Viera v. State , 163 So. 3d 602 ( 2015 )

  •        Third District Court of Appeal
    State of Florida
    Opinion filed April 8, 2015.
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
    No. 3D14-2675
    Lower Tribunal No. 13-26651
    Eduardo Viera,
    The State of Florida,
    A Case of Original Jurisdiction – Prohibition.
    Michael S. Goodman (Hollywood), for petitioner.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General, for respondent.
    Before WELLS, SUAREZ, and SALTER, JJ.
    SUAREZ, J.
    Eduardo Enrique Viera petitions this Court for a writ of prohibition seeking
    review of the circuit court's order denying his motion to dismiss pursuant to
    Section 776.032, Florida Statutes (2011), the criminal charges of attempted murder
    with a deadly weapon and/or aggravated battery. We deny the petition for writ of
    Viera was charged with attempted murder for assaulting Richard Osorio
    with a screwdriver.    Prior to trial, Viera claimed immunity from prosecution
    pursuant to section 776.032(1), Florida Statutes (2011). 1 At a pretrial evidentiary
    hearing to determine the factual basis for the applicability of immunity,2 the trial
    1 § 776.032 (1), Florida Statutes (2011), also known as the Stand Your Ground law,
    A person who uses or threatens to use force as permitted in s. 776.012,
    s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in such conduct and is immune
    from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use or threatened use
    of such force by the person . . .”
    § 776.012(2), Florida Statutes (2014) provides:
    (2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if
    he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such
    force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to
    himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of
    a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force
    in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and
    has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or
    threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity
    and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.
    2 The trial court correctly applied the standard enunciated in Peterson v. State, 
    983 So. 2d 27
    (Fla. 1st DCA 2008), as adopted by this Court in State v. Yaqubie, 
    51 So. 3d 474
    , 475-76 (Fla. 3d DCA 2010), to determine whether a preponderance of
    the evidence showed whether Viera is immune from prosecution under section
    776.032. When immunity under this law is properly raised by a defendant, the trial
    court must decide the matter by confronting and weighing only factual disputes.
    Dennis v. State, 
    51 So. 3d 456
    , 459 (Fla. 2010); 
    Peterson, 983 So. 2d at 29
    court heard testimony from the victim Richard Osorio, the defendant Viera, and
    from Robert Georgi, a third party present at the scene of the offense. Viera
    testified that he drove his friend Georgi to a house to pick something up. As he sat
    waiting for Georgi under the carport at the house, Osorio drove up with a woman,
    who remained in the car. Viera testified that Osorio got out of the car with
    something in his hand. As Osorio approached Viera, he displayed a knife and
    demanded money from Viera. Viera testified he got up, reached into his pocket,
    took out a screwdriver and lunged back at Osorio in self-defense. Viera admitted
    to stabbing Osorio with the screwdriver because Osorio allegedly kept lunging at
    him and he was trying to defend himself. Viera claims that Osorio threatened him
    with a knife as “payback” for some past incident.
    The victim, Osorio, testified that he had no weapon and did not provoke the
    defendant’s attack. Osorio testified that he drove a woman to the house, got out
    and went inside to find someone. When he could not find the person, he decided to
    wait on the couch under the carport, where Viera was also sitting. When Viera
    made a rude comment about the woman in the car, Osorio retorted.             Osorio
    testified that at that moment, Viera jumped up and stabbed him in the knee with a
    screwdriver. Viera told Osorio that the stabbing was payback from an incident
    between them that occurred some time ago. As Osorio got up to run away, Viera
    followed and stabbed Osorio a second time in the back side of his left arm, again in
    his left elbow, and four times in the back. Osorio ran to his car to escape from
    Viera, who chased him around the vehicle. Osorio testified that Viera told him to
    leave or he would kill him. Osorio was able to get inside his car and drive away.
    Osorio denied attacking Viera with the knife and asking for money.
    Georgi, Viera’s acquaintance, testified that he did not see Osorio threaten
    Viera or brandish any weapon. Georgi testified that as he returned downstairs he
    noticed that Viera had something in his hand and that he was chasing Osorio, who
    was unarmed, around a car. He also noticed Osorio was moving slowly and
    appeared to be hurt. After Viera chased Osorio around the car, Georgi saw Osorio
    get into the car and leave. Viera never called the police, and did not speak of the
    incident to Georgi. Georgi additionally testified that sometime after Viera’s arrest,
    Viera’s father visited Georgi and asked him to change his testimony to say that
    Osorio was armed. Georgi explained that he refused to change his testimony. The
    trial court observed that the testimonial facts were very much in dispute, and the
    physical evidence was inconsistent with the defendant’s version of the events. 3
    In reviewing a petition for writ of prohibition, this Court must consider the
    merits of the defendant’s motion to dismiss in the same manner as if it were on
    direct appeal. See Sutton v. State, 
    975 So. 2d 1073
    , 1077–78 (Fla. 2008); Hair v.
