    No. 4D19-1005
    [January 22, 2020]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Nicholas R. Lopane, Judge; L.T. Case No. CACE 17-
    Vincent F. Vaccarella and Craig Lewis of Vincent F. Vaccarella, P.A.,
    Fort Lauderdale, for appellants.
    William M. Lindeman of William M. Lindeman, P.A., Orlando, for
    GERBER, J.
    A developer and a contractor jointly appeal from the circuit court’s
    order granting a subcontractor’s motion for final summary judgment on
    the subcontractor’s claims for breach of contract and to foreclose a
    construction lien, arising from the subcontractor not receiving full
    payment for its installation of cabinets and countertops on a hotel project.
    The developer and the contractor argue the circuit court erred in
    entering summary judgment for many reasons, three of which we address
    here:    (1) the contractor’s affidavit reflected genuine issues of material
    fact regarding the subcontractor’s material quality and installation; (2) the
    subcontractor’s motion did not address the developer’s third affirmative
    defense alleging lack of compliance with the construction lien statutes’
    notice and timing requirements; and (3) the circuit court lacked subject
    matter jurisdiction over the construction lien foreclosure claim because
    the property is located in Miami-Dade County, not Broward County.
    We conclude the first two arguments have merit, for reasons explained
    below. Therefore, we reverse the circuit court’s order granting the
    subcontractor’s motion for final summary judgment. Although the third
    argument is moot by our decision, we will briefly address that argument
    because that issue may recur on remand.
    We present this opinion in three parts:
    1. Procedural history;
    2. The subcontractor’s summary judgment motion; and
    3. Our review.
    1. Procedural History
    The developer hired the contractor to construct a hotel in Miami-Dade
    County. The contractor then hired the subcontractor to install cabinets
    and countertops for all guest rooms. The subcontract provided, in
    pertinent part:
    Subcontractor acknowledges TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
    in the performance of all Work. . . . Subcontractor is
    responsible for monitoring its progress in completing the Work
    in accordance with the Overall Project Schedule . . . to be
    prepared by the Contractor after consultation with the
    The parties acknowledge that Broward County, Florida is
    the proper venue for any claim arising out of this Agreement.
    Work shall be performed in a timely, quality, professional
    and workmanlike manner. . . .
    Contractor’s Construction Manager shall check all Work
    after the . . . Subcontractor . . . has inspected the Work and
    made any necessary corrections. Payment for Work shall be
    approved and processed only after the Work to be performed
    has been 100% completed and found to be free of any defects,
    errors, omissions or discrepancies, as determined in
    Contractor’s Construction Manager’s sole and absolute
    discretion. . . .
    The subcontractor eventually installed the cabinets and countertops in
    the hotel, and the contractor’s construction manager signed off on the
    installation. The contractor paid the subcontractor in part, but withheld
    full payment because the contractor found that the cabinets and
    countertops were deficient in both material quality and installation.
    The contractor later filed, in Broward County circuit court, a breach of
    contract complaint against the subcontractor, alleging that the
    subcontractor failed to provide the correct materials, timely install the
    materials, properly install the materials, and correct the defective work.
    In response, the subcontractor filed an answer, a counterclaim for
    breach of contract against the contractor for non-payment, and a third
    party complaint to enforce its construction lien against the developer. The
    subcontractor’s answer and third party complaint pled that venue was
    proper in Broward County.
    In response to the subcontractor’s third party complaint, the developer
    filed an answer and affirmative defenses. The developer’s answer admitted
    venue was proper in Broward County, but denied the remaining
    allegations. The developer’s third affirmative defense alleged that the
    subcontractor had failed to comply with the notice and timing
    requirements of the construction lien statutes provided in chapter 713,
    Florida Statutes (2016).
    2. The Subcontractor’s Summary Judgment Motion
    After discovery, the subcontractor filed a motion for final summary
    judgment. The motion alleged, in pertinent part: the contractor and
    subcontractor modified the subcontract so that the timing of the
    subcontractor’s performance was not linked to the overall project
    schedule; the contractor agreed to swap out certain materials to save
    costs; the subcontractor installed the materials in conformance with the
    contractor-approved shop drawings; all of the materials were installed; and
    any defective installations were simply punch list items, but the contractor
    never provided a punch list.
