People v. Gomez ( 2010 )

  •                                                                                FIFTH DIVISION
    June 30, 2010
    No. 1-08-2266
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,                   )               Appeal from the
    )               Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                    )               Cook County.
    v.                                              )               06 CR 18135
    RAUL GOMEZ,                                            )               The Honorable
    )               Lawrence P. Fox,
    Defendant-Appellant.                   )               Judge Presiding.
    PRESIDING JUSTICE TOOMIN delivered the opinion of the court:
    We are called upon to determine whether the trial court’s in limine ruling curtailed
    defendant’s ability to corroborate his claim of self-defense through his former girlfriend.
    Defendant maintains the ruling, allowing introduction of defendant’s alleged threat on her life if
    she testified at variance with her grand jury testimony, effectively precluded him from calling her
    and furthering his defensive strategy.
    Following a jury trial, defendant, Raul Gomez was convicted of first degree murder and
    attempted first degree murder and sentenced to consecutive terms of 50 and 40 years’
    imprisonment, respectively. Defendant now appeals contending the trial court erred by: (1)
    denying defendant’s motion in limine seeking to limit cross-examination of a defense witness; (2)
    allowing the introduction of his prior conviction; (3) refusing to instruct the jury on his
    provocation-passion theory of second degree murder; and (4) limiting the scope of the direct
    examination of the defendant. For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    Defendant, Raul Gomez was charged by indictment with first degree murder, attempted
    first degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm, and unlawful use of a weapon by a felon.
    The charges stemmed from an occurrence wherein Rafael Trujillo was fatally shot and Luis
    Aguirre sustained nonfatal gunshot wounds. Defendant was tried before a jury and convicted of
    first degree murder and attempted first degree murder. He was then sentenced to 50 years’
    imprisonment for murder and a consecutive term of 40 years’ imprisonment for attempted first
    degree murder. Defendant does not challenge the sufficiency of the evidence or the sentence
    imposed. Consequently, we review only those facts necessary to understand and analyze the
    issues presented.
    In October 2005, Luis Aguirre lived at 6217 South Talman in Chicago, Illinois. Though
    the surrounding neighborhood was traditionally quiet, during the summer of 2005 changes
    occurred. Aguirre attributed them significantly to his neighbor’s son inviting young people over
    to congregate and drink on his property and adjoining residences. On several occasions, Aguirre
    complained to his neighbor, Pedro “Guero” Troncoso, who was in his mid- to late teens, asking
    that he keep his friends off of Aguirre’s porch. The Troncosos lived in the house immediately to
    the south of the Aguirres. After Aguirre approached Troncoso about this issue, the problem
    temporarily abated, but reappeared when Greg Harris, who lived next door to the north, told
    Aguirre that people were hanging out on Aguirre’s porch in his absence. According to Aguirre,
    bottles were left in his bushes and in between his house and Harris’s house. Additionally,
    Troncoso’s visitors would urinate “all over the place. I couldn’t even sit in the front of my house
    because of the flies.” The problem continued.
    On October 8, 2005, Aguirre and his close friend, Rafael Trujillo, attended a birthday
    party in Schaumburg, Illinois. Trujillo drove them in his Durango. They consumed approximately
    six or seven beers over about two to three hours at the party. En route home, they stopped at an
    establishment where Aguirre’s cousin worked and drank a “couple” more beers. Aguirre testified
    that he was “buzzed,” but not stumbling. He denied Trujillo, a physically larger man, was drunk.
    They returned to Aguirre’s home around 1:40 a.m. on October, 9. Eventually, Trujillo
    double-parked in front of Aguirre’s house. Trujillo exited the car, leaving the keys inside with the
    engine running. Aguirre observed a number of people congregating on his porch, Troncoso’s
    porch, and around the area. He was upset and angered by the scene and began yelling for Guero,
    to no avail.
    Aguirre saw a number of unknown males and females gathered around his stairs and
    porch, “Laughing, drinking, getting loud.” Beer bottles were “everywhere.” He recalled:
    “I was a little upset, and I told them to get the - - I told them to get the
    fuck off my property, that I didn’t want them there. I told them, I kept screaming
    for Guero, because I knew those were his friends, so I told them to get the fuck
    out of here, and I was just pretty loud with them.”
    Thereafter, Aguirre returned to Trujillo’s car to retrieve the keys because he was concerned
    someone would try to take the vehicle.
    As he was yelling and swearing at the group, they began coming down the stairs.
    Defendant, whom Aguirre had never seen before, walked up to Aguirre and stared at him.
