Commonwealth v. Ashe A., a juvenile ( 2019 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    COMMONWEALTH   vs.   ASHE A., a juvenile.
    October 29, 2019.
    Delinquent Child. Juvenile Court, Delinquent child,
    Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction, Delinquent child, Juvenile
    Court, Juvenile delinquency proceeding. Practice,
    Criminal, Juvenile delinquency proceeding. Statute,
    Retroactive application.
    On February 20, 2018, a complaint issued against the
    juvenile charging him with disturbing a school assembly, in
    violation of G. L. c. 272, § 40, as amended by St. 1969, c. 463,
    § 1. He was arraigned in the Juvenile Court on the same day.
    At the time, § 40 provided that "[w]hoever wilfully interrupts
    or disturbs a school . . . shall be punished." While the
    juvenile's case was pending in the Juvenile Court, on April 13,
    2018, the Legislature enacted "An Act relative to criminal
    justice reform" (act). St. 2018, c. 69. As part of the act,
    the Legislature struck the former statute in its entirety and
    replaced it.1 The statute now provides:
    "Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs an assembly of
    people meeting for a lawful purpose shall be punished by
    imprisonment for not more than [one] month or by a fine of
    not more than [fifty dollars]; provided, however, that an
    elementary or secondary student shall not be adjudged a
    delinquent child for an alleged violation of this section
    for such conduct within school buildings or on school
    grounds or in the course of school-related events."
    1 In these circumstances, we consider the amendment of the
    statute to constitute an explicit repeal of the statute's
    earlier provisions. See Lazlo L. v. Commonwealth, 
    482 Mass. 325
    , 329 n.9 (2019).
    G. L. c. 272, § 40, as appearing in St. 2018, c. 69, § 159. A
    judge in the Juvenile Court declined to apply the amended
    statute retroactively to the juvenile's conduct, and the
    juvenile was adjudicated delinquent in October 2018. We granted
    the juvenile's application for direct appellate review to
    consider whether St. 2018, c. 69, § 159, should be applied
    retroactively to cases pending on April 13, 2018.2 We conclude
    that it should. We vacate the delinquency adjudication and
    remand the matter to the Juvenile Court for dismissal of the
    Background. On February 16, 2018, while sitting with other
    boys at a school lunch table, the juvenile made "prank"
    telephone calls to a help hotline and a television news station.
    When he spoke to the news station, the juvenile said something
    to the effect of: "I didn't get my lunch, I feel like killing
    someone." The news station contacted the police and a brief
    investigation identified the source of the calls as the
    juvenile's telephone and a tablemate's telephone. By that time,
    the juvenile had been released from school for an unrelated
    reason. Because the juvenile was no longer inside the school,
    the school administration ordered the students, faculty, and
    staff to shelter in place, disrupting the school routine. The
    order remained in effect for about an hour, until both boys were
    Discussion. The applicable principles of statutory
    construction were recently described in Lazlo L. v.
    482 Mass. 325
    , 328-330 (2019), and need not be
    repeated here. To summarize, in construing a "strictly penal"
    statute,3 Commonwealth v. Dotson, 
    462 Mass. 96
    , 99 (2012), the
    2  We acknowledge the amicus brief submitted by the youth
    advocacy division and the youth advocacy foundation of the
    Committee for Public Counsel Services; American Civil Liberties
    Union of Massachusetts, Inc.; Massachusetts Appleseed; Charles
    Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law
    School; Citizens for Juvenile Justice; GLBTQ Legal Advocates &
    Defenders; Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee; Massachusetts
    Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; and Anti-Defamation
    3  General Laws c. 272, § 40, is a penal statute. It is
    "designed to enforce the law by punishing offenders." Lazlo L.,
    482 Mass. at. 330 ("Where a statute affects whether a child can
    presumption is that "[t]he repeal of a statute shall not affect
    any . . . proceeding pending at the time of the repeal for an
    offence committed . . . under the statute repealed," unless that
    construction would be "[(1)] inconsistent with the manifest
    intent of the law-making body or [(2)] repugnant to the context
    of the same statute." G. L. c. 4, § 6. Our analysis begins,
    therefore, with the presumption that St. 2018, c. 69, § 159, is
    prospective in application.
    Lazlo L. provides the framework for discussion. In that
    case, we considered whether either exception to the presumption
    of prospectivity applied to a different section of the same act.
    See St. 2018, c. 69, § 72. That section amended the definition
    of "delinquent child" to, among other things, provide that a
