People v. Breshears , 2023 IL App (4th) 220947 ( 2023 )

    2023 IL App (4th) 220947
    June 29, 2023
    NO. 4-22-0947                             Carla Bender
    4th District Appellate
    Court, IL
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,                          )      Appeal from the
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                                )      Circuit Court of
    v.                                                 )      Mercer County
    ROBERT W. BRESHEARS JR.,                                      )      No. 20CF72
    Defendant-Appellant.                               )
    )      Honorable
    )      Norma Kauzlarich,
    )      Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE ZENOFF delivered the judgment of the court, with opinion.
    Justices Lannerd and Knecht concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    ¶1             Following a trial in the circuit court of Mercer County, a jury found defendant,
    Robert W. Breshears Jr., guilty of four counts of criminal sexual assault (720 ILCS 5/11-1.20(a)(4)
    (West 2020)). The trial court sentenced defendant to a total of eight years in prison on two of those
    counts. Defendant appeals, challenging the sufficiency of the evidence and whether the court was
    impartial. We affirm.
    ¶2                                      I. BACKGROUND
    ¶3             Defendant turned 50 years old in March 2020. Between February and May 2020,
    defendant had a sexual relationship with 17-year-old E.K. The State charged defendant with four
    counts of criminal sexual assault under the theory that he held a position of authority or supervision
    in relation to E.K., “being the owner and coach at No Fears [sic] Dojo.” Counts I and II alleged
    defendant placed his penis in E.K.’s vagina on or about February 17, 2020. Counts III and IV
    alleged defendant engaged in that same conduct on or about May 1, 2020, through May 12, 2020.
    Counts I and III alleged defendant held a position of authority in relation to E.K., whereas counts
    II and IV alleged he held a position of supervision.
    ¶4             The disputed issues at trial were whether defendant (1) held a position of authority
    or supervision in relation to E.K. and (2) knew E.K. was under 18 years old. The following is a
    summary of the evidence most relevant to this appeal.
    ¶5                                       A. The Evidence
    ¶6             Defendant worked for the Village of Sherrard (Village). While continuing that
    employment, in fall 2019, defendant opened a martial arts gym called No Fear Dojo with his wife,
    Christine. Shortly after the dojo opened, E.K. and her sister, G.K., joined at the behest of their
    father, J.K. J.K. previously knew defendant from defendant’s work with the Village. According to
    J.K., defendant told him he was opening the dojo and that J.K.’s daughters needed to be taught
    self-defense. J.K. agreed, and he paid E.K.’s and G.K.’s membership fees at the dojo. J.K. also
    joined the dojo for a couple of months, and he would attend classes when he was not working.
    E.K. listed her age on her membership application. Defendant testified he knew E.K. was
    “significantly younger” than he was, but he denied knowing her exact age.
    ¶7             The dojo offered classes for both children and adults. Although E.K. was a
    17-year-old high school student and G.K. was 14 years old, they both took adult classes at the
    dojo. This included kickboxing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and jiujitsu on Tuesdays
    and Thursdays. Defendant was their instructor.
    ¶8             E.K.’s and G.K.’s classes started at 5 p.m. and lasted one hour. Class sizes were
    small—between 4 and 10 participants. Although E.K. and G.K. were novices, at least one class
    participant had extensive competitive martial arts experience. Participants would bow to defendant
    before commencing exercises and at the end of classes. Some witnesses suggested this practice
    signified respect toward the martial arts, not a sign of defendant’s authority as the instructor.
    However, defendant acknowledged that part of the ritual of some martial arts disciplines is to begin
    class by bowing both to the instructor and to the mats.
    ¶9             The evidence showed defendant directed the content of the classes he instructed.
    However, witnesses agreed defendant could not force participants to attend classes or to follow his
    instructions. Most participants, including E.K., called defendant “Bob,” though some children
    called him “coach.” E.K. testified that defendant supervised group work during classes.
    ¶ 10           According to defendant, E.K. was “uncontrollable” during classes. He was “unable
    to reign her in,” and he felt “uncomfortable teaching her.” Defendant described E.K. as “[v]ery
    playful,” “[v]ery disruptive,” and “[v]ery flirtatious” with men at the dojo. Defendant testified that
    he asked E.K. to pay attention during class and to stop being disruptive. At one point, defendant
    arranged for an acquaintance of his, Kimberly Woods, to help him instruct E.K. in jiujitsu. Woods
    acknowledged that her duties at the dojo were “to oversee and evaluate.” Notwithstanding the
    additional instruction from Woods, it appeared to defendant that E.K. remained playful in classes.