    The subcontractor’s motion for summary judgment did not address the
    developer’s third affirmative defense alleging the subcontractor had failed
    to comply with chapter 713’s notice and timing requirements.
    The developer and the contractor jointly filed a response to the
    subcontractor’s motion for summary judgment. The response argued, in
    pertinent part:    the subcontract provided that the subcontractor’s
    performance was linked to the overall project schedule and time was of the
    essence, and no modification was made to those timing provisions; the
    subcontractor was months late in producing the materials, causing the
    project’s overall progress and the hotel’s opening to be delayed; the
    subcontractor’s materials did not meet the developer’s and the contractor’s
    specification standards; and the subcontractor failed to correct the
    deficiencies in materials and installation.
    In support of the response, the contractor and the developer filed the
    contractor’s chief operating officer’s affidavit. The affidavit alleged, in
    pertinent part:
    8. [The subcontractor] failed to adhere to the Overall
    Project Schedule, failed to adhere to [the contractor’s] time
    schedule, and did not prosecute their work under the
    Subcontract in a timely or diligent manner, delaying the
    overall progress of the Project.
    9. [The contractor and subcontractor] agreed to a
    schedule for the cabinets to be delivered and installed to the
    Project and [the subcontractor] was bound by the terms of the
    Subcontract to deliver in accordance with that schedule. [The
    subcontractor] failed to produce its cabinets in accordance
    with the schedule and was more than three months late. Once
    the cabinets were late, [the subcontractor] essentially held the
    cabinets hostage and extorted a change order from [the
    contractor] for accelerated delivery of the cabinets. [The
    subcontractor] then failed to meet the delivery schedule that
    it promised pursuant to the change order.
    11. [The subcontractor’s] delays in its cabinetry work
    caused delays to the opening of the hotel and ultimately, [the
    contractor] had to finish a significant portion of [the
    subcontractor’s] work itself.
    13. Pursuant to the terms of the Subcontract, [the
    subcontractor] was to finish all Guest Room kitchenette and
    bathroom cabinetry and countertops in accordance with all of
    the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the . . .
    [s]pecifications[,] a list of which were attached to and
    incorporated into the Subcontract.
    14. The cabinets provided to the Project by [the
    subcontractor] did not meet the standards of the Contract
    Documents or the . . . [s]pecifications and were unacceptable.
    15. I personally notified [the subcontractor] of the
    deficiencies and walked the project on several occasions with
    [the subcontractor’s] owners . . . [The subcontractor] has
    refused to acknowledge their need to repair and replace the
    cabinets, or [the Developer’s] rejection, instead insisting on
    full payment.
    After a hearing, the circuit court granted the subcontractor’s motion for
    summary judgment. The circuit court’s reasoning, in pertinent part, was:
    “I’m going to go ahead and grant summary judgment. . . . [The
    subcontractor’s] argument and their motion is . . . directly on point.
    There’s no genuine issue of fact here.” The circuit court did not provide
    any details of its reasoning.
    The circuit court then entered a written final summary judgment
    against the developer and the contractor for the full amount which the
    subcontractor requested in the counterclaim and third-party complaint.
    The circuit court did not order the commencement of any foreclosure
    proceedings on the subcontractor’s construction lien against the
    developer’s property.
    After the final summary judgment was entered, the developer filed a
    supersedeas bond with the clerk of court to stay execution of the final
    judgment pending appeal. This appeal followed.
    3. Our Review
    As mentioned above, the developer and the contractor argue the circuit
    court erred in entering summary judgment for many reasons, three of
    which we address here: (1) the contractor’s affidavit reflected genuine
    issues of material fact regarding the subcontractor’s material quality and
    installation; (2) the subcontractor’s motion did not address the developer’s
    third affirmative defense alleging lack of compliance with the construction
    lien statutes’ notice and timing requirements; and (3) the circuit court
    lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the construction lien foreclosure
    claim because the property is located in Miami-Dade County, not Broward
    Our review is de novo. Volusia Cty. v. Aberdeen at Ormond Beach, L.P.,
    760 So. 2d 126
    , 130 (Fla. 2000) (review of an order granting a motion for
    summary judgment is de novo). As our supreme court held in Moore v.
