Commonwealth v. Plasse , 481 Mass. 199 ( 2019 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Franklin.       September 6, 2018. - January 10, 2019.
    Present:    Gants, C.J., Lenk, Gaziano, Lowy, Budd, Cypher, &
    Kafker, JJ.
    Practice, Criminal, Sentence, Probation, Revocation of
    probation, Judicial discretion.
    Complaint received and sworn to in the Orange Division of
    the District Court Department on September 26, 2013.
    A motion for release from unlawful restraint and for a new
    sentencing hearing, filed on March 31, 2017, was heard by David
    S. Ross, J.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Edward Gauthier for the defendant.
    Thomas H. Townsend, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Lisa Newman-Polk, for Committee for Public Counsel Services
    & others, amici curiae, submitted a brief.
    LENK, J.    "Few, perhaps no, judicial responsibilities are
    more difficult than sentencing.      The task is usually undertaken
    by trial judges who seek with diligence and professionalism to
    take account of the human existence of the offender and the just
    demands of a wronged society."    Commonwealth v. Rodriguez, 
    461 Mass. 256
    , 259 (2012), quoting Graham v. Florida, 
    560 U.S. 48
    77 (2010).    While the exercise of this "quintessential judicial
    power" is never an easy task, Rodriguez, supra at 266, it is
    made all the more difficult when the crime and subsequent
    noncompliance with probation are related to the effects of drug
    The issue here arises from the judge's imposition of a
    sentence of incarceration following the defendant's repeated
    addiction-related violations of probation over a period of
    several years.    The defendant requested the sentence in order to
    participate in a secure residential drug treatment program, but,
    after several months of serving her sentence, sought release
    from the alleged unlawful restraint, as well as a new sentencing
    hearing.     She now appeals from the denial of the motion she
    filed pursuant to Mass. R. Crim. P. 30, as appearing in 
    435 Mass. 1501
    (2001); the defendant contends that the judge erred
    in considering the rehabilitation program when setting the
    length of her sentence of incarceration.    We conclude that in
    the circumstances presented, the judge did not abuse his
    1.    Background.   a.   Initial disposition.    In August 2013,
    the defendant stole items valued at more than $250 from a chain
    department store.    A complaint issued approximately one month
    later charging her with larceny, in violation of G. L. c. 266,
    § 30 (1), and with using disguises to obstruct execution of the
    law, in violation of G. L. c. 268, § 34.      At a plea colloquy,
    the defendant admitted to sufficient facts to warrant a finding
    of guilt with respect to the larceny charge.2        The judge then
    continued the matter without a finding for one year, from
    December 2013 through December 2014.     Upon the successful
    completion of the one-year period of probation, the charge was
    to be dismissed.3
    1 We acknowledge the amicus brief of the Committee for
    Public Counsel Services; the American Academy of Addiction
    Psychiatry; the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts,
    Inc.; the Association for Behavioral Healthcare; the Center for
    Prisoner Health and Human Rights; the Center for Public
    Representation; the Grayken Center for Addiction Medicine at
    Boston Medical Center; the Massachusetts Association of Criminal
    Defense Lawyers; the Massachusetts Society of Addiction
    Medicine; and Prisoners' Legal Services.
    2   The prosecutor dismissed the charge of obstruction.
    3 In a disposition of a continuance without a finding, a
    defendant admits to sufficient facts that the offense occurred
    as charged, but the judge does not enter a finding of guilt.
    Instead, the matter is continued to a specific date, whereupon
    it is dismissed if the imposed conditions have been met. See
    At that time, the defendant was twenty-one years old.      The
    continuance was conditioned on the successful completion of two
    programs:     "Stoplift," an Internet-based program designed to
    prevent shoplifting recidivism, and a program involving
    intensive supervision by the probation service known as level
    three "community corrections."     The latter includes office
    visits, group meetings, and drug and alcohol screenings.
    b.     Probationary violations.   We summarize the course of
    the probationary violations over the next three years as
    In January 2014, one month after the initial continuance
    was imposed, the probation service filed its first notice of
    violation.4    The notice related to the defendant's noncompliance
    G. L. c. 278, § 18. If the defendant is found to have violated
    the conditions imposed in an order of probation, the judge may
    convert the continuance to a guilty plea and sentence the
    defendant accordingly. 
