Amended August 16, 2017 State of Iowa v. Bradley Steven Graham ( 2017 )

  •                   IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 15–1464
    Filed May 25, 2017
    Amended August 16, 2017
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Jeffrey D.
    Farrell, Judge.
    Defendant seeks further review of a denial of a motion to correct an
    Mark C. Smith, State Appellate Defender, and Theresa R. Wilson,
    Assistant Appellate Defender, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, Timothy M. Hau and Kevin R.
    Cmelik, Assistant Attorneys General, John P. Sarcone, County Attorney,
    and Nan Horvat, Assistant County Attorney, for appellee.
    APPEL, Justice.
    In this case, Bradley Graham, a juvenile offender convicted of one
    count of sex abuse in the third degree, challenges his lifetime special
    sentence of parole and the lifetime requirement that he register as a sex
    offender as cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment
    of the United States Constitution and under article I, section 17 of the
    Iowa Constitution.    The district court held Graham’s lifetime special
    sentence and lifetime registration requirement were not cruel and
    unusual punishment because a juvenile offender could petition the Iowa
    Department of Corrections for discharge from both the lifetime special
    sentence and the lifetime registration requirement.
    Graham appealed on the grounds that the special sentence and
    registration requirements violated the Cruel and Unusual Punishment
    and Due Process Clauses of the United States and Iowa Constitutions.
    The court of appeals affirmed the district court.     We granted further
    review.   We now affirm the decision of the court of appeals and the
    judgment of the district court.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background.
    A. Guilty Plea to One Count of Sexual Abuse.          Graham was
    charged in 2010 with three counts of sexual abuse in the third degree in
    violation of Iowa Code sections 709.1 (defining sexual abuse), 709.4(1)
    (sexual abuse in the third degree by force or against the will), and
    709.4(2)(b) (sexual abuse in the third degree and the other person is
    twelve or thirteen years old) (2009) for conduct occurring when Graham
    was seventeen years old. These charges related to sex acts that allegedly
    occurred involving Graham and T.C. when T.C. was thirteen years of age.
    On November 15, 2010, Graham pled guilty to one count of third-
    degree sexual abuse as the result of a sex act with T.C. when Graham
    was seventeen years of age and T.C. was thirteen years of age. See Iowa
    Code § 709.4(2)(b). Graham did not plead guilty on the basis of “by force
    or against the will” under Iowa Code section 709.4(1).         Graham was
    immediately sentenced to an indeterminate period not to exceed ten
    years.    Under Iowa Code section 903B.1, Graham was sentenced to a
    special sentence of lifetime supervision by the department of corrections.
    Graham was also required to register for life on the sex offender registry
    when he was released under Iowa Code section 692A.16.
    B. Motion and Hearing on Illegal Sentence. On September 6,
    2013, Graham filed a pro se motion to correct an illegal sentence. In the
    handwritten explanation accompanying the motion, Graham argued,
    among other things, that the special sentence of lifetime parole and
    lifetime sex offender registration requirement were “inhumane” because
    he was a juvenile at the time of the offense.
    A hearing was held on Graham’s motion on September 4, 2014.
    The State did not contest whether Graham should receive a resentencing
    hearing. The district court ordered a resentencing hearing based on the
    agreement of the parties.
    Prior to the hearing on resentencing, Graham was discharged from
    incarceration and began serving his lifetime special sentence. Pursuant
    to the lifetime special sentence, Graham was placed at a work-release
    program at the Fort Des Moines Community Corrections Center.
    According to an officer at the work-release program, Graham was
    participating in sex offender treatment and other support programs while
    at the facility.
    The resentencing hearing was held on August 18, 2015. Graham’s
    appointed counsel did not modify Graham’s original application.
    Graham’s counsel also did not file a brief before the district court.
    At the resentencing hearing, Graham’s counsel argued that under
    Iowa Code section 901.5(14) (2015), the judge could suspend any part of
    a juvenile’s sentence in whole or in part, including the special sentence
    of lifetime parole. Graham’s counsel asked the judge to suspend all but
    ten years of the special sentence of lifetime parole. Graham’s counsel
    argued the special sentence of lifetime parole was punitive, because if
    Graham violated the terms of parole, Graham would face additional
    prison time. Graham’s counsel specifically did not challenge a special
    sentence of parole of up to ten years. Graham’s counsel challenged the
    sentence only to the extent it imposed a lifetime of parole.
    Graham’s     counsel   also   argued    that   “the   2,000-foot   rule”
    established in Iowa Code section 692A.114 was punitive and the court
    had the authority to suspend part of the sentence under section
    901.5(14).    Graham’s counsel noted that if Graham violated the 2000-
    foot rule, new criminal charges may be filed under Iowa Code section
    692A.111. Graham’s counsel asked the court to immediately suspend
    the 2000-foot rule as it applied to Graham.
    In support of his motion for resentencing, Graham offered an
    August 17, 2015 email from his parole officer, James Michels. According
    to Michels, Graham arrived at the Fort Des Moines Community
    Corrections Center on April 15, 2015. He had obtained employment and
    was a hard worker. He was attending a sex offender treatment group
    and was on time and participating in the group.        Since coming to the
    facility, Graham had been written up for two major violations, one
    involving being out of place and the other for possession or use of
    alcohol.     Michels concluded that Graham “has been honest when he
    made poor choices and accepted the consequences.” Michels expressed
    the hope “that his special [sentence] can be modified due to his offense
    happening when he was 17 years old.”
    On the question of whether the special lifetime sentence of parole
    was cruel and unusual, the State argued Graham was not without hope.
    The State asserted Graham could request the department of corrections
    to release him from his special sentence of lifetime parole at any time.
