ALLEN J. LOGAN, JR. v. UNITED STATES , 147 A.3d 292 ( 2016 )

  •                             District of Columbia
    Court of Appeals
    Nos. 12-CO-1663 & 12-CF-1665
    OCT - 6 2016
    v.                                                           FEL-3853-02
    On Appeal from the Superior Court of the District of Columbia
    Criminal Division
    BEFORE: WASHINGTON, Chief Judge; GLICKMAN, Associate Judge; and BELSON,
    Senior Judge.
    This case came to be heard on the transcript of record and the briefs filed,
    and was argued by counsel. On consideration whereof, and as set forth in the opinion
    filed this date, it is now hereby
    ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the judgments of conviction appealed
    from are hereby affirmed.
    For the Court:
    Dated: October 6, 2016.
    Opinion by Senior Judge James A. Belson.
    Notice: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the
    Atlantic and Maryland Reporters. Users are requested to notify the Clerk of the
    Court of any formal errors so that corrections may be made before the bound
    volumes go to press.
    Nos. 12-CO-1663 & 12-CF-1665
    Appeals from the Superior Court
    of the District of Columbia
    (Hon. Rufus G. King, III, Trial Judge)
    (Hon. Neal E. Kravitz, Motions Judge)
    (Argued September 29, 2015                             Decided October 6, 2016)
    Richard S. Stolker for appellant.
    John V. Geise, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Ronald C.
    Machen Jr., United States Attorney at the time the brief was filed, and Elizabeth
    Trosman, John P. Mannarino, Charles W. Cobb, and Glenn L. Kirschner, Assistant
    United States Attorneys, were on the brief, for appellee.
    Before WASHINGTON, Chief Judge, GLICKMAN, Associate Judge, and
    BELSON, Senior Judge.
    BELSON, Senior Judge: A jury convicted appellant of: (1) armed burglary;1
    (2) assault with the intent to kill while armed;2 (3) aggravated assault while
    armed;3 (4) second degree murder while armed of Simona Druyard;4 and (5) first
    degree murder while armed of Mika Washington.5 Appellant’s first trial, held
    before the Honorable John Bayly, ended in a mistrial. He was convicted in his
    second trial, which was before Chief Judge Rufus King. Appellant appeals his
    convictions and sentences, as well as the denial of his motion to vacate sentences
    brought pursuant to D.C. Code § 23-110 (2012 Repl.). For the reasons stated
    below, we affirm.
    The government’s evidence showed that appellant had entered into an
    informal agreement with Amin Washington, in which Washington promised to
    invest many millions of dollars into appellant’s planned restaurant/nightclub
    project, Platinum World. Appellant had met Washington in February 2002 at the
    D.C. Code §§ 22-1801(a), -3202 (2001).
    D.C. Code §§ 22-501, -3202 (2001).
    Id. 4 D.C.
    Code §§ 22-2402, -2403, -3202 (2001).
    D.C. Code §§ 22-2402, -3202 (2001).
    office of appellant’s attorney, Gary Williams.      Washington had earlier told
    Williams that he had millions of dollars overseas, but that there was a problem
    regarding its being transferred to the United States. This claim of wealth seemed
    doubtful to Williams, who had never seen any documentation showing that it
    existed. It was also inconsistent with the lifestyle of Washington, who lived with
    his wife and two children in a single room in a rooming house.          Appellant
    discussed his plan for Platinum World with Washington soon after they met at
    Williams’s office, and he secured Washington’s agreement to invest millions of
    dollars in the project. There were several times before June of 2002 when they
    were supposed to meet and execute the necessary documents but did not because
    the promised money had not yet arrived from overseas. Finally, June 14, 2002,
    was chosen as the date upon which appellant and Washington would meet and
    execute the documents necessary to enable appellant to use Washington’s money,
    which by then was to have arrived, to carry the plan forward. On that afternoon,
    appellant received a phone call from Washington who indicated that he was not
    able to provide the long-awaited funds. Appellant became very upset and was
    described by his girlfriend, Patrice McFarlane, as “crying,” “sobbing,” and in a
    After appellant received the phone call, a friend, Joshua Thompson, drove
    him to 1119 Montello Avenue, Northeast, where Washington lived with his family,
    including his two year-old son, Mika Washington. Appellant and Washington
    arrived at the same time, and Washington’s landlady, 80 year-old Simona Druyard,
    let them in.