    Id. See Commonwealth
    v. Sebastian S.,
    444 Mass. 306
    , 315 (2005).
    4 Where there is reason to believe that a defendant has
    violated a condition of probation, a probation officer may
    initiate probation violation proceedings by filing a "Notice of
    Probation Violation and Hearing." See Rule 4(b) of the
    District/Municipal Court Rules for Probation Violation
    Proceedings, Massachusetts Rules of Court, at 644 (Thomson
    Reuters 2018). At a preliminary detention hearing, a judge
    determines whether probable cause exists to believe that the
    probationer has violated a condition of the probation order,
    and, if so, whether the probationer should be held in custody
    pending a final violation hearing. See Rule 5 of the
    District/Municipal Court Rules for Probation Violation
    Proceedings, supra at 645-646. At a final violation hearing,
    with the requirements of the community corrections program and
    her failure to pay court-ordered fees.    A second notice of
    violation was filed in March 2014, following a drug screening in
    which the defendant tested positive for the presence of
    tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).    At a hearing concerning both of
    these violations, the defendant, represented by counsel,
    stipulated to the underlying facts.    The defendant was found in
    violation of the terms of probation and reprobated, and the
    continuance -- as it was initially imposed -- remained in
    In April 2014, the defendant reported to the probation
    service and her drug screen returned a positive result for the
    presence of THC and cocaine.   Approximately one week later, the
    defendant again tested positive for the presence of THC and
    cocaine, as well as for amphetamine and morphine.    The probation
    service filed its third and fourth notices of violation.
    Counsel was appointed, and the defendant was held pending a
    final violation hearing.   At the final violation hearing in May
    2014, the judge again found the defendant in violation of the
    terms of probation.   This time, he modified the terms of
    the judge determines whether, by a preponderance of the
    evidence, the defendant violated the terms of probation and, if
    so, what the appropriate disposition should be. See Rule 8 of
    the District/Municipal Court Rules for Probation Violation
    Proceedings, supra at 653.
    probation, requiring a substance abuse evaluation, a mental
    health evaluation, that the defendant remain drug and alcohol
    free,5 and that she participate in a residential treatment
    program.    The judge also extended the probationary period until
    May 2015.   The defendant subsequently entered into the specified
    drug treatment program.
    In October 2014, a warrant issued for the defendant's
    arrest when the probation officer became aware that she had left
    the court-ordered residential treatment program without
    authorization.   The defendant was brought into court, at which
    time her drug screening results again were positive.   She was
    found in violation, and was reprobated, without any further
    modification of the length or terms of probation.
    In November 2014, another warrant was issued for the
    defendant's arrest, due to her failure to report to her
    probation officer on two occasions.    The warrant remained
    outstanding until she came to court one month later, when she
    tested positive for the presence of cocaine and THC.   Following
    a hearing in December 2014, the judge found the defendant in
    violation, reprobated her, and amended the conditions of
    probation for a second time, to require that the defendant
    5 The requirement that the defendant remain drug and alcohol
    free was implicit in the Community Corrections level three
    program, which includes mandatory drug and alcohol screenings.
    complete a different residential drug treatment program.     He
    also extended the defendant's term of probation until December
    2015.   The defendant was held in custody for several weeks until
    a bed became available in that program.
    In January 2015, the defendant entered the second
    residential treatment program and remained there for
    approximately three months before transitioning to a sober
    living program.   She was expelled from the sober living house
    shortly thereafter, as a result of using drugs.    The defendant
    failed to report to the probation service as required, and
    another warrant was issued for her arrest.
    At a July 2015 hearing, the judge found the defendant in
    violation of the terms of her probation.   He again modified the
    terms of probation to require the defendant to reside at a third
    residential drug treatment program.   The defendant entered that
    program, but later was asked to leave because of drug use.      A
    warrant again issued for the defendant's arrest.   She ceased
    contact with her probation officer, and with the court, for the
    next thirteen months.
