports. In the
    event of discrepancies between the electronic version
    of an opinion and the print version appearing in the
    Connecticut Law Journal and subsequently in the Con-
    necticut Reports or Connecticut Appellate Reports, the
    latest print version is to be considered authoritative.
    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying
    the opinion as it appears on the Commission on Official
    Legal Publications Electronic Bulletin Board Service
    and in the Connecticut Law Journal and bound volumes
    of official reports are copyrighted by the Secretary of
    the State, State of Connecticut, and may not be repro-
    duced and distributed without the express written per-
    mission of the Commission on Official Legal
    Publications, Judicial Branch, State of Connecticut.
    (AC 38031)
    Lavine, Alvord and Sheldon, Js.
    Argued April 13—officially released May 31, 2016
    (Appeal from Superior Court, judicial district of New
    Haven, Hon. John C. Flanagan, judge trial referee.)
    Robert M. Singer, for the appellants (defendants).
    Jeremy C. Virgil, with whom, on the brief, was
    Michael S. Samsel, for the appellee (plaintiff).
    PER CURIAM. The defendants, Priscilla B. Taylor
    and John Nicolas Tieman, temporary administrator of
    the estate of Paul Bradley Taylor, Jr.,1 appeal from the
    trial court’s denial of their motion to open a default
    judgment rendered after a hearing in damages. On
    appeal, the defendants claim that the court improperly
    denied their motion as untimely because the court failed
    to send them notice that a default judgment had been
    rendered against them. We reverse the judgment of the
    trial court and remand the case for further proceedings.
    The record reveals the following relevant factual and
    procedural history. On January 17, 2007, the plaintiff
    suffered severe burn injuries while a tenant at the New
    Haven apartment building owned by the defendants.
    On December 1, 2008, he commenced the present action
    against the defendants, alleging that he was relighting
    a gas stove for purposes of generating heat for his
    dwelling when his clothing caught fire. He alleged that
    the defendants were liable for the injuries he sustained
    because they knew the apartment building was not ade-
    quately heated and they failed to maintain and repair
    the premises. On December 19, 2008, Attorney Patricia
    A. Cofrancesco filed an appearance on behalf of the
    defendants. On July 29, 2009, Attorney Howard A. Law-
    rence filed an appearance on behalf of the defendants
    in lieu of Attorney Cofrancesco’s appearance.
    While the action was pending, the plaintiff filed an
    application for a prejudgment remedy against Priscilla
    Taylor, which was granted by the court, A. Robinson,
    J., on January 24, 2012, in the amount of $2 million.2
    On March 20, 2012, the plaintiff filed a motion to default
    the defendants for failure to disclose assets to satisfy
    the prejudgment remedy and for failure to plead. Judge
    Robinson granted the plaintiff’s motion, absent objec-
    tion, on April 16, 2012. On July 27, 2012, apparently
    unbeknownst to the parties or the plaintiff’s counsel,
    Lawrence was placed on inactive status3 for an indefi-
    nite period by the court, Silbert, J., in Disciplinary
    Counsel v. Lawrence, Superior Court, Judicial District
    of New Haven, Docket No. CV-12-6028710-S (2012). In
    that order, the court appointed ‘‘Attorney Michael
    Moskowitz . . . as Trustee to inventory Mr. Law-
    rence’s files and protect the interests of Mr. Lawrence
    and of his clients.’’
    On September 20, 2012, which was approximately
    two months after Lawrence had been placed on inactive
    status, the plaintiff filed a motion for the court to render
    a judgment on the default entered on April 16, 2012,
    and a request for a hearing in damages. The plaintiff
    certified that he sent a copy of that motion and request
    to Lawrence. No notice was sent to the individual defen-
    dants. Judge Robinson granted the motion for judgment
    on the default on October 22, 2012. A court-generated
    notice of the ruling was sent to all counsel of record.
    At that time, the court file showed Lawrence as the
    defendants’ attorney of record even though he had been
    placed on inactive status. Accordingly, notice was sent
    to Lawrence.
