Commonwealth v. Alexis , 481 Mass. 91 ( 2018 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Essex.      September 5, 2018. - December 14, 2018.
    Present:   Gants, C.J., Lenk, Gaziano, Lowy, Budd, Cypher, &
    Kafker, JJ.
    Constitutional Law, Search and seizure. Search and Seizure,
    Exigent circumstances, Warrant, Probable cause. Practice,
    Criminal, Motion to suppress, Warrant, Waiver. Probable
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on June 27, 2016.
    A pretrial motion to suppress evidence was heard by James
    F. Lang, J.
    An application for leave to prosecute an interlocutory
    appeal was allowed by Kafker, J., in the Supreme Judicial Court
    for the county of Suffolk, and the appeal was reported by him.
    Emily R. Mello, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Emily A. Cardy, Committee for Public Counsel Services, for
    the defendant.
    CYPHER, J.   The defendant, Jean Alexis, was charged with
    numerous crimes stemming from an armed home invasion in Lynn.1
    The day after the home invasion, and following an investigation,
    the police arrested the defendant inside his dwelling without an
    arrest warrant.   The defendant moved to suppress evidence that
    (1) the police observed during a protective sweep of his
    dwelling after he was arrested and (2) the police gathered after
    they obtained a warrant to search his dwelling.2   A judge in the
    Superior Court allowed the defendant's motion to suppress
    because the police created the exigency that prompted their
    warrantless entry into the defendant's dwelling.   A single
    justice of this court allowed the Commonwealth's application for
    leave to pursue an interlocutory appeal and reported the case to
    the full court.
    1 The charges are as follows: home invasion (G. L. c. 265,
    § 18C), armed robbery (G. L. c. 265, § 17), armed assault in a
    dwelling (G. L. c. 265, § 18A), assault and battery by means of
    a dangerous weapon (G. L. c. 265, § 15A [b]), assault and
    battery (G. L. c. 265, § 13A [a]), and possession of an
    electrical stun gun (G. L. c. 140, § 131J).
    2 "An arrest warrant 'encompasses the power to enter a
    [suspect's] residence for the purpose of executing the warrant'"
    (citation omitted). Commonwealth v. Silva, 
    440 Mass. 772
    , 776
    (2004). "Generally, a [search] warrant must be secured before a
    search [of the dwelling] is conducted, and warrantless searches
    'are presumptively unreasonable.'" Commonwealth v. Ramos, 
    470 Mass. 740
    , 745 (2015), quoting Kentucky v. King, 
    563 U.S. 452
    459 (2011).
    We have held that "where the exigency is reasonably
    foreseeable and the police offer no justifiable excuse for their
    prior delay in obtaining a warrant, the exigency exception to
    the warrant requirement is not open to them."   Commonwealth v.
    367 Mass. 798
    , 803 (1975) (analyzing warrantless search
    under Fourth Amendment to United States Constitution).    See
    Commonwealth v. Molina, 
    439 Mass. 206
    , 211 (2003).   In Kentucky
    v. King, 
    563 U.S. 452
    , 462 (2011), the United States Supreme
    Court held that where "the police did not create the exigency by
    engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that violates the
    Fourth Amendment, warrantless entry to prevent the destruction
    of evidence is reasonable and thus allowed."    The Commonwealth
    urges us to follow the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court when
    examining a warrantless search of a dwelling under art. 14 of
    the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights.   Adopting such an
    approach would render all of the evidence obtained after the
    defendant's arrest admissible.   The defendant argues that,
    notwithstanding the Supreme Court's decision in King, under art.
    14 the police cannot create the exigent circumstances used to
    justify a warrantless entry to a home, even if they engaged in
    lawful action, such as approaching a house to knock on a door.
