People v. McGee , 287 Ill. App. 3d 1049 ( 1997 )

  •                             No. 3--95--0810



                                    IN THE


                          APPELLATE COURT OF ILLINOIS


                                THIRD DISTRICT


                                  A.D., 1997


    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF      )  Appeal from the Circuit Court

    ILLINOIS,                       )  for the 10th Judicial Circuit

                                   )  Peoria County, Illinois

        Plaintiff-Appellee,        )


        v.                         )  No. 95--CF--667


    THOMAS WALTER MCGEE,            )  Honorable

                                   )  Robert E. Manning,

        Defendant-Appellant.       )  Judge Presiding



    JUSTICE HOMER delivered the opinion of the court:



        The defendant, Thomas Walter McGee, was convicted of

    aggravated discharge of a firearm (720 ILCS 5/24--1.2 (West 1994))

    and sentenced to six years in prison.  On appeal, he claims that

    the prosecutor made improper comments during closing arguments and

    that the trial court considered an improper factor in aggravation

    in determining his sentence.  We affirm.


        Some of the facts surrounding the offense are not in dispute.

    The defendant, his girlfriend and their 10-month-old child went to

    the home of Taronn Bell in an attempt to obtain money from Bell to

    pay for repairing his girlfriend's car which had been damaged by

    Bell's nephew.  The defendant approached Bell's home.  After

    speaking to someone, he got into his car and began to leave.  After

    the defendant backed out of Bell's driveway, he stopped the car on

    the street.  The defendant then got out of the vehicle and fired a

    gun several times over the roof of the car before returning to the

    car and driving away.

        Details of the defendant's encounter with Bell differ among

    the various witness accounts.  Bell testified that he was upstairs

    in his home when a man came to the door.  Bell's wife spoke to the

    man, and Bell came down the stairs just as the conversation was

    ending.  Bell stated that he went outside and was on the porch when

    the man was getting into his car.  The man backed his car out of

    the driveway and stopped on the street in front of Bell's house.

    Then Bell heard shots, so he ran.  Bell testified that he would not

    recognize the shooter because he did not see the shooter's face.

        Bell's wife testified that the defendant came to the door of

    her home, identified himself as a gang member, flashed a gun, and

    demanded payment for the damage done to his girlfriend's car by

    Bell's nephew.  She stated that she told the defendant that she and

    her husband were not responsible for the damage.  Her conversation

    with the defendant lasted approximately 10 minutes.  At the end of

    that time, Bell came to the door and spoke with the defendant.

    According to Bell's wife, the defendant stopped his car on the

    street and then fired a gun at least four times in her direction

    and that of Bell and their three children.  She admitted that she

    had a criminal history arising out of her having previously given

    a false name to the police.

        One of Bell's neighbors testified that he was at home when he

    heard gunshots from outside.  He went to his front door and saw a

    man standing with his arm extended over the roof of a car firing a

    gun between the buildings across the street.  He heard a few shots,

    then a pause and then more shots.  All the shots sounded the same.

    The neighbor observed three small children playing in the area

    toward which the shooter was firing, so he called the police.

    After placing the phone call, the neighbor went back to his door

    and saw that the man was still there and was still firing his gun

    over the roof of his car.  Shortly thereafter, the man drove away.

    The neighbor then saw two men come out of the building across the

    street.  Each man carried a gun, but the neighbor did not see

    either of them fire his weapon.  Following the shooting, the neigh-

    bor went into the street and retrieved 15 shell casings which he

    gave to the police.

        The defendant's girlfriend testified that she was with the

    defendant when he went to Bell's home to obtain money from Bell to

    repair the damage to her car which had been caused by Bell's

    nephew.  According to the defendant's girlfriend, as the defendant

    approached Bell's home, Bell's wife answered the door.  A man

    appeared at an upstairs window, and he and the defendant proceeded

    to have a conversation.  The defendant returned to his vehicle, and

    the man from the window came out of the home brandishing a gun.