    A hearing in damages was scheduled for November
    28, 2012. On November 27, 2012, the plaintiff filed exhib-
    its for the hearing, including the plaintiff’s affidavit,
    photographs of the plaintiff at the hospital and during
    recovery, a medical bill summary, and 369 pages of
    medical records. At the outset of the hearing in dam-
    ages, the court, Hon. John C. Flanagan, judge trial
    referee, expressly acknowledged the absence of Law-
    rence and the defendants. In response, the court clerk
    informed the court that Lawrence’s juris number was
    inactive. The court then stated: ‘‘Well, I happen to know
    from a collateral issue that his right to practice was
    suspended by Judge Silbert. He did not disbar him, but
    he simply suspended his right to practice law until some
    medical issues have been resolved. . . . Oh, and inci-
    dentally, also I learned that another individual had been
    appointed trustee.’’ The court asked the clerk whether
    Lawrence had ever withdrawn his appearance for the
    defendants, and the clerk responded ‘‘no.’’ The court
    noted that there was no evidence in the file that Law-
    rence had referred this matter to any other attorney to
    represent the defendants. The court then stated that it
    had concerns: ‘‘The lawyer [Lawrence] did appear in
    the case and the lawyer has never filed a motion to
    withdraw his appearance, so he is still the counsel of
    record and it disturbs me a little bit that the defendants
    are not presently here to defend the matter in any way.’’
    Nevertheless, because the defendants had been
    defaulted, so that liability was not an issue, the court
    decided to proceed with the hearing in damages.4 ‘‘On
    the other hand, I do have the information which consists
    primarily of representations by the attorney represent-
    ing the plaintiff, so it would seem to me, that fact cou-
    pled with the historical series of events with respect
    to the liability portion of the case would leave me to
    believe that it’s an order of the court at this time to
    make a finding with respect to the amount of money
    that would represent a fair, just and reasonable compen-
    sation for the injuries and losses the plaintiff has sus-
    tained.’’ The court thereafter referred to the medical
    bills and the ‘‘emotional impact’’ of the injuries on the
    plaintiff, and rendered a judgment in favor of the plain-
    tiff in the amount of $2,841,914.84.5 On the ‘‘order’’
    reflecting the November 28, 2012 judgment after a hear-
    ing in damages, it was noted that counsel for the plaintiff
    had been present at the time the judgment was ren-
    dered, that a court-generated notice of the judgment
    had been issued on December 3, 2012, to all counsel
    of record, and that a ‘‘copy of [the] judgment [was]
    mailed to Mike Moscowitz (sic), trustee, on 12/3/12.’’6
    On March 27, 2015, the defendants’ current counsel
    filed an appearance on behalf of the defendants in lieu
    of Lawrence’s July, 2009 appearance. On that same date,
    the defendants filed a motion to open the November 28,
    2012 default judgment. In that motion, the defendants
    claimed that they never received notice that the judg-
    ment had been rendered and that they had a good and
    valid defense to the action. With respect to their
    defense, the defendants claimed that ‘‘the ambulance
    report and hospital records submitted to the court indi-
    cate that the plaintiff set himself on fire thereby
    attempting suicide, causing his own injuries.’’7 In sup-
    port of their motion, the defendants filed a memoran-
    dum of law and attached copies of various pages from
    the medical reports. The plaintiff filed an objection to
    the defendants’ motion, arguing that the motion was
    untimely because it had not been filed within four
    months of the date that they received notice of the
    default judgment. In support of his objection, the plain-
    tiff filed his attorney’s affidavit, copies of pleadings and
    court orders in the file, and copies of documents filed
    in the bankruptcy court in connection with a chapter
    13 bankruptcy petition filed by Priscilla Taylor in 2013.
    Thereafter, both parties filed supplemental replies to
    support their respective positions.
    On April 28, 2015, the defendants filed a request for
    oral argument and the opportunity to present testimony
    with respect to their motion to open the judgment. That
    request was denied, no hearing was held, and Judge
    Flanagan issued his ruling on May 21, 2015, denying
    the defendants’ motion to open the judgment without
    explanation. The defendants filed an appeal from the
    court’s judgment on June 5, 2015, which they amended
    on June 8, 2015, to correct the name of the defendant
    from Patricia Taylor to Priscilla Taylor. On June 9, 2015,
    the defendants filed an additional appeal form that, this
    time, showed the payment of an entry fee and the court
    clerk’s signature and date.
