CSH Theatres, LLC v. Nederlander of San Francisco Associates ( 2015 )

    CSH THEATRES, LLC,                             )
    Plaintiff/Counterclaim    )
    Defendant,                )
    v.                              )
    NEDERLANDER OF SAN FRANCISCO                   )
    ASSOCIATES,                                    )
    Defendant/Counterclaim    )
    )       C.A. No. 9380-VCP
    ASSOCIATES,                               )
    Third Party Plaintiff,  )
    v.                          )
    HAYS and JEFF HAYS,                       )
    Third Party Defendants, )
    and                         )
    THEATRES, LLC,                            )
    Nominal Defendant.      )
    Date Submitted: December 3, 2014
    Date Decided: April 21, 2015
    Raymond DiCamillo, Esq., Blake K. Rohrbacher, Esq., Susan M. Hannigan, Esq., Rachel
    E. Horn, Esq., RICHARDS, LAYTON & FINGER, P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; David
    B. Tulchin, Esq., Brian T. Frawley, Esq., Lauren R. Mendolera, Esq., SULLIVAN &
    CROMWELL LLP, New York, New York; Attorneys for Plaintiff/Counterclaim
    Defendant CSH Theatres, LLC and Third Party Defendants CSH Curran, LLC, Carole
    Shorenstein Hays, and Jeff Hays.
    Bruce L. Silverstein, Esq., Tammy L. Mercer, Esq., Matthew C. Bloom, Esq., YOUNG
    CONAWAY STARGATT & TAYLOR, LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; Matthew L.
    Larrabee, Esq., Michael H. Park, Esq. Benjamin M. Rose, Esq., DECHERT LLP, New
    York, New York; Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff and Third Party
    Plaintiff Nederlander of San Francisco Associates.
    Elizabeth Wilburn Joyce, Esq., Gregory T. Donilon, Esq., Seton C. Mangine, Esq.,
    PINCKNEY, WEIDINGER, URBAN & JOYCE LLC, Wilmington, Delaware; Attorneys
    for Nominal Defendant Shorenstein Hays-Nederlander Theatres, LLC.
    PARSONS, Vice Chancellor.
    In this case, the counterclaim plaintiff asks the Court to order specific performance
    of an alleged oral agreement to renew a long-running lease of a theater to a limited
    liability company (“LLC”).      Breaches of fiduciary duty and the company‟s LLC
    agreement also are alleged, along with alternatively pled promissory estoppel and
    fraudulent inducement counts. The counterclaim and third-party defendants have moved
    to dismiss, arguing that the claims suffer from a host of legal shortcomings.
    After rejecting the defendants‟ laches argument, this Memorandum Opinion
    analyzes the company‟s LLC agreement and considers whether certain of the defendants
    conceivably breached their fiduciary duties. In that regard, the LLC agreement appears
    to be ambiguous. Based on that conclusion and in light of the facts alleged, I decline to
    dismiss the breach of fiduciary duty claims, with the exception of a conclusorily pled
    waste claim. Next, I turn to the claims relating to an alleged oral agreement between the
    parties.   The defendants contend that the purported lease renewal agreement is too
    indefinite to be enforced and is missing material terms. Based on the facts alleged,
    however, I conclude that it is reasonably conceivable that the counterclaim plaintiff could
    prove the existence and terms of the lease renewal agreement.           The Memorandum
    Opinion then addresses a statute of frauds defense, but concludes that the part
    performance doctrine saves the breach of contract claim from dismissal.
    Finally, I examine the alternatively pled promissory estoppel and fraudulent
    inducement counts. The promissory estoppel claim survives largely for the same reasons
    the breach of contract claim survives, but I dismiss the promissory estoppel claim against
    one of the defendants who is not alleged to have played any role in the alleged promise.
    Last, this Memorandum Opinion considers the fraudulent inducement count. This claim
    is an impermissible bootstrap on the counterclaim plaintiff‟s breach of contract claim
    and, in any event, is pled in an entirely conclusory fashion. Accordingly, I dismiss that
    In sum, the motion to dismiss is granted in part and denied in part. Specifically,
    Counts I and V are dismissed in part, and Count III is dismissed entirely. In all other
    respects, the motion to dismiss is denied.
    I.      BACKGROUND1
    A.      The Parties and Other Actors
    Nominal Defendant Shorenstein Hays-Nederlander Theatres LLC, a Delaware
    LLC (“SHN” or the “Company”), is a theater company in the business of providing
    venues for plays and other live performances in San Francisco. The Company began as,
    and continues to be, a collaboration between two families: the Nederlanders and the
    Shorensteins. Walter Shorenstein (“Mr. Shorenstein”) and James Nederlander founded
    SHN‟s predecessor, a general partnership, in the mid-1970s. Mr. Shorenstein, a real
    estate developer, managed the brick-and-mortar aspects of the business, while James
    Nederlander and his brother Robert handled the scheduling and booking of shows, as well
    The facts, which are assumed true for purposes of this motion to dismiss, are
    drawn from the defendant‟s Amended Verified Counterclaims and Verified Third
    Party Complaint (the “Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint” or “C & TP
    Compl.”), together with its attached exhibits and integral documents.
    as other aspects of theater management. Using this division of labor, the Company
    operated quite successfully, at least until the events giving rise to this lawsuit.
    The Shorenstein-Nederlander partnership was converted into SHN through a Plan
    of Conversion and Operating Agreement signed on November 6, 2000 (the “LLC
    Agreement”). Each family‟s fifty percent interest is owned by a business entity member
    of SHN: Nederlander of San Francisco Associates (“Nederlander”) represents the
    Nederlanders and CSH Theatres LLC (“CSH”) is the member on the Shorenstein side.
    The LLC Agreement contemplates a four-member board of directors to govern SHN,
    with each entity able to appoint two directors. CSH‟s representatives at all times relevant
    to this lawsuit have been Carole Shorenstein Hays (“Mrs. Hays”) and her husband Jeff
    Hays (“Dr. Hays”). Mrs. Hays, who is Mr. Shorenstein‟s daughter, indirectly owns CSH
    as a trust beneficiary. Nederlander‟s appointees during the relevant period have been
    Robert E. Nederlander, Sr. (“Mr. Nederlander”) and Raymond S. Harris. Dr. Hays, Mrs.
    Hays, Mr. Nederlander, and Harris together comprise the “Board.”
    The dispute in this case centers mainly on the Curran Theatre (the “Curran”), one
    of three San Francisco theaters that has been operated by SHN.2 SHN and its predecessor
    have leased the Curran since the inception of the original Shorenstein-Nederlander
    partnership in the mid-1970s. As discussed infra, Mrs. Hays eventually purchased the
    Curran through a new corporate entity, CSH Curran, LLC (“CSH Curran”).
    The other two theaters are the Orpheum and the Golden Gate.
    In terms of party alignment, CSH originally filed this suit against Nederlander
    seeking a declaratory judgment. Nederlander counterclaimed against CSH and asserted
    third-party claims against CSH Curran, Mrs. Hays, and Dr. Hays. The pending motion to
    dismiss is directed against the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint. For brevity and
    convenience, in this Memorandum Opinion, I will refer to CSH, CSH Curran, Mrs. Hays,
    and Dr. Hays collectively as “Defendants.”
    B.         The Facts
    1.     The Nederlanders and the Shorensteins
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint characterizes the relationship
    between the now-adversary families as one of near-total trust. Each family had an
    expertise, and each side “essentially exercised free rein over their respective
    responsibilities.”3 In fact, the original “partnership was operated under a single-page
    letter agreement for many years” before it was converted to an LLC.4 For most of its
    existence, SHN apparently took a fairly lax approach toward business formalities and
    operated largely under a sort of gentleman‟s agreement with deals formalized by
    handshake rather than contract. In June 2010, however, Mr. Shorenstein passed away.
    Mrs. Hays then assumed management and control of CSH, including its interests in SHN.
    Around this time, she appointed herself and her husband as directors of SHN.
    C & TP Compl. ¶ 27.
    Id. ¶ 22.
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint characterizes Mrs. Hays as lacking
    her father‟s business acumen. Indeed, that pleading alleges that Mrs. Hays viewed her
    participation in SHN more as “an artistic hobby and as a means to promote her social
    status” than as a business endeavor.5 The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    describes Mr. Nederlander as having naively trusted his former business associate‟s
    daughter, only to have the rug pulled out from under him. The accuracy of these
    characterizations aside, the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint makes clear that the
    relationship Mrs. Hays now has with Mr. Nederlander is far different from the essentially
    seamless cooperation her father had achieved with the Nederlander family.
    2.      The Curran controversy
    The events giving rise to this lawsuit began in 2010. Sometime in late 2009 or
    early 2010, the owner of the Curran sought to sell that theater. Mr. Shorenstein entered
    into negotiations to purchase it, but that effort bore no fruit. Mr. Nederlander assumed
    the negotiating lead in January 2010 and successfully reduced the asking price from $30
    million to under $20 million. Mr. Nederlander, however, still considered the price too
    high. At the same time, he did not want a competing interest to acquire and operate the
    theater. In that regard, Mr. Nederlander believed that “outside investors were readily
    available to purchase the Curran for the revised sale price and lease the theatre back to
    SHN for a percentage of the revenue.”6
    Id. ¶ 31.
    Id. ¶ 39.
    Mr. Nederlander spoke with Mrs. Hays about the status of the Curran by telephone
    during the third quarter of 2010. One of these telephone calls forms the crux of several of
    Nederlander‟s claims.7 Nederlander alleges that Mrs. Hays rejected the idea of having
    third-party investors acquire the Curran and wanted to buy the theater herself. During the
    key call, Mrs. Hays allegedly asked Mr. Nederlander‟s permission to purchase the
    Curran.   He consented on the alleged condition that the “Hays Group”8 “agreed to
    continue SHN‟s lease of the Curran for the life of the Company.” 9 Mrs. Hays allegedly
    accepted this condition, and Mr. Nederlander consented to her purchasing the Curran
    predicated on the lease-renewal promise.
    According to the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint, Mr. Nederlander never
    would have given permission to Mrs. Hays to purchase the Curran absent this agreement.
    With respect to the alleged promise to renew the lease, Nederlander alleges that
    “Nederlander and the Hays Group understood that the essential terms and framework for
    the lease continuation would be based on the terms of the existing lease, with price terms
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint does not indicate whether there was
    only one relevant telephone call between Mr. Nederlander and Mrs. Hays or more
    than one. Regardless, Nederlander‟s claims focus on one specific call in the third
    quarter of 2010.
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint at times refers vaguely to the “Hays
    Group,” but never defines that term. It appears to refer to the Hayses and their
    controlled entities, but at times also may include business associates of the Hayses.
    On other occasions, the term appears to refer to one of the Hayses without
    specifying which one.
    C & TP Compl. ¶ 42.
    to be finalized as the years progressed, reflecting normal, gradual increases through the
    years.”10 The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint did not identify or include as
    attachments any contemporaneous documentary evidence supporting the existence of
    Mrs. Hays‟s alleged promise to renew the lease.
