Commonwealth v. Garcia , 89 Mass. App. Ct. 67 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    14-P-1238                                                Appeals Court
    No. 14-P-1238.
    Essex.      September 11, 2015. - February 16, 2016.
    Present:   Vuono, Agnes, & Maldonado, JJ.
    Rape. Evidence, Conversation between husband and wife, First
    Indictment found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on August 4, 2010.
    The case was tried before Richard E. Welch, III, J.
    Michelle Menken for the defendant.
    Catherine Langevin Semel, Assistant District Attorney, for
    the Commonwealth.
    VUONO, J.   This appeal raises the issue whether the spousal
    disqualification set forth in G. L. c. 233, § 20, First, which
    bars a spouse from testifying "as to private conversations with
    the other," applies when one spouse has disclosed the substance
    of a private conversation to a third party.
    The defendant was convicted by a jury of rape, G. L.
    c. 265, § 22 (b).       The victim, whom we shall call Sally, 1 is the
    defendant's stepdaughter.       Sally was nineteen years old at the
    time of the offense, which occurred at the defendant's home,
    where Sally was spending the night.       Among several challenges to
    his conviction, the defendant claims that the judge erred by
    permitting the Commonwealth to introduce testimony about a
    conversation between himself and his wife, who also is Sally's
    mother, in which he allegedly apologized to the mother and
    explained that he had been tired and, as a result, had confused
    Sally for the mother on the night of the incident.       For the
    reasons that follow, we conclude that, even though the evidence
    of the conversation was admitted for the limited purpose of
    impeaching the mother's credibility, the defendant is entitled
    to a new trial.
    Background.    a.     The Commonwealth's case-in-chief.    The
    jury could have found the following facts.       On April 18, 2010,
    Sally was living with her boy friend in North Andover.         The
    couple were arguing.       Upon the advice of her mother, who was on
    vacation in Florida, Sally drove to her mother's home in Lynn. 2
    The house is a duplex; Sally's family lived on the top floor and
    A pseudonym.
    Sally had previously lived in the home with her mother,
    the defendant, and Sally's half-sister, before moving out at the
    age of eighteen.
    Sally's aunt lived on the first floor.    Sally arrived at about
    11:00 P.M. and let herself into the house.    She had a brief
    conversation with the defendant, who was in bed in his bedroom
    watching television.
    Sally was wearing a shirt and capri-style pants.    She did
    not change before getting into bed in the spare room as she had
    brought only her work clothes for the next day.    Sally also
    brought her cat, and testified that she had closed the bedroom
    door so that the cat would not escape from the room.    At around
    2:00 A.M., Sally was awakened by "[t]he feeling of someone's
    hand inside [her] vagina."    At first, before she was fully
    awake, Sally thought she was with her boy friend.    However, when
    she opened her eyes, she realized that she was not in her
    apartment and found the defendant, naked, lying next to her.     He
    stood up and wrapped a towel around his torso.    Sally asked him
    what he was doing, to which he responded:    "I'm so sorry, . . .
    it's all my fault."    He left the room, and Sally then realized
    that her pants and underwear had been pulled down to her ankles.
    She quickly dressed, gathered her belongings, and drove back to
    her apartment.   After showering, Sally slept on the couch for a
    few hours until her boy friend woke her, after which she went to
    work at 6:00 A.M.
    Around mid-morning, Sally spoke to her aunt on the
    telephone and told her what had happened.    Distraught, Sally
    left work and returned to Lynn where she spoke further with her
    aunt in the first-floor apartment of the duplex.    Soon
    thereafter, the police were contacted and the defendant was
    b.   The defendant's case.   The defendant denied the
    allegation and mounted a vigorous defense, which focused on
    Sally's alleged bias.   Through cross-examination, his own
    testimony, and the testimony of other witnesses, including the
    mother, the defendant attempted to show that Sally was lying
    because of her hostility toward him. 3   To that end, the defendant
    filed a motion in limine seeking to question Sally about a
    conversation she had with her mother in which Sally had stated
    that she was pregnant and that the defendant was responsible
    even though no penile penetration had occurred.    The essence of
    defense counsel's argument was that Sally's "absurd" allegation
    demonstrated her willingness to fabricate.
