Triple Up Limited v. Youku Tudou Inc. , 235 F. Supp. 3d 15 ( 2017 )

  •                               UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    v.                                                  Civil Action No. 16-159 (RDM)
    This copyright infringement action is before the Court on Defendant’s motion to dismiss
    for lack of personal jurisdiction, or, in the alternative, for failure to state a claim. See Dkt. 7.
    Defendant is Youku Tudou Inc. (“Youku”), a Chinese internet television company. Plaintiff is
    Triple Up Limited (“Triple Up”), a Seychelles corporation. The suit concerns the performance
    rights to three Taiwanese movies, which were allegedly viewable on Youku’s websites from
    within the United States. Beyond the websites’ mere accessibility, however, neither Youku,
    Triple Up, nor the contested works bears any case-relevant connections to the United States.
    Although the law governing personal jurisdiction in the context of the internet is admittedly
    unsettled, the contacts in this case are plainly insufficient and do not test the boundaries of that
    evolving doctrine. The Court, accordingly, will grant Youku’s motion to dismiss for lack of
    personal jurisdiction and will deny Triple Up’s request for jurisdictional discovery.
    I.      BACKGROUND
    Plaintiff Triple Up is a corporation located in and organized under the laws of Seychelles,
    an archipelago nation off the coast of East Africa. Dkt. 1 at 4 (Compl. ¶ 15). It claims to own
    “the exclusive internet broadcasting rights . . . in the United States” for three Taiwanese movies:
    沉睡的青春 (“Sleeping Youth”); 對不起, 我愛你 (“Sorry, I Love You”); and 松鼠自殺事件
    (“Squirrel Suicide Incident”). Id. at 1 (Compl. ¶ 1); see also Dkt. 11-1 (Hsu Decl.).
    Defendant Youku is a Cayman Islands corporation with its principal place of business in
    China, where it “is the leading [i]nternet television company.” Dkt. 7-1 at 2–3 (Tang Decl. ¶¶ 4,
    5, 9). Youku operates two website platforms on which “[u]sers can view and publish high-
    quality video content,” and an internet search engine that allows users to search for videos. Id. at
    2 (Tang Decl. ¶ 5). Most videos on Youku’s websites have been placed there by Youku itself.
    See id. (Tang Decl. ¶ 6). Those videos consist of “professionally-produced content that Youku
    has licensed from third parties,” as well as Youku’s own “in-house productions.” Id. In
    addition, however, Youku’s users can upload videos of their own choosing. Id. Together,
    Youku’s websites receive about 400 million unique visitors each month. Id. at 3 (Tang Decl.
    ¶ 12). Less than one percent of the websites’ views come from the United States, id., although
    the exact number of U.S. viewers is not reflected in the record. The text on Youku’s websites is
    written entirely in Mandarin Chinese. Id. at 2 (Tang Decl. ¶ 5); see also Dkt. 1 at 7–14 (Compl.
    ¶¶ 29–41) (website screenshots); Dkt. 11-2 (Zhang Decl.) (same).
    With respect to videos that Youku itself has uploaded, Youku employs “geoblocking”
    technology. Dkt. 7-1 at 2 (Tang Decl. ¶ 7). This means that Youku restricts access to those
    videos based on the viewer’s geographic location, thus ensuring that the videos are accessible
    only “in locations for which Youku is authorized to display” them. Id. When users attempt to
    access restricted content from a geoblocked location, they receive an error message or are
    redirected to the website’s main page. Id. (Tang Decl. ¶ 8). Youku “does not implement
    geoblocking” for videos uploaded by users, however. Id. at 4 (Tang Decl. ¶ 20).
    Youku generates revenue “primarily from online advertising services and, to a lesser
    extent, subscription or pay-per-view-based online video services.” Dkt. 11-4 at 12; accord Dkt.
    7-1 at 3 (Tang Decl. ¶ 13). The company sells “a great majority” of its internet ad space to third-
    party advertising agencies, including advertising agencies in the United States. Dkt. 11-4 at 8,
    12–13. Those ads are then distributed using “[i]nnovative [t]argeting” strategies to “reach
    targeted users based on” certain demographic markers, including “the geographic location of the
    user.” Id. at 12. Thus, although Youku’s websites appear in Mandarin Chinese, when accessed
    from the United States, Youku’s videos are sometimes preceded by English-language
    advertisements for American products. See Dkt. 11-2 at 3, 12 (Zhang Decl. ¶¶ 5(e), 8) (attesting
    to accessing Youku’s websites from the District of Columbia and seeing English-language video
    advertisements for, among other things, the University of Phoenix, Allstate Insurance, and
    Quicken Loans). Youku also earns revenue by selling subscriptions to its ad-free content service
    called “Youku VIP.” Dkt. 11-4 at 13. Youku “is not aware of any Youku VIP subscribers that
    reside in the District of Columbia,” Dkt. 7-1 at 4 (Tang Decl. ¶ 14), but the record is silent as to
    whether any subscribers may reside elsewhere in the United States.
    Although Youku has no offices or employees in the United States and does not market its
    products or services there, id. at 3–4 (Tang Decl. ¶¶ 9, 17), it has at least some U.S. business
    connections. For example, Youku stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and
    Youku has maintained an agent for service of process in New York. Dkt. 11-4 at 6–7 (Youku’s
    “Form 20-F” filed with the Securities Exchange Commission for the fiscal year 2014). Youku
    has also partnered with a U.S. software firm to develop “video fingerprint” technology for
    removing videos with “piracy issues.” Id. at 15. And Youku has entered into “digital
    distribution agreement[s]” with U.S. production studios to bring American content to Youku’s
    platforms, id. at 13, and may be partnering with “U.S. entertainment companies to produce
    original content,” Dkt. 11-9 at 2 (Lulu Yilun Chen & Stephen Engle, Youku Looks to U.S. for
    Videos to Stream to Chinese Users, BLOOMBERG (Oct. 27, 2014)).
    In August and December 2015, Jiwei Zhang, one of Triple Up’s attorneys in the District
    of Columbia, was able to stream copies of “Sleeping Youth,” “Sorry, I Love You,” and “Squirrel
    Suicide Incident” from Youku’s websites. See Dkt. 11-2 at 1–12 (Zhang Decl. ¶¶ 5–7). One of
    the videos was preceded by an English-language video advertisement for the University of
    Phoenix. Id. at 3 (Zhang Decl. ¶ 5(e).) The others were preceded by advertisements for
    Chinese-language video games containing Mandarin Chinese text. Id. at 7, 10 (Zhang Decl.
    ¶¶ 6(e), 7(e)); see also Dkt. 11 at 13. There is no indication that the latter advertisements
    included any English-language voice-overs. See Dkt. 11-2 at 7, 10 (Zhang Decl. ¶¶ 6(e), 7(e)).
    Based on a comparison of user-uploaded content and Youku-uploaded content, Zhang infers that
    the three videos had been uploaded by Youku itself, and not by Youku’s users. Id. at 13–14
    (Zhang Decl. ¶ 9). Triple Up has not alleged that anyone other than Zhang has used Youku’s
    websites to view the films at issue from within the United States.
    In response, Youku maintains that it uploaded “Sleeping Youth” and “Sorry, I Love You”
    pursuant to an express license to display those films in China, and that it implemented
    geoblocking to prevent the Youku-uploaded versions from being displayed in the United States.
    Dkt. 7-1 at 4 (Tang Decl. ¶ 19). It says that any non-geoblocked versions of those films on its
    websites, as well as any versions of “Squirrel Suicide Incident,” must have been uploaded by
    Youku’s users. Id. (Tang Decl. ¶ 20); see also Dkt. 12 at 16 n.9. Youku also declares—and
    Triple Up does not dispute—that Triple Up notified Youku of the allegedly infringing content on
