B.K., The Father v. Department of Children And Families , 166 So. 3d 866 ( 2015 )

    B.K., The Father,
    No. 4D14-3222
    [May 20, 2015]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Hope Bristol, Judge; L.T. Case No. 2008-009868 CJ DP.
    Lori D. Shelby, Fort Lauderdale, for appellant.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General, Tallahassee, and Carolyn Schwarz,
    Assistant Attorney General, Fort Lauderdale, for appellee Department of
    Children and Families.
    Patricia Murphy Propheter, Sanford, for appellee Guardian Ad Litem
    WARNER, J.
    We grant the motion for clarification, withdraw our previously issued
    opinion and substitute the following in its place.
    A father appeals the trial court’s final judgment terminating his
    parental rights as to his daughter. He claims that his incarceration, upon
    which termination was based, was not for a significant portion of the
    child’s life, so as to warrant termination. Moreover, he argues termination
    was not the least restrictive means of preventing harm to the child.
    Concluding that the trial court’s rulings were supported by competent
    substantial evidence, we affirm the final judgment.
    B.K.’s daughter, S.C., was born in October 2008. She was sheltered
    about a week later, after her mother tested positive for drugs and a
    sexually transmitted disease, which the mother imparted to S.C. The
    mother identified B.K. as the father. The Department of Children and
    Families stepped in, and, after a paternity test confirmed B.K.’s
    fatherhood, both parents consented to the dependency.
    While the child was in foster care, the father kept in touch with the
    foster parents and arranged two supervised visits with S.C. His interaction
    with his child during those visits was appropriate. Unfortunately, in
    March of 2009, he was convicted of several drug-related crimes, which he
    committed before S.C.’s birth. He was sentenced to consecutive five-year
    terms of imprisonment. His projected release date is in early 2017.
    S.C. remained in foster care until 2010, when the dependency case was
    closed and the mother regained custody of S.C. As to B.K., the order of
    permanency stated only that visitation between S.C. and B.K. should
    continue to be supervised. Other than that, the order provided for a
    permanency goal of reunification with the mother.
    While S.C. was in foster care, B.K. wrote to her foster parents from
    prison in order to keep in touch with the child. After S.C. was reunited
    with her mother, B.K. wrote to S.C. and the mother, but the mother did
    not make any contact with him. B.K. happened to be housed at the same
    prison as the mother’s brother, so he was able to continue to keep up with
    S.C.’s life, and he sent her letters and birthday cards.
    Between 2009 and 2013, the mother gave birth to two little boys by
    different fathers. In June 2013, the Department sheltered all three
    children, due to the mother’s substance abuse and domestic violence in
    the home. B.K. again became part of those proceedings. B.K. wrote to the
    court in August 2013, stating:
    I plan to be a full time father for my daughter upon my release
    and I am making the necessary preparations while imprisoned.
    I should be in work release in 18 months. At that point I would
    like supervised visits with my daughter. . . . If possible can the
    court please send me pictures of my daughter. . . . When I was
    released on bond in early 2009 I was participating in family
    dependency court, taking parenting classes, and providing ua
    [sic] samples. . . . Unfortunately I lost trial [sic] and was
    sentenced to 10 years. My daughter is all I have, I beg the courts
    to let me be a part of her life.
    Nevertheless, the Department filed a petition to terminate the parental
    rights (“TPR”) to S.C. of both the mother and B.K. Regarding B.K., the only
    ground alleged for termination of parental rights was under section
    39.806(1)(d)1, Florida Statutes: that B.K. was expected to be incarcerated
    for a significant portion of S.C.’s minority. S.C. was placed with the same
    foster family as her half-brothers in September 2013.