    He also contends that the Commonwealth waived the argument that
    probable cause remained for the subsequent search warrant, even
    if the impermissibly viewed evidence is redacted from the
    We interpret art. 14 to provide greater protection than the
    Fourth Amendment where the police have relied on a reasonably
    foreseeable exigency to justify the warrantless entry into a
    dwelling.    Therefore, we conclude that the judge did not err in
    allowing the defendant's motion to suppress evidence that was
    found in plain view during a protective sweep because the
    officers' entry into his home was not justified based on exigent
    circumstances.   We also conclude that the Commonwealth waived
    the argument regarding whether, if the impermissible
    observations from the affidavit were redacted, the search
    warrant was based on probable cause.
    Background.     We recite the motion judge's factual findings
    supplemented by the uncontroverted evidence at the motion
    hearing that is consistent with the judge's findings.
    Commonwealth v. Jones–Pannell, 
    472 Mass. 429
    , 431 (2015).
    "[O]ur duty is to make an independent determination of the
    correctness of the [motion] judge's application of
    constitutional principles to the facts as found" (citation
    omitted).    Commonwealth v. Campbell, 
    475 Mass. 611
    , 615 (2016).
    On the morning of June 14, 2016, Lynn police officers responded
    to a report of a home invasion.   Shortly thereafter, Detective
    Stephen Pohle arrived at the scene.    Upon arrival, Pohle spoke
    with the victim, Shomar Garcia, who lived at the apartment with
    his wife and two children.    Garcia conveyed that earlier that
    morning, while he was leaving for work, three African-American
    males forced their way into the apartment, one of them struck
    him in the face with a silver handgun, and they "forced their
    way into the bedroom, where his wife and two children were."
    The men restrained Garcia with duct tape and took his jewelry
    and wallet.    Before leaving the house, the man with the silver
    handgun struck Garcia's six month old baby in the face with the
    Garcia recognized the man with the silver handgun as
    someone with whom he had attended high school.    Later that
    afternoon, Garcia went to the police station in an attempt to
    identify the perpetrator.    After looking through a "few hundred
    photos," Garcia saw a photograph of the defendant and stated
    with "[one hundred] percent" certainty that the photograph was
    of one of the men who had broken into his home and was the one
    who had hit him and his baby.
    Pohle wrote an incident report and filled out an arrest
    warrant application.    Because it was late in the afternoon and
    his shift had ended, Pohle placed the warrant in the "court box"
    for the next day.3      Pohle testified that although the nature of
    the investigation -- an armed home invasion -- justified an
    after-hours warrant, the decision not to seek one was within his
    Early the next morning, before he began his shift, Pohle
    telephoned the supervisor of the Lynn police department's
    warrant task force, Sergeant Michael Kenny.       Pohle informed
    Kenny, who was on his way to the police station, that the
    defendant had been identified as the perpetrator of the home
    invasion who brandished a handgun and struck the baby with the
    gun.       Pohle also informed Kenny that he was in the process of
    getting an arrest warrant.
    At approximately 7 A.M., Kenny arrived at the police
    station and reviewed the department's "hot sheet."5      Kenny
    recognized the defendant's name on the "hot sheet" as a person
    The "court box" has a mail slot for "paperwork that needs
    to go over to court." Each morning, a "police prosecutor"
    brings applications for warrants and complaints from the police
    station to the Lynn Division of the District Court Department,
    where a clerk reviews and signs the applications.
    4 Detective Stephen Pohle did not recall his rationale for
    not seeking an after-hours arrest warrant.
    A "hot sheet" has "information that's put out to police
    officers within the department that explains incidents, what
    happened, the facts of incidents, [and] suspect information."
    The "hot sheet" "pass[es] on information" to "officers who may
    have not worked [the previous] shift."
    with whom he had recently spoken while investigating another
    matter.   Kenny also knew where the defendant lived.
