Two Rivers Holding Company, Inc. v. Cecilia M. Rogers ( 2021 )

  •                                FIRST DIVISION
    BARNES, P. J.,
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    March 11, 2021
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    RESORT, LLC. v. ROGERS et al.
    et al.
    A20A1708. MCCOMMONS v. ROGERS et al.
    A20A1709. LASSEN v. ROGERS et al.
    BARNES, Presiding Judge.
    Coleman Rogers (“Cole”) was severely injured while participating in a
    motorbike competition. These related appeals arise from the jury verdict awarding
    Cole, individually, and his parents, individually and as his guardians, $15 million in
    damages resulting from his injuries. In Case Nos. A20A1705, A20A1708,
    A20A1709, A20A1710, which were consolidated in the appellate briefing, the
    appellants – Georgia Trails and Rentals, Inc., Two Rivers Holding Company, Inc.,
    Robert M. McCommons, and Joseph Lassen – contend that the trial court erred in
    denying their motion to disqualify the appellees’ attorneys, in denying their motion
    for mistrial, in denying their motions for directed verdict and judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict (“JNOV”), and in submitting the special verdict form to
    the jury over appellants’ objection. The appellants also contend that the damages
    award was excessive.
    In Case Nos. A20A1706 and A20A1707, the appellants, Durhamtown
    Plantation Sportsman’s Resort, LLC and Two Rivers Irrevocable Trust, through its
    trustee, Mike McCommons, challenge the trial court’s denial of their directed verdict
    motions and motions JNOV and the special verdict form. The appellants in both
    appeals assert that the evidence adduced at trial failed to establish that they were the
    owners or occupiers of the recreational facility, that they had any legal or supervisory
    control of the facility, or that they had any legal duty to Cole and had breached such
    On appeal from a jury verdict, we affirm if any evidence supports
    the jury’s verdict, construing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the prevailing party. In order to prevail, [the appellants] must show that
    there was no conflict in the evidence as to any material issue and the
    evidence introduced, with all reasonable deductions therefrom,
    demanded the verdict sought. [The] standards of review for directed
    verdict and [JNOV] are the same.
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Norton v. Holcomb, 
    299 Ga. App. 207
    , 208 (682
    SE2d 336) (2009).
    Applying that standard, the evidence reveals that on December 13, 2014, Cole,
    the then fifteen year old son of Cecilia and Barry Rogers, was participating in a
    motorbike race and collided with the metal edge of an exposed culvert pipe located
    approximately three feet from the side of the track. The racing track is situated on
    land occupied by an “off-road recreational facility,” collectively referred to as
    “Durhamtown,” and out of which operate the appellants, Georgia Trails and Rentals
    and Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort. In 2014 the land was owned by
    appellant Two Rivers Holding Company, and was later transferred to appellant Two
    Rivers Irrevocable Trust.
    The 6,000 acre facility is collectively identified by its website as
    “,” although there are, or were, several other entities utilizing some
    form of that moniker, including Durhamtown Off Road, Durhamtown Farms,
    Durhamtown Trails and Rentals, and Durhamtown Sportsman’s Plantation Resort.1
    Appellant McCommon is the CEO of each of the corporate entities, including the
    individual appellants in these appeals. The facility charges to use the 150 miles of
    trails and 15 motorbike tracks located on the property. There are also motorbike races
    held on the tracks. The construction of the track at issue was paid for by Durhamtown
    Plantation Sportsman’s Resort in 2010, but the culvert that caused Cole’s injury was
    added approximately a year later to address drainage issues.
    Appellant Lassen coordinated the races, which included the “authority and
    responsibility to set the rules for the races,” and through a fee arrangement paid
    “Durhamtown” “fifty percent of the [race] revenue to provide that location and
    maintain the [race] course.” He described that to participate in a race, the rider “would
    fill out the registration, sign the waiver, . . . pay for the riding fee or the racing fee and
    the spectator fee depending on how many family members were with them.”2
    McCommons testified that at some point in the past, before the accident, the
    facility was known as Durhamtown Plantation Resort, but that each business
    operating on the property was later established as a separate corporation.
    Notably however, there was no evidence of a waiver of liability executed on
    behalf of Cole the day of the race.
    Lassen testified that his “person” who worked at the race entrance gate would
    check the rider to ensure that they had certain safety equipment, which included
    helmet straps, goggles, long sleeve shirts, and boots. According to Lassen, on the
    morning of the race, McCommons’ “crew” would prepare the track and “till the dirt
    up, kind of rake it up . . . so it wasn’t just a slick . . . hard packed surface.” He
    testified that he rode the track the night before Cole’s accident and did not notice that
    the culvert in the area Cole was injured was unguarded and unmarked, and that he did
    not notice it from his vantage point on the morning of the accident.
    McCommons testified that he supervised the maintenance on the tracks, that
    maintenance was done before the tracks opened and after hours, and that “[a]nybody
    that works on my property outside on any track or trail is paid for through [Georgia]
    Tracks and Trails Companies.” He explained that equipment owned by Durhamtown
    Farm would ready the track the morning of a race, that he would inspect the track, and
    after Lassen also inspected the track and gave him the “okay,” he would authorize the
    use of the track.
    Lauren Clifton, who was also identified as a “race coordinator” at the time of
    Cole’s accident, testified that during that time she also worked in various capacities
    at Durhamtown. Clifton testified that her roles were “all blended together,” and that
    she may have been paid by Georgia Trails and Rentals, but knew that she was paid
    by “McCommons . . . [t]hrough one of his companies” and she was under his
    exclusive control as an employee on the day of Cole’s accident. Clifton agreed that
    the “lodge,” which was located on the property, was the “nerve center” for all of the
    activities involving the various businesses. On race day, Clifton shared the
    responsibility with Lassen of organizing the race, including ensuring that the racers
    were lined up and in the right place. On the day of Cole’s accident Clifton was “doing
    scoring and registration” for the race.
