In re the Marriage of Dewhurst ( 2020 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 20-0123
    Filed August 19, 2020
    Upon the Petition of
    And Concerning
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Story County, Bethany J. Currie,
    A mother appeals the district court order modifying the custodial provisions
    of a dissolution decree and granting the father physical care of the parties’ three
    children. AFFIRMED.
    Andrew B. Howie of Shindler, Anderson, Goplerud & Weese, P.C., West
    Des Moines, for appellant.
    Nicole S. Facio of Newbrough Law Firm, LLP, Ames, for appellee.
    Considered by Tabor, P.J., and May and Greer, JJ.
    GREER, Judge.
    Laura Imsland, formerly Laura Dewhurst, appeals the district court order
    modifying the physical-care provisions of the dissolution decree between her and
    Bryan Dewhurst. She also asks for an award of appellate attorney fees. We affirm
    the district court order and decline to award appellate attorney fees.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    A. Background Facts.
    Laura and Bryan married in 2006 and divorced in 2015. They are parents
    of three children: a daughter, age twelve, and two sons, ages eleven and seven.
    In 2015, the district court entered a decree adopting the parties’ settlement
    agreement resolving all the issues in their pending divorce. Laura and Bryan
    agreed that they would have joint legal custody of the children, Laura would have
    physical care of the children, and Bryan would have visitation every other weekend
    and once during the week from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bryan agreed to pay $1687
    in child support. His support obligation was reduced by $600 in October 2017.
    At the time of the modification trial, both Laura and Bryan were thirty-eight
    years old. They had each remarried, and Laura had a two-year-old child with her
    new husband. According to Laura, the children all have a very close relationship
    with their half-sibling. During the marriage the parties lived in Ames, but after the
    divorce Laura and the children relocated to her hometown of Hubbard. Bryan
    moved from Ames to Hubbard in August 2018 to be closer to the children, and he
    now lives three blocks from Laura.
    The parties encountered several issues as they tried to co-parent the
    children after the divorce. The overarching concerns were Laura’s dislike and
    mistrust of Bryan, the parties’ communication issues, and allegations of Bryan’s
    inappropriate conduct.
    Many of Laura’s concerns about Bryan derive from incidents during and
    toward the end of the parties’ marriage. The most significant pre-divorce incident
    occurred toward the end of the marriage; Bryan tried to hypnotize Laura, who he
    thought was sleeping, to persuade her to perform sex acts on him whenever she
    heard a particular trigger word. Because Laura was awake and aware of his
    actions, Bryan’s attempted hypnosis traumatized her. She views his actions as a
    sexual assault. Laura has spoken with family and church members about the
    incident but never sought out formal counseling. Laura also claimed, and Bryan
    acknowledged, that Bryan had a pornography addiction during the marriage.
    Bryan acknowledged the hypnotization attempt and testified at trial that he
    regretted his actions.   Bryan addressed his pornography addiction through
    counseling sessions.
    Due in large part to these pre-divorce incidents, Laura sees Bryan’s
    attempts to communicate with her and the children as abusive, invasive, and
    controlling. Laura feels uncomfortable around Bryan and believes he does not
    respect boundaries. Laura will not acknowledge Bryan, his wife, or his family
    members in public, and she refuses to speak to Bryan in person. Her caustic
    behavior spilled over into how the children react to Bryan and his family when they
    are near their mother. At one point in 2018, she blocked his number on her cell
    phone. Laura refuses to let Bryan attend the children’s birthday parties, even if
    they are in public, and she has refused Bryan’s offers to help pay. Laura refuses
    to attend parent-teacher conferences with Bryan. After Bryan’s child support
    obligation was reduced in October 2017, she told the children that she would have
    to work more to pay the bills, which led to conflict between the children and Bryan.
    Laura often declined Bryan’s requests for more time with the children and testified
    that she denied the requests because she views his relationship with them as
    unhealthy. She described Bryan as manipulative and controlling.
