State of Iowa v. Jorge Sanders-Galvez ( 2019 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 17-2059
    Filed May 15, 2019
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Des Moines County, Mary Ann
    Brown, Judge.
    Jorge Sanders-Galvez appeals his conviction for murder in the first degree.
    Mark C. Smith, State Appellate Defender, (until withdrawal) and Shellie L.
    Knipfer, Assistant Appellate Defender, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Tyler J. Buller, Assistant Attorney
    General, for appellee.
    Heard by Vaitheswaran, P.J., and Doyle and Tabor, JJ.
    VAITHESWARAN, Presiding Judge.
    A Burlington teenager was shot to death in an alley. The State charged
    twenty-one-year-old Jorge Sanders-Galvez and another individual with first-
    degree murder. See 
    Iowa Code §§ 703.1
    , 703.2, 707.1, 707.2 (2016). A jury found
    Sanders-Galvez guilty as charged.
    On appeal, Sanders-Galvez contends (1) the evidence was insufficient to
    support the jury’s finding of guilt; (2) his trial attorney was ineffective in failing to
    object to a statement on hearsay grounds; (3) the district court abused its
    discretion in admitting a phone video; and (4) juvenile-sentencing precedent
    “should be expanded” to young adults.
    I.     Sufficiency of the Evidence
    The jury was instructed Sanders-Galvez could be found guilty of first-degree
    murder of a teenager, K.J., either as a principal or aider and abettor and either
    (1) “willfully, deliberately, premeditatedly, and with specific intent to kill” or while
    (2) “participating in the offense of kidnapping.” The jury returned a general verdict.
    In light of the general verdict, we cannot determine which of the murder
    theories the jury accepted. See State v. Smith, 
    739 N.W.2d 289
    , 295 (Iowa 2007)
    (stating because the jury was instructed to return a general verdict, court had “no
    way of knowing” which of multiple theories the jury adopted). To uphold the finding
    of guilt, then, we must find substantial evidentiary support for both theories. See
    State v. James, No. 13-1067, 
    2014 WL 4230203
    , at *7 (Iowa Ct. App. Aug. 27,
    2014) (“Submission of multiple alternatives to the jury is permissible only if
    substantial evidence is presented to support each alternative method of committing
    a single crime.” (citing State v. Bratthauer, 
    354 N.W.2d 774
    , 776 (Iowa 1984))); cf.
    State v. Myers, 
    924 N.W.2d 823
    , 827 (Iowa 2019) (“[S]ubstantial evidence must
    support each alternative under the statute.”).
    Sanders-Galvez does not challenge the sufficiency of the evidence
    supporting guilt under the premeditated-murder alternative.          He argues the
    evidence was insufficient to support a finding of guilt under the felony-murder-by-
    kidnapping alternative.
    Kidnapping was defined for the jury as:
    [A] person confining another person or removing a person from one
    place to another, knowing that the person who confines or removes
    the other person has neither the authority nor consent of the other to
    do so; provided that the person does so with the intent to secretly
    confine the other person. A person is confined when his freedom to
    move about is substantially restricted by force, threat, or deception.
    The person may be confined either in the place where the restriction
    began or in place to which he has been removed. No minimum time
    of confinement or distance of removal is required. It must be more
    than slight. In this case the confinement or removal must have
    significance apart from the murder of [K.J.] In determining whether
    confinement or removal exists, you may consider whether (1) the risk
    of harm to [K.J.] was substantially increased, (2) the risk of detection
    was significantly reduced, or (3) escape was made significantly
    “Secretly confine” was defined for the jury as “more than restricting the movement
    of [K.J.]” The phrase requires “an intent to conceal or hide [K.J.] to prevent his
    discovery.”   Sanders-Galvez asserts “there was no showing of removal or
    confinement beyond that associated with the murder.”
    A jury could have found the following facts. K.J. went to Hy-Vee the evening
    of his death. Sanders-Galvez and his co-defendant entered Hy-Vee while K.J. was
    inside.1 As K.J. began to leave, Sanders-Galvez “look[ed] in [his] direction.” A
    The State jointly charged Sanders-Galvez and the co-defendant, but the district court
    granted Sanders-Galvez’s motion to sever.
    minute later, Sanders-Galvez checked out at the cash register. Three minutes
    later, he and the co-defendant left the store and got into a red Impala. Meanwhile,
    K.J. began walking towards his friend A.W.’s house a block-and-a-half away. As
    K.J. “walk[ed] across the parking lot,” “the red Impala [came] in behind him.” When
    K.J. arrived at A.W.’s house, he told her he “was scared” because “Lumni”—a
    nickname for Sanders-Galvez—“was following him.”2             A.W. asked K.J. “if he
    wanted a ride home or if he wanted to stay a little longer or if he wanted to go out
    the back door.” K.J. said no to all the options. A.W. looked out her bedroom
    window and “[s]ort of” saw “the end of a red car . . . parked illegally on [her] side
    [of the street].” K.J. “talked a little longer and then he left” at around 10:20 p.m.
