Dianna Hull Perazzo, M.D. v. Melanie Robbins by and Through Her Guardian and Father, Larry Robbins ( 2020 )

  •             RENDERED: DECEMBER 23, 2020; 10:00 A.M.
    Commonwealth of Kentucky
    Court of Appeals
    NO. 2018-CA-0986-MR
    AND DIANNA HULL PERAZZO, M.D.                     APPELLANTS
    ACTION NO. 11-CI-02391
    WILLIAM BULMER                                        APPELLEES
    ** ** ** ** **
    CLAYTON, CHIEF JUDGE: Dr. Dianna Hull Perazzo appeals from a judgment
    of the Kenton Circuit Court following a trial wherein the jury returned a verdict in
    favor of Melanie Robbins and against Dr. Perazzo for over $4 million dollars. Dr.
    Perazzo alleges that the trial court abused its discretion regarding certain
    evidentiary rulings it made both before and during the trial and contends that the
    trial court improperly limited certain expert witness testimony, abused its
    discretion in excluding evidence of drug and alcohol use, and committed
    cumulative error. Upon review of the record and applicable caselaw, we affirm.
    On September 15, 2010, Melanie Robbins – at that time, 35 years of
    age – went to the St. Elizabeth Medical Center (“SEMC”) emergency room (the
    “ER”) with complaints of a headache and congestion. Robbins indicated that her
    headache was a “10 out of 10” on the pain scale and “the worst headache of her
    life.” Robbins further told the ER workers that the headache began a few days to a
    week prior and was particularly bad when she coughed or bent over. Robbins also
    described having nausea, vomiting, and light and sound sensitivity.
    Robbins was assessed by Dr. Perazzo, an ER physician, who ordered a
    CT head scan. The radiologist reading the x-ray from such head scan, Dr. Kirk
    Doerger, found no hemorrhage or other abnormality and mistakenly concluded that
    the x-ray was normal. In fact, the x-ray indicated that Robbins was experiencing a
    “warning bleed” or a “sentinel bleed” signaling an imminent hemorrhagic stroke.
    Dr. Perazzo did not order any further tests, including a lumbar puncture (“LP”),
    which is a test for the existence of red blood cells in the spinal fluid and is
    indicative of a brain bleed that a CT scan is at times not sensitive enough to reveal.
    Robbins remained at the ER until midnight, at which time she indicated that her
    headache had improved. Dr. Perazzo discharged Robbins with a short period of
    pain medication and a request to schedule a follow-up appointment.
    On September 27, 2010, Robbins returned to the ER after an
    aneurysm – or a flaw in the wall of a blood vessel in her brain – ruptured and she
    suffered a stroke. A subsequent CT scan showed “an extensive subarachnoid
    hemorrhage [(“SAH”)],” which translates to bleeding in the area between the brain
    and the tissue covering the brain. The CT scan further showed a “dissecting
    aneurysm,” a type of aneurysm that presents in only three to five percent of all
    brain aneurysms. Specifically, a “dissecting” aneurysm describes a situation where
    blood penetrates the first of three layers contained in the blood vessel wall and
    goes into the second layer, ultimately separating or tearing the vessel wall.
    Robbins’ dissecting SAH was in the middle cerebral artery (“MCA”), one of three
    major arteries channeling fresh blood to the brain.
    Robbins was thereafter transferred to University of Cincinnati
    Hospital where neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Ringer performed surgery to reconstruct
    the blood vessel. At the beginning of the surgery, Dr. Ringer placed a “temporary
    clip” across the MCA in order to “shut off all the blood flow to the right side of the
    brain for a period of time.” After working to rebuild the vessel, when Dr. Ringer
    removed the temporary clip, the aneurysm began to bleed. Dr. Ringer identified
    one part of the MCA, the M1 segment, and placed a temporary clip on such
    segment as well as “a straight clip across the base of the aneurysm incorporating
    the superior division, leaving the distal clip in place.” Such action stopped the
    bleeding, and Dr. Ringer concluded the surgery.
    Robbins subsequently underwent a second surgery on September 30,
    2010, as her brain began swelling with bleeding into the temporal lobe.
    Ultimately, Robbins suffered from almost total paralysis, and requires 24-hour-a-
    day, 7-day-per-week care.