    See Iowa Code § 906.15.       Likewise, the State argued, Graham could
    apply to the department of corrections to be released from the sex
    offender registry requirement. See 
    id. § 692A.128.
    The State argued the district court could not reduce the lifetime
    special sentence to a special sentence of a term of years or suspend the
    sex offender registration requirement. According to the State, Graham’s
    sole recourse was to request a modification of the special sentence or
    registration   requirements   through    the   appropriate   administrative
    In addition to Michels’s letter, the district court also had before it
    Graham’s original presentence investigation and a progress report. The
    presentence investigation outlined a history of juvenile and adult
    infractions, mostly involving burglary and theft. As a juvenile, Graham
    resided for a period of time at the Eldora Training School, earning a high
    school diploma there. Graham reported he had been physically abused
    by his mother’s boyfriend when he was around seven or eight years old.
    He was taken away from his mother at age eight and lived with his
    grandmother until she passed away. At that time, he began living with
    his mother again and started “getting into trouble.”     Graham reported
    contact and visits with his father, who was serving a twenty-five-year
    prison sentence in Anamosa State Prison.
    The court progress report dated May 12, 2015, indicated that
    Graham had a risk assessment score for violence of “3 (moderate)” and a
    victimization score of “4 (moderate/high).” The progress report listed a
    number of infractions in prison. Because of scheduling and disciplinary
    reasons, he was unable to complete the sex offender treatment program
    prior to his release on parole. The progress report indicated that Graham
    met diagnostic criteria for substance dependence or abuse related to
    marijuana and alcohol.     According to assessment tools utilized by the
    department of corrections, Graham was categorized in a group that had
    “a below average probability of success and an above average chance of
    violent   criminal    activity.”    The    department     of   corrections’
    recommendations were “for compliance with [an] on-going mental health
    treatment plan and continued participation in an intensive sex offender
    treatment program.”
    After the State concluded its argument, the district court gave
    Graham an opportunity to make a statement, which he declined. The
    court found that Graham was eligible for parole on the day he began his
    special sentence. According to the court, the special sentence did not
    carry with it any mandatory minimum. The court emphasized that it did
    not believe it had the authority to “stop the special sentence at a certain
    point in time.”      The court read Iowa Code section 901.5(14) as
    authorizing it to enter a suspended sentence or suspend part of a
    mandatory sentence, but not to cut off Graham’s special sentence.
    The district court did not expressly address the issue of Graham’s
    challenge to the 2000-foot rule. But it stated,
    And the Sex Offender Registry laws are going to apply to you.
    But they apply to anyone that commits a sex offense. And
    there’s other case law to suggest that’s not a violation of the
    cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Constitution
    either. So I think that decision is compliant with the law
    that governs what I have to do.
    After the hearing, the district court entered a written order. The
    court ruled the special sentence was not cruel and unusual. Citing State
    v. Lyle, 
    854 N.W.2d 378
    , 400 (Iowa 2014), the court noted the length of
    the sentence was not unconstitutional and the court did not have the
    authority to cut the length of the special sentence. The court did not
    specifically address in its written order the constitutionality of the 2000-
    foot rule of the sex offender registry. The court denied Graham’s motion
    to correct an illegal sentence.
    Graham appealed. We transferred the case to the court of appeals.
    C. Issues Raised on Appeal.      As an initial matter, the court of
    appeals held that a defendant does not have a right of appeal for a denial
    of a motion to correct an illegal sentence. The court therefore chose to
    treat Graham’s appeal as a petition for writ of certiorari and granted the
    writ.    The court declined to extend our juvenile cruel-and-unusual-
    punishment cases to lifetime special sentence or sex offender registration
    categorically with respect to juveniles. See State v. Sweet, 
    879 N.W.2d 811
    (Iowa 2016); Lyle, 
    854 N.W.2d 378
    ; State v. Ragland, 
    836 N.W.2d 107
    (Iowa 2013); State v. Null, 
    836 N.W.2d 41
    (Iowa 2013). The court of
    appeals also held the special sentence and sex offender registration were
    not grossly disproportionate to the gravity of Graham’s offense, especially
    given the availability of early discharge and modification.    Finally, the
    court of appeals held that Graham’s due process challenges to his
    sentence were not preserved because they were not raised before the
    district court.
    Graham applied for further review.         We granted Graham’s
    application. On appeal, Graham claims (1) a mandatory special sentence
    of lifetime parole is categorically cruel and unusual punishment and
    violates due process when imposed on a juvenile, (2) mandatory lifetime
    sex offender registration is categorically cruel and unusual punishment
    and violates due process when imposed upon a juvenile, and (3) a
    mandatory special sentence of lifetime parole and mandatory lifetime sex
    offender registration, as applied to Graham, amount to cruel and
    unusual    punishment      because       the   punishment    is   grossly
    disproportionate to the underlying offense.
    II. Standard of Review.
    A defendant may challenge the legality of a sentence at any time.
    State v. Bruegger, 
    773 N.W.2d 862
    , 869 (Iowa 2009); accord 
    Lyle, 854 N.W.2d at 382
    . While we ordinarily review challenges to illegal sentences
    for errors at law, we review allegedly unconstitutional sentences de novo.
    Lyle, 854 N.W.2d at 382
    Ragland, 836 N.W.2d at 113
    .         Statutes are
    presumed constitutional—to rebut this presumption, one must prove the
    statute unconstitutional beyond a reasonable doubt. State v. Wade, 
    757 N.W.2d 618
    , 622 (Iowa 2008); State v. Seering, 
    701 N.W.2d 655
    , 661
    (Iowa 2005). A statute is unconstitutional beyond a reasonable doubt if
    one refutes “every reasonable basis upon which the statute could be
    found to be constitutional.” 
    Seering, 701 N.W.2d at 661
    (quoting State v.