    On June 29, 2015, the court issued a memorandum
    of decision that provided the reasons for its denial of
    the defendants’ motion to open the judgment. The court
    noted that the notice of the default judgment had been
    sent to Moskowitz, the trustee for Lawrence, and that
    the defendants’ motion was not filed within the four
    month period required by Practice Book § 17-43.8 The
    defendants filed a motion for articulation with this court
    on July 6, 2015, requesting that the trial court clarify
    the last paragraph in its memorandum of decision. The
    trial court scheduled the motion for argument on July
    29, 2015. By memorandum of decision dated July 31,
    2015, the trial court provided the following articulation:
    ‘‘The court heard oral arguments on July 29, 2015. Judg-
    ment entered on November 28, 2012. The original attor-
    ney’s right to practice law was suspended. Attorney
    Moscowitz (sic) was appointed trustee for Attorney
    Lawrence. Copy of Judgment was mailed to Mike Mos-
    cowitz (sic), Trustee on December 3, 2012 (see attached
    order). No notice was sent to the defendants.’’
    On appeal, the defendants claim that the court’s mem-
    oranda of decision indicate that the court improperly
    considered the notice sent to Moskowitz to be the requi-
    site notice of the default judgment to the defendants
    and, therefore, improperly determined that the defen-
    dants’ motion to open the judgment was untimely
    because it was not filed within the four month period
    required by Practice Book § 17-43.9 Specifically, the
    defendants argue that Lawrence, being on inactive sta-
    tus, was no longer representing them and that Moskow-
    itz, although the trustee for Lawrence, never filed an
    appearance on behalf of the defendants and did not
    represent them.10 The defendants claim that they were
    unrepresented since July 27, 2012, and that no notice of
    the default judgment had been sent to them individually.
    Accordingly, it is their position that the four month
    deadline for filing a motion to open the judgment
    never commenced.
    We begin with the legal principles that guide our
    analysis of the defendants’ claim. While courts have an
    inherent power to open, correct and modify judgments,
    the duration of this power is restricted by rule of prac-
    tice. Practice Book § 17-43.11 In deciding whether a
    motion to open a judgment is timely, a court must deter-
    mine whether it was filed within four months of the
    date that the notice of the default judgment was sent
    to the party in default. See Johnson v. Atlantic Health
    Services, P.C., 
    83 Conn. App. 268
    , 276, 
    849 A.2d 853
    (2004). ‘‘A ruling on a timely filed motion to open is
    within the trial court’s discretion, and appellate review
    is limited to whether the court has acted unreasonably
    or in abuse of its discretion. . . . Whether a party has
    been given notice is a question of fact . . . .’’ (Citations
    omitted.) Batory v. Bajor, 
    22 Conn. App. 4
    , 8–9, 
    575 A.2d 1042
    , cert. denied, 
    215 Conn. 812
    576 A.2d 541
    (1990). Accordingly, in the present case, we review the
    trial court’s finding that notice properly was given to
    the defendants under the clearly erroneous standard of
    review. Id., 9.
    ‘‘A finding of fact is clearly erroneous when there is
    no evidence in the record to support it . . . or when
    although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing
    court on the entire evidence is left with the definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.’’
    (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Noroton Proper-
    ties, LLC v. Lawendy, 
    154 Conn. App. 367
    , 378, 
    107 A.3d 980
     (2014). In the present case, the court concluded that
    the motion to open was not timely filed because more
    than four months had passed since the date that notice
    of the default judgment had been sent to Moskowitz, as
    trustee for Lawrence. This finding is clearly erroneous
    because Lawrence was not able to practice law while
    he was placed on inactive status, Moskowitz had not
    filed an appearance on behalf of the defendants and
    was not representing them, and no notice of the default
    judgment was sent by the court to the individual defen-
    dants. The defendants were unrepresented at the time
    the default judgment was rendered, yet they were not
    sent notice that they were liable for a $2.8 million judg-
    ment in favor of the plaintiff.