    Mrs. Hays ultimately did acquire the Curran through a new business entity, CSH
    Curran. One of her trusts, the CSH Doule Trust, created CSH-Doule, LLC, which is the
    sole member of CSH Curran. Mrs. Hays and Tom Hart, a business associate of hers, co-
    manage CSH Curran. CSH Curran executed the agreement to purchase the Curran on
    November 30, 2010, for $16.6 million. On December 17, 2010, the Curran‟s former
    owner informed SHN that CSH Curran was the new owner and, therefore, would be
    SHN‟s new landlord. This arrangement produced no problems initially. CSH Curran and
    SHN continued to operate under the existing lease of the Curran, which had a term
    ending December 31, 2014. The parties, however, never were able to reduce the terms of
    a renewal of that lease to a final written contract.
    According to Nederlander, the subject of the lease renewal was discussed at every
    SHN Board meeting after Mrs. Hays purchased the Curran at the end of 2010. The Board
    appears to have kept no minutes of those meetings.11 The Hayses, however, allegedly
    Id. ¶ 45.
    Arg. Tr. 75 (counsel for SHN). No Board minutes were referenced in or attached
    to the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint.
    “always put off renewal and told Nederlander not to worry about the matter.” 12 At a
    January 2012 Board meeting, the Hayses stated that they would propose terms for the
    new lease soon, but failed to do so until August 2012.13 On August 29, 2012, an
    unidentified member of the Hays Group delivered to Nederlander an initial high-rent
    offer. The Hays Group allegedly had prepared a high-rent offer, as well as a secondary
    low-rent proposal to be deployed after Nederlander‟s anticipated counteroffer.14
    Nederlander counteroffered on October 19, 2012, but thereafter the Hays Group did not
    engage in any meaningful further negotiations.
    During this same period, Mrs. Hays allegedly mismanaged SHN‟s operations.
    More specifically, the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint alleges that, from
    September 2012 onward, Mrs. Hays blocked lucrative business opportunities, such as
    sponsorships from Lexus, because they purportedly would detract from SHN‟s
    reputation. According to Nederlander, Mrs. Hays in fact was more concerned with her
    own reputation. At a January 2013 Board meeting, Mrs. Hays requested the opportunity
    to act as sole president of SHN, as opposed to continuing the usual co-presidency
    arrangement with one co-president from each of the Nederlander and Shorenstein
    families. Nederlander agreed to a 60-day trial run. The Counterclaim and Third Party
    C & TP Compl. ¶ 55.
    Id. ¶¶ 53-54.
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint portrays these negotiations as
    something of a formality, with all parties anticipating a similar final price, but
    nevertheless proceeding in an offer-counteroffer-compromise fashion.
    Complaint described this period as an “unmitigated disaster” for the Company, during
    which SHN experienced “increased, frivolous spending with no corresponding benefit to
    the Company.”15 Nederlander opposed an extension of Mrs. Hays‟s sole presidency.
    3.      Mrs. Hays’s “secret motives” revealed
    On December 20, 2013—over a year after its initial lease counteroffer—
    Nederlander again sent the Hays Group its lease terms. The Hays Group did not respond.
    Instead, on January 28, 2014, the SHN Board met to discuss the lease renewal. At that
    meeting, Dr. Hays requested an executive session of the Board in which he asserted that
    CSH no longer could continue under the LLC Agreement and that “unless Nederlander
    agreed to give control of SHN to Mrs. Hays, the Curran lease renewal was off the
    table.”16 Despite having been unable for two years to finalize the new lease or cause Mrs.
    Hays to engage in serious discussion of the disputed lease terms, Nederlander alleges that
    it was “blindsided” by this “change of position and demands.”17 The Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint asserts that the January 28, 2014 meeting was the first time
    Nederlander “learned that Mrs. Hays had lied about her intention to continue leasing the
    Curran to SHN or, alternatively, that she had changed her mind and no longer intended to
    abide by the purchase-lease agreement” with Nederlander.18
    Id. ¶ 34.
    Id. ¶ 63.
    Id. ¶ 64.
    Id. ¶ 65.
    According to Nederlander, the Hays Group‟s refusal to renew the lease did not
    result from an inability to finalize terms, because “all that needed to be finalized . . . were
    the rent schedules.”19 Instead, Nederlander alleges that the refusal revealed Mrs. Hays‟s
    desire to seize control of SHN. Nederlander rejected her demands and insisted on
    compliance with the oral agreement to renew the lease. On February 13, 2014, Harris
    spoke with Hart, who confirmed that the Hays Group would not renew the Curran lease.
    Hart also represented that the Hays Group had no current plans for the Curran.
    Nederlander sent a letter to the Hays Group on February 18, 2014, in which it
    “memorialized the history of the Curran purchase,” detailed the harm to SHN, and
    accused the Hayses of breaching the LLC Agreement and their fiduciary duties.20 In
    response, on February 21, 2014, CSH filed a Verified Complaint in this Court seeking a
    declaratory judgment that CSH would not be in violation of the LLC Agreement if the
    lease was not renewed (the “CSH Complaint”). Nederlander filed its initial Answer,
    Verified Counterclaims and Verified Third-Party Complaint on April 28, 2014.
    4.      Competing for shows in San Francisco
    Nederlander always had expected to conclude a new lease and had booked shows
    at the Curran beyond the December 31, 2014 expiration date of the then-existing lease.
    Once Nederlander realized that the Curran would not be an SHN venue after December
    31, SHN needed to relocate those shows that it already had booked at the Curran to its
    Id. ¶ 67.
    Id. ¶ 71.
    other venues. With little leverage, SHN “was forced to accept less favorable terms in the
    revised agreement” for those shows.21 Overall, SHN expects to lose more than a million
    dollars in profits as a result of the loss of the Curran lease. In addition, the Hayses
    allegedly have blocked lucrative theater sponsorships for SHN.
    The Curran, however, was not destined to sit idle. On June 2, 2014, CSH revoked
    Mrs. Hays‟s appointment to the SHN Board. Notably, however, Dr. Hays remained on
    the Board. Days later, Mrs. Hays allegedly “began soliciting shows for the Curran and
    attempting to poach shows from SHN in direct competition with SHN.”22 According to
    the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint, Mrs. Hays met with the producer of A
    Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder on or about June 6. That show had never played at
    an SHN venue or been rejected by SHN. Additionally, at some later date, Mrs. Hays also
    met with Charlotte Wilcox, the producer of Beautiful, in an effort to attract that show to
    the Curran as well. The current post-Broadway production of Beautiful has neither run at
    an SHN venue nor been rejected by SHN. Moreover, the Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint alleges that during this same time period SHN was in negotiations with the
    same producers as Mrs. Hays to show their plays. Dr. Hays, as a Board member,
    received regular updates regarding SHN‟s operations, including show bookings.
    Similarly, Mrs. Hays allegedly had knowledge as to which shows SHN was attempting to
    book because of her service on the Board before June 2, 2014.
    Id. ¶ 84.
    Id. ¶ 90.
    C.      Procedural History
    On July 29, 2014, Nederlander amended and filed the operative Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint. Defendants moved to dismiss on August 12 and, after full
    briefing, I heard argument on that motion, as well as co-pending motions to compel and
    to strike, on December 3, 2014 (the “Argument”). At the Argument, I granted the motion
    to strike. I also granted the motion to compel by oral decision on December 5, but
    reserved judgment on the motion to dismiss.
    In its Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint, Nederlander alleges six counts
    against the various counterclaim and third-party defendants as follows:
     Count I for breach of fiduciary duty against Dr. Hays and
    Mrs. Hays;
     Count II for breach of LLC Agreement against CSH;
     Count III for fraudulent inducement against CSH and Mrs.
     Count IV for breach of contract against CSH and Mrs.
     Count V for promissory estoppel against CSH, CSH
    Curran, and the Hayses; and
     Count VI for declaratory judgment with respect to the
    LLC Agreement.
    Defendants assert that these claims23 suffer from numerous legal shortcomings and that
    they all should be dismissed. Among their most powerful arguments are those averring
    Nederlander‟s declaratory judgment count, Count VI of the Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint, either is not at issue here, because it essentially is
    that the statute of frauds bars any purported oral agreement and that any contract between
    the parties lacks essential terms and is insufficiently definite to be enforced. Defendants
    also contend that there was no reasonable reliance on Mrs. Hays‟s alleged promise, that
    Nederlander‟s interpretation of the LLC Agreement is flawed, and that laches bars many
    of the claims in the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint.
    Pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6), this Court may grant a motion to dismiss for failure to
    state a claim if a complaint does not assert sufficient facts that, if proven, would entitle
    the plaintiff to relief. As recently reaffirmed by the Supreme Court, “the governing
    pleading standard in Delaware to survive a motion to dismiss is reasonable
    „conceivability.‟”24 That is, when considering such a motion, a court must “accept all
    well-pleaded factual allegations in the Complaint as true . . . draw all reasonable
    inferences in favor of the plaintiff, and deny the motion unless the plaintiff could not
    recover under any reasonably conceivable set of circumstances susceptible of proof.”25
    This reasonable “conceivability” standard asks whether there is a “possibility” of
    recovery.26 The court, however, need not “accept conclusory allegations unsupported by
    duplicative of CSH‟s declaratory judgment count, or else is coextensive with
    Count II. The parties did not address Count VI in their briefing. Accordingly, I
    do not discuss Count VI further, and will treat it the same as Count II.
    Cent. Mortg. Co. v. Morgan Stanley Mortg. Capital Hldgs. LLC, 
    27 A.3d 531
    , 537
    (Del. 2011) (footnote omitted).
     at 536 (citing Savor, Inc. v. FMR Corp., 
    812 A.2d 894
    , 896-97 (Del. 2002)).
     at 537 & n.13.
    specific facts or . . . draw unreasonable inferences in favor of the non-moving party.”27
    Moreover, failure to plead an element of a claim precludes entitlement to relief and,
    therefore, is grounds to dismiss that claim.28
    Generally, the Court will consider only the pleadings on a motion to dismiss under
    Rule 12(b)(6). “A judge may consider documents outside of the pleadings only when: (1)
    the document is integral to a plaintiff‟s claim and incorporated in the complaint or (2) the
    document is not being relied upon to prove the truth of its contents.”29
    A.         Laches
    Defendants assert that, even if Nederlander‟s claims had any merit, many of them
    are barred by laches. Defendants contend, and Nederlander apparently does not dispute,
    that each Count of the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint would be governed by a
    three-year statute of limitations.30 The Court of Chancery, of course, is not bound by
    statutes of limitations and instead follows the equitable doctrine of laches. 31 Generally,
    however, a “filing after the expiration of the analogous limitations period is
    Price v. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 
    26 A.3d 162
    , 166 (Del. 2011) (citing
    Clinton v. Enter. Rent-A-Car Co., 
    977 A.2d 892
    , 895 (Del. 2009)).
    Crescent/Mach I P’rs, L.P. v. Turner, 
    846 A.2d 963
    , 972 (Del. Ch. 2000) (Steele,
    V.C., by designation).
