Chatham County Board of Assessors v. Jay Lalaji, Inc., Airport Hotels ( 2020 )

  •                                SECOND DIVISION
    MILLER, P. J.,
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    October 7, 2020
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    COOMER, Judge.
    The Chatham County Board of Assessors (the “BOA”) appeals from the trial
    court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of Jay Lalaji, Inc., Airport Hotels (“Jay
    Lalaji”). At issue is whether a lease agreement (the “Agreement”) between the
    Savannah Airport Commission (the “Commission”) and Jay Lalaji created a non
    taxable usufruct or a taxable estate for years. The trial court determined that the
    Agreement conveyed a non taxable usufruct, and the BOA challenges this conclusion,
    arguing that the Agreement amounted to a taxable estate for years. For the following
    reasons, we affirm.
    “A de novo standard of review applies to an appeal from a grant of summary
    judgment, and we view the evidence and all reasonable conclusions and inferences
    drawn from it, in the light most favorable to the nonmovant.” Griffiths v. Rowe
    271 Ga. App. 344
    , 344 (1) (609 SE2d 690) (2005).
    On August 23, 2006, Jay Lalaji entered a 50 year lease agreement with the
    Commission which allowed for the construction and operation of a hotel on land
    owned by the Commission. The BOA assigned the property an identification number
    and attempted to assess ad valorem taxes against Jay Lalaji under the theory that the
    interest created by the Agreement with the Commission was a taxable estate for years.
    Pursuant to OCGA § 48-5-311 (g), Jay Lalaji filed an appeal of the value assessed by
    the BOA to Chatham County Superior Court.
    Jay Lalaji filed a motion for summary judgment arguing that its interest in the
    property was limited to a nontaxable usufruct. The BOA responded and filed a cross
    motion for summary judgment claiming that Jay Lalaji’s interest was a taxable estate
    for years. After a hearing, the trial court granted summary judgment to Jay Lalaji.
    This appeal followed.
    The BOA argues that the trial court erred by granting Jay Lalaji’s motion for
    summary judgment, and by denying its cross motion for summary judgment.
    Specifically, the BOA argues that the trial court erred in determining that Jay Lalaji’s
    interest in the land was a usufruct. We disagree.
    Under Georgia law, a usufruct is a lesser interest in real estate than an estate
    for years. See Richmond County Bd. of Tax Assessors v. Richmond Bonded
    Warehouse Corp., 
    173 Ga. App. 278
    , 279 (325 SE2d 891) (1985).
    A usufruct is created when the owner of real estate grants to another
    person the right simply to possess and enjoy the use of such real estate
    either for a fixed time or at the will of the grantor. In such a case, no
    estate passes out of the landlord and the usufruct may not be conveyed
    except by the landlord’s consent, nor is it subject to levy and sale. A
    usufruct has been referred to as merely a license in real property, which
    is defined as authority to do a particular act or series of acts on land of
    another without possessing any estate or interest therein. By way of
    contrast, an estate for years, which does not involve the landlord-tenant
    relationship, carries with it the right to use the property in as absolute a
    manner as may be done with a greater estate and is subject to ad valorem
    Love v. Fulton County Bd. of Tax Assessors, 
    348 Ga. App. 309
    , 311, n. 3 (821 SE2d
    575) (2018) (citation omitted). A mere usufruct is not subject to ad valorem taxation.
    Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Joint City-County. Bd. of Tax Assessors, 
    253 Ga. 18
    , 19 (5)
    (315 SE2d 890) (1984).
    Where “the term of a lease is for a period greater than five years, a rebuttable
    presumption arises that the parties intended to create an estate for years rather than
    a usufruct. To resolve whether the presumption has been overcome in this case, we
    must examine the terms of the lease agreements and determine what interests the
    parties intended to convey.” Eastern Air Lines, 
    253 Ga. at 19
     (1) (citations omitted).
    Factors to be considered in determining whether the parties intended to
    create a usufruct include: (i) the terms used in the instrument of
    conveyance to describe the grantee’s rights; (ii) any provisions in the
    instrument addressing the parties’ understanding as to liability for ad
    valorem taxes; (iii) the grantor’s retention of dominion or control over
    the leased property; (iv) which party has retained the duties to keep and
    maintain the premises and appurtenances; and (v) whether the grantee
    may assign the lease or allow any part of the leased premises to be used
    by others without the grantor’s consent. Although an estate for years
    may be encumbered or somewhat limited without being reduced to a
    usufruct, if the lease imposes sufficient conditions and limitations upon
    the use of the premises to negate the conveyance of an estate for years
    the interest passed is reduced to a mere usufruct.
    City of College Park v. Paradies-Atlanta, LLC, 
    346 Ga. App. 63
    , 66 (2) (815 SE2d
    246) (2018) (citations and punctuation omitted).
    Here, the 50 year agreement creates a rebuttable presumption of an estate for
    years. See Diversified Golf, LLC v. Hart County Bd. of Tax Assessors, 
    267 Ga. App.
    8, 10 (598 SE2d 791) (2004); Jekyll Dev. Assocs., L.P. v. Glynn County Bd. of Tax
    240 Ga. App. 273
    , 275 (3) (523 SE2d 370) (1999). That presumption is
    sufficiently rebutted in the specific terms of the Agreement which when read together
    make clear that Jay Lalaji may not use the land “in as absolute a manner as may be
    done with” an estate for years. OCGA § 44-6-103; City of College Park, 346 Ga.