    January 17, 2016, and that Youku then “removed all versions of the films” from its websites
    “within 24 hours.” Dkt. 7-1 at 6 (Tang Decl. ¶¶ 24–25). There is no allegation that any of the
    three films have been available on Youku’s websites in any form since January 18, 2016.
    On February 1, 2016, Triple Up filed the instant complaint. Dkt. 1. It alleges that Youku
    itself (as opposed to its users) uploaded each of the three films to Youku’s websites, where they
    could be viewed throughout the United States. Id. at 2, 6–12, 14 (Compl. ¶¶ 4, 29–37, 43–44). It
    also alleges more broadly that Youku’s “entire business model . . . relies upon systematic,
    widespread, and willful copyright infringement.” Id. at 2 (Compl. ¶ 7); see also id. at 4, 15–16
    (Compl. ¶¶ 12, 45–47, 53–54).
    Triple Up asserts four causes of action against Youku regarding each of the three films.
    Count One alleges infringement of the right of public performance in violation of 
    17 U.S.C. §§ 106
    (4) and 501 (including direct, vicarious, contributory, and inducement-based theories of
     at 17–19 (Compl. ¶¶ 57–67). Count Two alleges infringement of the rights of
    reproduction and distribution in violation of 
    17 U.S.C. §§ 106
    (1), 106(3), and 501 (again
    including direct, vicarious, contributory, and inducement-based theories of liability). 
     at 19–
    21 (Compl. ¶¶ 68–80). Count Three alleges false designation of origin, false descriptions and
    representations, and unfair competition under the Lanham Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 1125
     at 21–22
    (Compl. ¶¶ 81–87). And the last count alleges unfair competition under D.C. common law. 
    at 23–24 (Compl. ¶¶ 98–104). Triple Up has withdrawn its causes of action for infringement of
    the right to prepare derivative works under 
    17 U.S.C. § 106
    (2) and for violation of the D.C.
    Consumer Protection Procedures Act. Dkt. 11 at 7 n.2.
    Youku has now moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction, or, in
    the alternative, for failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted. Dkt. 7.
    The Court must begin—and, in this case, end—with the motion to dismiss for lack of
    personal jurisdiction. See Sinochem Int’l Co. v. Malay. Int’l Shipping Corp., 
    549 U.S. 422
    , 430–
    31 (2007) (“[A] federal court generally may not rule on the merits of a case without first
    determining that it has jurisdiction over . . . the parties . . . .”). On such a motion, the plaintiff
    bears the burden of “establishing a factual basis for the exercise of personal jurisdiction” over
    each defendant. Crane v. N.Y. Zoological Soc., 
    894 F.2d 454
    , 456 (D.C. Cir. 1990). It must do
    so by “alleg[ing] specific acts connecting [the] defendant with the forum” and “cannot rely on
    conclusory allegations.” Clay v. Blue Hackle N. Am., LLC, 
    907 F. Supp. 2d 85
    , 87 (D.D.C.
    2012). The Court “need not treat all of plaintiffs’ allegations as true,” moreover, and “may
    receive and weigh affidavits and any other relevant matter to assist it in determining the
    jurisdictional facts.” 
     Ultimately, the Court must “satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction to hear
    the suit,” and, to the extent necessary, “may look beyond the allegations of the complaint” to do
    so. Achagzai v. Broad. Bd. of Governors, 
    170 F. Supp. 3d 164
    , 173 (D.D.C. 2016).
    In the usual case, establishing personal jurisdiction over a non-resident defendant requires
    “a two-part inquiry.” GTE New Media Servs. Inc. v. BellSouth Corp., 
    199 F.3d 1343
    , 1347 (D.C.
    Cir. 2000). The exercise of jurisdiction must comport with both the long-arm statute of the
    forum and the Constitution’s due process requirements. 
     As explained in more detail below,
    the due process inquiry examines the defendant’s “contacts, ties, or relations” with the forum
    state, Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz, 
    471 U.S. 462
    , 472 (1985), and, in the case of “specific”
    or “case-linked” jurisdiction, those contacts must give rise to the specific claims at issue,
    Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, SA v. Brown, 
    564 U.S. 915
    , 923–24 (2011).
    Alternatively, Rule 4(k)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides that, if the
    claim arises under federal law, if a summons has been served, and if the defendant is beyond the
    jurisdiction of any one state’s courts, then federal courts may exercise jurisdiction—without
    regard to the forum’s long-arm statute—so long as due process requirements are met. See Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 4(k)(2); Mwani v. bin Laden, 
    417 F.3d 1
    , 10 (D.C. Cir. 2005). For this purpose, the
    Court may assume that the defendant is outside the long-arm jurisdiction of any one state’s
    courts unless the defendant “concede[s] to the jurisdiction of any state.” Mwani, 
    417 F.3d at 11
    And, although the “forum” for purposes of Rule 4(k)(2) is not a single state but “the United
    States as a whole,” 
     the constitutional inquiry is “otherwise the same,” Safra v. Palestinian
    82 F. Supp. 3d 37
    , 47 (D.D.C. 2015).
    Here, Triple Up argues only for the exercise of specific jurisdiction under the “transacting
    business” prong of the District’s long-arm statute, 
    D.C. Code § 13-423
    (a)(1), or, in the
    alternative, under Rule 4(k)(2). Dkt. 11 at 14–24 & nn.3 & 7. Although Youku disputes whether
    the “transacting business” prong properly applies to these facts, 1 see Dkt. 7 at 21; Dkt. 12 at 7–9,
    There is no question that the “transacting business” prong of the District’s long-arm statute “is
    coextensive with the [D]ue [P]rocess [C]lause,” Family Fed’n for World Peace v. Hyun Jin
    129 A.3d 234
    , 242 (D.C. 2015), at least as far as the amount and quality of required
    contacts is concerned. But there is a question whether that prong applies to actions “sounding in
    tort” in the first place. Because other, narrower provisions in the long-arm statute speak
    specifically to tort actions, see 
    D.C. Code § 13-423
    (a)(3)–(4), and because Youku contends that
    copyright infringement “sounds in tort,” Youku argues that the “transacting business” prong is
    necessarily inapplicable here. See Dkt. 7 at 21; see also Alkanani v. Aegis Def. Servs., LLC, 
    976 F. Supp. 2d 13
    , 27 (D.D.C. 2014) (declining to construe “transacting business” jurisdiction to
    encompass tort actions that the tort-specific provisions would otherwise disallow). As explained
    below, the Court need not address this issue—or any others that might preclude the application
    of the “transacting business” prong to these facts—because the motion must ultimately be
    resolved on due process grounds.
    Youku does not dispute for purposes of Rule 4(k)(2) that three of the claims against it arise under
    federal law or that it was properly served. See Dkt. 12 at 7–16. Nor does Youku concede to
    personal jurisdiction in the courts of any state. 2 See 
    As a result, whether or not the D.C. long-arm statute authorizes the exercise of personal
    jurisdiction here, the Court must still address the constitutional questions. The logic is as
    follows: If the D.C. long-arm statute allows for jurisdiction, then, under the ordinary framework,
    the Court must go on to consider whether the exercise of jurisdiction would satisfy due process.
    But if the D.C. long-arm statute does not apply, then Rule 4(k)(2) governs, and, because the non-
    constitutional predicates to the use of 4(k)(2) are met, the Court must consider the due process
    inquiry regardless. The constitutional issues in this case are therefore unavoidable. 3