    The defendant eventually telephoned her mother, who had
    been actively coordinating with her probation officer in an
    attempt to locate the defendant throughout the prior year.      The
    defendant reported to her mother that her drug use had spiraled
    out of control and that she had "hit rock bottom."   In October
    2016, police officers located and arrested the defendant.
    As of the time of the October 2016 hearing, the defendant
    had been in violation of the terms of her probation during most
    of the three years of the repeatedly extended continuance.     The
    probation service requested that the judge vacate the
    continuance and enter a finding of guilt, revoke the defendant's
    probation, and sentence her to a term of incarceration of
    eighteen months.   Her probation officer reported that the
    defendant's family agreed that she was in "great need for
    treatment," in addition to needing to be held accountable for
    her crime.
    Defense counsel represented that the defendant agreed she
    was "not a good candidate for probation," and that she needed a
    more structured environment in which to obtain treatment.
    Counsel therefore requested that the defendant be sentenced to a
    term of incarceration of "at least nine months," a period of
    time that he stated was sufficient for her to be assigned to,
    and then complete, the structured and intensive treatment
    program known as "Howard Street."6
    6 "Howard Street" refers to a secure residential treatment
    program at a facility in Hampden County run by the sheriff's
    department. The facility has since moved locations and is now
    known as the Western Massachusetts Recovery and Wellness Center.
    It is designed to provide for the custody, care, and treatment
    of substance abusers.
    Noting the defendant's failure to complete several
    residential treatment programs and his concern that many in her
    position "don't make it," the judge concluded that the defendant
    presented one of the rare cases in which all efforts at
    rehabilitation, other than incarceration, had been unsuccessful.
    He stated that a sentence of incarceration would be imposed "not
    to punish [the defendant] but to make sure that she gets through
    a program and is back out on the street safe and alive."
    Consequently, the judge revoked the defendant's probation and
    sentenced her to two years' incarceration in a house of
    correction for the underlying offense, pursuant to G. L. c. 266,
    § 30 (1).   In calculating the length of the sentence, the judge
    noted that the defendant would be credited with two months of
    "time served," took into account the potential "good time"
    credits that she could earn toward early release, and considered
    her eligibility for parole after serving one-half of the
    sentence.   In doing so, he appeared to have reasoned that the
    defendant would serve approximately nine to ten months of the
    two-year sentence, a period of time adequate to complete the
    program that the defendant had requested.
    Months later, represented by new counsel, the defendant
    sought release from the alleged unlawful restraint, as well as a
    new sentencing hearing pursuant to Mass. R. Crim. P. 30.     She
    argued that the judge had erred in considering rehabilitative
    programming in determining the appropriate length of
    incarceration.    The motion was denied.    The defendant appealed,
    and we transferred the case from the Appeals Court to this court
    on our own motion.7
    2.   Discussion.    a.   Standard of review.   We review the
    denial of a motion under Mass. R. Crim. P. 30 for abuse of
    discretion or error of law.     See Commonwealth v. Perez, 
    477 Mass. 677
    , 681-682 (2017).     See also Commonwealth v. Perez, 
    480 Mass. 562
    , 567 (2018).    "Under that standard, the issue is
    whether the judge's decision resulted from '"a clear error of
    judgment in weighing" the factors relevant to the decision . . .
    such that the decision falls outside the range of reasonable
    alternatives.'"   Perez, supra at 682, quoting L.L. v.
    470 Mass. 169
    , 185 n.27 (2014).8
    b.   Probation revocation.    When a sentencing judge, after
    sufficient facts have been admitted, terminates a continuance,
    7 The defendant is no longer incarcerated, rendering moot
    her challenge to the order denying the motion for a new sentence
    and release from unlawful confinement. See Acting Supt. of
    Bournewood Hosp. v. Baker, 
    431 Mass. 101
    , 103 (2000).
    Nonetheless, we decide the case because it raises important
    issues concerning proper sentencing considerations that are
    likely to recur in similar circumstances, but to evade review.
    id. 8 To
    the extent that the defendant also moved for a new
    sentencing hearing pursuant to Mass. R. Crim. P. 30 (b), the
    decision to allow such a motion is similarly left "to the sound
    discretion of the judge." See Commonwealth v. Scott, 
    467 Mass. 336
    , 344 (2014).
    revokes probation, and enters a guilty finding, the judge is
    permitted to impose "a sentence or other disposition as provided
    by law."   See Rule 9(b) of the District/Municipal Court Rules
    for Probation Violation Proceedings, Massachusetts Rules of
    Court, at 655 (Thomson Reuters 2018) (noting dispositional
    options available to judge following violation of conditions
    associated with continuance).   See also Commonwealth v.
