People v. Gilbert , 2013 IL App (1st) 103055 ( 2013 )

  •                            ILLINOIS OFFICIAL REPORTS
    Appellate Court
    People v. Gilbert, 
    2013 IL App (1st) 103055
    Appellate Court            THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, Plaintiff-Appellee, v.
    Caption                    LEVI GILBERT, Defendant-Appellant.
    District & No.             First District, Second Division
    Docket No. 1-10-3055
    Filed                      March 19, 2013
    Rehearing denied           April 18, 2013
    Held                       Defendant failed to establish that his counsel in his trial for felony murder
    (Note: This syllabus       and armed robbery was ineffective, notwithstanding his contentions that
    constitutes no part of     his counsel was facing suspension by the ARDC and had not notified
    the opinion of the court   defendant of the pending suspension and that his counsel suffered from
    but has been prepared      dementia; however, defendant’s convictions for armed robbery were
    by the Reporter of         vacated on the ground that those convictions were the predicate felonies
    Decisions for the          on which the first degree murder convictions were based.
    convenience of the
    Decision Under             Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County, No. 06-CR-4088(02); the
    Review                     Hon. Marcus R. Salone, Judge, presiding.
    Judgment                   Affirmed in part and vacated in part.
    Counsel on                 Michael J. Pelletier, Alan D. Goldberg, Jonathan Steffy, and Heidi Linn
    Appeal                     Lambros, all of State Appellate Defender’s Office, of Chicago, for
    Anita M. Alvarez, State’s Attorney, of Chicago (Alan J. Spellberg, Mary
    Needham, and William L. Toffenetti, Assistant State’s Attorneys, of
    counsel), for the People.
    Panel                      PRESIDING JUSTICE HARRIS delivered the judgment of the court,
    with opinion.
    Justices Quinn and Simon concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    ¶1          Defendant, Levi Gilbert, appeals his convictions after a jury trial of first degree murder
    and two counts of armed robbery, and his sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment and two
    concurrent terms of six years’ imprisonment. On appeal, Gilbert contends his case must be
    remanded for a new trial where (1) he was denied his sixth amendment right to counsel
    because at the time of trial his counsel faced a one-year suspension of his law license and
    suffered from dementia, and counsel never informed him of these occurrences; and (2) his
    counsel committed numerous trial errors, rendering his assistance ineffective under
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    (1984). Gilbert also argues that we must vacate his
    two convictions for armed robbery because they were the predicate felonies for his felony
    murder conviction. For the following reasons, we affirm Gilbert’s conviction for felony
    murder and vacate his convictions for armed robbery.
    ¶2                                          JURISDICTION
    ¶3          The trial court sentenced Gilbert on October 4, 2010. He filed a notice of appeal on
    October 4, 2010. Accordingly, this court has jurisdiction pursuant to article VI, section 6, of
    the Illinois Constitution and Illinois Supreme Court Rules 603 and 606, governing appeals
    from a final judgment of conviction in a criminal case entered below. Ill. Const. 1970, art.
    VI, § 6; Ill. S. Ct. R. 603 (eff. Oct. 1, 2010); R. 606 (eff. Mar. 20, 2009).
    ¶4                                      BACKGROUND
    ¶5           Gilbert and codefendant Michael Woods were charged with armed robbery and felony
    first degree murder for the police shooting of another codefendant, Cleon Jones. Each
    defendant was tried simultaneously before separate juries. Gilbert was represented by
    attorney William E. Brooks. At the time of trial, which began on August 6, 2008, and ended
    on August 11, 2008, Brooks faced a recommendation by the Attorney Registration and
    Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) hearing board that his license be suspended for one year.
    The review board affirmed this recommendation on December 12, 2008, and the suspension
    began on March 16, 2009, when the supreme court finalized the determination. While
    representing Gilbert, Brooks did not inform him of the ARDC’s recommendation.
    ¶6          At trial, Officers Sliva and Ferraro testified as to the events of January 17, 2006. Acting
    on information they received, the officers conducted surveillance at the Auto Zone store
    located at Diversey and Central Avenues in Chicago, Illinois. They set up surveillance about
    300 yards from the store. Around 10 p.m., they noticed a maroon car pull into the Auto Zone
    parking lot. Three men exited the car and entered the store. One of the men pulled up the
    hood of his jacket, and Officer Sliva saw another man, wearing a dust mask, lock the front
    door from inside the store. The officers believed they were witnessing a robbery and called
    other units for assistance. As they waited, Officers Sliva and Ferraro positioned themselves
    behind a parked car about 10 to 15 feet from the front door of the store.