    ¶ 11           The defense called multiple witnesses who observed E.K. acting inappropriately
    around the dojo, such as by “groping” or “hanging on” men and writing love notes to defendant.
    At a party at the dojo for defendant’s fiftieth birthday, one witness heard E.K. say, “I’m 18. I can
    do what I want.” E.K. testified she did not make that comment. One of defendant’s witnesses
    recalled E.K. asking her whether she thought defendant would ever leave or cheat on Christine.
    ¶ 12           Christine likewise testified that E.K. was “desperate” for male attention and was
    sometimes inappropriate during their conversations. Nevertheless, E.K. and Christine soon grew
    very close. Christine described having a familial or best friend relationship with E.K. Christine
    testified that she and E.K. would say “I love you” to each other.
    ¶ 13           E.K. also grew very close with defendant. E.K. acknowledged having a flirtatious
    relationship with him and that they would exchange text messages. Before long, E.K. and G.K.
    would exercise at the dojo before their classes, stay at the dojo after classes, and have dinner with
    defendant and Christine when J.K. was working. (As a firefighter, J.K. worked 24-hour and
    sometimes 48-hour shifts.)
    ¶ 14           Defendant gave E.K. a key to the dojo. She would go there at all hours, including
    when nobody else was there. The dojo was not a 24-hour gym, and other members did not have
    keys or the same access to the facilities that E.K. had. Defendant testified he gave E.K. a key
    because she texted him constantly seeking access to the dojo to exercise. According to defendant,
    he told E.K. to exercise when he was not present, yet she continued to show up at the dojo when
    he was there. E.K., on the other hand, testified that defendant would stop in when she exercised.
    ¶ 15           Defendant operated a snowplow as part of his employment with the Village. G.K.
    and E.K. both testified about going on a snowplow ride with defendant in January or February
    2020. G.K. recalled feeling uncomfortable during the ride when defendant made a comment to the
    effect that E.K. had a “big butt.” According to E.K., defendant offered her alcohol that night back
    at the dojo. Later, defendant took off all his clothes and wanted her to remove hers. E.K. testified
    that she felt uncomfortable doing so, but defendant insisted. E.K. took off her shirt, and defendant
    pulled down her bra before she covered herself. E.K. testified she did not return home until around
    3 a.m.
    ¶ 16           E.K. continued to frequent the dojo after the night of the snowplow ride, and she
    developed a physical relationship with defendant. According to E.K., one evening before class,
    defendant “cornered” her in the kitchen of the facility. He then stuck his hand down her shorts,
    pulled down his own shorts, and masturbated until he ejaculated. E.K. acknowledged not having
    told detectives some of those details prior to trial.
    ¶ 17            Defendant and E.K. first had sexual intercourse in mid-February 2020. They
    offered different accounts of what transpired. Defendant testified that E.K. removed her clothing,
    “threw herself” at him, and he “gave in.” E.K., on the other hand, recalled that defendant asked
    her to come to the dojo on February 17, 2020, to help clean the facility. E.K. testified that defendant
    digitally penetrated her vagina while she lay on the mats. At some point, she felt “an extremely
    sharp pain.” Although her eyes were closed, she felt something in her vagina that was “different
    than [defendant’s] fingers.” E.K. had never had intercourse before, and she noticed she was
    bleeding when defendant got off her. E.K. then heard defendant say, “I swore I was going to wait
    until you were 18.” At trial, defendant denied making such a remark.
    ¶ 18            E.K. testified that she and defendant continued to have intercourse “almost every
    weekday” thereafter. According to E.K., defendant wanted sex before he went to work in the
    mornings, on lunch breaks, or before martial arts classes began in the evenings. E.K. related that
    she was “very scared as to what would happen” to her if she did not continue to have sex with
    defendant. To that end, she explained that on days when she would go to the dojo before class
    started, he would use jiujitsu against her until she was unable to fight back, and she “just let him
    do whatever he wanted.” E.K. testified that there were days “towards the end in the summer” when
    she did not go to the dojo. Based on what she felt and defendant’s comments to her, E.K. claimed
    defendant would make classes harder for her when she did not have sex with him. From mid-March
    to June 2020, the dojo did not hold classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, defendant
    allowed E.K. and G.K. to work out at the dojo during that time. E.K. testified that her sexual
    relationship with defendant stopped on May 13, 2020—her eighteenth birthday—when she went
    to confession and decided she “wasn’t going to allow what was happening to happen anymore.”