    Once inside the house, Washington leaned over to get his briefcase,
    whereupon appellant, who had worked as a barber, grabbed him from behind and
    cut his throat with a sharp object.       When appellant briefly stepped away,
    Washington got behind a partially-glass door.      Appellant broke the glass and
    wounded Washington, near his eye and on the back of his hand, with a sharp
    object.    Washington was then able to barricade himself in an adjacent room
    whereupon appellant said “[c]ome out or I’ll kill your son.” Washington, who was
    panicking, in pain, and bleeding heavily, did nothing at first. After a while, he
    came out to find Mika lying on the porch floor and as he picked him up, he “was
    trying to keep [Mika’s] head on.” Ms. Druyard was found in the living room, her
    throat deeply slit. Washington also witnessed appellant “going over the [back]
    Ms. Druyard died as a result of an incised wound in her neck through her
    trachea and major blood vessels. Mika had a cut across his throat, from “one ear to
    the other” that cut through his air pipe, food pipe and the muscles to the right of the
    spine. Immediately after the incident, appellant called a friend, Alison Henderson,
    and asked for money as well as a place to stay. He also told her that he had “made
    some bad decisions.”
    At trial, appellant sought to prove that he and Washington had argued, that
    appellant had picked up Mika in order to protect himself, and that Washington cut
    his son while trying to cut appellant with a knife.
    The Search of Appellant’s Cell Phone
    At about 6 p.m. on June 14, 2002, appellant was detained as the result of
    police investigation into the killings, and his cell phone was taken incident to his
    arrest. The following day, June 15, 2002, a lawful search of appellant’s home was
    conducted pursuant to a search warrant. In the process of conducting the search,
    Officer Garvey spoke to two witnesses who stated they had observed appellant
    speaking on the phone on the afternoon of the murders and that after the phone call
    appellant’s mood changed from being “relaxed” to being “enraged.” In light of
    this information, Officer Garvey proceeded to search appellant’s cell phone for
    calls made, and was careful to note the information because, he said, he was
    concerned the data would be lost. Information obtained from the search of the cell
    phone identified two witnesses: Joshua Thompson, the friend who drove appellant
    to Washington’s home and Patrice McFarlane, appellant’s girlfriend.6
    Appellant appeals his convictions, arguing that (1) the trial court erred in
    refusing to suppress the testimony of the three witnesses discovered by means of
    an illegal, warrantless, search of appellant’s cell phone, and (2) the trial court erred
    in admitting photographs of the victims that were more prejudicial than probative.
    Appellant also appeals the trial court’s denial of his motion to vacate, set aside, or
    correct his sentence under D.C. Code § 23-110 because his standby counsel at trial
    had a conflict of interest and also interfered with his right to represent himself.
    A. The Search of the Cell Phone
    Appellant suggests in his brief that the identity of a third witness, Alison
    Henderson, was discovered by the search of his cell phone. However, Detective
    Garvey testified at trial that Henderson was identified after he received the
    subpoenaed phone records and not as a result of his search of the contents of the
    cell phone.
    In reviewing a trial court’s denial of a motion to suppress, “we view the facts
    and all reasonable inferences therefrom in the light most favorable to the
    government as the prevailing party, and we review the Superior Court judge’s
    findings of fact only for clear error.” Towles v. United States, 
    115 A.3d 1222
    1228 (D.C. 2015) (citing Robinson v. United States, 
    76 A.3d 329
    , 335 (D.C.
    2013)). We review de novo the trial judge’s conclusions of law. 
