State v. William James Fifer ( 2013 )

    Docket No. 39591
    STATE OF IDAHO,                                 )     2013 Unpublished Opinion No. 340
    Plaintiff-Respondent,                    )     Filed: January 23, 2013
    v.                                              )     Stephen W. Kenyon, Clerk
    WILLIAM JAMES FIFER,                            )     THIS IS AN UNPUBLISHED
    Defendant-Appellant.                     )     BE CITED AS AUTHORITY
    Appeal from the District Court of the Third Judicial District, State of Idaho,
    Canyon County. Hon. Linda Copple Trout, Senior Judge. Hon. James A.
    Schiller, Magistrate.
    Order of the district court affirming magistrate’s order denying motion to
    suppress, affirmed.
    Lovan Roker & Rounds, P.C., Caldwell, for appellant. Matthew J. Roker argued.
    Hon. Lawrence G. Wasden, Attorney General; Jessica M. Lorello, Deputy
    Attorney General, Boise, for respondent. Jessica M. Lorello argued.
    WALTERS, Judge Pro Tem
    William James Fifer appeals from the judgment entered upon his conditional plea of
    guilty to driving under the influence (DUI), 
    Idaho Code §§ 18-8004
     and 18-8005.            Fifer
    challenges the order denying his motion to suppress evidence. We affirm.
    A citizen called 911 after encountering a motorist who appeared to have stalled his car.
    The caller reported that she offered assistance to the motorist, but the motorist declined.
    Thereafter, the motorist pulled into a Walgreens’ parking lot. The caller described the motorist
    as elderly and confused. She initially reported that the motorist appeared to be intoxicated or
    under the influence. Then, she stated that the motorist may be having symptoms of a stroke. At
    the end of the call, the caller said she did not think the motorist was intoxicated, but just
    confused. The caller described the vehicle as a blue Camaro and provided partial license plate
    identification and the location of the vehicle to the 911 operator. She also provided the operator
    with her name and telephone number.
    In response to the 911 call, a police officer approached Walgreens and observed a blue
    Camaro driven by an elderly male exiting the parking lot. The officer activated his overhead
    lights and pulled in front of the Camaro, preventing the vehicle from leaving. The officer
    identified the driver as Fifer and asked if he needed any medical assistance. Fifer responded that
    he was okay. As he spoke, the officer detected alcohol on Fifer’s breath and asked him if he had
    been drinking. Fifer admitted that he had been drinking and he was arrested for DUI. A
    subsequent breath analysis revealed that Fifer’s breath alcohol content was .182/.173.
    Fifer was charged with DUI and filed a motion to suppress all evidence obtained as a
    result of the traffic stop. The magistrate denied Fifer’s motion to suppress and Fifer entered a
    conditional guilty plea. Fifer timely filed a notice of appeal to the district court, and the district
    court affirmed the magistrate’s decision. Fifer timely appeals.
    Fifer claims that all evidence obtained as a result of his traffic stop should be suppressed
    as the product of an unconstitutional seizure. On review of a decision of the district court,
    rendered in its appellate capacity, we review the decision of the district court directly. Losser v.
    145 Idaho 670
    , 672, 
    183 P.3d 758
    , 760 (2008); State v. DeWitt, 
    145 Idaho 709
    , 711,
    184 P.3d 215
    , 217 (Ct. App. 2008). We examine the magistrate record to determine whether
    there is substantial and competent evidence to support the magistrate’s findings of fact and
    whether the magistrate’s conclusions of law follow from those findings. Losser, 
    145 Idaho at 672
    183 P.3d at 760
    ; DeWitt, 
    145 Idaho at 711
    , 184 P.3d at 217. If those findings are so
    supported and the conclusions follow therefrom and if the district court affirmed the magistrate’s
    decision, we affirm the district court’s decision as a matter of procedure. Losser, 
    145 Idaho at 672
    183 P.3d at 760
    ; DeWitt, 
    145 Idaho at 711
    , 184 P.3d at 217.
    The standard of review of a suppression motion is bifurcated. When a decision on a
    motion to suppress is challenged, we accept the trial court’s findings of fact that are supported by
    substantial evidence, but we freely review the application of constitutional principles to the facts
    as found. State v. Atkinson, 
    128 Idaho 559
    , 561, 
    916 P.2d 1284
    , 1286 (Ct. App. 1996). At a
    suppression hearing, the power to assess the credibility of witnesses, resolve factual conflicts,
    weigh evidence, and draw factual inferences is vested in the trial court. State v. Valdez-Molina,
    127 Idaho 102
    , 106, 
    897 P.2d 993
    , 997 (1995); State v. Schevers, 
    132 Idaho 786
    , 789, 
    979 P.2d 659
    , 662 (Ct. App. 1999).