    Clifton’s mother, Joni Roberts, worked as operations manager for Durhamtown
    and reported exclusively to McCommons. In that capacity, she handled complaints
    related to the facilities, including the racing tracks. She testified that McCommons
    would have known the most about the construction, upkeep and inspections of the
    track, and that Georgia Trails and Rentals employed the people who inspected the
    track before the races. Roberts testified that she was employed by Durhamtown
    Plantation Sportsman’s Resort “the whole time,” and that to her knowledge she was
    employed by the company at the time of the accident. She recalled that the property
    was once known as Durhamtown Plantation but, “that company . . . was no longer in
    business and changed to Durhamtown Off Road.” Roberts was not sure if
    Durhamtown Plantation Sportman’s Resort had become Durhamtown Off Road Park.
    Roberts was responsible for investigating Cole’s accident, including taking
    photographs of the accident scene and gathering paperwork.
    On the day of the accident, Barry Rogers accompanied his son to Durhamtown
    for the race. Cole testified about the circumstances leading up to his collision with the
    open culvert.
    I was on lap two of the race. I was coming around on the left-hand side.
    There was individuals behind me riding and we kind of were all coming
    around the turn at the same time. So when I went around the turn, I went
    to the left side because they were holding the right side. And when I
    jumped over the jump, . . . when we come off the jump side, they had
    pushed . . . me over a little bit. And when I had landed on the left-hand
    side, I hit the ground and then it was just over with. . . . I was trying to
    get up and move and just couldn’t.
    When Cole did not reappear from the jump, his father noticed a race “flagger” waving
    frantically and “went directly to him.” Cole was lying in the area near the culvert, he
    was conscious, but in “[p]retty bad shape.” The father observed that Cole’s “right leg
    was separated at the kneecap . . . and his leg was laying up beside him.” Clifton and
    two EMTs arrived shortly afterward, and Clifton used her belt to create a tourniquet
    to tie off Cole’s leg, which she testified was attached to his by only three tendons.
    Although doctors were able to save his leg, he suffered extensive and permanent
    McCommons testified that, as is their ordinary practice for the riders’ safety,
    the metal culvert would have been covered and protected by tires and bales of hay.
    Roberts who, as part of her investigation, took pictures of the accident site on behalf
    of Durhamtown, also testified that there would have been tires in place to protect the
    riders from the metal culvert. Roberts testified that the pictures she took of the culvert
    that day after Cole’s accident showed that the culvert was covered by hay and tires.
    However, photographs and video taken with a GoPro camera attached to Cole’s
    helmet revealed that when Cole crashed the culvert was exposed and uncovered.
    Durhamtown’s expert on track design and safety testified that outdoor tracks
    commonly use culverts to drain and divert water from the track surface. He also
    testified that the culverts are sometimes covered, but that there are no national racing
    standards governing the construction of the Durhamtown track.3 According to the
    expert, tires and hay bales are used for various reasons, including marking off the
    The expert testified that there are standards that relate to the certification of
    tracks by the American Motorcycle Association (“AMA”), and that to his knowledge,
    the Durhamtown track was not AMA certified. According to the expert, AMA
    certification is not required except for the “big national races.”
    boundaries of the tracks, and racers are supposed to stay within the boundaries. The
    expert testified that serious injuries are common in these types of races, that the racers
    wear special gear to protect themselves, and that, based on his observation of the
    Durhamtown track, the culvert pipes would have been visible to a rider. However, in
    observing the width of the Durhamtown track, he testified that tracks are of varying
    widths, but acknowledged that in building tracks, he would ordinarily double his
    track width so that the culvert would extend further out from the edge of the track.
    The expert testified that it was foreseeable that racers would run off the sides of the
    tracks, especially the least experienced racers.
    In September 2016, Cole and his parents, acting individually and as guardians
    of Cole, filed a complaint alleging that the appellants’ negligence and gross
    negligence were the proximate cause of the injuries and damages suffered in the
    motorbike accident.4 The alleged negligent acts included failing to properly inspect
    The defendants were: Georgia Trails and Rentals, Inc.; Durhamtown Off Road
    Park, Inc.; Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort, LLC.; Durhamtown Farms,
    Inc., Durhamtown Pro Shop, Inc.; D. P. Riding and Rental, Inc.; Durhamtown
    Extreme Sports Outlet, Inc.; Bevelyn’s Kitchen, Inc.; Two River’s Holding Company,
    Inc.; “Two River’s Irrevocable Trust” Mike McCommons Trustee U/A; New Road
    Off Road Rentals, LLC.; Robert M. McCommons; and Russell T. McCommons. The
    trial court later granted the appellees’ motion to add additional defendants, including
    appellant, Lassen.
    the track and warn of unsafe or dangerous conditions, failing to properly design,
    build, install, construct, maintain or supervise the track, failing to properly repair the
    track, failing to properly operate the track, and failing to train or supervise their
    agents, employees or instructors. After the trial court granted summary judgment to
    several defendants, the appellants proceeded to a jury trial, after which the appellees
    were awarded damages of approximately $15 million.5 The appellants appeal the
    The final judgment provided as follows:
    Cecilia Rogers and Barry Rogers, individually and as natural
    parents of Coleman Rogers, recovered compensatory damages as
    follows: From Georgia Trails and Rentals, Inc. the sum of $154,198.61;
    From Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort, LLC the sum of
    $154,198.60; From Two Rivers Holding Company, Inc. the sum of
    $154,198.61; From “Two Rivers Irrevocable Trust” Mike McCommons
    Trustee U/A the sum of $154,198.60; From Robert M. McCommons the
    sum of $110,141.86; and, From Joseph Lassen the sum of $7,342.79.
