Ancient Coin Collectors Guild v. United States Department of State ( 2009 )

  •                         UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    ANCIENT COIN COLLECTORS                       )
    GUILD, et al.,                                )
    Plaintiffs,                    )
    v.                                ) Civil Case No. 07-2074 (RJL)
    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE,                     )
    DekndanL                 )
    (November 2.0,2009) [#16; #19]
    The plaintiffs, Ancient Coin Collectors Guild, International Association of
    Professional Numismatists, and Professional Numismatists Guild, Inc., filed this suit
    against the U.S. Department of State (the "Government" or "State Departmenf') in
    relation to a Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") request. The State Department has
    filed a Motion for Summary Judgment, asserting that its search was adequate and that the
    information in question was properly withheld under relevant FOIA exemptions. For the
    following reasons, this Court agrees and GRANTS the State Department's summary
    judgment motion and DENIES the plaintiffs' cross-motion for summary judgment.
    The plaintiffs made eight FOIA requests between July 30, 2004, and October 11,
    2007, (see Compi. [Dkt. #1] ~~ 22-58), seven of which remain at issue in this case. l They
    'On May 22, 2008, the plaintiffs informed the State Department it no longer contested the
    Government's use of exemption (b)(6). (Def.'s Mot. Ex. C [Dkt. #16-5] at 2.) The Complaint
    describes the following requests relevant to this litigation:
    seek information from a component of the State Department-the Bureau of Educational
    and Cultural Affairs ("the Bureau")- relating to import restrictions on ancient coins
    from Cyprus, Italy, and China, (id.   ~   15). The Cultural Property Advisory Committee (the
    "advisory committee"), advises the Bureau on the Convention on Cultural Property
    Implementation Act, 19 U.S.c. § 2601. (Def.'s Mem. in Support of Mot. for Summ. 1.
    [Dkt. #16] ("Def.'s Mot.") at 2.)
    In response to the plaintiffs' FOIA requests, the Government conducted multiple
    comprehensive searches, (Decl. of Margaret P. Grafeld, Ex. A [Dkt. #16-2] ("Grafeld
    Decl.") at 14-26), which resulted in 128 responsive documents. (Supp. Grafeld Decl.
    [Dkt. #18-2]   ~2.)   The Government released most of the information-seventy documents
    in full and thirty-nine documents in part-and withheld nineteen documents in full. (Id.)
    On November 15,2007, the plaintiffs filed suit in this Court to compel the Government to
    produce the withheld information.
    Count I: four reports from the advisory committee
    Count II: a copy of the Chinese Request for import restrictions
    Count III: communications concerning China's request and "documents evidencing the
    inclusion of coins on the list of' proposed restricted items
    Count IV: documents evidencing the potential inclusion of coins on the list of items
    subject to import restrictions with Italy
    Count VII: a cultural property report and documents evidencing any dissents that led to
    extending import restrictions relating to Cyprus
    Count VIII: a copy of any request made by Cyprus for import restrictions
    Count IX: nine specific requests for communication and information relating to certain
    import restrictions from Cyprus.
    (See CompI.   ~~   22-58.)
    The Court reviews summary judgment motions under FOIA de novo, requiring the
    Court to determine whether the agency has conducted an adequate search and whether the
    documents requested are exempt from disclosure under FOIA. See Judicial Watch, Inc. v.
    Us. Dep 't o/State, No. 08-1011, 
    2009 WL 2842881
    , *2 (D.D.C. Sept. 3,2009. A court
    "draw[s] all justifiable inferences in the non-movant's favor," 
    id. (internal quotation
    omitted), and grants summary judgment in favor of the government when "'the pleadings,
    the discovery and disclosure materials on file, and any affidavits show that there is no
    genuine issue as to any material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a
    matter oflaw,'" 
    id. (quoting Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 56(c)). For the following reasons, the Court
    grants summary judgment in favor of the Government because it conducted an adequate
    search and it properly withheld documents under the appropriate FOIA exemptions.
