Granberry v. Carbondale Clinic ( 1996 )

  •                               NO. 5-92-0628




                           APPELLATE COURT OF ILLINOIS


                                 FIFTH DISTRICT



    SUSAN GRANBERRY, by her Mother and   )  Appeal from the

    Next Friend, CAROL GRANBERRY; and    )  Circuit Court of

    CAROL GRANBERRY, Individually,       )  Jackson County.  


        Plaintiffs-Appellants,          )

    v.                                   )  No. 84-L-55


    CARBONDALE CLINIC, S.C., a           )  

    Corporation; JOSEPH C. TSUNG, M.D.;  )

    and URDUJA PULIDO, M.D.,             )  Honorable

                                        )  George Oros,

        Defendants-Appellees.           )  Judge, presiding.  



        JUSTICE MAAG delivered the opinion of the court:  

        Plaintiffs, Susan Granberry, by her mother and next friend,

    Carol Granberry, and Carol Granberry, individually, filed an eight-

    count complaint on May 4, 1984, in the circuit court of Jackson

    County alleging medical malpractice against defendants, Carbondale

    Clinic, Joseph C. Tsung, M.D., William R. Hamilton, M.D., and

    Sidney G. Smith, M.D.  More specifically, the complaint alleged,

    inter alia, that because defendants were negligent in treating

    Carol's preeclampsia, she delivered a premature child that suffered

    from respiratory distress syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia, birth

    trauma, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, cerebral palsy, and spastic

    quadriparesis.  On June 26, 1985, plaintiffs amended their

    complaint, adding Dr. Urduja Pulido as an additional defendant.

        Susan's cerebral palsy was caused by a brain lesion known as

    periventricular leukomalacia.  Periventricular leukomalacia is a

    destruction of the white matter next to and above the brain

    ventricles.  Due to plaintiffs' main theory of malpractice being

    that Susan's brain lesion would not have developed but for the

    negligent failure to deliver Susan as soon as Carol developed

    severe preeclampsia, plaintiffs needed to establish that Susan's

    brain lesion developed in utero as a result of Carol's severe


        The trial lasted nearly four months, with the jury returning

    a verdict in favor of defendants.  Plaintiffs' posttrial motion was

    denied, and a timely notice of appeal was filed.

        Plaintiffs claim that the trial court erred in refusing to

    allow them to ask Dr. Allan Bennett, a treating obstetrician, a

    hypothetical question designed to elicit a conditional admission of

    liability merely because Dr. Bennett did not agree with the


        The relevant facts are as follows.  Dr. Roger Klam, an

    obstetrician and gynecologist, testified on June 15, 1989.  Dr.

    Klam was the attending obstetrician at the time of Susan's birth

    due to the fact that he was the doctor on call on May 24, 1982.

    Dr. Klam stated that the fetal heart monitor tracings at the time

    of Carol's labor "looked perfectly normal."   Over the course of

    several pages of transcript, Dr. Klam agreed that Carol had

    heartburn complaints consistent with epigastric pain; elevated

    liver enzymes on May 17, 1982, and May 24, 1982; 160 systolic on

    two or more occasions while at bed rest six hours apart; three-plus

    edema; and two-plus persistent proteinuria for two weeks.  He

    agreed that these symptoms "can be indicative of severe pre-

    eclampsia and according to `Williams,' they are."  Plaintiffs'

    counsel listed the aforementioned symptoms and the sentence in

    quotation marks on Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 98.  It appears from a

    review of the record that at this point in Dr. Klam's testimony,

    Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 98 read as follows:  

        "Carol Granberry

        She had:

        1.   Heartburn complaints consistent with epigastric


        2.   She had markedly elevated liver enzymes on 5-17-82

             and 5-24-82[.]

        3.   She had 160 systolic on 2 or more occasions while

             at bedrest 6 hours apart[.]

        4.   She had 3+ edema.

        5.   2+ persistent proteinuria for 2 weeks.

    These can be indicative of severe pre-eclampsia and according to

    `Williams['] they are[.]

        Per Dr. Klam--6-15-89[.]"

    Approximately 60 pages later, plaintiffs' counsel asked Dr. Klam if

    Carol suffered from three-plus brisk reflexes during the course of

    her pregnancy while she was hospitalized.  Dr. Klam stated that he

    remembered seeing it one time.  Then, the following colloquy

    between plaintiffs' counsel and Dr. Klam occurred:  

        "Q.  [by plaintiffs' counsel]  *** [B]risk reflexes ***

             is [sic] another indication of severe preeclampsia,

             isn't it, sir?