    Coleman Rogers individually recovered compensatory damages
    as follows: From Georgia Trails and Rentals, Inc. the sum of
    $2,982,000.00; From Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort, the
    sum of $2,982,000.00; From Two Rivers Holding Company, Inc. the
    sum of $2,982,000.00; From “Two Rivers Irrevocable Trust” Mike
    McCommons Trustee U/A the sum of $2,982,000.00; From Robert M.
    McCommons the sum of $2,130,000.00, and From Joseph Lassen the
    sum of $142,000.00.
    judgment and assert numerous claims of error, including the denial of their motions
    for directed verdict and JNOV.
    Case Nos. A20A1705, A20A1708, A20A1709, A20A1710.
    1. The appellants first contend that the trial court erred in denying their motion
    to disqualify the attorneys for Cole and his parents. The appellants assert that the
    attorneys’ joint representation of Cole and his parents presented a potential conflict
    because Cole reached the age of majority during the pendency of the case and could
    then bring an action against his father for failure to warn him about the potential
    dangers of riding a motorbike. Thus, the appellants contend, the appellees’ attorneys
    were prohibited from representing both Cole and his father in violation of Georgia
    Rules of Professional Conduct Rule (“Rule”) 1.7 (a), (b), (c)6 and Rule 1.9 (b).7
    Rule 1.7 provides in relevant:
    (a) A lawyer shall not represent or continue to represent a client if there
    is a significant risk that the lawyer’s own interests or the lawyer’s duties
    to another client, a former client, or a third person will materially and
    adversely affect the representation of the client, except as permitted in
    (b) If client informed consent is permissible a lawyer may represent a
    client notwithstanding a significant risk of material and adverse effect
    if each affected client or former client gives informed consent,
    We review the trial court’s ruling on a motion to disqualify for an
    abuse of discretion. We approach motions to disqualify with caution due
    to the consequences that could result if the motion is granted, such as the
    inevitable delay of the proceedings and the unique hardship on the client
    confirmed in writing, to the representation after:
    (1) consultation with the lawyer, pursuant to Rule 1.0 (c);
    (2) having received in writing reasonable and adequate information about
    the material risks of and reasonable available alternatives to the
    representation; and
    (3) having been given the opportunity to consult with independent counsel.
    (c) Client informed consent is not permissible if the representation:
    (1) is prohibited by law or these Rules;
    (2) includes the assertion of a claim by one client against another client
    represented by the lawyer in the same or substantially related proceeding; or
    (3) involves circumstances rendering it reasonably unlikely that the lawyer
    will be able to provide adequate representation to one or more of the affected
    Rule 1.9 (b) provides:
    (b) A lawyer shall not knowingly represent a person in the same or a
    substantially related matter in which a firm with which the lawyer
    formerly was associated had previously represented a client:
    (1) whose interests are materially adverse to that person; and
    (2) about whom the lawyer had acquired information protected by Rules 1.6
    and 1.9 (c), that is material to the matter; unless the former client gives
    informed consent, confirmed in writing.
    including the loss of time, money, choice of counsel, and specialized
    knowledge of the disqualified attorney. Additionally, we are mindful of
    counsel using motions to disqualify as a dilatory tactic. Accordingly, we
    view disqualification as an extraordinary remedy that should be granted
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Hodge v. URFA-Sexton, 
    295 Ga. 136
    , 138-139
    (1) (758 SE2d 314) (2014). Rather than mechanically applying rules for the
    disqualification of counsel, “we should look to the facts peculiar to each case in
    balancing the need to ensure ethical conduct on the part of lawyers appearing before
    the court and other social interests, which include the litigant’s right to freely chosen
    counsel.” (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Cohen v. Rogers, 
    338 Ga. App. 156
    169 (4) (b) (789 SE2d 352) (2016). “As the party seeking disqualification, [the
    appellants] had the burden to demonstrate to the superior court that disqualification
    was warranted[.]” Cardinal Robotics v. Moody, 
    287 Ga. 18
    , 21 (694 SE2d 346)
    (2010). The appellants have failed to do so.
    First, even assuming without actually finding any impropriety in the joint
    representation by the appellees’ attorneys, we conclude that there was evidence at the
    hearing on the motion to disqualify that Cole waived any conflict after being fully
    informed of the various risks. Moreover, as the trial court found in denying the
    motion to disqualify, the appellants have presented no evidence of an actual conflict
    to support disqualification. The appellants repeatedly refer to “potential” conflicts in
    this circumstance, but our Supreme Court has held that absent an actual conflict of
    interest or actual impropriety, the trial court does not abuse its discretion in denying
    a motion to disqualify counsel. See Blumenfeld v. Borenstein, 
    247 Ga. 406
    , 409-410
    (276 SE2d 607) (1981) (mere appearance of impropriety not based on actual conduct
    is an insufficient ground for disqualification). Likewise, as the appellees note, the
    father was included on the special verdict form for the allocation of fault.
    Consequently, there is no evidence of harm. See Kamara v. Henson, 
    340 Ga. App. 111
    , 116 (2) (796 SE2d 496) (2017) (“affirm[ing] the denial of [the appellant’s]
    motion to disqualify Defense Counsel, because there is no actual conflict of interest
    or actual impropriety”).8 Thus, this enumeration fails.