    child who commits a first offense of a misdemeanor "for which
    the punishment is a fine, imprisonment in a jail or house of
    correction for not more than [six] months or both" may not be
    adjudicated a "delinquent child." 
    Id. With respect
    to the
    first exception, we concluded that there was "inadequate
    evidence of the Legislature's manifest intent to apply § 72
    retroactively to overcome the presumption of prospective
    application." Lazlo 
    L., 482 Mass. at 331-332
    . For the same
    reasons we explained in Lazlo L., we conclude that the first
    exception to the presumption of prospectivity does not apply to
    St. 2018, c. 69, § 159. Neither the Legislature clearly
    established that the amendment "would apply retroactively to
    pending cases . . . [n]or are there any other provisions in the
    act that would make prospective application of [§ 159]
    'anomalous, if not absurd.'" Lazlo 
    L., supra
    at 332, quoting
    Commonwealth v. Bradley, 
    466 Mass. 551
    , 554 (2013).
    The second exception applies where "prospective application
    would be 'repugnant to the context' of the statutory amendment."
    L., 482 Mass. at 332
    , quoting G. L. c. 4, § 6. We
    consider in this context whether "it would be contrary to the
    purpose of the statute to delay the accomplishment of that
    purpose." Lazlo 
    L., supra
    , quoting 
    Bradley, 466 Mass. at 555
    556. We described the legislative history of the act in Lazlo
    L., supra
    at 333, observing that "the Legislature understood
    that children who enter the juvenile justice system have a
    higher risk of reoffending for the remainder of their lives, and
    . . . their risk of recidivism is greater the earlier they enter
    the system." In § 72, the Legislature narrowed the definition
    of "delinquent child" to "reduce the number of children who
    be adjudicated delinquent . . . , an amendment to that statute
    necessarily implicates the potential for punishment").
    enter the juvenile justice system." Lazlo 
    L., supra
    . See
    Wallace W. v. Commonwealth, 
    482 Mass. 789
    , 795 (2019). In
    § 159, the Legislature furthered the same purpose by
    specifically removing certain school-based offenses from the
    sphere of infractions for which juveniles may be adjudicated
    delinquent. As we said in Lazlo 
    L., supra
    at 334, "[w]e see no
    reason to delay the application of an amendment aimed at
    combatting the negative effects of Juvenile Court involvement on
    children and their communities."
    Our conclusion that § 159 has retroactive application to
    cases pending on April 13, 2018, is further buttressed by the
    jurisdictional nature of the amendment. See Lazlo 
    L., 482 Mass. at 335
    . As of April 13, 2018, "the Juvenile Court no longer has
    jurisdiction to adjudicate as a 'delinquent child,'" 
    id., a juvenile
    who "interrupts or disturbs an assembly of people"
    within "school buildings or on school grounds or in the course
    of school-related events," G. L. c. 272, § 40, as appearing in
    St. 2018, c. 69, § 159. See G. L. c. 119, § 58. "Because
    jurisdiction is a threshold requirement for a court to decide
    any case, it would have been logical for the Legislature to
    expect that Juvenile Court proceedings against children" for
    violation of the school assembly statute "would cease and the
    cases would be dismissed on the day" that § 159 became effective
    and school-based adjudications of delinquency were removed from
    the statute. Lazlo 
    L., supra
    , citing Commonwealth v.
    466 Mass. 627
    , 645 (2013) ("Juvenile Court is a
    court of limited jurisdiction, which has no authority in the
    absence of a specific statutory authorization" [quotation,
    citation, and alteration omitted]).
    Conclusion. We need go no further.4 Because prospective
    application of St. 2018, c. 69, § 159, would be repugnant to the
    purpose of the Legislature's amendment of the school assembly
    statute, the statute applies retroactively to cases that were
    pending as of April 13, 2018. We vacate the adjudication of
    delinquency, and we remand the matter to the Juvenile Court for
    4  Because we conclude that St. 2018, c. 69, § 159, applies
    retroactively to cases pending on April 13, 2018, we do not
    address the Commonwealth's claim that the Juvenile Court had
    jurisdiction to adjudicate the juvenile a "delinquent child,"
    for purposes of St. 2018, c. 69, § 72; or whether the evidence
    was sufficient to support the adjudication of delinquency under
    G. L. c. 272, § 40, as in effect prior to April 13, 2018.
    So ordered.
    Eva G. Jellison for the juvenile.
    Laurie Yeshulas, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Melissa Allen Celli, for youth advocacy division of the
    Committee for Public Counsel Services & others, amici curiae,
    submitted a brief.

Document Info

Docket Number: SJC 12723

Filed Date: 10/29/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2019