City of Miami v. Hagan , 235 So. 3d 977 ( 2017 )

  •        Third District Court of Appeal
    State of Florida
    Opinion filed November 13, 2017.
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
    No. 3D16-2177
    Lower Tribunal Nos. 15-164 & 13-35D
    City of Miami,
    Larry Hagan,
    A Writ of Certiorari to the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County, Appellate
    Division, Gisela Cardonne Ely, George A. Sarduy, and Eric Hendon, Judges.
    Victoria Méndez, City Attorney, and Forrest L. Andrews, Assistant City
    Attorney, for petitioner.
    Buschel Gibbons, P.A. and Robert C. Buschel and Eugene G. Gibbons (Ft.
    Lauderdale), for respondent.
    Before SUAREZ, LAGOA, and SCALES, JJ.
    SUAREZ, J.
    The City of Miami (the “City”) petitions for second-tier certiorari from a
    decision from the appellate division of the circuit court that overturned the City
    Manager’s termination of former police officer Larry Hagan (“Hagan”). While the
    proper venue for appeal of the City Manager’s action was the appellate division of
    the circuit court, we conclude that the appellate division departed from the
    essential requirements of law in reversing Hagan’s termination. As grounds to
    reverse, the appellate division held that the Civil Service Board lacked jurisdiction
    to hear Hagan’s case as it was required to and failed to hold his hearing within
    thirty days of Hagan filing his grievance;1 and that the City Manager was required
    to hold a separate hearing before terminating Hagan and failed to do so. We
    reverse each of the holdings in the opinion as each departs from the essential
    requirements of the law. We therefore grant the City’s petition and quash the
    opinion of the appellate division      and remand for reinstatement of the City
    Manager’s judgment.
    1  See Custer Med. Ctr. v. United Auto. Ins. Co., 
    62 So. 3d 1086
    , 1092 (Fla. 2010),
    stating: “This Court has continually applied certain fundamental principles for the
    use of certiorari to review decisions rendered by the circuit court acting in its
    appellate capacity from the time common-law certiorari jurisdiction was first
    recognized in 1855. We have consistently observed that ‘[a]s a case travels up the
    judicial ladder, review should consistently become narrower, not broader.”
    Therefore, when a district court considers a petition for second-tier certiorari
    review, the ‘inquiry is limited to whether the circuit court afforded procedural due
    process and whether the circuit court applied the correct law,’ or, as otherwise
    stated, departed from the essential requirements of law. The departure from the
    essential requirements of the law necessary for granting a writ of certiorari is
    something more than a simple legal error. Rather, a district court should exercise
    its discretion to grant review only when the lower tribunal has violated a clearly
    established principle of law resulting in a miscarriage of justice.” (internal
    citations omitted).
    Factual Background
    While the parties disagree about the details of the preliminary events, for
    purposes of this appeal it is sufficient to state that in 2013 Hagan’s on-duty
    sergeant recommended that he be reprimanded for behavior which is irrelevant to
    this appeal.     Despite the sergeant’s recommendation, Hagan’s commander
    determined that he should be suspended for 120 hours based on a “pattern of
    behavior.”     Hagan requested a grievance hearing by the Civil Service Board,
    pursuant to the remedies afforded him under the City of Miami Code of
    Ordinances. The hearing took place and the Civil Service Board found Hagan
    guilty of numerous violations and recommended the 120 hour suspension. Those
    findings and recommendation were forwarded to the City Manager, also pursuant
    to the procedures set forth in the Code of Ordinances. The City Manager affirmed
    the Civil Service Board’s factual findings, but rejected its suspension
    recommendation and instead terminated Hagan. Hagan was credited back the time
    already served on the 120 hour suspension after his termination.
    Hagan then filed a Petition for Certiorari with the appellate division of the
    circuit court alleging that he was not afforded due process because he was not
    notified he could be terminated; that the essential requirements of the law were not
    observed because he was punished twice for the same conduct; and that the Civil
    Service Board’s findings of fact were not supported by competent substantial
    evidence. After oral argument, the appellate division of the circuit court requested
    additional documents from the parties, but did not inform the parties why it
    requested those documents and did not request any additional briefing from the
    parties.            Subsequently, the appellate division issued the opinion in
    question and granted Hagan’s petition, concluding that the Civil Service Board
    lacked jurisdiction to adjudicate Hagan because it was required by the City
    Ordinance to hold his grievance hearing within thirty days of the filing of his
    grievance request and did not do so. The appellate division also found that the
    City Manager’s disciplinary decision violated the essential requirements of law
    because the City was required to hold a separate hearing when the City seeks to
    terminate an employee and fails to do so. Finally, the appellate division concluded
    that it had jurisdiction to hear Hagan’s petition and ordered that he be reinstated
    with back pay. We reverse, as the appellate division deviated from the essential
    requirements of the law in arriving at each decision.