    The Court, accordingly, will address a single, dispositive question: Are Youku’s contacts
    with the United States as a whole constitutionally sufficient to justify the exercise of specific
    personal jurisdiction over it with respect to Triple Up’s asserted claims? See Mwani, 
    417 F.3d at
    Youku arguably consented to jurisdiction in New York when it designated an agent for service
    of process there, see Dkt. 11-4 at 7, and accepted service of process through that agent in this
    case, see Dkt. 10. Similar designations have historically been considered consent to suit in New
    York. See, e.g., Neirbo Co. v. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., 
    308 U.S. 165
    , 173, 175 (1939);
    Bagdon v. Phil. & Reading Coal & Iron Co., 
    111 N.E. 1075
    , 1076 (N.Y. 1916). More recent
    jurisprudential developments, however, have called that doctrine into question. See, e.g., Brown
    v. Lockheed Martin Corp., 
    814 F.3d 619
    , 637–41 (2d Cir. 2016). Nonetheless, neither party has
    raised that issue here. As a result, because Youku has “refuse[d] to identify any other [forum]
    where suit is possible,” the Court “is entitled” to presume that jurisdiction is unavailable in any
    one state. Mwani, 
    417 F.3d at 11
    To be sure, Triple Up’s two theories pose slightly different constitutional questions: one asks
    whether Youku’s contacts with the District are constitutionally sufficient, whereas the other asks
    the same of Youku’s contacts with the United States as a whole. As explained below, the Court
    answers both questions in the negative. And, because the insufficiency of Youku’s U.S. contacts
    necessarily implies that its D.C. contacts are also insufficient, the Court will address its analysis
    to Youku’s U.S. contacts nationwide.
    11. Because the Court finds that they are not, personal jurisdiction is unavailable under either of
    Triple Up’s theories.
    A.     Due Process Requirements for Specific Jurisdiction Under Rule 4(k)(2)
    To establish specific jurisdiction over Youku under Rule 4(k)(2) and the Due Process
    Clause, Triple Up must demonstrate that Youku “has sufficient contacts with the United States as
    a whole,” Mwani, 
    417 F.3d at 11
    , “such that [it] should reasonably [have] anticipate[d] being
    haled into court [here],” World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson, 
    444 U.S. 286
    , 297 (1980).
    These contacts need not be physical, but they must demonstrate that Youku has “purposefully
    directed” its activities at residents of the forum, Burger King, 
    471 U.S. at 472
     (quoting Keeton v.
    Hustler Magazine, Inc., 
    465 U.S. 770
    , 774 (1984)), or that Youku has “purposefully avail[ed]
    itself of the privilege of conducting activities within the [United States], thus invoking the
    benefits and protections of its laws,” Hanson v. Denckla, 
    357 U.S. 235
    , 253 (1958). In addition,
    because Triple Up relies exclusively on a theory of specific jurisdiction, see Dkt. 11 at 14 n.3, its
    causes of action against Youku must “aris[e] out of or relate[] to” Youku’s United States
    contacts, Daimler AG v. Bauman, 
    134 S. Ct. 746
    , 754 (2014) (quoting Helicopteros Nacionales
    de Colombia, S.A. v. Hall, 
    466 U.S. 408
    , 414 n.8 (1984)). 4
    This case requires the evaluation of Youku’s contacts with the United States in the
    context of the internet. Although such questions have become increasingly common, “the
    relationship between a defendant’s online activity and its amenability to suit in a foreign
    jurisdiction often remains ill-defined.” Revision Military, Inc. v. Balboa Mfg. Co., No. 5:11-CV-
    “General jurisdiction,” in contrast, is available against Youku only in the forum where it is
    “essentially at home,” Goodyear, 
    564 U.S. at 919
    . Triple Up does not argue for general
    jurisdiction here. Dkt. 11 at 14 n.3.
    2011 WL 3875624
    , at *6 (D. Vt. Aug. 31, 2011), vacated in part on other grounds by 
    700 F.3d 524
     (Fed. Cir. 2012). The Supreme Court has yet to offer guidance in this area, see, e.g.,
    Walden v. Fiore, 
    134 S. Ct. 1115
    , 1125 n.9 (2014) (noting that Walden did not present the
    questions “whether and how a defendant’s virtual ‘presence’ and conduct translate into ‘contacts’
    with a particular State,” and “leav[ing] questions about virtual contacts for another day”), and the
    existing guidance from the D.C. Circuit is limited, see Gorman v. Ameritrade Holding Corp.,
    293 F.3d 506
    , 510–12 (D.C. Cir. 2002); GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1350
    . A number of principles have
    nonetheless emerged.
    First, it is clear that the “mere accessibility of the defendants’ websites” in the forum
    cannot by itself “establish[] the necessary ‘minimum contacts.’” GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1350
    ; 4A
    Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure § 1073 & n.40 (4th
    ed. updated Apr. 2016). In a leading internet-era case, GTE New Media Services Inc. v.
    BellSouth Corp., 
    199 F.3d 1343
     (D.C. Cir. 2000), the D.C. Circuit observed that due process
    limitations on personal jurisdiction are meant to “allow[] potential defendants to structure their
    primary conduct with some minimum assurance as to where that conduct will and will not render
    them liable to suit.” 
    Id. at 1350
     (quoting World-Wide Volkswagen, 
    444 U.S. at 297
    ). But, if
    websites necessarily expose their operators to suit in any jurisdiction where they are accessed,
    the court reasoned, “personal jurisdiction in [i]nternet-related cases would almost always be
    found in any forum,” and this constitutional assurance would be “shred[ded] . . . out of practical
     (emphasis added). Thus, the GTE defendants’ “Yellow Pages” phone directory
    websites—without more—could not justify the exercise of specific personal jurisdiction over
    them. Id. at 1346, 1350.
    This Court recently construed GTE to require the dismissal of an intellectual property suit
    between two nonresidents. In Hayes v. FM Broadcast Station WETT (FM), 
    930 F. Supp. 2d 145
    (D.D.C. 2013), a Maryland plaintiff alleged that his trademarks had been infringed by a West
    Virginia company’s internet radio station, which was accessible in the District via the
    defendant’s website. 
    Id. at 147
    . Personal jurisdiction was absent, however, because the plaintiff
    failed to show “that the defendants purposefully availed themselves of the District of Columbia
    any more than they availed themselves of every other jurisdiction in which their website was
     at 151–52 (citing GTE, 
    199 F.3d at
    1349–50); see also, e.g., Sinclair v.
    596 F. Supp. 2d 128
    , 133 (D.D.C. 2009) (dismissing defamation lawsuit
    between two nonresidents because posting allegedly defamatory statements on the internet “is
    insufficient to establish personal jurisdiction,” even if those statements “can be downloaded and
    viewed in the District of Columbia”); Kline v. Williams, No. 05-cv-1102 (HHK), 
    2006 WL 758459
    , at *5 (D.D.C. Mar. 23, 2006) (dismissing copyright lawsuit against non-residents where
    allegedly infringing images had been disseminated on the internet).
    Of course, none of this is to say that a nonresident’s purely online activities never give
    rise to personal jurisdiction. Courts commonly find internet-based personal jurisdiction in at
    least two situations. First, personal jurisdiction may exist where “residents use [a] website to
    engage in electronic transactions with the [defendant]”—that is, where the website functions as
    the defendant’s storefront in the forum. Gorman, 