    Id. The Supreme
    Court recently held that a warrant is required in order to search
    a cell phone. Riley v. California, 
    134 S. Ct. 2473
    , 2485-87 (2014). The Court held
    that the search-incident-to-arrest exception to the warrant requirement does not
    apply in the case of cell phones; however, other case-specific exceptions, such as
    exigent circumstances, do apply. 
    Id. The Court
    specifically rejected the argument
    that a cell phone search may be justified to prevent the destruction of evidence
    absent exigent circumstances.     
    Id. at 2486-88.
        Therefore, Officer Garvey’s
    concern that data might be lost did not justify a search under Riley, and there were
    no other exigent circumstances present to justify a warrantless search. Accarino v.
    United States, 
    85 U.S. App. D.C. 394
    , 402; 
    179 F.2d 456
    , 464 (1949) (exigent
    circumstances exception requires circumstances of an emergency that requires an
    immediate search, with no time to obtain a warrant). In this case, as appellant was
    already detained and the phone was in police possession, no emergency
    necessitated a search of the phone. Therefore, absent another basis for the search
    of the phone, it would appear that the search was unlawful under Riley.
    The United States argues that the inevitable discovery doctrine applies here,
    and allows admission of the evidence discovered from the cell phone even if the
    search was otherwise unlawful.      We agree.     Under the inevitable discovery
    doctrine, even when the police obtain evidence through unlawful conduct, the
    evidence may be admitted “[i]f the prosecution can establish by a preponderance of
    the evidence that the information ultimately or inevitably would have been
    discovered by lawful means.” Hicks v. United States, 
    730 A.2d 657
    , 659 (D.C.
    1999) (quoting Nix v. Williams, 
    467 U.S. 431
    , 444 (1984)). The purpose of the
    doctrine is to ensure that “the prosecution is not put in a worse position simply
    because of some earlier police error or misconduct.” 
    Id. at 661
    Nix, supra
    , 467 U.S. at 443) (emphasis in original).         The doctrine permits no
    speculation and must focus on demonstrated historical facts. 
    Nix, supra
    , 467 U.S.
    at 444, n.5. We wrote in Hicks that “the lawful process which would have ended in
    the inevitable discovery [must] have . . . commenced before the constitutionally
    invalid seizure.” 
    Hicks, supra
    , 730 A.2d at 659 (quoting Douglas-Bey v. United
    490 A.2d 1137
    , 1139 n.6 (D.C. 1985)) (bracketed term in original). See
    also Gore v. United States, 2016 D.C. App. LEXIS 313 at *18 -*19 (D.C. Aug. 18,
    The lawful process that, under the prior commencement approach, must
    begin before to the invalid seizure need not be a formal one.7          Courts have
    frequently applied the inevitable discovery doctrine when an investigation of the
    defendant or of a suspected criminal activity (as contrasted to a formal legal
    process such as securing a search warrant) had been initiated prior to the illegality.
    United States v. Brookins, 
    614 F.2d 1037
    , 1040 (5th Cir. 1980) (“the police must
    show that when the illegality occurred they possessed and were actively pursuing
    the evidence or leads that would have led to the discovery of the challenged
    witness”); see United States v. Thomas, 
    524 F.3d 855
    , 858-59 (8th Cir. 2008) (“the
    government was actively pursuing a substantial, alternate line of investigation at
    the time of the constitutional violation”); Jefferson v. Fountain, 
    382 F.3d 1286
    1296 (11th Cir. 2004) (rape victim’s identification of defendant’s voice during an
    illegal stop admissible because before stop police had information that caused them
    to focus on defendant so victim would inevitably have heard his voice); United
    Douglas-Bey, supra
    , the court found the inevitable discovered doctrine
    inapplicable because no lawful process, “i.e., on the facts of this case, an
    application for a search warrant” had been initiated. The court dealt with this issue
    briefly in a footnote and we do not take it to limit applicability of the inevitable
    discovery doctrine only to situations in which a formal lawful process had begun.