    Procedures Followed by the Parties
    We first note that, as established in our parallel opinion in City of Miami v.
    Jean-Phillipe, No.17-1172 (Fla. 3d DCA ____, 2017), which is issued
    simultaneously herewith, Hagan properly availed himself of his right to review the
    City Manager’s decision in the appellate division of the circuit court.2 Miami-
    2Hagan describes his petition, in part, as seeking review of the Civil Service
    Board’s findings of fact and conclusions of law. The appellate division also
    Dade Cnty. v. Moreland, 
    879 So. 2d 23
     (Fla. 2d DCA 2004); Bass v. Metro Dade
    Cnty. Dep’t of Corr. and Rehab., 
    798 So. 2d 835
     (Fla. 3d DCA 2001); City of
    Miami Springs v. Barad, 
    448 So. 2d 510
    , 511 (Fla. 3d DCA 1983); Sch. Bd. of
    Leon Cty. v. Mitchell, 
    346 So. 2d 562
    , 568 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977) (cited by Barad,
    examining history of the APA and holding “in the vast majority of cases, the sole
    method of challenging agency action, whether formally recognized as an ‘order’ or
    a ‘rule’, as it affects the substantial interests of a party is by petition for review to
    the appropriate Court of Appeal.”).
    Further, although Hagan captioned his pleading in the appellate division of
    the circuit court as a petition for certiorari, the review which was, and should have
    been, afforded by the appellate division was plenary. 2 Fla. Prac., Appellate
    Practice § 19:9 (2016 ed.) stating:
    captioned its opinion as being “On Petition for Writ of Certiorari from the City of
    Miami Civil Service Board.” As is discussed below, the appellate division’s
    review is from the determination by the City Manager, not the Civil Service Board.
    In a proceeding before the appellate division an employee may only challenge the
    factual findings made by the City Manager and not those made by the Civil Service
    Board. Where the City Manager adopts the finding by the Civil Service Board,
    such review may be identical, but it should be clarified that the appellate division is
    not actually reviewing the actions of the Civil Service Board.
    We also note here that we are sympathetic to the argument that the “factual
    findings” by the Civil Service Board are often simply recitations of the testimony
    provided and not any actual findings. We note that it would greatly assist the
    parties to the proceedings and the reviewing tribunals if future recommendations
    from the Civil Service Board actually detailed which facts it accepted in making its
    determination, especially where, as here, conflicting testimony exists.
    Article V, § 5(b) of the Florida Constitution states that the circuit
    courts shall ‘have the power of direct review of administrative action
    prescribed by general law.’ However, there is often no general statute
    that authorizes an appeal from a decision by a local administrative
    body such as a county commission. To implement the basic right of
    appellate review, the courts have held that an unappealable decision
    by a local administrative tribunal is reviewable by certiorari in the
    circuit court. This use of certiorari is unlike any other, in that the
    scope of review is actually more like a plenary appeal.
    [e.s.] In this case, no general statute authorizes appeal from the actions of the City
    Manager so appeal to the appellate division is the permitted remedy.
    City of Miami Code Provisions
    In pertinent parts, the City of Miami Code of Ordinances states:
    40-122 – Disciplinary Actions Generally.
    (a) Authority of city manager, department director;
    appeals to board; investigatory, evidentiary powers of
    board. Any officer or employee in the classified service
    may be removed, fined, laid off, or reduced in grade by
    the city manager or by the director of the department in
    which he/she is employed, for any cause which will
    promote the efficiency of the service; but he/she must be
    furnished with a written statement of the reasons therefor
    within five days from the date of the removal,
    suspension, fine, layoff, or reduction in grade, and be
    allowed a reasonable time for answering such reasons in
    writing, which shall be made a part of the records of the
    board; and he/she may be suspended from the date when
    such written statement of reason is furnished him/her.
    No trial or examination of witnesses shall be required in
    such case except at the discretion of the city manager or
    the department director.
    Any employee in the classified service who deems that
    he/she has been suspended, removed, fined, reduced in
    grade or demoted without just cause may, within 15 days
    of such action by the department director, request in
    writing a hearing before the civil service board to
    determine the reasonableness of the action. [e.s.] The
    board shall, within 30 days after appeal of the employee
    disciplined, proceed to hear such appeal. After hearing
    and considering the evidence for and against the
    employee, the board shall report in writing to the city
    manager its findings and recommendations. The city
    manager shall then sustain, reverse, or modify the action
    of the department director . . . .