    The court held the final hearing on termination in July 2014. Halfway
    through the proceedings, the mother consented to termination of her
    rights to all three children. B.K., however, contested termination. The
    Department placed into evidence B.K.’s judgment and sentence of ten
    years. The Department called the children’s guardian ad litem (“GAL”) who
    testified that she had met with the children about ten times, and they were
    all happy and well-adjusted. She had not met B.K., except in court,
    because of his incarceration. She knew of at least one phone call that B.K.
    had with S.C. in 2014 which went well. And she knew that he had written
    many letters to S.C. as well as to the foster parents. She did not know of
    any bond between S.C. and B.K., but she had never asked S.C. whether
    she wanted to have a relationship with her father. She opined the children
    had formed a significant relationship with the parental substitutes, and it
    was desirable to maintain continuity of this placement.
    The GAL noted that S.C. was seeing a therapist weekly. The therapist
    felt S.C. was old enough to express a preference regarding placement, but
    S.C. “did not want to decide. She didn’t want that on her shoulders.” The
    therapist did not testify. The GAL opined that neither the children’s
    mother nor their fathers had the capacity to care for the children to the
    extent that the children’s health, safety and well-being would not be in
    danger if the children were returned to their parents’ care. She further
    testified that the children would not suffer any harm if a TPR was entered.
    The children did not have any emotional or behavioral problems that
    would be a barrier to adoption or prolonged foster care. The GAL testified
    the foster family was willing to adopt, and this would be a fast way to
    achieve permanency for the children. The GAL opined that future contact
    with either parent should be at the discretion of the adoptive family, but
    she believed they would be open to it as long as it was appropriate for the
    The children’s foster mother testified she had been the foster mother
    for S.C. since the end of September 2013, when S.C. joined her half-
    brothers who had been living with the foster family since June. All three
    children had been living together, and they had become “super, super,
    super close . . . as close as any brother and sisters.” The entire foster
    family had bonded with the children and were willing to adopt all three.
    The foster parents had not received any financial support for S.C. from
    her father, B.K. While B.K. had not provided financial support, B.K. had
    been in communication with both S.C. and the foster mother. The foster
    mother described letters B.K. had sent S.C.: “They’re pictures. So it’s
    hearts and he traced his hand once and writes her name and a Hello Kitty
    picture. So she hangs them on her walls.” The foster mother described
    S.C.’s reaction to the letters from her father:
    [S]he saw her dad’s hand and she was like “wow”. She put
    up her hand to it and, you know, it’s a maze [sic] and there is
    you know, like wow. And she likes Hello Kitty and she likes
    seeing her name.
    I mean, anybody who gets a letter is like, you know?
    Everybody loves mail. So she was happy to receive the art.
    B.K. had also written to the foster mother to thank her for taking care of
    S.C., and to tell her he was interested in calling.
    The Department took a considerable period of time to arrange a phone
    call between B.K. and S.C. Finally, in March 2014, B.K. was able to speak
    with his daughter. The foster mother observed the call. Beforehand, the
    foster mother told S.C. that her dad would be calling, and S.C. “was excited
    because she had received letters from him.” Although the foster mother
    did not think that S.C. really knew who B.K. was, the call was pleasant.
    S.C. sang songs to her father and recited the alphabet. He told her he
    loved her, and she said she loved him. The foster mother opined that S.C.
    was happy during the phone call, but stated, “Any time she gets to talk on
    the phone she’s happy with whoever’s she [sic] talks to.” B.K. had tried to
    call S.C. one other time, but S.C. was taking a nap and the foster mother
    did not wake her up. She noted B.K. had indicated that he would try to
    call again, and she may have missed the call.
    After the phone call and letters, S.C. never asked the foster mother
    questions about B.K. The foster mother believed S.C. did not know who
    she was talking to on the phone because of an incident described by the
    GAL, where S.C. “thought that those pictures on her wall were [from her
    half-brother’s father]. She assumed that [her brother’s father] was the
    person that she, you know, had talked to and had written her those
    The foster mother opined that continued visitation with the mother
    would be “very beneficial for” the children because “[t]hey love her. She
    loves them.” Regarding visitation with the fathers, however, the foster
    mother was “not as interested” because she “just [didn’t] feel the need.”