    437 Mass. 797
    , 801 (2002) (when defendant admits to
    sufficient facts for purposes of continuance, violation "may
    lead to . . . an immediate conviction and sentence . . . during
    the continuance period").   When a violation occurs and a
    defendant's probation is revoked because the defendant has
    "abused the opportunity" offered to avoid incarceration in the
    first instance, the defendant is imprisoned not for the
    violations that prompted revocation of probation, but, rather,
    "the defendant is essentially being sentenced anew on his [or
    her] underlying conviction" (citations omitted).   See
    Commonwealth v. Eldred, 
    480 Mass. 90
    , 97, 102 (2018).
    Here, the defendant does not challenge that a term of
    incarceration appropriately was imposed, or that the sentence
    fell within the legal limits prescribed by the statute pursuant
    to which she had been convicted.   Rather, her challenge is to
    the factors considered by the judge in fashioning that sentence.
    She contends that, in setting the length of her sentence, the
    judge abused his discretion when he took into account the time
    requirements of a rehabilitative program she wished to enter and
    had urged upon him.   We discern no abuse of discretion in these
    limited circumstances.
    c.   Sentencing considerations.   We have long held that "[a]
    judge has considerable latitude within the framework of the
    applicable statute to determine the appropriate individualized
    sentence."   Commonwealth v. Goodwin, 
    414 Mass. 88
    , 92 (1993),
    citing Commonwealth v. Celeste, 
    358 Mass. 307
    , 309-310 (1970).
    "That sentence should reflect the judge's careful assessment of
    several goals:   punishment, deterrence, protection of the
    public, and rehabilitation."   
    Goodwin, supra
    .    In determining
    the extent to which a particular sentence will facilitate these
    goals, a sentencing judge is tasked with weighing "various,
    often competing, considerations."   
    Rodriguez, 461 Mass. at 259
    Those considerations include, among others, the circumstances of
    the crime, the role of the defendant in the crime, the need for
    deterrence, the defendant's risk of recidivism, and the extent
    to which a particular sentence will increase or diminish the
    risk of recidivism.   See 
    id., and cases
    cited.    Thus, in order
    "to impose a just sentence, a judge requires not only sound
    judgment" but also information concerning, among other factors,
    the defendant's "criminal and personal history."    See 
    id. 13 In
    fashioning an appropriate and individualized sentence
    that takes account of a defendant's personal history, a judge
    has discretion to weigh "many factors which would not be
    relevant at trial," including the defendant's behavior,
    background, family life, character, history, and employment.
    See Commonwealth v. Mills, 
    436 Mass. 387
    , 399-400 (2002);
    Goodwin, 414 Mass. at 92
    , citing 
    Celeste, 358 Mass. at 310
    .      See
    also Commonwealth v. White, 
    436 Mass. 340
    , 343 (2002) (judge may
    consider such factors in assessing defendant's "propensity for
    rehabilitation").     Taking into account a defendant's substance
    abuse issues may be part of this calculus.     See Commonwealth v.
    452 Mass. 510
    , 515 (2008) (judge had discretion to
    consider defendant's alcohol use problem during sentencing).
    See also Sentencing Commission, Advisory Sentencing Guidelines,
    at 27 (Nov. 2017) ("[a] just system of punishment" is one that
    "provides the defendant with treatment for mental, emotional,
    psychological, or physical conditions, including substance
    abuse, as needed").    In circumstances in which a defendant
    specifically requests a judge's consideration of his or her
    substance abuse issues and related need to complete a
    rehabilitative program while incarcerated, the judge may take
    these factors into account.    See Lannon v. Commonwealth, 
    379 Mass. 786
    , 792-793 (1980) (defendant cannot challenge on appeal
    proposal that own counsel offered).
