State of Iowa v. Tamora Morrise ( 2020 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 19-1150
    Filed August 5, 2020
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Scott County, Stuart P. Werling,
    Tamora Morrise appeals the sentence imposed following her conviction of
    second-degree theft.         SENTENCE VACATED AND REMANDED FOR
    Thomas J. O’Flaherty (until withdrawal), Bettendorf, and Kent A. Simmons,
    Bettendorf, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Bridget A. Chambers, Assistant
    Attorney General, for appellee.
    Considered by Doyle, P.J., Schumacher, J., and Danilson, S.J.*
    *Senior judge assigned by order pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.9206
    DOYLE, Presiding Judge.
    Tamora Morrise appeals the sentence imposed following her conviction of
    second-degree theft. The district court found Morrise guilty of the charge after she
    and a friend took three American Bulldog puppies from the home of Donald Caffey,
    who breeds, raises, and sells the purebred dogs. The puppies, who were less than
    five weeks old and worth between $3000 and $5000 each, were never recovered.
    At the sentencing hearing, the court considered the presentence
    investigation (PSI) report, which recommended placing Morrise on supervised
    probation. Because the report found Morrise’s “correctional needs are capable of
    being adequately met while under this agency’s field supervision offices,” it did not
    recommend placing Morrise in a residential correctional facility (RCF) at that time.
    The prosecutor agreed that a suspended sentence was appropriate but asked the
    court to order Morrise to stay at an RCF based on Morrise’s “escalating” criminal
    history and the substantial sum the State was requesting for victim restitution. The
    prosecutor also cited the circumstances of the offense, stating,
    It wasn’t just the taking of the property that was concerning. It was
    the continued lack of action for days, if not weeks, after the theft,
    where [Morrise] had an opportunity to report the incident, where the
    puppies could have been returned at any point, but she neglected to
    do so.
    She knew that the puppies had been taken, and there was
    testimony that there was a strong likelihood that the puppies didn’t
    survive being separated from their mother at that age.
    Morrise argued for “a deferred and/or street probation.” Ultimately, the district
    court agreed with the prosecutor and made placement at the RFC a condition of
    Morrise’s probation.
    Morrise contends the district court improperly relied on uncharged and
    unproven conduct in sentencing her. Because the sentence is within the statutory
    limits, we review this claim for an abuse of discretion. See State v. Guise, 
    921 N.W.2d 26
    , 30 (Iowa 2018). The district court abuses its discretion by exercising
    it on clearly untenable or unreasonable grounds or by erroneously applying the
    law. See 
     Because a sentencing court is not permitted to consider unproven
    and unprosecuted charges unless the defendant admits to the charges or the
    evidence shows the defendant committed the offenses, doing so is an abuse of
    discretion.1 See State v. Formaro, 
    638 N.W.2d 720
    , 725 (Iowa 2002) (noting that
    if the court improperly considered unproven or unprosecuted conduct, remand for
    resentencing is required). However, “[t]here is no general prohibition against
    considering other criminal activities by a defendant as factors that bear on the
    sentence to be imposed.” State v. Longo, 
    608 N.W.2d 471
    , 474 (Iowa 2000). If a
    defendant claims the court relied on unproven conduct, the issue “is simply one of
    the sufficiency of the record to establish the matters relied on.” 
    The court cited two concerns in determining Morrise’s sentence. First, the
    court noted that Morrise’s criminal history “is not insignificant and has been
    continuous, particularly over the last couple of years.” The court then stated,
    Also, this case involves a likelihood of extreme animal cruelty in that
    these puppies, according to the owner, likely perished because they
    were so young when taken from their mother that they would not
    have survived.
    1   Although the State claims Morrise failed to preserve error, a defendant
    challenging a sentence by claiming the court relied on an illegal sentencing
    consideration “need not object at sentencing for us to address the issue on appeal
    if the issue can be decided without further evidence.” State v. Gordon, 
    921 N.W.2d 19
    , 25 (Iowa 2018).
    [Morrise] had the opportunity at any time after the animals
    were taken to contact the owner to ensure the safety of these poor
    defenseless animals and failed to do so.
    Morrise argues the court relied on unproven conduct or unproven offenses
    in sentencing her based on its finding that the offense involved “extreme animal
    cruelty” because the puppies “likely perished.” We agree that Morrise was never
    convicted of or even charged with animal abuse or neglect,2 nor did she admit to
    committing either offense. Morrise also argues the conduct is unproven, claiming
    the court misstated the record because nothing in the evidence shows “a strong
    likelihood” that the puppies did not survive or “likely perished.” She points to
    Caffey’s testimony at trial when asked whether “puppies at that age have any sort
    of reaction when they’re separated from their mother.” Caffey testified,
    No. Just that they’ll be down because they’ll sense the missing of
    the other puppies. But not really, no. No long-term effect, just they
    seem kind of bummed out. The ones they took probably were
    bummed out because they weren’t with the other three, and the other
    three were because they weren’t there with them.
    Caffey explained that the puppies “weren’t weaned from their mom yet. They were
    just on mush food.” He “[d]idn’t even know if they could eat dry food yet” because
    “[t]heir teeth weren’t all the way in.” And Caffey testified that the puppies “hadn’t
    had any shots or anything yet,” they would not “get their first shots until six and
    2 “A person is guilty of animal abuse if the person intentionally injures, maims,
    disfigures, or destroys an animal owned by another person, in any manner,
    including intentionally poisoning the animal.” Iowa Code § 717B.2 (2019). A
    person is guilty of animal neglect if the person “[f]ails to supply the animal during
    confinement with a sufficient quantity of food or water” or “deprives [the animal] of
    necessary sustenance . . . by any means which causes unjustified pain, distress,
    or suffering.” Id. § 717B.3(1)(a), (c). Proof of serious injury or death is not
    required. See id. § 717B.3(3) (distinguishing a serious misdemeanor, which
    requires proof of serious injury or death, with a simple misdemeanor, which does
    eight weeks,” and therefore “they definitely weren’t ready for the public.” He had
    never taken the puppies outside of his home because they were at “risk of getting
    parvo3 or something from the outside world.” A police officer testified that Caffey
    expressed concern about whether the puppies were alive “just because they
    weren’t ready to be taken away from their mother.” And after Caffey found the
    puppies were gone, he sent Morrise text messages asking her to bring the puppies
    back because they were not yet weaned or ready for dog food.
    The sentencing court concluded the case involved “a likelihood of extreme
    animal cruelty” because the puppies “likely perished,” and it took this into account
    in its sentencing decision. But the supposition the puppies died is not tethered to
    any facts. Although at trial Caffery expressed his concerns about the welfare of
    the puppies and questioned their fate—“Did they live? Do we even know if the
    puppies lived?”—he never opined the puppies would have died, or probably died,
    or likely died. There is no record evidence that Morrise committed animal abuse
    or neglect, or that Morrise even had possession of the puppies after the theft.
    There is no record evidence that Morrise had any knowledge of any abuse or
    neglect. There is no record evidence that anyone subjected the puppies to abuse
    or neglect. Consequently, we conclude the district court relied upon an improper
    factor during sentencing. We are thus compelled to vacate Morrise’s sentence and
    remand the case to the district court for resentencing before a different judge.
    3 Parvo refers to canine parvovirus, an extremely hardy and highly contagious virus
    that can cause death, especially in younger animals.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-1150

Filed Date: 8/5/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2020