    1.     The Government Conducted an Adequate Search.
    An agency must demonstrate its search in response to a FOIA request was
    "'reasonably calculated to uncover all relevant documents. '" Amuso v. Us. Dep't 0/
    Justice, 600 F. Supp. 2d 78,87 (D.D.C. 2009) (quoting Valencia-Lucena v. Us. Coast
    Guard, 180 F.3d 321,325 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (additional internal quotation omitted)). The
    agency may meet this burden by submitting affidavits or declarations, and "[i]n the
    absence of contrary evidence," affidavits and declarations are "sufficient to demonstrate
    an agency's compliance with FOIA." 
    Id. Based on
    the Declaration of Margaret P.
    Grafeld, 2 which details extensively the databases searched, the staff that conducted the
    searches, and the search terms used, this Court finds the Government conducted a search
    reasonably calculated to uncover all relevant documents. (See Grafeld Decl. at 14-26.)3
    2.     The Government Properly Withheld Information.
    In withholding information, the Government has invoked numerous FOIA
    exemptions, and the plaintiffs argue the Government improperly invoked each one. 4 I
    disagree. The Government withheld information provided by foreign government
    2Margaret P. Grafeld is the Information and Privacy Coordinator and the Director of the State
    Department's Office ofInformation Programs and Services. (Grafeld Decl. at 1.)
    3The plaintiffs raise many arguments challenging the adequacy of the Government's search, yet
    these arguments are all without merit. While the plaintiffs allege the Government failed to
    search properly the computer of Maria Kouroupas, the Executive Director of the advisory
    committee, (Pl.s' Mem. in Support of Cross-Mot. for Summ. J. and Opp'n to Def.'s Mot. for
    Summ. J. [Dkt. #19-2] ("Pl.s' Cross-Mot.") at 6), the Grafeld Declaration explained that the
    Bureau's staff and executive director searched the emails and archived emails and also explained
    how the search was performed, (Grafeld Decl. at 17-18). The plaintiffs also allege the search it
    conducted was inadequate because the Government did not disclose the search terms it used in a
    specific search for responsive diplomatic notes. (Pl.s' Cross-Mot. at 7.) However, the
    Government's mere failure to detail the search terms used to obtain the specific responsive
    documents, without more, does not render this search inadequate. See Friends of Blackwater v.
    u.s. Dep't of Interior, 
    391 F. Supp. 2d 115
    , 120 (D.D.C. 2005) (suggesting that non-disclosure
    of search terms alone may not be enough to invalidate an otherwise adequate affidavit). The
    Grafeld Declaration specifically states that these searches "were performed by individuals
    employed within those organizations who are familiar" with the information the plaintiffs sought
    and that responsive documents were obtained. (Grafeld Decl. at 20.) For these reasons, the
    plaintiffs' complaints about the Government's search are without merit. Perry v. Block, 
    684 F.2d 121
    , 127 (D.C. Cir. 1982) ("[I]n the absence of countervailing evidence or apparent
    inconsistency of proof, affidavits that explain in reasonable detail the scope and method of the
    search conducted by the agency will suffice to demonstrate compliance with the obligations
    imposed by the FOIA.").
    4Unless specifically noted, the plaintiffs do not allege that the Government is withholding
    information without invoking a FOIA exemption. The plaintiffs challenge only whether the
    withheld information falls within the exemptions claimed. Thus, this opinion is organized on the
    basis of the exemptions claimed, rather than the information withheld.
