In the Interest of B.B., Minor Child ( 2019 )

  •                      IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 19-1316
    Filed December 18, 2019
    Minor Child,
    D.C., Mother,
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Susan Cox, District
    Associate Judge.
    A mother appeals the termination of her parental rights to one of her
    children. AFFIRMED.
    Aaron H. Ginkens of Ginkens Law Firm, P.L.C., West Des Moines, for
    appellant mother.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Meredith L. Lamberti, Assistant
    Attorney General, for appellee.
    Karl Wolle of Juvenile Public Defender, Des Moines, attorney and guardian
    ad litem for minor child.
    Considered by Vaitheswaran, P.J., and Potterfield and Mullins, JJ.
    VAITHESWARAN, Presiding Judge.
    A mother appeals the termination of her parental rights to one of her
    children, born in 2018.1 She contends the State failed to prove the grounds for
    termination cited by the district court, termination was not in the child’s best
    interests, and the court should have declined to terminate her parental rights based
    on the parent-child bond.
    The district court terminated the mother’s parental rights pursuant to several
    statutory provisions, including Iowa Code section 232.116(1)(h) (2019), which
    requires proof of several elements, including proof the child could not be returned
    to the mother’s custody. With respect to this ground, the court stated,
    In the last four years, the mother has been unwilling and/or unable
    to respond to services. She has been repeatedly dishonest
    re[garding] dangerous relationships with violent men, mental-health
    problems, substance-abuse problems and lack of stability. Any
    progress has been short-lived and not sustained. The court believes
    the mother is in a worse position today to care for children, than she
    was four years ago. This is based upon her repeated choices to be
    dishonest and not meaningfully participate in services.
    We may affirm if we find clear and convincing evidence to support the court’s
    findings on this ground. See In re D.W., 
    791 N.W.2d 703
    , 707 (Iowa 2010) (“On
    appeal, we may affirm the juvenile court’s termination order on any ground that we
    find supported by clear and convincing evidence.”).
    As the district court stated, the mother has a long history with the
    department of human services. This court recounted that history in a prior opinion
    affirming the termination of the mother’s parental rights to her oldest child. See In
    The mother’s parental rights to an older child were terminated in a separate
    proceeding, and the mother’s rights to her youngest child are not at issue in this
    re W.B., No. 18-0614, 
    2018 WL 3650363
    , at *1–2. (Iowa Ct. App. Aug. 1, 2018).
    The same circumstances leading to termination in that case surfaced in this
    proceeding. Specifically, the child in this case was removed from the mother’s
    custody two days after his birth based on the mother’s failure to treat her mental
    illnesses and her failure to sever her relationship with the abusive father of the
    child. The district court subsequently adjudicated the child in need of assistance.
    For the first five months after the child’s removal, the mother regularly
    attended therapy sessions to address her co-dependent relationship with the
    child’s father. She tested negative for drugs and participated in supervised and
    semi-supervised visits with the child. In light of her progress, the district court
    granted her a six-month extension of time to facilitate reunification. The court
    admonished the mother to cease contact with the child’s father.
    Three months after receiving the extension, the mother gave birth to another
    child, later found to have been fathered by the same man. A drug patch removed
    from the mother at the time of the child’s birth was positive for methamphetamine.
    A second patch removed one month later also was positive for methamphetamine
    as well as cocaine. According to the department case manager, the mother
    conceded the father spent time in her apartment, used methamphetamine in the
    apartment, and assaulted her. The case manager recommended termination of
    the mother’s parental rights based on her “mental health,” her positive tests for
    methamphetamine and cocaine, and her continued relationship with the drug-
    using father who, in her words, was “inappropriate, violent, and not good for her
    mental health.”
    The mother did not appear at the termination hearing, leaving the State’s
    evidence essentially undisputed. That evidence supports the court’s determination
    that the child could not be returned to the mother’s custody at the time of the
    termination hearing.
    Termination was also in the child’s best interests.         See 
    Iowa Code § 232.116
    (2). As the district court found, the mother was no closer to acquiring
    the skills to safely parent her children notwithstanding four years of reunification
    Finally, there was scant evidence to support the mother’s assertion that the
    district court should have declined to terminate her parental rights based on the
    parent-child bond. See 
     § 232.116(3)(c). As noted, the child was removed from
    her care two days after his birth. See In re M.W., 
    876 N.W.2d 212
    , 225 (Iowa
    2016) (noting child was outside mother’s care for almost two years). Although the
    department afforded her thrice-weekly visits, the mother declined to fully engage
    with the child before the termination hearing in order to insulate herself from the
    trauma of the anticipated termination.       While her reaction may have been
    understandable, the effect was to weaken the already tenuous bond with her child.
    We affirm the termination of the mother’s parental rights to the child.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-1316

Filed Date: 12/18/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021