Kennedy v. Commonwealth , 92 Mass. App. Ct. 644 ( 2018 )

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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
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    16-P-1464                                             Appeals Court
    RUTH KENNEDY & others1   vs.   COMMONWEALTH & others.2
    No. 16-P-1464.
    Hampshire.       September 19, 2017. - January 18, 2018.
    Present:   Vuono, Blake, & Singh, JJ.
    School and School Committee, Regional school district, Standing
    to challenge validity of statute. Contract, Regional
    school district, Promissory estoppel. Constitutional Law,
    Standing, Home Rule Amendment, Special law. Municipal
    Corporations, Home rule. Statute, Special law. Practice,
    Civil, Standing, Declaratory proceeding, Motion to dismiss.
    Declaratory Relief.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    October 31, 2014.
    Motions to dismiss were heard by Bertha D. Josephson, J.
    James B. Lampke (Russell J. Dupere also present) for the
    Layla G. Taylor for town of Worthington.
    Derrick Mason, town of Huntington, and Gateway regional
    school district.
    Town of Worthington, Department of Elementary and
    Secondary Education, and town of Russell.
    Kerry David Strayer, Assistant Attorney General (Juliana
    deHaan Rice, Assistant Attorney General, also present) for the
    Commonwealth & another.
    VUONO, J.    This appeal arises from the town of
    Worthington's (Worthington's) withdrawal from the Gateway
    regional school district (school district) pursuant to special
    legislation.    The school district was established in 1957 and
    consisted of seven member towns in Hampden and Hampshire
    Counties until May 7, 2014, when the Legislature adopted "An Act
    Relative to the Withdrawal of the Town of Worthington From the
    Gateway Regional School District."   St. 2014, c. 97 (act).     The
    act enabled Worthington to withdraw from the school district
    without the consent of the other member towns.    The school
    district, the town of Huntington (Huntington), Ruth Kennedy (a
    resident of the member town of Russell), and Derrick Mason (a
    resident of the member town of Russell), brought an action in
    Superior Court against Worthington, the Commonwealth, the
    Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (department),
    and the town of Russell, challenging the act.    The defendants
    filed motions to dismiss pursuant to Mass.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(1) &
    365 Mass. 754
    (1974), which a judge allowed.      Primarily for
    the reasons set forth in the judge's well-reasoned memorandum of
    decision, we affirm.
    Background.    Between 1957 and 1968, the towns of Russell,
    Worthington, Huntington, Middlefield, Montgomery, Chester, and
    Blandford entered into an agreement for the creation and the
    operation of the school district.     See G. L. c. 71, §§ 14-14B,
    15.   Among other things, the agreement provides for the location
    of schools, the apportionment and payment of costs by member
    towns, and the employment of teachers.     The agreement also
    outlines the procedures through which a town may enter and
    withdraw from the school district.     Withdrawal of a member town
    must be done by amendment to the agreement, and the withdrawal
    takes effect after each town in the school district accepts the
    amendment by obtaining a majority vote from its residents during
    a town meeting.     The agreement requires unanimous approval by
    the remaining towns before a town may withdraw.     Any town
    allowed to withdraw from the school district remains liable
    under the agreement for its share of unpaid operating costs and
    indebtedness for capital expenses incurred while the withdrawing
    town was a member.
    In early 2013, Worthington advised the school district that
    it wished to withdraw, and then attempted to do so.     However,
    Worthington failed to obtain the approval of the other member
    towns and, as a result, the residents of Worthington voted to
    file a home rule petition with the Legislature seeking
    legislation that would permit Worthington to withdraw from the
    school district.       See art. 89, § 6, of the Amendments to the
    Massachusetts Constitution (home rule amendment).3
    On July 8, 2013, a home rule petition was filed on behalf
    of Worthington.       See 2013 House Doc. No. 3574.    The plaintiffs
    state that the proposed legislation was changed to "a non-home
    rule bill," though they dispute that it was changed to a special
    law.4       On April 28, 2014, the Legislature approved the act, and
    it was signed by the Governor on May 7, 2014.         The act states in
    relevant part:
    "Notwithstanding chapter 71 of the General Laws or any
    other general or special law or agreement to the contrary,
    the town of Worthington may unilaterally withdraw as a
    member of the Gateway Regional School District."
    St. 2014, c. 97, § 1.       The act required Worthington to pay the
    school district (1) any amounts that it would have been
    obligated to pay under the agreement for operating and capital
    costs, and (2) any amounts owed under the agreement to the
    Massachusetts School Building Authority.       St. 2014, c. 97, § 2.