    Allen v. Encore Energy P’rs, 
    72 A.3d 93
    , 96 n.2 (Del. 2013).
    10 Del. C. § 8106.
    TrustCo Bank v. Mathews, 
    2015 WL 295373
    , at *5 (Del. Ch. Jan. 22, 2015)
    (discussing the difference between laches and statutes of limitations).
    presumptively an unreasonable delay for purposes of laches.”32 In this case, Nederlander
    filed its initial answer, counterclaims, and third-party complaint on April 28, 2014.
    Presumptively, therefore, any of its causes of action that accrued before April 28, 2011,
    would be barred by laches.
    At the motion to dismiss stage, however, it is not always possible to determine
    whether a claim is barred by laches. “The timeliness of claims may be determined on a
    motion to dismiss if the facts pled in the complaint, and the documents incorporated
    within the complaint, demonstrate that the claims are untimely.”33 Here, it is clear, for
    example, that the allegedly improper competitive behavior, i.e., Mrs. Hays‟s attempts to
    steal shows from SHN, took place after April 28, 2011. Accordingly, those claims, and
    any others based on conduct post-dating April 28, 2011, are not barred by laches.
    The larger question is whether the claims relating to the Curran lease renewal,
    including those based on the alleged oral agreement made in the third quarter of 2010, are
    time-barred.   Based on the facts alleged, there are two potential agreements that
    Nederlander could be trying to enforce: (1) that Mrs. Hays could acquire the Curran with
    Nederlander‟s consent and had agreed to lease it to SHN for the duration of SHN‟s
    existence for terms essentially in conformance with the existing lease; or (2) that Mrs.
    Hays, with Nederlander‟s consent, could acquire the Curran and had agreed to negotiate
    Levey v. Brownstone Asset Mgmt., LP, 
    76 A.3d 764
    , 769 (Del. 2013).
    CertainTeed Corp. v. Celotex Corp., 
    2005 WL 217032
    , at *6 (Del. Ch. Jan. 24,
    2005) (footnotes omitted).
    in good faith with Nederlander the renewal of a lease for the Curran that would extend for
    the duration of SHN. The latter formulation—which is not the version Nederlander
    emphasized in its briefing—probably would be an unenforceable agreement to agree or,
    alternatively, may have been satisfied by the parties‟ unsuccessful lease negotiations.34
    Accordingly, I understand Nederlander to be alleging the first version of the agreement
    and my analysis throughout this Memorandum Opinion is based on that conclusion.
    Nederlander and Mrs. Hays allegedly entered into this oral agreement to renew the
    lease—construed as just stated—sometime in the third quarter of 2010. No progress was
    made on the negotiations until August 2012, when Mrs. Hays made her lease proposal.
    Up until that time, Nederlander alleges that it raised the issue, but the Hayses continually
    put off the subject of the lease renewal until a later date.         Nederlander made a
    counteroffer in September 2012 that included a lower rent term, but did not hear back
    from the Hayses for over a year. During this time, Nederlander allegedly brought up the
    issue of the lease renewal at each board meeting, but the Hayses would defer
    consideration of it until later. This pattern suggests that Nederlander‟s counteroffer was
    not so far from the Hayses‟ target number as to warrant a flat-out rejection, and it
    reasonably can be inferred from these facts that the Hayses were giving Nederlander‟s
    offer serious consideration. Nederlander again sent the Hayses its negotiating position in
    See PharmAthene, Inc. v. SIGA Techs., Inc., 
    2008 WL 151855
    , at *13 (Del. Ch.
    Jan. 16, 2008).
    December 2013. Only thereafter, at a January 2014 board meeting, did Mrs. Hays reveal
    that the lease would not be renewed.
    Defendants argue that because the purported oral agreement allegedly occurred in
    2010, the claims based on that agreement are more than three years old and therefore are
    barred by laches. But, Nederlander‟s claim is for breach of contract. The facts alleged,
    construed in the light most favorable to Nederlander, do not provide any basis for
    inferring that Nederlander was on inquiry notice that Mrs. Hays would not renew the
    lease until the fall of 2012 at the earliest. Thus, the alleged breach of the agreement—the
    occurrence of which would trigger the running of the laches period—happened less than
    three years before Nederlander filed its claims, making the claims timely. In any event,
    based on the facts alleged, it is reasonably conceivable that Nederlander could prove that
    tolling would be appropriate in this case. Generally, there are at least three theories of
    tolling that can be invoked to avoid a laches defense: “(1) inherently unknowable
    injuries; (2) fraudulent concealment; and (3) equitable tolling. Each of these doctrines
    permits tolling of the limitations period where the facts underlying a claim were so
    hidden that a reasonable plaintiff could not timely discover them.”35 Nederlander argues
    that both the inherently unknowable injuries and the fraudulent concealment theories
    apply here.
    In re Dean Witter P’ship Litig., 
    1998 WL 442456
    , at *5 (Del. Ch. July 17, 1998),
    725 A.2d 441
     (Del. 1999).
    I conclude that it is reasonably conceivable that Nederlander could show that the
    statute of limitations should be tolled in this case. According to the Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint, Nederlander first discovered on January 28, 2014, that Mrs. Hays
    either had decided to renege on her promise to renew the Curran lease or else had not
    intended to honor it in the first place. The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    alleges that, until that point, the Hays Group had strung Nederlander along on the
    negotiations, continually putting the subject off for later discussion, an allegation that
    conceivably could support tolling on the basis of fraudulent concealment.
    It is possible that Nederlander may have had inquiry notice earlier, such as in
    August 2012 when Mrs. Hays proposed a lease with a rent schedule significantly higher
    than the rent schedule of the existing lease. The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    alleges, however, that Nederlander anticipated an initial high offer, but expected that it
    would be reduced following its own counteroffer. Nederlander made that counteroffer in
    September 2012.36    The Hayses did not respond to Nederlander‟s counteroffer until
    January 2014, only a few months before the filing of Nederlander‟s initial counterclaim
    and third-party complaint.     As the record develops, Defendants may show that
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint does not specifically allege the
    terms of Nederlander‟s offer or the Hayses counteroffer. C & TP Compl. ¶ 54.
    Documents attached to Defendants‟ motion to dismiss, however, indicate that
    Nederlander proposed a twenty-year lease term starting at $375,000 and increasing
    to $500,000. Defs.‟ Mot. to Dismiss, Ex. D. The Hayses initially had proposed a
    ten-year lease term with rent beginning at $500,000 and rising to $800,000. Defs.‟
    Mot. to Dismiss, Ex. C. Given the centrality of the lease renewal to Nederlander‟s
    claims, these documents are integral to the Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint, and therefore are properly before the Court on the pending motion.
    Nederlander was on at least inquiry notice well before January 2014. At this stage,
    however, the record is insufficiently developed to allow a determination that, as a matter
    of law, the claims relating to the Curran conclusively are barred by laches.
    Nederlander may have acted foolishly or displayed poor judgment in not pressing
    more promptly to secure a lease renewal for one of SHN‟s main venues. But, based on
    the facts alleged, it is reasonably conceivable that Nederlander could show that Mrs.
    Hays‟s or CSH‟s intentions in this regard were either inherently unknowable or
    fraudulently concealed. Thus, I decline to dismiss Nederlander‟s claims based on the
    alleged oral agreement for laches.
    B.      Breach of the LLC Agreement
    Nederlander alleges that CSH breached the LLC Agreement, but the allegations
    supporting this Count focus largely on the actions of Dr. Hays and Mrs. Hays, who were
    not parties to that agreement. Among other alleged breaches, Nederlander asserts that the
    Hayses were competing directly with SHN, misappropriated SHN‟s confidential
    information, and used the Curran as a means of attempting to seize control of the
    Company. These same allegations underlie the breach of fiduciary duty claims discussed
    infra.37 Defendants counter that this behavior is not barred by the LLC Agreement.
    Indeed, the parties‟ briefing sometimes conflated the analysis of the breach of the
    LLC Agreement Count with the breach of fiduciary duty Count, making it difficult
    to disentangle these distinct theories of alleged wrongdoing. This Section focuses
    primarily on interpreting the LLC Agreement. The specific behavior underlying
    the alleged breaches is addressed in the next Section.
    1.      Contract interpretation at the motion to dismiss stage
    The interpretation of a contract is a question of law.38 “[D]efendants are not
    entitled to dismissal under Rule 12(b)(6) unless the interpretation of the contract on
    which their theory of the case rests is the „only reasonable construction as a matter of
    law.‟”39 If there is more than one reasonable construction of contractual language, then
    the contract is ambiguous.40 But, contractual language “is not ambiguous simply because
    the parties disagree on its meaning.”41 Instead, the Court will apply standard principles
    and canons of contract interpretation in construing the contract.
    2.      The LLC Agreement’s provisions
    The pivotal provisions of the LLC Agreement, for present purposes, are found in
    Article VII, entitled “Relationship Among Members.”42          As discussed below, these
    provisions arguably are ambiguous, mostly because of imprecision in certain defined
    Seidensticker v. Gasparilla Inn, Inc., 
    2007 WL 4054473
    , at *2 (Del. Ch. Nov. 8,
    2007) (citing HIFN, Inc. v. Intel Corp., 
    2007 WL 1309376
    , at *9 (Del. Ch. May 2,
    2007)); see also AHS N.M. Hldgs., Inc. v. Healthsource, Inc., 
    2007 WL 431051
    , at
    *3 (Del. Ch. Feb. 2, 2007) (“Under general principles of contract law,
    interpretation of contractual language is purely a question of law.”).
    Kahn v. Portnoy, 
    2008 WL 5197164
    , at *3 (Del. Ch. Dec. 11, 2008) (quoting
    VLIW Tech., LLC v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    840 A.2d 606
    , 615 (Del. 2003)).
    VLIW Tech., 
    840 A.2d at 615
     (“Ambiguity exists „when the provisions in
    controversy are reasonably or fairly susceptible of different interpretations.‟”
    (quoting Vanderbilt Income & Growth Assocs. v. Arvida/JMB Managers, Inc., 
    691 A.2d 609
    , 613 (Del. 1996))).
    E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    693 A.2d 1059
    , 1061 (Del.
    CSH Compl., Ex. A [hereinafter “LLC Agreement”].
    terms, and dismissal of this Count of the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    therefore is not appropriate.
    Sections 7.02 and 7.03 impose limits on each Member‟s behavior. Section 7.02(a)
    The Shorenstein Entity and the Nederlander Entity hereby
    agree to devote their efforts to maximize the economic
    success of the Company and to avoid any conflicts of
    interests between the Members. All actions of the Members
    and their representatives with regard to the Company and
    theater matters will be carried out in good faith and in a
    prompt and expeditious manner.43
    Section 7.02(b) reads:
    Until the termination of the Company pursuant to this
    Agreement, neither the Shorenstein Entity nor the
    Nederlander Entity will stage any Production it controls (as
    defined in Section 7.03) within 100 miles of San Francisco
    unless (i) such Production has first played in one of the
    Theatres; or (ii) such Production has been rejected for
    booking at one of the Theatres by the other Member‟s
    representative on the Board of Directors; or (iii) the Company
    shares in the profits and/or losses of any booking pursuant to
    an agreement mutually acceptable to the Members.44
    Additionally, Section 7.03 states:
    If either the Shorenstein Entity or the Nederlander Entity or
    any Affiliate thereof has control over a Production, that
    Production and the relevant Theatre will be accorded “most
    favored nation” treatment by the other in theater licensing
    arrangements. For purposes of this Section 7.03, “control
    over production” means the Person having the ability to
     § 7.02(a).
