Modified on Denial of Rehearing ( 2006 )

  •                        Docket No. 101263.
    IN THE
    Opinion filed November 30, 2006.–Modified on denial of
    rehearing January 22, 2007.
    CHIEF JUSTICE THOMAS delivered the judgment of the court,
    with opinion.
    Justices Freeman, Fitzgerald, Kilbride, Garman, Karmeier, and
    Burke concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    Defendant, Sherman Campbell, was charged with driving with a
    suspended license, a Class A misdemeanor that is punishable by
    imprisonment (625 ILCS 5/6–303(a) (West 2004); 730 ILCS
    5/5–8–3(a)(1) (West 2004)). On the day of trial, defendant appeared
    without counsel and requested a bench trial. Before proceeding with
    defendant’s request, the circuit court of Will County admonished
    defendant of his right to a jury trial and obtained from defendant a
    signed jury waiver. The following exchange then occurred:
    “COURT: And you are proceeding to trial without an
    attorney, is that correct?
    COURT: All right. And you do not want an attorney?
    COURT: All right. Then have a seat right there at counsel
    table, and we will begin.”
    A bench trial followed, and defendant was convicted. Although the
    State requested a sentence of imprisonment, the trial court sentenced
    defendant to 12 months of conditional discharge, subject to the
    payment of a $100 fine and the performance of 240 hours of
    community service.
    Defendant appealed, arguing that his conviction should be
    reversed because the trial court accepted his waiver of counsel
    without first complying with Supreme Court Rule 401(a) (134 Ill. 2d
    R. 401(a)). That rule states:
    “(a) Waiver of Counsel. Any waiver of counsel shall be in
    open court. The court shall not permit a waiver of counsel by
    a person accused of an offense punishable by imprisonment
    without first, by addressing the defendant personally in open
    court, informing him of and determining that he understands
    the following:
    (1) the nature of the charge;
    (2) the minimum and maximum sentence prescribed by
    law, including, when applicable, the penalty to which the
    defendant may be subjected because of prior convictions or
    consecutive sentences; and
    (3) that he has a right to counsel and, if he is indigent, to
    have counsel appointed for him by the court.” 134 Ill. 2d R.
    The appellate court agreed with defendant and vacated his conviction.
    359 Ill. App. 3d 281
    . We allowed the State’s petition for leave to
    appeal. 177 Ill. 2d R. 315(a).
    At the outset, we note that defendant has fully discharged the
    sentenced imposed in this case. This is of no consequence, however,
    as this court has previously held that, while the completion of a
    defendant’s sentence renders moot a challenge to the sentence, it does
    not so render a challenge to the conviction. In re Christopher K., 217
    Ill. 2d 348, 359 (2005). This is because the nullification of a
    conviction may hold important consequences for a defendant. In re
    K., 217 Ill. 2d at 359
    . Here, defendant’s claim clearly
    calls into question the validity of his conviction. The claim therefore
    is not moot.
    Turning to the merits, we are required in this case to construe the
    scope and meaning of Supreme Court Rule 401(a). The principles by
    which we construe supreme court rules are familiar and well settled.
    The same principles that govern the interpretation of statutes govern
    the interpretation of rules of this court. In re Estate of Rennick, 
    181 Ill. 2d 395
    (1998). Our goal is to ascertain and give effect to the
    intention of the drafters of the rule. 
    Rennick, 181 Ill. 2d at 404
    . A
    court will apply clear and unambiguous language of a rule as it is
    written, without resorting to any further tools of construction.
    Rennick, 181 Ill. 2d at 405
    . Like the interpretation of a statute, the
    interpretation of a supreme court rule is a question of law that we
    review de novo. 
    Rennick, 181 Ill. 2d at 401
    The language of Rule 401(a) could not be clearer: a trial court
    “shall not permit a waiver of counsel by a person accused of an
    offense punishable by imprisonment without first *** informing him
    of and determining that he understands *** that he has a right to
    counsel and, if he is indigent, to have counsel appointed for him by the
    court.” 134 Ill. 2d R. 401(a). The purpose of this rule is “to ensure
    that a waiver of counsel is knowingly and intelligently made.” People
    v. Haynes, 
    174 Ill. 2d 204
    , 241 (1996). Accordingly, substantial
    compliance with Rule 401(a) is required for an effective waiver of
    Haynes, 174 Ill. 2d at 236
    Here, there was no compliance, substantial or otherwise, with
    Rule 401(a). Although defendant was accused of an offense
    punishable by imprisonment, the trial court allowed him to proceed to
    trial pro se without making any attempt to inform him of the nature of
    the charges, the range of possible penalties, or his right to counsel.
    Defendant’s waiver of counsel was therefore ineffective, and his
    conviction cannot stand.
    In opposition to this result, the State argues that the trial court’s
    failure to admonish defendant was harmless because it turns out that
    defendant had no right to counsel in this case. In support, the State
    relies upon the Supreme Court’s decision in Scott v. Illinois, 440 U.S.
    59 L. Ed. 2d 383
    99 S. Ct. 1158
    (1979). In that case, the
    Supreme Court explained that the sixth amendment right to counsel
    prohibits the incarceration of any indigent defendant who is not
    offered appointed counsel. In other words, under Scott, the sixth
    amendment right to counsel exists only in those cases in which a
    sentence of imprisonment is actually imposed. Scott v. 