    ¶ 19           Defendant introduced witnesses who either observed or participated in classes.
    Those witnesses did not perceive defendant making classes harder on E.K. than on other
    participants. Defendant testified that he, not E.K., broke off their sexual relationship on May 15,
    ¶ 20           Shortly after defendant and E.K. stopped their sexual relationship, E.K. had a
    positive pregnancy test. In June 2020, she miscarried. Defendant and E.K. continued to
    communicate. E.K. testified defendant reached out to her constantly, wanting to know what she
    was doing and how she was doing. E.K. testified she would go to the dojo at that point only with
    G.K. G.K. was gone for a portion of the summer of 2020, during which time E.K. did not attend
    the dojo. E.K. returned to the dojo in late July or early August 2020.
    ¶ 21           E.K. testified that in August 2020, she found a handwritten note from defendant in
    her kickboxing glove. Defendant admitted writing the note but denied giving it to E.K. According
    to defendant, the last time he saw that note was in a desk drawer in his office. The trial court
    admitted the note into evidence. In the note, defendant explained that he originally viewed E.K. as
    “a mature young woman” rather than an “innocent[,] confused young girl.” He viewed their
    relationship as a reciprocal “affair,” insofar as they agreed there would be “no emotional feelings”
    between them. Defendant related that E.K. assured him she was “fine with that.” Defendant
    explained that, despite those original intentions, he fell in love with E.K. and had to stop the
    relationship. Defendant acknowledged what he did was wrong. He now recognized that E.K. was
    “a scared[,] confused little girl looking for approval.” Defendant regretted cheating on his wife,
    and he recognized he “completely tore apart the life of a beautiful[,] innocent young woman’s life
    [sic] for some self[-]pleasure.” Defendant closed the letter by apologizing to E.K. and expressing
    hope she would forgive him.
    ¶ 22           Not long after E.K. read that letter, both Christine and J.K. learned of the sexual
    relationship between E.K. and defendant. J.K. contacted the police. As part of the investigation,
    the police found nonsexual photographs of E.K. on defendant’s Village-issued phone.
    ¶ 23                                        B. Verdict
    ¶ 24           During deliberations, the jury asked for definitions of “authority” and
    “supervision.” The trial court informed the jury that “authority” means “the power to command,
    enforce laws, exact obedience, or judge.” The court informed the jury that “supervision” means
    “[t]he action of supervising someone or something; the act of overseeing.”
    ¶ 25           The jury found defendant guilty of all four charges. The trial court merged count II
    into count I and merged count IV into count III.
    ¶ 26                                      C. Sentencing
    ¶ 27           At the sentencing hearing, E.K. provided a lengthy and highly emotional victim
    impact statement. She excoriated defendant and detailed how his conduct led her down an
    extremely dark path. As part of her statement, E.K. expressed dismay that defendant had “more
    rights” and “more protection throughout this entire case” than she had. She criticized the defense
    for “play[ing] games” to delay the trial while defendant was on bond. In E.K.’s view, she learned
    through this experience that “what we call the ‘justice system’ doesn’t care how the victims are
    ¶ 28           The minimum sentence defendant faced was four years in prison on both counts, to
    be served consecutively. The defense requested the minimum sentence, whereas the prosecutor
    requested “at least” the minimum.
    ¶ 29          Recognizing that the parties were “not arguing as to the sentence,” the trial court
    imposed the minimum sentence. Rather than providing a rationale for the sentence, the court
    addressed E.K. directly:
    “[THE COURT]: You are absolutely correct that the laws of our country
    protect the criminal rather than the victim, unfortunately. If you look back and see
    the people that came over from England, they were the throwaways that, you know,
    ne’er-do-wells, or the criminals from England that they didn’t want. So when they
    developed our Constitution—which is the document we are supposed to live by—
    all rights and protections are for criminals. It doesn’t make it right, but at the end
    of the day that’s the document we all live by.
    You read a very long victim impact statement and I picked out from there
    and heard the word about ‘destroying’. I can’t speak as to that situation that,
    unfortunately, will form you as a person. I lived for 18 years in a domestic violence
    home because I was too embarrassed to speak up because I was ‘aware’, and I look
    back now and I don’t know that I would change that. I know that sounds weird, but
    that unfortunate experience led me to the person I am today. I get called ‘bitch’ a
    lot. Hmm. Really. It doesn’t bother me. I got called that this morning. I think I got
    called a ‘super effing bitch.’