    She explained, “The children are happy. The[y] don’t have a relationship
    with the fathers. There’s nothing - - There’s nothing there. So - - So to
    start something I’m not as - - not as eager.” But if S.C. wanted to contact
    her father, the foster mother testified she would allow that.
    The Department presented no other witnesses, other than a TPR
    advocate who testified that no possible relative placements had been
    found. The only other evidence it offered were multiple letters that B.K.
    had written to S.C. during the past year.
    The child advocate assigned to the case between March 2013 and
    January 2014, just after the children were sheltered in 2013, testified on
    B.K.’s behalf. She testified that B.K. had spoken to her multiple times
    during court proceedings, inquiring about how S.C. was doing, how he
    could get letters and pictures to her, and if he could have a case plan.
    When the TPR proceedings started, B.K. would call her and wrote her a
    three-page letter about S.C. and his case plan tasks. She helped to
    arrange the telephone calls between B.K. and S.C. B.K. was supposed to
    have his initial telephone visit in 2013, even though it didn’t occur until
    2014 because of miscommunication by the Department. B.K. often
    expressed to her that he loved S.C. and that he would be willing to
    complete a case plan to obtain custody of S.C. The testimony of the
    current child advocate, also called by B.K., likewise supported the fact that
    B.K. continually asked about the child and wanted to be a part of her life.
    The child advocate assigned to the case between October 2008 and
    September 2010 also testified. Prior to being incarcerated in March 2009,
    B.K. contacted her five or six times. After his incarceration, he wrote her
    letters once or twice. She supervised two visits between B.K. and S.C. in
    January and February of 2009, when S.C. was several months old. B.K.
    brought clothing for S.C. to one of the visits. S.C. was too young for her
    to determine whether S.C. was developing a bond with B.K. She did not
    remember B.K. ever being scheduled for a visit and not showing up.
    B.K. testified he would be released from prison sometime near the
    beginning of 2017, depending on gain time. He believed he was currently
    eligible for work release but that it was on hold due to the pending TPR
    case; he had been held in the Broward County Jail since August 2013 to
    attend TPR hearings, and so he was not earning gain time.
    He planned to get back into S.C.’s life by completing a case plan, such
    as by taking parenting classes, finding employment, and maintaining
    appropriate housing. He testified he could not do those things while
    incarcerated, but opined, “[O]nce I get to work release, you know, I have a
    trade, I install hurricane impact windows and doors. I ran my own
    business. I - - I made excellent money, you know. I’m just locked up at
    the time. So I know it looks really bad.” Nevertheless, he had no doubts
    or fears about being able to make a living in that way, due to his previous
    experience and contacts in that business.
    He testified it had been “very difficult” to be in S.C.’s life while he was
    incarcerated, but he tried to maintain contact with all of her foster parents
    and the mother. When he was first incarcerated in 2009, he was
    corresponding with S.C.’s then foster parents “bi-weekly. They would send
    me pictures of her and they were writing me letters of encouragement and
    things like that.”
    He explained why he thought that it was not in S.C.’s best interest for
    his parental rights to be terminated:
    Well, first of all I’m her father. And I heard testimony today
    about how well she’s doing in her foster parent’s home and
    those foster parents didn’t know her.
    When they met her she was four. They never, you know,
    talked to her or knew anything about her but in a short period
    of time they demonstrated how much that she loves them and
    how she became part of their household.
    But me as their father, you know, at least I’ve changed her
    before and I fed her, you know, and to think I can’t build that
    same bond that they did, you know, I don’t understand that
    being I’m her father and at least I have some kind of, you
    know, I know her a lot more than they do. . . .
    So she’s looking for her daddy. She wants to know who’s
    drawing all these pictures and who’s she talking to? She
    wants to know. . . .
    He showed the trial court pictures that S.C. had drawn and sent to
    him in prison—an Easter card and a Father’s Day card.