    States v. Terzado-Madruga, 
    897 F.2d 1099
    , 1114-15 (11th Cir. 1990)
    (identification of witness admissible even though identity obtained by illegally
    recording a phone conversation because, at time of illegal recording, another
    member of conspiracy, who was already cooperating with police, was capable of
    identifying witness); State v. Andersen, 
    440 N.W.2d 203
    , 214 (1989) (names in
    illegally-obtained address book would have been obtained through routine
    investigation of pornography traffic ring); and United States v. Bienvenue, 
    632 F.2d 910
    , 913 (1st Cir. 1980) (records of travel agencies discovered as result of
    illegal search inevitably would have been discovered during ongoing investigation
    where police already aware of defendant’s and wife’s travel and their use of travel
    The inevitable discovery doctrine should not be applied under the prior
    investigation requirement, however, when an ongoing investigation is unrelated to
    the evidence illegally obtained, see, e.g., United States v. Davis, 
    332 F.3d 1163
    1171 (9th Cir. 2003) (defendant being investigated in relation to homicide when
    illegal search uncovered unrelated shotgun). It should also not be applied when the
    investigation had clearly ended prior to the illegal search. United States v. James,
    353 F.3d 606
    , 617 (8th Cir. 2003) (defendant already charged and investigation no
    longer active at time of illegal search).
    In the case before us, appellant was detained at around 6 p.m. on Friday June
    14, 2002. Later that evening, at around 11 p.m. or midnight, Detective Garvey was
    given appellant’s cell phone, which had been seized incident to his arrest, but did
    not look through the contents.     The following morning, at around 6:30 a.m.,
    Garvey interviewed Washington at the hospital. Washington told Garvey that he
    had seen Logan prior to the stabbing with an individual by the name of Josh.
    Later that morning, officers arrived at appellant’s residence, 1119 Montello
    Avenue, where they waited to receive a search warrant to search the premises.
    While waiting for the search warrant, Detective Kimberly Lawrence spoke to a
    couple who lived on the second floor of the house, Daphne Thomas and Andre
    Barnhart. They told her that when appellant had left home he “had stormed out of
    his room, and he was angry and he was saying stuff.” The search warrant was
    granted sometime in the early afternoon. During the search, officers recovered
    appellant’s billing records for that phone, which included the cell phone’s number
    but not a detailed call history.
    Detective Garvey arrived at appellant’s residence later in the afternoon to
    help search the house. At appellant’s home, Garvey interviewed Thomas and
    Barnhart who informed him that appellant “was on a phone call” at about 3 p.m.
    the day before and that “after he got the phone call, he became very enraged.”
    Prior to the phone call, they said appellant “was fine, calm, relaxed.” After the
    search of appellant’s apartment, Garvey went back to his office and, without a
    warrant, “looked into” the contents of appellant’s phone. He “started writing down
    what calls came in . . . and the calls that Mr. Logan had made out using the phone.”
    He also “look[ed] inside the phone book side of the phone” in order to match up
    the numbers “with the name[s].” Five days later, on June 20, 2002, a subpoena
    was issued for appellant’s detailed phone records, including appellant’s call history
    with the numbers Garvey obtained when he searched appellant’s cell phone.
    It is clear from the sequence of events that at the time Garvey searched
    appellant’s cell phone an active investigation into the murders of Mika and Ms.
    Druyard was already underway and that appellant was a suspect. The police had
    reason to investigate a phone call made at 3 p.m. on the afternoon before the
    murders that caused appellant to become enraged. Furthermore, billing records
    already obtained during the authorized search of appellant’s residence provided
    appellant’s cell phone number, thus completing the gathering of information the
    police needed to apply for a subpoena of appellant’s phone records. Detective
    Garvey testified that police protocol dictates that “in cases in which [police]
    learn[] . . . that a suspect had been using a cell phone . . . [they] issue a subpoena
    asking for cell phone records.” This is sufficient to establish, by a preponderance
    of the evidence, that appellant’s cell phone records would inevitably have been
    obtained by lawful means and that the two witnesses Garvey contacted using
    information from appellant’s cell phone, would inevitably have been discovered.