    Without an arrest warrant, but believing that there was
    probable cause to arrest the defendant and that exigent
    circumstances existed, Kenny and four other members of the
    warrant task force proceeded to the defendant's address.   The
    officers were dressed in plainclothes and had their badges
    displayed.6   Because of the information available to Kenny at the
    time -- the defendant's identification being fresh, the violent
    nature of the home invasion, the defendant's role in it, his
    possession of a firearm, the involvement of two accomplices, and
    the possibility that they might flee -- he believed that
    immediate action was required.7
    Upon arriving at the defendant's address, Kenny and two
    officers approached the front door, while two other officers
    went to the side of the house to secure a perimeter.8   Kenny
    6 The officers arrived at the defendant's residence in
    unmarked police vehicles.
    7 The motion judge found that Sergeant Michael Kenny
    mistakenly believed that the defendant's identification had
    occurred that morning, immediately prior to Pohle's telephone
    call. Testimony in the record indicates that Garcia had
    identified the defendant the previous day.
    8 Kenny described the dwelling as a "four-room rooming
    house" that "looks like a single-family house from the front."
    "There's a porch that goes up to the front door," and the front
    door is "clear glass." "To the left and right of [the] door are
    understood that the officers' presence might prompt the
    defendant to flee or destroy evidence.   Kenny's plan was to
    knock on the door to determine if the defendant was home,
    question him, and, if the opportunity arose, arrest him.      As
    Kenny ascended the front porch steps, the defendant saw the
    officers through the glass front door.   The defendant turned
    around and ran toward the back of the house.    One of the
    officers who was setting up a perimeter observed the defendant
    climbing through a window in the back of the house.    The officer
    shouted at the defendant to show his hands.    Instead, the
    defendant retreated into the house, out of the officer's view.
    Because of the volatile situation and the nature of the crimes
    involved, the officers forced their way through the front door.
    As they entered, they noticed the defendant coming toward them
    from the back of the home.   The officers ordered the defendant
    to the ground and handcuffed him in the hallway.
    After the defendant had been restrained, the officers
    conducted a protective sweep of the house and secured the
    premises.   During the protective sweep, Kenny made a plain view
    windows, and the windows are to each separate room in the
    rooming house." "When you walk in the front door, to the right
    is a door that goes to a bedroom," and "[o]n the left, is
    another door that goes to a bedroom." "There is an open living
    room area, and . . . behind that is a kitchen area [with] stairs
    on the right . . . going to the second level."
    observation of some jewelry on top of a refrigerator in the
    defendant's room that matched the description of the jewelry
    taken during the home invasion.9
    After the dwelling had been secured, Kenny prepared an
    application for a search warrant.    In his affidavit, Kenny
    relayed Garcia's account of the violent home invasion, Garcia's
    identification of the defendant, and that the defendant was
    brandishing a silver handgun.   He also included the plain view
    observations of the suspected stolen property he had seen during
    the protective sweep. A clerk-magistrate of the Lynn Division of
    the District Court Department approved the search warrant.
    During the execution of the search warrant, the officers
    seized items of evidentiary significance, including jewelry, a
    wallet, an electrical stun gun, and various identification cards
    bearing the defendant's name.   Also discovered were articles of
    clothing that matched the description given by Garcia of the
    clothes worn by the home invaders.    Following the search warrant
    execution, Garcia confirmed that the sweatshirt and the pants
    were consistent with the clothing worn by the defendant during
    the home invasion.
    Discussion.   1.   Warrantless arrest.   Historically, the
    Massachusetts Constitution has carefully protected the home from
    9 A description of the jewelry that had been taken from
    Garcia was in Pohle's incident report.