    Did I not? Yeah.
    So I—in times past I probably would have melted and, ‘Oh, my God.’ And
    now I’m like, ‘Hey, come back.’ I used to tell the Defendants to engrave it on a
    bracelet for me.
    So you get to define your future no matter your past and even if it was
    horrible. And I heard guffaws and sighing and everything from over here
    (indicating) which was disrespectful, but that’s her reality. And the disrespect from
    this side (indicating) to a woman that is living that reality from someone that should
    have known better because he was the adult in this situation is appalling to me.
    Because we teach our girls to put up with it and do what everybody—every man
    I love my current husband, but I told him that after him, I’m done.
    I am not minimizing your unfortunate life event, but you can use it to create
    something bigger and I always think that things happen for a reason. I’m not saying
    it should have happened. What I’m saying is if it did happen, you use it for better,
    to be a better and bigger person than this. (Indicating.)”
    ¶ 30           Defendant did not file a postsentencing motion. He filed a timely notice of appeal.
    ¶ 31                                       II. ANALYSIS
    ¶ 32                               A. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    ¶ 33           Defendant first challenges the sufficiency of the evidence.
    ¶ 34           “When presented with a challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence, the relevant
    question on review is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime proved
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” People v. Secor, 
    279 Ill. App. 3d 389
    , 394 (1996). We may not
    substitute our judgment for the jury’s judgment on matters pertaining to weighing evidence or
    determining witness credibility. People v. Kaminski, 
    246 Ill. App. 3d 77
    , 82 (1993). “We will set
    aside a criminal conviction only where the evidence is so unreasonable, improbable, or
    unsatisfactory as to justify a reasonable doubt of a defendant’s guilt.” People v. Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 54.
    ¶ 35            Section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Criminal Code of 2012 (Code) (720 ILCS
    5/11-1.20(a)(4) (West 2020)) provides that a person commits criminal sexual assault if that person
    commits an act of sexual penetration and “is 17 years of age or over and holds a position of trust,
    authority, or supervision in relation to the victim, and the victim is at least 13 years of age but
    under 18 years of age.” Defendant does not dispute that he committed acts of sexual penetration
    with E.K. when he was an adult and she was 17. Defendant solely challenges the evidence as to
    his status in relation to E.K.
    ¶ 36            The statutory language “trust, authority, or supervision” is in the disjunctive. Thus,
    courts will uphold a conviction if the evidence shows that the defendant’s relationship with the
    alleged victim implicated any of those three categories. Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 56.
    Here, the State charged authority and supervision, and the trial court sentenced defendant on two
    counts alleging authority (counts I and III). Accordingly, we will focus on whether the State proved
    defendant held a position of authority in relation to E.K. We note defendant asserts that the
    definition of “supervision” the court gave the jury was not as “comprehensive” as what case law
    provides. However, because the court did not sentence defendant on the counts alleging
    supervision, we need not address that issue.
    ¶ 37            Section 11-1.20 of the Code does not define “authority,” but courts have given that
    word its common dictionary meaning. People v. Reynolds, 
    294 Ill. App. 3d 58
    , 65 (1997).
    “ ‘Authority’ is ‘[t]he power to command, enforce laws, exact obedience, determine, or judge.’ ”
    Secor, 279 Ill. App. 3d at 396 (quoting American Heritage Dictionary 142 (2d coll. ed. 1985)).
    Here, the trial court provided this definition of authority to the jury.
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    ¶ 38           We hold that the jury rationally found defendant held a position of authority in
    relation to E.K. The evidence established that defendant controlled martial arts instruction at his
    dojo by, among other things, determining which activities participants would engage in during
    classes. There was also evidence that participants bowed to defendant, which the jury reasonably
    could have inferred was indicative of respect toward him and his authority. See Reynolds, 294 Ill.
    App. 3d at 66 (“When more than one inference may be drawn, the question is one of fact for the
    jury.”). Defendant gave E.K. a key and unrestricted access to the dojo, thereby encouraging her to
    frequent the gym and creating the circumstances for a sexual relationship to develop. Moreover,
    E.K. testified that she was very scared as to what would happen to her if she did not continue
    having sex with defendant. She described defendant using jiujitsu against her before classes to the
    point she was unable to fight anymore, and she “just let him do whatever he wanted.” E.K. further
    testified that defendant made classes harder on her when she did not have sex with him. We
    recognize there was conflicting evidence on that point, but it was within the jury’s province to
    resolve that conflict. Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 54.