    40-124 – Appeals from Disciplinary Actions.
    (a) Generally. When any employee in the classified
    service with permanent civil service status has been
    suspended, reduced in rank, or dismissed appeals to the
    board, the appeal must be made in writing within 15 days
    from the effective date of the suspension, reduction, or
    dismissal; and the board within 30 days shall proceed to
    hear such appeal.          The board, recognizing the
    disciplinary authority of the administrative head . . . shall
    make its findings in writing to the city manager for
    his/her consideration, who shall enter an order affirming,
    reversing or modifying the disciplinary action of the
    department head. …
    (emphasis added)
    It is noted that the Code of Ordinances does not expressly address the rights of the
    parties to any further review of a disciplinary action after the City Manager has
    issued her or his final determination. Nevertheless, on the authorities cited above,
    an affected employee – but not the City3 – has the right to review by the appellate
    division of the circuit court.
    Punishments Imposed
    As also established in Jean-Phillipe, the City of Miami Ordinances are clear
    that following a Civil Service Board review of a disciplinary action, the City
    Manager shall review the Civil Service Board’s factual findings to determine
    whether they are supported by substantial competent evidence and also review the
    Board’s   disciplinary   recommendation.         In   reviewing    the   disciplinary
    recommendation, the City Manager has three options: he or she may 1) affirm; 2)
    reverse; or 3) modify the disciplinary action against the employee. Jean-Phillipe,
    No. 17-1172 (Fla. 3d DCA ____, 2017). It is equally plain that the term “modify”
    necessarily includes the possibility of an increase in that disciplinary action up to
    and including dismissal. Thus, any employee who opts to seek a Civil Service
    Board review of a disciplinary action against him or her takes the risk that a
    harsher penalty may be imposed as a result of such an appeal and must give due
    consideration to that possibility when deciding whether or not to seek Civil Service
    Board review. See, City of Miami v. Reynolds, 
    34 So. 3d 119
    , 120 (Fla. 3d DCA
    2010), where this Court agreed with the argument that “once misconduct has been
    3 We reiterate our determination in Jean-Phillipe that the City has no right to
    further review of the City Manager’s ruling because he or she is acting on the
    City’s behalf and no legal principle permits a party to appeal from its own actions.
    We also reiterate that any implication to the contrary in City of Miami v. Martinez-
    125 So. 3d 295
     (Fla. 3d DCA 2013) was dictum. Moreover, that case did
    not address factual findings and conclusions of law by the Civil Service Board but
    instead involved only interpretation of City policy, so any such statement is
    inapplicable to the facts here in any event.
    determined by the Civil Service Board, the penalty to be assessed comes within the
    exclusive discretion of the City Manager and may be imposed without
    Because the Ordinance language is clear and because there is a long line of
    cases reconfirming the City Manager’s authority to “modify” a disciplinary
    sanction,4 we reject Hagan’s contention that he was not on notice that he could be
    terminated by the City Manager.5 We further conclude that the appellate division
    violated this clearly established principle of law in ruling that the City was required
    to institute separate proceedings in order to terminate a civil service employee.
    4  City of Miami v. Reynolds, 
    34 So. 3d 119
     (Fla. 3d DCA 2010), supra; Miami-
    Dade Cnty v. Jones, 
    778 So. 2d 409
     (Fla. 3d DCA 2001) (same); Kee v. Miami-
    Dade Cnty, 
    760 So. 2d 1094
     (Fla. 3d DCA 2000) (denying petition for certiorari
    “because the county manager has the complete discretion to determine the
    appropriate penalty where the hearing officer has decided that an offense requiring
    discipline was committed.”); City of Miami v. White, 
    165 So. 2d 790
    , 791 (Fla. 3d
    DCA 1964) (“It may be that the punishment imposed was severe and obviously it
    was more severe than would have been imposed by the Civil Service Board, but as
    we have pointed out, it was not the prerogative of the Civil Service Board to
    punish the appellant but that of the City Manager.”); State ex re. Eldredge v.
    102 So. 2d 403
    , 405 (Fla. 3d DCA 1958) (“it was not the prerogative of the
    Civil Service Board to punish the appellant but that of the City Manager”).
    5 We also reject Hagan’s contention that his appeal was limited to an appeal of a
    suspension by virtue of City of Miami Civil Service Rule 14.10 and that no other
    discipline could be imposed against him as a result of the language of that rule.