    Approximately one hour later, a woman heard gunshots coming from an
    alley near her home. She called 911.
    Burlington police officers found K.J.’s body partially “hidden” by tall,
    overgrown grass next to a garage. Officers smelled bleach as they approached
    the body. K.J.’s skin and genitals showed signs of bleach injuries. K.J. was “not
    wearing any shoes.” His arms were “above his head” and a black trash bag
    covered his head. The bag contained “deformities,” “like somebody was trying to
    grab at it and pull it and actually stretched a hole in the bag.” The bag also
    contained bullet holes. An autopsy indicated K.J. struggled to breathe in the time
    leading up to his death, but the cause of death was close-range gunshot wounds
    to his chest.
    Though Sanders-Galvez challenges the admissibility of this statement, we are obligated
    to consider it in assessing the sufficiency of the evidence. State v. Dullard, 
    668 N.W.2d 585
    , 597 (Iowa 2003).
    A search of the house Sanders-Galvez frequented on the night of the
    murder uncovered a box of trash bags matching the bag found on K.J.’s head. In
    the upstairs bedroom, police found K.J.’s backpack containing his Burlington High
    School identification card, among other things, and a pair of shoes “connect[ed]
    . . . back to” K.J. based on video footage. K.J.’s belongings were found near a bed
    with blue sheets; fibers from the sheets matched those found on K.J.’s clothing.
    One of Sanders-Galvez’s acquaintances testified that Sanders-Galvez and
    the co-defendant came to his home on the night of the murder in a red Impala.
    The acquaintance further stated Sanders-Galvez was carrying a chrome-colored
    “long-barrel” revolver that looked like a “cowboy gun.” According to the
    acquaintance, Sanders-Galvez and the co-defendant left his house to pick up food
    at Hy-Vee, a roundtrip that should have taken fifteen to twenty minutes. They did
    not return until “a couple hours” later. Sanders-Galvez told him they had to “make
    a quick stop.” On their return, the acquaintance surmised the two were “nervous.”
    Before Sanders-Galvez left later that night, he asked the acquaintance to hold his
    gun. Sanders-Galvez retrieved the gun the next morning. At trial, Sanders-Galvez
    confirmed the acquaintance’s narrative about the gun.
    A search of Sanders-Galvez’s phone uncovered no messages during the
    estimated time of the killing. “Within about an hour after the murder,” Sanders-
    Galvez sent “a number of messages” indicating he was planning to leave
    Burlington. The morning after the shooting, his phone revealed internet searches
    for news of the shooting.
    Several days after the shooting, Missouri police stopped a red Impala for
    failing to signal before changing lanes. A license-plate inquiry “came back as
    wanted to a homicide.” As police approached the vehicle, the Impala sped off and
    led the officers on a “high-speed chase.” The chase ended when the vehicle
    crashed into a guardrail. The co-defendant was driving the car. He fled but was
    later apprehended. Although Sanders-Galvez was not in the vehicle, his latent
    prints were discovered on the vehicle. Police also found “a silver revolver with a
    wooden grip” on the driver’s side floorboard.
    Testing confirmed the bullets that killed K.J. were fired from the silver
    revolver. Sanders-Galvez’s social media posts contained images of a revolver
    resembling the revolver found in the vehicle.        Sanders-Galvez’s “on-and-off
    girlfriend” confirmed she saw him with a “cowboy gun” before the murder.
    From this evidence, the jury reasonably could have found that Sanders-
    Galvez confined and removed K.J., as required for commission of kidnapping.
    Specifically, the jury could have found “secret confinement” based on the presence
    of K.J.’s belongings in the upstairs bedroom of the house Sanders-Galvez
    frequented; the bag over K.J.’s head and the signs of his struggle to extricate
    himself; the bleach injuries to his body; and his placement in a stand of tall grass.
    See State v. Albright, 
    925 N.W.2d 144
    , 156 (Iowa 2019). The jury could have
    found removal based on K.J.’s apparent presence on the bed in the upstairs
    bedroom and his later discovery in an alley, partially hidden by tall grass.
    We recognize the evidence was circumstantial.               But direct and
    circumstantial evidence are equally probative. See State v. Rich, 
    305 N.W.2d 739
    746 (Iowa 1981). The jury could have found “ample circumstantial evidence” of
    guilt. State v. Bentley, 
    757 N.W.2d 257
    , 262 (Iowa 2008).
    The jury also could have considered Sanders-Galvez’s changing stories.
    See State v. Milom, 
    744 N.W.2d 117
    , 122 (Iowa Ct. App. 2007). At trial Sanders-
    Galvez conceded his trial testimony was inconsistent with what he told police at
    the time of his arrest and, indeed changed while he was talking to police.