    Notice of the judgment must be sent to the defaulting
    party in order to determine the date that commences
    the four month period within which that party may file
    a motion to open the judgment. ‘‘[T]he right to move
    to open and vacate a judgment assumes that the party
    who is to exercise the right be given the opportunity
    to know that there is a judgment to open. . . . Where
    the defendants have not received notice of the default
    judgment . . . the time within which they may move
    to set aside the judgment is extended by the delay
    in notification.’’ (Citation omitted; internal quotation
    marks omitted.) Johnson v. Atlantic Health Services,
    P. C., supra, 
    83 Conn. App. 276
    The plaintiff argues that the trial court could have
    determined that the defendants received actual notice
    of the default judgment through the various documents
    filed in Priscilla Taylor’s federal bankruptcy proceed-
    ings. He claims that the dates on those bankruptcy
    documents clearly demonstrate that the defendants
    were made aware of the default judgment more than
    four months prior to the filing of the motion to open,
    thereby making the motion untimely. That argument
    was made before the trial court and copies of the docu-
    ments were submitted to the court. The defendants
    responded that none of the referenced documents pro-
    vided them with the requisite notice, and they provided
    reasons for discounting the plaintiff’s argument. Even
    though the parties briefed the issue of the bankruptcy
    court filings, the trial court made no mention whatso-
    ever of those documents in its June 29, 2015 memoran-
    dum of decision or in its July 31, 2015 articulation.
    There are no factual findings by the trial court with
    respect to the plaintiff’s claim. The only factual determi-
    nation made by the court was that notice of the default
    judgment had been sent to Moskowitz as the trustee
    for Lawrence on December 3, 2012. For the reasons
    previously discussed, notice to Moskowitz was insuffi-
    cient notice to the individual defendants.
    The issue of whether the defendants received notice
    of the rendering of the default judgment, and, if so,
    when they received that notice, is a question of fact for
    the factfinder. ‘‘It is well settled that we do not find
    facts.’’ Bria v. Ventana Corp., 
    58 Conn. App. 461
    , 466,
    755 A.2d 239
     (2000); see also Multilingual Consultant
    Associates, LLC v. Ngoh, 
    163 Conn. App. 725
    , 737,
    A.3d      (2016). We, therefore, cannot make that deter-
    The only basis provided for the trial court’s conclu-
    sion that the defendants’ motion to open the judgment
    was untimely was its factual finding that notice had
    been given to the defendants because it had been sent
    to Moskowitz on December 3, 2012; that determination
    was clearly erroneous. In order to reach the merits of
    the defendants’ claims in their motion, the factfinder
    must first determine at an evidentiary hearing whether
    the defendants received notice of the default judgment
    and, if so, on what date they received such notice. The
    court would then determine whether their motion was
    timely filed. If the court determines that the defendants’
    motion to open the judgment was untimely, then it must
    deny that motion. If, however, the court concludes that
    the defendants’ motion to open was timely filed, then
    it must reach the merits of the defendants’ motion. See
    Noethe v. Noethe, 
    18 Conn. App. 589
    , 596, 
    559 A.2d 1149
    (1989). Accordingly, we conclude that this matter must
    be remanded to the trial court for that purpose.
    The judgment is reversed and the case is remanded
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    This action initially was commenced against Priscilla B. Taylor and her
    husband, Paul Bradley Taylor, Jr., who died in February, 2009. The plaintiff
    thereafter moved to substitute the temporary administrator of his estate in
    place of the deceased. The court, Silbert, J., granted the motion to substitute
    the temporary administrator as a party defendant on January 20, 2011.
    The court’s order noted that Priscilla Taylor did not appear at the hearing
    on the application for the prejudgment remedy.
    Practice Book § 2-56 provides in relevant part: ‘‘During the time an order
    placing an attorney on inactive status is in effect, such attorney shall be
    precluded from practicing law. . . .’’
    Practice Book § 17-34 (a) provides: ‘‘In any hearing in damages upon
    default, the defendant shall not be permitted to offer evidence to contradict
    any allegations in the plaintiff’s complaint, except such as relate to the
    amount of damages, unless notice has been given to the plaintiff of the
    intention to contradict such allegations and of the subject matter which the
    defendant intends to contradict, nor shall the defendant be permitted to
    deny the right of the plaintiff to maintain such action, nor shall the defendant
    be permitted to prove any matter of defense, unless written notice has been
    given to the plaintiff of the intention to deny such right or to prove such
    matter of defense.’’