    Defendant asked if Aguirre knew who he was. In response, Aguirre asked defendant his name
    and what his problem was and told him to get off the property. In turn, defendant uttered
    something that Aguirre was unable to understand.
    Aguirre then heard someone running through the gangway between his home and the
    Troncosos’ home. Defendant turned toward the gangway, and then back to Aguirre, put a gun
    against Aguirre’s chest, and fired. Aguirre heard ringing after the shot and felt pressure in his
    chest. He denied hearing defendant speak before firing. Aguirre then turned, saw blood on his
    hands and squirting from his chest, and fell to the ground. As he lay on the ground, Aguirre heard
    additional shots and heard Trujillo moan each time he was hit. Prior to the final two shots,
    defendant said something, which Aguirre could not hear. Aguirre never saw anyone else with a
    Aguirre and Trujillo were unarmed throughout the confrontation. Aguirre did not recall
    having anything in his hands and denied threatening, using force against, or touching defendant.
    Instead, he recalled, “I was just loud, that’s all. I just wanted them off my porch.” According to
    Aguirre, Trujillo was “mad” and screamed and yelled to disperse the group from Aguirre’s
    On cross-examination, Aguirre denied telling a detective that he grabbed defendant’s arm.
    Also, he did not recall writing a statement the following day in his hospital bed, though he did
    recall talking to detectives. Aguirre noted the handwriting was “very sloppy” and that it was not
    like his handwriting. In the statement, Aguirre purportedly recalled that defendant got angry
    because Aguirre was leading him by the arm. Aguirre likewise denied that Harris attempted to
    intervene and that Aguirre responded that he did not need to call the police.
    Greg Harris testified that friends of Guero Troncoso had been sitting on Aguirre’s porch
    when he was not at home. Starting at about 10 p.m. on October 8, Harris saw teenagers and
    young adults congregating on Aguirre’s porch. At around 1:30 a.m., while watching television,
    his attention was drawn to yelling at Aguirre’s porch. According to Harris, it “[s]ounded like
    [Aguirre]. I knew he was probably just telling them to get off his porch as he’d done before.”
    Aguirre was yelling and swearing at the group. Harris looked out the window and saw Aguirre
    and his friend, with their car double-parked. Believing Aguirre was going to solve the problem,
    Harris went back to watching television.
    The yelling did not stop and exchanges of words were heard. Harris returned to the
    window and “heard [Aguirre] on the porch area.” Harris also saw a light-complected, bald male
    “squaring off” with Aguirre, “very macho like arguing.”    Just then Harris saw a young, thin Latin
    male run past his bushes. He then heard three shots and saw smoke. Harris ran to the rear of his
    house and called 9-1-1. Harris never saw a weapon in the hands of Aguirre or Trujillo.
    Pedro “Guero” Troncoso recounted approximately five occasions when he spoke to
    Aguirre about people hanging out on Aguirre’s property. Troncoso denied having control over
    the group, as some were his friends but others, including defendant, were not. According to
    Guero, he told his friends to stay off of Aguirre’s property. During the evening of October 8,
    Guero saw defendant carrying beers and heading to Aguirre’s front porch. Later that night,
    Guero left the premises and when he returned he saw defendant and Aguirre arguing. Aguirre
    was pointing his finger at defendant. He estimated the men were three feet apart as they argued.
    Guero had remained in his car and could not hear what they were saying. Trujillo was standing
    behind Aguirre “trying to defend [Aguirre] too,” but was not saying anything. Guero never saw
    Aguirre grab defendant by the arm or Aguirre return to Trujillo’s Durango. Guero did not see
    weapons in Aguirre’s or Trujillo’s hands. Edgar Serrano attempted to intervene in the argument
    by pushing defendant back and endeavoring to calm him. Guero then saw defendant push Edgar
    out of the way, draw a pistol, and fire at Aguirre and then at Trujillo. The gun was not pressed
    against Aguirre, as three feet separated him and defendant. Guero heard gunshots coming from
    the area where defendant was. Because he was trying to park his car, Guero could not see the
    entire confrontation.
    Jose Moreno testified that he saw three or four men, including defendant, Jesse “Baby”
    Medina, Aguirre and Trujillo, in a confrontation. Moreno could tell by the gestures the men were
    making that they were arguing. Aguirre and defendant were “eye to eye,” less than five feet apart.
    Trujillo was “getting crazy” and the men were all gesturing at one another. Moreno described
    Trujillo’s gesturing as “lifting up his shirt pumping on his chest like hitting -- hitting himself.”