    293 F.3d at
    512–13; 5 GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1348
    Gorman concerned general personal jurisdiction, and to that extent, may have been abrogated
    by recent Supreme Court cases narrowing general jurisdiction’s scope. See Daimler, 
    134 S. Ct. at 761
    ; Goodyear, 
    564 U.S. at 919
    . But Gorman’s reasoning remains valid as applied to specific
    jurisdiction, so long as that the cause of action “arises out of” District residents’ internet
    transactions with the defendant.
    4A Wright & Miller, supra, § 1073 & nn.42 & 51; see also, e.g., Doe I v. State of Israel, 
    400 F. Supp. 2d 86
    , 121 (D.D.C. 2005). Second, jurisdiction may attach under the “effects test” first
    articulated in Calder v. Jones, 
    465 U.S. 783
     (1984), which looks to whether “the defendant’s
    conduct is aimed at or has an effect in the forum state.” GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1349
    Panavision Int’l L.P. v. Toeppen, 
    141 F.3d 1316
    , 1321 (9th Cir. 1998)); see also, e.g., Wash.
    Shoe Co. v. A-Z Sporting Goods Inc., 
    704 F.3d 668
    , 673–79 (9th Cir. 2012); 4A Wright &
    Miller, supra, § 1073 & nn.60–68.
    Against this backdrop, Triple Up’s task is to distinguish this case from GTE, Hayes, and
    the like, where the only case-specific connection between the defendant and the forum was the
    accessibility of a website. Here, Triple Up identifies what it sees as three distinguishing factors:
    (1) Youku’s “geoblocking” technology; (2) the third-party, English-language video
    advertisements for American products that sometimes precede videos on Youku’s website and
    that are geographically targeted; and (3) the purported “interactivity” of Youku’s website. See
    Dkt. 11 at 17–20. Triple Up also points to certain non-internet-based contacts between Youku
    and the United States, including (4) the fact that Youku stock has been traded on the New York
    Stock Exchange, and (5) Youku’s contractual agreements with American advertising, software,
    and entertainment firms. Id. at 22–24. Finally, the Court notes that Triple Up has waived any
    argument under the Calder “effects test” by failing to include one in its brief, see generally Dkt.
    11, and that, in any event, Triple Up has failed to identify any significant effects in the United
    States of the alleged acts of infringement. Ultimately, none of Triple Up’s arguments is availing.
    1. Geoblocking
    Triple Up’s most novel argument concerns Youku’s “geoblocking” capabilities. Dkt. 11
    at 17–20. It is undisputed that Youku has the technology to block videos on its website from
    being viewed in certain geographic locations, and Youku contends that it employs this
    technology for the subset of videos uploaded to its websites by its own employees. Dkt. 7-1 at 2,
    4 (Tang Decl. ¶¶ 7–8, 20). Although the parties dispute whether the videos at issue here are of a
    kind that Youku would normally geoblock as a matter of its internal policy, compare id. at 4
    (Tang Decl. ¶ 19) with Dkt. 11-2 at 13–14 (Zhang Decl. ¶ 9), there is little question that, in
    principle, Youku could geoblock all its videos from being displayed in the United States, had it
    the resources and inclination to do so. Thus, Triple Up reasons, because Youku failed to take
    affirmative steps to prevent the videos from being displayed in the United States, it must have
    “purposefully transmitted specific broadcasts” to the United States “with full knowledge that
    they would be viewed” there. Dkt. 11 at 19.
    The Court, however, is unpersuaded that the possibility of “geoblocking” warrants a
    different result here than in GTE. To hold otherwise would invite a sea change in the law of
    internet personal jurisdiction. Although not framed as such in the briefs, Triple Up essentially
    contends that GTE rests on what is now a false factual premise: Because geoblocking
    technology exists, Triple Up says, it is no longer the case that making a website accessible in the
    United States is “an unavoidable side-effect of modern internet technology,” Doe I, 
    400 F. Supp. 2d at 121
    , or that basing personal jurisdiction on website accessibility would “almost always”
    expose the defendant to suit “in any forum in the country,” GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1350
    . See Dkt. 11
    at 19. To be sure, the proposition that a website’s affirmative geoblocking efforts should weigh
    against the exercise of personal jurisdiction is unobjectionable. But Triple Up’s proposed rule—
    which equates a failure to geoblock with purposeful availment—would effectively mandate
    geoblocking for any website operator wishing to avoid suit in the United States. To say the least,
    such a rule would carry significant policy implications reaching beyond the scope of this lawsuit,
    see generally Tracie E. Wandell, Geolocation and Jurisdiction: From Purposeful Availment to
    Avoidance and Targeting on the Internet, 16 J. TECH. L. & POL’Y 275, 297–304 (2011)
    (discussing potential obstacles facing a mandatory geoblocking regime), and, indeed, could limit
    U.S. residents’ access to what is appropriately called the World Wide Web. Perhaps, in the
    future, geoblocking will become sufficiently widespread that a failure to use it will be considered
    “purposeful” and assigned jurisdictional significance. But Triple Up provides no factual basis
    for the Court to conclude that this is the case now, and, in any event, this Court is not the
    appropriate venue for reconsidering GTE in light of technological advances.
    Even apart from these difficulties, Triple Up’s argument is at odds with existing personal
    jurisdiction principles. The operative test, after all, is whether the defendant has committed
    “some act” by which it “purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within
    the forum.” J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. v. Nicastro, 
    564 U.S. 873
    , 880 (2011) (plurality
    opinion) (emphasis added) (quoting Hanson, 
    357 U.S. at 253
    ). The Court is unaware of any
    authority suggesting that a failure to act might constitute purposeful availment. To the contrary,
    if personal jurisdiction attached whenever the defendant failed to take available steps to keep its
    products from reaching the forum, the Supreme Court’s “stream of commerce” cases would look
    quite different. In J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. v. Nicastro, for example, the British defendant
    manufacturer could have attempted to keep its goods out of New Jersey—even though it knew its
    distributor was targeting “the United States as a whole”—if it had instructed that its goods not be
    sold in that state. See 
     at 878–79. In fact, the Chief Justice raised just such a hypothetical at
    oral argument, where he asked:
    What if [the defendant] said, [“We want to sell our goods in the United States,] but
    we don’t like New Jersey, so don’t sell our products in New Jersey[,”] and the Ohio
    [distributor] nonetheless does so? Can you get them—can you hale them into court
    in New Jersey? . . . He is not entering the stream of commerce in the United States.
    He’s entering a stream of commerce that detours around New Jersey.
    Transcript of Oral Argument at 26–27, J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. v. Nicastro, 
    564 U.S. 873
    (2011) (No. 09-1343) (emphasis added). But the Court ultimately held that New Jersey had no
    personal jurisdiction over the defendant, Nicastro, 
    564 U.S. at 887
    , notwithstanding that it failed
    to take steps to “detour around” the forum. Triple Up’s argument here—which, as Youku notes,