    Robbins sued SEMC, Dr. Perazzo and her clinic, and Dr. Doerger and
    his clinic. Robbins settled with SEMC before trial and, after approximately six
    years of litigation, her case against Dr. Perazzo and Dr. Doerger was tried over
    fifteen days in March of 2017. Specifically, Robbins argued that the symptoms
    that she was presenting on her September 15, 2010 ER visit were signs of an SAH
    and that Dr. Perazzo should have ordered an LP despite receiving a normal report
    from Dr. Doerger. On the other hand, Dr. Perazzo argued that Robbins did not
    have a traditional presentation of SAH because Robbins did not have a
    “thunderclap” headache, but rather indicated that her headache had been going on
    for approximately a week.
    The jury ultimately awarded Robbins $1,268,621.67 for medical
    expenses, $6 million dollars for future care and treatment, and $1 million dollars
    for pain and suffering. The jury apportioned fault 50% to Dr. Perazzo and 50% to
    Dr. Doerger. A judgment was entered accordingly.
    Dr. Perazzo and Dr. Doerger filed motions for a new trial and
    judgment notwithstanding the verdict, both of which the trial court denied. Dr.
    Doerger paid his portion of the judgment, while Dr. Perazzo appealed to this court
    as a matter of right.
    Further facts will be discussed as they become relevant in the course
    of this opinion.
    Dr. Perazzo argues that the trial court erred in limiting the testimony
    of an expert witness, Dr. Patrick McCormick, to those opinions the trial court
    found to have been disclosed in his Kentucky Rule of Civil Procedure (CR)
    26.02(4) expert witness disclosure. Dr. Perazzo further argues that the trial court
    erroneously excluded evidence of Robbins’ alleged alcohol and cocaine use.
    Finally, Dr. Perazzo argues that the cumulative error doctrine requires a new trial
    based on the trial court’s allegedly unfair evidentiary rulings.
    a. Standard of Review
    An appellate court utilizes the abuse of discretion standard when
    reviewing a trial court’s decision regarding the admissibility of evidence.
    Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. v. Thompson, 
    11 S.W.3d 575
    , 577-78 (Ky. 2000).
    The same abuse of discretion standard applies to discovery matters. Manus, Inc. v.
    Terry Maxedon Hauling, Inc., 
    191 S.W.3d 4
    , 8 (Ky. App. 2006). “The test for
    abuse of discretion is whether the trial judge’s decision was arbitrary,
    unreasonable, unfair, or unsupported by sound legal principles.” 
    Thompson, 11 S.W.3d at 581
    b. The Trial Court’s Exclusion of Portions of Dr. McCormick’s
    Dr. Perazzo first argues that the trial court abused its discretion when
    it limited Dr. McCormick to those opinions that the trial court found had been
    disclosed in Dr. McCormick’s CR 26.02 expert witness disclosure. In this case,
    the trial court also specifically prohibited “any expert opinion not disclosed in the
    filed disclosures or during discovery of the expert witness.” CR 26.02(4)(a)(i)
    states as follows:
    Discovery of facts known and opinions held by experts,
    . . . acquired or developed in anticipation of litigation or
    for trial, may be obtained only as follows: . . . A party
    may through interrogatories require any other party to
    identify each person whom the other party expects to call
    as an expert witness at trial, to state the subject matter on
    which the expert is expected to testify, and to state the
    substance of the facts and opinions to which the expert is
    expected to testify and a summary of the grounds for
    each opinion.
    Additionally, CR 26.05(a) requires a party to “seasonably . . . supplement” his CR
    26.02 expert witness disclosures.
    Dr. McCormick was initially disclosed as a witness for SEMC before
    it settled with Robbins. The relevant portions of Dr. McCormick’s expert
    disclosure stated as follows:
    Dr. McCormick will testify that he agrees with Dr.
    Samson’s description of the aneurysm. He agrees and
    will opine that it was a multi-lobed, partially-thrombosed,
    ruptured aneurysm with a complex origin at or near the
    right middle cerebral artery bifurcation.
    Dr. McCormick will testify that if the aneurysm suffered
    by Ms. Robbins was diagnosed as a Grade 1 on the Hunt
    Hess Scale at the time of the first presentation to
    [SEMC], because of the location and complexity of the
    aneurysm as described by Dr. Samson, even if it was
    diagnosed and treated on September 15, 2010, Ms.
    Robbins’ likely outcome would be similar to those
    patients presenting as a Grade 3 or Grade 4. He will also
    testify that he agrees with Dr. Samson that dissecting
    aneurysms of the cerebral arteries are notoriously fragile
    and unstable, even prior to rupture. He further agrees
    and will opine that dissecting aneurysms of the cerebral
    arteries such as the one suffered by Ms. Robbins are
    prone to bleed vigorously intra-operatively and, in order
    for the surgeon to effectively treat the condition,
    compromise or even closure of arterial branches
    potentially essential to the brain’s normal blood supply
    may be necessary. In light of this fact, the risk to Ms.