    Moreno never saw any of the parties touch one another. Moreno remained in the car because
    when he started to exit, he heard gunfire. He could not say how many shots he heard, though it
    was less than 10. Moreno did not see Aguirre or Trujillo holding weapons at any time during the
    Erica Lujano arrived at the scene sometime in the late evening of October 8, or in the early
    morning hours of October 9, with her friend Marie Sell, her sister Amy, and her cousin Sabrina
    Aponte. They, along with defendant and others, were hanging out in front of a house. About 15
    minutes after arriving, a Dodge Durango pulled up in front of the house and two men exited.
    Prior to their arrival, Lujano spoke with defendant and he did not appear intoxicated. The two
    men approached the house and asked defendant why he was “disrespecting” in front of their
    house. Defendant responded, “[I]t’s fine. We’ll leave.” Lujano and the other women returned to
    Marie’s car while defendant picked up the beer from the porch and stairs. Thereafter, Lujano
    stated: “I saw when Sabrina was standing by the door, and I looked, I glanced back and I saw the
    guy with the long hair ran to his truck and Sabrina said get in the car, [defendant], watch it.”
    Lujano omitted Sabrina’s statement when she was interviewed prior to her grand jury appearance
    and when she testified therein. However, she remembered the statement in the week after she was
    subpoenaed for trial. She discussed it in the presence of Aponte and defense counsel.
    Lujano did not recall seeing anything in the man’s hands after he reached into the car. The
    man then returned to the altercation involving defendant. According to Lujano, defendant and
    Baby were about five feet from the other two men. Aguirre and Trujillo appeared drunk, were
    moving their arms a lot, and were fidgety as they argued, while defendant and Baby were still.
    Lujano saw defendant pull the gun from near his belt and point it at Aguirre and Trujillo. Lujano
    and her sister ducked down and she heard gunshots. Lujano estimated defendant had the gun out
    for one to two minutes, while the men argued and approached him, before firing. She estimated 5
    to 10 shots were fired.
    During trial, defense counsel moved in limine to bar questioning of Sabrina Aponte
    regarding a threat she received. Counsel explained how Aponte filed a police report concerning a
    phone call wherein a female voice conveyed a threat to Aponte’s life, allegedly originating from
    defendant. According to the State, the threat occurred between Aponte’s grand jury testimony
    and trial. If Aponte testified and it differed from her previous testimony, the State asserted it
    should be able to bring out the threat to explain any change in her testimony. When the issue was
    initially addressed, the State had not determined whether Aponte would be called as a witness.
    Ultimately, the trial judge concluded, “I can’t really rule without seeing exactly how this unfolds,
    but it would seem to me that this kind of evidence could and very well might be admissible
    depending on how her testimony goes if she even testifies.”
    The issue arose again near the close of the State’s case-in-chief, when defense counsel
    indicated he planned to call Aponte as a witness. Counsel sought to bar any cross-examination
    regarding the threat because it could not be linked to defendant and allowing it would be
    prejudicial, by painting defendant in a negative light. Additionally, defense counsel claimed that if
    the threat were to come out during cross-examination, “it could have a chilling affect [sic] on the
    defendant’s lawyer’s decision as to whether to call this *** witness or not and I think [Aponte]
    does add something to the defendant’s claim of justifiable use of force.” The State again
    maintained that it would be important to examine this matter if Aponte’s testimony differed from
    her grand jury testimony or if she denied having been threatened. Once again, the court observed
    that much depended upon how Aponte testified and denied the motion to bar cross-examination
    of Aponte as to the alleged threat. The State would be permitted to use threat evidence to
    establish why Aponte’s testimony at trial differed from her grand jury testimony, if such a
    situation arose.
    Following denial of defendant’s motion for a directed verdict, the issue arose again. The
    trial judge confirmed his earlier ruling that impeachment with the alleged threat would be
    permitted only if the State sufficiently established that Aponte’s testimony differed from her
    previous testimony. Defense counsel then indicated:
    “Judge, maybe I can put this to rest on behalf of the defendant. Given the
    Court’s ruling you just articulated regarding the so-called report of a threat, based
    on that ruling, the defendant is not going to be calling Sabrina Aponte as a witness
    because we believe the prejudicial effect that would have on the jury towards my
    client *** greatly would outweigh any probative effect her testimony would have.”
    The defense then called Detective Daniel McNally, who visited Aguirre in the hospital
    after the shooting. According to McNally, on October 10, 2005, Aguirre was intubated at the
    time and unable to speak, but wrote out a statement about what happened. A portion of the
    statement read, “He got pissed off because I was leading him by the arm.”