    Id. § 7.02(b).
    determine where the Production plays and the terms and
    conditions of said engagement.45
    Section 7.06, subject to certain limitations, allows the Members to engage in
    certain competitive activities. Section 7.06 reads, in pertinent part:
    Subject to the other provisions of this ARTICLE VII,
    including Section 7.02, any Member, any Affiliate of any
    Member or any officer or director of the Company shall be
    entitled to and may have business interests and engage in
    business activities in addition to those relating to the
    Company, and may engage in ownership, operation and
    management of business and activities, for its own account
    and for the account of others, and may . . . own interests in
    the same properties as those in which the Company or the
    other Members own an interest, without having or incurring
    any obligation to offer any interest in such properties,
    businesses or activities to the Company or any other Member,
    and no other provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to
    prohibit any such Person from conducting such other
    businesses and activities.46
    These provisions rely on various defined terms. The Members are the Shorenstein
    Entity and the Nederlander Entity. 47 The Shorenstein Entity is defined as CSH Theatres,
    LLC “together with any Permitted Transferees.”48 The Nederlander Entity is defined as
    Nederlander of San Francisco Associates “together with any Permitted Transferees.”49
    The following related definitions all appear in Section 1.01 of the LLC Agreement. A
    Id. § 7.03.
    Id. § 7.06.
    Id. § 1.01.
    Id. Preamble.
    Permitted Transferee is “(a) an Affiliate of any Member or (b) in the case of a
    Nederlander Entity, a Nederlander Controlled Entity or any member of the Nederlander
    family.”   Affiliate means a Person—“an individual or a corporation, all types of
    partnership, trust, unincorporated organization, association, limited liability company or
    other entity”—that “directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is
    Controlled by or is under common Control with the subject Person.” Control “means the
    possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
    management and policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of voting
    securities, though contract, or otherwise.” Finally, Production “means plays, musicals, or
    other events that typically play at any of the Theatres,” with the Theatres being defined as
    “the Curran Theater, the Golden Gate Theater, the Orpheum Theater and any other
    theater then operated by the Company.”
    3.      The LLC Agreement is ambiguous
    The definitions just quoted reveal the problem: the family entities (the Members)
    are defined to include Permitted Transferees, which itself is defined to include Affiliates.
    Thus, according to Nederlander, any time the family entities are referred to in a provision
    of the LLC Agreement, Affiliates definitionally are included. Mrs. Hays, because of her
    alleged indirect control over CSH, is an Affiliate of CSH. Thus, Nederlander‟s position
    is that Mrs. Hays is included in the definitions of Members and the Shorenstein Entity
    and therefore is subject to the LLC Agreement‟s restrictions.
    For Count II, the parties‟ briefing focused on the allegedly improper competition
    by Mrs. Hays in booking shows.         In seeking dismissal of that Count, Defendants
    emphasize that there are no allegations in the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    that CSH, the actual party to the LLC Agreement, did anything improper. In this regard,
    Defendants deny that the Shorenstein Entity includes Affiliates. Indeed, one subsection
    of their brief is entitled: “„Shorenstein Entity‟ Means the Member [i.e., CSH], and Not
    Any Affiliates.”50 For support, Defendants contend that the reference in the definition of
    the Shorenstein Entity to the term Permitted Transferee contemplates some form of future
    transfer from CSH to, for example, a successor entity within the defined set of Permitted
    Transferees. That successor entity would assume the Shorenstein Entity‟s interest in
    SHN. In other words, at any given point in time, the “Member” of SHN on the CSH side
    would be either the initial Shorenstein Entity or a Permitted Transferee, but not both.
    Defendants also point to the differences in the language in Sections 7.02(b) and 7.03.
    The restriction imposed in Section 7.02(b) is limited to the Nederlander Entity and the
    Shorenstein Entity, but in Section 7.03, the language is more expansive and includes “any
    Affiliate thereof.” According to Defendants, this shows that the drafters of the LLC
    Agreement knew how to impose obligations on specific entities and their affiliates when
    they so chose, and their use of different language in Section 7.02(b) indicates that they
    intended to define the Shorenstein Entity more narrowly.
    It is a standard canon of construction that interpretations that render certain
    contract language mere surplusage are to be avoided. “In upholding the intentions of the
    parties, a court must construe the agreement as a whole, giving effect to all provisions
    Defs.‟ Reply Br. 19.
    therein, in order not to render any part of the contract mere surplusage, and, if possible,
    reconcile all the provisions of the instrument.”51 Inartfully drafted documents, however,
    may make it impossible to avoid rendering a specified term or terms superfluous and at
    the motion to dismiss stage “any ambiguity must be resolved in favor of the nonmoving
    party.”52 The LLC Agreement, read literally, defines the Shorenstein Entity to include
    Affiliates. Thus, even if Defendants‟ interpretation is plausible, I cannot say that it is the
    only reasonable one.
    Resolving all ambiguities in favor of Nederlander as the nonmoving party, I must
    recognize that the LLC Agreement could be construed to impose restrictions on Affiliates
    of CSH, including Mrs. Hays. It is reasonably conceivable, therefore, that, when CSH‟s
    Affiliates‟ behavior is included in the analysis,53 Nederlander could prove a breach of the
    LLC Agreement, such as a violation of the duty imposed in Section 7.02(a) requiring the
    Shorenstein Entity to work toward maximizing SHN‟s economic success. Thus, I decline
    to dismiss Count II.
    C.      Breach of Fiduciary Duties
    The breach of fiduciary duty claims in Count I are asserted against the Hayses and
    focus on: (1) the competing shows; (2) the withholding of the Curran lease, (3) alleged
    Commercial Bank v. Global Payments Direct, Inc., 
    2014 WL 3567610
    , at *8 (Del.
    Ch. July 21, 2014) (internal quotations and footnotes omitted) (collecting cases).
    Kahn v. Portnoy, 
    2008 WL 5197164
    , at *3.
    Many of the relevant allegations of misconduct are discussed in the next Section.
    misuse of confidential information; and (4) waste of assets. I address these claims in
    1.      What fiduciary duties does the LLC Agreement impose?
    The LLC Agreement was executed on November 6, 2000. The law of fiduciary
    duties in the alternative entity context, however, has been clarified substantially in the
    last fifteen years.54 In the absence of language in an LLC agreement to the contrary, the
    managers of an LLC owe traditional fiduciary duties of care and loyalty.55 The disputed
    issue in this case is: taking into account the terms of the LLC Agreement and the
    applicable default rules, what, if any, fiduciary duties did CSH or the Hayses owe to SHN
    or Nederlander? Defendants argue that the fiduciary duties owed by the Hayses are
    limited to those enunciated in the LLC Agreement. Relying on Feeley,56 Nederlander
    argues in response that the LLC Agreement did not eliminate the duties of care and
    Even in the last few years, the law of fiduciary duties in the alternative entity
    context has been evolving. See, e.g., Auriga Capital Corp. v. Gatz Props., LLC,
    40 A.3d 839
    , 849-56 (Del. Ch.) (stating that default fiduciary duties exist under
    the Delaware LLC Act), aff’d, 
    59 A.3d 1206
    , 1218 (Del. 2012) (holding that the
    comments in the court below about default fiduciary duties were “dictum without
    precedential value”). Recently, the Delaware Legislature resolved that issue by
    passing an amendment that provides for default fiduciary duties. 6 Del. C. §18-
    1104 (“In any case not provided for in this chapter, the rules of law and equity,
    including the rules of law and equity relating to fiduciary duties and the law
    merchant, shall govern.”).
    Feeley v. NHAOCG, LLC, 
    62 A.3d 649
    , 660 (Del. Ch. 2012).
    id. at 660-64
     (concluding that the LLC Act, 6 Del. C. § 18-1101, imposes
    default fiduciary duties and any attempt to limit or eliminate those duties must be
    clear and unambiguous).
    Limited liability companies are creatures of contract, and the Delaware Limited
    Liability Company Act57 states that “[i]t is the policy of this chapter to give the maximum
    effect to the principle of freedom of contract.”58 The drafters of an LLC agreement can
    modify the traditional duties of care and loyalty or displace them altogether, but they
    cannot eliminate the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.59 Thus, if the LLC
    agreement does not modify or eliminate the traditional fiduciary duties, then those
    fiduciary duties still apply.60 The starting point for determining what fiduciary duties
    apply is the governing contract between the parties.61
    The relevant provisions of the LLC Agreement were quoted in Section III.B.2
    supra. Section 7.02(a) imposes a contractual duty on the Members to “maximize the
    economic success of the Company and to avoid any conflicts of interests between the
    6 Del. C. §§ 18-101 to 18-1109.
    Id. § 18-1101(b).
    Id. § 18-1101(c).
    6 Del. C. § 18-1104; 2009 Caiola Family Trust v. PWA, LLC, 
    2014 WL 7232276
    at *8 (Del. Ch. Dec. 18, 2014) (“As a default rule, however, managing members of
    LLCs owe traditional fiduciary duties of loyalty and care.”).
    Cf. DV Realty Advisors LLC v. Policemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chi., 
    75 A.3d 101
    , 106-07 (Del. 2013) (quoting the “maximum freedom of contract”
    language in the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (“DRULPA”)
    and stating that the “analysis here must focus on, and examine, the precise
    language of the LPa that is at issue”); Allen v. Encore Energy P’rs, L.P., 
    72 A.3d 93
    , 100 (Del. 2013) (“[W]e begin our analysis by examining what duties the
    Defendants owe to Encore‟s limited partners under this LPA‟s precise language.”);
    see also Gerber v. Enter. Prods. Hldgs., LLC, 
    67 A.3d 400
    , 418 (Del. 2013);
    Norton v. K-Sea Transp. P’rs L.P., 
    67 A.3d 354
    , 360 (Del. 2013).
    Members,” and it also requires that “actions of the Members and their representatives
    with regard to the Company and theater matters will be carried out in good faith and in a
    prompt and expeditious manner.”62 Section 7.02(b) limits when Members may put on
    competing shows within a 100-mile radius of San Francisco. Finally, Section 7.03
    defines control over production as: “the Person having the ability to determine where the
    Production plays and the terms and conditions of said engagement.”63 By contrast,
    Section 7.06 allows the Members, any Affiliate, or any director or officer of SHN to
    engage in competitive activities, subject to the preceding limitations. The question here,
    then, is whether the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint alleges facts sufficient to
    allow a finding that it is reasonably conceivable that the Hayses violated their contractual
    fiduciary duties as they are articulated under the LLC Agreement.64
    2.       Nederlander’s “consent”
    Defendants first contend that any alleged fiduciary duty breaches arising from the
    operation of the Curran are barred by Mr. Nederlander having consented to Mrs. Hays‟s
    purchase of the Curran. I reject this ground for Defendants‟ motion to dismiss because it
    requires resolution of disputed facts. The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint
    LLC Agreement § 7.02(a).