    the intrusion by the government without a warrant, with certain
    delineated exceptions.     See Commonwealth v. Tyree, 
    455 Mass. 676
    , 684 (2010); Molina, 439 Mass. at 211.     The existence of
    exigent circumstances that make it impracticable to obtain a
    warrant is one such exception.     Commonwealth v. Figueroa, 
    468 Mass. 204
    , 213 (2014).10
    The Commonwealth argues that the warrantless arrest of the
    defendant in his home was justified because the defendant's
    reaction to the lawful police presence outside his home created
    exigent circumstances.     In making this argument, it maintains
    that the United States Supreme Court, in King, 
    563 U.S. at 469
    abrogated prevailing Massachusetts jurisprudence when it held
    that "the exigent circumstances rule applies when the police do
    not gain entry to premises by means of an actual or threatened
    violation of the Fourth Amendment."     In other words, if the
    conduct of the police before their entry into the apartment was
    10Police may have reasonable grounds to believe that
    obtaining a warrant would be impracticable when the delay in
    doing so would pose a significant risk that the suspect may
    flee, evidence may be destroyed, or the safety of the police or
    others may be endangered. Commonwealth v. Figueroa, 
    468 Mass. 204
    , 213 (2014). Although often used interchangeably in the
    cases, "impractical" is not "impracticable." See J.A. Grasso,
    Jr., & C.M. McEvoy, Suppression Matters Under Massachusetts Law
    § 14-1[c][2] (2018). Webster's Third New International
    Dictionary 1136 (1963) defines "impractical" as "not wise to put
    into or keep in practice or effect," while "impracticable" is
    defined as "incapable of being performed or accomplished by the
    means employed or at command," id.
    entirely lawful, the exigent circumstances exception applies.
    The defendant contends that the exigent circumstances
    exception to the warrant requirement is inapplicable because the
    police created the exigency themselves by not procuring a
    warrant before going to the defendant's residence.   He claims
    that the warrantless entry into his home violates his rights
    under art. 14, notwithstanding the fact that police officers may
    lawfully knock on a door and make inquiries.11
    The Fourth Amendment and art. 14 require that all searches
    and seizures be reasonable, and case law has held that all
    warrantless entries into a home are presumptively unreasonable.
    See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Ramos, 
    470 Mass. 740
    , 744-745 (2015);
    Commonwealth v. Polanco, 
    92 Mass. App. Ct. 764
    , 769 (2018).
    Because the touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is
    reasonableness, however, "the warrant requirement is subject to
    For the first time on appeal, the defendant contends that
    the officers' presence on his porch violated his rights under
    the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and art.
    14 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. This argument is
    misplaced. Neither the Federal nor the Massachusetts
    Constitution prohibits police from knocking on a citizen's door
    and making an initial inquiry. See Commonwealth v. Leslie, 
    477 Mass. 48
    , 57 (2017) ("a police officer, like any other citizen,
    has an implied license to walk up the path to the front door of
    a home and knock on the front door"). Contrast Collins v.
    138 S. Ct. 1663
    , 1675 (2018) (Fourth Amendment does
    not permit police officer, uninvited and without search warrant,
    to enter curtilage of home to search vehicle).
    certain reasonable exceptions."     Ramos, supra at 745, quoting
    563 U.S. at 459
    .    The Commonwealth may justify a
    warrantless entry into a home if the police had probable cause
    and exigent circumstances.    Molina, 439 Mass. at 209.     Under the
    exigent circumstances exception to the warrant requirement,
    "there must be a showing that it was impracticable for the
    police to obtain a warrant, and the standards as to exigency are
    strict."    Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 800
    In Forde, we held that "a warrantless entry into a dwelling
    to arrest in the absence of sufficient justification for the
    failure to obtain a warrant" is impermissible.       
    Id. at 806
    .    We
    concluded that "where the exigency is reasonably foreseeable and
    the police offer no justifiable excuse for their prior delay in
    obtaining a warrant, the exigency exception to the warrant
    requirement is not open to them."      
    Id. at 803
    .   Forde was
    decided solely on the basis of the Fourth Amendment.       
    Id. at 805-806
    Later, in Molina, a case decided eight years before the
    Supreme Court's decision in King, we held:      "The Fourth
    Amendment . . . and art. 14 . . . scrupulously guard against the
    intrusion of the government into a citizen's home without a
    warrant."   Molina, 439 Mass. at 211.    We stated that "[t]he
    exigent circumstance requirement is not satisfied by virtue of
    altercations resulting from a warrantless arrest at the home,
    where there is no showing of exigent circumstances leading to
    the warrantless arrest itself."    Id.