    The judge held a hearing on the defendant's motion just
    before opening arguments at which the prosecutor conceded that
    Sally had told her mother that she could be pregnant, but had
    explained that the comment was a sarcastic response made in
    The jury heard testimony that the defendant asked Sally to
    move out of the family home because he was "sick and tired" of
    Sally fighting with her mother. In addition, there was evidence
    that Sally had hosted a graduation party at the home after she
    had moved out, which resulted in more tension with the defendant
    when he came home to "a mess."
    anger after Sally's mother urged her to drop the case because it
    would be difficult not only for Sally but for her younger
    sister.   In addition, the prosecutor informed the judge that,
    during that same conversation, the mother said that the
    defendant had apologized to her for the incident and had
    explained that he had been tired and had mistaken Sally for the
    mother.   The prosecutor then expressed her intent to introduce
    the mother's statement about the defendant's alleged admission
    if the judge were to permit the line of questioning proposed by
    the defendant.   She argued that this testimony was probative of
    Sally's state of mind and explained the context in which Sally
    said she could be pregnant. 4   In response to this argument, trial
    counsel stated that the mother denied saying to Sally that her
    husband had apologized.
    At the conclusion of the hearing, the judge allowed the
    motion in limine. 5   As it turned out, however, when defense
    The prosecutor also maintained that evidence whether Sally
    was actually pregnant was inadmissible under the rape shield
    statute, G. L. c. 233, § 21B. The judge agreed with the
    Commonwealth on this point, and evidence as to actual pregnancy
    was excluded.
    The judge warned counsel, however, that soliciting such
    testimony would "open the door" to the Commonwealth. Trial
    counsel responded that he was "willing to take that risk." At
    that point, however, the extent of the "risk" was not entirely
    clear as the issue of the mother's privilege not to testify and
    the question whether the rule of disqualification applied had
    not yet been addressed. Later, as the evidence developed, trial
    counsel objected to the testimony.
    counsel asked Sally whether she had told her mother that she was
    pregnant, Sally denied it.   The defendant then called the mother
    to the stand for the purpose of impeaching Sally's credibility.
    The mother testified that Sally had, indeed, claimed to be
    pregnant as a result of the defendant's conduct. 6
    c.   The defendant's alleged admission to the mother.
    Before commencing her cross-examination of the mother, the
    prosecutor sought a sidebar conference to inquire whether she
    could ask the mother if she told Sally that the defendant
    admitted culpability and claimed to have made a mistake.      The
    judge permitted the cross-examination, stating that the rule of
    disqualification does not apply once a spouse has disclosed the
    contents of a private conversation to a third party. 7    Trial
    counsel's objection "for the record" was overruled.      However,
    the prosecutor did not understand the judge's ruling and did not
    ask the question for which she had obtained permission, and as a
    result, after the defense rested, the prosecutor requested and
    obtained permission to recall the mother as a rebuttal witness.
    While there was no allegation of penile penetration, the
    mother testified on direct examination that Sally explained she
    could have become pregnant because of "a drip," meaning that the
    defendant could have been masturbating before she woke up and,
    as a result, there could have been semen on his fingers when he
    put them in her vagina.
    The judge stated: "Well yeah, you could elicit that
    because that's not spousal privilege. Once she discloses that
    so and so told me, that's not spousal privilege."
    The sole purpose for recalling the mother was to ask her whether
    she had disclosed the defendant's apology for the incident to
    Sally.   The defendant did not object to this procedure, and the
    judge permitted the prosecutor to recall the mother.