    ¶7          Officers Brosnan and Bone arrived at the scene and positioned themselves behind the
    maroon car. Other officers took positions at the rear and side of the building. Eventually, the
    officers in front of the store saw a man wearing a black hoodie jacket with a dust mask over
    his face walk from behind the counter in the store toward the front door. The man carried
    keys in his left hand and a handgun in his right hand. He unlocked the door and as he opened
    it the officers shouted, “Police, drop the gun.” Officers Sliva and Brosnan testified that the
    man raised his gun and pointed it at Sliva and Ferraro. The officers fired their weapons, 39
    rounds in all, within a second or two. The man took a couple of steps back and fell into the
    ¶8          When the officers entered the store, they found Cleon Jones on the floor. They recovered
    a bluesteel revolver about 15 to 20 feet behind Jones. No fingerprints were detected on the
    weapon. The officers also recovered three white envelopes containing United States currency
    from Jones. Jones died from a single gunshot wound to his chest.
    ¶9          Adrian Matos, the manager of the Auto Zone, and employees Jonathan Laluz and Oscar
    Pizano were working on the night of January 17, 2006. Matos and Pizano were in the front
    of the store when three men entered. Laluz was in back restocking parts. Two of the men
    wore painters’ masks and one had a scarf tied around his face. The man with the scarf had
    a gun. The men took Matos’ and Pizano’s wallets, keys and phones, and ordered them to take
    them to the safe. They went into the office, and when the men ordered Matos to open the
    safe, he complied. The men then ordered Matos and Pizano to lie down and they tied Matos’
    and Pizano’s hands with spark plug cables. When Laluz walked out from the back of the
    store, he ran into the man with the scarf, who took Laluz to the office. Laluz was then tied
    up. Matos, Pizano, and Laluz heard the men banging on the safe and then heard footsteps
    going to the front door of the store. They heard gunfire, but no one heard police shout,
    “Police, drop your gun” before the gunfire. Soon thereafter, police arrived and untied them.
    ¶ 10        Sergeant Lohman answered a call about a robbery in progress at the Auto Zone store just
    before 10 p.m. on January 17, 2006. He went to the side door of the building where other
    officers had set up a perimeter in case anyone tried to exit from that door. Sergeant Lohman
    heard shouts of “Police, put the gun down” in front of the store. The officers then heard
    gunfire. After the shooting, the side door opened and codefendant Woods was seen holding
    a canvas bag as he pushed open the door. Gilbert was behind Woods. Woods said, “Oh, shit,”
    and dropped the bag as he ran back into the store. Police entered the store through the side
    door and apprehended Woods and Gilbert inside the store.
    ¶ 11        At the close of the State’s case, defense counsel moved for a directed finding, arguing
    that the State failed to prove that any of the three men were armed and that Gilbert was
    forced to participate. The trial court denied the motion.
    ¶ 12        Defense counsel called two witnesses, Officers Scott and McNamara. Officer Scott was
    positioned near the side entrance and did not observe anything before the shooting. He did
    hear shouts of “Police” just before the shooting. McNamara stood behind a sign about 30 to
    40 feet from the officers who were near the front door of the store. He observed someone
    come out of the front door, but he could not see whether the person had anything in his
    hands. As the front door opened, people shouted, “Police” and the man raised his right arm
    toward Officers Sliva and Ferraro. McNamara then heard shots fired.
    ¶ 13        The jury found defendant guilty of armed robbery and felony murder. Gilbert filed a
    motion alleging ineffective assistance of counsel at trial and the court gave counsel leave to
    withdraw. A public defender was appointed to represent Gilbert in posttrial proceedings.
    Gilbert’s new counsel then filed a motion for a new trial, alleging that trial counsel was
    ineffective for (1) including an alibi defense in his answer to discovery rather than a coercion
    defense; (2) failing to investigate witness CeCe O’Connor, who would have supported the
    coercion defense; (3) arguing jury nullification; (4) failing to offer a jury instruction on
    coercion; and (5) telling Gilbert not to testify at trial. At the hearing, counsel orally amended
    the motion to include the allegation that counsel was ineffective for failing to inform Gilbert
    that ARDC disciplinary action was pending against him.