    Robbins of neurological deficits, even if the aneurysm
    was identified prior to rupture, was significant. The risk
    of bleeding or stroke post-procedure resulting in
    permanent neurological deficits was also significant.
    Although Dr. McCormick’s deposition was never taken, Dr. Doerger
    called Dr. McCormick as an expert witness to testify at trial on March 29, 2017.
    At that point in the trial, Dr. Perazzo had already closed her proof and had rested
    her case the previous day. As his testimony progressed, it became evident that Dr.
    McCormick planned to testify that Robbins’ injuries were not caused by the
    original hemorrhage that went undetected by Dr. Perazzo, but were caused by Dr.
    Ringer having to “sacrifice” certain vessels to stop bleeding during the surgery.
    Upon Robbins’ counsel’s objection, the trial court allowed Dr. McCormick to
    testify by avowal, wherein he stated:
    [M]y opinion in this case has always been that the
    outcome that Melanie experienced is related to the type
    of aneurysm she had. If this aneurysm was diagnosed on
    September 15th or back in May, um, they would have
    been faced with treating this exact same problem, and it’s
    treating this problem that led to the outcome Melanie
    had. Even if it had never hemorrhaged, she, to a
    probability, would have the neurologic problems that she
    has now[.] What caused the problem was the fact that
    you had to treat this aneurysm, and in treating it, the only
    solution Dr. Ringer could come up with was to sacrifice
    that vessel, and in sacrificing that vessel there are
    consequences. And that’s what led to the stroke that she
    had, that’s what led to the emergency return to the
    operating room to remove a whole portion of the skull,
    which is a treatment for stroke, not a treatment for
    aneurysm. They never anticipated that or they would
    have done it at the first surgery. That’s what caused all
    the problems here.
    After Dr. McCormick testified by avowal, the following exchange occurred:
    Robbins’ Counsel: It’s not disclosed, your honor.
    Trial Court: How come I don’t have a clear disclosure of
    this? I mean, no offense intended, cause I don’t care
    what the medicine says, but I do care about how
    everybody gets to deal with the medicine in front of the
    Ultimately, the trial court limited Dr. McCormick’s testimony to the information
    contained in his expert disclosure.
    As a preliminary matter, Robbins first argues that this issue was not
    adequately preserved at the trial court level, as Dr. Perazzo had already rested her
    case when Dr. Doerger called Dr. McCormick to testify and requested that Dr.
    McCormick’s opinion be admitted at trial. However, because in her pretrial list of
    experts Dr. Perazzo expressly adopted the experts of the other defendants and
    reserved the right to call them at trial, and because “the substance of the evidence
    was made known to the court by offer” via Dr. McCormick’s avowal testimony,
    we believe the argument was sufficiently preserved for our review. See Kentucky
    Rule of Evidence (KRE) 103(a)(2).
    Therefore, we are left with the task of determining whether the trial
    court abused its discretion when it limited Dr. McCormick’s testimony to the
    specific opinions expressed in his expert witness disclosure. Again, “questions
    concerning the scope of evidence are left to the discretion of the trial court to
    determine whether to admit and exclude evidence.” Baptist Healthcare Systems,
    Inc. v. Miller, 
    177 S.W.3d 676
    , 684 (Ky. 2005) (citation omitted).
    We agree with the trial court that the opinion offered by Dr.
    McCormick at trial is significantly broader than that described in his expert
    disclosure. The disclosure’s language discussed Dr. McCormick’s opinion in
    terms of “risks” and “likely outcomes” of the surgery to treat the aneurysm,
    whereas Dr. McCormick’s avowal testimony was that the treatment of the
    aneurysm directly led to the outcome that Melanie experienced and was the actual,
    rather than likely, outcome. Instead of limiting Dr. McCormick to testimony
    regarding significant “risks,” Dr. Doerger’s counsel attempted to introduce a new
    causation opinion from Dr. McCormick at trial. The variance between the
    substance and level of certainty in Dr. McCormick’s expert disclosure opinion and
    his avowal testimony at trial was significant. Indeed, “[a] generalized statement
    outlining a broad subject matter about which an expert may testify does not
    sufficiently apprise the other party of the information needed to prepare for trial as
    contemplated and mandated by the notice requirements of CR 26.02(4)(a).”
    Clephas v. Garlock, Inc., 
    168 S.W.3d 389
    , 393-94 (Ky. App. 2004).