    B.K. admitted that a bond existed between the foster parents and S.C.,
    but still maintained that he should be involved in his child’s life and that
    she needed to know her own father. When the Department asked whether
    B.K. believed S.C. should be reunified with him when he was no longer
    incarcerated in 2017, he responded:
    No, that’s not my testimony. My testimony is as her father
    I think it is very important for me to be a part of her life. She
    has -- Now she has three other siblings. All of them need to
    be under one roof. All four of them need to be under one roof.
    What I’m saying is I think I should be allowed to be in my
    daughter’s life. I think I should be allowed to visit her. I
    should be allowed to go to her soccer games, to go to her
    birthday’s parties [sic]. She should be allowed to call me on
    the phone anytime she wants to.
    Now if the Department wants me to jump through hoops to
    take drug tests and things like that, I have no problem with
    that. They want me to get back in family dependency court, I
    have absolutely no problem with that. They want me to make
    a certain amount of money, I don’t have a problem with that.
    He then clarified:
    I want to be -- I want to be reunified with my daughter but
    at the pace that it doesn’t disrupt what she has going on with
    the foster parents.
    It doesn’t disrupt what she has going on with her brother’s
    [sic] and everything. I want it to be a smooth transition.
    I don’t want to just come in here and say, “Come on baby,
    you’re coming with me.” I wouldn’t do that to her. I know she
    has a bond with [her foster] sisters and with her brothers. I
    know she has a bond with her foster parents. That’s not what
    I’m here to do.
    Despite B.K.’s earnest entreaties, the trial court terminated his parental
    rights to S.C. It found that he would be incarcerated for a significant
    portion of her minority, and that B.K. did not have a bond with her. The
    court found S.C. didn’t really know him at all, nor was there anything but
    speculation that B.K. could develop a relationship with his daughter. The
    child was happy in her foster home and with her siblings, and “[t]o remove
    her from them in the hopes that there can possibly be a reunification with
    [B.K.] some years down the road would cause her much emotional pain.”
    The court found:
    There is little to no evidence to support the re-establishment of
    the parent/child relationship between [B.K.] and [S.C.] as there
    hasn’t even been an initial establishment of a relationship
    between them. The termination of his parental rights and
    duties to [S.C.] is the least restrictive means of protecting her
    from harm. She has not seen her father since she was months
    old [sic] and she does not know who he is.
    The court then reviewed the factors in section 39.810(1)-(11), Florida
    Statutes, regarding the manifest best interests of the child. The court
    found there was no suitable custody arrangement with a relative of the
    minor children. B.K. had not provided any support for S.C. and would
    remain incarcerated until 2017. S.C. had “no bond with her father, [B.K.].
    She does not know who he is. She understands the concept that ‘her
    father’ has sent her letters, but she does not know who that is. She
    believed it to be [the father of her half-sibling] when she [sic] was on a visit
    with [her half-sibling].” The court found the children had bonded with the
    foster parents, it would be detrimental to remove them, and S.C. would
    suffer no harm if B.K.’s parental rights were terminated. B.K. timely
    appeals the final judgment terminating his parental rights.
    B.K. makes three arguments seeking to reverse the final judgment
    terminating his rights. First, he claims that the Department failed to prove
    that he has been incarcerated for a significant portion of the child’s
    minority. Second, he argues that termination of parental rights is not in
    the manifest best interest of the child because the father has parented as
    well as he can from prison, and the child is developing a bond with him.
    Third, he maintains that terminating his parental rights is not the least
    restrictive means of protecting the child from harm. We address each
    A parent has a fundamental liberty interest in the care, custody and
    companionship of his child. See Padgett v. Dep’t of Health Rehab. Servs.,
    577 So. 2d 565
    , 570 (Fla. 1991). The only limitation on this right is “the
    ultimate welfare of the child itself[.]” 
     (quoting State ex rel. Sparks v.
    97 So. 2d 18
    , 20 (Fla. 1957)). Thus, to terminate a parent’s rights
    in his or her child, the state must first meet the statutory requirements to
    prove a statutory ground for termination and prove that termination is in
    the manifest best interest of the child. See §§ 39.806, 39.810, Fla. Stat.