    ¶ 14        The trial court conducted a Krankel hearing in which trial counsel testified. The trial
    court noted that an attorney under investigation by the ARDC “may be under some
    extraordinary pressure and distraction, and that may affect his performance.” It may have
    explained trial counsel’s filing of the alibi defense during pretrial discovery. However, the
    trial court also noted that counsel’s strategy of jury nullification was a reasonable one given
    the evidence presented. The court concluded “that there were deficiencies in Mr. Gilbert’s
    defense. But I do not believe the deficiencies affected the outcome of a caught inside robbery
    or armed robbery.” It denied the motion and sentenced Gilbert to 20 years’ imprisonment for
    felony murder, and a consecutive 6-year term for each armed robbery conviction, with the
    6-year terms to be served concurrently with each other. Gilbert filed this timely appeal.
    ¶ 15                                         ANALYSIS
    ¶ 16       Gilbert first contends that he was denied effective assistance of counsel because his trial
    attorney faced a one-year suspension of his law license at the time of trial. To prevail on an
    ineffective assistance of counsel claim, Gilbert must show that (1) his counsel’s performance
    was deficient so as to fall below an objective standard of reasonableness; and (2) the
    deficient performance prejudiced him so as to deny him a fair trial. Strickland v. Washington,
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-88 (1984). To demonstrate sufficient prejudice under the second prong,
    he must show “that there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional
    errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694
    ¶ 17       Gilbert argues that the ARDC hearing board found his counsel in violation of the Illinois
    Rules of Professional Conduct (Rules) (eff. Jan. 1, 2010), and counsel “was merely awaiting
    the Supreme Court’s confirmation of that suspension” at the time of trial. Therefore,
    Gilbert’s counsel was “unqualified” and incapable of representing him. Initially, we note that
    the record on appeal does not contain any transcripts of the proceedings before the hearing
    board, or any of the board’s recommendations. Gilbert’s brief refers to an appendix in
    footnote 2, in which the report and recommendation are attached; however, there is no
    appendix attached to the brief or in the record. The record also does not contain the final
    determination of our supreme court. Gilbert, as appellant, has the duty to present a complete
    record on appeal and any doubts arising from an incomplete record must be resolved against
    the appellant. U.S. Minerals & Mining, Inc. v. Licensed Processors, Ltd., 
    194 Ill. App. 3d 428
    , 434 (1990). An appellant’s arguments which depend on facts not contained in the record
    are not sustainable on appeal. Palanti v. Dillon Enterprises, Ltd., 
    303 Ill. App. 3d 58
    , 66
    (1999). Therefore, Gilbert cannot prevail on his claim that his trial counsel provided
    ineffective assistance because he faced a one-year suspension for violating the Rules.
    ¶ 18       It also appears that on the merits, Gilbert cannot prove that his trial counsel provided
    ineffective assistance based on his disciplinary status. From the appellant and appellee briefs,
    the facts show that the ARDC hearing board recommended the suspension of trial counsel’s
    law license on September 4, 2007. Gilbert’s trial took place from August 6 through August
    11, 2008. The hearing board’s recommendation was affirmed by the review board on
    December 12, 2008, and the supreme court finalized the suspension on March 16, 2009.
    ¶ 19       Our supreme court “possesses the inherent and exclusive power to regulate the practice
    of law in this State and to sanction or discipline the unprofessional conduct of attorneys
    admitted to practice before it. [Citations.]” In re Mitan, 
    119 Ill. 2d 229
    , 246 (1987). The
    court also has the sole authority to promulgate rules for attorney conduct and to discipline
    attorneys for violations of those rules. 
    Id. Thus, our
    supreme court has adopted the Rules and
    appointed the ARDC to supervise attorney disciplinary proceedings. People ex rel. Brazen
    v. Finley, 
    119 Ill. 2d 485
    , 494 (1988). Rule 764 sets forth the duties of a disciplined attorney.
    It provides:
    “An attorney who is disbarred, disbarred on consent, or suspended for six months or
    more shall comply with each of the following requirements. ***
    (b) Withdrawal from Law Office and Removal of Indicia as Lawyer. Upon entry of
    the final order of discipline, the disciplined attorney shall not maintain a presence or
    occupy an office where the practice of law is conducted. The disciplined attorney shall
    take such action necessary to cause the removal of any indicia of the disciplined attorney
    as lawyer, counsellor at law, legal assistant, legal clerk, or similar title.