    The mother then took the stand for a second time, and after
    a few preliminary questions, the prosecutor asked the mother if
    she had told Sally that the defendant had said that he was sorry
    and that he had been tired and confused.   The mother denied that
    she had told Sally anything of that nature. 8   The prosecutor then
    recalled Sally to impeach the mother's credibility.    Sally
    testified, over the defendant's objection, as follows:    "[My
    mother] told me that [the defendant] told her he's sorry that he
    did it and he was so overtired he thought it was her."    The
    testimony was preceded by a limiting instruction in which the
    judge said:   "[T]his is only admissible on whether or not you
    The prosecutor asked: "[Y]ou told [Sally] that you had
    had a conversation with [the defendant] about the sexual assault
    that had occurred at the house and you told her that what he
    told you was he was sorry but he was very tired and he got
    confused, and he got into that bed and he thought it was you,
    correct?" The mother responded that she had not. The
    prosecutor then asked: "You never told [Sally] that?" Again,
    the mother responded: "No, I did not tell her that." The
    prosecutor persisted: "So you never told her that you had a
    conversation with your husband after the sexual assault and his
    explanation to you was that he was sorry, he was tired, he got
    confused and he got into bed and got confused . . . and he
    thought it was you?" The mother denied this a third time, and
    the prosecutor had no further questions for the witness.
    believe [the mother], and that's the sole purpose of this
    upcoming testimony." 9
    Discussion.    a.   Waiver of marital privilege.   As we have
    previously noted, the mother was first called to the stand by
    the defendant.     Before she was asked any questions, the judge
    conducted a brief voir dire during which the mother confirmed
    that she and the defendant were married.     The judge then
    informed her that she held a "spousal privilege" and was not
    required to testify as to conversations with her spouse, the
    defendant.   When asked if she wanted to invoke her privilege,
    the mother responded affirmatively.     Defense counsel then
    explained that the mother would testify only about her
    conversation with Sally, specifically whether Sally had told her
    that she could be pregnant.     Without explicitly ruling that the
    mother had waived her marital privilege, the judge concluded
    that the mother could testify about Sally's comment.
    As an initial matter, we observe that the record fails to
    establish whether the mother's decision to waive her privilege
    not to testify at her husband's trial was voluntary.      The second
    clause of G. L. c. 233, § 20, as amended by St. 1983, c. 145,
    provides in relevant part that "neither husband nor wife shall
    be compelled to testify in the trial of an indictment,
    In addition, Sally acknowledged, contrary to her earlier
    testimony on cross-examination, that she had told her mother
    that she could be pregnant, but did so because she was angry.
    complaint[,] or other criminal proceeding against the other."
    See Mass. G. Evid. § 504(a) (2015).    Because the marital
    privilege belongs to the witness spouse alone, the defendant
    lacks standing to challenge the decision of his or her spouse to
    take the stand.   See Commonwealth v. Stokes, 
    374 Mass. 583
    , 595
    (1978).   See also Commonwealth v. Paszko, 
    391 Mass. 164
    , 190
    (1984) ("[A] defendant has no standing to contest an alleged
    infringement of a privilege he could not have exercised").
    However, our cases hold that where a spouse's testimony is
    obtained in the absence of a valid waiver of the privilege, use
    of that testimony at trial "offends fundamental fairness."    See
    Commonwealth v. Rosa, 
    412 Mass. 147
    , 162 (1992).
    The judge's explanation of the marital privilege was
    inaccurate.   He told the mother that she could refuse to testify
    about conversations with the defendant, when, as the defendant
    correctly asserts, she was not obligated to testify at all.
    This error raises a serious question of fairness.    Therefore,
    should there be a retrial, after properly explaining the
    privilege, the judge should conduct a colloquy to determine
    whether the mother voluntarily chooses to waive her marital
    b.   Marital disqualification.   The defendant claims that
    the admission in evidence of Sally's testimony about statements
    the mother made to her that the defendant had apologized for the
    incident was improper, highly prejudicial, and in violation of
    the marital disqualification statute, which prohibits spouses
    from testifying "to private conversations with the other." 10   The
    Commonwealth asserts that the statute does not preclude third
    parties from testifying about a private conversation between
    spouses based on statements made to them by one of the spouses.
    See Commonwealth v. O'Brien, 
    377 Mass. 772
    , 775 (1979).