    Illinois, 440 U.S. at 373
    , 59 L. Ed. 2d at 
    389, 99 S. Ct. at 1162
    imprisonment is “the line defining the constitutional right to
    appointment of counsel”). Because this is not such a case, the State
    maintains that defendant had no sixth amendment right to counsel and
    therefore nothing to be advised of or waive.
    The problem with the State’s argument is that Illinois provides a
    right to counsel that is broader than the sixth amendment right to
    counsel. Section 113–3(b) of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963
    states that “[i]n all cases, except where the penalty is a fine only, if the
    court determines that the defendant is indigent and desires counsel, the
    Public Defender shall be appointed as counsel.” 725 ILCS 5/113–3(b)
    (West 2004). In People v. Hall, 
    114 Ill. 2d 376
    (1986), this court
    explained that “[t]he provisions of section 113–3(b) *** assure the
    right to counsel to an indigent defendant.” (Emphasis added.) 
    Hall, 114 Ill. 2d at 402
    . So even if defendant did not possess a sixth
    amendment right to counsel in this case, he did possess a statutory
    right to counsel, as this was not a case in which the penalty imposed
    was a fine only.
    Significantly, nothing in either Rule 401(a) or this court’s
    jurisprudence supports the State’s assertion that Rule 401(a) is
    concerned solely with waivers of the constitutional right to counsel.
    On the contrary, this court has confirmed that Rule 401(a) is wholly
    unconcerned with the source from which the right to counsel derives.
    In People v. Dupree, 
    42 Ill. 2d 249
    , 252 (1969), the defendant was
    charged with battery, a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months
    in a penal institution “ ‘other than the penitentiary.’ ” He proceeded
    to trial pro se, and the record established that he was neither informed
    of nor made to waive his right to counsel. On appeal, the defendant
    argued that these deficiencies violated both his statutory rights and
    due process of law. In rejecting the defendant’s argument, the court
    first explained that, under the plain language of section 113–3(b), a
    defendant has no right to be informed of his statutory right to counsel:
    “It is patent from the plain words of the statute that this
    statute envisages that there be a showing that defendant
    desired and requested counsel. The evidence and contentions
    here show no such desire or request by defendant. Therefore
    we perceive no violation of this provision of the Code of
    Criminal Procedure.” 
    Dupree, 42 Ill. 2d at 251-52
    The court then explained that, under Supreme Court Rule 401(b)
    (now Rule 401(a)), the trial court was under no obligation either to
    inform the defendant of his right to counsel or to obtain from the
    defendant an express waiver of that right. At the time, Rule 401(b)
    required an express waiver of counsel only in cases in which the
    charged crime was punishable by “imprisonment in the penitentiary.”
    Because the defendant in Dupree was not charged with such a crime,
    the court held that Rule 401(b) did not apply and that an express
    waiver of counsel was therefore unnecessary. 
    Dupree, 42 Ill. 2d at 252
    Dupree confirms that the scope of Rule 401’s express-waiver
    requirement is defined by the plain language of the rule, not by the
    scope of the sixth amendment right to counsel. Indeed, when Dupree
    was decided, this court did not recognize a constitutional right to
    counsel in misdemeanor prosecutions. See 
    Dupree, 42 Ill. 2d at 253
    57. Consequently, the statutory right to counsel was the only right to
    counsel that the defendant in Dupree possessed. Yet, in concluding
    that Rule 401(b) did not require an express waiver of counsel in that
    case, the Dupree court did not simply declare that Rule 401(b) was
    inapplicable to waivers of the statutory right to counsel. Instead, the
    court examined the crime with which the defendant was charged and
    determined that it was not within the class of crimes for which Rule
    401(b) required an express waiver. Thus, Dupree establishes that it is
    not the source of the right to counsel that determines whether Rule
    401 applies; rather, it is the plain language of the rule.
    The rules of this court are not suggestions; rather, they have the
    force of law, and the presumption must be that they will be obeyed
    and enforced as written. Bright v. Dicke, 
    166 Ill. 2d 204
    , 210 (1995).
    Here, defendant was charged with an offense that is punishable by up
    to one year of imprisonment, and he expressed his desire to proceed
    without counsel. Under the plain language of Rule 401(a), he was
    entitled to be advised of his rights, and the trial court’s failure to do
    so was error. Ordinarily, that error would compel the reversal of
    defendant’s conviction and a remand for a new trial. In this case,
    however, defendant has already discharged his sentence, and a new
    trial therefore would be neither equitable nor productive. Accordingly,
    we agree with the appellate court’s conclusion that defendant’s
    conviction must be vacated.1 The judgment of the appellate court is
    therefore affirmed.
    Appellate court judgment affirmed.
    In its petition for rehearing, the State insists that vacating the conviction
    confers a “windfall” on defendant and that the only appropriate remedy in
    this case is a new trial. We question whether defendant would perceive
    himself the beneficiary of a “windfall,” having already served the 12 months
    of conditional discharge, performed the 240 hours of community service, and
    paid the $100 fine imposed in this case. In any event, the State did not raise
    this argument in its brief and therefore under Supreme Court Rule 341(e)(7)
    (210 Ill. 2d R. 341(e)(7)) may not raise it in arguing for rehearing.