    would “replace the purposeful availment standard with a requirement of purposeful avoidance,”
    Dkt. 12 at 16—is difficult to square with this result.
    2. Third-Party Advertisements
    As further evidence of Youku’s contacts with the United States, Triple Up points to the
    fact that Youku generates revenue by allowing third-parties to sometimes display English-
    language ads for American products before some of Youku’s videos, and that these ads are
    allegedly selected based in part on the viewer’s geographic location. Dkt. 11 at 17–18. It
    appears that Youku does not prepare these advertisements itself, but rather contracts with region-
    specific advertising groups, including groups in the United States, who then ensure that visitors
    to Youku’s websites see ads targeted for their part of the world. Dkt. 11-4 at 13 (Youku’s Form
    20-F filed with the SEC for fiscal year 2014). These third-party ads, Triple Up says, represent
    “purposeful transmission[s] of advertisements to D.C. residents,” which it says constitute
    purposeful availment of D.C. laws. Dkt. 11 at 17–18.
    The Court need not decide whether Youku’s hosting of English-language ads for
    American audiences rises to the level of purposeful availment, however, because Triple Up’s
    lawsuit does not “aris[e] out of or relate[] to” those third-party advertisements, as specific
    jurisdiction requires. See Daimler, 
    134 S. Ct. at 754
     (quoting Helicopteros, 
    466 U.S. at
    414 n.8).
    The first step in the Court’s relatedness analysis is to decide on the proper standard. The
    Supreme Court has yet to pass on this issue, O’Connor v. Sandy Lane Hotel Co., 
    496 F.3d 312
    318 (3d Cir. 2007), and it remains an open question in this Circuit, cf. Alkanani, 976 F. Supp. 2d
    at 27 (noting the divergence of views among other circuits). Nonetheless, “[t]hree approaches
    predominate.” O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at 318
    . At the most restrictive end of the spectrum, courts
    require the defendant’s contacts to have been the “proximate cause”—or at least something
    similar to the proximate cause—of the plaintiff’s alleged injury. 
     at 318–19; see, e.g.,
    Beydoun v. Wataniya Rests. Holding, Q.S.C., 
    768 F.3d 499
    , 508 (6th Cir. 2014); O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at 323
    ; Cambridge Literary Props., Ltd. v. W. Goebel Porzellanfabrik G.m.b.H. & Co. Kg.,
    295 F.3d 59
    , 65 (1st Cir. 2002). Other courts are satisfied if the contacts are merely a “but-for
    cause” of the injury. O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at 319
    ; see, e.g., Shute v. Carnival Cruise Lines, 
    897 F.2d 377
    , 385–86 (9th Cir. 1990). 6 And a third category of courts, including, notably, the D.C.
    Court of Appeals, require only a “discernable relationship” between the contacts and the
    plaintiff’s cause of action. O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at
    319–20; see, e.g., Shoppers Food Warehouse
    v. Moreno, 
    746 A.2d 320
    , 334–35 (D.C. 2000) (en banc). 7 Unlike the other tests, the
    The Supreme Court reversed Shute v. Carnival Cruise Lines on other grounds, 
    499 U.S. 585
    (1991), but the Ninth Circuit held that its “but for test” was unaffected, Ballard v. Savage, 
    65 F.3d 1495
    , 1500 (9th Cir. 1995).
    It is unclear whether Shoppers held that “discernable relationship” is the appropriate standard
    for the nexus requirement under the D.C. long-arm statute, the Due Process Clause, or both. See
    746 A.2d at 335
     (holding that the nexus requirement in the long-arm statute should be interpreted
    “in the same way” as the Supreme Court’s due process nexus requirement, and that that way is
    “discernable relationship” test does “not . . . require a causal connection between the defendant’s
    [activities] and the plaintiffs’ lawsuit.” Shoppers, 
    746 A.2d at 335
     (quoting Thomason v. Chem.
    661 A.2d 595
    , 603 (Conn. 1995)). Instead, “courts that follow this approach consider the
    totality of the circumstances,” O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at
    320 (citing Shoppers, 
    746 A.2d at 336
    and from that attempt to infer whether the exercise of jurisdiction in the forum was “reasonably
    foreseeable,” Shoppers, 
    746 A.2d at 336
    For present purposes, it is sufficient to hold that the “discernable relationship” test is not
    the applicable standard: rather, “the plaintiff [must] show some sort of causal relationship
    between a defendant’s U.S. contacts and the episode in suit.” Estate of Klieman v. Palestinian
    82 F. Supp. 3d 237
    , 247 (D.D.C. 2015). Two considerations inform the Court’s
    conclusion. First, by “vary[ing] the scope of the relatedness requirement according to the
    ‘quantity and quality’ of the defendant’s contacts,” the discernable relationship test blurs the
    distinction between specific and general jurisdiction. O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at 321
    William M. Richman, Review Essay: A Sliding Scale to Supplement the Distinction Between
    General and Specific Jurisdiction, 
    72 Cal. L. Rev. 1328
    , 1345 (1984) (book review)). The D.C.
    Court of Appeals in Shoppers, for example, held that the “discernable relationship” requirement
    should be relaxed in light of the defendant’s “extensive and repeated” forum contacts, despite
    agreeing that those contacts had “no inherent relationship” to the plaintiff’s cause of action. 
    746 A.2d at 336
    . The Supreme Court has made clear, however, that general and specific jurisdiction
    are “analytically distinct categories, not two points on a sliding scale,” O’Connor, 496 F.3d at
    the “discernable relationship” test). In any event, because the Court’s opinion turns only on the
    application of the Due Process Clause, the D.C. court’s opinion is not controlling.
    321 (citing Helicopteros, 
    466 U.S. at
    414–16), and that gap has only widened as general
    jurisdiction has assumed an increasingly “reduced role,” Daimler, 
    134 S. Ct. at 755
    Goodyear, 565 U.S. at 925). Second, although the discernable relationship test has the benefit of
    “flexib[ility],” Shoppers, 
    746 A.2d at 335
    , its “freewheeling totality-of-the-circumstances”
    approach deprives litigants of the type of adequate notice that due process requires, O’Connor,
    496 F.3d at
    321–22. As noted above, “[t]he Due Process Clause exists, in part, to give ‘a degree
    of predictability to the legal system that allows potential defendants to structure their primary
    conduct with some minimum assurance as to where that conduct will and will not render them
    liable to suit.’” GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1350
     (quoting World-Wide Volkswagen, 
    444 U.S. at 297
    ). The
    discernable relationship test defies this predictability and “replaces structured analysis” with
    “[u]nbounded judicial intuition.” O’Connor, 
    496 F.3d at 322
    . As a result, the Court concludes
    that Supreme Court precedent precludes the application of the “discernable relationship” test.
    With the discernable relationship test off the table, it is clear that Youku’s third-party
    advertisements fail even the permissive “but for” test. Triple Up does not appear to argue
    otherwise. See Dkt. 11 at 15–16 (relying only on the discernable relationship test); 
     at 20–24
    (not mentioning any type of causation). Indeed, there is no evidence that the presence of any ads
    for American products played any role in making the allegedly infringing videos viewable on
    Youku’s websites from within the United States. As Youku notes, even if Youku’s websites
    featured only Chinese-language ads for Chinese products aimed at Chinese consumers—or if
