In the Matter of Clarence B. Meldrum, Jr., Judicial Magistrate. On Application of the Iowa , 834 N.W.2d 650 ( 2013 )

  •               IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 13–0367
    Filed July 19, 2013
    Judicial Magistrate.
    On application of the Iowa Commission on Judicial Qualifications.
    The Commission on Judicial Qualifications filed an application to
    discipline a magistrate. APPLICATION GRANTED; JUDICIAL OFFICER
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Scott D. Brown and
    Kevin R. Cmelik, Assistant Attorneys General, for complainant.
    John M. French of Law Offices of John M. French, Council Bluffs,
    for respondent.
    APPEL, Justice.
    The   Iowa   Commission        on       Judicial   Qualifications   filed    an
    application in this court recommending a magistrate be publicly
    reprimanded for publishing an advertisement for his services as a private
    attorney in which he wore his judicial robes and referred to his position
    as a magistrate.    We find the magistrate violated the Iowa Code of
    Judicial Conduct and grant the application. We agree the appropriate
    discipline in this matter is a public reprimand.
    I. Background Facts and Prior Proceedings.
    Clarence B. Meldrum, Jr., is a magistrate in Pottawattamie
    County. He has been a licensed attorney in Iowa for forty-one years. He
    has been a magistrate since 1993.              As a judicial officer, Magistrate
    Meldrum handled criminal matters, municipal infractions, small claims
    matters, and matters involving mental health and substance abuse.
    Since the mid-1990s, he has limited his law practice to bankruptcy,
    probate, real estate, and tax matters, purportedly to avoid conflict with
    his position as a magistrate.
    In addition to his work in private practice and on the bench,
    Magistrate Meldrum has served as president of the Pottawattamie
    County Bar Association, president of the magistrate judges’ association,
    on the board of Legal Services Corporation of Iowa (which is now Iowa
    Legal Aid), on the policy advisory committee of the legal aid office for the
    fourth judicial district, and as a volunteer with the Volunteer Lawyer
    Project. Meldrum received the meritorious service award as a magistrate
    in 2007, awarded in recognition of his service to the public.
    Beginning in 2009, Magistrate Meldrum placed advertisements in
    phone   books   circulating     in   and      around     Council   Bluffs.        Both
    advertisements featured a photograph of Magistrate Meldrum in his
    judicial robes. The photograph was taken by the Pottawattamie County
    Bar Association in 2005 and had previously appeared in a composite
    photograph    hanging    in   the   county    courthouse.    One    of   the
    advertisements also noted his position as an “Iowa Judicial Magistrate.”
    On December 8, 2011, the Commission on Judicial Qualifications
    charged Magistrate Meldrum with a substantial violation of Canon 1 of
    the Iowa Judicial Code of Conduct, including rules 51:1.2 and 51:1.3, for
    abusing the prestige of his judicial office to advance his personal
    economic interests and for failing to promote the public confidence in the
    At a hearing on February 1, 2012, when asked about his intent in
    placing the advertisements, Magistrate Meldrum replied that he wanted
    to communicate his level of responsibility to potential clients, but that it
    was not his intent to use the prestige of his judicial office for personal
    gain or to obtain favorable treatment. He stated:
    My intention in preparing the ad was to communicate to the
    public in a permissible manner my availability as a private
    attorney for private legal services, and it was my intention by
    using the title of magistrate and the photograph in the robes
    to indicate that I did hold a responsible public position and
    that I was a reliable attorney with 40 years’ practice
    experience. There was never any intention to indicate that
    by virtue of my position as a magistrate I could pull any
    strings, make things happen for people that shouldn’t
    When asked if he was attempting to use his position as a magistrate to
    attract clients, Magistrate Meldrum stated:
    Only in the sense that I felt that being a member of the
    judiciary, and specifically an Iowa Judicial Magistrate, lent
    credence to my professionalism and my qualifications to
    represent people. I never intended to indicate that I could
    use my position as a Judicial Magistrate to effect any—
    anything for any client, no.