    Because the record contains substantial evidence to support the felony-
    murder theory, we affirm the jury’s finding of guilt for first-degree murder.
    II.      Admission of Hearsay Evidence
    Sanders-Galvez contends his trial attorney was ineffective in failing to object
    to A.W.’s statement, that “Lumni was following” K.J. He argues the statement was
    hearsay. We find the record inadequate to address the issue. See State v.
    859 N.W.2d 631
    , 643 (Iowa 2015). Accordingly, we preserve the claim
    for possible postconviction relief. See State v. Harris, 
    919 N.W.2d 753
    , 754 (Iowa
    III.     Admission of Phone Video
    Sanders-Galvez contends the district court abused its discretion in
    admitting a phone video recorded at the home where K.J.’s belongings were found.
    The video, shot by Sanders-Galvez, was “about 25 seconds long” and showed his
    co-defendant engaging in sex.
    At trial, Sanders-Galvez’s attorney objected to the admission of the video
    on the ground that “the prejudicial effect” “would outweigh any probative value.”
    See Iowa R. Evid. 5.404(b). The State responded:
    The government is offering this evidence to show the defendant’s
    motive as well as connection to his co-defendant and connection to
    the crime scene.
    Your Honor, the State will be introducing this for a number of
    different reasons: that it shows a connection of the co-defendants; it
    establishes that they are comfortable having sexual activities in front
    of each other; it supports the State’s theory of motive, that the reason
    why defendant and [co-defendant] would have picked up [K.J.] is to
    take [K.J.] back to [the house] to have sex with him; and it shows the
    defendant’s specific connection to the bedroom where [K.J.]’s
    belongings were found.
    As to prejudice, your Honor, this is different than most cases
    where 5.404(b) evidence would be introduced in that this is not a
    prior crime, this is not a prior bad act, this appears to be consensual
    sex between adults.
    The district court admitted the evidence, reasoning:
    In this case the State’s theory is that there was, in essence, a
    plan between Mr. Sanders-Galvez and [the codefendant] to take
    [K.J.] back to this house . . . and have sex with him. This video would
    be evidence that would show that act was consistent with other plans
    or knowledge or also disprove any absence—or any mistake or
    accident. So I conclude that it could be relevant under this rule of
    evidence and would be admissible.
    Then I must do the balancing test. It’s not a long video and,
    as counsel also points out, it is not a crime. It’s a consensual sex
    act, from all that can be told in the video, but it really does not appear
    to be highly prejudicial against the defendant and I will allow the
    evidence in.
    Sanders-Galvez argues the evidence “was not relevant as it was not
    probative of any material fact in question relating to the murder” of K.J. “Evidence
    is relevant if it has ‘any tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of
    consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less probable
    than it would be without the evidence.’” State v. Putman, 
    848 N.W.2d 1
    , 9 (Iowa
    2014) (quoting Iowa R. Evid. 5.401). “The general test of relevancy is whether a
    reasonable [person] might believe the probability of the truth of the consequential
    fact to be different if [the person] knew of the proffered evidence.” 
    The State’s first non-character purpose for seeking admission of the video
    was motive. In the prosecutor’s view, the motive for the killing was a “sexual
    encounter gone wrong.” Although motive is not an element of first-degree murder,
    it might be probative of malice aforethought, which is an element. See State v.
    857 N.W.2d 641
    , 646 (Iowa Ct. App. 2014). “Malice aforethought” was
    defined for the jury as “a fixed purpose or design to do some physical harm to
    another which exists before the act is committed.” The jury was further instructed
    malice aforethought did “not have to exist for any particular length of time.” Most
    critically, the jury was instructed, “Malice aforethought may be inferred if the
    defendant or the person he aided and abetted used a dangerous weapon.”
    As noted, K.J. died of gunshot wounds. The bullets came from the “silver
    revolver” found in the red Impala. Several witnesses tied the revolver to Sanders-
    Galvez. The phone video added nothing to the question of whether Sanders-
    Galvez used a dangerous weapon, nor did it disclose other indicia of “a fixed
    purpose or design to do physical harm.” The video was simply a childish attempt
    to capture a sex act. The video also showed Sanders-Galvez momentarily turning
    the camera on himself.     But neither his laughing expression nor his limited
    commentary presaged the gruesome acts that followed.
    We recognize K.J. sometimes dressed as a female, identified as a female
    on a Facebook page, was given several bras by A.W., was wearing a bra on the
    night of the killing, and had bleach poured on his genital area. These facts
    supported the State’s theory of a sexual encounter gone wrong. But the phone
    video did not. To extrapolate a purpose to abduct K.J., confine him in an upstairs
    room, have sex with him, envelope his head in a bag to the point of near
    suffocation, move him to an alley, pour bleach on him, and shoot him because the
    sexual encounter “went wrong” is to read too much into the twenty-five second
    video. We conclude the phone video was irrelevant on the question of Sanders-
    Galvez’s motive to kill.