    In the circumstances of the present case, we conclude that
    the statute disqualifies Sally from testifying about the
    mother's statements.   We further conclude, regardless of the
    operation of the statute, that the prejudice to the defendant
    warrants a reversal of his conviction. 11
    Over a century ago, in Brown v. Wood, 
    121 Mass. 137
    , 138
    (1876), the Supreme Judicial Court held that the privacy of a
    communication is not destroyed by one spouse's voluntary
    postconversation disclosure of the conversation's content to a
    General Laws c. 233, § 20, First, as amended through St.
    1996, c. 289, § 10, provides in pertinent part that "neither
    husband nor wife shall testify as to private conversations with
    the other." See Mass. G. Evid. § 504(b) (2015). "The rule is
    one of disqualification, not privilege, and spouses are
    forbidden, on objection, to testify about the contents of their
    private conversations." Commonwealth v. Perez, 
    460 Mass. 683
    698 (2011), quoting from Commonwealth v. Walker, 
    438 Mass. 246
    254 (2002).
    We note that the judge did not make a finding as to
    whether the conversation had actually occurred or whether it was
    private. Solely for the purposes of this analysis, we assume
    that a private conversation about the incident did, in fact,
    take place.
    third party.     The case was decided under the 1870 precursor to
    the statute at issue here. 12   The question before the court was
    whether the husband could avoid replevin of a horse on the
    ground that he had conveyed the animal to his wife in repayment
    of a loan she had made to him in a private conversation.
    Although, in Brown, the statute was applied to avoid the
    perpetration of a fraud by collaborating spouses, the court
    ruled that the statute disqualifies third parties from
    testifying about a private conversation between spouses.     The
    court stated that such testimony "was even more objectionable,
    as it was necessarily only a repetition of what the husband or
    wife had stated to have been the substance of their
    Id. at 138.
      See Gallagher v. Goldstein, 
    402 Mass. 457
    , 459 (1988) ("Testimony as to the contents of a
    private conversation is inadmissible even if both spouses desire
    the evidence to be admitted").
    While we have found no later published Massachusetts
    decision that discusses this point, there is persuasive
    authority in various Massachusetts legal publications that
    supports our conclusion.    See Young, Pollets, & Poreda,
    Annotated Guide to Massachusetts Evidence § 504, at 238 (2014)
    ("Third persons ought not be permitted to testify where
    The statute stated that spouses "shall not be allowed to
    testify as to private conversations with each other." St. 1870,
    c. 393, § 1.
    disclosure is made by a spouse subsequent to a confidential
    communication"); Carney, Massachusetts Evidence:   A Courtroom
    Reference § 3.3(c), at 3-9 (Mass. Cont. Legal Educ. 2015)
    ("Privacy is also not destroyed by one spouse's voluntary
    postconversation disclosure of the conversation's content to a
    third party"); 3 Federico & Zupcofska, Massachusetts Divorce Law
    Practice Manual § 18.3.3, at 18-6 (Mass. Cont. Legal Educ. 2012)
    ("[O]ne cannot circumvent the general disqualification by
    introducing otherwise inadmissible evidence through the
    testimony of a selected third party by having the content of the
    private conversation told to that third party").   Additionally,
    our position is consistent with the purpose of the statute,
    which is to ensure the privacy of marital communications.    See
    Commonwealth v. Gillis, 
    358 Mass. 215
    , 217-218 & n.2 (1970)
    ("The policy underlying the statutory exclusion of private
    marital conversations has been much discussed[:] . . . to
    protect the marital relationship or to encourage confidence
    between spouses, or merely [to] reflec[t] legislative reticence
    concerning marital confidences" [citations omitted]).   See also
    Gallagher v. Goldstein, supra at 460 (wherein the court observed
    that "the statutory disqualification as to evidence of private
    conversations between spouses may be viewed as a statutory
    preservation of a remnant of an outdated common law
    concept. . . . However, the Legislature has enacted a statute
    stating a clear and unambiguous preference for the marital
    Having determined that it was error to admit testimony
    regarding the defendant's apology to the mother, we now consider
    whether the error prejudiced the defendant such that it created
    a substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice.    Clearly, the
    defendant's reported statement that "he's sorry that he did it"
    amounted to a confession.   Its introduction plainly suggested to
    the jury that he was guilty.   "[A] defendant's statement is
    usually 'the key item in the proof of guilt, and certainly one
    of overpowering weight with the jury.'"    Commonwealth v. Berg,
    37 Mass. App. Ct. 200
    , 203 (1994), quoting from Commonwealth v.