    A judge's discretion to consider external factors, however,
    is not unlimited.     Indeed, "[i]t is of paramount importance that
    justice be administered impartially, based solely on relevant
    criteria for sentencing."    See 
    Mills, 436 Mass. at 401
    .    For
    example, a sentencing judge may not punish a defendant for an
    untried criminal offense, Commonwealth v. Souza, 
    390 Mass. 813
    817 (1984); rely on inaccurate or misleading information in
    sentencing, Commonwealth v. LeBlanc, 
    370 Mass. 217
    , 221 (1976);
    or punish a defendant to direct a personal message of deterrence
    to a particular community, Commonwealth v. Howard, 42 Mass. App.
    Ct. 322, 327-328 (1997).
    The judge here expressed no personal or private beliefs
    regarding the defendant's history that appeared to "interfere
    with his judicial role and transform it from that of impartial
    arbiter."   Cf. 
    Mills, 436 Mass. at 401
    .    Nor did he make remarks
    indicating that he was punishing the defendant for conduct
    "other than that for which the defendant [stood] convicted"
    (citation omitted).    Cf. 
    White, 436 Mass. at 341-342
    .     As part
    of his sentencing considerations, the judge took into account
    the defendant's request to participate in a particular
    rehabilitation program while incarcerated, as well as the actual
    amount of time that she would be required to serve in order to
    complete that program.9   We discern no abuse of discretion in
    considering those programmatic time constraints, among various
    other factors, when fashioning her sentence in the circumstances
    Indeed, after the defendant's failure to make use of the
    opportunity to avoid incarceration while on probation, the judge
    sought to maintain an appropriate balance between the
    defendant's individualized needs and those of the community in
    which she resides.   See 
    Eldred, 480 Mass. at 103
    .   In so doing,
    he considered permissible factors, such as the defendant's
    history, behavior, and propensity for rehabilitation while on
    probation.   See, e.g., 
    White, 436 Mass. at 343
    ; Commonwealth v.
    81 Mass. App. Ct. 740
    , 744 (2012).11   Because nothing
    9 The judge gave no indication that he otherwise would have
    imposed a shorter sentence if it were not for the programmatic
    time constraints.
    10The judge, of course, could only recommend that the
    defendant be allowed to participate in the Howard Street
    program; the power and responsibility of implementing a sentence
    reside with the sheriff's department. See Commonwealth v. Cole,
    468 Mass. 294
    , 302 (2014). Similarly, parole eligibility and
    good time credits are not within a judge's purview. It appears
    that, given the judge's apparent familiarity with the area, the
    available programs, and the sheriff's practices, there was
    likely reason for those involved to think his recommendation as
    to the Howard Street program would carry significant weight.
    11As our cases have long made clear, rehabilitation remains
    an important interest served by sentencing. See, e.g.,
    Commonwealth v. White, 
    436 Mass. 340
    , 343 (2002); Commonwealth
    v. Coleman, 
    390 Mass. 797
    , 805 (1984).
    in our common law precludes a sentencing judge from considering
    a defendant's amenability to rehabilitative programming in
    imposing a sentence of incarceration expressly permitted by
    statute, we cannot conclude that the judge exhibited a "clear
    error of judgment" such that his decision fell "outside the
    range of reasonable alternatives" here (citation omitted).     See
    Perez, 477 Mass. at 681-682
    That being said, we emphasize that, while we discern no
    abuse of discretion in this case, it is because of the unusual
    context in which the challenged sentencing decision was made.
    The approach taken here, over a three-year period, consistently
    embodied the recognition that incarceration is not the preferred
    means of achieving rehabilitation, at least for those whose
    minor, nonviolent crimes are related to the effects of substance
    abuse.   See, e.g., Deputy Chief Counsel for the Pub. Defender
    Div. of the Comm. for Pub. Counsel Servs. v. Acting First
    Justice of the Lowell Div. of the Dist. Court Dep't, 
    477 Mass. 178
    , 179 (2017) (in drug courts, judge "impose[s] probation to
    accommodate a need for treatment rather than a sentence of
    incarceration"); Department of Correction, FY16 Gap Analysis
    Report, at 3 (Oct. 2017) (noting that forty-one per cent of
    eligible individuals did not complete or participate in drug and
    alcohol programming in jails and prisons, and thirty-two per
    cent had no access to such programming).   At the same time, all
    else had failed; both the defendant's family and the defendant
    herself acknowledged the need for incarceration; the defendant
    requested to participate, while incarcerated, in a particular
    program; and the judge considered that request, along with other
    factors, when determining the length of her committed sentence.