    Id. § 7.03.
    In the previous Section, I concluded that the LLC Agreement was ambiguous on
    the issue of whether the term Members included Affiliates, an ambiguity resolved
    at this motion to dismiss stage in favor of Nederlander. Accordingly, for purposes
    of analyzing the breach of fiduciary duty Count, the Hayses are subject to the
    same contractual duties as the Members.
    alleges that Mr. Nederlander consented to the purchase of the Curran only on the
    condition that it would be leased back to SHN. Nederlander ultimately may fail to prove
    that allegation.   At this procedural stage, however, I am required to take all non-
    conclusory allegations as true and draw reasonable inferences in favor of Nederlander. In
    accordance with that standard, there is no basis to conclude, as a matter of law, that Mr.
    Nederlander consented unconditionally to the activity about which Nederlander
    complains or that the condition he allegedly insisted upon was satisfied.
    3.      Section 7.07
    Next, Defendants argue that Section 7.07 bars liability for any of the conduct
    alleged by Nederlander. Section 7.07 of the LLC Agreement states, in relevant part:
    No Member, officer, employee or director of the Company
    . . . shall be liable, in damages or otherwise, to the Company
    or any Member for any act or omission performed or omitted
    to be performed by it pursuant to the authority granted by this
    Agreement, except if such act or omission results from such
    person‟s own bad faith or willful misconduct (or, in the case
    of a Member, its gross negligence).
    Relying upon Section 7.07, Defendants argue that Nederlander cannot plead a viable
    claim unless it pleads scienter. I disagree.
    Section 7.07 appears to provide exculpation for negligent or grossly negligent
    actions, depending on the status of the actor.       The Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint, however, alleges intentional violations of the duties imposed by Section 7.02,
    among other provisions. Violating the LLC Agreement by deliberately competing with
    SHN for shows, for example, is not an “act or omission performed . . . pursuant to” the
    LLC Agreement and therefore would not be conduct protected by Section 7.07.
    Additionally, because of the ambiguity of the term Member and whether it includes
    Affiliates, Section 7.07 arguably requires only that the Hayses have acted with gross
    negligence for them to be liable. The allegations in the Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint portray a deliberate course of conduct by the Hayses—and Mrs. Hays in
    particular—to go into direct competition with SHN by hosting shows at the Curran.
    Based on these allegations, Nederlander conceivably could prove at least gross
    negligence. At this procedural stage, therefore, I cannot conclude that Section 7.07 bars
    Nederlander‟s fiduciary duty claims.
    4.         The competing shows
    With respect to the alleged breaches of fiduciary duty pertaining to competing
    shows, Defendants argue that Mrs. Hays does not have “control over production” of those
    shows, as defined in Section 7.03.       According to Defendants, the LLC Agreement
    distinguishes in this regard between producers and theater owners. Under this reading,
    only a producer has “control over production,” and there are no allegations that Mrs.
    Hays is a producer. Nederlander counters that “control over production” means that both
    producers and theater operators have control over production. Assuming Defendants‟
    contrary interpretation is a reasonable one, I find that it is not the only reasonable
    “Control over production” means “the Person having the ability to determine
    where the Production plays and the terms and conditions of said engagement.” 65 It
    LLC Agreement § 7.03.
    appears that neither a producer nor a theater owner unilaterally could set the terms of an
    engagement and pick the venue. Even with the most overbearing producer, the theater
    owner still would have to acquiesce to the terms; otherwise, the play would not be
    performed at that venue.      Under Defendants‟ reading of Section 7.03, therefore,
    technically neither a producer nor a theater operator would have control over production
    unless the producer also owned the theater. It is questionable whether this extremely
    narrow interpretation is reasonable.
    Nederlander‟s interpretation, on the other hand, finds additional support in Section
    7.02(b). That provision states that “neither the Shorenstein Entity nor the Nederlander
    Entity will stage any Production it controls” within 100 miles of San Francisco, unless
    one of the three conditions is satisfied.66 Because the family entities appear to be in the
    business of running theaters, rather than producing plays, the language and structure of
    Sections 7.02 and 7.03 seemingly contemplate shows being under one of the entities‟
    “control” even though the entity controls only the venue. Thus, I consider Nederlander‟s
    reading of “control over production” to be reasonable.       To the extent both parties‟
    interpretations are reasonable, however, Section 7.03 is ambiguous, and dismissal
    therefore would not be appropriate on the present truncated record.
    Additionally, I note that if Mrs. Hays‟s alleged efforts to poach SHN‟s shows does
    not fall squarely within the prohibition under Section 7.03, then such efforts conceivably
    could violate the duty to maximize SHN‟s economic success imposed by Section 7.02 of
    Id. § 7.02(b).
    the LLC Agreement. It is reasonably conceivable, therefore, that Nederlander could
    show that Mrs. Hays‟s effort to win shows away from SHN was inconsistent with
    maximizing SHN‟s economic success and a violation of her duties to SHN.
    5.      Withholding the Curran lease
    Whether the withholding of the Curran lease breached a fiduciary duty imposed by
    the LLC Agreement largely depends on whether, because of contract or promissory
    estoppel, Mrs. Hays had an obligation to lease the theater to SHN. As an alternative
    theory, Nederlander contends that the Hayses violated their duty to maximize SHN‟s
    economic success by threatening to withhold the lease unless Mrs. Hays was made sole
    President of SHN and otherwise utilized excessive hardball tactics to effect change in the
    company‟s leadership structure. Because, as shown infra, Defendants‟ motion to dismiss
    the claims relating to the alleged oral agreement to renew the Curran lease must be
    denied, I decline at this stage to dismiss Nederlander‟s claim for breach of fiduciary duty
    and I need not address its alternative argument.
    6.      SHN’s confidential information
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint specifically names two shows that
    Mrs. Hays attempted to poach for the Curran that were then being sought by SHN and
    further alleges that, while serving on SHN‟s Board, she acquired and misused
    confidential information as to the shows SHN was pursuing. These allegations state a
    claim that Mrs. Hays misused SHN‟s confidential information.67 Furthermore, Section
    7.02(a) required the Hayses to avoid conflicts of interest. That Dr. Hays continued to
    serve on the Board while his wife was competing with SHN for the very same shows
    appears, on its face, to make it reasonably conceivable that the Hayses may have
    breached their contractual fiduciary duty to avoid conflicts of interest.
    7.       Waste
    The waste claim, in contrast, falls short of being reasonably conceivable and must
    be dismissed. “To recover on a claim of waste, a plaintiff must prove that the relevant
    exchange was „so one sided that no business person of ordinary, sound judgment could
    conclude that the corporation has received adequate consideration.‟”68 The Counterclaim
    and Third Party Complaint alleges that the Hayses blocked lucrative theater sponsorships
    in order to avoid detracting from Mrs. Hays‟s social status. These allegations are too
    conclusory to survive a motion to dismiss. Disagreements among the SHN directors as to
    what sponsorships should be attached to SHN‟s name and reputation are disputes about
    how to best manage the Company‟s business. I do not consider it reasonably conceivable
    that, based on the allegations in the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint about the
    sponsorships, Nederlander could prove that that transaction was so one-sided that no
    reasonable businessperson would agree to it. Nederlander also alleges that Mrs. Hays
    Id. § 7.09 (stating requirements for keeping SHN‟s confidential information
    Zutrau v. Jansing, 
    2014 WL 2014
     WL 3772859, at *17 (Del. Ch. July 31, 2014)
    (quoting In re Walt Disney Co. Deriv. Litig., 
    906 A.2d 27
    , 74 (Del. Ch. 2006)).
    mismanaged SHN during her 60-day trial period as sole President. An allegation of
    mismanagement without more, however, is not sufficient to state a claim for waste.
    Indeed, Nederlander in fact agreed to this brief trial run.
    8.      Conclusion
    For the reasons stated, I dismiss Nederlander‟s claim in Count I for waste of
    SHN‟s assets, but otherwise I decline to dismiss Count I.
    D.       The Curran Lease Renewal
    I turn now to the most disputed Counts in the Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint, all of which relate to the alleged oral agreement to renew the Curran lease.
    Nederlander‟s breach of contract, promissory estoppel, and fraudulent inducement
    Counts are pled in the alternative, and all three Counts generally arise from the same
    factual allegations. Those allegations are reiterated below in the light most favorable to
    Nederlander as the nonmoving party.
    SHN had a portfolio of three theaters, one of which was the Curran Theatre. SHN
    had leased the Curran for decades under the same lease, and that lease was set to expire
    on December 31, 2014. The then-owner had listed the Curran for sale in 2010. Mr.
    Nederlander looked into the property, but concluded the $20 million price was too high.
    He preferred instead to have friendly third-party investors acquire the property and lease
    it back to SHN. Mr. Nederlander had a phone conversation with Mrs. Hays in the third
    quarter of 2010 during which this information was conveyed to her, to the extent she was
    not already familiar with the situation because of her affiliation with SHN. Mrs. Hays,
    however, proposed buying the Curran herself. Mr. Nederlander allegedly agreed to Mrs.
    Hays‟s proposal, but only on the condition that she lease the Curran back to SHN for so
    long as SHN exists.
    The Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint avers that, after obtaining Mr.
    Nederlander‟s consent, Mrs. Hays proceeded to purchase the Curran in late 2010. Both
    parties allegedly assumed that the current lease would remain the operative contract and
    the rent for the new lease would continue to increase gradually in accordance with the
    existing rent schedule. According to the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint, all
    other material terms of the future lease would be copied from the current lease. In
    reliance on this oral agreement, Nederlander continued booking plays at the Curran for
    periods extending beyond the December 31, 2014 expiration of the lease.                  The
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint also avers that, after 2010, Mrs. Hays strung
    Nederlander along by including the topic of the Curran lease in numerous Board agendas,
    but never allowing the negotiations to progress in any meaningful way. Finally, by her
    actions at the January 2014 Board meeting, Mrs. Hays allegedly revealed for the first
    time that she was reneging on the deal or else never had intended to abide by it in the first
    1.      Breach of Contract
    I first analyze whether these alleged facts conceivably could support the existence
    of an enforceable agreement between Mrs. Hays and Nederlander. Defendants argue that
    the alleged promise was not sufficiently clear and definite to be enforceable and that the
    Statute of Frauds bars the agreement in any event. I address these arguments in turn.
    a.      Was the alleged promise sufficiently clear and definite?