    App. at 67 (2).
    A consideration of the five factors identified above must be undertaken to
    determine whether the parties intended to create a usufruct or an estate for years.
    First, we look to the terms of the conveyance itself. The terms of the Agreement
    establish a limited series of rights in Jay Lalaji and an implicit retention of all other
    rights in the Commission. Within the Agreement, Jay Lalaji’s rights are described as
    “specified rights and privileges”. The Agreement also says that “[a]ll other uses of the
    Premises not expressly authorized by [the] Agreement are prohibited”; and “subject
    to the terms and provisions hereof, Lessee shall have the right to possess the Leased
    Premises under the provision of this Agreement.” These phrases suggest a usufruct.
    See Diversified Golf, 267 Ga. App. at 11 (lessee’s rights described as “possession, use
    or occupancy” suggested a usufruct.).
    Concerning the second factor, designation of liability for ad valorem taxes,
    section 19 of the Agreement states that “[t]he Lessee shall pay all expenses in
    connection with the use of the Leased Premises . . . including without limitation by
    reason of enumeration, taxes, including ad valorem taxes, permit fees, license fees,
    including tap fees and pure water fees, and assessments lawfully levied or assessed
    upon the Leased Premises[.]” This clause however, is not dispositive of an intent to
    create an estate for years. See Clayton County. Bd. of Tax Assessors v. City of Atlanta,
    164 Ga. App. 864
    , 865 (1) (298 SE2d 544) (1982) (usufruct created despite provision
    in lease that lessee was liable for any taxes and any assessment levied on the
    property), superseded by statute on other grounds as recognized in Clayton County.
    Bd. of Tax Assessors v. Aldeasa Atlanta Joint Venture, 
    304 Ga. 15
    , 19-20 (2) (b) (815
    SE2d 870) (2018). The Agreement clarifies that Jay Lalajai will pay any taxes that are
    “lawfully levied or assessed upon the Leased Premises,” but it does not express an
    expectation by the parties that the Agreement is therefore an estate for years. Rather,
    it merely expresses the parties’ intention that if ad valorem taxes are lawfully assessed
    upon the Leased Premises, Jay Lalajai is liable for their payment.
    As to the third factor, the Agreement demonstrates that the Commission retains
    significant dominion and control over the property. Specifically, the Agreement only
    allows Jay Lalaji to “construct and operate a hotel and restaurant and related facilities
    upon the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport.”
    In addition to restricting the use of the land, the Agreement also contains the
    following restrictions: Jay Lalajai must maintain the property in accordance with a
    franchise agreement approved by the Commission; Jay Lalaji is prohibited from
    maintaining or repairing the leased premises without approval by the Commission;
    Jay Lalji is required to provide trash disposal and janitorial services; all proposed
    improvement must be approved in detail by the Commission; and the Commission has
    the right to enter the properties “at all reasonable times” to perform various
    inspections, maintenance, and repairs. Further, the Commission retains the right to
    utility easements and the right to use all utilities on the property it deems necessary
    to supply utility service to other portions of the airport. Finally, at the end of the lease
    term, title to all property or improvements erected or constructed by Jay Lalaji vests
    in the Commission. If Jay Lalaji fails to comply with any of the terms of the
    Agreement, the Commission has the right to terminate the Agreement “if such failure
    shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice from the
    Commission[.]” These usage restrictions placed upon Jay Lalaji show that it does not
    hold the property subject only to minor limitations, but instead, only has a license to
    use the Commission’s property for a limited purpose and subject to the Commission’s
    continuing oversight.
    Concerning the fourth factor, which party has the duty to keep and maintain the
    premises, the Commission retains control over the manner in which the property is
    maintained and any improvements that are made. The Agreement provides that Jay
    Lalaji shall not undertake any maintenance or repair that involves structural change,
    alteration, or rebuilding unless first approved by the Commission. Jay Lalaji is also
    prohibited from undertaking any initial landscaping without prior written approval
    from the Commission. Upon taking control of the premises “as is,” Jay Lalaji was
    required to spend a minimum of $2,750,000 in improvements which will vest in the
    Commission at the expiration of the Agreement. Although Jay Lalaji has a duty to
    maintain the premises, the Commission has significant authority to govern the
    maintenance, landscaping, and to control how any improvements are made upon the
    With regard to the fifth and final factor, authority to assign the lease or sublet
    the premises, the Agreement expressly prohibits Jay Lalaji from subletting the
    premises, or assigning or transferring any of its rights under the Agreement without
    the Commission’s consent. This language indicates a usufruct. See Macon-Bibb
    County Bd. of Tax Assessors v. Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Inc., 
    262 Ga. 119
    , 121
    (414 SE2d 635) (1992) (restrictions on lessee’s ability “to sublet or assign . . . without
    permission of the city or Authority, indicate a usufruct.”).
    Weighing these factors, we conclude that the restrictions imposed upon Jay
    Lalaji’s use of the premises “are so pervasive as to be fundamentally inconsistent with
    the concept of an estate for years.” Allright Parking of Ga. v. Joint City-County. Bd.
    of Tax Assessors, 
    244 Ga. 378
    , 386 (3) (260 SE2d 315) (1979). Because Jay Lalaji
    has only a circumscribed interest and limited use of the premises, the Agreement
    amounts to a usufruct. We therefore affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    Judgment affirmed. Miller, P. J., and Mercier, J., concur.