    Defendant testified that, on October 8, 2005, he did not possess anything to protect
    himself. When he arrived at Guero’s house, he had not consumed any alcohol, but had smoked
    marijuana. Around midnight, his fiancée, Sabrina Aponte, arrived with three other females,
    including Erica Lujano. Approximately 10 minutes later a Dodge Durango drove down the street
    on two occasions, “the second time they had came through, they started reversing, I guess like
    double parking.” Defendant did not know the men in the car. Then, Baby suggested that
    defendant watch the Durango. In turn, defendant told Aponte to watch out.
    Two men got out of the Durango and began “yelling and cursing at us.” Specifically,
    Trujillo, the driver, was yelling and cursing. Trujillo first said, “You and your bitches get the fuck
    out of here.” Defendant responded, “Hold on, who are you?” Trujillo claimed it was his house
    and told defendant and his cohorts to leave. Defendant replied, “Calm down, we leaving anyway”
    and told the women to get in the car. As defendant collected the beer, Trujillo and Aguirre
    complained about people come over and making a mess on Aguirre’s property. One of the men
    said he had told Guero and a man named Dean to stop people from congregating on the property.
    Defendant asked about the connection to Dean, who was one of defendant’s “older associates.”
    Thereafter, Sabrina exited the car and told defendant to “watch out” and that one of the
    men was “getting something.” According to defendant, “So, I turned my attention back towards
    their direction and I saw Luis Aguirre in the passenger side of the Durango like underneath the
    passenger seat.” Someone mentioned the word “police,” but defendant did not know who said it.
    Aguirre said words to the effect that he did not need the police. Defendant further testified:
    “I told him what are you on. And after that, you know, when the Durango
    was reversing backwards, Jesse handed me a firearm, you know. And that’s when
    I went back to ask Luis and them what are you on. I had grabbed the firearm out
    of my waistband and I pointed it at them, like man put your hands up, man, what
    you all on, we leaving, you know. Calm down.”
    Aguirre then “reached for his back behind his jacket and I shot him.” According to defendant, he
    aimed for his chest. Defendant did not see a gun, but was “not going to wait to see it and get
    shot.” Aguirre never threatened defendant. Yet, he took Aguirre’s “motions” as a threat.
    Defendant’s attention turned to Trujillo, whom he saw coming toward him and “reaching
    for his shirt.” When Trujillo did so, defendant opened fire. Defendant “felt like they were pulling
    a gun” on him. Based upon the trip to the car and the reaching into their shirts, coupled with his
    experiences “growing up in the city” and having been shot before, defendant figured they were
    pulling guns, and he shot first. After the first shot at Trujillo, defendant held onto the trigger
    because Trujillo kept coming at him. Defendant continued to fire at him as he fell to the ground.
    Though defendant claimed to have frequented the area, he denied knowing Aguirre and
    “[n]ever paid any attention to him.” Aguirre attracted defendant’s attention on October 9, 2005,
    because he drove down the street twice. According to defendant, anyone who did so would have
    received his attention. When asked if a car looking for parking, as Aguirre was, was sufficient for
    defendant’s associate to hand him a gun, defendant responded, “Could have been a drive by. You
    never know.”
    Defendant explained that Aguirre did touch him at one point. He recounted it as follows:
    “He grabbed me by the arm but it was nothing like fighting type, it was more like trying to treat
    me like a little kid or something.” In response, defendant indicated to Baby a desire to leave. At
    no time did Aguirre strike or hit him. Defendant denied that either he or Aguirre ever raised their
    voices toward one another. Likewise, defendant did not consider any of Aguirre’s words
    threatening. However, defendant claimed Aguirre raised his voice and was threatening toward
    We first address the claim that the trial court erred in refusing to bar cross-examination of
    Sabrina Aponte regarding the alleged threat on her life. Defendant maintains that the trial court’s
    denial of the in limine motion curtailed his ability to corroborate his affirmative defense. The
    State asserted it would only address the threat if her trial testimony differed from her grand jury
    testimony. As noted, after initially holding its ruling in abeyance, the trial judge denied the
    motion. According to defendant:
    “The ruling left the defendant with [the] unenviable decision of either calling Aponte
    as a witness and allowing the jury to hear that the defendant allegedly threatened her,
    or, not calling her and forfeiting the essential corroboration of the defendant’s
    testimony that Aguiree went to the truck and that Aponte warned Gomez to be
    careful as it appeared Aguirre was getting something.”