    officials with an express understanding that the United States was to hold the information
    in confidence. This information was properly withheld under FOIA exemption (b)(I),
    which authorizes the withholding of matters classified by an Executive Order. 5 U.S.C. §
    522(b)(1). Executive Order 12,958 provide that information is "Confidential" if its
    release "reasonably could be expected to cause damage," Exec. Order No. 12,958,60 FR
    19825 (1995), sec. 1.2(a)(4), "to the national defense or foreign relations of the United
    id. sec. 1.1
    As the Grafeld Declaration explains, the information in question was exchanged
    between the United States and other nations on the condition of confidentiality, and its
    disclosure would damage foreign policy by harming the United States's ability to conduct
    successful negotiations. (Grafeld Decl. at 29).5 The State Department thus properly
    withheld the information under exemption (b)( 1). See Krikorian v Dep 't of State, 984
    F.2d 461,465 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (finding the government properly withheld information
    communicated to the U.S. government on a confidential basis that would jeopardize
    5The plaintiffs assert the information was not provided on a condition of confidentiality, noting
    that the information was exchanged as part of an effort to seek a "concerted international
    response" to looting. (Pl.s' Cross-Mot. at 9 (quoting Article 9 of the 1970 UNESCO
    Convention).) However, merely because the United States is working with other countries to
    address common problems does not foreclose that their cooperation was premised on non-
    disclosure of the information to the public. Furthermore, contrary to the plaintiffs' argument, the
    information does not lose its confidential classification merely because the State Department
    released a general, unclassified summary of it. See Public Citizen v. Dep't of State, 11 F .3d 198,
    201 (D.C. Cir. 1993) ("The law of this circuit provides that an agency official does not waive
    FOIA exemption 1 by public ally discussing the general subject matter of documents which are
    otherwise properly exempt from disclosure under that exemption.").
    "reciprocal confidentiality"); Public Citizen v. Dep't of State, 
    276 F.3d 634
    , 644-45
    (D.C. Cir. 2002).6
    The Government also withheld information about closed advisory committee
    proceedings and information communicated to and from the committee in confidence,
    invoking exemption (b)(3). (Def.'s Mot. at 7.) This exemption provides that FOIA does
    not apply to matters that are (1) "specifically exempted from disclosure by statute" if the
    statute either (A) requires withholding or (B) establishes the criteria for withholding. 5
    U.S.C. § 552(b)(3); see also Judicial Watch, Inc., 
    2009 WL 2842881
    at *2. For the
    following reasons, the Court determines, in this matter of first impression, that the
    provisions of the Cultural Property Implementation Act as discussed below is a
    disclosure-prohibiting statute in this case.
    The Convention on Cultural Property Implementing Act establishes that
    information discussed in closed meetings of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee
    shall not be disclosed under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which makes FOIA's
    standards applicable to advisory committees. See Washington Research Project, Inc. v.
    Dept't of Health, Education and Welfare, 504 F.2d 238,248 n.15 (D.C. Cir. 1974) (noting
    6The Government also withheld internal file numbers under FOIA exemption (b)(2), (Grafeld
    Decl. at 32), which allows for withholding of matters "related solely to the internal personnel
    rules and practices of an agency," 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(2). As the Grafeld Declaration explains,
    contrary to the plaintiffs' argument, the withheld information consists of internal file numbers,
    (Grafeld Decl. at 32), which are properly withheld under exemption (b)(2), Williams v. Drug
    Enforcement Administration, No. 85-6154, 
    851 F.2d 1502
    , *1 (Table) (D.C. Cir. May 18, 1988)
    (finding the government properly withheld codes from internal classification practices under
    exemption (b)(2)),
    that the Federal Advisory Committee Act "makes the FOIA standards applicable to
    advisory committees' reports" in limited circumstances); see also Forsham v. Califano,
    587 F.2d 1128
    , 1135-36 (D.D.C. 1978) (noting that agencies, not advisory committees,
    are subject to FOIA). The provision, 19 U.S.C. § 2605(h), states that the Federal
    Advisory Committee Act, (see Def.'s Mot. Ex. D [Dkt. #16-6] FACA § lOeb)), applies to
    the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, "except that the requirements of ... [a
    specific provision of the Federal Advisory Committee Act] relating to open meetings,
    public notice, public participation, and public availability of documents ... shall not
    apply to the [c ]ommittee" if"the President or his designee" determines that disclosure
    "would compromise the Government's negotiating objectives or bargaining positions on
    the negotiations of any agreement authorized by this chapter.,,7 Thus, although 
    19 U.S. C
    § 2605(h) does not explicitly mention FOIA, it nevertheless specifically exempts a
    provision of the Federal Advisory Committee Act that makes FOIA's provisions
    7In full, this provision of the Convention on Cultural Property states:
    (h) Federal Advisory Committee Act
    The provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92-463; 5
    U.S.C.A. Appendix I) shall apply to the Committee except that the requirements of
    subsections (a) and (b) of section 10 and section 11 of such Act (relating to open
    meetings, public notice, public participation, and public availability of documents)
    shall not apply to the Committee, whenever and to the extent it is determined by the
    President or his designee that the disclosure of matters involved in the Committee's
    proceedings would compromise the Government's negotiating objectives or
    bargaining positions on the negotiations of any agreement authorized by this chapter.