    Had the constellation of circumstances been otherwise, so might
    the result.12
    d.   Federal approach.   Acknowledging that there is no
    existing jurisprudence in the Commonwealth that precludes a
    sentencing judge from considering a defendant's need for
    rehabilitation in imposing a sentence of incarceration, the
    defendant urges us to adopt the Federal approach.   See Tapia v.
    United States, 
    564 U.S. 319
    (2011).   In Tapia, the United States
    Supreme Court relied upon express language in the Federal
    Sentencing Reform Act that directs a Federal judge, when
    sentencing, to recognize that "imprisonment is not an
    appropriate means of promoting correction and rehabilitation."
    12By way of example, even if an imposed sentence is within
    the statutory limits and thus legal, we would not be sanguine
    about sentencing practices for the same underlying crime if,
    following the substance-abuse-related revocation of probation,
    the imposed sentence were harsher than it would have been
    following the revocation of probation due to other causes.
    Moreover, when determining the length of a committed sentence, a
    judge's consideration of the time requirements of a
    rehabilitation program that the defendant has not voluntarily
    requested, but that the judge mandates, is a practice fraught
    with peril and generally best avoided.
    Id. at 326,
    citing 18 U.S.C. § 3582(a).   In interpreting this
    provision, the Court held that, although a Federal judge at
    sentencing may discuss the opportunities for rehabilitation
    within prison, the judge may not impose or lengthen a term of
    incarceration solely to ensure that a defendant completes
    rehabilitative programming.   See 
    id. at 332.
    The defendant does not point to, and we are unaware of, any
    controlling Massachusetts authority that would prohibit a State
    trial court judge from considering rehabilitation in imposing a
    term of incarceration explicitly permitted by the language of
    the criminal statute pursuant to which she was convicted.      As
    discussed, in Massachusetts, "it is a rare sentence, whether or
    not jail is a part of it, that does not in fact involve . . .
    rehabilitation."   Commonwealth v. Power, 
    420 Mass. 410
    , 415
    (1995), cert. denied, 
    516 U.S. 1042
    (1996), quoting United
    States v. Tolla, 
    781 F.2d 29
    , 35 (2d Cir. 1986).   Thus, as Tapia
    concerned the interpretation of a Federal statute for which
    Massachusetts has no analog, we decline to adopt its approach
    13Other State courts similarly have rejected arguments that
    they adopt the reasoning in Tapia v. United States, 
    564 U.S. 319
    (2011), also on the ground that Tapia relies exclusively on the
    interpretation of Federal law. See, e.g., Knox v. State, 
    122 A.3d 1289
    (Del. 2015) (unpublished); State v. Baker, 
    153 Idaho 692
    , 699 n.2 (Ct. App. 2012). But see State v. Jepsen, 
    907 N.W.2d 495
    , 510 (Iowa 2018) (Zager, J., dissenting) (citing
    3.   Conclusion.   "Trial court judges, particularly judges
    in the drug courts, stand on the front lines of the opioid
    epidemic."   See 
    Eldred, 480 Mass. at 99
    .   Here, as in Eldred,
    the defendant's underlying crime is substance abuse related, the
    probation violations are substance abuse related, and the
    relapses associated with those violations may themselves be part
    of the recovery process.   See 
    id. Mindful that
    judges are to
    steer carefully between Scylla and Charybdis when sentencing
    such individuals, and that sentencing decisions are bounded by
    limits, we are of the view that, given all of the circumstances
    present here, the judge did not exceed those limits.
    The order denying the motion for release from unlawful
    confinement and for a new sentencing hearing is affirmed.
    So ordered.
    Tapia, in context of double jeopardy challenge, for proposition
    that imprisonment is inappropriate for rehabilitation as
    compared to probation).