    Other examples of co-parenting issues include Laura buying the oldest child
    a cell phone without telling Bryan. Laura did not provide Bryan with the passcode
    for the phone until after a mediation in February 2019. Laura believed it was okay
    for her to monitor the child’s text messages with Bryan, but she believed it violated
    the child’s privacy for Bryan to do the same because he took screenshots. Bryan
    tried to come up with ground rules for the child’s cell phone with Laura, but Laura
    refused to engage. She also did not consult with Bryan before allowing the child
    to create an Instagram account. The child has three Instagram accounts, one of
    which uses her stepfather’s last name. For a time, the child blocked Bryan from
    her accounts so he could not see her posts.
    Bryan claims his relationship with Laura deteriorated even more after he
    moved to Hubbard in August 2018. Laura and her family members have told
    people in the community—including the children’s friends’ parents—that Bryan is
    “a creep,” a “pervert,” “not a good guy,” and “a sexual deviant.” The month after
    Bryan relocated to Hubbard, Laura posted a Facebook status stating in part, “A
    creep has moved into our community and anyone telling me ‘they seem nice’ will
    be corrected.” Laura acknowledged at trial that this post was about Bryan. Bryan
    feels Laura’s actions have caused issues with Bryan and his wife fitting into the
    community and has caused concerns with the children’s friends’ parents allowing
    their children to spend time at Bryan’s house.
    Additionally, Laura resisted informing Bryan of the children’s appointments
    and activities, would change their medical providers without telling him, would not
    provide Bryan with the copies of the children’s birth certificates or social security
    cards, and expected Bryan to get all the information on his own. Bryan asserts he
    repeatedly requested that Laura keep him informed.
    Laura also did not tell Bryan about the children’s extracurricular activities.
    Bryan learned his daughter was participating in basketball from a social media
    post. In another incident, Bryan offered to purchase tickets to a father-daughter
    dance for himself, his daughter, and Laura’s husband and to plan a dinner
    beforehand. Bryan later learned that his daughter and her stepfather went to a
    dinner with other fathers and daughters without him. Bryan was also not informed
    of a father-daughter bowling night, but his daughter attended the event with her
    stepfather, her stepfather’s father, and Laura’s stepfather. In 2018, the children
    participated in a Christmas program at church. The children downplayed their
    involvement in the program, and Laura did not tell Bryan about it. Bryan got the
    date and time from other church members, and it turned out that the children had
    major roles in the program.
    Laura testified she was not fully aware of her responsibilities as a joint
    custodian and primary care parent until the parties participated in mediation in
    February 2019. She also testified that she did not believe she had an obligation
    to keep Bryan informed and that he could find out all the information himself. Bryan
    and his wife suggested using an online calendar, but Laura was resistant to it and
    saw it as an invasion into her privacy. After the February 2019 mediation, however,
    the parties began using an online calendar, which helped alleviate most of the
    communication issues about events. Yet when met with these information hurdles,
    Bryan continued pressing respectfully, but firmly, for meaningful involvement in the
    children’s lives. Witnesses confirmed Bryan’s strong ability to parent and his good
    relationships with each child.
    Several post-dissolution incidents became a focus during the modification
    trial. In August 2018, Bryan arrived at Laura’s house to pick up the children. Bryan
    got out of his car to talk to his youngest child who was in the yard playing soccer
    while he was waiting for the other children to exit the home. Bryan claims he
    stayed on the sidewalk, about twenty feet from the house; Laura claims he was
    standing in the flower bed close to the home. When the other two children exited
    the home, Bryan looked over at them. Laura later accused Bryan of peeping into
    her home. After that, Laura refused Bryan access on the property for a time,
    requiring him to stay in his car during pickups.
    In a September 2018 incident, which led to Laura’s filing of the modification
    petition, Bryan had the children for weekend visitation and he and the children went
    to a relative’s house in Nebraska. According to the oldest child, she and one of
    her younger brothers were watching television on an air mattress in the basement
    when Bryan came downstairs and tried to wrestle with her, which she resisted.
    Bryan started to wrestle her anyway, and eventually the child kicked Bryan in the
    throat. Bryan grabbed the child’s upper thighs, and the child claimed this caused
    bruising. Laura testified she saw the bruising. According to Bryan, he was trying
    to get the children to come upstairs for dinner, so tickled his daughter’s feet to get
    her out of bed and she kicked him. After she kicked him, she began to fall off the
    bed, so he grabbed her thighs to prevent the fall.