    The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and its counterpart, Article I,
    Section 17 of the Idaho Constitution, guarantee the right of every citizen to be free from
    unreasonable searches and seizures. The stop of a vehicle constitutes a seizure of its occupants
    and is therefore subject to Fourth Amendment restraints. Delaware v. Prouse, 
    440 U.S. 648
    653-54 (1979); State v. Schumacher, 
    136 Idaho 509
    37 P.3d 6
     (Ct. App. 2001). When the
    reason for a stop is to investigate possible criminal activity, it must be based upon a reasonable,
    articulable suspicion that the person stopped has been or is about to be engaged in criminal
    behavior. State v. Rawlings, 
    121 Idaho 930
    , 932, 
    829 P.2d 520
    , 522 (1992); State v. Fry, 
    122 Idaho 100
    , 103, 
    831 P.2d 942
    , 945 (Ct. App. 1991). However, the investigation of criminal
    activity is not the only justification for a limited detention of a person. A detention is
    constitutionally permissible if it is reasonably conducted in furtherance of the government
    agent’s community caretaking function. See Cady v. Dombrowski, 
    413 U.S. 433
     (1973); In re
    113 Idaho 817
    , 818, 
    748 P.2d 401
    , 402 (1988); State v. Mireles, 
    133 Idaho 690
    991 P.2d 878
     (Ct. App. 1999). The community caretaking function arises from the duty of police
    officers to help citizens in need of assistance, State v. Wixom, 
    130 Idaho 752
    , 754, 
    947 P.2d 1000
    , 1002 (1997), and it is “totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of
    evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute.” Cady, 
    413 U.S. at 441
    In this instance, the magistrate denied Fifer’s motion to suppress evidence on two
    grounds. First, the magistrate found that reasonable articulable suspicion existed to justify the
    stop for the purpose of criminal investigation. Second, the magistrate found that the traffic stop
    was appropriate under the community caretaking function. Fifer challenges both findings.
    We determine that the seizure of Fifer was reasonable under the officer’s community
    caretaking function. Fifer alleges that the community caretaking function is not applicable
    because:   (1) the police officer did not observe any signs of distress from Fifer; (2) the
    information provided by the 911 caller did not demonstrate that an emergency existed; and
    (3) the police officer effectuated his overhead lights, thereby creating an unreasonable detention.
    In analyzing community caretaking function cases, Idaho courts have adopted a totality of the
    circumstances test. Wixom, 
    130 Idaho at 754
    947 P.2d at 1002
    ; State v. Schmidt, 
    137 Idaho 301
    47 P.3d 1271
    , 1273 (Ct. App. 2002). The constitutional standard is whether the intrusive
    action of the police was reasonable in view of all the surrounding circumstances. Wixom, 
    130 Idaho at 754
    947 P.2d at 1002
    ; Schmidt, 137 Idaho at 303-04, 47 P.3d at 1273-74.
    Reasonableness is determined by balancing the public need and interest furthered by the police
    conduct against the degree and nature of the intrusion upon the privacy of the citizen. State v.
    121 Idaho 491
    , 495, 
    826 P.2d 452
    , 456 (1992); Schmidt, 137 Idaho at 304, 47 P.3d at
    1274. 1
    The State points to two cases that are analogous to the instant case. In State v. Cutler,
    143 Idaho 297
    141 P.3d 1166
     (Ct. App. 2006), a police officer and an ambulance responded to
    reports of an incoherent man sitting in a vehicle parked haphazardly in front of a closed store.
    When the police officer arrived, medical personnel from the ambulance informed the officer that
    the man was extremely lethargic, but did not need any medical attention. When the ambulance
    departed, the officer observed a handgun on the ledge between the driver’s seat and the doorsill.
    The officer removed the gun and removed Cutler from the vehicle. A subsequent frisk of Cutler
    revealed additional weapons. The officer then searched the vehicle and found methamphetamine
    and paraphernalia. On appeal following the denial of Cutler’s motion to suppress, this Court
    considered Cutler’s extreme lethargy, his disorientation, the haphazard manner in which he
    stopped his vehicle, and the possibility that he needed medical assistance. Based on those
    considerations, we concluded that “it was reasonable for the officer to believe that Cutler might
    have needed assistance. Therefore, the officer was authorized to briefly detain Cutler and
    ascertain whether he desired help or presented a safety risk to himself or others.” 
    Id. at 304
    , 141
    P.3d at 1173.
    In Clayton, a police officer observed a vehicle in a parking lot with its engine running
    and its headlights on. The vehicle was parked adjacent to a bar at an early morning hour.