    385 Mass. 140
    , 152, cert. denied, 
    457 U.S. 1137
    Furthermore, the rest of the evidence against the defendant was
    not overwhelming.   To a large extent, the case was a credibility
    contest between Sally and the defendant.    Given this, we have no
    doubt that the error contributed to the verdict and, therefore,
    was prejudicial.    See Commonwealth v. Fidalgo, 
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 130
    , 134 (2009).
    Moreover, contrary to the Commonwealth's argument, the
    testimony was no less prejudicial because it was admitted for
    the limited purpose of impeachment.   To begin with, we are
    concerned about the propriety of the prosecutor's questions to
    the mother about the defendant's statement.    See note 
    8, supra
    While it appears that the prosecutor believed she had a good
    faith basis for posing the questions, it is far less clear that
    her belief rested on solid footing. 13   Indeed, defense counsel
    contended from the beginning that the mother denied having made
    the statements in question. 14
    Nor are we persuaded that the judge's limiting instruction
    as to the use of the impeachment evidence, while appropriate in
    the ordinary case, was sufficient to cure the error.
    "Generally, '[w]e presume, as we must, that a jury understands
    and follows limiting instructions.'"     Commonwealth v. 
    Rosa, 412 Mass. at 160
    , quoting from Commonwealth v. Jackson, 
    384 Mass. 572
    , 579 (1981).   See Commonwealth v. Crayton, 
    470 Mass. 228
    251 (2014).   Here, however, Sally's testimony about the
    defendant's statements was too prejudicial for the jury to hear
    We recognize that the prosecutor, commendably, sought
    guidance from the judge before proceeding with her questions.
    The prosecutor's conduct in this regard establishes the absence
    of bad faith but does not mitigate the harm to the defendant.
    The questions themselves, although not evidence, were
    nevertheless before the jury, taking the form of prejudicial
    evidence. See Commonwealth v. Stewart, 
    454 Mass. 527
    , 532
    (2009) ("The leading questions put by the prosecutor were
    effectively transformed into evidence" [footnote omitted]).
    It appears from the record that the sole purpose of the
    mother's testimony was to lay a foundation to impeach her
    credibility. Massachusetts courts have rejected this practice.
    See Commonwealth v. Maldonado, 
    466 Mass. 742
    , 758 (2014).
    and use to impeach the mother without considering it
    substantively. 15
    c.   First complaint instruction.   Although the defendant
    did not object at trial, he now claims that the judge's
    instruction on the use of first complaint testimony given at the
    time Sally testified was incomplete.     It suffices to say that at
    any retrial it should be kept in mind that Commonwealth v. King,
    445 Mass. 217
    , 247-248 (2005), and its progeny require that the
    jury be instructed on first complaint testimony at each instance
    first complaint testimony is introduced at trial, and in the
    judge's final instructions to the jury.
    d.   Remaining claims.   The defendant's remaining claims of
    error relate to various evidentiary rulings.    In view of our
    disposition, we need not address these issues.     See Commonwealth
    v. Anestal, 
    463 Mass. 655
    , 663 n.12 (2012).
    Conclusion.    The judgment is reversed and the verdict is
    set aside.
    So ordered.
    We also conclude that the prosecutor's comment in closing
    argument about the defendant's statement might have contributed
    to the risk that the jury would use the testimony substantively.
    The prosecutor stated: "[H]er mother has already told her
    that the defendant said I'm sorry, I thought it was you but I
    was tired. . . . So [h]er state of mind is that her mom knows
    that this happened." Although the remark did not draw an
    objection, it could have been construed by the jury as an
    invitation to use the testimony for all purposes.