    639 N.W.2d 226
    , 233 (Iowa 2002)).
    III. Challenge to a Special Sentence of Lifetime Parole for a
    Juvenile Offender.
    A. Introduction.    In this case, Graham seeks to build on our
    cruel and unusual punishment caselaw for juvenile offenders. In Sweet,
    we declared categorically that a juvenile offender cannot be sentenced to
    life without the possibility of 
    parole. 879 N.W.2d at 839
    . In Lyle, we
    held that mandatory minimum sentences cannot be imposed without an
    hearing. 854 N.W.2d at 404
    B. Relevant Constitutional and Statutory Provisions.
    1. Constitutional provisions. The Eighth Amendment to the United
    States Constitution provides, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor
    excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
    U.S. Const. amend. VIII. Article I, section 17 of the Iowa Constitution
    provides, “Excessive bail shall not be required; excessive fines shall not
    be imposed, and cruel and unusual punishment shall not be inflicted.”
    Iowa Const. art. I, § 17.    Although state supreme courts are free to
    develop their own cruel and unusual punishment jurisprudence
    independent of federal law and some have done so, parties often decline
    to advance a different standard under state constitutions. Even so, we
    do not necessarily apply the federal standards in a fashion identical to
    the United States Supreme Court. State v. Pals, 
    805 N.W.2d 767
    , 771–
    72 (Iowa 2011); 
    Bruegger, 773 N.W.2d at 883
    ; Racing Ass’n of Cent. Iowa
    v. Fitzgerald, 
    675 N.W.2d 1
    , 5 (Iowa 2004).
    2. Relevant statutory provisions. The relevant statutory provision
    with respect to Graham’s challenge to his special sentence is Iowa Code
    section 903B.1. Under this Code provision, a person convicted of certain
    sex offenses, including the offense to which Graham pled guilty, is
    to a special sentence committing the person into the custody
    of the director of the Iowa department of corrections for the
    rest of the person’s life, with eligibility for parole as provided
    in chapter 906. The board of parole shall determine whether
    the person should be released on parole or placed in a work
    release program.
    Id. § 903B.1.
      This special sentence in essence provides for a lifetime
    supervision involving either parole or work release for the offender. Iowa
    Code section 903B.1 further provides that the sentence commences upon
    completion of the sentence imposed under any criminal sentencing
    provisions for the underlying criminal offense. 
    Id. A person
    serving a special sentence is placed on the corrections
    continuum in chapter 901B. 
    Id. The terms
    and conditions of the special
    sentence, including violations, are subject to the same set of procedures
    as other violations of parole and work release in ordinary sentencing. 
    Id. A revocation
    of release for violation of the provision of the special
    sentence shall not be for a period greater than two years for the first
    revocation and five years for any subsequent revocation. 
    Id. A person
    serving a mandatory special sentence of lifetime parole,
    however, is eligible for early release.   According to Iowa Code section
    906.15, “If a person has been sentenced to a special sentence under
    section 903B.1 . . . , the person may be discharged early from the
    sentence in the same manner as any other person on parole.” However,
    a person convicted of certain crimes including Iowa Code section 709.4
    “shall not be discharged from parole until the person’s term of parole
    equals the period of imprisonment specified in the person’s sentence,
    less all time served in confinement.” 
    Id. § 906.15.
    C. Positions of the Parties. Graham argues under the principles
    of Lyle, we should declare that a mandatory lifetime special sentence of
    parole is cruel and unusual as applied to juvenile offenders.    
    See 854 N.W.2d at 390
    –96. Graham recognizes that previous Iowa cases rejected
    constitutional challenges to the lifetime special sentence of parole. See
    Wade, 757 N.W.2d at 624
    ; State v. Sallis, 
    786 N.W.2d 508
    , 518 (Iowa Ct.
    App. 2009); State v. Harkins, 
    786 N.W.2d 498
    , 508 (Iowa Ct. App. 2009);
    State v. Jorgensen, 
    785 N.W.2d 708
    , 717 (Iowa Ct. App. 2009). Graham
    argues, however, that these cases did not involve juveniles and were
    decided prior to the United States Supreme Court cases of Roper v.
    543 U.S. 551
    125 S. Ct. 1183
    (2005), Graham v. Florida, 
    560 U.S. 48
    130 S. Ct. 2011
    (2010), and Miller v. Alabama, 
    567 U.S. 460
    132 S. Ct. 2455
    (2012), and our juvenile cases. Graham urges that we
    take a fresh look at the issues in light of evolving caselaw. Specifically,
    he draws our attention to State v. Dull, 
    351 P.3d 641
    (Kan. 2015). In
    Dull,   the   Kansas     Supreme   Court   held   that     mandatory   lifetime
    supervision of juvenile sex offenders violated the Eighth Amendment. 
    Id. at 660.
    The same problem that we identified with mandatory life without
    the possibility of parole for juvenile offenders in Ragland, Null, and State
    v. Seats, 
    865 N.W.2d 545
    (Iowa 2015), Graham asserts, infects
    mandatory lifetime special sentences. According to Graham, under Iowa
    Code section 903B.1, the sentencing court has no discretion in imposing
    a less severe sentence after factoring in the individual characteristics of
    the juvenile offender.
    In response to the State’s argument that he failed to exhaust
    administrative remedies, Graham asserts he is not challenging a parole
    decision, but rather the automatic imposition of a criminal punishment.
    Additionally, Graham argues, the State waived the exhaustion issue by
    failing to raise the argument before the district court.
    The State initially argues that Graham has failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies with the board of parole.           Under Iowa Code
    section 906.15, the State points out, a special sentence is governed by
    the same rules as parole. According to the State, the decisions regarding
    parole continuance, modification, and revocation are parole decisions
    and not sentencing decisions. The State argues that an administrative
    action is the exclusive means that Graham has in challenging parole
    decisions under the Iowa Administrative Procedures Act.