    “It is well settled Delaware law that three elements are necessary to prove the
    existence of an enforceable contract: (1) intent of the parties to be bound, (2) sufficiently
    definite terms, and (3) consideration.”69     Here, Nederlander alleges that Mrs. Hays
    accepted the lease-back condition and in so doing manifested her intent to be bound. In
    terms of consideration, I find it reasonably conceivable that Nederlander‟s consent
    allowed what otherwise would have been a conflicted transaction to proceed. The LLC
    Agreement requires the Members “to avoid any conflicts of interests between the
    Members.”70 After purchasing the Curran, Mrs. Hays, through her affiliates, would be
    standing on both sides of the lease, giving her interests as both lessee and lessor. This
    leaves the issue of sufficiently definite terms. “[A]n enforceable contract must contain all
    material terms of the agreement and material provisions that are indefinite will not be
    enforced.”71 “If terms are left open or uncertain, this tends to demonstrate that an offer
    and acceptance did not occur.”72
    Gallagher v. E.I. duPont de Nemours and Co., 
    2010 WL 1854131
    , at *3 (Del.
    Super. Apr. 30, 2010).
    LLC Agreement § 7.02.
    2010 WL 1854131
    , at *3; see also PharmAthene, Inc. v. SIGA Techs.,
    2010 WL 4813553
    , at *7 (Del. Ch. Nov. 23, 2010); Ramone v. Lang, 
    2006 WL 905347
    , at *11 (Del. Ch. Apr. 3, 2006) (“[A] contract must contain all
    material terms in order to be enforceable.”).
    2006 WL 905347
    , at *11.
    Defendants characterize the alleged oral promise as, at best, an unenforceable
    agreement to agree. In that regard, they focus on the purported lack of material terms.
    Even according to Nederlander‟s allegations, the rent schedule needed to be finalized.
    Several cases support the proposition that the rent term is an essential provision in a
    lease.73 Before December 31, 2014, the parties attempted to finalize the rent term, but
    never settled on a number. It is tempting to conclude, as Defendants urge, that the
    absence of a fixed rent price term is fatal to Nederlander‟s claims. In the face of the other
    facts alleged, however, and cognizant that the precedents just cited all arrived at their
    conclusions at either the post-trial or summary judgment stages, I conclude that it would
    be premature to dismiss these claims based on the lack of a final rent term. In that regard,
    I note, for example, that the parties operated under the same lease for over thirty years.
    Many of the authorities cited by Defendants in support of their motion to dismiss
    are distinguishable, at least under the facts as I must accept them at this procedural stage.
    Painted in the best light for Nederlander, the breach of contract claim is less about
    forming a new lease agreement from scratch and more about renewing the existing lease.
    See Centreville Veterinary Hosp. v. Butler-Baird, 
    2007 WL 1965538
    , at *7 (Del.
    Ch. July 6, 2007) (noting the case conflict in other jurisdictions as to what a court
    should do where the rent term is missing, but ultimately not deciding the issue);
    Heritage Homes of De La Warr v. Alexander, 
    2005 WL 2173992
    , at *3 (Del. Ch.
    Sept. 1, 2005) (stating that settled law requires that, for a contract to enter into a
    contract to be enforceable, all material and essential terms must be agreed upon,
    and finding that the price of a house to be constructed was such a missing term),
    900 A.2d 100
     (Del. 2006) (TABLE); The Liquor Exchange v. Tsaganos,
    2004 WL 2694912
    , at *4 (Del. Ch. Nov. 16, 2004) (describing rent and duration as
    among “the most basic terms” missing from the supposed lease agreement).
    Essentially, Nederlander alleges that the parties agreed to extend the term of an existing
    lease based on the same material terms, including the existing rent schedule. There is
    some support in the case law that an oral agreement to renew an existing contract requires
    somewhat less in terms of proof of a contract‟s terms than an agreement to form a new
    contract.74 Presumably, this would be because both parties to a contract renewal already
    are familiar with the terms of the existing contract.
    The SHN-Curran lease (the “Lease”)75 was effective from January 1, 1980, until
    December 31, 2014, and was amended only once, on October 31, 1997. A new entity
    associated with Mrs. Hays assumed the Lease and became SHN‟s landlord after Mrs.
    Hays acquired the Curran in mid-December 2010. The Lease included a rent schedule,
    which increased at regular intervals over the thirty-four-year term of the Lease from
    $120,000 to $350,000 per year.76 The specified increases were nearly linear, and the rate
    Cf. Harmon v. Del. Harness Racing Comm’n, 
    62 A.3d 1198
    , 1201-02 (Del. 2013)
    (reversing trial court and reinstating jury verdict that found liability based on
    failure to abide by oral agreement to rehire the plaintiff in a case pursued under a
    promissory estoppel theory); Keating v. Bd. of Educ. of Appoquinimink Sch. Dist.,
    1993 WL 460527
    , at *5-6 (Del. Ch. Nov. 3, 1993) (finding for the plaintiff and
    enforcing, on a promissory estoppel theory, an oral undertaking to rehire the
    plaintiff), aff’d, 
    650 A.2d 1305
     (Del. 1994) (TABLE).
    A copy of the Lease was included with Defendants‟ motion to dismiss. Affidavit
    of Rachel E. Horn, Ex. B [hereinafter the “Lease”]. Consideration of this
    document is appropriate on this motion to dismiss, because the Lease is not being
    considered for the truth of what it asserts and because it is integral to the
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint. See, e.g., Allen v. Encore Energy P’rs,
    72 A.3d 93
    , 96 n.2 (Del. 2013); In re Gen. Motors S’holder Litig., 
    897 A.2d 162
    168-69 (Del. 2006).
    Lease § 3.1(a).
    of increase over time accelerated only slightly. In addition to the base rent, the landlord
    received from SHN a percentage share of the gross receipts from performances at the
    Curran. That revenue-sharing rate increased in a similar manner to the rent structure over
    Based on the Lease‟s detailed rent structure, I find it reasonably conceivable that
    Nederlander could show that, when Mr. Nederlander and Mrs. Hays made their oral
    agreement in 2010, both parties intended that the rent under the anticipated lease
    essentially would be an extrapolation of the rent schedule in the Lease for 2015 and
    future years.78 As such, I conclude that the absence of a definitive rent schedule does not
    warrant dismissal of Nederlander‟s contract claims as a matter of law.
    The lease of a well-established theater in a major metropolitan area in the United
    States also likely would include additional material terms beyond the rent. Defendants
    contend that the Lease itself, a thirty-page document with numerous detailed provisions,
    shows that there were other material terms missing. It appears from the Counterclaim
    and Third Party Complaint and Nederlander‟s arguments, however, that Nederlander‟s
    response to this problem is that the oral agreement between Mr. Nederlander and Mrs.
    Hays contemplated that the parties essentially would adhere to the same terms specified
    in the existing Lease. Absent an implicit agreement to that effect, I find that the oral
    Id. § 3.2(a).
    If the rent terms were plotted on a graph, a neutral observer would be able to
    extrapolate the rent for subsequent years with a fair degree of precision, if that
    observer assumed the same general rent structure would be used.
    agreement would be too indefinite to be enforceable. Moreover, the Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint alleges that the only dispute between the parties relates to the rent
    term and, perhaps, the duration of the renewed lease. Based on the alleged agreement,
    Nederlander asserts that the new lease was to continue for the duration of SHN‟s
    existence. In the parties‟ actual negotiations, which had begun by at least October 2012,
    CSH sought a ten-year lease, while Nederlander allegedly sought a term of twenty years.
    When all of the evidence is in, this discrepancy may support a conclusion that there was
    no enforceable oral agreement between Nederlander and Mrs. Hays.
    Nevertheless, although Nederlander may fail to satisfy its burden of proof at trial, I
    find it reasonably conceivable from the facts alleged in the Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint that Nederlander could show that the parties reached an oral agreement to
    renew the Lease based on the terms existing in that document for the duration of SHN‟s
    existence under the common ownership of Nederlander and CSH. Those terms included
    the rent schedule.    In that regard, it conceivably could be shown that both parties
    anticipated that the rent schedule and revenue sharing provisions simply would continue
    to increase in line with the past increases. The allegation that the parties‟ initial offers
    differed by a not-insignificant amount cuts against this conclusion, but does not, in light
    of the other facts alleged, render Nederlander‟s theory inconceivable. Resolution of this
    issue must await a more developed record.
    b.      Does the Statute of Frauds bar the alleged oral agreement?
    Having concluded that the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint adequately
    alleges an oral agreement to renew the Curran Lease, I turn to whether the Statute of
    Frauds nevertheless precludes enforcement of that agreement. The Delaware Statute of
    Frauds prohibits enforcement of any agreement “upon any contract or sale of lands,
    tenements, or hereditaments, or any interest in or concerning them, or upon any
    agreement that is not to be performed within the space of 1 year from the making
    thereof,” unless the agreement is in writing signed by the party to be charged.79 Although
    at the time of the alleged agreement in 2010 the existing Lease still had four years to run
    and the renewal was to be for the duration of SHN, an entity that could exist indefinitely,
    the lease-renewal agreement does not fall within the one-year prohibition. “„The time
    within which such a contract is to be performed is reckoned from the making of the
    contract, not from the time performance is to begin.‟”80 In addition, “if a contract may be
    performed within a year, the statute does not apply.”81 In theory, Mrs. Hays could have
    purchased the Curran the day after making the agreement with Nederlander, signed
    documents relating to the renewed lease on the second day, and SHN could have been
    dissolved on the third day. As such, the agreement could be performed within one year,
    6 Del. C. § 2714(a).
    Aurigemma v. New Castle Care LLC, 
    2006 WL 2441978
    , at *2 (Del. Super. Aug.
    22, 2006) (quoting 72 AM. JUR. 2d Statute of Frauds § 38).
    Brandner v. Del. State Hous. Auth., 
    605 A.2d 1
    , 1 (Del. Ch. 1991); see also Guyer
    v. Haveg Corp., 
    205 A.2d 176
    , 181 (Del. Super. 1964) (“Delaware Courts have
    held that the statute of frauds does not apply to contracts of indefinite duration
    requiring the performance of a specific act which may be performed within one
    year even if performance within one year is unlikely.”), aff’d, 
    211 A.2d 910
    , 912
    (Del. 1965) (“It has been the law in Delaware for many years that the Statute of
    Frauds does not apply to a contract which may, by any possibility, be performed
    within a year.”).
    and the improbability of such a series of events—or, in this case, an actual factual record
    to the contrary—is irrelevant to the analysis.82
    A lease, however, is an interest in land and the agreement therefore is covered by
    the Statute of Frauds.83 Nederlander has presented no evidence of any written document,
    signed or unsigned, evidencing the alleged oral agreement. Indeed, Nederlander has not
    produced any board minutes, emails, or other documents in any way corroborating the
    existence of the lease-renewal agreement.          As such, the Statute of Frauds prohibits
    enforcement of this agreement, unless one of the exceptions to the Statute of Frauds
    applies.   Nederlander contends that two such exceptions apply here: (1) the part
    performance exception; and (2) what I will refer to as the estoppel exception. I discuss
    those exceptions next.
    i.     Part performance
    Part performance is a well-recognized exception to the Statute of Frauds for
    contracts involving interests in land.84 “Part performance may be deemed to take a
    contract out of the provisions of the statute of frauds on the theory that acts of
    performance, even if incomplete, constitute substantial evidence that a contract actually
    211 A.2d at 912
    See, e.g., Hendry v. Hendry, 
    2006 WL 4804019
    , at *7 (Del. Ch. May 30, 2006)
    (“The word „interest‟ as it applies to land has been defined to include leasehold
    interests and rights.”); Bielo v. Del. Wild Lands, Inc., 
    1995 WL 106302
    , at *5-6
    (Del. Ch. Feb. 8, 1995) (discussing a leasehold interest as covered by the Statute
    of Frauds).