    In the plaintiff’s affidavit filed with the court for its consideration at the
    hearing in damages, the plaintiff averred that his medical bills through April
    27, 2007, totaled $841,914.84. The court added $2 million to that amount,
    for a total award of $2,841,914.84. In his affidavit, the plaintiff had requested
    compensation in the amount of $50 million as fair, just and reasonable
    At oral argument before this court, the parties’ counsel were of the
    impression that the court knew Moskowitz had been appointed the trustee
    for Lawrence’s files and that the court ordered notice of the judgment to
    be mailed to Moskowitz during the hearing in damages. The transcript of
    November 28, 2012, however, reflects that the court was aware that a trustee
    had been appointed, but there was no mention of Moskowitz’ name or an
    order of the court to mail a copy of the judgment to Moskowitz. Nevertheless,
    the order itself does provide that a copy of the judgment was mailed to
    Moskowitz on December 3, 2012.
    In the medical records submitted by the plaintiff to the court for the
    hearing in damages, there are several pages with notations that the plaintiff’s
    injuries were self-inflicted. For example, in the ambulance trip report is the
    statement that the plaintiff doused himself with kerosene and ignited himself
    on fire. On the ambulance report transfer form, under the history of present
    illness, is the statement that the plaintiff had self-inflicted burns caused by
    dousing himself with kerosene and then lighting himself on fire. That form
    further indicates that the plaintiff was depressed over the recent loss of a
    sibling. Similar notations appear on the Yale-New Haven Hospital progress
    notes and the Bridgeport Hospital operative report and discharge summary.
    Months later, it appears that the plaintiff reported to some of his health
    care providers that the incident was accidental in nature, although other
    providers continued to characterize the incident as an attempted suicide.
    The court’s June 29, 2015 memorandum of decision states in its entirety:
    ‘‘The instant case which has been pending since 2008 came to the attention
    of several judges over the years before it was assigned to this court as a
    hearing in damages on November 28, 2012.
    ‘‘Following an evidential hearing judgment in favor of the plaintiff was
    entered on said date. The instant motion to open the judgment was not filed
    until March 27, 2015 which was untimely as it was well beyond the four
    month limitation articulated in Connecticut Practice Book 17-43.
    ‘‘The thrust of the defendants’ reason for failure to comply with the four
    month time limitation is they lacked notice of the judgment.
    ‘‘According to the clerk notice of the judgment was sent to Attorney
    Moskowitz, trustee for Attorney Lawrence, on December 3, 2012 whereas
    noted above the motion to open judgment was far beyond time prescribed
    by the Connecticut Practice Book.
    ‘‘Motion to open judgment is denied.’’
    Practice Book § 17-43 (a) provides in relevant part: ‘‘Any judgment ren-
    dered or decree passed upon a default or nonsuit may be set aside within
    four months succeeding the date on which notice was sent, and the case
    reinstated on the docket on such terms in respect to costs as the judicial
    authority deems reasonable, upon the written motion of any party or person
    prejudiced thereby, showing reasonable cause, or that a good cause of action
    or defense in whole or in part existed at the time of the rendition of such
    judgment or the passage of such decree, and that the plaintiff or the defen-
    dant was prevented by mistake, accident or other reasonable cause from
    prosecuting or appearing to make the same. . . .’’ (Emphasis added.)
    It is undisputed that Moskowitz never filed an appearance on behalf
    on the defendants in this action.
    Practice Book § 17-43, formerly Practice Book § 377, which sets forth
    the rule for opening judgments on default, was amended on June 21, 1996,
    to take effect October 1, 1996. Prior to that amendment, Practice Book
    (1978) § 377 provided in relevant part that ‘‘[a]ny judgment rendered . . .
    upon a default or nonsuit may be set aside within four months succeeding
    the date on which it was rendered . . . .’’ (Emphasis added.) Practice Book
    § 17-43 now provides that ‘‘[a]ny judgment rendered . . . upon a default or
    nonsuit may be set aside within four months succeeding the date on which
    notice was sent . . . .’’ (Emphasis added.) See Johnson v. Atlantic Health
    Services, P.C., 
    83 Conn. App. 268
    , 275 n.3, 
    849 A.2d 853

Document Info

Docket Number: AC38031

Citation Numbers: 140 A.3d 389, 165 Conn. App. 780

Filed Date: 5/31/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023