    Magistrate Meldrum also agreed it would advance his personal or
    economic interests if the reference to his judicial office helped him attract
    business from people who found him to be trustworthy.            Magistrate
    Meldrum expressed his embarrassment, apologized, stated he took the
    alleged violation to heart, and indicated he had no intention of violating
    this ethical canon again.    The commission found Magistrate Meldrum
    violated the Iowa Code of Judicial Conduct and recommends a public
    In arguing Magistrate Meldrum’s conduct did not promote public
    confidence in the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the
    judiciary, the commission points to Magistrate Meldrum’s assertion that
    he referenced his position as a magistrate in the advertisements to
    indicate he was responsible and reliable as an attorney. The commission
    argues that the public could easily construe the advertisement to suggest
    Magistrate Meldrum is a better attorney than others because he is a
    magistrate or to suggest that Magistrate Meldrum has better access to or
    influence over the judicial system.
    In response, Magistrate Meldrum sets forth the following reasons
    as to why he should not be disciplined: (1) his lack of intent to advance
    his personal and economic interests; (2) that the advertisement could not
    have advanced his personal or economic interests because of the lack of
    overlap in practice areas between his job as a magistrate and his private
    law practice; (3) that the advertisement has been deleted; and (4) that
    while he diligently reviewed the attorney advertising rules, he had no
    knowledge that his conduct might violate the code of judicial conduct.
    He also argues his conduct has not eroded public confidence in the
    judicial system, which he acknowledges is “the primary goal of judicial
    discipline.” Further, he argues there is no reason to discipline him to
    deter other judges from engaging in similar conduct.
    II. Scope of Review.
    “Our standard of review of a recommendation of judicial discipline
    by the commission on judicial qualifications is de novo.”            In re
    639 N.W.2d 12
    , 15 (Iowa 2002). A judge’s ethical violation
    must be established by a convincing preponderance of the evidence. In
    re Block, 
    816 N.W.2d 362
    , 364 (Iowa 2012); In re McCormick, 639 N.W.2d
    at 15.
    III. Violations.
    The first canon of the Iowa Judicial Code of Conduct “addresses
    the need for judges to preserve the crown jewels of the judiciary—
    independence, integrity, and impartiality—and directs judges to uphold
    the fundamental qualities of judging by avoiding impropriety.”        In re
    Block, 816 N.W.2d at 364. It states, “A judge shall uphold and promote
    the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary and shall
    avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.”        Iowa Code of
    Judicial Conduct Canon 1. The rule applies to a judge’s conduct on and
    off the bench. In re Block, 816 N.W.2d at 364.
    Rule 51:1.2 essentially echoes Canon 1. Rule 51:1.3 provides, “A
    judge shall not abuse the prestige of judicial office to advance the
    personal or economic interests of the judge or others, or allow others to
    do so.”     According to the official comment, this rule prohibits a judge
    from using or attempting to use his or her position “to gain personal
    advantage or deferential treatment of any kind.” Iowa Code of Judicial
    Conduct R. 51:1.3 cmt. [1].        As an example, the official comment
    provides that “it would be improper for a judge to allude to his or her
    judicial status to gain favorable treatment in encounters with public
    officials” or for a judge to “use judicial letterhead to gain an advantage in
    conducting his or her personal business.” Id.; see also In re Harned, 
    357 N.W.2d 300
    , 302–03 (Iowa 1984) (disciplining a magistrate who sent a
    letter on official judicial stationery with her name and title to another
    magistrate’s office in an attempt to influence the outcome of her
    daughter’s speeding ticket). These are not the only examples, however, of
    improper conduct under the rule. See, e.g., In re Arrigan, 
    678 A.2d 446
    449 (R.I. 1996) (per curiam) (reprimanding an administrative law judge
    who sold merchandise and raffle tickets for charitable causes in his
    judicial chambers to attorneys who practiced in his courtroom).