    We need not decide here whether the language in Douglas-Bey and Hicks
    concerning prior commencement is binding on us under M.A.P. v. Ryan, 
    285 A.2d 310
    (D.C. 1971), or instead can be considered dicta, as we are satisfied that there
    was a substantial concerted investigation of appellant’s conduct underway before
    Officer Garvey checked the contents of the cell phone that satisfies a requirement
    of prior commencement. We add that in many jurisdictions it is not deemed
    necessary to establish that at the time of the search in question the government was
    actively pursuing the lawful process that would have led inevitably to discovery of
    the evidence.8
    United States v. Christy, 
    739 F.3d 534
    , 540 (10th Cir. 2014) (We do not
    “limit the inevitable discovery exception to lines of investigation that were already
    underway”); and United States v. Kennedy, 
    61 F.3d 494
    , 499-500 (6th Cir. 1995)
    (“[A]n alternate, independent line of investigation is not required for the inevitable
    discovery exception to apply”). See also concurring opinion in 
    Thomas, supra
    524 F.3d at 862 (“Even if the police were not actively pursuing an alternative line
    of investigation at the time of police error . . . the government may well be able to
    establish [inevitable discovery].”). See also WAYNE R. LAFAVE, SEARCH AND
    explaining that a prior commencement requirement “is unsound” as it excludes
    evidence that would inevitably have been discovered.
    B. Photographs of the Victims
    This court reviews a trial court’s ruling to admit autopsy photographs for
    abuse of discretion. Strozier v. United States, 
    991 A.2d 778
    , 783-84 (D.C. 2010).
    The evaluation and weighing of evidence for relevance and potential prejudice is
    entrusted to the sound discretion of the trial court. 
    Id. at 784
    (citation omitted).
    “The trial judge’s exercise of discretion in balancing the prejudicial effect and
    probative value of photographic evidence of this type is rarely disturbed.” United
    States v. Rezaq, 
    328 U.S. App. D.C. 297
    , 314; 
    134 F.3d 1121
    , 1138 (1998)
    (citations omitted).
    In appellant’s first trial, the government sought to admit several photographs
    of autopsies of the victims, but Judge Bayly allowed the admission of only one
    photograph. In appellant’s second trial, the government sought to admit additional
    photographs of Mika Washington in order to demonstrate that appellant’s version
    of how Mika had been killed was inconsistent with the injuries. Chief Judge King
    allowed the admission of the additional photographs.
    Relevant evidence may be excluded only if “its probative value is
    substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice.” Johnson v. United
    683 A.2d 1087
    , 1099 (D.C. 1996) (en banc). “Autopsy photographs can
    have immense probative value if, for example, they confirm the prosecution’s
    theory about the manner in which the crime was committed.” 
    Rezaq, supra
    , 328
    U.S. App. D.C. at 
    314; 134 F.3d at 1138
    . Even when the manner of death is not
    contested, evidence can be relevant to show the nature of the injuries suffered.
    Womack v. United States, 
    339 A.2d 37
    , 38 (D.C. 1975).
    In this case, Chief Judge King did not abuse his discretion when he
    determined that the danger of unfair prejudice did not substantially outweigh the
    photographs’ probative value because “a fundamental issue in the case is whether
    these wounds are concave from the perspective of the attacker or convex” and the
    photographs served to support the prosecutor’s case. The judge further noted that
    other photographs of the deceased had already been admitted and that this was
    “one of the bloodier cases [he had] seen” and the court could not escape the bloody
    nature of the crime. It is also significant to note that the photographs were taken in
    a clinical setting, thereby reducing their prejudicial effect. 
    Rezaq, supra
    , 328 U.S.
    App. D.C. at 
    314; 134 F.3d at 1138
    . We find no abuse of discretion and uphold the
    decision of the trial judge to admit the photographs.