    The video also was not required to establish Sanders-Galvez’s connection
    to the co-defendant or the location of the crime. The State established both
    through Hy-Vee surveillance video and the testimony of law enforcement officers
    and friends. Indeed, one of the friends’ description of the home’s interior, including
    a spiral staircase leading up to the bedroom, lays to rest the assertion that the
    video was needed to confirm those details. As for the State’s claim that the video
    showed the co-defendants’ comfort with having sex in front of each other, sexual
    activity in or out of each other’s sight was not a legitimate disputed issue in the
    case. Sanders-Galvez was not charged with sexual abuse of K.J. and, as noted,
    the “sexual-encounter-gone-wrong” motive for the killing was not well-developed.
    Because the phone video was irrelevant to a legitimate disputed issue, the
    evidence was inadmissible.
    Our analysis cannot end here because “[e]rror in admission of evidence
    must be prejudicial to an accused to constitute cause for reversal.” State v.
    524 N.W.2d 181
    , 188 (Iowa 1994). “When an error is not of constitutional
    magnitude, the test of prejudice [for harmless-error purposes] is whether it
    sufficiently appears that the rights of the complaining party have been injuriously
    affected or that the party has suffered a miscarriage of justice.” State v. Traywick,
    468 N.W.2d 452
    , 454–55 (Iowa 1991). In applying this test, we ask whether “the
    same evidence is otherwise supplied by the defendant or is made overwhelmingly
    clear in the record.” State v. Trudo, 
    253 N.W.2d 101
    , 107 (Iowa 1977). As
    discussed, the State supplied evidence independent of the video on the location
    of the crime and Sanders-Galvez’s relationship to the co-defendant. Because the
    evidence entered the record through other sources, we conclude the erroneous
    admission of the phone video amounted to harmless error.
    IV.    Constitutionality of Sanders-Galvez’s Sentence
    In State v. Sweet, 
    879 N.W.2d 811
    , 839 (Iowa 2016), the supreme court
    held, “[A] sentence of life without the possibility of parole for a juvenile offender
    violates article I, section 17 of the Iowa Constitution.” Sanders-Galvez argues “the
    principles of Sweet should be expanded to juveniles [twenty-one] and younger.”
    The Iowa Supreme Court has drawn a line at eighteen. See State v. Lyle,
    854 N.W.2d 378
    , 395 (Iowa 2014) (“[O]ur holding [that a mandatory minimum
    sentencing schema, like the one contained in section 902.12, violates article I,
    section 17 of the Iowa Constitution] today has no application to sentencing laws
    affecting adult offenders.    Lines are drawn in our law by necessity and are
    incorporated into the jurisprudence we have developed to usher the Iowa
    Constitution through time. This case does not move any of the lines that currently
    exist in the sentencing of adult offenders.”). This court has paid heed to the
    limitation.3 We decline Sanders-Galvez’s invitation to expand Sweet.
    See, e.g., Swan v. State, No. 17-0877, 
    2018 WL 6706212
    , at *3 (Iowa Ct. App. Dec. 19,
    2018); State v. Hall, No. 17-0570, 
    2018 WL 4635685
    , at *5 (Iowa Ct. App. Sep. 26, 2018);
    Nassif v. State, No. 17-0762, 
    2018 WL 3301828
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. July 5, 2018); State
    v. Wise, No. 17-1121, 
    2018 WL 2246861
    , at *3 (Iowa Ct. App. May 16, 2018); Smith v.
    State, No. 16-1711, 
    2017 WL 3283311
    , at *3 (Iowa Ct. App. Aug. 2, 2017); Thomas v.
    State, No. 16-0008, 
    2017 WL 2665104
    , at *2 (Iowa Ct. App. June 21, 2017); Schultz v.
    State, No. 16-0626, 
    2017 WL 1400874
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. Apr. 19, 2017); Kimpton v.
    State, No. 15-2061, 
    2017 WL 108303
    , at *3 (Iowa Ct. App. Jan. 11, 2017); State v. Davis,
    No. 15-0015, 
    2015 WL 7075820
    , at *1–2 (Iowa Ct. App. Nov. 12, 2015) (collecting cases);
    We affirm Sanders-Galvez’s judgment and sentence for first-degree murder
    and preserve his ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim concerning the admission
    of hearsay evidence for possible postconviction relief.
    State v. Vance, No. 15-0070, 
    2015 WL 4936328
    , at *2 (Iowa Ct. App. Aug. 19, 2015)
    (collecting cases); State v. Clayton, No. 13-1771, 
    2014 WL 5862075
    , at *6 (Iowa Ct. App.
    Nov. 13, 2014).