    In King, 
    563 U.S. at 462
    , the Supreme Court held that where
    "the police did not create the exigency by engaging or
    threatening to engage in conduct that violates the Fourth
    Amendment, warrantless entry to prevent the destruction of
    evidence is reasonable and thus allowed."     In an eight-to-one
    decision, the Court concluded that as long as "the police do not
    gain entry to premises by means of an actual or threatened
    violation of the Fourth Amendment," they may knock on a
    suspect's door and announce their presence, and the exigent
    circumstances rule may still apply.      
    Id. at 469
    .   See
    Commonwealth v. Gentle, 
    80 Mass. App. Ct. 243
    , 249 (2011).
    "Molina and King thus appear inconsistent with each other as a
    matter of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence."     Gentle, supra at
    251.   Our interpretation of the Fourth Amendment tracked that of
    the dissent in King.    As the sole dissenter, Justice Ginsberg
    reasoned, "How 'secure' do our homes remain if police, armed
    with no warrant, can pound on doors at will and, on hearing
    sounds indicative of things moving, forcibly enter and search
    for evidence of unlawful activity?"      King, supra at 475
    (Ginsburg, J., dissenting).
    In Molina, we did not address whether art. 14 offers more
    protection than the Fourth Amendment in situations where, as
    here, law enforcement's lawful conduct created the exigent
    circumstances that are in turn used to justify a warrantless
    search.   We take the opportunity to address this issue now.
    Our interpretation of art. 14 frequently aligns with the
    United States Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourth
    Amendment.   However, we have sometimes held that art. 14 may
    provide more substantive protection to individuals than that
    provided by the Fourth Amendment.12   See, e.g., Commonwealth v.
    474 Mass. 147
    , 154 (2016) ("'probable cause [(not
    reasonable suspicion)] is the appropriate standard that must be
    met for a strip or visual body cavity search to be
    constitutionally permissible' under art. 14" [citation
    omitted]); Commonwealth v. Balicki, 
    436 Mass. 1
    , 9 (2002)
    (declining to abandon inadvertence requirement of plain view
    12See Commonwealth v. Gentle, 
    80 Mass. App. Ct. 243
    , 250
    (2011); Cordy, Criminal Procedure and the Massachusetts
    45 New Eng. L. Rev. 815
    , 821 (2011) ("the [Supreme
    Judicial Court] has repeatedly concluded that [art.] 14's
    protections against unreasonable searches and seizures are
    broader and more restrictive of police power than those of the
    Fourth Amendment"); Grasso, "John Adams Made Me Do It":
    Judicial Federalism, Judicial Chauvinism, and Article 14 of
    Massachusetts' Declaration of Rights, 
    77 Miss. L.J. 315
    , 340
    (2007) ("the [Supreme Judicial Court] has often recognized its
    authority and duty to interpret and enforce cognate provisions
    of the Massachusetts Constitution that afford greater
    protections than its federal counterpart"); Wilkins, The
    Massachusetts Constitution -- The Last Thirty Years, 
    44 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 331
    , 337 (2011) ("In the past three decades, the
    Supreme Judicial Court has resisted urgings to relax the
    requirements of art. 14 to conform to the Supreme Court's
    revisions of Fourth Amendment law" [footnotes omitted]).
    exception to warrant requirement under art. 14, as Supreme Court
    did under Fourth Amendment); Commonwealth v. Gonsalves, 
    429 Mass. 658
    , 668 (1999) ("under art. 14, the balancing of
    interests requires that Massachusetts citizens should not be
    subjected to unjustified exit orders during routine traffic
    stops"); Commonwealth v. Upton, 
    394 Mass. 363
    , 373–375 (1985)
    (retaining more stringent test under Aguilar v. Texas, 
    378 U.S. 108
     [1964], and Spinelli v. United States, 
    393 U.S. 410
    rather than totality of circumstances standard); Gentle, 80
    Mass. App. Ct. at 250 ("Although the Supreme Judicial Court's
    interpretation of art. 14 has often converged with the United
    States Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourth Amendment,
    when the Supreme Judicial Court has diverged it has emphasized
    its obligation to undertake an independent review of the State
    Constitution and the court's freedom to interpret the State
    Constitution to provide a different balancing of the interests
    of privacy and the police . . .").