    2. The appellants next contend that the trial court erred in denying their motion
    for mistrial. During Cole’s direct examination, he was questioned about the
    accommodations at his home after he was discharged from the hospital. When asked
    We note that it is difficult to distinguish the posited speculative conflict
    arising from the appellees’ shared representation from that existing for the six
    appellants, who also share legal representation, and who could also potentially assert
    claims against each other.
    to “[e]xplain the setup that had to [be] done at your house,” Cole responded,
    “Through the insurance company, they provided us a bed.” The appellants requested
    a mistrial because “you can’t . . . mention . . . insurance.” The trial court denied the
    motion, and instructed the jury to “put out of your mind any reference that has been
    made to insurance. It is not relevant in anything in this case and you are to absolutely
    set it aside.”
    “When ruling on a motion for mistrial, a trial court is “vested with broad
    discretion, and this Court will not disturb the ruling absent a manifest abuse of
    discretion.” Ga. Dept. of Corrections v. Couch, 
    312 Ga. App. 544
    , 548 (2) (718 SE2d
    875) (2011). See Firestone Tire &c. Co. v. King, 
    145 Ga. App. 840
    , 843 (2) (244
    SE2d 905) (1978) (“The trial judge in passing on motions for mistrial has a broad
    discretion, dependent on the circumstances of each case, which will not be disturbed
    unless manifestly abused. Unless it is apparent that a mistrial is essential to
    preservation of the right of fair trial, the discretion of the trial judge will not be
    interfered with.”) (citations and punctuation omitted).
    “[E]vidence of insurance will rarely be admissible in a personal injury tort
    action . . . even to counter a false impression created by other testimony. This is
    because evidence of collateral benefits is readily subject to misuse by a jury.”
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Kelley v. Purcell, 
    301 Ga. App. 88
    , 89-90 (686
    SE2d 879) (2009).
    In this case, the trial court issued a curative instruction immediately after the
    reference to medical insurance, and the appellants do not present any evidence of
    harm originating from Cole’s brief reference to the medical insurance. See Defusco
    v. Free, 
    287 Ga. App. 313
    , 314 (651 SE2d 458) (2007) (“Where a motion for a
    mistrial is made on the ground of inadmissible evidence illegally placed before the
    jury, the corrective measure to be taken by the trial court is largely a matter of
    discretion, and where proper corrective measures are taken and there is no abuse of
    discretion, the refusal of the trial court to grant a mistrial is not error.”)
    3. The appellants next contend that the trial court erred in denying their
    motions for directed verdict and JNOV. The appellants argue that reversal of these
    rulings is appropriate because the appellees did not establish that the appellants were
    “‘owners’ or ‘occupiers’ at Durhamtown, or had “legal control” or “supervisory
    control” at the facility. The appellants further assert that the appellees did not allege
    “gross negligence” in the pre-trial order and thus were procedurally barred from
    raising that claim at trial, that the appellees failed to show which, if any, of the
    appellants was grossly negligent, and that, over its objection, the trial court erred in
    presenting to the jury the special verdict form which impermissibly itemized Cole’s
    proposed damages.
    In considering a denial of a motion for a directed verdict or for JNOV, “we
    construe the evidence in the light most favorable to the party opposing the motion,
    and the standard of review is whether there is any evidence to support the jury’s
    verdict.” Park v. Nichols, 
    307 Ga. App. 841
    , 845 (2) (706 SE2d 698) (2011). “ If
    there is any evidence to support the jury’s verdict, viewing the evidence most
    favorably to the party who secured the verdict, it is error to grant the motion.” Mosley
    v. Warnock, 
    282 Ga. 488
    , 488 (1) (651 SE2d 696) (2007). “[T]he jurors are the sole
    and exclusive judges of the weight and credit given the evidence. . . .[,and] the
    evidence must be construed to uphold the verdict even where the evidence is in
    conflict.” (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Henry v. Jones, 
    237 Ga. App. 385
    385-386 (1) (515 SE2d 199) (1999). However, questions of law are reviewed de
    novo. Eason v. Dozier, 
    298 Ga. App. 65
    , 65 (679 SE2d 89) (2009).
    a. The appellants argue that the appellees failed to establish that the appellants
    were the owners or occupiers of Durhamtown or that they had legal or supervisory
    control at the facility. However, as to these contentions, the mere allegation of error
    is the entire substance of the appellant’s arguments. The brief does not contain any
    evidence or authority in support of their arguments. See Court of Appeal Rules 25 (a)
    (1), (c) (2), (c) (2) (i), (c) (3); see also Woods v. Hall, 
    315 Ga. App. 93
    , 96 (726 SE2d
    596) (2012) (holding that legal argument “requires, at a minimum, a discussion of the
    appropriate law as applied to the relevant facts”) (citation and punctuation omitted).
    Therefore, we conclude that the appellants have abandoned these arguments.
    b. According to the appellants, the appellees failed to allege gross negligence
    in the consolidated pretrial order, and thus the appellees were procedurally barred
    from raising that claim at trial.
    The purpose of a pretrial order is to promote efficiency and to
    conserve judicial resources. A pretrial order is to be construed liberally
    to allow the consideration of all questions fairly within the ambit of
    contested issues. Failure of a party to raise an issue in the pretrial order
    is not controlling where evidence is introduced on the issue without
    objection, the opposing party is not surprised, and the issue is litigated.
    Rather, the pretrial order is deemed modified to conform to the evidence
    that is admitted.