    19 U.S.C. § 2605(h).
    applicable to the advisory committee. Thus, 19 U.S.C. § 2605(h) is a disclosure-
    prohibiting statute. As such, the information is properly withheld if it falls within the
    statute's established criteria for withholding. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3).
    Specifically, information is to be withheld if the President or his designee
    determines that disclosure would compromise the government's negotiating objectives or
    bargaining positions. 19 U.S.C. § 2605(h). The President's designee here is the Bureau's
    Assistant Secretary, and the State Department has determined that disclosure of the
    information here "would compromise the U.S. Government's negotiation objectives
    and/or bargaining position on the negotiation of agreements." (See Grafeld Decl. 35-36.)
    The Grafeld Declaration notes that the information must be withheld "so as not to
    interfere with the multi-step decision-making process and the ability to work with the
    foreign government requester in the possible negotiation of a bilateral agreement, if such
    course is warranted." (ld. at 35.) Thus the information is properly exempted from
    withholding under exemption (b)(3). See Judicial Watch, Inc., 
    2009 WL 2842881
    at *2.
    Additionally, the Cultural Property Implementation Act also prohibits disclosure of
    information submitted in confidence to the advisory committee. 19 U.S.C. §§
    2605(i)( 1)-(2). Section 1 of this provision establishes that information "submitted in
    confidence by the private sector" to the Government or the advisory committee "shall not
    be disclosed" (except to specified individuals not at issue in this case), and Section 2
    establishes that information "submitted in confidence" by the Government or the
    committee "shall not be disclosed."g As these provisions establish information "shall not
    be disclosed," they are disclosure-prohibiting statutes. See Watson v. Dep 't of Justice,
    799 F. Supp. 193
    , 194 (D.D.C. 1992). Thus, as long as the information is "submitted in
    confidence" either to or from the Government or the advisory committee, the information
    must be withheld pursuant to the statute and exemption (b)(3).
    The State Department further points out that, contrary to the plaintiffs' assertion,
    the information in question here-certain emails sent by members of the private sector in
    connection with the Act and certain materials from the Bureau submitted to the
    committee-was provided in confidence. (Grafeld Decl. at 38, 54, 60, 72.) Specifically,
    the Grafeld Declaration states that the information was provided in confidence to either
    the State Department staff or to the advisory committee, often by archaeologists, curators,
    collectors, dealers, and auction house specialists, with the expectation of confidence.
    (Id.) Such confidence was necessary in order for individuals to disclose information
    about the quantity, quality, and objects of looting. (Id.). The Government thus properly
    withheld the information under exemption (b)(3). See 19 U.S.c. §§ 2605(i)(l)-(2).
    The Government also withheld information and reports regarding advisory
    committee discussions because the information fell within exemption (b)(5), which
    8Section 2 provides that information may be disclosed in accordance with rules issued by the
    Director of the United States Information Agency after consultation with the Committee. 19
    U.S.C. § 2605(i)(2). However, as no rules have been issued here, the exception is not applicable.
    includes the deliberative process privilege. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5).9 To withhold a
    responsive document under the deliberative process privilege, the agency must
    demonstrate that it is "both predecisional and deliberative." Mapother v. Dep 't ofJustice,
    3 F.3d 1533
    , 1537 (D.C. Cir. 1993). Because the advisory committee provided non-
    binding, pre-decisional, deliberative recommendations to the State Department to use in
    determining import restrictions, (Grafeld Decl. at 47-56), \0 the information is properly
    being withheld under exemption (b)(5).