    (2012). Then, to satisfy constitutional concerns, it also must prove that
    termination is the least restrictive means to protect the child from serious
    harm. See Padgett, 
    577 So. 2d at 571
    . The state must present clear and
    convincing evidence to support each element. “Appellate courts review
    orders terminating parental rights using a ‘highly deferential’ standard of
    review: ‘[t]hat is, ‘a finding that evidence is clear and convincing enjoys a
    presumption of correctness and will not be overturned on appeal unless
    clearly erroneous or lacking in evidentiary support.’” J.E. v. Dep’t of
    Children & Families, 
    126 So. 3d 424
    , 427 (Fla. 4th DCA 2013) (quoting
    D.P. v. Dep’t of Children & Family Servs., 
    930 So. 2d 798
    , 801 (Fla. 3d DCA
    Whether B.K. will be incarcerated for a significant portion
    of the child’s minority
    Measured from the time he was first incarcerated, when B.K. is
    scheduled for release he will have been in prison for nearly eight and a half
    years of S.C.’s life. The Department petitioned for termination of B.K.’s
    parental rights based solely on his incarceration for a significant portion
    of S.C.’s minority, in accordance with section 39.806(1)(d)1, Florida
    Statutes. That statute provides as a ground for termination:
    (d) When the parent of a child is incarcerated and . . .
    1. The period of time for which the parent is expected to
    be incarcerated will constitute a significant portion of the
    child’s minority. When determining whether the period of
    time is significant, the court shall consider the child’s age and
    the child’s need for a permanent and stable home. The period
    of time begins on the date that the parent enters into
    Before July 1, 2012, when the foregoing section became law, section
    39.806(1)(d)1., Florida Statutes (2011), provided as a ground for
    termination of parental rights when “[t]he period of time for which the
    parent is expected to be incarcerated will constitute a substantial portion
    of the period of time before the child will attain the age of 18 years[.]” §
    39.806(1)(d)1., Fla. Stat. (2011) (emphasis added).1 The supreme court
    1 Both parties have proceeded upon the assumption that the 2012 amendments
    to section 39.806(1)(d) apply to this case, although B.K. was incarcerated before
    their enactment. Whether this constitutes a retroactive application of the statute
    was not raised in the trial court or otherwise considered until this court requested
    supplemental briefing. After reviewing the issue, we conclude that it was not
    preserved, as it would amount to an unconstitutional application of a facially
    valid statute which must be preserved by raising the issue in the trial court. See
    B.C. v. Dep’t of Children & Families, 
    864 So. 2d 486
    , 491 (Fla. 5th DCA 2004).
    Even if it had been raised, we conclude that it is not an unconstitutional
    retroactive application, as a parent’s incarceration was a ground for termination
    of parental rights when B.K. was originally incarcerated. The statutory changes
    to the length of incarceration necessary to terminate rights, as well as the explicit
    listing of various factors impacting the incarcerated parent-child relationship, are
    remedial in nature, as they were adopted to protect the child, not punish the
    parent further. See, e.g., In re A.V., 
    113 S.W.3d 355
    , 360-61 (Tex. 2003) (allowing
    retroactive application of TPR provision based on incarceration, reasoning the
    state was “not pursuing a retributive or punitive aim, but a ‘purely remedial
    function: the protection of minors’”). Parental rights are not absolute and may
    interpreted this provision in B.C. v. Florida Department of Children and
    887 So. 2d 1046
     (Fla. 2004). It concluded that the statute
    required consideration of only the period of incarceration to be served after
    the petition for termination is filed. 