    Pursuant to the home rule amendment, the Legislature has
    the power to act in relation to all cities, all towns, all
    cities and towns, or to a class of cities and towns of not fewer
    than two; the Legislature also has the power to act when the
    legislation only affects one city or town, by way of a special
    law, if the municipality has met certain requirements. See
    Opinion of the Justices, 
    429 Mass. 1201
    , 1204 (1999).
    The defendants allege that the legislation was changed to
    a special law. There is no explanation in the record regarding
    whether the bill was indeed changed to a bill for a special law,
    aside from disputing statements of the parties. As explained
    infra, the act was not improper however it is viewed.
    The act also directed the department to convene a
    "reorganization needs conference," to assess, among other
    things, (1) the impact of Worthington's withdrawal, (2) its
    effect on current and future enrollments in the school district,
    (3) an inventory of the educational facilities in the school
    district, and (4) Worthington's continued obligations for
    capital indebtedness.
    In their amended complaint, the plaintiffs sought damages
    and declaratory relief, contending that adoption of the act and
    any related actions taken by the defendants constitutes an
    unconstitutional impairment of contract, a violation of the home
    rule amendment, interference with contractual relations (the
    plaintiffs subsequently withdrew this claim), and a violation of
    the so-called "local mandates" law, see G. L. c. 29, § 27C.     The
    plaintiffs also claim that Worthington breached the agreement
    and the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing,
    requiring promissory estoppel due to the plaintiffs' detrimental
    In allowing the defendants' motions to dismiss, the judge
    reasoned that the two individual plaintiffs, i.e., Kennedy and
    Mason, did not have standing to raise any claim regarding the
    act because their harm was too speculative.   The judge also
    determined that the school district and Huntington did not have
    standing to claim that the act violated the contracts clause of
    the United States Constitution because only "citizens" have the
    right to challenge the constitutionality of the act.     She
    further held that the school district did not have standing to
    claim that the act violated the home rule amendment because the
    school district was not a municipality.    Furthermore, she held
    that the act did not violate the home rule amendment as the act
    did not apply solely to Worthington, i.e., it related to all of
    the towns in the school district.
    The remaining contract and promissory estoppel claims were
    similarly dismissed.    The judge held that Worthington acted in
    good faith in its attempt to withdraw from the agreement,
    through the method provided in the agreement; it was only when
    the parties "reached a stalemate" that Worthington sought action
    from the Legislature.    Regarding the estoppel claim, she found
    no allegation of concealment or a misrepresentation by
    Worthington, and therefore there could not have been any
    reliance by the plaintiffs.    The judge also held that the act
    did not violate the local mandates law, and that the plaintiffs
    were not entitled to a declaratory judgment as there was no
    actual controversy.    The complaint was dismissed and judgment
    entered.   The plaintiffs appealed.
    Discussion.   1.    Standing.   "A defendant may properly
    challenge a plaintiff's standing to raise a claim by bringing a
    motion to dismiss under Mass.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(1) or (6)."        Ginther
    v. Commissioner of Ins., 
    427 Mass. 319
    , 322 (1998).     "'While a
    complaint attacked by a . . . motion to dismiss does not need
    detailed factual allegations . . . a plaintiff's obligation to
    provide the "grounds" of his "entitle[ment] to relief" requires
    more than labels and conclusions . . . .    Factual allegations
    must be enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative
    level . . . [based] on the assumption that all the allegations
    in the complaint are true (even if doubtful in fact) . . . .'
    [Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 555 (2007)].       What is
    required at the pleading stage are factual 'allegations
    plausibly suggesting (not merely consistent with)' an
    entitlement to relief."    Iannacchino v. Ford Motor Co., 
    451 Mass. 623
    , 636 (2008), quoting from Bell Atl. Corp., supra at
    557.    On appeal, we "accept the factual allegations" in a
    plaintiff's complaint, "as well as any favorable inferences
    reasonably drawn from them, as true."    
    Ginther, 427 Mass. at 322
    Here, the defendants claim that the individual plaintiffs,
    Kennedy and Mason, do not have standing to challenge the act
    because they have not suffered any harm.    The defendants also
    assert that the town of Huntington and the school district lack
    standing to raise claims for impairment of contract under the
    contracts clause of the United States Constitution and pursuant
    to the home rule amendment.