    After trial, appellant filed a motion to vacate, set aside or correct his
    sentence pursuant to D.C. Code § 23-110 (2012 Repl.). Appellant argued that he
    received constitutionally ineffective assistance of counsel, citing several particulars
    to support his claim. Appellant further argued that there was a conflict of interest
    on the part of appellant’s counsel that compromised his counsel’s performance at
    trial. An evidentiary hearing was conducted over several days. On September 12,
    2012, the trial court denied appellant’s motion on all grounds.
    Appellant appeals the trial court’s ruling with respect to his § 23-110 motion
    on two grounds. Appellant argues that the trial court erred in determining that: (1)
    there was no actual conflict that disqualified appellant’s trial counsel; and (2)
    appellant’s standby counsel did not impair his right to represent himself at trial by
    preventing him from considering a plea offer, moving for a mistrial without his
    consent in the first trial, and stipulating to the testimony of two government
    witnesses without his approval. Appellant asserts that these errors denied him the
    right to represent himself as lead counsel during the trial.
    In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on an ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim, we accept the trial court’s findings of fact unless they lack evidentiary
    support, and review legal conclusions de novo. Turner v. United States, 
    116 A.3d 894
    , 934 (D.C. 2015).      A claim of ineffective assistance of counsel has two
    components. First, appellant must show that counsel’s performance was deficient,
    i.e., “that counsel made errors so serious that counsel was not functioning as
    ‘counsel’ guaranteed . . . by the Sixth Amendment.” Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984) (cited in 
    Turner, supra
    , 116 A.3d at 934). Second, appellant
    must show that the performance so prejudiced the defense “as to deprive the
    defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is reliable.” 
    Id. Having reviewed
    trial court’s factual findings and legal conclusions, we affirm the trial court’s
    denial of appellant’s § 23-110 motion.
    A. The Conflict of Interest
    Appellant’s attorney, Thomas Heslep, withdrew from representing appellant
    in October 2003. He then reentered the case in April 2004. Appellant’s claim of
    ineffective assistance of conflicted counsel is based on three alleged conflicts:
    First, Heslep had previously defended appellant’s cousin,
    Effeh Enoh, on an unrelated criminal charge. Heslep
    received information from appellant regarding marijuana
    use in Enoh’s home that Heslep used to support his
    defense strategy for defending Enoh. Appellant now
    claims that Enoh’s mother, Denise Hall, was offended
    that appellant would have provided such information
    about her home, and, therefore, had incentive to testify
    against appellant. Ms. Hall was a government witness at
    appellant’s trial;
    Second, in 2004 appellant had lodged a complaint with
    Bar Counsel against Heslep alleging a conflict based on a
    disagreement over several pro se motions appellant had
    filed over Heslep’s signature. Heslep subsequently
    withdrew those motions, contrary to appellant’s wishes;
    Third, Heslep was aware that on June 29, 2005, during a
    mental health evaluation, appellant said he had thoughts
    about harming his attorney.
    Judge Kravitz considered each claim and concluded that no actual conflict
    existed. An attorney has an actual conflict of interest when, during the course of
    representation, the attorney’s and the client’s interests diverge with respect to
    material factual or legal issues or with respect to a course of action. Veney v.
    United States, 
    738 A.2d 1185
    , 1192-93 (D.C. 1999) (internal quotations and
    citations omitted). “An actual conflict of interest exists when a defense attorney is
    required to make choices advancing [one client’s] interest to the detriment of
    [another’s].” Wages v. United States, 
    952 A.2d 952
    , 960 (D.C. 2008) (internal
    quotations and citations omitted). Thus, we must consider whether there was such
    a conflict between representation of Enoh and representation of appellant.
    Judge Kravitz appropriately considered the following facts: Heslep’s role in
    Enoh’s case was over by the time of his reappointment to appellant’s case in 2004;
    appellant and his cousin were not co-defendants and their cases were not related;
    Ms. Hall had already testified to the grand jury in appellant’s case before appellant
    provided Heslep with the information regarding marijuana use; there was no
    evidence to suggest that Ms. Hall became more favorable to the government and
    unfavorable to appellant because Heslep had told the government about evidence
    of marijuana in Ms. Hall’s house; and by the time Heslep was reappointed, Ms.