    Id. at 1047
    The court in B.C. emphasized that section 39.806(1)(d)1., “must be read
    in light of Padgett’s requirement . . . that ‘the state must show by clear
    and convincing evidence that reunification with the parent poses a
    substantial risk of significant harm to the child,’ and that ‘termination of
    parental rights is the least restrictive means of protecting the child from
    Id. at 1053
     (quoting Padgett, 
    577 So. 2d at 571
    , and Fla. Dep’t of
    Children & Families v. F.L., 
    880 So. 2d 602
    , 608 (Fla. 2004)). It held,
    “[T]ermination cannot rest exclusively on the length of incarceration. The
    actual effect of incarceration on the parent-child relationship must also be
    considered in light of the additional statutory and constitutional
    887 So. 2d at 1054
    In analyzing the facts at issue in B.C., the court noted that the four
    years remaining on the father’s sentence at the time the TPR petition was
    filed, did not constitute a substantial portion of the remaining fourteen-
    year minority of the child; the court noted this amounted to only 28.6% of
    the remaining minority. 
     Courts following B.C. appeared to take largely
    a numerical approach to determining whether the time of incarceration
    was “substantial.” See, e.g., W.W. v. Dep’t of Children & Families, 
    811 So. 2d 791
    , 792 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002) (where appellant’s incarceration was to
    end within several months after entry of TPR judgment, and appellant
    would have served “[f]ifty-four months . . . after the birth of the first child,”
    who was then eight years old, the father had not been incarcerated for a
    “substantial portion” of his children’s minority).
    The 2012 statutory amendment changed the calculation of
    incarceration time. It now measures the length of incarceration from the
    date of incarceration, not the date the petition for termination is filed. It
    also provides explicit statutory provision for the court to consider the
    child’s age and need for a permanent and stable home, something
    be subsumed to the interests of the children. See, e.g., D.G. v. Dep’t Children &
    77 So. 3d 201
    , 210 (Fla. 4th DCA 2011); see also In re M.A.L., 
    148 P.3d 606
    , 612 (Mont. 2006) (allowing retroactive application of TPR provision, noting
    that in a TPR proceeding “the best interests of the child are of paramount concern
    and take precedence over the rights of the parent”); In re Marino S., 
    795 N.E.2d 21
    , 26-27 (N.Y. 2003) (provision that reasonable efforts to reunite family were not
    required for TPR, in cases of severe abuse, could be applied retroactively because
    it did not impair vested rights and was remedial).
    expressed in B.C. in its admonition that termination should be based upon
    the actual effect of incarceration on the parent-child relationship.
    Although we are unsure whether there is a difference between a
    “significant” period of time and a “substantial” period of time,2 in this case
    B.K. will have been incarcerated for nearly fifty percent of S.C.’s minority
    when B.K. is released from prison. Further, at the time of trial the child
    was nearly six years old. She had been in foster care for the first year and
    a half of her life, then with her mother for about two years. When the
    Department removed her again, she was with one foster family for three
    months, and then placed with her siblings with her current foster family
    for the ten months preceding the final hearing. The length of S.C.’s current
    placement, her young age, and the fact that B.K. could not take custody
    of S.C. for several years at a minimum, would weigh in favor of termination
    given “the actual effect of incarceration on the parent-child relationship.”
    887 So. 2d at 1054
    . Thus, there is competent, substantial evidence
    to support the trial court’s finding that B.K. will be incarcerated for a
    significant portion of S.C.’s minority.
    Whether termination is in the manifest best interest of the child
    Next, the trial court must find that termination is in the manifest best
    interests of the child. In making this determination, section 39.810,
    Florida Statutes, sets forth a list of non-exclusive relevant factors, which
    the trial court took into account:
    (1) Any suitable permanent custody arrangement with a
    relative of the child. . . .
    (2) The ability and disposition of the parent or parents to
    provide the child with food, clothing, medical care or other
    remedial care recognized and permitted under state law
    instead of medical care, and other material needs of the child.
    (3) The capacity of the parent or parents to care for the child
    to the extent that the child’s safety, well-being, and physical,
    mental, and emotional health will not be endangered upon the
    child’s return home.
    2Dictionaries and thesauruses frequently use the words to define each other.
    See, e.g., Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus 904, 975 (3d ed. 1995).
    (4) The present mental and physical health needs of the child
    and such future needs of the child to the extent that such
    future needs can be ascertained based on the present
    condition of the child.