    The child reported the incident to Laura and the child’s therapist, and both
    Laura and the therapist reported the incident to the Iowa Department of Human
    Services (DHS). DHS investigated the incident. During the investigation, Laura
    told the investigator that Bryan had “a history of ‘sexual perversion,’” was a “sex
    and porn addict,” and recounted the hypnotization incident. The investigator met
    with the child the next day. The child explained what happened and told the
    investigator that Bryan had never been aggressive with her before that incident.
    The investigator met with the middle child who confirmed his sister’s story but
    added that he was comfortable with Bryan and the way he treats him and others.
    The DHS investigator concluded the allegation of abuse was not confirmed.
    Due in large part to the September 2018 incident, Bryan’s relationship with
    his daughter concerned both parties. The child started to see a new therapist in
    February 2019. The therapist determined a goal of therapy would be to build a
    better relationship between Bryan and the child. The therapist described the child
    as not being “comfortable” with Bryan, but the counselor found no evidence of
    sexual abuse, trauma, or posttraumatic stress. She did not see any evidence that
    Bryan’s behavior was sexually motivated and saw no lingering fear or trauma from
    the September 2018 incident. The therapist worked with the child and Bryan on
    navigating physical affection, which the therapist described as common with a child
    and the opposite-sex parent. The therapist found Bryan “very receptive” and
    someone who “wanted to have a good relationship with [his daughter] and so he
    was willing to accept those boundaries or limitations in order to earn her trust and
    be in a good relationship with her.” The therapist testified that Bryan seemed like
    “a man who was willing to hear his daughter’s issues, limitations, boundaries, and
    try to meet her halfway.” Another issue the therapist noted was that the child’s
    loyalty to her mother was possibly preventing the child from having a positive
    relationship with her father. The child had reported feeling concerned that talking
    to her dad in public would upset her mother.
    B. Procedural History. In September 2018, Laura petitioned to modify the
    decree and change Bryan’s visitation, alleging that Bryan physically and
    emotionally abused the oldest child. At the same time, Laura applied to have
    Bryan’s visitation rights immediately suspended. Also in September, in a separate
    action, Laura petitioned for relief from domestic abuse, naming Bryan as the
    perpetrator, and citing events that happened during and after the marriage as
    evidence of abuse. She withdrew the request for immediate suspension and
    dismissed her protective order petition in October; she dismissed her request to
    modify the decree at trial.
    Bryan denied Laura’s allegations in the modification petition and counter-
    claimed to modify the dissolution decree to grant him physical care of the children.
    He alleged that Laura’s failure to support his relationship with the children, her
    failure to communicate with him before making decisions, and his move from Ames
    to Hubbard all required a change in physical care. At trial he alternatively argued
    for shared physical care.
    After the three-day bench trial, the district court entered a detailed written
    ruling, modifying the decree to grant Bryan physical care of the children and
    establishing Laura’s visitation rights and child-support obligation. The district court
    determined, “Laura’s pattern of flagrant behaviors and interference over the past
    several years have not only hampered Bryan’s relationship with the children, but
    her actions have negatively impacted the children and reflect a total disregard for
    their emotional well-being.” The court ordered Laura to have visitation every
    Tuesday and Thursday from after school until 8:00 p.m. and every other weekend,
    along with more visitation in the summer. The court found her support obligation
    should be $302.61 monthly.
    Laura appeals.
    II. Standard of Review.
    Actions to modify the physical-care provisions of a dissolution decree are
    tried in equity. In re Marriage of Hoffman, 
    867 N.W.2d 26
    , 32 (Iowa 2015). For
    that reason, our review is de novo. Iowa R. App. P. 6.907. We must “examine the
    entire record and adjudicate anew rights on the issues properly presented.” In re
    Marriage of Ales, 
    592 N.W.2d 698
    , 702 (Iowa Ct. App. 1999). We give weight to,
    but are not bound by, the district court’s fact findings, especially with regard to the
    credibility of witnesses. Iowa R. App. P. 6.904.