    Hall had resumed a friendly and cooperative relationship with him. Based on these
    facts, we sustain the trial court’s ruling that Heslep was not conflicted as a result of
    his representation of Enoh.
    Regarding the complaint to Bar Counsel (now known as Disciplinary
    Counsel), this court has held that in cases where Bar Counsel has not initiated an
    investigation, the fact that a complaint has been made is not sufficient to show a
    conflict of interest. Malede v. United States, 
    767 A.2d 267
    , 271 (D.C. 2001)
    (“[W]e decline to hold that the bare filing of the disciplinary complaint created a
    conflict of interest necessitating [counsel’s] discharge from the case.”). In this
    case, Bar Counsel did not initiate an investigation, and Judge Kravitz appropriately
    found no conflict of interest.
    Finally, regarding appellant’s thoughts about harming Heslep, Judge Kravitz
    permissibly found that the threat was indirect and did not lead to a divergence in
    Veney, supra
    , 738 A.2d at 1192-93. We, therefore, uphold the decision
    of the trial judge to reject appellant’s claim that his counsel labored under a
    conflict of interest.
    B. Appellant’s Right to Represent Himself
    Appellant asserts that he was erroneously denied the right to represent
    himself as lead counsel. The crux of appellant’s argument is that he was not given
    the opportunity to make certain decisions during his trial regarding the following:
    he was not permitted to accept or reject a plea offer made in 2005; a mistrial at his
    first trial was declared without his consent; and the testimony of two witnesses was
    stipulated without his consent. We will accept the trial court’s findings of facts
    regarding these matters unless they lack evidentiary support, and review legal
    conclusions de novo. 
    Turner, supra
    , 116 A.3d at 934.
    A defendant has the right to self-representation, but a court may require
    standby counsel to aid the defendant. Faretta v. California, 
    422 U.S. 806
    , 819,
    834 (1975). Often defendants wish to have standby counsel take a more active role
    and, in such a case, a defendant cannot later claim to have been deprived of control
    over his own defense. McKaskle v. Wiggins, 
    465 U.S. 168
    , 182 (1984).
    In this case, appellant opted to remain lead counsel but have an active
    standby counsel. Judge Kravitz concluded, based on appellant’s arrangement with
    Heslep, and on his finding that Heslep maintained an open line of communication
    with appellant and was respectful of appellant’s role as lead counsel, that “Heslep
    never overrode [appellant’s] view of what approach to the case was best.” The
    trial judge credited Heslep’s testimony that he and appellant had decided on a
    division of duties and that Heslep had discussed the plea bargain with appellant.
    Furthermore, at a preliminary hearing on June 30, 2005, in appellant’s presence,
    Heslep had a conversation with the trial court regarding the government’s plea
    offer, indicating that the “two sides are really not close” and appellant made no
    objection. Heslep testified that he and appellant discussed their trial strategy,
    deciding to request a mistrial if the jury remained deadlocked. Appellant was
    present in the courtroom when Heslep requested the mistrial on his behalf and
    made no objection.
    At appellant’s first trial, two government witnesses and one defense witness
    testified to being in the alley outside Washington’s house immediately after the
    attack and seeing appellant leave the house.        For the second trial, the two
    government witnesses were unavailable and the defense stipulated to admission
    into evidence of their testimony in addition to the testimony of the defense witness.
    At the § 23-110 hearing, Heslep testified that he discussed the stipulation with
    appellant and that appellant had no objection. Heslep testified that he pursued this
    defense strategy because he was wary of placing the defense witness on the stand
    due to emotional issues she was having at that time.
    Based on the foregoing evidence, the judge rejected appellant’s claims that
    he did not agree to decisions made regarding the plea bargain, mistrial, or
    stipulation to admit prior witness testimony.       The trial court’s findings are
    supported by the evidence of record.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgments of conviction appealed from are
    hereby affirmed.
    So ordered.