    (c) Notification to Clients. Within 21 days after the entry of the final order of
    discipline, the disciplined attorney shall notify *** all clients whom the disciplined
    attorney represented on the date of the imposition of discipline, of the following:
    (1) the action taken by the supreme court;
    (2) that the disciplined attorney may not continue to represent them during the
    period of discipline;
    (3) that they have the right to retain another attorney; and
    (4) that their files, documents, and other records are available to them,
    designating the place where they are available.” Ill. S. Ct. R. 764 (eff. Aug. 27,
    ¶ 20        The Rules require an attorney whose license to practice law has been suspended to notify
    his or her clients of the suspension, and of their right to retain another attorney, within 21
    days after the entry of the final order of discipline. In August of 2008, the time of Gilbert’s
    trial, his trial attorney faced only the ARDC hearing board’s recommendation of suspension.
    That recommendation was not affirmed by the review board until December 12, 2008, and
    both briefs agree that the supreme court finalized the suspension on March 16, 2009, well
    after Gilbert’s trial. Counsel’s duty to notify arose on March 16, 2009, or within 21 days
    thereafter. Since trial counsel had no duty to notify at the time of trial, he did not provide
    ineffective assistance when he failed to notify Gilbert of his pending suspension.
    ¶ 21        In support of his position that trial counsel was unqualified to represent him, Gilbert cites
    In re Denzel W., 
    237 Ill. 2d 285
    (2010), In re Moore, 
    63 Ill. App. 3d 899
    (1978), and People
    v. Cox, 
    12 Ill. 2d 265
    (1957). These cases, however, involve representation by law students
    or non-attorneys. As discussed, Gilbert’s counsel was a licensed attorney at the time of
    Gilbert’s trial since the supreme court did not finalize the order of suspension until March
    16, 2009. Gilbert has not cited to any cases that hold a licensed attorney facing suspension
    provides representation that is per se ineffective. Instead, see People v. Perry, 
    183 Ill. App. 3d
    534 (1989), People v. Long, 
    208 Ill. App. 3d 627
    (1990), and People v. Bernardo, 171 Ill.
    App. 3d 652 (1988), in which this court held that the mere fact an attorney faces pending
    disciplinary proceedings does not render him or her incompetent to defend a person charged
    with a crime. We find that an attorney who merely faces possible suspension of his license
    pursuant to a recommendation by the ARDC remains a licensed attorney and is qualified to
    represent clients.
    ¶ 22        Gilbert also argues that he never made a knowing waiver of his sixth amendment right
    to counsel where his trial attorney never informed him of his pending suspension and the fact
    that he faced another ARDC complaint during Gilbert’s trial. As support, he cites People v.
    226 Ill. App. 3d 188
    (1992). However, in determining whether counsel in Williams
    performed deficiently, the court reiterated the holdings in Perry, Long, and Bernardo that
    attorneys are permitted to practice law until they are actually suspended or disbarred, and no
    per se rule exists allowing criminal defendants a new trial merely because their attorneys face
    suspension or disbarment. 
    Williams, 226 Ill. App. 3d at 193-94
    . Instead, claims of ineffective
    assistance of counsel facing suspension are reviewed under the Strickland standard. 
    Id. at 194.
    ¶ 23        Gilbert also contends that his trial counsel provided ineffective assistance because he
    suffered from dementia at the time of his trial. Gilbert argues that the testimony and findings
    of the hearing board show that his counsel suffered from “significant mental health
    problems” during his representation. As support he refers to psychological evaluations
    conducted by Dr. David Hartman and Dr. Stafford Henry from September 2006 to January
    2007, which were contained in the board’s findings. We note again that the hearing board’s
    findings and recommendation are not part of the record on appeal. Furthermore, the doctors
    conducted their evaluations almost two years before Gilbert’s trial. There is no evidence in
    the record that Gilbert’s counsel suffered from dementia at the time of his trial in August
    2008. The trial court even conducted a posttrial hearing on Gilbert’s motion for a new trial
    in which his trial counsel testified. The transcript of that proceeding reveals no evidence that
    counsel suffered from dementia or that those present suspected he was so mentally deficient
    that his representation of Gilbert was ineffective. Since Gilbert’s argument here depends on
    facts not contained in the record, it is not sustainable on appeal. 