    Although we have not specifically answered the question
    whether art. 14 provides greater protection than the Fourth
    Amendment in these circumstances, we have repeatedly emphasized
    the importance of a person's right to privacy in the home.     See,
    e.g., Commonwealth v. Porter P., 
    456 Mass. 254
    , 260 (2010) ("In
    view of the 'sanctity of the home,' 'all details [in the home]
    are intimate details, because the entire area is held safe from
    prying government eyes'" [citation omitted]); Molina, 439 Mass.
    at 209; Balicki, 436 Mass. at 12 n.14 ("Nowhere are expectations
    of privacy greater than in the home, and '[i]n the home . . .
    all details are intimate details" [citation omitted]);
    Commonwealth v. Marquez, 
    434 Mass. 370
    , 374 (2001); Commonwealth
    v. Straw, 
    422 Mass. 756
    , 760 (1996) ("it is in the home that a
    person's expectation of privacy is at its highest");
    Commonwealth v. Blood, 
    400 Mass. 61
    , 68 & n.9 (1987) (art. 14
    affords greater privacy protection from government eavesdropping
    for conversations that occur in home); Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 805
    ("The right of police officers to enter into a home, for
    whatever purpose, represents a serious governmental intrusion
    into one's privacy").
    In the present case, balancing the interests of law
    enforcement with the rights of people to be protected from
    warrantless searches in the home, we conclude that art. 14
    provides greater protection than the Fourth Amendment in these
    circumstances and that under art. 14 the police cannot avail
    themselves of the exigency exception to the warrant requirement
    when it was foreseeable that their actions would create the
    exigency, even if their conduct was lawful.   See Molina, 439
    Mass. at 210; Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 803
    Here, before arriving at the defendant's home, Kenny knew
    that Pohle was in the process of getting an arrest warrant but
    had not secured one.    Moreover, Kenny testified that his plan
    was to knock on the door to see if the defendant was home,
    question him, and if the opportunity arose, arrest him.    Based
    on his testimony, it was evident that Kenny went to the
    defendant's home with the purpose of making an arrest without a
    warrant.    There is nothing in the record indicating that it was
    impracticable to get a warrant.
    Likewise, it was reasonably foreseeable that the five
    police officers approaching the defendant's home could cause the
    defendant to attempt to flee.13   In fact, Kenny testified that he
    understood that the officers' presence might prompt the
    defendant to flee or destroy evidence.    See Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 801
    .    The officers also set up a perimeter around the house to
    prevent the defendant from discarding evidence or escaping.
    There is no question that the police had developed probable
    cause to arrest the defendant prior to arriving at his home.
    Pohle decided not to pursue an after-hours arrest warrant, even
    though he testified that there was a procedure in place to get
    one.    There is also no question that it is generally permissible
    for police to approach a person's home and knock on the door.
    Commonwealth v. Leslie, 
    477 Mass. 48
    , 57 (2017).    However, Kenny
    had the opportunity to obtain an arrest warrant the morning of
    Although the officers were in plain clothes, Kenny
    testified that their badges were displayed.
    the arrest.    Forgoing multiple opportunities to procure an
    arrest warrant further highlights the unreasonableness of the
    arrest.    See Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 799, 801
    Furthermore, the Commonwealth made no showing that it was
    impracticable to obtain an arrest warrant.     There was no
    evidence that there was a risk that the defendant would flee,
    destroy evidence, or be a risk to the officers' safety if the
    police followed the normal course and secured a warrant.       See
    Tyree, 455 Mass. at 687-691.     Compare Figueroa, 468 Mass. at
    213.    The crime occurred the previous day, and there was no
    evidence that the defendant even knew or had reason to know that
    he was a suspect before the police arrived at his home.       Compare
    Commonwealth v. Colon, 
    449 Mass. 207
    , 217, cert. denied, 
    552 U.S. 1079
     (2007) (exigent circumstances existed where witnesses
    to shooting told police that shooters had run into building and
    officers knocked on door and received no answer notwithstanding
    noises coming from apartment).