    (5) The love, affection, and other emotional ties existing
    between the child and the child’s parent or parents, siblings,
    and other relatives, and the degree of harm to the child that
    would arise from the termination of parental rights and duties.
    (6) The likelihood of an older child remaining in long-term
    foster care upon termination of parental rights, due to
    emotional or behavioral problems or any special needs of the
    (7) The child’s ability to form a significant relationship with a
    parental substitute and the likelihood that the child will enter
    into a more stable and permanent family relationship as a
    result of permanent termination of parental rights and duties.
    (8) The length of time that the child has lived in a stable,
    satisfactory environment and the desirability of maintaining
    (9) The depth of the relationship existing between the child
    and the present custodian.
    (10) The reasonable preferences and wishes of the child, if the
    court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence,
    understanding, and experience to express a preference.
    (11) The recommendations for the child provided by the child’s
    guardian ad litem or legal representative.
    As noted previously, the trial court found that no suitable relative
    placements existed. B.K.’s incarceration prevented him from taking care
    of the child and providing for her needs. She had no bond with B.K., since
    he had been incarcerated just five months after her birth. While S.C.
    enjoyed receiving cards and letters from B.K., she did not know who he
    was. S.C. was doing very well in her present placement, which included
    her siblings, and it was desirable to maintain that stability and connection
    with her brothers. She had bonded with her foster parents, who wished
    to adopt all three children, and she was not age appropriate to continue in
    long-term foster care. Although the trial court based its finding in part on
    the fact that B.K. did not have the capacity to care for S.C. on the
    uncompleted case plans from the dependency,3 the main basis for this
    finding was his continued incarceration until 2017.
    B.K.’s argument that it is not in S.C.’s best interest to terminate his
    rights is largely based upon his attempts to maintain contact with his
    daughter. As admirable as they are, they do not trump the need to
    establish permanency and stability in S.C.’s life. S.C. is in a stable home
    with her brothers with a family wanting to adopt all three children. B.K.
    agrees that she should not be removed from this relationship. If B.K.’s
    rights are not terminated, however, S.C. would remain in long-term foster
    care, and there is no guarantee that the present caregivers would continue
    in that role. B.K. earnestly wants to be a part of his child’s life when he is
    released from prison, but even he admits that he would not be able, nor
    would it be desirable, to reunite with his daughter immediately. Therefore,
    she would continue in foster care. The trial court found that it was in
    S.C.’s manifest best interest to continue with a family that had bonded
    with her and where she is happy and secure. We conclude that the trial
    court’s ruling was supported by competent substantial evidence.
    Whether termination is the least restrictive means of protecting
    the child from serious harm
    Finally, the Department must show by clear and convincing evidence
    that termination is the least restrictive means to prevent serious harm to
    the child. See Padgett, 
    577 So. 2d at 571
    . “The least restrictive means
    test in the context of the termination of a parent’s parental rights is not
    intended to preserve the parental bond at the cost of the child’s future.
    . . . Rather, it simply requires that those measures short of termination
    should be utilized if such measures will permit the safe reestablishment of
    the parent-child bond.” L.B. v. Dep’t of Children & Families, 
    835 So. 2d 1189
    , 1195-96 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002).
    In B.C., the supreme court noted: “Termination of the parental rights
    of a parent who has played a supportive and beneficial role in the child’s
    life despite the disabilities of incarceration probably would not meet” the
    requirements that termination is the least restrictive means of protecting
    the child and is in the child’s manifest best interest. 
    887 So. 2d at 1053
    3The trial court did err in excluding B.K.’s testimony about his attempts in prison
    to complete case plan tasks, but we do not deem that to be reversible in this case,
    as the reason for termination was his continued incarceration.