    III. Analysis.
    A.   Modification Decision.      The law for custody modifications is well
    To change a custodial provision of a dissolution decree, the applying
    party must establish by a preponderance of evidence that conditions
    since the decree was entered have so materially and substantially
    changed that the children’s best interests make it expedient to make
    the requested change. The changed circumstances must not have
    been contemplated by the court when the decree was entered, and
    they must be more or less permanent, not temporary. They must
    relate to the welfare of the children. A parent seeking to take custody
    from the other must prove an ability to minister more effectively to
    the children’s well being.
    In re Marriage of Frederici, 
    338 N.W.2d 156
    , 158 (Iowa 1983).           The parent
    requesting the modification has a “heavy burden” to prove that a modification is
    warranted because “once the custody of children has been fixed it should be
    disturbed only for the most cogent reasons.”
    Id. The paramount consideration
    the best interests of the child. In re Marriage of Leyda, 
    355 N.W.2d 862
    , 865 (Iowa
    At the outset, we acknowledge that these children have two parents who
    love them and two stepparents who want to be actively involved in the children’s
    lives. That said, after considering the evidence and testimony, we agree with the
    district court that Bryan has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that
    Laura’s actions constitute a material and substantial change in circumstances.
    Bryan has also shown that he can minister more effectively to the children’s needs.
    The district court, in a detailed opinion, listed pages of examples showing
    how Laura failed to support Bryan’s relationship with the children. Then, the court
    concluded that Laura’s actions harmed Bryan’s relationship with the children,
    constituting a material and substantial change in circumstances.         See In re
    Marriage of Downing, 
    432 N.W.2d 692
    , 694 (Iowa Ct. App. 1988) (noting that our
    court has previously “held the custodial parent[’s] lack of cooperation with the
    noncustodial parent’s efforts to maintain satisfactory visitation and communication
    with the children evidenced a substantial change in circumstances warranting
    modification of the dissolution decree”).       The court found these changed
    circumstances were not contemplated at the time of the decree and are more or
    less permanent. See
    id. (“When entering the
    original decree, the court no doubt
    understood certain natural animosities exist during a divorce, however it strains
    credulity to believe the trial court did not contemplate the parties, mature adults,
    overcoming these feelings to concentrate on the best interests of their [children].”).
    While the parties’ communication about scheduling improved once they began
    using the online calendar, Laura made no efforts to improve her co-parenting
    relationship with Bryan, and we agree with the district court that “Laura appears
    oblivious of any harm her public campaign against Bryan may have on her
    The court found that while the children are physically healthy and doing well
    in school, Bryan offered superior care to the children because he is better able to
    facilitate a relationship between the children and both parents and he is willing to
    co-parent with Laura and set aside any negative feelings he has about her to focus
    on the children’s wellbeing. See In re Marriage of Grantham, 
    698 N.W.2d 140
    146 (Iowa 2005) (“Even though the parents are not required to be friends, they
    owe it to the child[ren] to maintain an attitude of civility, act decently toward one
    another, and communicate openly with each other. One might well question the
    suitability as custodian of any parent unable to meet these minimum
    requirements.” (citation omitted)). Bryan has shown a willingness to work through
    conflict and improve his relationships with his children, and he remains open to
    improving his co-parenting relationship with Laura.
    With extensive evidence of Laura’s disdain for Bryan and her efforts to
    undermine his relationship with the children on one hand and Bryan’s mature and
    sensitive responses to stay engaged with the children on the other, we agree with
    the district court’s detailed analysis. For these reasons, we affirm the trial court’s
    detailed and well-reasoned modification order.
    B. Appellate Attorney Fees. An award of appellate attorney fees is not a
    matter of right but rests within the court’s discretion. See In re Marriage of Benson,
    495 N.W.2d 777
    , 779 (Iowa Ct. App. 1992); see also Iowa Code § 598.36 (2018)
    (“In a proceeding for a modification of an order or decree under this chapter the
    court may award attorney fees to the prevailing party in an amount deemed
    reasonable by the court.”). We will “consider the needs of the party making the
    request, the ability of the other party to pay, and whether the party making the
    request was obligated to defend the district court’s decision on appeal.” 
    Ales, 592 N.W.2d at 704
    . After considering the relevant factors and noting Laura has not
    prevailed on appeal we decline to award Laura appellate attorney fees.
    IV. Disposition.
    We affirm the district court modification order.