    Hagan’s request for hearing was not made under that Rule, but instead was made
    under Rule 14.3 and that rule specifically echoes the language of Ordinance 40-124
    in recognizing the City Manager’s ability to modify a disciplinary action and is not
    limited to actions involving only “employees reduced in pay or position, laid off or
    Nowhere is there any authority for such a requirement. As stated above, the City
    Manager has the sole authority to affirm, reverse, or to modify the disciplinary
    action against the employee. Such modification can include dismissal. Thus, we
    reverse on these issue.
    We acknowledge Hagan’s argument that the City Manager’s “modification”
    of his discipline from suspension to termination creates the appearance that Hagan
    was penalized for his decision to appeal his initial suspension through the Civil
    Service Board as opposed to arbitration or determining not to challenge the
    suspension. However, that is the result of the current wording of the Ordinances
    that we are powerless to modify.
    Factual Findings
    As indicated above, upon review of the Civil Service Board’s
    recommendations, the City Manager accepted the Civil Service Board’s findings of
    fact. Thus, the City Manager’s ability to review those facts is not an issue in this
    appeal. We note only to reiterate that the City Manager has the ability to review
    such findings of fact for the limited purpose of determining whether they are
    supported by competent substantial evidence and that her or his review is to be
    conducted in the same manner as any other reviewing agency. Jean-Phillipe and
    cases cited therein.
    Civil Service Board’s Duty to Conduct Hearings
    After oral argument, the appellate division of the circuit court directed the
    parties to submit additional documents. Based on those documents, the appellate
    division sua sponte concluded that the Civil Service Board did not have
    jurisdiction to conduct the hearing requested by Hagan because it was required to
    and had not conducted such hearing within thirty days of Hagan’s request.
    This issue was not raised by either party to the proceeding before it, but the
    appellate division determined that the issue of jurisdiction may be raised at any
    time. We do not dispute that ruling, but determine that it was misapplied in this
    case.    Dep't of Revenue v. Graczyk, 
    206 So. 3d 157
    , 159 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016)
    (“The issue of whether a lower tribunal has subject matter jurisdiction is a question
    of law subject to de novo review.” citing Faulk v. State, Dep't of Revenue, 
    157 So. 3d 534
    , 535–36 (Fla. 1st DCA 2015)). We are unable to locate, and the appellate
    division did not cite to, any case in which the failure to hold a hearing within a
    specified time has deprived a tribunal of jurisdiction.6 “Generally so long as a
    court has jurisdiction over the subject matter and a party, a procedural defect
    occurring before the entry of a judgment does not render a judgment void.”
    Sterling Factors Corp. v. U.S. Bank Nat. Ass'n, 
    968 So. 2d 658
    , 666 (Fla. 2d DCA
    6As opposed to the failure of a party to timely file a pleading or other required
    document, which can deprive a tribunal of jurisdiction.
    Once again, we reverse as the appellate division’s conclusion departed from
    the essential requirements of the law. While we acknowledge that Ordinances 40-
    122 and 40-124 state that the Civil Service Board “shall proceed to hear such an
    appeal” thirty days from the appeal by an employee, we conclude that such
    terminology does not mean that the Civil Service Board loses its jurisdiction to
    hear an appeal if more than thirty days lapse after an employee files a request for
    such a hearing. First, there is no precedent for such a conclusion in the wide
    history of proceedings subsequent to Civil Service Board recommendations, and
    the Ordinances make no such conclusion. The ordinances require the Board after
    thirty days to “proceed to hear such appeal.” It does not require that the hearing
    take place within the thirty days. It requires only that the Board proceed (which
    means to go forward) to having the hearing. The Civil Service Board Manual of
    Procedures requires only that the Board “schedule a hearing within 30 days after
    receipt of an employee’s written request for such a hearing.” All that is required is
    that the hearing be scheduled not that the hearing take place.
    Hagan further argues that should the Civil Service Board not hold the
    hearing within thirty days the effect would be that the employee would be helpless
    to get her or his motion heard.      That is not the case.       As stated in City of
    Hollywood v. Fielding, 
    362 So. 2d 362
     (Fla. 4th DCA 1978), where there is no
    statutory provision to remedy a Civil Service Board’s failure to hold a hearing, an
    affected employee may seek an order from the circuit court requiring the board to
    hold the hearing. Reinstatement of a disciplined employee or rescission of the
    discipline is not the proper remedy. 
     We agree.
    We therefore conclude that the appellate division departed from the essential
    requirements of law on this issue as well and also reverse on that ground. In light
    of this reversal and the others above, we need not address the remaining issues
    raised by the City.
    For the reasons stated above, we quash the opinion of the circuit appellate
    division and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.