        A.   [by Dr. Klam] It's a warning sign.  ***  It can be.

             It's one thing that--it might."  (Emphasis added.)

        Plaintiffs' counsel then completed Plaintiffs' Exhibit No. 98,

    and in its entirety, it reads as follows:

        "Carol Granberry

        She had:

        1.   Heartburn complaints consistent with epigastric


        2.   She had markedly elevated liver enzymes on 5-17-82

             and 5-24-82[.]

        3.   She had 160 systolic on 2 or more occasions while

             at bedrest 6 hours apart[.]

        4.   She had 3+ edema.

        5.   2+ persistent proteinuria for 2 weeks.

        6.   3+ brisk reflexes

    These can be indicative of severe pre-eclampsia and according to

    `Williams,['] they are[.]

        Per Dr. Klam--6-15-89[.]"  

    Written on the side of Exhibit No. 98 is the following:

        "7.  Sudden or excessive weight gain--9 pounds[.]"

    After carefully reviewing the record, it is clear that Plaintiffs'

    Exhibit No. 98 was prepared by plaintiffs' counsel over a period of

    time during Dr. Klam's cross-examination.

        Dr. Bennett testified on June 16, 1989.  Dr. Bennett is

    affiliated predominately with defendant Carbondale Clinic.

    Although Carol's primary attending physician during the majority of

    her pregnancy was Dr. Joseph Tsung, Dr. Bennett acted as Carol's

    primary attending physician during her hospitalization in May of

    1982 because Dr. Tsung was on vacation at that time.

        The hypothetical question at issue and the testimony leading

    up to the hypothetical question were as follows:

        "Q.  [by plaintiffs' counsel]  Now, Doctor, have I cor-

             rectly stated your opinion:  `Hyperactive reflexes

             [also known as "brisk" reflexes] or hyperreflexia

             are not indications of a worsening case of pre-

             eclampsia unless accompanied by clonus, twitching,

             or seizures'?"

        A.   [Dr. Bennett]  Yes, sir.

                                      * * *

        Q.   Now, so that we make it clear, those were your

             views, your opinions and medical views that you

             acted upon and used and relied upon in observing

             Carol Granberry and in prescribing treatment or

             care for her during the time she was under your

             care.  Isn't that correct, sir?  

        A.   That is, yes.

        Q.   And, Doctor, if it develops that the fact is that

             hyperactive reflexes or hyperreflexia are, indeed,

             indications of a worsening case of preeclampsia,

             then would it be fair to say, sir, that you did not

             adequately evaluate and care for Carol Granberry

             during the time she was under your care?"  (Empha-

             sis added.)

    Defense counsel objected, and the court sustained the objection.  

    Plaintiffs claim that the trial court erred in refusing to allow

    them to ask Dr. Bennett the aforementioned question.  

        Defendants claim that the hypothetical question suggests that

    plaintiffs' counsel was referring to evidence that would subse-

    quently be introduced at trial.  The practice of permitting an

    expert witness to answer a hypothetical question based upon facts

    that have not been previously adduced into evidence, regardless of

    whether there is a guarantee that such facts will subsequently be

    produced, was said to be "not desirable" and "strongly to be

    discouraged."  Jamison v. Lambke, 21 Ill. App. 3d 629, 636, 316

    N.E.2d 93, 98 (1974).  Further, whether such practice will be

    permitted is within the sound discretion of the trial court.

    Gibson v. Healy Brothers & Co., 109 Ill. App. 2d 342, 353, 248

    N.E.2d 771, 776 (1969).  If evidence is admitted upon an assurance

    that it will later be connected up, it should be excluded upon the

    failure to establish the connection.  Leonardi v. Loyola Universi-

    ty, 168 Ill. 2d 83, 96, 658 N.E.2d 450, 457 (1995).  Plaintiffs

    claim, however, that Dr. Roger Klam had already testified to the

    alleged facts or opinions hypothesized.