    Palanti, 303 Ill. App. 3d at 66
    ¶ 24        Gilbert next contends that his trial counsel committed numerous errors at trial rendering
    his representation of Gilbert deficient. Specifically, Gilbert alleges the following errors: (1)
    counsel promised the jury a defense of compulsion but did not support this statement with
    evidence at trial; (2) counsel presented the jury with a legally unsound defense; (3) counsel
    filed a pretrial affirmative alibi defense when Gilbert was arrested at the scene of the offense;
    and (4) counsel failed to file a Montgomery motion. “Matters of trial strategy are generally
    immune from claims of ineffective assistance of counsel.” People v. Smith, 
    195 Ill. 2d 179
    188 (2000). These decisions include which witnesses to call at trial and what evidence to
    present to the jury. People v. Munson, 
    206 Ill. 2d 104
    , 139-40 (2002). Even defense counsel’s
    failure to provide testimony promised during opening statements is not per se ineffective
    assistance. People v. Manning, 
    334 Ill. App. 3d 882
    , 892 (2002). Defendant must overcome
    the strong presumption that the challenged action or inaction was the product of sound trial
    strategy. People v. Evans, 
    186 Ill. 2d 83
    , 93 (1999).
    ¶ 25        During opening statements, Gilbert’s counsel argued that Gilbert did not want to
    participate in the robbery but codefendant Cleon Jones showed a gun and forced Gilbert to
    accompany him to the Auto Zone. However, no other evidence of coercion was presented at
    trial. Gilbert contends on appeal that had his trial counsel investigated the matter, he would
    have found witness CeCe Connor who would have testified that he saw Jones threaten
    Gilbert at gunpoint. However, it appears that counsel’s strategy was to argue that Jones
    somehow forced Gilbert to participate but that none of the codefendants carried guns. Central
    to counsel’s defense (as was the strategy of codefendant Woods’ counsel) was to argue that
    although Gilbert acknowledged participating in a simple robbery, it would not be fair to
    convict him of felony murder because he and his codefendants did not have guns and the
    Gilbert also argues that his trial counsel’s ineffective representation was presumptively
    prejudicial, citing United States v. Cronic, 
    466 U.S. 648
    , 656 (1984). However, since we found that
    trial counsel was not an unlicensed attorney at the time of Gilbert’s trial, and did not suffer from
    dementia, we need not address the argument at this time. See People v. Irvine, 
    379 Ill. App. 3d 116
    129-30 (2008) (both prongs of the Strickland analysis must be satisfied to show ineffective
    assistance of counsel).
    police reacted with unforseen force which killed codefendant Jones (jury nullification).
    ¶ 26        The evidence against Gilbert was overwhelming. Counsel cross-examined Pizano and
    Laluz, whose testimony contradicted that of other State witnesses on whether the officers
    shouted “police” or “drop the gun” before firing at Jones. He presented Officers McNamara
    and Scott as defense witnesses, and they testified that they did not see whether Jones had
    anything in his hand before police shot at him. Pizano and Laluz also stated that they did not
    recall seeing Jones with a gun. Counsel argued that Jones was not armed and focused on the
    fact that police fired an excessive 39 rounds at Jones. It would be unfair, he argued, to hold
    Gilbert responsible for the death of Jones because the shooting resulted from unforeseeable
    police misconduct which broke the causal connection between the armed robbery and Jones’s
    ¶ 27        Given the law of felony murder, this appeal to the jury’s sense of justice had no legal
    basis as a defense. However, courts have determined that counsel’s reliance on such
    arguments is not ineffective assistance per se. See People v. Nieves, 
    192 Ill. 2d 487
    , 499
    (2000) (argument that the “sudden and intense passion” element of second degree murder
    “could be viewed in terms of sympathy and the desire to help a friend” who wanted to die
    was a “dubious proposition at best”); People v. Ganus, 
    148 Ill. 2d 466
    , 473-74 (1992)
    (compulsion defense to murder not a legal defense); People v. Bloomingburg, 
    346 Ill. App. 3d
    308, 316 (2004) (counsel presented theory of self-defense, which was unavailable because
    the defendant was the aggressor and did not face imminent danger of great bodily harm or
    death). In each case, the court found that counsel’s performance was not deficient given the
    overwhelming evidence against the defendant and the defendant’s insistence on pleading not
    guilty despite the evidence.