    The State also argues that a lifetime special sentence is not cruel
    and unusual punishment.         Under United States and Iowa juvenile
    offender caselaw, the problem with life without parole or mandatory
    minimum sentences is, the State asserts, the lack of opportunity for
    parole. “[P]arole eligibility,” the State stresses, “cures the constitutional
    violation.” In the case of special sentences, the special sentence itself is
    parole. Additionally, this special sentence may be discharged when the
    offender demonstrates that he can abide by society’s laws without
    supervision. The “lifetime” special sentence is not necessarily for life.
    D. Overview of Application of Cruel and Unusual Punishment
    for Juvenile Offenders.     The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause
    “embraces a bedrock rule of law that punishment should fit the crime.”
    Bruegger, 773 N.W.2d at 872
    ; see also Weems v. United States, 
    217 U.S. 349
    , 367, 
    30 S. Ct. 544
    , 549 (1910) (“[I]t is a precept of justice that
    punishment for crime should be graduated and proportioned to [the]
    offense.”). The notion that punishment should fit the crime, however, is
    an abstract generality. The United States Supreme Court has struggled
    to develop a coherent framework to implement that generality.
    Three recent United States Supreme Court cases have explored the
    application of the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause to juvenile
    offenders. In Roper, the Court held the Eighth Amendment categorically
    prohibited the imposition of the death penalty on defendants who were
    juveniles at the time of the 
    offense. 543 U.S. at 578
    , 125 S. Ct. at 1200.
    The Roper Court analyzed “the evolving standards of decency that mark
    the progress of a maturing society” by seeking evidence of a national
    consensus and by bringing its own independent judgment to bear on the
    Id. at 561,
    563, 125 S. Ct. at 1190
    , 1192 (quoting Trop v.
    356 U.S. 86
    , 101, 
    78 S. Ct. 590
    , 598 (1958) (plurality opinion)).
    The Court also articulated the broad areas of fundamental difference
    between juvenile and adult defendants.          
    Id. at 569–70,
    125 S. Ct. at
    1195–96.      Juveniles lack maturity and often have “an underdeveloped
    sense of responsibility . . . [which] often result[s] in impetuous and ill-
    considered actions and decisions.”          
    Id. at 569,
    125 S. Ct. at 1195
    (quoting Johnson v. Texas, 
    509 U.S. 350
    , 367, 
    113 S. Ct. 2658
    , 2668–69
    (1993)).    “[J]uveniles are more vulnerable or susceptible to negative
    influences and outside pressures, including peer pressure.” 
    Id. Finally, “the
    character of a juvenile is not as well formed as that of an adult. The
    personality traits of juveniles are more transitory, less fixed.” 
    Id. at 570,
    125 S. Ct. at 1195.
    These fundamental differences mean that juveniles lack the same
    moral responsibility as adults and are less likely to have an “irretrievably
    depraved character” due to the transitory nature of youth. 
    Id. at 570,
    125 S. Ct. at 1195–96. Because of this, some penological justifications
    apply with less force to juvenile defendants—retribution, because
    juveniles lack the same moral culpability, and deterrence, because
    juveniles often do not engage in a cost-benefit analysis that attaches any
    real weight to punishment. 
    Id. at 571–72,
    125 S. Ct. at 1196. In a later
    case, the Court also explained that the goal of incapacitation applies with
    less force toward juveniles, because very few juveniles are truly
    incorrigible and it is exceedingly difficult to determine which rare juvenile
    is so. 
    Graham, 560 U.S. at 72
    –73, 130 S. Ct. at 2029 (holding juvenile
    offenders who did not commit homicide may not be sentenced to life
    without the possibility of parole); see also 
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 489
    –90, 132
    S. Ct. at 2475 (holding mandatory juvenile life without possibility of
    parole     cruel   and   unusual);   cf.   
    Sweet, 879 N.W.2d at 830
    (summarizing the United States Supreme Court caselaw).
    Our cases have extended the reasoning of Roper, Graham, and
    Miller under the Iowa Constitution, article I, section 17. See, e.g., 
    Sweet, 879 N.W.2d at 839
    Seats, 865 N.W.2d at 558
    Lyle, 854 N.W.2d at 404
    Ragland, 836 N.W.2d at 122
    ; State v. Pearson, 
    836 N.W.2d 88
    , 97 (Iowa
    Null, 836 N.W.2d at 76
    Bruegger, 773 N.W.2d at 886
    .          As we
    explained in Sweet, our cases have embraced the general principles of
    the Roper–Graham–Miller trilogy and have applied them to de facto life
    sentences, very long sentences, and relatively short 
    sentences. 879 N.W.2d at 834
    In Lyle, we held that mandatory minimum prison sentences which
    deprived courts of the discretion to consider the youth of the offender as
    a mitigating factor were cruel and unusual punishment under the Iowa
    Constitution, no matter the length of the mandatory 
    minimum. 854 N.W.2d at 404
    .    Lyle did not declare that minimum prison sentences
    per se were unconstitutional, but only that the mandatory imposition of
    minimum adult prison sentences on juvenile offenders violated the cruel
    and unusual punishment clause of article I, section 17 of the Iowa
    Id. According to
    Lyle, some juveniles might deserve the
    same minimum prison sentence as an adult, but others, because of their
    youth, may be less culpable.     
    Id. at 403.
      But, as stated in Null, the
    Miller-factors must be considered at an individualized sentencing hearing
    before a judge may sentence a juvenile to a minimum adult prison term.