    they featured no advertisements at all—Triple Up’s “allegations would remain the same.” Dkt.
    12 at 13. The existence of geographically-targeted advertisements is therefore causally
    independent of the alleged availability of the films at issue. Thus on these facts—where the
    advertisements bear no causal relationship to the plaintiff’s cause of action—the Court concludes
    that selling internet ad space to regional agencies who then license that space to local businesses
    does not automatically subject the website to the jurisdiction of every forum in which it is
    accessible. 8
    3. “Interactivity”
    Triple Up’s third argument, which concerns “interactivity,” see Dkt. 11 at 19–20, is even
    further from the mark. Although some courts have used a website’s “interactivity” as a kind of
    “jurisprudential heuristic” for internet personal jurisdiction, 4A Wright & Miller, supra, § 1073
    (discussing Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc., 
    952 F. Supp. 1119
     (W.D. Pa. 1997)), the
    D.C. Circuit has defined the inquiry in a narrower sense. In this Circuit, a website’s
    “interactivity” is generally relevant to the constitutional issue only insofar as it illustrates
    whether the website allows its operator “to engage in real-time transactions with District of
    Columbia residents.” See Gorman, 
    293 F.3d at
    513 (citing Zippo, 
    952 F. Supp. at 1124
    )); Doe I,
    400 F. Supp. 2d at 121
    . Here, Youku’s only alleged “transactions” with United States residents
    are its “Youku VIP” subscriptions (assuming, as is likely the case, that at least some U.S.
    residents subscribe). But Triple Up does not raise this as an argument for the assertion of
    specific personal jurisdiction, see Dkt. 11 at 19–20, perhaps because the Youku VIP program is
    unrelated to the claims at issue. Instead, Triple Up emphasizes that the websites “permit[] users
    to create personal user accounts,” 
     at 19—but this hardly evinces any “interactivity” at all, let
    alone a degree of interactivity that would allow Youku to engage in real-time internet
    Although not cited by Triple Up, the Ninth Circuit has held that, in the limited context of the
    Calder “effects test,” selling internet ad space to third-parties in the forum is evidence of
    “express aiming.” See Mavrix Photo, Inc. v. Brand Techs., Inc., 
    647 F.3d 1218
    , 1230 (9th Cir.
    2011). As discussed below, Triple Up has not raised an effects-test argument, nor could one
    likely succeed on these facts. See infra Part III.A.6.
    transactions. Although the feature of Youku’s websites that allows users to “upload videos” may
    be interactive in some sense, see id. at 19, neither party has argued that this feature is in any way
    relevant to the specific jurisdiction inquiry. And the other “interactive” features that Triple Up
    touts—namely, that Youku’s websites “permit[] users to . . . search for [and access] video
    content”—render Youku’s websites “no more ‘interactive’ than any basic website,” and certainly
    “not the virtual equivalent of being present in the District of Columbia.” Doe I, 
    400 F. Supp. 2d at 121
    . This overstated “interactivity” does not support the exercise of personal jurisdiction.
    4. Listing on the New York Stock Exchange
    Turning to Youku’s non-internet contacts with the United States, Triple Up observes that
    Youku has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has been subject to reporting
    obligations under U.S. securities law, and argues that these contacts support a finding of
    jurisdiction. Dkt. 11 at 23. But the claims at issue have no “discernable relationship”—causal or
    otherwise—to Youku’s stock listings, and therefore do not “arise from or relate to” that contact
    with the United States. In addition, “the prevailing caselaw accords foreign corporations
    substantial latitude to list their securities on New York-based stock exchanges and to take the
    steps necessary to facilitate those listings (such as making SEC filings and designating a
    depository for their shares) without thereby subjecting themselves to New York jurisdiction for
    unrelated occurrences.” Wiwa v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 
    226 F.3d 88
    , 97 (2d Cir. 2000).
    These contacts do not further Triple Up’s case, either.
    5. Contracts with U.S. Companies
    Triple Up also points to Youku’s various contracts with American firms, including
    “third-party advertising agencies,” a “U.S. software company” employed to help Youku combat
    copyright infringement, and “U.S. entertainment companies” employed “to produce original
    content” for Youku. Dkt. 11 at 22–24. But these contacts again fail the relatedness requirement.
    “Courts have appropriately concluded that an injury sounding in tort”—such as copyright
    infringement—“does not ‘arise from’ a contract for services for the purpose of specific
    jurisdiction.” Alkanani, 976 F. Supp. 2d at 27 (collecting cases). That rule applies with
    particular force here, where the contracts are unrelated in any meaningful sense to Triple Up’s
    copyright infringement claims.
    6. Effects Intentionally Directed at the United States
    Finally, the Court acknowledges the “effects test” of Calder v. Jones, 
    465 U.S. 783
    (1984). Calder upheld the exercise of personal jurisdiction over nonresident defendants on the
    grounds that their “intentional . . . actions were expressly aimed at [the forum],” which was
    where “the brunt of the harm” was felt. 
    Id. at 789
    . It now stands for the principle that the
    “effects” of a non-forum actor’s intentional conduct can, in some circumstances, “create[] the
    necessary contacts with the forum.” Walden, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1123
    The Ninth Circuit has taken the leading role in adapting the effects test to internet
    copyright infringement actions, holding that “personal jurisdiction can be based upon: (1)
    intentional actions (2) expressly aimed at the forum state (3) causing harm, the brunt of which is
    suffered—and which the defendant knows is likely to be suffered—in the forum state.”
    Panavision Int’l L.P., 
    141 F.3d at 1321
    . In some of its broader applications of the doctrine, the
    Ninth Circuit has held that willful copyright infringement is always “expressly aimed” at “the
    place where the copyright is held,” 9 Wash. Shoe Co., 704 F.3d at 678, and that a celebrity gossip
    But cf. Walden, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1124
     (reversing the Ninth Circuit’s application of the effects test
    on the grounds that the Ninth Circuit improperly “shift[ed] the analytical focus from [the
    defendant’s] contacts with the forum to his contacts with [the plaintiffs]”).
    website was “expressly aimed” at California because it “continuously and deliberately exploited”
    its California user base, Mavrix, 
    647 F.3d at
    1229–30. The D.C. Circuit has also recognized the
    effects test in the internet context. See GTE, 
    199 F.3d at
    1349 (citing Panavision Int’l L.P., 
    141 F.3d at 1321
    ); Kline, 
    2006 WL 758459
    , at *5 (applying Calder to internet copyright action). It
    thus remains plausible that a foreign copyright infringer could be subject to personal jurisdiction
    solely by virtue of its conduct’s internet “effects” in the United States.
    The Court has no occasion to address that issue here, however, because Triple Up raises
    no effects-test argument, see Dkt. 11, and has now waived its chance to do so, see City of
    Waukesha v. EPA, 
    320 F.3d 228
    , 250 n.22 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (arguments not developed in briefs