        It was formerly the rule in Illinois that an expert witness

    could only be asked whether the facts stated in the hypothetical

    question are "sufficient", from a medical or surgical point of

    view, to cause and bring about a certain condition or malady, or he

    may be asked whether a given condition or malady of a person "may"

    or "could" result from and be caused by the facts stated in the

    hypothetical question.  Fellows-Kimbrough v. Chicago City Ry. Co.,

    272 Ill. 71, 77, 111 N.E. 499, 502 (1916).  The Fellows-Kimbrough

    court determined, however, that the physician should not be asked

    whether or not such facts "did cause" and bring about such

    condition or malady.  Fellows-Kimbrough, 272 Ill. at 77, 111 N.E.

    at 502.  In 1960, the Illinois Supreme Court changed this rule, and

    since that time, counsel may also ask whether the condition "did

    cause" the particular result, as long as the witness is not called

    upon to decide any controverted fact but is asked to assume the

    truth of the facts testified to.  It is therefore proper to phrase

    the hypothetical in either form. Clifford-Jacobs Forging Co. v.

    Industrial Comm'n, 19 Ill. 2d 236, 243, 166 N.E.2d 582, 587 (1960).

        The assumptions in a hypothetical are proper as long as they

    are within the realm of direct or circumstantial evidence or are

    reasonable inferences from the established facts.  Guardian

    Electric Manufacturing Co. v. Industrial Comm'n, 53 Ill. 2d 530,

    535, 293 N.E.2d 590, 594 (1973).  Moreover, the facts suggested in

    hypothetical questions need not be undisputed but need only be

    supported by the record, and "[i]n presenting evidence by a

    hypothetical question, counsel propounding the question has a right

    to ask it, assuming only the facts as he perceives them to be shown

    by the evidence."  Carter v. Johnson, 247 Ill. App. 3d 291, 297,

    617 N.E.2d 260, 265 (1993).  Opposing counsel may then challenge

    the controverted facts by presenting his own hypothetical questions

    to the witness.  Carter, 247 Ill. App. 3d at 297, 617 N.E.2d at

    265.  "Facts, data, or opinions supported by the evidence *** may

    be varied in questions asked on cross-examination designed to

    develop a potentially different opinion of the expert than would

    prevail if the trier believed a contrary version of disputed

    facts."  (Emphasis added.)  Graham, Cleary & Graham's Handbook of

    Illinois Evidence, §705.2 at 554 (5th ed. 1990).  

        Defendants argue that it is improper to ask a witness to

    assume a fact in a hypothetical that the witness does not believe

    to be true.  No Illinois case is cited in support.  The case of

    Baker v. Gordon, 759 S.W.2d 87 (Mo. Ct. App. 1988), is relied upon.

    We express no opinion of whether Baker accurately states Missouri

    law.  It does not accurately state Illinois law.  Illinois law may

    be found in the most recent pronouncement of our supreme court:

    "Counsel has a right to ask an expert witness a hypothetical

    question that assumes facts that counsel perceives to be shown by

    the evidence.  [Citation.]  The assumptions contained in the

    hypothetical question must be based on direct or circumstantial

    evidence, or reasonable inferences therefrom.  [Citation.]  The

    hypothetical question should incorporate only the elements favoring

    his or her theory, and should state facts that the interrogating

    party claims have been proved and for which there is support in the

    evidence.  On cross-examination, the opposing party may substitute

    in the hypothetical those facts in evidence that conform with the

    opposing party's theory of the case."  Leonardi v. Loyola Universi-

    ty of Chicago, 168 Ill. 2d 83, 96, 658 N.E.2d 450, 456-57 (1995).

        We find that there was sufficient evidence in the record to

    support asking Dr. Bennett the aforementioned hypothetical

    question.  First, Dr. Klam testified that brisk reflexes can be an

    indication of severe preeclampsia.  Second, Dr. Klam stated that

    brisk reflexes might be an indication of severe preeclampsia.

    Finally, Dr. Klam testified that brisk reflexes are a warning sign

    of severe preeclampsia.  Hence, plaintiffs' hypothetical question

    was framed properly, having relied on the inferences from Dr.

    Klam's testimony.  That being the case, Dr. Klam's actual testimony

    did include the necessary facts to support plaintiffs' counsel

    asking Dr. Bennett the above-mentioned hypothetical question.