    This man fired several shots at the defendant's car which prompted

    the defendant to retrieve a gun from under the seat and return the

    gunfire.  Then the defendant drove away.  The defendant's

    girlfriend further testified that there were bullet holes in her

    car as a result of the shots fired from the other man.  An

    investigating police officer confirmed the existence of bullet

    holes in the vehicle on the date of the occurrence.  However, he

    could not determine whether the holes had been made that day, and

    he testified that the defendant's girlfriend refused to allow the

    police to examine the holes further to determine whether they were


        The defendant testified that when he approached Bell's home,

    Bell spoke to him from an upstairs window.  After Bell refused to

    pay for the damage to the car, the defendant got into his car to

    leave.  As he was leaving, Bell came out of the home with a gun and

    began to fire at the defendant.  The defendant was scared and

    feared that his girlfriend or his child might be hurt, so he

    stopped the car, reached under the seat for a gun, got out of the

    car and fired the gun into the air.  Then he drove away.  The

    defendant testified that he could not just drive away from the

    scene because there was something wrong with the car and it would

    have stalled if he had tried to speed away.

        During closing arguments, the prosecutor suggested to the jury

    that the testimony of witnesses provided by the State and by the

    defense could not be reconciled and further suggested that the jury

    would have to determine which account was true.  Thereafter, the

    prosecutor remarked at some length on the defendant's failure to

    leave the scene of the shooting, saying, inter alia:  "Could the

    defendant have driven away?  Of course.  Did he?  No.  Why not?  I

    suggest to you that's because his story of what happened is

    implausible here."

        The prosecutor further commented on the criminal history of

    Bell's wife and suggested that the defendant and his girlfriend

    engaged in worse behavior because they had lied to the police and

    to the jury.  Next, the prosecutor addressed the testimony that

    following the shooting there were bullet holes in the car used by

    the defendant.  He noted that there was no objective or scientific

    evidence that the bullet holes were fresh.  He reminded the jury

    that the defendant's girlfriend had not allowed the police to

    determine the age of the holes.

        The prosecutor also noted that the defendant had not produced

    Bell's nephew, who occasionally resided with the defendant, as a

    witness to verify any portion of the defendant's story.  The

    defendant objected, and the trial court instructed the jury to

    disregard the prosecutor's remark.  Finally, the prosecutor stated

    that the defendant had fired his weapon in the direction of Bell

    and Bell's wife and children.

        The jury returned a verdict of guilty.  At the sentencing

    hearing, the trial judge remarked that he had considered all the

    statutory factors in aggravation and mitigation.  He found in

    mitigation that the defendant did not have a history of prior

    criminal activity.  In aggravation, he found that the defendant's

    acts threatened serious physical harm to other persons.  The court

    sentenced the defendant to six years' imprisonment.

                          PROSECUTOR'S CLOSING ARGUMENT

        In his post-trial motion, the defendant claimed that he had

    been prejudiced by the prosecutor's closing argument but

    specifically noted only the prosecutor's comment regarding the

    defendant's failure to call Bell's nephew as a witness.

        On appeal, the defendant points to five examples of how he was

    denied a fair trial by the prosecutor's closing argument:  (1) the

    prosecutor improperly implied that the defendant had a duty to

    retreat, contrary to established law, thereby diminishing his claim

    of self-defense; (2) the prosecutor improperly impugned the

    credibility of the defendant and his girlfriend by stating they had

    given false stories to the police and the jury, equating their

    conduct with that of Bell's wife who had been previously convicted

    of giving a false name to a police officer; (3) the prosecutor

    improperly expanded the nature of the charge, thereby diminishing

    the burden of proof by arguing that the defendant had fired in the

    direction of Bell, his wife and his children when the defendant had

    only been charged with firing his weapon in Bell's direction; (4)

    the prosecutor improperly commented upon the defendant's failure to

    present expert testimony to prove the bullet holes in the

    defendant's car were fresh; and (5) the prosecutor improperly

    commented upon the defendant's failure to call Bell's nephew as a


        We find that the defendant has waived any alleged error with

    regard to the first four examples by failing to object at trial or

    to raise these issues in his post-trial motion.  See People v.

    Burrows, 148 Ill. 2d 196, 592 N.E.2d 997 (1992).  Thus, we can

    reverse only if the prosecutor's comments amounted to plain error.