    475 So. 2d 666
    (Fla. 1985):
    The law is well settled in Florida that a party moving for
    summary judgment must show conclusively the absence of
    any genuine issue of material fact and the court must draw
    every possible inference in favor of the party against whom a
    summary judgment is sought. A summary judgment should
    not be granted unless the facts are so crystallized that nothing
    remains but questions of law.
    If the evidence raises any issue of material fact, if it is
    conflicting, if it will permit different reasonable inferences, or
    if it tends to prove the issues, it should be submitted to the
    jury as a question of fact to be determined by it.
    Id. at 668
    (internal citations omitted).
    This appeal presents a textbook example of a case involving genuine
    issues of material fact.
    Here, the contractor’s chief operating officer’s affidavit, as quoted
    above, created genuine issues of material fact on all of the subcontractor’s
    arguments referred to above.
    Based on these genuine issues of material fact, we cannot discern why
    the circuit court granted the subcontractor’s motion, especially given that
    the circuit court did not provide any details of its reasoning. If the circuit
    court weighed the evidence to make its decision, that action would have
    been improper. See Progressive Express Ins. Co. v. Camillo, 
    80 So. 3d 394
    399 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012) (“A trial court may not weigh the evidence or judge
    the credibility of witnesses in arriving at summary judgment.”).
    The circuit court also erred in granting the subcontractor’s motion for
    final summary judgment because the subcontractor’s motion did not
    address the developer’s third affirmative defense alleging lack of
    compliance with the construction lien statutes’ notice and timing
    requirements. As we held in Kurian v. Wells Fargo Bank, Nat. Ass’n, 
    114 So. 3d 1052
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2013):
    When a party raises affirmative defenses, a summary
    judgment should not be granted where there are issues of fact
    raised by the affirmative defenses which have not been
    effectively factually challenged and refuted. The movant must
    disprove the affirmative defenses or show they are legally
    Id. at 1054
    (internal citations and quotation marks omitted).
    Lastly, we briefly address the developer’s argument, raised for the first
    time on appeal, that the circuit court lacked subject matter jurisdiction
    over the construction lien foreclosure claim because the property is located
    in Miami-Dade County, not Broward County. See Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.140
    (“[A]ny ground showing that the court lacks jurisdiction of the subject
    matter may be made at any time.”).
    This argument is moot because the circuit court’s final summary
    judgment simply awarded the full amount which the subcontractor
    requested in the counterclaim and third-party complaint against the
    contractor and the developer. The circuit court did not order the
    commencement of any foreclosure proceedings on the subcontractor’s
    construction lien against the developer’s property.
    However, because we are remanding the case for further proceedings,
    we remind the circuit court that “[a] lien against property is in rem,
    affecting title to the property, and must be brought in the circuit with
    jurisdiction over the property.” Garrido v. Nat’l Union Fire Ins. Co. of
    Pittsburgh, PA, 
    891 So. 2d 1091
    , 1092 (Fla. 4th DCA 2004). Furthermore,
    this local action rule “is one of subject matter jurisdiction, not venue, and
    subject matter jurisdiction cannot be conferred by waiver or consent.”
    Frym v. Flagship Cmty. Bank, 
    96 So. 3d 452
    , 453 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012)
    (internal quotations and citations omitted).
    Based on the foregoing, we reverse the circuit court’s order granting the
    subcontractor’s motion for final summary judgment.            We use this
    opportunity to strongly encourage circuit courts which are inclined to
    grant motions for summary judgment to provide their reasoning in some
    fashion. Although our review of orders granting summary judgment is de
    novo, knowing a circuit court’s reasoning would be helpful to consider in
    reviewing the order on appeal and ensuring we have not overlooked a legal
    basis upon which to affirm a summary judgment.
    Reversed and remanded for further proceedings.
    *        *         *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-1005

Filed Date: 1/22/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/22/2020