    Clayton was sitting in the driver’s seat with his head slumped forward. The officer opened the
    Fifer alleges that “Idaho precedent applying the ‘community caretaking function’ has
    gone astray from the articulation given by the United States Supreme Court in Cady.” Fifer
    claims that Idaho has “failed to recognize that to justify the seizure under the community care
    taking function, such a seizure must be ‘totally divorced from the detection, investigation, or
    acquisition of evidence relating to the violation of a criminal statute.’” We disagree. Idaho
    courts have long recognized Cady’s articulation. See State v. Wixom, 
    130 Idaho 752
    , 754, 
    947 P.2d 1000
    , 1002 (1997); State v. Schmidt, 
    137 Idaho 301
    , 303, 
    47 P.3d 1271
    , 1273 (Ct. App.
    2002); State v. Mireles, 
    133 Idaho 690
    , 692-93, 
    991 P.2d 878
    , 880-81 (Ct. App. 1999).
    vehicle’s door, reached over Clayton, and removed the keys. After Clayton awoke, the officer
    discovered he was intoxicated and arrested him for DUI. Clayton challenged his arrest, claiming
    the officer illegally searched the vehicle when he removed the keys. The Idaho Supreme Court
    disagreed, determining that:
    Tested upon practical considerations of everyday life on which reasonable persons
    act, this situation falls outside the boundaries of normal conduct. The driver
    could have been hurt or sick, and in need of medical attention. [The officer] acted
    prudently and satisfied his caretaking function when investigating the vehicle.
    . . . It is reasonable to assume that he acted out of concern for Clayton’s
    safety in securing the vehicle.
    113 Idaho at 818
    748 P.2d at 402
    Fifer claims that Cutler and Clayton are distinguishable from the instant case. He argues
    that the officers in those cases personally observed the “obvious exigent circumstances” that
    allowed them to exercise their community caretaking function. In the instant case, Fifer argues
    that the officer did not observe him “to be incoherent or to appear in any sort of danger.”
    Consequently, Fifer alleges the officer was unable to justify a seizure under the community
    caretaking function.
    As discussed above, to determine whether a stop falls under the community caretaking
    function, we look to see if the stop was reasonable, based on balancing the public need and
    interest furthered by the police conduct with the degree and nature of the intrusion into privacy.
    Here, the officer was dispatched as a result of a 911 call. During the 911 call, the following
    statements were made by the identified caller:
    CALLER:         Well, there’s a guy in a car on Ustick, and um, I just tried to help
    him because it looked like his car was stalled.
    CALLER:         He seemed kind of confused too. So I’m hoping he’s not having
    symptoms of a stroke or something.
    CALLER:         [B]ut he just was confused.
    Based on these statements, we determine that the 911 call established the possibility of a
    medical emergency. Police officers have a duty under the community caretaking function to
    investigate medical emergencies. See Clayton, 
    113 Idaho at 818
    748 P.2d at 402
     (“When [the
    police officer] observed the vehicle with its motor running, lights on, and the driver slumped
    forward, he had a duty as a police officer to investigate.”). The public interest in preventing the
    type of harm that could result from driving a vehicle while suffering from a medical emergency
    justifies a brief detention to ascertain whether Fifer needed assistance or presented a danger to
    himself or others. Had Fifer been experiencing a medical emergency, his own life and the lives
    of others could have been in peril had he been allowed back on the road. Therefore, it was
    reasonable for the officer to briefly detain Fifer in order to fulfill his community caretaking duty.
    Fifer admits that “it would have been reasonable for the officer to approach [Fifer’s]
    vehicle and ask [Fifer] if he was alright.” However, Fifer alleges that the officer’s use of the
    overhead lights without witnessing any traffic violations or signs of distress was unreasonable.
    Use of the overhead lights was necessary to stop Fifer and prevent the risk of his driving while
    impaired. Without such notice, Fifer could have exited the parking lot and entered the roadway,
    causing danger to himself and other drivers. We determine that the use of the overhead lights
    was reasonable in order to provide greater safety to Fifer, the officer, and other drivers.
    Therefore, based on the totality of the circumstances, it was reasonable for the officer to
    stop Fifer and ascertain his well-being pursuant to the community caretaking function. Thus, the
    district court did not err in affirming the magistrate’s decision to deny the suppression of
    evidence on this ground. We need not examine the magistrate’s decision regarding reasonable
    articulable suspicion, having now affirmed the magistrate’s ruling on community caretaking
    The magistrate denied Fifer’s motion to suppress the evidence.             The district court
    affirmed the magistrate’s decision. Fifer has failed to demonstrate reversible error. Accordingly,
    the district court’s order, on intermediate appeal, is affirmed.
    Chief Judge GUTIERREZ and Judge LANSING CONCUR.