    are waived). Nor is it likely that such an argument could succeed. To the contrary, it is difficult
    to imagine how Youku’s posting of the videos could be said to have been “expressly aimed” at
    the United States, or how it “caused harm” there. After all, Youku’s websites are written entirely
    in Mandarin Chinese. Dkt. 7-1 at 2 (Tang Decl. ¶ 5). The three films are Taiwanese in origin,
    Dkt. 11-1 at 1 (Hsu Decl. ¶ 2); appear with Mandarin captions, see Dkt. 11-2 at 4–5, 7–8, 11
    (Zhang Decl. ¶¶ 5(f) & (g), 6(f) & (g), 7(f) & (g); and, presumably, are themselves in
    Mandarin. 10 The alleged copyright holder has no apparent connection to the United States. See
    Dkt. 1 at 4 (Compl. ¶ 15); Dkt. 7-1 at 6 (Tang Decl. ¶ 26); Dkt. 11-1 at 2 (Hsu Decl. ¶ 12). And,
    far from evidence that Youku’s display of the films “achieved a substantial [United States]
    viewer base” that is “an integral component of [its] business model,” Mavrix, 
    647 F.3d at 1230
    Although the record does not expressly state that the films are in Mandarin, Triple Up implies
    that they are. For example, Triple Up characterizes Youku as “taking commercial advantage of
    the Chinese-language streaming video broadcast market in the United States,” Dkt. 11 at 6
    (emphasis added), but specifically distinguishes the ads on Youku’s websites as “English-
    language video advertisement[s].” Id. at 13, 18, 22, 24 (emphasis added).
    there is no allegation that anyone other than Triple Up’s attorneys viewed the three films from
    within the United States at all. Thus, even if a Calder “effects test” argument were properly
    before the Court, it would likely prove unavailing.
    *       *       *
    As a result, Triple Up has failed to show that Youku has sufficient “minimum contacts”
    to warrant the exercise of specific personal jurisdiction with respect to the claims at issue.
    B.     Jurisdictional Discovery
    The Court also denies Triple Up’s request for additional jurisdictional discovery. It is, of
    course, true that “if a party demonstrates that it can supplement its jurisdictional allegations
    through discovery, then jurisdictional discovery is justified.” GTE, 
    199 F.3d at 1351
    . The party,
    however, “must have at least a good faith belief that such discovery will enable it to show that
    the court has personal jurisdiction over the defendant” and that belief must be more than
    “conjecture or speculation.” FC Inv. Grp. LC v. IFX Mkts., Ltd., 
    529 F.3d 1087
    , 1093–94 (D.C.
    Cir. 2008). Here, Triple Up fails to make such a demonstration.
    Specifically, Triple Up seeks evidence related to (1) “the nature and extent of Youku’s
    streaming broadcasts and advertisements;” (2) “revenues associated therewith;” (3) “Youku’s
    geocoding and geoblocking capabilities, policies, and activities;” (4) “membership and revenues
    from the ‘Youku VIP’ service” in the United States; (5) “Youku’s computer servers and its web-
    site related activities” in the United States; (6) Youku’s “dealings” with U.S. advertising
    agencies, entertainment content producers, and software companies; and (7) “investment-related
    activities in the [United States],” by which Triple Up presumably means Youku’s one-time
    presence on the New York Stock Exchange. Dkt. 11 at 25.
    Most of these requests are not aimed at information relevant to whether specific personal
    jurisdiction exists in this case. As to the first two requests, the Court has already determined that
    third-party advertisements on Youku’s website are not sufficiently related to Triple Up’s causes
    of action to serve as a hook for specific jurisdiction. See supra Part III.A.2. That conclusion
    stands regardless of the “number and nature of advertisements transmitted” to the United States
    or “how much revenue” those advertisements generate. 11 Dkt. 11 at 25–26. As to the third
    request concerning geoblocking, the Court has already held that failure to geoblock does not rise
    to the level of purposeful availment, and that Youku’s internal policies on this point are
    immaterial. See supra Part III.A.1. As to the fourth request aimed at the “Youku VIP” service,
    Triple Up has not argued that the service could establish specific jurisdiction here, and the Court
    does not see how it reasonably could do so, given that this case does not arise from Youku VIP
    contracts, services, or content. See supra Part III.A.3. As to Triple Up’s sixth request
    concerning Youku’s “dealings” with U.S. firms, the Court fails to see how these dealings have
    any causal nexus with the claims at issue. See supra Part III.A.5. And, as to the seventh request
    regarding Youku’s listing on the New York Stock Exchange, the Court has already deemed that
    fact jurisdictionally insignificant. See supra Part III.A.4.
    The one request that warrants discussion is Triple Up’s fifth request for discovery into
    whether Youku operates any servers or maintains its websites from the United States. Youku’s
    As explained above, if Youku posted the allegedly infringing works as part of a concerted
    effort to attract U.S. viewers, evidence of that fact might conceivably be relevant to an effects-
    test theory. See supra Part III.A.6. But Triple Up has not presented that argument here.
    Moreover, jurisdictional discovery is not the occasion for “an unwarranted fishing expedition,”
    Williams v. Romarm, SA, 
    756 F.3d 777
    , 786 (D.C. Cir. 2014), and Triple Up has presented no
    good-faith basis to believe that such evidence exists.
    representative has declared that “Youku’s computer servers are principally located, and its
    websites are principally created and maintained, in the [People’s Republic of China],” and that
    “Youku does not have any computer servers located, nor does it create or maintain its websites,
    from the District of Columbia.” Dkt. 7-1 at 4 (Tang Decl. ¶ 18) (emphases added). Triple Up is
    thus correct that this declaration leaves open the possibility that Youku operates its websites
    from elsewhere in the United States. Dkt. 11 at 26. And, given the Court’s analysis above, if
    Youku maintains a server or operate its websites from within the United States, and if those
    activities are causally related to the availability of Youku’s website in the United States, that fact
    could be jurisdictionally relevant.
    Nonetheless, the Court concludes that Triple Up’s request for this discovery is merely
    conjectural. Youku did not specifically declare that it had no servers in the United States, but it
    did declare that it has no “officers or employees” here. Dkt. 7-1 at 3 (Tang Decl. ¶ 9). Although
    not literally impossible, it would be surprising, to say the least, if Youku operated its website
    from the United States in a jurisdictionally relevant way without maintaining any employees
    there and without any public record of its U.S.-based activities. And Triple Up has identified no
    reason to believe that such a server exists. A plaintiff “is not entitled to jurisdictional discovery
    just because [it] hopes that it might turn something up.” Hayes, 930 F. Supp. 2d at 152. The
    request for jurisdictional discovery, accordingly, is denied.
    The Court will grant Youku’s motion to dismiss the complaint for lack of personal
    jurisdiction, Dkt. 7 at 13–23, and will accordingly dismiss the action. As a result, the Court lacks
    personal jurisdiction to rule on Youku’s motion to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a
    claim, Dkt. 7 at 23–31, and will deny that aspect of the motion as moot.
    A separate order issues concurrently with this opinion.
    /s/ Randolph D. Moss
    United States District Judge
    Date: January 24, 2017