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Baumann v. Snider, 
    243 Ga. App. 526
    , 528-529
    (1) (532 SE2d 468) (2000). See Dept. of Human Resources v. Phillips, 
    268 Ga. 316
    318 (1) (486 SE2d 851) (1997) (“The pretrial order has been likened to a rudder to
    the ship of litigation, and is intended to limit the claims, contentions, defenses, and
    evidence that will be submitted to the jury, thereby narrowing the course of the
    action, and expediting its resolution. As such, it is an indispensable tool for the
    efficient disposition of civil litigation matters.”) (citations and punctuation omitted.)
    Contrary to the appellants’ contention that the appellees failed to allege gross
    negligence in the consolidated pretrial order, our review of the record demonstrates
    that the appellees specifically alleged in the pretrial order that the appellants were
    “negligent and grossly negligent,” in “several particulars.” We find that the pretrial
    order fairly raised the issue of gross negligence, and thus appellants have failed to
    show that they were not accorded a fair opportunity to prepare a defense therefrom.
    c. The appellants also argue that the trial court erred in denying their directed
    verdict and JNOV motions because the appellees failed to introduce evidence as to
    which, if any, of the appellants was grossly negligent.
    In asserting this claim of error, the appellants provide nearly two pages of legal
    authority, but fail to provide a single reference to the facts underlying this appeal,
    apply the stated authority to the facts of this case, or make a cognizable argument
    regarding this contention. “[C]ogent legal analysis . . . is, at a minimum, a discussion
    of the appropriate law as applied to the relevant facts.” Dixon v. MARTA, 
    242 Ga. 19
    App. 262, 266 (4) (529 SE2d 398) (2000) (“[A]ppellate judges should not be
    expected to take pilgrimages into records in search of error without the compass of
    citation and argument.”) (citation and punctuation omitted).
    Nevertheless, with respect to this contention, “gross negligence has been
    defined as equivalent to the failure to exercise even a slight degree of care[.]”
    (Citation and punctuation omitted.) Heard v. City of Villa Rica, 
    306 Ga. App. 291
    294 (1) (701 SE2d 915) (2010). See Patton v. Cumberland Corp., 
    347 Ga. App. 501
    505 (2) (819 SE2d 898) (2018) (“‘Gross negligence’ is defined as the failure to
    exercise that degree of care that every man of common sense, however inattentive he
    may be, exercises under the same or similar circumstances; or lack of the diligence
    that even careless men are accustomed to exercise.”) (citations and punctuation
    omitted). See also OCGA § 51-1-4 (“In general, slight diligence is that degree of care
    which every man of common sense, however inattentive he may be, exercises under
    the same or similar circumstances. . . .The absence of such care is termed gross
    negligence.”). And to that end, “[w]hen facts alleged as constituting gross negligence
    are such that there is room for difference of opinion between reasonable men as to
    whether or not negligence can be inferred, and if so whether in degree the negligence
    amounts to gross negligence, the right to draw the inference is within the exclusive
    province of the jury.” (Citation and punctuation omitted.) Bostwick v. Flanders, 
    171 Ga. App. 93
    , 94 (318 SE2d 801) (1984). See Morgan v. Horton, 
    308 Ga. App. 192
    198 (3) (707 SE2d 144) (2011) (same).
    Here, the jury could have found that, in their various capacities, the appellants
    were grossly negligent in operating, maintaining, inspecting and failing to ensure the
    safety of the track before the race. There was also evidence that the injury was
    foreseeable given the culvert’s proximity to the track, the likelihood that riders would
    veer off the track during the race, and the appellants’ customary practice of
    surrounding or covering the culverts with tires and hay. Likewise, the jury was
    authorized to conclude to what degree each appellant was responsible for the culvert
    being uncovered. See OCGA § 51-12-33 (b), (c) (the trier of fact “shall[,] after a
    reduction of damages . . . apportion its award of damages among the persons who are
    liable according to the percentage fault of each person,” and “shall consider the fault
    of all persons or entities who contributed to the alleged injury or damages”).
    Here, as there was evidence from which the jury could have found the
    appellants grossly negligent, they were authorized to then apportion damages
    according to the fault of each appellant. Thus, this enumeration is without merit.
    4. The appellants contend that the trial court’s final judgment should be
    reversed because Cole’s damages were impermissibly itemized on the special verdict
    form. “Submission of a special verdict form is a matter within the sound discretion
    of the trial court and absent an abuse of discretion, the court’s choice will not be
    overturned.” Southern Water Technologies v. Kile, 
    224 Ga. App. 717
    , 719 (1) (481
    SE2d 826) (1997).
    Here, as to the itemized damages, the verdict form provided, in pertinent part
    as to Cole:
    We, the jury find in favor of Plaintiff Coleman Rogers and against
    the following Defendants . . . for the listed items of damages:
    _____ Past physical pain and suffering
    _____ Future physical pain and suffering,
    _____ Past mental pain and suffering, including anxiety, shock,
    _____ Future mental pain and suffering, including anxiety, shock,
    _____ Diminished capacity to labor/work
    _____ Future medical bills
    According to the appellants, there is no statutory or legal authority for the trial
    court to itemize Cole’s individual damages on the verdict form. The appellants
    acknowledge that neither the Georgia courts or its legislature has prohibited a trial
    court from doing so, but cite a Virginia case, Johnson v. Smith, 403 SE2d 685, 687-
    688 (Va. 1991) in support of their argument. In that case, the trial court was
    determined to have erred for failing to set aside as inadequate a jury special verdict
    in a wrongful death case. Id at 687. The Virginia Supreme Court questioned the
    special verdict in that the jury had awarded compensation to the widow in some
    separately specified categories but not for other categories. 