    ¶ 39           Defendant’s own testimony likewise suggested he held a position of authority in
    relation to E.K. He testified that he asked E.K. to pay attention during class and to stop being
    disruptive, which is something one might expect an authority figure to say. Defendant further
    testified that he solicited help from Woods when he discerned that E.K. was “uncontrollable.” The
    jury reasonably could have found that defendant demonstrated his authority when he took steps to
    address E.K.’s behaviors.
    ¶ 40           Defendant proposes the evidence showed that “E.K. was anything but amenable to
    the authority or supervision of [defendant] or anyone else.” Defendant cites evidence that E.K.
    behaved inappropriately around the dojo, including toward men. Defendant’s arguments do not
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    change our analysis. The statute required the State to prove defendant held a position of authority
    in relation to E.K. 720 ILCS 5/11-1.20(a)(4) (West 2020). Defendant cites no case indicating that
    the State also had to prove E.K. was amenable to defendant’s authority. To the contrary, the
    appellate court has said the statute does not even require an alleged victim to be aware of the
    defendant’s authority in relation to her. People v. Grocesley, 
    384 Ill. App. 3d 682
    , 686 (2008).
    Defendant essentially asks us to read an additional element into the statute, which is something we
    cannot do. See In re Andrew B., 
    237 Ill. 2d 340
    , 352 (2010) (noting that a court may not read into
    a statute “additional elements not intended by the legislature”). If defendant were correct that the
    State must prove that a victim is amenable to authority, a high school teacher could have a sexual
    relationship with a 17-year-old student and it would be a defense to criminal charges if the student
    was unruly. We deem it highly unlikely the legislature intended that result.
    ¶ 41           Defendant’s testimony showed he recognized E.K.’s relative youth and immaturity,
    yet he gave her unrestricted access to his dojo and commenced a sexual relationship with her. The
    jury was not required to view E.K.’s inappropriate conduct around the dojo as a defense to the
    criminal charges. Instead, the jury reasonably could have determined defendant used his
    opportunity as a martial arts instructor to exploit E.K.’s immaturity and vulnerability. To that end,
    section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code applies where “a defendant’s position of trust, authority or
    supervision in relation to a victim provides access and opportunity for an offense to occur.”
    Grocesley, 384 Ill. App. 3d at 686.
    ¶ 42           Defendant emphasizes that he was a business owner rather than a school official.
    He notes he could not force members to join the dojo, to attend classes, or to follow his directions.
    Defendant also proposes that he was not a “coach,” noting the absence of evidence that his students
    engaged in martial arts competitively.
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    ¶ 43           Notwithstanding defendant’s arguments, case law indicates that a business owner
    may come within the scope of section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code. In People v. Grano, 
    286 Ill. App. 3d 278
    , 281, 293 (1996), the State charged the defendant, who owned a karate school and was the
    head instructor, with violating the “supervision” prong of the statutory predecessor to section
    11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code. The evidence showed that K.M. started attending the karate school
    when she was six years old, and the defendant was her instructor. Grano, 286 Ill. App. 3d at 281.
    Sometime in 1993, when K.M. was about 14 years old, she became an instructor at the school but
    continued to attend classes. Grano, 286 Ill. App. 3d at 281, 283. From summer 1993 until early
    1994, the defendant and K.M. engaged in a physical relationship that progressed into sexual
    activity. Grano, 286 Ill. App. 3d at 281-82. The jury found the defendant guilty of criminal sexual
    assault. Grano, 286 Ill. App. 3d at 284. Although the appellate court reversed and remanded for a
    new trial based on an evidentiary error, the court (1) determined the evidence was sufficient to
    sustain the conviction and (2) held that the statute was not unconstitutionally vague as it applied
    to the defendant. Grano, 286 Ill. App. 3d at 289-90, 292-93. Thus, there is precedent for applying
    section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code to a business owner such as a martial arts instructor.
    ¶ 44           Moreover, in his role as E.K.’s instructor, defendant arguably acted as a coach. A
    coaching relationship may fall within the scope of section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code. See Secor,
    279 Ill. App. 3d at 396 (“It is evident that, in enacting [the statutory predecessor to section
    11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code], the legislature sought to prevent sex offenses by those whom a child
    would tend to obey, such as a teacher or coach ***.”); Grocesley, 384 Ill. App. 3d at 686-87
    (upholding the conviction of a high school boys’ track coach who had a sexual relationship with a
    female student in the same school district). The dictionary defines “coach” as “a private tutor” or
    “one who instructs or trains,” especially “one who instructs players in the fundamentals of a sport
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    and directs team strategy.” Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, https://www.merriam- (last visited June 21, 2023) [].