    Consequently, defendant did not call Aponte as a witness and thereby was “precluded *** from
    perfecting a legal and supportable affirmative defense.”
    Generally, rulings on motions in limine are reserved for the discretion of the trial court
    and are not subject to reversal unless that discretion is abused. People v. Nelson, 
    235 Ill. 2d 386
    922 N.E.2d 1056
    , 1075 (2009). A court will be found to abuse its discretion when a ruling
    is arbitrary, unreasonable, or fanciful or the ruling adopts a view no reasonable person would
    take. People v. Delvillar, 
    235 Ill. 2d 507
    , 519, 
    922 N.E.2d 330
    , 338 (2009).
    As noted, defendant chose not to call Aponte to testify. Defendant’s choice dooms his
    claim of error. Our conclusion finds support from the analogous line of cases addressing motions
    in limine to preclude admission of prior convictions against a defendant, including Luce v. United
    469 U.S. 38
    83 L. Ed. 2d 443
    105 S. Ct. 460
    (1984), People v. Whitehead, 
    116 Ill. 2d 425
    508 N.E.2d 687
    (1987), and People v. Averett, Nos. 106362, 106621 cons. (April 15, 2010).
    Those cases stand for the proposition that a defendant must testify in order to challenge the
    deferral of a ruling on an in limine motion. In the present case, the trial judge ultimately denied
    the motion. As the supreme court noted in Whitehead, the logical framework behind its holding
    was based upon the Supreme Court’s ruling in Luce. There, the Supreme Court held a defendant
    must testify to preserve a claim of error because attempting to divine the trial court’s ruling
    whether to allow such an attack was purely conjectural, just as it was conjecture as to whether the
    prosecution would endeavor to impeach with prior convictions. 
    Whitehead, 116 Ill. 2d at 444
    508 N.E.2d at 694, quoting 
    Luce, 469 U.S. at 42
    , 83 L. Ed. 2d at 
    448, 105 S. Ct. at 463
    In the case sub judice, Aponte never testified, which, consistent with Luce and its
    progeny, makes any analysis of what might have happened entirely conjectural. Contrary to
    defendant’s claim, the absence of this testimony did not preclude him from corroborating his
    affirmative defense premised upon a warning that Aguirre grabbed something from the car. The
    record demonstrates that similar testimony was developed through Erica Lujano. Since Lujano’s
    testimony was not meaningfully controverted, it could well be argued Aponte’s testimony on this
    point would simply be cumulative of what was already before the jury. Additionally, defendant
    testified about Aponte’s warning, lending further credence to the statement as well as
    corroborating Lujano’s testimony. Therefore, for the reasons noted, we find this claim to be
    without merit.
    Additionally, and more basically, the trial judge’s ruling denying the motion was consonant
    with established case law. Had the situation arisen, wherein Aponte testified inconsistently with
    her prior testimony, impeachment by way of her prior grand jury statement would have been
    proper. See People v. Barajas, 
    322 Ill. App. 3d 541
    , 556, 
    749 N.E.2d 1047
    , 1058 (2001). Fear
    for one’s own safety is properly admitted when used to illustrate why a witness had given
    inconsistent statements. 
    Barajas, 322 Ill. App. 3d at 556
    , 749 N.E.2d at 1058. Importantly,
    testimony concerning the witness’s concerns could easily be carefully tailored by the trial court so
    as to explain the reason without impugning or prejudicing defendant thereby. Nevertheless, the
    failure to call Aponte to testify prevents full development of this issue for our review.
    Consequently, the claim must fail.
    We next consider whether the trial court erred in admitting defendant’s prior conviction
    for aggravated discharge of a firearm. According to defendant, the State’s motivation for
    bringing out the prior conviction, other than general impeachment, was to establish his propensity
    for violence, to demonstrate he was the initial aggressor, and to show his disrespect for society.
    As this issue stems from a ruling on a motion in limine, we review this claim of error for abuse of
    discretion. People v. Patrick, 
    233 Ill. 2d 62
    , 68, 
    908 N.E.2d 1
    , 5 (2009). Established precedent
    instructs that decisions concerning the admission of a defendant’s prior convictions must be based
    upon the weighing of the probative value as against the danger of unfair prejudice. 
    Patrick, 233 Ill. 2d at 68
    , 908 N.E.2d at 5, citing People v. Montgomery, 
    47 Ill. 2d 510
    , 517, 
    268 N.E.2d 695
    699 (1971). However, this balancing only occurs if the prior conviction occurred within the
    preceding 10 years and “the prior crime was punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one
    year, or involved dishonesty or false statements, regardless of punishment.” 