Document Info

Docket Number: Civil Action No. 2016-0159

Citation Numbers: 235 F. Supp. 3d 15

Judges: Judge Randolph D. Moss

Filed Date: 1/24/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (29)

ken-wiwa-individually-and-as-administrator-of-the-estate-of-his-deceased , 226 F.3d 88 ( 2000 )

O'CONNOR v. Sandy Lane Hotel Co., Ltd. , 496 F.3d 312 ( 2007 )

Mavrix Photo, Inc. v. Brand Technologies, Inc. , 647 F.3d 1218 ( 2011 )

95 Cal. Daily Op. Serv. 7276, 95 Daily Journal D.A.R. 12,... , 65 F.3d 1495 ( 1995 )

Panavision International, L.P., a Delaware Limited ... , 141 F.3d 1316 ( 1998 )

Eulala Shute and Russel Shute v. Carnival Cruise Lines , 897 F.2d 377 ( 1990 )

Mwani, Odilla Mutaka v. Bin Ladin, Usama , 417 F.3d 1 ( 2005 )

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Gorman, David J. v. AmeriTrade Hold Corp , 293 F.3d 506 ( 2002 )

Kent B. Crane v. New York Zoological Society , 894 F.2d 454 ( 1990 )

FC Investment Group LC v. IFX Markets, Ltd. , 529 F.3d 1087 ( 2008 )

Shoppers Food Warehouse v. Moreno , 746 A.2d 320 ( 2000 )

City of Waukesha v. Environmental Protection Agency , 320 F.3d 228 ( 2003 )

Sinclair v. TubeSockTedD , 596 F. Supp. 2d 128 ( 2009 )

Neirbo Co. v. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. , 60 S. Ct. 153 ( 1939 )

World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson , 100 S. Ct. 559 ( 1980 )

Hanson v. Denckla , 78 S. Ct. 1228 ( 1958 )

Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz , 105 S. Ct. 2174 ( 1985 )

Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc. , 952 F. Supp. 1119 ( 1997 )

Doe I v. State of Israel , 400 F. Supp. 2d 86 ( 2005 )

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