    Indeed, the part performance exception applies only to oral contracts involving
    interests in land. Aurigemma, 
    2006 WL 244197
    , at *3.
    exists.”85 “For the part performance exception to apply, however, the performance must
    be attributed solely to the oral agreement.”86 That is, the acts said to constitute part
    performance must be unequivocal and “„must be of such a character that they can be
    naturally and reasonably accounted for in no other way than by the existence of some
    contract in relation to the subject matter in dispute.‟”87         “Furthermore, the part
    performance exception . . . requires that the act of performance must be on the part of the
    complainant,” and not the party to be charged.88
    The part performance cases consistently hold that the part performance must
    constitute “action that is explainable only as part performance of the alleged oral
    contract,”89 and not actions “equally consistent” with some other scenario.90 This strict
    requirement is in line with the policy underlying the Statute of Frauds, which is “to
    Quillen v. Sayers, 
    482 A.2d 744
    , 747 (Del. 1984).
    Taylor v. Jones, 
    2002 WL 31926612
    , at *4 (Del. Ch. Dec. 17, 2002).
    Langbord v. Wilson, 
    1979 WL 175241
    , at *2 (Del. Ch. Oct. 30, 1979) (quoting
    Rutt v. Roche, 
    87 A.2d 805
    , 808 (Conn. 1952)).
    Teevan v. Kearns, 
    1993 WL 1626514
    , at *3 (Del. Super. Dec. 3, 1993); see also
    Sussex Inv. Co. v. Clendaniel, 
    129 A. 919
    , 921 (Del. Ch. 1925) (“[T]he equity
    which underlies the doctrine of part performance must be by the party seeking the
    E. Coast Resorts, Inc. v. Paroni, 
    1990 WL 201399
    , at *5 (Del. Ch. Dec. 3, 1990).
    1979 WL 175241
    , at *7; see also Gebler v. Gall, 
    1986 WL 11108
    , at *3
    (Del. Ch. Sept. 4, 1986) (“The course of conduct of plaintiffs disclosed by the
    evidence is every bit as consistent with defendant‟s version of their mutual
    understanding as it is with a claim that they had a legal right to the property or at
    least to remain in the property rent-free.”).
    protect defendants against unfounded or fraudulent claims that would require
    performance over an extended period of time.”91
    Here, Nederlander‟s “performance” was not partial, it was complete. He gave
    permission to Mrs. Hays to purchase the Curran on the condition that she lease it back to
    SHN. Defendants contend that this performance falls woefully short of what is required
    for part performance.     In particular, Defendants emphasize the case of Sargent v.
    Schneller,92 which involved an alleged oral contract for the sale of a house. There, the
    Court found insufficient evidence of part performance by the plaintiff, even though the
    plaintiff: (1) had received a key to the property; (2) had done some yardwork; and (3)
    paid some of the defendant‟s legal fees. But, Sargent is distinguishable. First, that case
    was a post-trial opinion. It did not address, therefore, whether the plaintiff‟s allegations
    would have sufficed to move beyond the pleadings stage. Second, the evidence in
    Sargent of part performance was minimal: the yardwork consisted of a few hours on two
    days; the legal fees amounted to only $68; and the defendant merely sent the plaintiff a
    key to enable him to examine a property that was on the market.
    The problem with Defendants‟ argument here is that they look only to
    Nederlander‟s consent, which they contend proves nothing on its own. While this may be
    Olson v. Halvorsen, 
    982 A.2d 286
    , 291 (Del. Ch. 2008), aff’d, 
    986 A.2d 1150
    (Del. 2009).
    2005 WL 1863382
     (Del. Ch. Aug. 2, 2005).
    true, the “alleged . . . promise should not be viewed in a vacuum.”93 The Counterclaim
    and Third Party Complaint alleges that SHN originally contemplated buying the Curran
    because it feared that it would be acquired by a competitor. Finding the price too high,
    Nederlander hoped that some friendly third-party investor would purchase the Curran and
    lease it back to SHN. It was in this context that the alleged oral agreement was made.
    Thus, taking as true the allegations in the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint,
    SHN‟s goal was to encourage a purchase by a new owner—whether SHN itself or a
    friendly third party—that would lease the Curran Theatre back to SHN on favorable
    terms. These allegations make it reasonably conceivable that the only way Nederlander
    would have consented to Mrs. Hays‟s acquisition of the Curran was if she agreed to lease
    it back to SHN. Furthermore, Mrs. Hays arguably needed Mr. Nederlander‟s consent in
    order to complete the transaction because of the LLC Agreement‟s requirement that she
    avoid conflicts of interests.94 That consent was given. Thus, although the evidence
    ultimately may not bear out Nederlander‟s claim in this regard, it is at least conceivable
    that it will.
    Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, Defendants have not advanced a
    convincing alternative explanation for Nederlander‟s consent. They simply assert that
    Nederlander‟s performance was inadequate. The cases that have found putative part
    performance inadequate to avoid the Statute of Frauds, however, have involved conduct
    Konitzer v. Carpenter, 
    1993 WL 562194
    , at *9 (Del. Super. Dec. 23, 1993).
    LLC Agreement § 7.02(a).
    that is equally consistent with another explanation, such as that the defendant entered into
    a lease rather than an installment purchase agreement. SHN had leased the Curran for
    over thirty years and it is defined as one of SHN‟s three Theatres in the LLC Agreement.
    Defendants have proffered no alternative explanation as to why Nederlander voluntarily
    would have allowed a third party, like Mrs. Hays, to acquire the Curran without ensuring
    that SHN still could lease the property on reasonable terms.
    ii.    Estoppel
    Nederlander also contends that the alleged oral agreement is enforceable under a
    second exception to the Statute of Frauds. Yet, briefing on this issue was unclear.
    Nederlander suggested that the purported second exception either is or is similar to
    promissory estoppel.    From a jurisprudential standpoint, it would be rather odd if
    promissory estoppel were an exception to the Statute of Frauds, because the two concepts
    serve different purposes. Promissory estoppel technically is a substitute for consideration
    that the courts employ to avoid injustice,95 while the Statute of Frauds doctrine concerns
    itself with whether an otherwise valid agreement is rendered unenforceable because of
    the lack of a signed writing. Generally speaking, a necessary predicate for the application
    of promissory estoppel is the nonexistence of a contract between the parties. As such, it
    seems debatable whether this exception actually exists or whether, instead, it is simply a
    See Lord v. Souder, 
    748 A.2d 393
    , 404-05 & n.5 (Del. 2000) (Lamb, V.C., sitting
    by designation, concurring) (distinguishing contract analysis from promissory
    estoppel, under which there is no bargained-for exchange).
    specific application of the promissory estoppel analysis, which is a separate inquiry from
    whether an agreement complies with the Statute of Frauds.
    There is some support in the case law, however, that the exception Nederlander
    argues for actually does exist. In Taylor v. Jones, Justice Jacobs, writing as a Vice
    Chancellor, stated that there are two exceptions to the Statute of Frauds: “(i) where the
    agreement has been partially performed and (ii) where a party has been induced to act by
    reliance on a promise.”96 With respect the latter, then-Vice Chancellor Jacobs stated that
    “the second exception to the statute arises where there is conduct that amounts to a
    promissory estoppel.”97 In Huntington Homeowners Ass’n, Inc. v. 706 Investments,98
    Vice Chancellor Noble noted that: “„An oral promise or representation that certain land
    will be used in a particular way, though otherwise unenforceable, is enforceable to the
    extent necessary to protect expenditures made in reasonable reliance upon it.‟” 99 This
    decision does not appear to create a broad exception to the Statute of Frauds, but rather it
    contemplates a limited equitable remedy in the context of an otherwise unenforceable
    promise relating to land.100
    96 Taylor, 2002
     WL 31926612, at *4.
    1999 WL 377827
     (Del. Ch. May 28, 1999).
    Id. at *3 (quoting Restatement of Property § 524).
    Another case along the same lines, which was not cited by the parties, is Walton v.
    2006 WL 265489
     (Del. Ch. Jan. 30, 2006), which spoke of an exception to
    the Statute of Frauds that derives from equitable estoppel. That exception, which
    the Court found applicable, requires the party invoking it to show “that they lacked
    Because I find the part performance exception sufficient here to defeat
    Defendants‟ argument that the alleged oral agreement is barred by the Statute of Frauds
    and because Nederlander‟s promissory estoppel claim is addressed in the following
    Section, I need not address this second exception any further.
    c.       Conclusion
    In sum, I conclude that it is reasonably conceivable that the alleged oral agreement
    to renew the Curran Lease, construed to be as I have described it, is sufficiently clear and
    definite to be enforceable. In addition, I find that at least the part performance exception
    to the Statute of Frauds plausibly saves the alleged oral agreement from being
    unenforceable for lack of a writing. Accordingly, I deny Defendants‟ motion to dismiss
    Count IV.
    2.        Promissory Estoppel
    In the alternative, Nederlander avers that the Court should enforce Mrs. Hays‟s
    representation that she would renew the Curran Lease under the doctrine of promissory
    estoppel. Unlike a breach of contract claim, promissory estoppel has a higher burden of
    proof and some different elements:
    In order to establish a claim for promissory estoppel, a
    plaintiff must show by clear and convincing evidence that: (i)
    a promise was made; (ii) it was the reasonable expectation of
    the promisor to induce action or forbearance on the part of the
    knowledge or the means to obtain knowledge of the facts in question, relied on the
    conduct of the party against whom the estoppel is claimed, and suffered a
    prejudicial change of position as a result of that reliance.” 
     at *4 (citing
    Heckman v. Nero, 
    1999 WL 182570
    , at *3 (Del. Ch. Mar. 26, 1999)).
    promisee; (iii) the promisee reasonably relied on the promise
    and took action to his detriment; and (iv) such promise is
    binding because injustice can be avoided only by enforcement
    of the promise.101
    Several of the elements of promissory estoppel correspond to the requirements for
    Nederlander‟s breach of contract claim.          Defendants‟ main argument against the
    promissory estoppel claim, for example, is that the alleged promise is insufficiently clear
    and definite. I rejected that argument in Section III.D.1.a supra for reasons that apply at
    least equally in the context of a clear and convincing evidence standard of proof. Thus,
    the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint adequately alleges a promise by Mrs. Hays
    to renew the lease. Additionally, it is reasonable to infer from the facts alleged that Mrs.