     While the opinion
    noted that Virginia law does not permit such special verdicts in negligence cases, the
    form of the verdict was not an assigned error on appeal. Id at 687-688.
    Unlike Virginia, Georgia law does not prohibit special verdicts. See OCGA §
    9-11-49 (a).9 See also OCGA § 9-12-1.10 “Matters of this nature are for the legislature
    OCGA § 9-11-49 (a) provides:
    The court may require a jury to return only a special verdict in the form
    of a special written finding upon each issue of fact. In that event the
    court may submit to the jury written questions susceptible of categorical
    to address, and the Georgia legislature has established the policy of this state. . . . It
    is not within the role of this Court to usurp the legislature’s authority here.” Cox v.
    Athens Regional Med. Center, 
    279 Ga. App. 586
    , 594 (4) (631 SE2d 792) (2006)
    “[T]he role of the courts is to construe the law as it exists[.]” Blotner v. Doreika, 
    285 Ga. 481
    , 486 (678 SE2d 80) (2009) (J. Carley, concurring specially).
    5. The appellants contend that the jury award of $15 million was excessive and
    inconsistent with the evidence presented at trial. We discern no reversible error. Cole
    or other brief answer or may submit written forms of several special
    findings which might properly be made under the pleadings and
    evidence; or it may use such other method of submitting the issues and
    requiring the written findings thereon as it deems most appropriate. The
    court shall give to the jury such explanation and instruction concerning
    the matter thus submitted as may be necessary to enable the jury to make
    its findings upon each issue. If in so doing the court omits any issue of
    fact raised by the pleadings or by the evidence, each party waives his
    right to a trial by jury of the issues so omitted unless before the jury
    retires he demands its submission to the jury. As to an issue omitted
    without such demand, the court may make a finding; or, if it fails to do
    so, it shall be deemed to have made a finding in accordance with the
    judgment on the special verdict.
    “The verdict shall cover the issues made by the pleadings and shall be for the
    plaintiff or for the defendant.” OCGA § 9-12-1.
    was awarded $14.2 million in damages– $10.3 million for past and future physical
    and mental pain and suffering; $500,000 for diminished capacity to work; and $3.4
    million for future medical bills.
    [A]n excessive or inadequate verdict is a mistake of fact rather
    than of law and addresses itself to the discretion of the trial judge, who,
    like the jury, saw the witnesses and heard the testimony. In fact, the trial
    court’s approval of the verdict creates a presumption of correctness
    which is not to be disturbed absent compelling evidence. By its plain
    text, OCGA § 51-12-12 [11] pertains only to the discretion of the trial
    court. Under this framework, the trial court is authorized to review an
    award and to determine whether the damages awarded were within the
    range authorized by a preponderance of the evidence. . . . Appellate
    review, by contrast, involves a different analysis. While trial courts have
    discretionary powers to set aside verdicts based on an analysis of the
    evidence they observed as described in OCGA § 51-12-12, appellate
    review is confined to the question of whether the trial court abused its
    discretion in deciding the motion for new trial on this ground.
    Subsection (a) of the statute provides: “The question of damages is ordinarily
    one for the jury; and the court should not interfere with the jury’s verdict unless the
    damages awarded by the jury are clearly so inadequate or so excessive as to be
    inconsistent with the preponderance of the evidence in the case.” Subsection (b)
    provides, “the trial court may order a new trial as to damages only, as to any or all
    parties, or may condition the grant of such a new trial upon any party’s refusal to
    accept an amount determined by the trial court.”
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Rockdale Hosp. v. Evans, 
    306 Ga. 847
    , 851 (2)
    (a) (834 SE2d 77) (2019).
    Moreover, when as here, a significant amount of an award is for pain and
    suffering damages, such award
    is governed by no other standard than the enlightened conscience of
    impartial jurors. And the defendant has a heavy burden under OCGA §
    51-12-12 (a) to establish that such a damage award is excessive. In
    particular, appellate courts should be hesitant to second-guess verdicts
    where the damage award is based in any significant part on pain and
    suffering. Therefore, for this Court to overturn the jury’s verdict, it must
    be so flagrantly excessive or inadequate, in light of the evidence, as to
    create a clear implication of bias, prejudice, or gross mistake by the
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) AT Systems Southeast, Inc. v. Carnes, 
    272 Ga. App. 671
    , 671 (1) (613 SE2d 150) (2005).
    Here, the evidence shows that as a result of the accident, Cole’s right leg was
    almost severed at the knee, and was only attached by three tendons. The impact
    caused multiple fractures to his femur, tibia, fibula and knee cap. Several ligaments
    in his leg, including his ACL, were torn; his leg suffered permanent nerve damage,
    and he will never be able to normally walk, run, jump or play sports. Large sections
    of skin, muscle, soft tissue and cartilage were removed from his right leg, and pins,
    rods and screws were inserted during the six surgeries he had to repair the extensive
    damage to his leg.
    Cole, who was twenty years old at the time of the trial, testified about
    experiencing “[a]bsolutely, terrible and excruciating pain” after his injury, and that
    he had gone back into the hospital weeks after his initial hospitalization because
    “[t]he pain [was] so bad that I . . . couldn’t do it anymore. I was – I mean, I was
    mentally falling apart. I couldn’t handle the pain and the excruciatingness of it for any
    longer.” He also testified that he suffered from “terrible” depression and anxiety after
    the accident. Cole described the daily pain he felt as “achiness, soreness, and an
    occasional nerve will flare up and the pins and needles continue.” Other than
    lingering pain, Cole testified that he continued to experience muscle spasms, trouble
    sleeping, nightmares, anxiety and flashbacks about the earlier excruciating pain. He
    further testified that his injury has placed limitations on his performance at his job.