    Although E.K. never entered martial arts competitions, a rational jury could have determined
    defendant was a coach. To that end, defendant provided martial arts instruction and training to
    participants at the dojo. At least one participant defendant instructed had extensive prior
    competitive martial arts experience. There was also evidence that some participants—the younger
    children—called defendant “coach.”
    ¶ 45           Defendant separately argues we must reverse his conviction on count III, which
    alleged sexual activity from May 1 through 12, 2020. Defendant reasons that he “could not have
    been a coach ***, authority figure, or supervisor at the gym when it was closed and no classes
    were occurring.”
    ¶ 46           The evidence showed that E.K. began a sexual relationship with defendant in
    February 2020, at which time she was attending classes at the dojo daily. From mid-March to June
    2020, defendant held no classes due to the onset of COVID-19. However, during that time,
    defendant allowed E.K. to exercise at the dojo, and they continued their sexual relationship until
    mid-May. When the dojo reopened for classes in June 2020, E.K. attended the dojo sporadically.
    Under these circumstances, a rational jury could have determined that the nature of defendant’s
    relationship with E.K. did not change merely because COVID-19 temporarily halted formal
    instruction. By analogy, it would be absurd to conclude that a teacher may not be convicted of a
    crime for continuing a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student during a school break. We
    likewise are unwilling to say, as a matter of law, that the impact of COVID-19 immediately
    terminated defendant’s position of authority in relation to E.K. This was an issue for the jury’s
    determination upon consideration of the totality of the evidence.
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    ¶ 47           The court in Miki rejected an argument similar to the one defendant raises, albeit in
    the context of addressing the “trust” component of section 11-1.20(a)(4) of the Code. In that case,
    the court explained that “a strong trust relationship did not suddenly evaporate merely because
    defendant no longer coached [the victim’s] soccer team or employed her” when they had a sexual
    relationship. Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 60. The court acknowledged that it “may be true”
    that a trust relationship does not continue forever. Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 61. However,
    the court emphasized that (1) the defendant engaged in sexual activity with the victim “only a brief
    time after the formal coaching relationship ended” and (2) “there was no indication that anything
    beyond the mere passage of time could have weakened, let alone ended, [the victim’s] trust in
    defendant.” Miki, 
    2020 IL App (2d) 190862
    , ¶ 61.
    ¶ 48           Here, defendant and E.K. began their sexual relationship when he was her instructor
    or coach. The conduct alleged in count III was only a month and a half to two months after
    defendant temporarily halted classes at the dojo. Importantly, there is no indication in the record
    that the nature of defendant’s relationship with E.K. changed between mid-March and May 12,
    2020. Indeed, defendant had given E.K. a key to the dojo, and he continued to allow her to access
    the facilities despite the impact of COVID-19. Accordingly, a rational jury could have determined
    that defendant was guilty of the offense alleged in count III.
    ¶ 49                              B. The Trial Court’s Partiality
    ¶ 50           Defendant next focuses on the trial court’s comments to E.K. at the sentencing
    hearing. According to defendant, the comments “made it clear that because of [the court’s]
    personal experiences and resultant beliefs, [the court] was incapable of being impartial in the
    present case.” Specifically, defendant argues the court’s comments revealed “a general disdain for
    criminal defendants, the willingness to rely on personal experiences as somehow being relevant to
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    this case, and negative viewpoints about men.” Defendant maintains that the court’s stated biases
    “were directly on point” with him, as he was a male criminal defendant and the victim was female.
    Defendant proposes the court “could have disclosed her personal experiences and resultant
    attitudes to the parties prior to trial, which would have given them an opportunity to move for
    substitution or recusal.”
    ¶ 51           Defendant recognizes he failed to raise this issue below, thus forfeiting the matter
    for review. However, he maintains we should overlook the forfeiture, given that he is objecting to
    the trial court’s conduct. Alternatively, defendant invokes the plain-error doctrine.
    ¶ 52           The State responds that “the trial court remained impartial” throughout the
    proceedings. The State notes that defendant did not file any motion challenging the court’s
    partiality, such as a motion for substitution of judge for cause. The State further contends the
    subject comments were “simply an attempt by the court to assuage” E.K.’s emotional injuries. The
    State observes that “defendant fails to point to a single instance in this record which demonstrates
    the court may have ruled or acted inappropriately.”