    In In re Judicial Disciplinary Proceedings Against Laatsch, 
    727 N.W.2d 488
    , 489 (Wis. 2007) (per curiam), the Wisconsin Supreme Court
    publicly reprimanded a municipal judge who identified himself as a judge
    in an advertisement for his private law practice and had presided over
    matters involving his client, his niece, and his nephew. With respect to
    the advertisement, the court stated that the judge “sought to use the
    prestige of his judicial office to advance his private interests and
    exploited the judgeship in the hopes of obtaining financial gain.” Id. at
    491. The court cited the judge’s great remorse and that he was no longer
    serving as a judge as mitigating factors. Id.
    We agree with the Wisconsin court that a magistrate who also
    practices as a private attorney violates the judicial code of conduct when
    the magistrate attempts to influence potential clients to use his services
    as an attorney by using his office as an indicator of his responsible and
    trustworthy nature.     In fact, Magistrate Meldrum concedes that he
    intended to highlight his qualifications as an attorney by drawing
    attention to his judicial office.   It is not an excuse that Magistrate
    Meldrum was unaware of the provisions of the Iowa Code of Judicial
    Conduct or that his conduct may have violated them. Wearing the hats
    of magistrate and attorney, Magistrate Meldrum was required to comply
    with ethical provisions applicable to each.     Further, we cannot excuse
    Magistrate Meldrum’s misconduct merely because the advertisements are
    no longer circulating.   Therefore, we find Magistrate Meldrum violated
    Canon 1 and rules 51:1.2 and 51:1.3.
    IV. Sanction.
    We have said that the purpose of judicial discipline proceedings is
    “to restore public confidence in the system and its officers,” not to punish
    the individual judge.    In re Gerard, 
    631 N.W.2d 271
    , 280 (Iowa 2001)
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted); accord In re Block, 816
    N.W.2d at 365.      We also seek “to protect the public from further
    excesses.”   In re McCormick, 639 N.W.2d at 16.        There is no standard
    sanction in judicial discipline cases.   Instead, we rely on a number of
    factors to fashion an appropriate sanction in each case.         The factors
    (a) whether the misconduct is an isolated instance or
    evidenced a pattern of [mis]conduct; (b) the nature, extent
    and frequency of occurrence of the acts of misconduct; (c)
    whether the misconduct occurred in or out of the courtroom;
    (d) whether the misconduct occurred in the judge’s official
    capacity or in his [or her] private life; (e) whether the judge
    has acknowledged or recognized that the acts occurred; (f)
    whether the judge has evidenced an effort to change or
    modify his [or her] conduct; (g) the length of service on the
    bench; (h) whether there have been prior complaints about
    this judge; (i) the effect the misconduct has upon the
    integrity of and respect for the judiciary; and (j) the extent to
    which the judge exploited his [or her] position to satisfy [any]
    personal desires.
    Id. (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Though Magistrate Meldrum’s advertisements ran for more than
    one year and in multiple publications, his misconduct is less egregious
    than that in other cases involving violations of Canon 1.          Cf. In re
    951 P.2d 705
    , 708, 716 (Or. 1998) (per curiam) (suspending
    for six months a judge who sent numerous letters on his official judicial
    letterhead to influence various parties for personal gain or that of others,
    such as a letter to a department store about the price of a suit, a letter to
    an electric company about service at his residence, letters to a golf club
    indicating he would not be paying his bills, and letters to a city
    protesting a parking ticket).    Magistrate Meldrum did not renew the
    advertisement after he became aware of the charges against him.
    Further, Magistrate Meldrum expressed remorse for his violation.         We
    also note Magistrate Meldrum has not been the subject of prior
    discipline. Finally, Magistrate Meldrum has led a distinguished career
    on the bench and in the community. In light of the above factors, we
    conclude a public reprimand is the appropriate sanction.
    V. Conclusion.
    We find Magistrate Meldrum violated Canon 1 of the Iowa Code of
    Judicial Conduct as well as rules 51:1.2 and 51:1.3.         We reprimand
    Magistrate Meldrum for his conduct.