    Null, 836 N.W.2d at 75
    . As noted in Null, however, there is no guarantee
    of release, only a “ ‘meaningful opportunity’ to demonstrate rehabilitation
    and fitness to return to society.” 
    Id. (quoting Graham,
    560 U.S. at 
    75, 130 S. Ct. at 2030
    E. Empirical Studies Related to Recidivism Rates of Juvenile
    Offenders. There have now been several decades of empirical research
    on the recidivism rates of juvenile sex offenders. The literature suggests
    most juvenile offenders who commit sex offenses will outgrow their
    behavior and that juveniles adjudicated delinquent for sex offenses have
    extremely low rates of recidivism generally and even lower rates of sexual
    reoffending. See Amy E. Halbrook, Juvenile Pariahs, 65 Hastings L.J. 1,
    14–15 (2013) [hereinafter Halbrook].
    In 2006 and 2007, Franklin Zimring and his associates conducted
    two studies designed to examine the risk of recidivism among people
    adjudicated delinquent for sex offenses. See Franklin E. Zimring et al.,
    Investigating the Continuity of Sex Offending: Evidence from the Second
    Philadelphia Birth Cohort, 26 Just. Q. 58 (2009) [hereinafter Zimring,
    Philadelphia]; Franklin E. Zimring et al., Sexual Delinquency in Racine:
    Does Early Sex Offending Predict Later Sex Offending in Youth and Young
    Adulthood?, 6 Criminology & Pub. Pol’y 507 (2007) [hereinafter Zimring,
    Racine].   The studies showed juvenile sex offenders pose little risk of
    recidivism, especially in adulthood. Zimring, Philadelphia, 26 Just. Q. at
    65–67; Zimring, Racine, 6 Criminology & Pub. Pol’y at 526–28; see also
    Halbrook, 65 Hastings L.J. at 13–14.      Similarly, a study by Michael
    Caldwell of 265 juveniles released from a secure facility found that
    during a period of about six years, the prevalence of new sex offenses for
    those previously adjudicated for sex offenses was 12.1% compared to
    11.6% for those previously adjudicated for non-sex offenses. Michael F.
    Caldwell et al., An Examination of the Sex-Offender Registration and
    Notification Act as Applied to Juveniles: Evaluating the Ability to Predict
    Sexual Recidivism, 14 Psychol., Pub. Pol’y, & L. 89, 96–97, 101 (2008).
    Finally, studies by Elizabeth Letourneau and her associates in 2008 and
    2009 showed that juvenile sex offender reconviction rate for sexual
    offenses was less than one percent. Elizabeth J. Letourneau & Kevin S.
    Armstrong, Recidivism Rates for Registered and Nonregistered Juvenile
    Sex Offenders, 20 Sexual Abuse: J. Res. & Treatment 393, 400 (2008);
    see Halbrook, 65 Hastings L.J. at 15 n.96.
    F. Iowa Caselaw on Special Sentences of Lifetime Parole for
    Adults. We have not had occasion to consider the application of cruel
    and unusual punishment principles to the imposition of lifetime parole
    sentences on juvenile offenders.       We have, however, considered the
    question in connection with adult offenders.
    In State v. Lathrop, we considered whether a special sentence of
    lifetime parole could be applied retroactively to crimes which occurred
    shortly before Iowa Code section 903B.1 went into effect. 
    781 N.W.2d 288
    , 291 (Iowa 2010). In concluding that application of the newly passed
    special sentence of lifetime parole was a violation of the ex post facto
    clause, Lathrop held that a special sentence of lifetime parole was a
    Id. at 297.
    According to Lathrop, the special sentence of
    lifetime parole was punishment because the special sentence would
    begin after an offender’s release from incarceration, would impose
    affirmative restraints and disabilities similar to or greater than
    traditional parole, and was imposed without any finding that the offender
    posed a risk to the safety of others at the time of release from
    Id. at 296.
    In State v. Wade, we considered whether an adult offender’s
    challenge to a ten-year special sentence of parole for indecent exposure,
    a serious misdemeanor, amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.
    757 N.W.2d 618
    , 622 (Iowa 2008). Wade argued that the ten-year special
    sentence, with the possibility of imprisonment for two or five-year terms
    for violations, was grossly disproportionate to the maximum sentence for
    serious misdemeanors.        
    Id. at 623.
      In Wade, we cited Seering, 701
    17 N.W.2d 670
    , where the court held that a two-year sentence for violating
    the sex offender registration law was not cruel and unusual. 
    Id. at 624.
    The Wade court then summarily concluded the special sentence was not
    grossly disproportionate to the crime of indecent exposure because any
    additional imprisonment would only result if Wade violated the terms of
    the special sentence. 
    Id. In State
    v. Tripp, an adult offender challenged a lifetime special
    sentence of parole as cruel and unusual as applied to a conviction for
    sexual assault in the third degree. 
    776 N.W.2d 855
    , 857 (Iowa 2010). At
    the time of the case, Tripp was serving five years of probation, so had not
    yet begun his special sentence. 
    Id. at 858.
    We held the issue was not
    ripe for our review. 
    Id. at 859.
    The Tripp court stated, “We do not know
    the terms of his parole and the extent to which those terms may be
    onerous. Although standard parole terms exist, any or even all of those
    terms may be deleted.” 
    Id. at 858.
    We further said,
    It is also significant that the special sentence is not
    necessarily for life.     Section 903B.1 provides for the
    possibility of release from parole under chapter 906 if the
    parole board determines that the offender is “able and willing
    to fulfill the obligations of a law abiding citizen without
    further supervision.”
    Id. (quoting Iowa
    Code § 906.15).     We emphasized that we could not
    know whether or not Tripp might be released from parole at any time. 