    Hays made that promise to induce Nederlander to grant her permission to purchase the
    Curran. This leaves the remaining two elements, each of which Defendants also contest.
    None of their objections, however, warrant dismissal at the pleadings stage.
    Nederlander alleges that it relied on Mrs. Hays‟s promise both in granting
    permission for her to purchase the Curran and in booking shows for SHN at the Curran
    beyond the December 31, 2014 expiration of the Lease.           Defendants challenge the
    reasonableness of Nederlander‟s reliance for at least three reasons: (1) the lack of
    essential terms makes any reliance unreasonable; (2) reliance upon a promise to enter into
    a lease in the future is unreasonable as a matter of law; and (3) the Statute of Frauds
    748 A.2d at 399
     (emphasis added).
    renders reliance unreasonable as a matter of law. I do not find any of these arguments
    First, I previously concluded that Nederlander conceivably could show that both
    parties understood that the necessary terms for a new lease would be the same as or
    similar to the terms of the existing Lease. Thus, for example, the existing Lease would
    provide a basis for determining the rate of increase in future rents. Accordingly, the
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint does not merely allege reliance on a “vague
    assurance,”102 as Defendants contend. Second, I find unpersuasive Defendants‟ argument
    about impermissible reliance on statements of future intent. Except in an immediate
    exchange, virtually all agreements involve future action, e.g., “I promise to sell you this
    car tomorrow when you come back with a certified check.” Here, Mrs. Hays allegedly
    made an unconditional promise to renew the Lease. Thus, even assuming Delaware law
    comports with the federal authorities cited by Defendants for the proposition that
    “reliance upon a mere expression of future intention cannot be „reasonable,‟ because such
    expressions do not constitute a sufficiently definite promise,”103 that simply is not the
    situation here. Mrs. Hays‟s alleged promise was an unconditional promise to renew, not
    a statement that she expected or intended to renew the Lease. Third, the Statute of Frauds
    does not categorically render reliance upon an oral promise to renew a lease either
    See Copeland v. Kramarck, 
    2006 WL 2521444
    , at *3 n.26 (Del. Ch. Aug. 23,
    In re Phillips Petroleum Sec. Litig., 
    881 F.2d 1236
    , 1250 (3d Cir. 1989).
    unreasonable or unenforceable.      Indeed, as discussed in Section III.D.1.b.i supra,
    Nederlander adequately has alleged that the part performance exception took the disputed
    oral agreement outside of the Statute of Frauds. For the same reasons, I consider it
    reasonably conceivable that Nederlander could show based on the facts alleged in the
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint that it reasonably relied to its detriment on Mrs.
    Hays‟s alleged oral promise notwithstanding the Statute of Frauds.
    Defendants also weakly assert that there would be no injustice if Mrs. Hays‟s
    promise were not enforced. This argument largely is premised on Defendants‟ previous
    arguments for finding the alleged promise unenforceable.           Having rejected those
    arguments individually, I also reject the attempt to repackage and relabel them as
    Finally, Defendants argue that the promissory estoppel claims fail as a matter of
    law against CSH Curran, CSH Theatres, and Jeff Hays because the Counterclaim and
    Third Party Complaint focuses only on Mrs. Hays‟s alleged promise. I have no trouble
    concluding that CSH Curran should remain subject to this Count. After Mrs. Hays made
    the alleged promise, she formed CSH Curran to acquire the Curran. If Nederlander
    succeeds in proving its claim, Mrs. Hays should not be able to avoid her obligations
    under the promise because she subsequently created a wholly controlled entity to effect
    Defendants also aver that the true injustice here is that Mrs. Hays paid $16.6
    million dollars for the Curran and that Nederlander seeks to have this Court tie her
    hands indefinitely in the use of her property. But, this Memorandum Opinion
    deals with whether the claims as alleged are legally deficient. Whether
    Nederlander will be able to prove its claims remains to be seen.
    the acquisition. As to CSH Theatres, Nederlander argues that Mrs. Hays was acting as an
    agent of CSH Theatres when she made the promise.105 Ultimately, the facts may show
    that Mrs. Hays acted solely on her own behalf. At this point, however, the Counterclaim
    and Third Party Complaint alleges a sufficiently close relationship between Mrs. Hays
    and the various CSH entities to make it reasonably conceivable that Nederlander could
    show that Mrs. Hays acted pursuant to some sort of agency relationship. Accordingly, I
    decline to dismiss this Count against CSH Theatres. Dr. Hays is another story. A person
    is not liable simply because his spouse made a promise to do something.             The
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint contains no conspiracy or aiding and abetting
    allegations or counts, and Nederlander offers no explanation as to why Dr. Hays should
    be held accountable for Mrs. Hays‟s alleged promise. Thus, I decline to dismiss Count
    V, except as against Dr. Hays.
    3.      Fraudulent Inducement
    Nederlander also alleges, in the alternative, that the promise to renew the Curran
    Lease constituted fraudulent inducement. There are five elements required to state a
    claim for fraudulent inducement:
    (1) a false representation of material fact; (2) the defendant‟s
    knowledge of or belief as to the falsity of the representation
    or the defendant‟s reckless indifference to the truth of the
    representation; (3) the defendant‟s intent to induce the
    plaintiff to act or refrain from acting; (4) the plaintiff‟s action
    or inaction taken in justifiable reliance upon the
    See Harmon, 
    62 A.3d at 1201
     (describing recognized forms of authority pursuant
    to which an agent can bind the principal).
    representation; and (5) damages to the plaintiff as a result of
    such reliance.106
    I already have discussed the substance of elements three, four, and five in the course of
    analyzing the promissory estoppel claims supra. I focus, therefore, only on the first two
    elements. I also note that fraudulent inducement must be pled with particularity in
    accordance with Court of Chancery Rule 9(b). Defendants contend that the Counterclaim
    and Third Party Complaint fails to plead either the first or second elements of fraudulent
    inducement with the requisite specificity.
    Rule 9(b) states: “In all averments of fraud or mistake, the circumstances
    constituting fraud or mistake shall be stated with particularity. Malice, intent, knowledge
    and other condition of mind of a person may be averred generally.”107 Cases interpreting
    the Rule 9(b) requirement have held that a complaint must allege “(1) the time, place, and
    contents of the false representation; (2) the identity of the person making the
    representation; and (3) what the person intended to gain by making the
    representations.”108 The “particularity requirement must be applied in light of the facts of
    the case, and less particularity is required when the facts lie more in the knowledge of the
    opposing party than of the pleading party.”109 “Essentially, the plaintiff is required to
    Haase v. Grant, 
    2008 WL 372471
    , at *2 (Del. Ch. Feb. 7, 2008) (footnotes
    Ct. Ch. R. 9(b).
    Abry P’rs V, L.P. v. F & W Acq. LLC, 
    891 A.2d 1032
    , 1050 (Del. Ch. 2006).
    H-M Wexford LLC v. Encorp, LLC, 
    832 A.2d 129
    , 146 (Del. Ch. 2003).
    allege the circumstances of the fraud with detail sufficient to apprise the defendant of the
    basis for the claim.”110
    Here, the Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint alleges that, during a phone
    conversation in the third quarter of 2010, Mrs. Hays represented to Mr. Nederlander that
    she would renew the Curran Lease with SHN.                As a result of this purported
    misrepresentation, she gained Nederlander‟s consent and the ability to purchase the
    Curran Theatre. Although the exact date is missing, the requirements of Rule 9(b) are
    satisfied in that Defendants have been apprised of the circumstances of the alleged fraud
    and the basis for Nederlander‟s claims.
    The more difficult issue is whether Nederlander‟s Counterclaim and Third Party
    Complaint sufficiently alleges the first two elements of the fraudulent inducement
    standard. Nederlander alleges, alternatively, that when Mrs. Hays represented that she
    would renew the Curran Lease, she either knew that representation was false when she
    made it or later changed her mind. Only the former pleading, however, could support
    Nederlander‟s fraudulent inducement claim as a matter of law, because such a claim
    requires a misrepresentation of present fact.111 Furthermore, “Delaware law holds that a
    plaintiff „cannot “bootstrap” a claim of breach of contract into a claim of fraud merely by
    Abry P’rs V, 
    891 A.2d at 1050
    MicroStrategy Inc. v. Acacia Research Corp., 
    2010 WL 5550455
    , at *15 (Del. Ch.
    Dec. 30, 2010).
    alleging that a contracting party never intended to perform its obligations.‟”112 For these
    reasons, the courts have imposed a particularly demanding requirement for alternatively
    pled fraudulent inducement claims:
    [W]hen a plaintiff pleads a claim of promissory fraud, in that
    the alleged false representations are promises or predictive
    statements of future intent rather than past or present facts,
    the plaintiff must meet an even higher threshold. In this
    situation, the plaintiff “must plead specific facts that lead to a
    reasonable inference that the promisor had no intention of
    performing at the time the promise was made.”113
    Nederlander‟s pleadings lack the specific factual allegations required to support a
    reasonable inference that Mrs. Hays never intended to comply with the alleged promise
    and that, in fact, her statement was a lie when she made it. The allegation in the
    Counterclaim and Third Party Complaint              is completely conclusory: “These
    representations were false when made.”114 In addition, Nederlander‟s own allegations
    that the parties attempted over time to finalize the rent and duration terms of the renewed
    lease undermine its fraudulent inducement theory. In that regard, I note that there are no
    Narrowstep, Inc. v. Onstream Media Corp., 
    2010 WL 5422405
    , at *15 (Del. Ch.
    Dec. 22, 2010) (quoting Iotex Commc’ns, Inc. v. Defries, 
    1998 WL 914265
    , at *4
    (Del. Ch. 21, 1998)); see also MicroStrategy Inc., 
    2010 WL 5550455
    , at *17 (“In
    other words, a plaintiff cannot state a claim for fraud simply by adding the term
    „fraudulently induced‟ to a complaint or alleging that the defendant never intended
    to comply with the agreement at issue at the time the parties entered into it.”).
    MicroStrategy Inc., 
    2010 WL 5550455
    , at *15 (emphasis added) (quoting
    Grunstein v. Silva, 
    2009 WL 4698541
    , at *13 (Del. Ch. Dec. 8, 2009)).
    C & TP Compl. ¶ 118; id. ¶ 65 (“Mrs. Hays had lied about her intention to
    continue leasing the Curran to SHN or, alternatively, that she had changed her
    mind and no longer intended to abide by the purchase-lease agreement . . . .”).
    allegations that Mrs. Hays‟s initial offer was so outrageous as to indicate that she never
    intended to fulfill the promise. To the contrary, Nederlander alleges that it anticipated an
    initial high-rent offer consistent with its view of how the contract negotiations would
    progress. Thus, I conclude that Count III must be dismissed.
    For the foregoing reasons, Defendants‟ motion to dismiss is granted in part and
    denied in part. Specifically, Count I is dismissed to the extent that it asserts a claim for
    waste, Count III is dismissed in its entirety, and Count V is dismissed as against Dr.
    Hays. In all other respects, the motion is denied.