    ¶ 28        Gilbert elected to go to trial on the armed robbery and felony murder charges, and the
    evidence against him was overwhelming. His counsel was not “confused as to whether
    simple robbery could be a predicate felony for felony murder,” as Gilbert argues on appeal.
    Rather, trial counsel’s strategy, in part, was to argue jury nullification by appealing to the
    jurors’ sympathy and sense of fairness. “[I]t is not necessarily per se ineffective assistance
    for a defense attorney to advance a nonlegal defense, such as a plea for jury nullification ***
    when the circumstances of the case render other defensive strategies unavailable.” People
    v. Morris, 
    209 Ill. 2d 137
    , 183 (2004), overruled on other grounds by People v. Pitman, 
    211 Ill. 2d 502
    (2004). Although counsel may not argue that jurors should ignore the law in
    coming to a decision, he may present a defense evoking the “empathy, compassion or
    understanding and sympathy” of the jurors. 
    Ganus, 148 Ill. 2d at 473-74
    . As the court in
    Ganus stated, “[j]ury nullification is always a possibility” when counsel attempts such
    Id. at 473.
    Under the circumstances here, we find that trial counsel employed
    reasonable trial strategy in arguing jury nullification, rather than compulsion or coercion, in
    Gilbert’s defense.
    ¶ 29        Gilbert also argues that his counsel was deficient because he filed a pretrial affirmative
    alibi defense when Gilbert was arrested at the scene of the offense. He contends the defense
    “makes no sense” because it is based on the fact that the defendant was at a different location
    at the time the crime occurred. However, as the State points out, there is no evidence that
    counsel presented the alibi defense to the jury during the trial. As such, Gilbert cannot show
    how this action prejudiced him.
    ¶ 30        Gilbert further contends that his trial counsel’s performance was deficient because he
    “failed to file a Montgomery motion before trial, so Gilbert did not know if any of his prior
    convictions could be used to impeach him.” Therefore, Gilbert could not make a knowing
    waiver of his right to testify, and his failure to testify prejudiced him.
    ¶ 31        In People v. Montgomery, 
    47 Ill. 2d 510
    , 516-17 (1971), our supreme court determined
    that evidence of a witness’s prior conviction is admissible to attack his or her credibility
    when (1) the prior crime was punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year, or
    involved dishonesty or false statements; (2) less than 10 years have passed since the date of
    conviction of the prior crime or the witness’s release from confinement, whichever is later;
    and (3) the probative value of admitting the prior conviction outweighs the danger of unfair
    prejudice. Gilbert does not state in his briefs the dates of his prior convictions, or his release
    from confinement, nor does the record contain this evidence. Without it, we cannot
    determine whether the trial court would have granted the motion and, therefore, whether trial
    counsel was deficient in failing to file the motion. See People v. Gandy, 
    227 Ill. App. 3d 112
    127 (1992) (if 10 years or more have elapsed since the prior conviction or release from
    confinement, “the conviction has lost its relevance to the issue of credibility”). Furthermore,
    no presumption of prejudice exists where a defendant fails to testify based on a mistaken
    belief that his prior conviction could be used to impeach him. People v. Rogers, 
    147 Ill. App. 3d
    1, 4 (1986). Gilbert has not shown that trial counsel’s performance was deficient in failing
    to file a Montgomery motion.
    ¶ 32        Even if Gilbert’s trial counsel performed deficiently, Gilbert must also show that he was
    prejudiced by the deficient performance in order to prove ineffective assistance of counsel.
    The evidence against Gilbert was overwhelming. Witnesses observed him enter the store and
    while the crime was in progress, police surrounded the building. Police apprehended Gilbert
    and codefendant Woods inside the store. Police had also observed Woods drop a bag
    containing cash. Even if trial counsel’s performance was deficient in the matters put forth by
    Gilbert, it is unlikely he could show a reasonable probability that the outcome would have
    been different absent the deficient performance.
    ¶ 33        Gilbert’s final contention is that this court should vacate his convictions for armed
    robbery since they were the predicate felonies on which his first degree murder conviction
    was based. The State agrees with Gilbert’s contention. Therefore, we vacate his convictions
    for armed robbery.
    ¶ 34        For the foregoing reasons, we vacate Gilbert’s convictions for armed robbery and affirm
    his conviction for felony murder.
    ¶ 35       Affirmed in part and vacated in part.