    The Government also withheld portions of two documents under exemption
    (b )(7)(C), which exempts information complied for law enforcement purposes that "could
    reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5
    9 Additionally, under this exemption, the Government properly withheld information on the basis
    that it constitutes attorney-client privilege. Specifically, the Government properly withheld an
    email from employees of the Bureau to an employee in the State Department's Office of Legal
    Adviser seeking legal approval of a draft document and portions of an action memorandum
    containing summaries oflegal advice by the Office. (See Grafeld Decl. at 63-{)4, 70-71); see
    also VoteHemp, Inc. v. Drug Enforcement Admin., 567 F. Supp. 2d 1,22-23 (D.D.C. 2004).
    IOThe plaintiffs also assert this material cannot be withheld because the chair of the cultural
    property committee at the time has determined many of these decisions were made, stated that
    the release of the information here would result in the committee making better
    recommendations. (Pl.s' Cross-Mot. at 20-21.) However, the individual chair's personal
    opinion does not alter the State Department's proper invocation of exemption (b)(5).
    Additionally, as the Grafeld Declaration explains, although "at first blush" some material
    may appear factual and thus not properly withheld, the State Department has withheld factual
    information "where its very inclusion in the report represents the deliberative distillation of the
    information provided to the committee in to a selection of facts that compose the reasoning of the
    committee in reaching its recommendation." (See Grafeld Decl. 41--42.) Thus, withholding was
    proper. See Washington Research Project, Inc. v. Dep't of Health, Education, and Welfare, 504
    F.2d 238,250-51 (D.C. Cir. 1974) (noting that facts could be withheld because "the judgmental
    element arises through the necessity to select and emphasize certain facts at the expense of
    U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(C). Specifically, the State Department withheld names, email
    addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of low-level employees included in a chain of
    emails created as part of law enforcement efforts to implement and enforce cultural
    property restrictions. I I (Def.'s Mot. at 9.) Given the individuals' strong privacy interest
    in their identifying information and the weak public interest in identifying information of
    low-level employees, the Court concludes that the State Department properly withheld the
    identifying information. See Lesar v. Us. Dep 't ofJustice, 636 F.2d 472,487 (D.C. Cir.
    1980); (see also Grafeld Decl. 42-44).
    F or all of the above reasons the State Department has established that it conducted
    a reasonable search, that it properly withheld the disputed information under FOIA
    exemptions, and that it complied with its obligation to segregate the exempted material
    ··On a similar note, the Government also withheld names and identifying personal information of
    State Department employees, Customs and Border Patrol employees, and private individuals who
    provided information to the committee in their personal capacity. The Government invokes
    exemption (b)(6), which allows for withholding of "personnel and medical files and similar files
    the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5
    U.S.C. § 552(6). The Grafeld Declaration indicates the State Department balanced the public
    interest in disclosure of the identifYing personal information with the extent of the invasion of
    privacy, and determined that, in light of instances of career State Department employees being
    "denounced in harsh personal accusations in public fora," the privacy interest clearly outweighs
    the public interest in disclosure. (Grafeld Dec!. at 43-44.) This Court finds the Government
    properly withheld such information under exemption (b)(6). See Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Food
    and Drug Admin., 
    449 F.3d 141
    , 152-53 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (balancing the interests and
    determining the government properly withheld names and addresses under exemption (b)(6)).
    from non-exempted material. 12 The Court will therefore GRANT the Government's
    Motion for Summary Judgment and DENY the plaintiffs' Cross-Motion for Summary
    Judgment. An Order consistent with this decision is attached.
    United States DIstrict Judge
    12P1aintiffs allege the Government failed to comply with its obligation to segregate and disclose
    all non-exempt material, unless the material is "inextricably intertwined with exempt portions."
    Judicial Watch, Inc., 
    2009 WL 2842881
    at *3 (internal quotation omitted). However, the Grafeld
    Declaration establishes that "[a]ll of the documents addressed herein have been carefully
    reviewed for reasonable segregation of non-exempt information, and [Grafeld] ha[ s] determined
    that no segregation of meaningful information in the withheld documents can be made without
    disclosing information warranting protection under the law." (Grafeld Decl. at 79.) There is thus
    no basis for the plaintiffs' claim that the Government failed to comply with its segregability