    The Commonwealth argues that because of the nature of the
    crime, the defendant's role in it, his possession of a firearm,
    the involvement of two accomplices, and the possibility that
    they might try to flee, the situation called for immediate
    action.    However, the police could have set up surveillance
    while they waited for the warrant and arrested the defendant if
    he left his house.    To this point, even though the Commonwealth
    argued that the defendant might have fled, it did not articulate
    any basis to conclude that there was a risk of flight.         See
    Tyree, 455 Mass. at 689 ("the police had no reason to believe
    that the suspects were likely to flee the residence in the time
    it would have taken to procure a warrant to search the
    premises"); Molina, 439 Mass. at 210.     As in Molina, supra at
    211, "[t]his is a situation where the officers could have, and
    should have, secured a warrant. . . .     The exigent circumstances
    that emerged during the arrest were a result of the officers'
    appearance at the dwelling."    Considering all of the
    circumstances, the arrest of the defendant in his dwelling
    without a warrant was unreasonable.   Because the defendant's
    warrantless arrest in his apartment was unlawful, the police
    cannot rely on the plain view doctrine to allow the postarrest
    observations in evidence.   Forde, 
    367 Mass. at 807
    2.   Waiver.   In a postargument letter invited by the court,
    the defendant contends that the Commonwealth waived any argument
    regarding the validity of the search warrant that was sought and
    executed after the defendant was arrested because the argument
    was raised neither below nor on appeal.     We agree.    See
    Commonwealth v. Bettencourt, 
    447 Mass. 631
    , 634 (2006) ("Our
    system is premised on appellate review of that which was
    presented and argued below").   Contrast Commonwealth v. Perkins,
    478 Mass. 97
    , 107 (2017).   Nevertheless, we take this
    opportunity to discuss the nexus requirement to issue a search
    warrant for a dwelling.
    Under both the Fourth Amendment and art. 14, a search
    warrant may issue only on a showing of probable cause.
    Commonwealth v. Keown, 
    478 Mass. 232
    , 237 (2017), cert. denied,
    138 S. Ct. 1038
     (2018).   Probable cause means a "substantial
    basis" to conclude that "the items sought are related to the
    criminal activity under investigation, and that they reasonably
    may be expected to be located in the place to be searched at the
    time the search warrant issues" (citation omitted).
    Commonwealth v. Holley, 
    478 Mass. 508
    , 521 (2017).    "Information
    establishing that a person is guilty of a crime does not
    necessarily constitute probable cause to search the person's
    residence."   Commonwealth v. Cinelli, 
    389 Mass. 197
    , 213, cert.
    464 U.S. 860
     (1983).   There must be probable cause to
    conclude not only that an individual committed a crime, but also
    that there is a nexus between the crime and the items sought,
    and the location to be searched.   The nexus to search a
    residence for evidence of a crime "may be found in the type of
    crime, the nature of the . . . items [sought], the extent of the
    suspect's opportunity for concealment, and normal inferences as
    to where a criminal would be likely to hide [items of the sort
    sought]" (quotation and citation omitted).   