    Id. G. Caselaw
    from Other State Jurisdictions. The Supreme Court
    of Kansas recently considered whether a lifetime special sentence of
    parole was cruel and unusual.     See Dull, 
    351 P.3d 641
    .     In Dull, the
    defendant brought an Eighth Amendment challenge to a special sentence
    imposing lifetime postrelease supervision on an offender who was
    convicted of “aggravated indecent liberties with a child,” a felony, and
    who was a juvenile at the time of the offense. 
    Id. at 647–48.
    The Dull
    court canvassed the Roper–Graham–Miller United States Supreme Court
    caselaw, before applying the two-prong Graham analysis for categorical
    challenges under the Eighth Amendment. 
    Id. at 650.
    After a lengthy analysis, including a comprehensive review of state
    law on lifetime supervision, the Dull court concluded that Dull had failed
    to show a national consensus against lifetime postrelease supervision for
    juvenile offenders. 
    Id. at 660.
    Yet, after applying its own judgment, the
    Kansas court concluded that mandatory lifetime supervision for juvenile
    offenders was cruel and unusual because (1) juveniles have diminished
    moral culpability because of all the characteristics of juveniles described
    in Miller and (2) mandatory lifetime supervision is a severe sentence in
    and of itself because the supervision restricts the juvenile’s liberty and
    severely restricts the juvenile’s life. 
    Id. The Supreme
    Court of Nebraska, however, came to a contrary
    result in State v. Boche, 
    885 N.W.2d 523
    (Neb. 2016). Under Nebraska
    law, certain sex offenders are subject to lifetime community supervision,
    but unlike the Kansas provision, the level of supervision for each
    offender is tailored to the individual after a risk assessment, with a
    requirement that the restrictions imposed be the least restrictive
    available based on the risk of recidivism and public safety. 
    Id. at 532–
    33. The offender has a right to appeal the conditions and argue that less
    restrictive conditions are available and should be imposed. 
    Id. at 533.
    Additionally, the restrictions imposed were reviewed on a yearly basis
    and would be modified as warranted. 
    Id. at 538.
    After a lengthy analysis, the Boche court held that the lifetime
    postrelease supervision was not cruel and unusual under the Eighth
    Id. at 538–39.
    Of particular importance to the Nebraska
    court was the individualized nature of the restrictions imposed on
    offenders by the lifetime community supervision.            
    Id. at 537–38.
    Additionally, the fact that restrictions may be appealed and revised as
    needed throughout the offender’s life rendered the sentencing scheme
    flexible enough to pass Miller muster. 
    Id. at 538.
    The Boche court also explained,
    We recognize that the Kansas Supreme Court recently
    held that mandatory lifetime postrelease supervision is cruel
    and unusual punishment when applied to a juvenile sex
    offender.    In doing so, that court explicitly found the
    provisions of Kansas’ supervision were “more severe than
    most other jurisdictions” and recognized that the provisions
    resulted in a “sentence that restricts the juvenile’s liberty for
    life without any chance, hope, or legal mechanism of having
    those restrictions lifted or even reduced.”
    Id. (footnotes omitted).
       Finding the Nebraska statute’s community
    supervision requirements “differ significantly and materially” from the
    Kansas statute, the Boche court did not find the Kansas court’s opinion
    Id. H. Analysis
    of Cruel and Unusual Punishment in This Case.
    We note at the outset that under the statute, Graham is eligible for
    release from his special mandatory lifetime sentence of parole.           The
    statute is like that in Boche, 
    885 N.W.2d 523
    , where the Nebraska
    Supreme Court found the statute did not violate cruel and unusual
    Graham claims there is reason to suspect the parole board may be
    reluctant to discharge an offender from the special sentence, no matter
    the original characteristics of the juvenile offender or the offender’s
    demonstration of rehabilitation.    But Graham has offered little to no
    evidence to support this possibility. On appeal, Graham’s brief cites a
    report to the general assembly from the Iowa Sex Offender Research
    Council from January 2014, which provides general data about the
    number of adult and juvenile offenders receiving a special sentence, but
    there is no data about requests for discharge.
    We faced a similar situation in State v. Louisell, 
    865 N.W.2d 590
    (Iowa 2015).     In Louisell, the appellant challenged her sentence of life
    without parole for her first-degree murder conviction, which she
    committed as a juvenile. 
    Id. at 594.
    In the district court, she presented
    evidence that she completed numerous educational courses and
    programs while in prison, including obtaining an associate’s degree and
    a bachelor’s degree; that she learned the trade of electrician’s helper; that
    she was in numerous musical and religious activities in the prison; and
    that she was a published author who mentored and tutored other
    incarcerated women.      
    Id. at 594–95.
      She presented letters of support
    from the prosecuting attorney and judge that presided over her criminal
    Id. at 595.
    She also presented evidence she had a job if she was
    released and a support system to help her reenter society upon her
    Id. The district
    court—after acknowledging it might not have the
    statutory authority—held that Louisell’s sentence of life without parole
    was illegal without a Miller-type hearing.        
    Id. The district
    concluded after a Miller-type hearing that Louisell was entitled to the
    possibility of parole. 
    Id. The court
    further held, however, on the record
    presented, that Louisell’s term in prison should be reduced to a term of
    twenty-five years and that Louisell was entitled to release. 
    Id. In Louisell,
    the state conceded that Louisell’s original sentence
    without a Miller-type hearing was invalid, but the State challenged the
    district court’s ruling reducing Louisell’s prison term to twenty-five years
    and ordering her release. 
    Id. at 596.
    The gist of the state’s position was
    that the parole board, and not the court, should make the determination
    as to whether Louisell was entitled to release. 
    Id. On the
    record in Louisell, we sided with the state. 
    Id. at 601.
    did not question that Louisell made a compelling showing regarding her
    Id. at 595.