        Because the circuit court denied plaintiffs' counsel the

    opportunity to ask Dr. Bennett the hypothetical question, a

    question supported by the evidence already admitted, it abused its

    discretion.  The evidence and inferences to be drawn from the

    evidence were sufficient to support the assumptions stated in the

    hypothetical question.  Further, we believe that this error was

    prejudicial because the answer to the hypothetical was the very

    essence of plaintiffs' case.  By sustaining defense counsel's

    objection, the trial judge deprived plaintiffs of the opportunity

    to establish that Carol's preeclampsia had become severe at least

    by May 13, 1982, when Susan's brain was still "in reasonably good


        Plaintiffs also claim that the trial court erred in refusing

    to allow plaintiffs to cross-examine Dr. William R. Hamilton from

    four medical articles published after 1982, the year Susan was

    born.  Plaintiffs state that their purpose in using the post-1982

    articles was to "counter Dr. Hamilton's repeated statements that

    Carbondale Memorial Hospital's ultrasound equipment was capable of

    detecting periventricular leukomalacia in 1982."  (Emphasis added.)

    Plaintiffs claim that "Dr. Hamilton testified that ultrasound was

    capable of detecting the lesion which eventually caused the baby's

    cerebral palsy, but that the ultrasound instead indicated that the

    baby's brain was `normal,' meaning that `the brain was put together

    correctly' and that there were no `significant intercranial [sic]

    abnormalities.'"  Plaintiffs argue that the logical inference is

    that this negative ultrasound finding meant that there was no

    lesion in the baby's brain as late as two days after the baby's

    birth.  Plaintiffs claim that this inference "blew to smithereens

    plaintiffs' theory that the brain lesion developed before birth"

    because the baby had been left too long in a contaminated intra-

    uterine environment.   

        It is important, for purposes of this issue, to note that

    Susan's cerebral palsy was caused by a brain lesion known as

    periventricular leukomalacia.  Dr. Hamilton began testifying on

    July 18, 1989.  Dr. Hamilton was, at all relevant times, a

    pediatrician concentrating in the practice of neonatology.  Dr.

    Hamilton was directly involved in Susan's care from shortly after

    her birth until she was eight months old.  On direct examination,

    Dr. Hamilton testified that an intracranial ultrasound was

    performed on Susan on May 26, 1982, when she was two days old.  He

    stated that the examination was "unremarkable," meaning that it was

    "normal."   On July 24, 1989, the following questions were asked of

    Dr. Hamilton by plaintiffs' counsel:

        "Q.  And, Doctor, would you also agree, sir, that an

             ultrasound after birth would not show

             periventricular leukomalacia?

        A.   No.

        Q.   You won't agree with that?

        A.   No.

        Q.   Do you have any text there to support that state-

             ment, sir?

                                      * * *

        A.   Yes, Dr. Volpe has an article here in 1982, stating

             that ultrasound is correlated with the autopsy

             findings for periventricular leukomalacia.  

        Q.   Would you read *** what is says, Doctor?

                                      * * *

        A.   (Reading)  "Ultrasound scanning has been very

             useful in the evaluation of periventricular white

             matter injury.  Periventricular leukomalacia is

             visualized especially well when hemorrhagic, al-

             though nonhemorrhagic periventricular leukomalacia

             proved at postmortem examination is also demon-

             strated effectively."

        Defendants claim that these questions were not specific to

    Susan and the ultrasound equipment at Carbondale Memorial Hospital

    in 1982.  While we agree that the question and answer addressed the

    capabilities of ultrasound equipment in general, it is clear that

    Dr. Hamilton's statement regarding ultrasound capabilities in 1982

    left the jurors with the inference that the ultrasound equipment at

    Carbondale Memorial Hospital in 1982 was capable of picking up

    periventricular leukomalacia.  In fact, the next day, on July 25,

    1989, plaintiffs' counsel claimed that he was referring specifical-

    ly to Carbondale Memorial Hospital's equipment when he asked the

    aforementioned questions.  The relevant portion of the record is as


        "Q.  [by plaintiffs' counsel]  All right, Doctor.  You

             cited there was one 1982 article that was cited in

             Volpe as support for the -- for your statement or

             conclusion that ultrasound in 1982, as done in this

             hospital, could detect this periventricular

             leukomalacia.  Correct, sir?

        A.   [Dr. Hamilton]  That article was stated that --

        Q.   Excuse me.  My question is that you concluded from

             that, sir, that the Carbondale Memorial Hospital

             could detect periventricular leukomalacia with the

             ultrasound that they had at that time, did you not,


        A.   I don't think that was the question, Mr. Carr.

        Q.   Well, Doctor, are you now saying that Carbondale

             Memorial Hospital did not have the capacity or this

             ultrasound that they performed at this particular

             date would not show periventricular leukomalacia?