    While Dr. Perazzo cites us to the case Oliphant v. Ries, 
    568 S.W.3d 336
    (Ky. 2019), we do not find such case to be applicable to the one sub judice. In
    Oliphant, the applicable expert had been extensively deposed twice, at which time
    his opinion had been revealed.
    Id. at 343-44.
    The Court stated:
    Simply put, requiring a party to supplement an expert
    witness disclosure every time an expert is deposed in
    discovery would be a waste of the party’s time and
    resources. Depositions serve the same function as CR
    26.02 and 26.05 — to reveal evidence, information and
    opinions that may be used at trial and they are universally
    recognized as the most effective, detailed method of
    obtaining an understanding of an opponent’s proof.
    Id. at 345.
    The foregoing situation is not present in this case.
    As a result, although one may have read and interpreted the expert
    disclosure in a different or more expansive manner, we cannot say that the trial
    court’s interpretation was arbitrary or unreasonable. Because Dr. Perazzo failed to
    fully supplement Dr. McCormick’s prior expert disclosures, the trial court acted
    within its discretion in excluding the evidence. See Kemper v. Gordon, 
    272 S.W.3d 146
    , 155 (Ky. 2008).
    Further, even if we found that Dr. McCormick’s expert disclosure was
    adequate, the Kentucky Supreme Court has held that “the person requesting
    exclusion of testimony must show prejudice.” Equitania Ins. Co. v. Slone &
    Garrett, P.S.C., 
    191 S.W.3d 552
    , 556 (Ky. 2006). We can find no prejudice here,
    as Dr. Perazzo provided her own causation expert, Dr. Close. The jury heard Dr.
    Close opine that Robbins would have undergone the exact same procedure had she
    been diagnosed by Dr. Perazzo on September 15, 2010 that she ultimately
    underwent. Dr. Close further opined that, even if Dr. Perazzo had diagnosed
    Robbins on September 15, 2010, the risk of death or permanent disability resulting
    from the surgery would be “above fifty percent.” Dr. Close also testified that at the
    time of the surgery on September 27, 2010, the risk of neurological disability from
    such surgery was “well above fifty percent, one could argue it’s a hundred
    percent.” Therefore, the jury heard causation expert testimony beneficial to Dr.
    Perazzo’s position, and we find no prejudice.
    c. The Trial Court’s Exclusion of Evidence of Drug and Alcohol
    Dr. Perazzo next argues that the trial court erred when it excluded
    certain evidence of Robbins’ alleged drug and alcohol use. Dr. Perazzo argues that
    evidence of drug and alcohol abuse went to the causation of Robbins’ injuries, as
    cocaine adversely affected SAH treatment and recovery. Dr. Perazzo also
    contends that such evidence could also affect the applicable standard of care in
    terms of the diagnostic approach. On the other hand, Robbins argues that the
    evidence was irrelevant under the definition provided by KRE 401 and therefore
    inadmissible under KRE 402.
    KRE 401 defines “relevant evidence” as “evidence having any
    tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of consequence to the
    determination of the action more probable or less probable than it would be
    without the evidence.” KRE 402 states that “[e]vidence which is not relevant is
    not admissible.” Further, “[a]lthough relevant, evidence may be excluded if its
    probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of undue prejudice,
    confusion of the issues, or misleading the jury, or by considerations of undue
    delay, or needless presentation of cumulative evidence.” KRE 403.
    Dr. Perazzo offered as evidence of Robbins’ alleged drug and alcohol
    use a positive test for cocaine on a 2007 drug screen at St. Luke Hospital for acute
    alcohol intoxication. Further, Dr. Perazzo offered arrest records from the summer
    of 2010 after police found cocaine at Robbins’ boyfriend’s home. The resulting
    charges were ultimately dismissed against Robbins, however, as there was no
    evidence that Robbins had any connection to the substances. Dr. Perazzo also
    shared a Facebook message in the month prior to Robbins’ aneurysm in which her
    father tells Robbins to “get your life together,” get out of that “drug den,” that
    Robbins “doesn’t have to do drugs to be accepted,” and does not “need this
    scumbag for drugs.” Dr. Perazzo also offered post-surgery hospital forms noting
    Robbins’ cocaine and alcohol abuse history and one record stating that Robbins
    only quit using marijuana and cocaine on September 27, 2010, the day of her first
    Alternatively, Dr. Perazzo produced no physical evidence that
    Robbins was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of, or anytime
    near, her initial trip to the ER on September 15, 2010. It is also undisputed that
    twelve days later, on September 27, 2010, when Robbins was re-admitted for
    surgery, a toxicology screen confirmed that she did not have drugs or metabolites
    in her system.