    ¶ 53           In his rely brief, defendant asserts that “the issue of substitution of judge is not
    directly at hand ***, although it could have been had the judge revealed her biases at the outset of
    the case.” For the same reason, defendant maintains there is no issue on appeal about forcing the
    trial court’s recusal. Defendant also acknowledges there is no issue about the fairness of his
    sentence, as the court imposed the sentence each party requested. Rather, defendant frames the
    issue as “what an appellate court should do when a trial judge reveals at the end of a trial (during
    sentencing) her personal biases, from her personal experiences, toward a litigant in front of her.”
    According to defendant, this issue “involves consideration of whether the judge should have
    recused herself much earlier; or should have at least disclosed those biases to the parties so that
    - 16 -
    they could consider the issue of a motion for substitution.” Defendant submits that “[b]ecause the
    judge did not reveal her biases prior to trial, there is no way to fully determine how her rulings
    before and during trial were affected.”
    ¶ 54            Defendant did not contemporaneously object to the subject comments, nor did he
    raise the issue in a postsentencing motion. Thus, defendant forfeited his arguments. See People v.
    237 Ill. 2d 539
    , 544 (2010) (“It is well settled that, to preserve a claim of sentencing error,
    both a contemporaneous objection and a written postsentencing motion raising the issue are
    ¶ 55            Defendant cites People v. Lopez, 
    2012 IL App (1st) 101395
    , ¶ 60, for the
    proposition that forfeiture applies less rigidly where a trial judge’s conduct forms the basis for an
    objection. However, Lopez also says that forfeiture should be relaxed “ ‘only in extraordinary
    circumstances, *** such as when a judge makes inappropriate remarks to a jury or relies on social
    commentary instead of evidence in imposing a death sentence.’ ” Lopez, 
    2012 IL App (1st) 101395
    , ¶ 60 (quoting People v. 
    Thompson, 238
     Ill. 2d 598, 612 (2010)). Nothing of that nature
    occurred here. Accordingly, we will evaluate defendant’s contentions pursuant to the plain-error
    ¶ 56            “To prevail under the plain error doctrine, the defendant must first demonstrate a
    clear and obvious error occurred.” People v. Galarza, 
    2023 IL 127678
    , ¶ 45. If there was a clear
    or obvious error, then the reviewing court will reverse if either
    “(1) ‘the evidence is so closely balanced that the error alone threatened to tip the
    scales of justice against the defendant, regardless of the seriousness of the error’ or
    (2) the ‘error is so serious that it affected the fairness of the defendant’s trial and
    challenged the integrity of the judicial process, regardless of the closeness of the
    - 17 -
    evidence.’ ” Galarza, 
    2023 IL 127678
    , ¶ 45 (quoting People v. Piatkowski, 
    225 Ill. 2d 551
    , 565 (2007)).
    ¶ 57            Defendant cites cases where reviewing courts reversed criminal convictions due to
    judicial partiality. Each involved a bench trial where the court demonstrated bias against the
    defense during trial. Specifically, in People v. Kennedy, 
    191 Ill. App. 3d 86
    , 91 (1989), the trial
    court labeled the defense witnesses “thieves, drug addicts, fornicators and welfare recipients” even
    though there was no evidence supporting such conclusions. In People v. McDaniels, 
    144 Ill. App. 3d 459
    , 462 (1986), the trial court called the defendant’s affirmative defense “ ‘pretty ridiculous’ ”
    before the court had even heard the defendant’s evidence. In People v. Phuong, 
    287 Ill. App. 3d 988
    , 994 (1997), the trial court repeatedly made derogatory remarks directed against the
    Chinese-speaking defendant and her counsel. In People v. Heiman, 
    286 Ill. App. 3d 102
    , 112
    (1996), the trial court made “sarcastic comments” during the defendant’s expert’s testimony, made
    “excessive and exaggerated derogatory comments about defendant during the defense’s closing
    argument,” and interrupted defense counsel’s closing argument at least 40 times. Those cases bear
    no resemblance to the case at bar, which involved a jury trial. Here, the court never made any
    comment during trial—let alone in front of the jury—that even arguably could support a claim of
    judicial partiality. Having carefully reviewed the record, it is clear the court held a trial that was
    fair to both sides.