             Are you now saying that, sir?

        A.   No.

                                      * * *

        Q.   *** All right, is it still your belief, sir, that

             the ultrasound that they did here, this linear

             real-time ultrasound, could detect periventricular

             leukomalacia in Susan?

             MR. LYNCH [defense counsel]:  Your Honor, I do

        object, because the question yesterday was a general one

        and it should be not specific to Carbondale or Susan.

             MR. CARR [plaintiffs' counsel]:  It was specific to

        Carbondale.  This witness said, and we went through this

        sonogram --

             THE COURT:  Well, gentlemen, if we are going to

        start discussing what the evidence was from yesterday, we

        will have to send the jury out.  The jury will please go


    Whereupon, the jury was excused and the following proceedings were

    held outside their presence and hearing:

             "MR. CARR:  Your Honor, the last 30 minutes yester-

        day was taken up with going through this ultrasound and

        with the doctor explaining that this hospital was capable

        of detecting this lesion.  That's exactly what we were

        talking about.  We were discussing this particular

        ultrasound and his testimony to the effect that it could

        detect this lesion.  Now Mr. Lynch says that wasn't the

        testimony.  It clearly was the testimony of the doctor.

        We went through line-by-line here, discussing this

        particular ultrasound.

             MR. LYNCH:  I am particularly objecting to any form

        of any questions and this specific question that implies

        some change in the doctor's testimony.  Mr. Carr asked

        the doctor a broad question:  Can an ultrasound or could

        an ultrasound in 1982 detect periventricular

        leukomalacia?  And then he just basically dug into a lot

        of specific questions about what the particular sonogram

        report showed.  Now, you know, the thing that I am

        objecting to -- and Mr. Carr is welcome to inquire as to

        the doctor's opinions, but the questions that seem to

        imply that he's changing his answers is what I am

        objecting to.

             MR. CARR:  I didn't ask the question that Mr. Lynch

        said that I asked.  I was asking specifically about this

        ultrasound in my questioning of the doctor, and his

        interpretation, his views as to the ability of the

        Carbondale Memorial Hospital to detect periventricular

        leukomalacia.  Mr. Lynch is now making some other

        objection than what he made in front of the jury.  He

        said there was no evidence that we were discussing this

        ultrasound.  That's what he said when the jury left, and

        that's what we were discussing yesterday, and that's what

        we are discussing this morning.

             MR. LYNCH:  I haven't changed what I said in front

        of the jury.  Mr. Carr did ask a lot of specific ques-

        tions about the ultrasound report.  The original question

        was:  Could an ultrasound in 1982 detect periventricular

        leukomalacia?  And I am not saying that the ultrasound

        report wasn't discussed, but he was not asked a question

        which Mr. Carr is now implying that he was, you know.

        Did Carbondale Memorial Hospital, with this ultrasound in

        1982, have the capacity to detect periventricular

        leukomalacia?  That question wasn't asked.  

             MR. CARR:  That question was asked yesterday.  The

        doctor said that they did not [sic] have that capacity.

        We discussed each line here, and it was pointed out that

        these -- this leukomalacia was not demonstrated in this

        report.  That's exactly what the doctor said.  The

        question that started this all off was I asked the doctor

        to agree that the ultrasound they had at the Carbondale

        Memorial Hospital could not detect periventricular

        leukomalacia.  He disagreed with that.  He would not

        agree with that.  He said, `No, it would detect it.'  And

        then we took out the ultrasound, and he pointed out that

        it wasn't detected, and it was his assertion.  Now, if he

        is now saying that he doesn't know whether or not the

        Carbondale Memorial Radiology Department had the capacity

        or whether or not this ultrasound could detect it, then

        he is changing his testimony, because that's clearly what

        he said yesterday, without a question.  And that's the

        whole reason for this line of examination today.  That's

        the whole reason that we have these articles, is to find

        out, clearly, that the Carbondale hospital did not have

        that capacity and could not do that, as this witness, now

        that he's read these articles or read some of these

        articles, is apparently going to agree with me.  Or else

        he is going to say now he has no opinion.  But that's

        clearly what he said yesterday in front of the jury."

    The court, after reviewing the record, first paraphrased Dr.