    There was also evidence that as a result of the injury, Cole could continue to need
    additional medical care, and that he was at higher risk for knee replacement surgery
    and “developing significant arthritis.” At the time of the trial, Cole’s medical bills
    totaled $734,279.07.
    Here, we cannot say that the trial court, who saw the witnesses and heard the
    testimony, abused its discretion in denying the motions for JNOV.
    Case No. A20A1706.
    Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort, LLC (hereinafter “DPS”) asserts
    that the trial court erred in denying its motions for directed verdict and JNOV because
    the evidence did not establish that it owned, occupied or had supervisory or legal
    control of the racing track. It also contends that the trial court erred in denying its
    motions for directed verdict and JNOV because it had no legal duty to the appellees,
    had not breached that duty, and there was no evidence that its breach proximately
    caused the appellees’ injuries. . Based on the same assertions regarding its legal
    status, DPS also contends that the trial court erred in submitting the special verdict
    form to the jury because DPS was therein apportioned fault. Following our review,
    we discern no reversible error.
    6. According to DPS, the only evidence of its ownership were a 2010 check
    drawn on its account payable to the company that constructed the racetrack which
    occurred before the exposed metal culvert pipe was installed, and an accident report
    designating the accident site as “Durhamtown Plantation Resort” rather than
    “Durhamtown Plantation Sportsman’s Resort.” DPS further argues that the evidence
    demonstrates that the employee who signed the report was not its employee.
    As previously noted, this Court reviews the denial of both a motion for directed
    verdict and a motion for JNOV under the “any evidence” standard. Crump v.
    239 Ga. App. 647
    , 648 (1) (520 SE2d 283) (1999). Under this standard,
    we must construe the evidence in the light most favorable to the party who obtained
    a verdict, and if there is any evidence to support the verdict, we will not disturb it.
    Ga. Power Co. v. Irvin, 
    267 Ga. 760
    , 762 (1) (482 SE2d 362) (1997). Here, even
    though DPS was not the owner of the property, there was evidence from which the
    jury could have found that it exercised such control over the property to become an
    “occupier of land” within the meaning of OCGA § 51-3-1. The statute provides,
    “[w]here an owner or occupier of land, by express or implied invitation, induces or
    leads others to come upon his premises for any lawful purpose, he is liable in
    damages to such persons for injuries caused by his failure to exercise ordinary care
    in keeping the premises and approaches safe.”
    From the evidence outlined above, the jury could have found that DPS had
    some responsibility for exercising ordinary care in keeping the premises safe for
    invitees such as Cole. There was evidence that DPS exercised some control over the
    inspection, maintenance and safety of the racetrack through its employees and CEO,
    McCommons. Clifton testified that as race coordinator, she worked for DPS, and was
    charged with overseeing most of the racing related functions. The accident report was
    also signed by the DPS’s employee, although the employee is no longer with the
    company. Throughout the trial, DPS was referred to generally as “Durhamtown,”
    without objection.12 DPS’s contentions created factual issues for the jury to resolve,
    which it did. Our review, applying the “any evidence” standard, discerns no reversible
    error. See Crump, 239 Ga. App. at 648 (1) .
    This same evidence also demonstrated that DPS had control over the racing
    activities.13 Further, the evidence demonstrated that DPS’s operations manager,
    Roberts, was involved in the overall operations of all the facilities, and was the
    person responsible for investigating Cole’s accident and producing a report
    Upon their motions, summary judgment was granted to Durhamtown
    Extreme Sports Outlet, Inc., Durhamtown Farms, Inc., Durhamtown Off Road Park,
    Inc., D. P. Riding and Rental, Inc., and Durhamtown Pro Shop, Inc. Appellant’s
    motion for summary judgment was denied.
    McCommons acknowledged that the check to pay the company to build the
    track was issued by DPS, but thought that the money may have been from a loan from
    one of his other companies.
    In establishing DPS’s breach of that duty, in order for the company to be held
    liable for negligence,
    it is not necessary that [DPS] should have been able to anticipate the
    particular consequences which ensued. It is sufficient if, in ordinary
    prudence, [DPS] might have foreseen that some injury would result from
    [its] act or omission, and that consequences of a generally injurious
    nature might result.
    (Citation and punctuation omitted.) Towles v. Cox, 
    181 Ga. App. 194
    , 197 (1) (351
    SE2d 718) (1986). “It is true that where there are no conditions making the premises
    unusually dangerous, the law does not require the proprietor to provide a constant
    patrol.” (Citation, punctuation and emphasis omitted.) Id. at 196 (1). But this case
    involves an uncovered exposed metal culvert located in close proximity to the edge
    of a racetrack, an entirely foreseeable danger “from the arrangement or use of the
    premises.” (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Hagadorn v. Prudential Ins. Co., 
    267 Ga. App. 143
    , 146 (598 SE2d 865) (2004).
    Based on this evidence, the trial court did not err in denying the DPS’s directed
    verdict and JNOV motions.
    7. DPS next argues that the trial court erred in presenting the special verdict
    form to the jury because it apportioned fault to the appellant despite there being no
    evidence of its fault as to Cole’s injuries.
    The statutory scheme [of OCGA § 51-12-33] is designed to
    apportion damages among all persons or entities who contributed to the
    alleged injury or damages — even persons who are not and could not be
    made parties to the lawsuit. A person will be considered to have
    contributed to the alleged injury where that person is shown to have
    breached a legal duty in the nature of a tort that is owed for the
    protection of the plaintiff, the breach of which is a proximate cause of
    his injury.