    ¶ 58            At the sentencing hearing, the trial court made the comments that defendant
    challenges. It is important to consider the remarks in context. E.K. provided a lengthy and highly
    emotional victim impact statement. From the court’s remarks, it seems some of defendant’s
    supporters in the courtroom laughed, sighed, and showed disrespect toward E.K. as she spoke. The
    parties then agreed that defendant should receive the statutory minimum sentence. To soften the
    - 18 -
    blow to E.K. before imposing the minimum sentence on defendant, the court addressed E.K.
    ¶ 59            The trial court began its remarks by validating E.K.’s feeling that defendant had
    more rights in these proceedings than she did. The court observed it was “unfortunate[ ]” that our
    laws protect accused criminals, not victims. The court described the country’s founders as
    “throwaways,” “ne’er-do-wells,” and “criminals from England that they didn’t want.” Referring
    to the constitution, the court then said, “It doesn’t make it right, but at the end of the day that’s the
    document we all live by.” Defendant maintains these comments showed “a general disdain for
    criminal defendants.” We disagree. Perhaps these were things the court should not have said or
    could have explained in a different way. However, the comments do not suggest any bias against
    criminal defendants, let alone this defendant.
    ¶ 60            In a similar vein, the trial court attempted to relate to and encourage E.K. by
    mentioning that the court had overcome adversity. The court shared that she grew up in a home
    with domestic violence. The court explained how that “unfortunate experience” formed her as an
    adult with thick skin to brush off when people call her names. The court told E.K., “So you get to
    define your future no matter your past and even if it was horrible.” Defendant asserts that these
    comments were improper because they showed a “willingness to rely on personal experiences as
    somehow being relevant to this case.” We see no indication of partiality in these remarks. The
    court never claimed to have personal experience that was relevant to the case, and this case does
    not involve domestic violence. The court attempted to relate to E.K. and to encourage her. With
    that said, the court’s use of profanity was unnecessary and demeaning to the atmosphere of a
    courtroom and the administration of justice.
    - 19 -
    ¶ 61           The trial court then noted the disrespect defendant’s supporters had shown toward
    E.K. during her victim impact statement. The court characterized such disrespect as “appalling”
    because E.K. was living the reality she described and defendant “should have known better because
    he was the adult in this situation.” We determine these were fair comments in light of the trial
    evidence and the apparent disrespect shown by defendant’s supporters.
    ¶ 62           The trial court added, “Because we teach our girls to put up with it and do what
    everybody—every man wants. I love my current husband, but I told him that after him, I’m done.”
    Defendant contends these comments evinced “negative viewpoints about men.” It is not apparent
    why the court referenced her own marriage or what point the court was trying to make by doing
    so. However, to the extent defendant suggests these comments show that the court could not be
    impartial in criminal cases involving men, that argument is unpersuasive.
    ¶ 63           Finally, in a portion of the trial court’s remarks that defendant omits from his brief,
    the court told E.K.:
    “I am not minimizing your unfortunate life event, but you can use it to create
    something bigger and I always think that things happen for a reason. I’m not saying
    it should have happened. What I’m saying is if it did happen, you use it for better,
    to be a better and bigger person than this. (Indicating.)”
    Again, the court appeared to be trying to comfort and inspire E.K.
    ¶ 64           We hold defendant has not demonstrated a clear or obvious error. The trial court’s
    comments—though        inartful,   confusing   at   times,    and    indecorous—were       obviously
    well-intentioned. We see no hint of partiality. Again, we emphasize that defendant’s trial was fair
    and the court imposed the statutory minimum sentence.
    ¶ 65                                    III. CONCLUSION
    - 20 -
    ¶ 66   For the reasons stated, we affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    ¶ 67   Affirmed.
    - 21 -
    People v. Breshears, 
    2023 IL App (4th) 220947
    Decision Under Review:    Appeal from the Circuit Court of Mercer County, No. 20-CF-72;
    the Hon. Norma Kauzlarich, Judge, presiding.
    Attorneys                 John J. Hanlon, of Hanlon Law Office, LLC, of Springfield, for
    for                       appellant.
    Attorneys                 Grace A. Simpson, State’s Attorney, of Aledo (Patrick Delfino,
    for                       David J. Robinson, and Timothy J. Londrigan, of State’s Attorneys
    Appellee:                 Appellate Prosecutor’s Office, of counsel), for the People.
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Document Info

Docket Number: 4-22-0947

Citation Numbers: 2023 IL App (4th) 220947

Filed Date: 6/29/2023

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/29/2023