    Hamilton's  testimony from July 24, 1989.  The court then decided

    that plaintiffs' counsel's question was not an improper question

    based on the answers that Dr. Hamilton had given the day before,

    but the court refused to allow plaintiffs' counsel to cross-examine

    using post-1982 medical literature.  Because Dr. Hamilton left the

    jurors with the inference that ultrasound at Carbondale Memorial

    Hospital in 1982 could detect periventricular leukomalacia, we must

    now determine whether plaintiffs' counsel should have been allowed

    to impeach Dr. Hamilton's testimony with the post-1982 medical


        It is undisputed that when Dr. Hamilton was questioned about

    the capacity of ultrasound in 1982 to detect periventricular

    leukomalacia, he referred to a 1987 medical treatise entitled

    Neurology of the Newborn (2d ed. 1987), written by Dr. Volpe.

    Within this 1987 medical treatise, all but one of the authorities

    cited by Dr. Volpe were published after the ultrasound performed on

    Susan on May 26, 1982.  

        Plaintiffs sought to discredit Dr. Hamilton's reliance upon

    the authorities cited by Dr. Volpe by confronting him with the 1982

    article authored by Volpe.  This article appeared in the journal

    entitled Pediatrics.  The article discussed an ultrasound performed

    after the infant's thirty-first day of life.  The infant died at 34

    days of age.  The ultrasound disclosed "a densely echogenic area

    indicative of hemorrhage."   Dr. Hamilton explained that this meant

    that the ultrasound was detecting accumulations of blood in the

    brain.  Periventricular leukomalacia does not necessarily produce

    hemorrhaging.  In fact, hemorrhage was ruled out as a cause of

    Susan's periventricular leukomalacia.  Dr. Hamilton agreed that the

    ultrasound machine discussed in the 1982 article written by Dr.

    Volpe was a rotary scanner that was "more apt to give a better

    picture" than the linear scanner used on Susan at Carbondale

    Memorial Hospital in 1982.  Hence, plaintiffs were able to

    demonstrate that the 1982 authority cited in the 1987 medical

    treatise did not support Dr. Hamilton's suggestion that the

    ultrasound equipment used at Carbondale Memorial Hospital in 1982

    was capable of detecting this condition in Susan.

        After plaintiffs' counsel attempted to cross-examine Dr.

    Hamilton with the post-1982 medical articles, the trial judge

    sustained defense counsel's objection that it is improper to use

    post-1982 publications for the purpose of cross-examination in a

    case involving malpractice allegedly committed in 1982.  The trial

    court relied upon Karr v. Noel, 212 Ill. App. 3d 575, 571 N.E.2d

    271 (1991), as its basis.

        In Karr v. Noel, 212 Ill. App. 3d at 583-84, 571 N.E.2d at

    277, this court determined that literature containing medical

    knowledge not available at the time of the alleged malpractice as

    evidence of deviation from the standard of care at the time of the

    alleged malpractice was highly prejudicial evidence.  Plaintiffs

    claim, however, that they were not attempting to use the post-1982

    articles as proof of malpractice, but rather for the express

    purpose of impeaching Dr. Hamilton's statement that ultrasound

    technology in 1982 was capable of detecting periventricular

    leukomalacia.  We agree.

        After reviewing the record, it is clear that plaintiffs were

    attempting to use the post-1982 medical articles to show the

    diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound, not to show standard of

    care.  While we agree that postevent literature should not be used

    to show standard of care, it is proper to use postevent literature

    for other purposes such as showing the diagnostic capabilities of

    equipment.  Rules of evidence and law must be read and applied with

    an understanding of the reason for the rule.  The reason that

    medical literature that postdates the alleged malpractice is not

    admissible is because no physician should have his conduct measured

    by knowledge and standards not in existence at the time the conduct

    at issue occurred.  The diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound

    equipment was irrelevant to the standard of care issue in this

    case.  If there was a deviation from the standard of care that

    would subject defendants to liability, that deviation occurred

    prior to birth.  However, the diagnostic capabilities of ultrasound

    were critical to the issue of when Susan suffered her injury, i.e.,

    before or after birth.  If an ultrasound examination performed

    shortly after birth was capable of showing the presence of

    periventricular leukomalacia, assuming it was present, and if the

    examination was negative, that would be persuasive evidence that

    the injury did not occur prior to birth.  But if the test was not

    diagnostic for the condition, then a normal exam would simply be

    irrelevant, at least on the question of when the condition

    developed, because it would neither establish nor refute the

    existence of the condition.  When Dr. Hamilton testified that the

    test was diagnostic and cited medical literature to support his

    testimony, it was essential to allow cross-examination to attempt

    to impeach the doctor with contrary literature, whether that

    literature was published during, before, or after 1982.  Hence, we

    believe that the trial court abused its discretion in refusing to

    allow plaintiffs' counsel the opportunity to cross-examine Dr.