    Patrick, 233 Ill. 2d at 69
    , 908 N.E.2d at 5.
    Defendant argues that admitting a prior conviction for the purpose of establishing
    defendant’s disrespect for society is improper. Admittedly, the State’s argument did touch upon
    this rationale. Yet, the record demonstrates this was not the rationale invoked by the trial judge in
    deciding the motion. Importantly, our task is to determine whether the trial court properly
    exercised discretion in its decision. See 
    Patrick, 233 Ill. 2d at 68
    , 908 N.E.2d at 5. We are not
    persuaded, necessarily, with the arguments offered by the parties in support of their respective
    As our supreme court explained in People v. Naylor:
    “When a defendant testifies on his own behalf, the record of the defendant's prior
    conviction is not introduced, and cannot be considered, for the purpose of proving the
    defendant's guilt or innocence of the crime for which the defendant is being tried;
    rather, it is admissible only for the purpose of discrediting the defendant as a witness.”
    People v. Naylor, 
    229 Ill. 2d 584
    , 594, 
    893 N.E.2d 653
    , 660 (2008).
    This position is consistent with the terms of section 115-16 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of
    1963 (725 ILCS 5/115-16 (West 2006)), which provides:
    “No person shall be disqualified as a witness in a criminal case or proceeding by
    reason of his or her interest in the event of the case or proceeding, as a party or
    otherwise, or by reason of his or her having been convicted of a crime; but the interest
    or conviction may be shown for the purpose of affecting the credibility of the
    witness.” 725 ILCS 5/115-16 (West 2006).
    In matters such as the case sub judice, where a defendant claims self-defense or otherwise
    attempts to justify his actions, his testimony necessarily places his credibility at issue. The record
    reveals that the trial judge carefully considered the motion in limine and balanced the probative
    value of the prior conviction as against the danger of unfair prejudice to the defendant.
    Specifically, the trial judge applied the supreme court’s finding in People v. Williams, 
    161 Ill. 2d 1
    641 N.E.2d 296
    (1994), noting particularly the Williams court’s holding that the prior
    convictions may be admissible for some other purpose. In the present case, that basis of relevance
    derived from defendant’s indication that he would claim self-defense. Consequently, the prior
    conviction could be relevant to the issue of whether defendant was the initial aggressor. In sum,
    the trial court found the prior conviction was probative and the probative value of it outweighed
    any prejudice inuring from its introduction. Having considered the trial court’s ruling and its
    bases, we conclude the trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting the prior conviction.
    Defendant asserts a related claim of error in admitting the prior conviction based upon the
    “initial aggressor” theory. This claim relates to the trial court’s decision to allow the admission of
    a prior conviction of Rafael Trujillo. In support of this contention, defendant argues his
    conviction for aggravated discharge of a firearm was improperly admitted because it “had nothing
    to do with dishonesty or false statement.” Facially, this is accurate insofar as defendant’s prior
    conviction is concerned. However, this argument understates the Montgomery rule. As noted,
    the threshold guidelines for admission involve the age and character of the prior conviction.
    Montgomery, 47 Ill. 2d at 516-17
    , 268 N.E.2d at 698-99. Moreover, precedent instructs that
    admissible prior convictions are either punishable by one year or more in prison – i.e., felonies –
    or involving dishonesty or false statement. See People v. Slabaugh, 
    323 Ill. App. 3d 723
    , 726,
    753 N.E.2d 1170
    , 1173 (2001) (“[P]rior convictions for impeachment purposes should be limited
    to crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year (felonies) or any crimes involving
    dishonesty”). The qualifying or admissible types of prior convictions are separated by “or” in
    each case. While our supreme court “has also recognized that ‘and’ is often used interchangeably
    with ‘or,’ the meaning being determined by the context” (County of Du Page v. Illinois Labor
    Relations Board, 
    231 Ill. 2d 593
    , 606, 
    900 N.E.2d 1095
    , 1102 (2008)), the context here can yield
    only the singular conclusion that the guideposts for admission were named in the disjunctive,
    rather than the conjunctive. Therefore, defendant’s attempt to limit the application of this rule is
    unavailing, as is his claim of error.
    In defendant’s statement of the issue concerning the admission of his prior conviction, he
    refers to prior convictions as substantive evidence. This point is not argued in any discernible way
    in his brief. Moreover, no authority is cited to support any argument along these lines. Supreme
    Court Rule 341(h)(7) provides, in relevant part, “Points not argued are waived ***” 210 Ill. 2d
    R. 341(h)(7). Consequently, to the extent defendant claims the prior conviction was admitted as
    substantive evidence, this claim is waived.