    3 Photos of the crime scene introduced at the evidentiary hearing corroborated
    Osorio's testimony, as there was blood all around his car. The trial court observed
    that Osorio’s wounds were located in bodily areas only accessible to Viera if
    Osorio had been turning away from his attacker. Viera was not injured.
    17 So. 3d 804
    , 805 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009), review denied, 
    60 So. 3d 1055
    2011). Thus, we review the court's legal findings de novo and we review the
    court's factual findings for competent, substantial evidence. 
    Hair, 17 So. 3d at 805
    The trial court's ruling comes to this Court “clothed with a presumption of
    correctness and the court must interpret the evidence and reasonable inferences and
    deductions derived therefrom in a manner most favorable to sustaining the trial
    court's ruling.” Terry v. State, 
    668 So. 2d 954
    , 958 (Fla. 1996); Smith v. State, 
    719 So. 3d 1018
    , 1021 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998).
    As stated in Mobley v. State, 
    132 So. 3d 1160
    (Fla. 3d DCA 2014), the
    objective standard is to be applied by a trial court in evaluating the factual
    circumstances presented in a Stand Your Ground motion to dismiss. That standard
    requires the court to determine whether, based on circumstances as they appeared
    to the defendant when he or she acted, a reasonable and prudent person situated in
    the same circumstances and knowing what the defendant knew would have used
    the same force as did the defendant. See Toledo v. State, 
    452 So. 2d 661
    , 663 (Fla.
    3d DCA 1984) (finding a person in the exercise of his right of self-defense may use
    only such force as a reasonable person, situated as he was and knowing what he
    knew, would have used under like circumstances); see also Chaffin v. State, 
    121 So. 3d 608
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2013); Price v. Gray's Guard Service, Inc., 
    298 So. 2d 461
    , 464 (Fla. 1st DCA 1974).
    The defendant asserts that Mobley supports his petition. It does not. In
    Mobley, there was no inconsistent testimony; the incident was caught on
    surveillance cameras, and the video showed the victims’ clear provocation of the
    defendant.4   The only relevant inquiry was whether, given the totality of the
    circumstances leading up to the attack, the appearance of danger was so real that a
    reasonably cautious and prudent person under the same circumstances would have
    believed that the danger could be avoided only through the use of deadly force.
    Mobley, 132 So. 3d at 1166
    . The appellate court found Mobley immune from
    4   The majority in Mobley stated,
    The events that transpired next [the incident that was the basis for
    Mobley’s Stand-Your-Ground defense] were captured on a security
    camera recording made outside the restaurant, and, for the most part,
    are beyond dispute.
    [T]he shooting at issue did not occur in a vacuum. Mobley did not
    shoot two innocent bystanders who just happened upon him on a
    sidewalk. The record—as corroborated by a video of the events—is
    that (1) Mobley found himself in the middle of a violent, unprovoked
    attack on a companion who was standing right next to him, by one of
    two men who earlier had engaged in an altercation to which he was a
    witness; (2) after the initial violent attack on Mobley's friend, the
    attacker immediately turned his attention to Mobley; (3) less than four
    seconds after that, the first attacker was joined by the second man
    involved in the altercation inside the restaurant; and (4) when the
    second man reached under his shirt after rushing up to join his
    companion who had not abandoned the field, Mobley believed the
    second man was reaching for a weapon to continue the attack.
    Mobley v. 
    State, 132 So. 3d at 1163
    , 1166 (Fla. 3d DCA.
    prosecution where the record supported his reasonable fear of imminent death or
    great bodily harm.
    In evaluating Viera’s case, the trial court properly applied an objective
    standard to the totality of the circumstances. The court took into consideration the
    conflicting testimony of defendant Viera, victim Osorio, and witness Georgi, as
    well as the physical evidence. Competent substantial evidence supports Osorio’s
    testimony and completely contradicts Viera’s version of the events.        On this
    record, we agree with the trial court that, “in observing and weighing the
    credibility of the testimony of all the witnesses, including the Defendant, and
    evaluating the physical evidence in this case, it is evident that the Defendant’s
    testimony lacks credibility and is purely self-serving . . . it was unreasonable for
    the Defendant to attack Osorio as there is no evidence that he was in reasonable
    fear of imminent death or great bodily harm.” We conclude that Viera is not
    immune from prosecution under section 776.031-.032, Florida Statutes (2011) and
    deny the petition for writ of prohibition.
    Petition denied.
    WELLS, J., concurs.
    Viera v. State
    Case No. 3D14-2675
    SALTER, J. (concurring in result).
    I concur that the petition for prohibition in this Stand Your Ground5 case
    should be denied, based on the record before us. For the reasons explained in my
    dissenting opinion in Mobley v. State, 
    132 So. 3d 1160
    , 1167-70 (Fla. 3d DCA
    2014) (Salter, J., dissenting), however, I respectfully disagree with my colleagues’
    description of the record in Mobley in the majority opinion in the present case.
    Because the majority’s summary of Mobley is not an essential part of our
    consideration of the case at hand, and based on the record before us, I concur that
    Viera’s petition must be denied.
    5   § 776.032, Fla. Stat. (2011).