    The B.C. court cited to In Interest of B.W., 
    498 So. 2d 946
     (Fla. 1986),
    where the supreme court noted:
    [S]ince, as a practical matter, an incarcerated parent is unable
    to assume all parental duties, his failure to ‘evince a settled
    purpose’ to assume all duties cannot support a finding of
    abandonment. . . . [H]is efforts, or lack thereof, to assume his
    parental duties through communicating with and supporting
    his children must be measured against his limited
    opportunity to assume those duties while imprisoned.
    498 So. 2d at 948
    . In a concurring opinion in B.C., Justice Pariente
    noted “the public policy favoring a continuing relationship between
    imprisoned parents and their children,” in part “as a tool to combat
    887 So. 2d at 1056
    . She opined that termination of parental
    rights should “occur only when continuing the parent-child relationship
    would pose a substantial risk of significant harm to the child and when
    absolutely necessary for the manifest best interests of the child.” 
    Id. at 1057
    In the present case, the trial court found termination of parental rights
    was the least restrictive means of protecting S.C. from harm because “[s]he
    has not seen her father since she was months old and she does not know
    who he is.” In other words, there was no parental/child bond to re-
    establish.    Although the father tried to the best of his ability to
    communicate with his child, he was incarcerated and has not been able to
    see her for six years. He has spoken to her only once. If termination were
    denied, then the child would be faced with continued foster care.
    As noted in In re K.W., 
    891 So. 2d 1068
     (Fla. 2d DCA 2004), even where
    there might be long-term relative care available (which in this case there
    is not):
    While the court is required to consider the least restrictive
    means, the least restrictive means test is not intended ‘to
    preserve a parental bond at the cost of a child’s future.’ Dep’t
    of Children & Families v. B.B., 
    824 So. 2d 1000
    , 1009 (Fla. 5th
    DCA 2002). Since there is little or no bond to protect and
    there was never a parent-child relationship to reestablish,
    long-term relative placement was not in the best interest of
    the child and was not required by the “least restrictive means”
    Id. at 1070
    . Similarly, in J.C. v. K.K., 
    64 So. 3d 157
     (Fla. 4th DCA 2011),
    we noted, “The child’s interests are paramount over the father’s desire to
    now parent his child, where the child would have to remain in foster care
    for a substantial period of time to effectuate a reunion without harming
    the child further.” 
    Id. at 164
    In both of the foregoing cases, the fathers were given case plans which
    they failed to complete, and that was the ground for termination. In this
    case, B.K. was prevented from completing a case plan or from participating
    more in his child’s life due to his incarceration. Nevertheless, if the focus
    is on the child, and not the parent, where the child has bonded with her
    caregivers, termination of parental rights is the least restrictive means of
    protecting the child from the harm of continued instability in her life.4
    We do not think our holding is inconsistent with the statements in B.C.
    that termination of parental rights generally will not meet the least
    restrictive means test where the incarcerated parent has “played a
    supportive and beneficial role” in the child’s life. If the mere sending of
    cards and letters to a child constitutes the performance of such a role,
    then it would be difficult indeed to terminate the rights of any parent
    incarcerated for a lengthy period of time, regardless of the child’s lack of a
    real relationship with her parent. This could leave the child without any
    permanency at all, which would not be in her best interest.
    It is difficult to read the testimony of this father who wants to be a
    parent to his child, or at least be involved in her life, and not to allow him
    to have that opportunity. The statutory framework for termination gives
    few options. See § 39.811, Fla. Stat. (2013). Pursuant to section
    39.811(7)(b), Florida Statutes (2013), the court has the authority to make
    orders allowing continued contact with the parents if it is in the child’s
    best interest. Here, the child does know she has a father who loves her
    and corresponds with her. While we affirm the termination of parental
    rights, we remand for the trial court to consider whether such an order
    may be appropriate in this case.
    Based upon the highly deferential standard of review applied to these
    cases, we affirm the final judgment.
    CIKLIN and GERBER, JJ., concur.
    4No party asked the court to consider a permanent guardianship, nor was there
    any proof that the present foster parents would consider one instead of adoption.
    See, e.g., State v. T.S., 
    155 So. 3d 476
     (Fla. 1st DCA 2015).
    *   *    *