    Nonetheless, we held there was no statutory
    authority for the district to reduce her sentence to twenty-five years. 
    Id. at 597–98.
    We next considered the district court’s alternate determination that
    Louisell should be released on parole. 
    Id. at 601.
    Louisell recognized
    that ordinarily the parole board makes the determination, but argued
    that her eligibility for parole was illusory, not real. 
    Id. at 601–02.
    presented a newspaper article that suggested that since Miller, Ragland,
    Null, and Pearson were decided, only one of thirty-eight juvenile offenders
    originally sentenced to life without the possibility of parole had been
    granted parole. 
    Id. at 601.
    We held, however, that her claim was not ripe.            
    Id. at 602.
    Because her life without the possibility of parole had just been vacated,
    the parole board had not yet had an opportunity to consider whether she
    should be released.    
    Id. We stressed,
    however, that the meaningful
    opportunity for parole must be realistic.    
    Id. We left
    for another day
    whether repeated cursory denials of parole of offenders who had shown
    rehabilitation or maturity would evince that a meaningful or realistic
    opportunity for release as required under our caselaw is illusory. 
    Id. We think
    Louisell is instructive in this case. With respect to the
    possibility of release from parole, the statute here vests the parole board
    with authority to make those decisions in the first instance.
    We do note that under Iowa Code section 906.15, there is a
    mandatory minimum period of parole. Specifically, the statute requires
    that Graham’s parole extends at least as far as the maximum of his
    underlying sentence or, in this case, ten years. We note, however, that
    Graham twice specifically declined to attack a ten-year period of
    probation at the district court in this postconviction-relief proceeding.
    Instead, he focused his fire solely on the imposition of lifetime parole.
    For that reason, we are not called upon to address the narrower question
    of whether a minimum period of parole may be imposed on juvenile
    In     our   decision   today,   however,   we   do   not   consider   the
    constitutionality of a de facto refusal of the parole board to ever consider
    release of lifetime parole for juvenile sex offenders. We have no occasion
    to consider whether a blanket refusal to consider release from parole of a
    class of juvenile offenders without a risk assessment that takes into
    account the vicissitudes of youth and the opportunity to show
    rehabilitation and maturity. If the parole board were to adopt such an
    approach, then a question similar to that posed in Dull might be
    presented. 351 P.3d at 660
    . We have no occasion to confront such an
    issue today.
    I. Conclusion.          For the above reasons, and on the record
    developed below, we conclude that Graham is not entitled to relief from
    his sentence as cruel and unusual based on the limited claim related to
    mandatory lifetime parole presented to the district court in this case.
    IV. Challenge to Lifetime Sex Offender Registration as Cruel
    or Unusual.
    On appeal, Graham challenges his sentence of lifetime sex offender
    registration under Iowa Code chapter 692A. The issue of the application
    of lifetime sex offender registration to juvenile offenders has received
    attention from commentators and in the courts. See, e.g., Catherine L.
    Carpenter, Throwaway Children: The Tragic Consequences of a False
    Narrative, 45 Sw. L. Rev. 461, 489–94 (2016); Heather Ellis Cucolo &
    Michael L. Perlin, “They’re Planting Stories in the Press”: The Impact of
    Media Distortions on Sex Offender Law and Policy, 3 U. Denv. Crim. L.
    Rev. 185, 205–06 (2013); Phoebe Geer, Justice Served? The High Cost of
    Juvenile Sex Offender Registration, 27 Dev. Mental Health L. 34, 38–50
    (2008); Alex Duncan, Note, Calling a Spade a Spade: Understanding Sex
    Offender Registration as Punishment and Implications Post-Starkey, 
    67 Okla. L
    . Rev. 323, 346–49 (2015).
    In support of his argument, Graham cites In re C.P., 
    967 N.E.2d 729
    (Ohio 2012). In In re C.P., the Ohio Supreme Court held lifetime sex
    offender registration was unconstitutional as applied to juveniles under
    the United States and Ohio Constitutions on cruel and unusual
    punishment and due process grounds. 
    Id. at 750.
    The Ohio Supreme
    Court noted although states were required to conform with the provisions
    of the Federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) or
    risk loss of federal funds, many states engaged in foot-dragging,
    particularly because of the inclusion of juveniles on registries.       
    Id. at 738–39.
    The Ohio Supreme Court found a shift against the policy that
    Ohio imposed to conform with SORNA. 
    Id. at 739.
    Further, exercising
    independent    judgment,    the   Ohio    Supreme   Court    considered   the
    culpability of juvenile offenders, the nature of the offenses, the severity of
    punishment, and the application of the Graham factors. 
    Id. at 740–46.
    In contrast to In re C.P., the Supreme Court of Nebraska came to a
    contrary conclusion in Boche, 
    885 N.W.2d 523
    . The Nebraska Supreme
    Court noted that under its precedents, lifetime registration was not
    punitive in nature. 
    Id. at 531.
    It declined to revisit its past precedent on
    the lifetime registration issue. 
    Id. at 531–32.
    In the past, however, we have held, at least as applied to adults,
    lifetime sex offender registration was not punitive under statutes then in
    Seering, 701 N.W.2d at 669
    ; State v. Pickens, 
    558 N.W.2d 396
    , 400 (Iowa 1997). We have also held that an offender failed to show
    that the 2000-foot rule was effectively banishment as applied to him, and
    therefore punitive. Formaro v. Polk County, 
    773 N.W.2d 834
    , 844 (Iowa
    2009). And, while a federal district court in Iowa concluded that lifetime
    sex offender registration under Iowa Code chapter 692A was punitive
    after the development of a thorough record in Doe v. Miller, 
    298 F. Supp. 2d
    844, 871 (S.D. Iowa 2004), a divided United States Court of Appeals
    for the Eighth Circuit reversed. Doe v. Miller, 
    405 F.3d 700
    , 723 (8th Cir.