    Hamilton with the post-1982 medical articles.

        We recognize that at a different point in his testimony Dr.

    Hamilton agreed with the following statement found on an exhibit:




             PER DR. HAMILTON


        Defendants claim that by virtue of this concession, plain-

    tiffs' cross-examination with the post-1982 literature would have

    been merely cumulative.  We disagree.  We believe that Dr.

    Hamilton's repeated statement that ultrasound in 1982 could detect

    periventricular leukomalacia prejudiced plaintiffs' case.   The

    jury heard that there were a total of five medical articles

    purportedly supporting Dr. Hamilton's suggestion that a 1982

    ultrasound might have detected periventricular leukomalacia in

    Susan.  Simply because Dr. Hamilton testified that, in his opinion,

    the periventricular leukomalacia was present two days after Susan's

    birth and was undetected by the ultrasound does not remedy the

    prejudice caused by allowing the doctor's testimony on ultrasound

    capabilities to go unrefuted and unimpeached.  Plaintiffs' counsel

    should have been allowed to impeach the doctor with respect to each

    of those articles.  This refusal to allow the impeachment consti-

    tutes reversible error.  

        We have reviewed Dr. Pulido's contention that these errors do

    not pertain to the case against her.  We agree.

        As Dr. Pulido points out, plaintiffs' own expert testified

    that the injury to Susan Granberry occurred well after Dr. Pulido

    last saw Carol Granberry.  The plaintiffs' expert acknowledged that

    while the medications prescribed by Dr. Pulido were inappropriate,

    they neither helped nor hurt Carol or Susan Granberry.  The issue

    of Dr. Pulido's negligence was submitted to the jury, and they

    found in her favor.  After reviewing the evidence, we do not

    believe that the evidentiary errors that are discussed elsewhere in

    this decision impacted on the case against Dr. Pulido.  Therefore,

    the verdict in favor of Dr. Pulido is affirmed.  

        Accordingly, we affirm in part and reverse in part the

    judgment of the circuit court, and we remand this case to the trial

    court for a new trial on all issues pertaining to the remaining



        Affirmed in part and reversed in part; cause remanded.


        CHAPMAN, J., and RARICK, J., concur.

                                                             ATTACH A FRONT SHEET TO EACH CASE



                                    NO. 5-92-0628

                                        IN THE

                             APPELLATE COURT OF ILLINOIS

                                    FIFTH DISTRICT



    SUSAN GRANBERRY, by her Mother and   )  Appeal from the

    Next Friend, CAROL GRANBERRY; and    )  Circuit Court of

    CAROL GRANBERRY, Individually,       )  Jackson County.  


        Plaintiffs-Appellants,          )  

    v.                                   )  No. 84-L-55


    CARBONDALE CLINIC, S.C., a           )

    Corporation; JOSEPH C. TSUNG, M.D.;  )

    and URDUJA PULIDO, M.D.,             )  Honorable

                                        )  George Oros,

        Defendants-Appellees.           )  Judge, presiding.  



    Opinion Filed:                 November 13, 1996



    Justices:      Honorable Gordon E. Maag, J.


                  Honorable Charles W. Chapman, J., and

                  Honorable Philip J. Rarick, J.,




    Attorneys      Rex Carr, Gerald L. Montroy, Michael B. Marker, Carr,

    for            Korein, Tillery, Kunin, Montroy & Glass, 412 Missouri

    Appellant      Avenue, East St. Louis, IL  62201



    Attorneys      Paul R. Lynch, Craig & Craig, 227½ South 9th Street, P.O.

    for            Box 1545, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 (for Carbondale Clinic, S.C.)


                  John E. Fick, Samuels, Miller, Schroeder, Jackson & Sly,

                  406 First of America Center, P.O. Box 1400, Decatur, IL

                  62525-1400 (for Joseph C. Tsung, M.D.)


                  James E. Neville, Shari M. Brunton, Neville, Richards,

                  Defranco & Wuller, 5 Park Place Professional Centre, P.O.

                  Box 20070, Belleville, IL 62220-0070 (for Urduja Pulido,