    We next address defendant’s claim that “The trial court erred when it failed to instruct the
    jury on second degree murder based on provocation resulting from the aggressive and threatening
    conduct of Aguirre and Trujillo.” It is axiomatic that “fundamental fairness requires that the trial
    court fully and properly instruct the jury on the elements of the offense, the burden of proof, and
    the presumption of innocence.” People v. Pierce, 
    226 Ill. 2d 470
    , 475, 
    877 N.E.2d 408
    , 410
    (2007), citing People v. Williams, 
    181 Ill. 2d 297
    , 318, 
    692 N.E.2d 1109
    , 1121 (1998).
    Typically, issues concerning jury instructions are reviewed for abuses of discretion. 
    Pierce, 226 Ill. 2d at 475
    , 877 N.E.2d at 410. However, when the issue addresses itself to whether the
    instruction “conveyed to the jury the law applicable to the case, our review is de novo.” 
    Pierce, 226 Ill. 2d at 475
    , 87 N.E.2d at 410, citing People v. Parker, 
    223 Ill. 2d 494
    , 501, 
    861 N.E.2d 936
    , 939 (2006).
    Generally, it is appropriate to instruct the jury on defense theories supported by the
    evidence at trial, even if it is only slight. People v. Davis, 
    213 Ill. 2d 459
    , 478, 
    821 N.E.2d 1154
    1165 (2004), citing People v. Everette, 
    141 Ill. 2d 147
    , 156, 
    565 N.E.2d 1295
    , 1298 (1991).
    “Very slight evidence upon a given theory of a case will justify the giving of an instruction.”
    People v. Jones, 
    175 Ill. 2d 126
    , 132, 
    676 N.E.2d 646
    , 649 (1997), citing People v. Bratcher, 
    63 Ill. 2d 534
    , 540, 
    349 N.E.2d 31
    , 34 (1976). Thus, where some evidence was presented, it is an
    abuse of discretion to refuse to instruct the jury. 
    Jones, 175 Ill. 2d at 131-32
    , 676 N.E.2d at 649.
    As the Supreme Court observed in Mathews v. United States, “As a general proposition a
    defendant is entitled to an instruction as to any recognized defense for which there exists evidence
    sufficient for a reasonable jury to find in his favor.” Mathews v. United States, 
    485 U.S. 58
    , 63,
    99 L. Ed. 2d 54
    , 61, 
    108 S. Ct. 883
    , 887 (1988). This proposition understandably embraces
    defendants charged with homicides and entitles them to an instruction on self-defense “where
    there is some evidence in the record which, if believed by a jury, would support the defense.”
    Everette, 141 Ill. 2d at 156-57
    , 565 N.E.2d at 1299. Yet, this entitlement is not without limits:
    “This court has held that ‘very slight evidence upon a given theory of a case will
    justify the giving of an instruction,’ but we must be wary so as not to permit a
    defendant to demand unlimited instructions based upon the merest factual reference
    or witness’ comment. [Citation.] Where self-defense is not supported by the
    evidence, an instruction thereon may properly be refused.” 
    Everette, 141 Ill. 2d at 157
    , 565 N.E.2d at 1299.
    In the present case the jury was instructed on both self-defense and second degree murder
    premised on imperfect self-defense. Defendant does not take issue with these tenets of law.
    Rather, he contends the trial court erred in not instructing the jury on a theory of second degree
    murder based on provocation-passion emanating from what he perceived as “aggressive and
    threatening conduct” by the victims. Section 9-2 of the Criminal Code of 1961 defines second
    degree murder as follows:
    “(a) A person commits the offense of second degree murder when he commits
    the offense of first degree murder *** and either of the following mitigating factors
    are present:
    (1) At the time of the killing he is acting under a sudden and
    intense passion resulting from serious provocation by the individual
    killed or another whom the offender endeavors to kill, *** or
    (2) At the time of the killing he believes the circumstances to be
    such that, if they existed, would justify or exonerate the killing under the
    principles stated in Article 7 of this Code [(720 ILCS 5/7-1 et seq.)], but
    his belief is unreasonable.
    (b) Serious provocation is conduct sufficient to excite an intense passion in a
    reasonable person.” 720 ILCS 5/9-2 (West 2006).