    In the district court, however, his counsel only attacked one aspect
    of Iowa Code chapter 692A, namely, the application of the 2000-foot rule.
    For instance, no claim was made that the lifetime registration
    requirement was cruel and unusual because of its stigmatization of
    juvenile offenders, and no claim was made that the requirement that
    registrants personally appear periodically before the sheriff every three
    months under threat of criminal prosecution was disproportionate. The
    sole issue presented at the hearing was the viability of the 2000-foot rule.
    At the outset, we note that no record was developed before the
    district court on the impact of the 2000-foot rule on Graham. The case
    is thus strikingly different than Doe, where plaintiffs presented the
    federal district court with an elaborate record including testimony from
    experts on supervision of sex offenders, maps showing the impact of the
    2000-foot rule on available housing, and detailed testimony and
    affidavits from sixteen offenders. 
    298 F. Supp. 2d
    at 849–65. Here, no
    such presentation was made. As we noted in State v. Groves, when a
    party chooses not to present evidence regarding the impact the statute
    has on the party, we are unable to determine whether a residential
    statute precludes the party from residing in a fashion that violates
    constitutional norms. 
    742 N.W.2d 90
    , 93 (Iowa 2007).
    Further, on the question of application of the 2000-foot rule to
    juvenile offenders, Graham has not shown any injury in fact. At the time
    of the hearing, he was a resident at the Fort Des Moines Community
    Corrections Center. He did not choose his residency. It was chosen for
    him. His choice of residency had nothing to do with the 2000-foot rule,
    and he has not demonstrated any harm arising from it.       As a result,
    Graham has not demonstrated any injury in fact to entitle him to relief.
    See Godfrey v. State, 
    752 N.W.2d 413
    , 419 (Iowa 2008); Alons v. Iowa
    Dist. Ct., 
    698 N.W.2d 858
    , 868 (Iowa 2005).
    V. Bruegger-Type Cruel and Unusual Punishment Challenge.
    In addition to his categorical challenge, Graham argues the
    mandatory lifetime special sentence of lifetime parole and the mandatory
    lifetime registration are unconstitutional as applied to him under
    773 N.W.2d 862
    . In Bruegger, we held that an offender may
    claim that a criminal sentence, though not necessarily facially invalid,
    could be grossly disproportionate as applied to the specific offender and
    thus violate the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clauses of the United
    States and Iowa. 
    Id. at 873.
    Because Graham lacks injury in fact with respect to the validity of
    the 2000-foot residential restriction, we do not consider his as-applied
    attack on it.   But Graham has preserved and presented us with his
    Bruegger-type challenge to his lifetime special sentence of parole.   In
    considering his challenge to his lifetime of parole, we must consider his
    current status—namely that he is subject to parole but may be relieved
    of parole obligations sometime in the future by the parole board.
    At this time, based on the record before us, we cannot speculate
    regarding what action the parole board may take in the future.          See
    Tripp, 776 N.W.2d at 858
    –59. What is before us is the narrow question
    of whether the current parole restrictions amount to cruel and unusual
    punishment as applied to Graham.
    On the specific issue before us, Graham’s Bruegger-type argument
    fails. Graham did not offer into evidence a copy of his parole conditions,
    so we are hampered in our review. We have no way of assessing whether
    particular parole conditions are problematic, but can only assess the
    general framework of supervision provided when an offender is on parole.
    We can look at the few records that were before the district court.
    The presentence investigation report on Graham showed an extensive
    juvenile offense history involving thefts and burglaries prior to his sexual
    offense.   He participated in anger management programming while in
    juvenile placement. He was suspended and expelled from Newton High
    School. He later received a high school diploma while in placement at
    the Iowa Training School for Boys at Eldora.
    The department of correction’s progress report that is part of the
    record in this case indicates that Graham is assessed as having a
    “moderate” risk of violence and a “moderate/high” risk of victimization.
    According to the progress report, Graham meets the DSM-IV diagnosis
    for substance dependence. His Jesness Inventory placed Graham in a
    category of persons who “have a below average probability of success and
    an above average chance of violent criminal activity.” The department of
    corrections recommendations were for ongoing mental health treatment
    and continued participation in an intensive sex offender treatment
    program. Graham has not attacked any of these findings.
    The record contains an email from Graham’s current parole officer.
    The email indicates that while at the Fort Des Moines facility, Graham
    has been employed and continues to attend a sex offender treatment
    group daily. Graham’s parole officer indicates that Graham has had two
    major written reports at the Fort Des Moines facility, one for being out of
    place of assignment and the other for possession or use of alcohol. The
    parole officer concludes by noting, “I am hopeful that his special
    [sentence] can be modified due to his offense happening when he was 17
    years old.”
    Graham was discharged from prison in April 2015. At the time of
    the district court hearing in this case, he had been on parole for a year
    and a half. Given the factual record presented at the hearing, we see no
    basis to interfere with his current parole status based on a claim that his
    parole status violates the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clauses of the
    United States or Iowa Constitutions. Graham simply does not present
    the kind of grossly disproportionate punishment based on his current
    parole status to support a cruel and unusual punishment claim with
    respect to his parole.
    VI. Due Process Challenge.
    Graham on appeal challenges his sentence on due process
    grounds. The due process issue, however, was not raised in the district
    court. We decline to address it on appeal. See Meier v. Senecaut, 
    641 N.W.2d 532
    , 537 (Iowa 2002); Metz v. Amoco Oil Co., 
    581 N.W.2d 597
    600 (Iowa 1998).
    VII. Conclusion.
    For the above reasons, we conclude the decision of the court of
    appeals and the judgment of the district court should be affirmed.