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Martin v. Six Flags Over Georgia II, 
    301 Ga. 323
    , 337 (III) (801 SE2d 24) (2017).
    Based on our conclusion in Division 6, we discern no error with DPS’s
    inclusion on the verdict form. See Johnson Street Properties v. Clure, 
    302 Ga. 51
    , 58
    (1) (b) (805 SE2d 60) (2017) (“fault” as used in OCGA § 51-12-33 extends to those
    who “have breached a legal duty in the nature of a tort that is owed for the protection
    of the plaintiff, the breach of which is a proximate cause of his injury”) (citation and
    punctuation omitted).
    Case No. A20A1707
    Two Rivers Irrevocable Trust (hereinafter “Two Rivers”), through its trustee,
    McCommons, asserts that the trial court erred in denying its motions for directed
    verdict and JNOV because there was no evidence of its fault as related to Cole’s
    injury, and that because there was no evidence of its fault, the special verdict form
    improperly included it for apportionment of fault.
    8. Two Rivers denies any relationship as owner or occupier of Durhamtown,
    or that it exercises any legal or supervisory control at Durhamtown. It contends that
    there was no evidence that it had a legal duty to the appellees, breached the duty, or
    that the breach caused the appellees’ injuries. We do not agree.
    “The nondelegable duty to keep one’s premises safe requires that the owner or
    occupier must use ordinary care to guard, cover, or protect the dangerous or defective
    portion of the premises[.]” (Citation, punctuation, and emphasis omitted.) Towles, 181
    Ga. App. at 197 (1). Because this duty of exercising ordinary care is nondelegable,
    an owner will not be excused from liability for an injury occurring on his property
    unless he has delivered “full possession and complete control” of the premises to a
    third party. Id. at 196 (1).
    McCommons testified that Durhamtown is owned by Two Rivers, and that the
    ownership extended to all of the land upon which the different activities, including
    “off road activities,”were held. The ownership was confirmed by the appellant’s
    admission in the pretrial order which stated:
    “Two Rivers Irrevocable Trust” Mike McCommons Trustee U/A . . .
    presently has sole and exclusive title and ownership to the real property
    and/or premises at Durhamtown, and since January 2012– more than
    two (2) years prior to the subject incident– has held sole and exclusive
    title and ownership to the real property and/or premises at
    Durhamtown[.] (Emphasis in original)
    As we have held, “Factual assertions in pleadings and pretrial orders, unless amended,
    are considered judicial admissions conclusively binding on the party who made
    them.” Hill v. Bd. of Regents of the Univ. System of Ga., 
    351 Ga. App. 455
    , 465-466
    (3) (829 SE2d 193) (2019). There is no indication that Two Rivers later amended the
    admission, and thus the admission as to the ownership of Durhamtown is binding on
    the appellant.
    The evidence also contravenes Two Rivers’ assertion that it did not have
    control over the property. As the evidence demonstrated, McCommon, the trustee,
    controlled and directed much of the maintenance, inspection and decision-making
    concerning Durhamtown. He also was involved in the construction of the racetrack
    and, the placement of the culvert under the track. He further testified that the culverts
    were covered by tires and hay to protect the riders from injury. There was also
    testimony that he was the person who knew the most about the operations, conditions
    and upkeep of the tracks. And McCommons testified that he inspected the track the
    morning of Cole’s accident. Thus, there was some evidence of not only Two Rivers’
    legal control as the owner of the property, but also supervisory control of the property
    through the actions of McCommons, its trustee.
    Thus, this enumeration fails.
    9. Contrary to Two Rivers’ contention, there was some evidence from which
    the jury could find that it breached its duty to keep the property safe for invitees, such
    as Cole. There was evidence presented that the exposed metal culvert created a
    dangerous hazard, that it was foreseeable that riders commonly veer off the track and
    could be seriously hurt by an exposed culvert located near the track, that Two Rivers,
    through McCommons, its trustee, was responsible for the maintenance and inspection
    of the track, that McCommons left the culvert uncovered rather than surrounding it
    with tires or hay as was customarily done, and that the breach resulted in Cole’s
    injury and the resulting damages suffered by the appellees. As this Court has
    explained, “[t]he duty is defined by the law; the breach of that duty is determined by
    the particular facts. This is usually a question to be referred to the jury, and should
    always be so referred, unless the allegations (or evidence) show beyond controversy
    that there was no such breach of duty.” (Citation and punctuation omitted; emphasis
    supplied.) Leo v. Waffle House, 
    298 Ga. App. 838
    , 840 (1) (681 SE2d 258) (2009).
    As previously noted, upon motion for directed verdict or JNOV, and in
    determining whether any conflict in the evidence exists, this Court construes the
    evidence most favorably to the party opposing the motion and applies the “any
    evidence” standard in our review. See Park v. Nichols, 
    307 Ga. App. 841
    , 845 (2)
    (706 SE2d 698) (2011). Applying these principles, the jury was authorized to find
    that Two Rivers breached its duty to the appellees, and that such breach caused
    appellees’ damages. Thus, we discern no reversible error in the trial court’s denial of
    the appellant’s motions for directed verdict and JNOV.
    10. Likewise, as there was evidence from which the jury could find Two Rivers
    at fault for the accident, its inclusion on the special verdict form for the
    apportionment of fault was not improper. See Six Flags Over Ga. II, 
    301 Ga. at 337
    Judgment affirmed. Gobeil and Pipkin, JJ., concur.