    To date, Illinois courts have only recognized four particular types of circumstances of
    serious provocation, including substantial physical injury or assault, mutual quarrel or combat,
    illegal arrest, and adultery with the offender’s spouse. People v. Leach, 
    391 Ill. App. 3d 161
    908 N.E.2d 1
    20, 135 (2009), citing People v. Chevalier, 
    131 Ill. 2d 66
    , 71, 
    544 N.E.2d 942
    , 944 (1989). In the trial court and, once again, before us, defendant seeks to bring forth a
    fifth type of serious provocation. We decline to do so. Manifestly, the existing categories are
    based upon actual and ascertainable conduct or action. Furthermore, our supreme court has
    continually adhered to the principle stating, “Mere words and gestures, however, are not enough
    to constitute serious provocation.” People v. Blackwell, 
    171 Ill. 2d 338
    , 358, 
    665 N.E.2d 782
    791 (1996). What defendant suggests is a category of serious provocation based upon a
    defendant’s subjective interpretation of the situation, including the victims’ words and gestures.
    Yet, defendant’s own testimony undermined any claim of aggressiveness or threatening behavior
    on the part of the victims. Defendant did not offer any testimony to indicate that he felt
    threatened by the victims, even when he was allegedly taken by the arm. In defendant’s words,
    “[Aguirre] grabbed me by the arm but it was nothing like fighting type, it was more like trying to
    treat me like a little kid or something.” The closest he can muster is a sense of annoyance or
    frustration, expressed to Baby by saying, “let’s go, fuck these niggers, man,” which is not enough
    to constitute serious provocation.
    Moreover, even assuming the existence of a category of serious provocation to encompass
    defendant’s claims, we find defendant did not present even slight evidence to support the giving of
    such an instruction. Consequently, the trial court did not abuse its discretion in denying the
    requested instruction. Defendant’s claim is without merit.
    Finally, defendant next claims the trial court erred in sustaining the State’s objections
    during the defendant’s testimony. According to defendant, the sustained objections prevented
    him from fully eliciting his state of mind, which bore upon his theory of defense. As this claim of
    error addresses itself to evidentiary rulings, we review those rulings under the abuse of discretion
    standard. People v. Wheeler, 
    226 Ill. 2d 92
    , 132, 
    871 N.E.2d 728
    , 750 (2007).
    In support of his argument, defendant cites People v. Harris, 
    8 Ill. 2d 431
    , 436, 
    134 N.E.2d 315
    , 318 (1956), for the proposition that “he should have been allowed to testify about his
    intention, motive or belief.” Harris does not support defendant’s argument when the full context
    is understood. What defendant cites represents only one-half of the cited sentence. The entire
    statement is as follows: “In such cases the defendant’s state of mind is material and a proper
    subject of examination, [citations], yet this does not warrant the use of leading or other improper
    interrogatories.” (Emphasis added.) 
    Harris, 8 Ill. 2d at 436
    , 134 N.E.2d at 318. The latter
    clause unmistakably and absolutely undermines defendant’s claim of error.
    Defendant also cites to People v. Pernell, 
    72 Ill. App. 3d 664
    , 668, 
    391 N.E.2d 85
    , 88
    (1979). In Pernell, our third division found error where general objections were sustained as to
    questions eliciting defendant’s state of mind concerning his shooting of the victim. The questions
    in Pernell were properly posed and in proper form. In these ways, the situation in Pernell differs
    importantly from the case sub judice. Defense counsel’s questions of defendant were not in
    proper from and properly objected to – with specific objections – and the objections were
    properly sustained.
    Likewise, defendant cites People v. Williams, 
    45 Ill. App. 3d 338
    , 343, 
    359 N.E.2d 736
    739 (1977), where our second division found the trial court unduly restricted the examination of
    the defendant as to his state of mind. In that case, the court was unable to conclude the error was
    harmless because it was deemed “crucial testimony.” The same cannot be said here. The
    evidence was devoid of any reasonable basis for defendant’s actions or the magnitude thereof.
    Because we find the trial court’s rulings were not in error, we need not engage in the harmless
    error assessment undertaken in Williams.
    Inasmuch as the various objections to the examination of defendant were legally correct,
    the rulings did not constitute abuses of discretion. The evidence counsel sought to elicit was
    potentially relevant. However, in order to secure its admission it was incumbent upon counsel to
    pose proper questions. We discern no reason why doing so was uniquely difficult or
    unmanageable in the present case. Therefore, we find this claim of error is similarly unavailing.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court of Cook County.
    FITZGERALD SMITH and LAVIN, JJ., concur.