    The trial court entered a series of orders that excluded all evidence
    regarding Robbins’ drug or alcohol abuse. The trial court stated the following:
    The court does not find any evidence suggesting
    profound, chronic, prolonged use of illegal substances by
    plaintiff in or near September 2010. Nor does the court
    see any expert testimony supporting any relevance of the
    use of unspecified substances to plaintiff’s damages; Dr.
    Janiak’s statement that the use of cocaine and
    methamphetamine is a risk factor for subarachnoid
    hemorrhage, even if it could be supported by evidence of
    plaintiff using such substances, only goes to the cause of
    plaintiff’s condition and not the treatment thereof which
    is the issue before the court. Dr. Perazzo’s own
    testimony that knowing the patient had risk factors, or
    even a known aneurysm, would not have changed her
    diagnosis given the clinical presentation, seems to limit
    the relevance of evidence of drug use.
    If there is expert testimony that would change the
    protocol or the standard of care for a patient with either
    remote or recent drug use, or that is relevant to the theory
    that such would have made treatment on September 15
    riskier or affected plaintiff’s ultimate recovery, please
    point that out to me as soon as possible so that the court
    can review that in considering the motions.
    The trial court ultimately prohibited Dr. Perazzo or Dr. Doerger from introducing
    at trial “any comment, mention, suggestion, argument or statement regarding
    Melanie Robbins’ past use of any form of drug or consumption of alcohol.”
    We do not believe the trial court abused its discretion in excluding
    evidence of Robbins’ alleged drug and alcohol use. When looking at the standard
    of care, Dr. Perazzo stated that knowledge of Robbins’ prior alcohol or drug abuse
    would not have changed how she diagnosed or treated Robbins:
    The Court: To the extent that you’re able to say that
    [Robbins’] behavior would have caused this, which is the
    question to you.
    Dr. Perazzo: Okay, yes.
    The Court: Would that have made you react any
    Dr. Perazzo: Not to this headache.
    Further, a panel of this Court has stated that “[p]ersons providing medical
    treatment . . . should expect to treat not only patients who fall ill or are injured
    through no fault of their own, but also those whose own neglect or intentional
    conduct has placed them in the precarious position of requiring medical treatment.”
    Pauly v. Chang, 
    498 S.W.3d 394
    , 418 (Ky. App. 2015) (internal quotation marks
    As to whether the alleged drug and alcohol use provided a cause for
    the ultimate injury, the trial court noted the experts produced by the defendants
    were basing opinions on “ifs,” and that the only other evidence primarily consisted
    of hearsay statements from Facebook messages, a dismissed criminal charge, and a
    positive cocaine test three years prior. Moreover, all of Dr. Perazzo’s experts
    concerning Robbins’ alleged drug and alcohol use qualified their opinions with the
    following factual requirements in order for the standard of care to change, for the
    evidence to be relevant as to causation, or for Robbins to have contributed to her
    injuries: (1) that Robbins used cocaine within 48-72 hours before the onset of her
    headache; (2) that after she suffered the headache she continued to use cocaine and
    it worsened her headache; or (3) that she used cocaine weekly for six months or
    more. The trial court determined that there was no relevant evidence of the
    foregoing, and we find no abuse of its discretion.
    d. Cumulative Error
    Finally, Dr. Perazzo argues that the cumulative error doctrine warrants
    a new trial based on four alleged trial errors. The doctrine protects a criminal
    defendant’s right to a fair trial, and has been described by the Kentucky Supreme
    Court as “the doctrine under which multiple errors, although harmless individually,
    may be deemed reversible if their cumulative effect is to render the trial
    fundamentally unfair.” Brown v. Commonwealth, 
    313 S.W.3d 577
    , 631 (Ky.
    2010). “We have found cumulative error only where the individual errors were
    themselves substantial, bordering, at least, on the prejudicial.”
    Id. (citation omitted). Dr.
    Perazzo provides a short recitation of four claimed errors at the
    end of her brief, which does not provide us with enough substance to analyze such
    alleged errors under the cumulative error doctrine. Further, as none of the
    individual issues discussed above resulted in a finding of error by the trial court,
    we do not find reversible cumulative error in this case.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the Kenton Circuit Court.
    Virginia Hamilton Snell     Jim Leventhal
    Deborah H. Patterson        Benjamin Sachs
    Sean G. Williamson          Denver, Colorado
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Robert E. Sanders
    David C. Calderhead         Covington, Kentucky
    Joshua F. DeBra
    Loveland, Ohio              Delana S. Sanders
    Crescent Springs, Kentucky
    Kevin C. Burke
    Jamie K. Neal
    Louisville, Kentucky