       See Perkins,
    478 Mass. at 104.
    Some cases involving the search of a dwelling have used an
    articulation of the nexus standard that has sometimes been
    interpreted as being more stringent, particularly in cases
    involving searches of residences for drugs.      See, e.g., Perkins,
    478 Mass. at 104; Commonwealth v. Colondres, 
    471 Mass. 192
    , 201,
    cert. denied, 
    136 S. Ct. 347
     (2015); Commonwealth v. Tapia, 
    463 Mass. 721
    , 725-726 (2012); Commonwealth v. Escalera, 
    462 Mass. 636
    , 644-646 (2012); Commonwealth v. Pina, 
    453 Mass. 438
    , 440-
    441 (2009).   In one of those cases we stated:    "The affidavit
    need not convince the magistrate beyond a reasonable doubt, but
    must provide a substantial basis for concluding that [drugs or
    instrumentalities of the drug trade] will be found on the
    specified premises."   Pina, supra, quoting Commonwealth v.
    430 Mass. 710
    , 712 (2000).     A "substantial basis" means
    no more and no less than that "[a]n affidavit must contain
    enough information for an issuing magistrate to determine that
    the items sought are related to the criminal activity under
    investigation, and that they reasonably may be expected to be
    located in the place to be searched at the time the search
    warrant issues."   Cinelli, 
    389 Mass. at 213
    .    "In determining
    whether an affidavit justifies a finding of probable cause, the
    affidavit is considered as a whole and in a commonsense and
    realistic fashion" (citation omitted).    Commonwealth v.
    480 Mass. 383
    , 386 (2018).
    The affidavit in support of the search warrant stated that
    the defendant was identified by the victim, was seen brandishing
    a silver handgun, and struck Garcia and his baby during the home
    invasion with the gun.   The affidavit also stated that Kenny
    observed jewelry fitting the description of stolen jewelry
    during the protective sweep.   The search warrant was approved by
    a clerk-magistrate, and the police seized significant evidence,
    including articles of clothing that matched Garcia's description
    of the clothes worn by the home invaders.
    Here, probable cause to issue the search warrant remained
    even without considering Kenny's plain view observation of
    jewelry matching the description of the stolen jewelry.    The
    defendant used a handgun to strike Garcia and his child during
    the commission of the home invasion.14   It is reasonable to
    expect that the handgun specified in the warrant was an item
    that could reasonably be located in the home of a person who had
    participated in an armed home invasion the previous day.
    389 Mass. at 212-213
    .   See Commonwealth v. Luthy, 
    69 Mass. App. Ct. 102
    , 105 (2007) ("The connection between the
    items to be seized and the place to be searched does not have to
    be based on direct observations; it may be found by looking at
    the type of crime, nature of the items, the suspect's
    14The defendant did not fire the handgun during the home
    opportunity to conceal items, and inferences as to where the
    items are likely to be hidden").   In Commonwealth v. James, 
    424 Mass. 770
    , 778 (1997), we held that the defendants had no reason
    to dispose of the instrumentalities used in a murder -- knives,
    sneakers, and a face mask -- because the defendants were unaware
    that they were suspects and "all of [the] items [were] durable,
    of continuing utility to the defendants, and it was reasonable
    to expect that they would be kept at home, particularly as they
    are not inherently incriminating to possess."   We noted,
    however, that a defendant who has fired a handgun in the
    commission of a murder "would not keep at home an incriminating
    handgun which could be readily identified as the murder weapon
    through ballistics tests."   
     at 778 n.15.   The defendant here
    did not fire his firearm, but used it to strike Garcia and his
    baby.   That a person would keep a handgun that was not
    vulnerable to ballistic testing in his or her home is not a
    remarkable proposition.   See United States v. Cowling, 
    648 F.3d 690
    , 696 (8th Cir. 2011), cert. denied, 
    566 U.S. 940
    ("people generally keep [firearms] at home or on their persons"
    [quotation and citation omitted]); United States v. Jones, 
    994 F.2d 1051
    , 1056 (3d Cir. 1993) (firearms are "the type[] of
    evidence likely to be kept in a suspect's residence").      The fact
    that the handgun was ultimately not discovered is of no
    consequence.   Had the argument been preserved, it is likely that
    the evidence seized as a result of the search would not have
    been suppressed.
    Conclusion.    The order of the Superior Court judge allowing
    the defendant's pretrial motion to suppress evidence is
    So ordered.