    People v. Whitehead, 116 Ill. 2d 425, 508 N.E.2d 687 (1987).  Plain

    error is error of such magnitude that it denied the defendant a

    fair proceeding or error in a trial where the evidence is closely

    balanced.  Whitehead, 116 Ill. 2d 425, 508 N.E.2d 687.  Following

    our careful review of the record, we find that none of these

    comments by the prosecutor, taken individually or cumulatively, was

    of such magnitude to deny the defendant a fair trial.

        Although a defendant has no duty to retreat when attacked with

    deadly force, a prosecutor may properly argue a defendant's failure

    to easily extricate himself from a dangerous situation as a comment

    on the credibility of the defendant's testimony that he was afraid

    and that the use of deadly force was necessary.  People v. White,

    265 Ill. App. 3d 642, 638 N.E.2d 314 (1994); People v. Wilburn, 263

    Ill. App. 3d 170, 635 N.E.2d 877 (1994).  The jury, in the case at

    bar, was properly instructed with regard to the issues of self-

    defense, and we find the prosecutor's argument about the

    defendant's actions to be permissible commentary on the credibility

    of the defense witnesses.  Further, we note that the jury was

    properly instructed regarding the elements of the charged offense,

    so no prejudicial error resulted from the prosecutor's comments

    about the defendant shooting in the direction of Bell's wife and

    the children, as well as at Bell.  See People v. Hobley, 159 Ill.

    2d 272, 637 N.E.2d 992 (1994) (improper comment may be cured by

    providing proper instructions of law).  Moreover, we do not agree

    that the prosecutor's comment relative to a lack of objective or

    scientific evidence was directed toward the defendant's failure to

    call an expert witness.  Rather, it was a reference to the

    girlfriend's alleged lack of cooperation with the crime scene

    personnel.  As such, the comment was intended to impeach the

    credibility of the girlfriend, which is allowable.  Additionally,

    we do not find that the evidence in this case was closely balanced.

    The testimony of the only independent eyewitness, Bell's neighbor,

    corroborated Bell's version of the events and that of Bell's wife.

    Therefore, we do not find plain error.

        Finally, with regard to the prosecutor's comment about the

    defendant's failure to call Bell's nephew as a witness, we note

    that the trial court sustained the defendant's objection and

    admonished the jury to disregard the prosecutor's remark.  When a

    defendant's objection is sustained and the jury is properly

    admonished, any potential error is generally deemed cured.  People

    v. Gonzalez, 265 Ill. App. 3d 315, 637 N.E.2d 1135 (1994).  We find

    that the trial court properly responded to the defendant's

    objection, and thus, any error stemming from the prosecutor's

    remark was cured.


        The defendant argues next that the trial court considered the

    threat of harm as an improper aggravating factor in determining his


        Again, the defendant has waived this error by failing to

    object at the sentencing hearing (see People v. Lybarger, 198 Ill.

    App. 3d 700, 555 N.E.2d 1264 (1990)) and by failing to file a

    written motion to reduce sentence (see People v. McCleary, 278 Ill.

    App. 3d 498, 663 N.E.2d 22 (1996); People v. Moncrief, 276 Ill.

    App. 3d 533, 659 N.E.2d 106 (1995)).

        Moreover, we find that any error did not amount to plain

    error.  Plain error arises in a sentencing proceeding when the

    evidence is closely balanced or when the alleged error is so

    fundamental that it may have deprived the defendant of a fair

    sentencing hearing.  People v. Beals, 162 Ill. 2d 497, 643 N.E.2d

    789 (1994).  The defendant stood convicted of a Class 1 felony for

    which he received a six-year prison sentence.  We find that any

    consideration by the trial judge of the threat of harm imposed by

    the defendant's conduct, beyond that implicit in the charge itself,

    did not result in a greater sentence than would have been imposed

    absent such consideration.  See People v. Ward, 243 Ill. App. 3d

    850, 611 N.E.2d 590 (1993).  Therefore, we uphold the sentence

    imposed by the trial court.


        For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the circuit court

    of Peoria County is affirmed.


        LYTTON, P.J., and MICHELA, J., concur.