    A.      Plaintiffs Kennedy and Mason.    We agree with the
    judge's conclusion that Kennedy and Mason lack standing because
    they have failed to allege facts beyond mere speculation that
    they will incur damages as a result of the act or Worthington's
    withdrawal from the school district.        Kennedy and Mason allege
    that they "will have to pay more in taxes and other municipal
    fees in order to make up for the loss of the financial
    obligations" owed by Worthington under the agreement, and that
    Worthington's withdrawal is "causing serious and irreparable
    damage, financial and otherwise and disruption to the orderly
    and effective administration of the [school district] to the
    detriment of" the plaintiffs.
    These assertions are merely conclusions and are not
    supported by allegations of specific injury; therefore, they do
    not rise above speculation and are not sufficient to confer
    standing.    See Tax Equity Alliance for Mass. v. Commissioner of
    423 Mass. 708
    , 715-716 (1996) ("[O]nly persons who have
    themselves suffered, or who are in danger of suffering, legal
    harm can compel the courts to assume the difficult and delicate
    duty of passing upon the validity of the acts of a coordinate
    branch of the government" [citation omitted]).        See also
    Ginther, supra at 323 (plaintiffs who have not alleged facts
    that "place them within the area of concern of the statute" do
    not have standing as they have not alleged substantial injury).
    B.    Remaining plaintiffs.   Next, the defendants assert that
    the school district and the town of Huntington are governmental
    entities and therefore are not entitled to raise any
    constitutional claims.    We agree.   The school district, created
    pursuant to G. L. c. 71, is "a body politic and corporate" that
    has the power "[t]o sue and be sued, but only to the same extent
    and upon the same conditions that a town may sue or be sued."
    G. L. c. 71, § 16, inserted by St. 1949, c. 638, § 1.     As
    "political subdivision[s] of the Commonwealth," Dartmouth v.
    Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High Sch.
    461 Mass. 366
    , 379 (2012), towns "are not 'persons' for
    purposes of challenging the constitutionality" of State
    Id. at 380.
      See Spence v. Boston Edison Co., 
    390 Mass. 604
    , 609 (1983).    Thus, neither the school district nor
    Huntington has standing to challenge the constitutionality of
    the act.    
    Id. at 608-610
    (city cannot invoke constitutional
    protections against State).    Accordingly, the plaintiffs'
    constitutional claims properly were dismissed.5
    C.    Pursuant to home rule amendment.   Section 8 of the home
    rule amendment states that the Legislature "shall have the power
    to act in relation to cities and towns, but only by [G]eneral
    The school district and Huntington invite us to "exercise
    [our] broad authority and adopt a limited and specific exception
    to the standing rules for governmental entities to challenge
    certain [S]tate laws." We decline the invitation.
    [L]aws which apply alike to all cities or to all towns, or to
    all cities and towns, or to a class of not fewer than two, and
    by special laws."   The plaintiffs argue that the act is not a
    special law and yet it applies to only one town, i.e.,
    Worthington, thus violating the home rule amendment.     "A
    municipality has standing to assert this [type of] claim."
    Clean Harbors of Braintree, Inc. v. Board of Health of
    415 Mass. 876
    , 881 (1993) (Clean Harbors).     For the
    purpose of this appeal we assume without deciding that the
    school district has standing as well.
    We conclude, as did the judge, that even though the act
    permitted only Worthington to withdraw from the school district
    and, as a result, had the appearance of a special law, the act
    was appropriate legislation under the home rule amendment.
    Contrast Opinion of the Justices, 
    374 Mass. 843
    , 850-851 (1978).
    In effect, as the judge ruled, the act sets out the rights and
    duties of all seven member towns of the school district prior to
    and after the withdrawal of Worthington.   St. 2014, c. 97, § 4.
    The home rule amendment preserves the Legislature's rights with
    respect to "State, regional, and general matters."   Clean
    Harbors, supra
    .   Because, the act did not affect only
    Worthington, Huntington's (and the school district's) challenge
    to the act fails.6   See 
    id. at 881-882,
    and cases cited.7
    2.   Contract claims.   The school district and Huntington
    further claim that the act effectively permits Worthington to
    breach the agreement and the implied covenant of good faith and
    fair dealing; the plaintiffs also seek promissory estoppel based
    on their detrimental reliance on the agreement.8    The flaw in
    this argument is that Worthington sought to withdraw from the
    school district according to the terms of the agreement.     When
    Worthington's effort to withdraw pursuant to the agreement
    failed, Worthington sought legislative action as an alternative
    means for withdrawal from the school district.     The act, see
    c. 97, §§ 2-4, sets out the specific means whereby Worthington
    could withdraw from the school district.   Section 4 of the act
    If the act is viewed as the defendants prefer, i.e., as a
    special law affecting only one municipality, it still was proper
    because it was a petition based on a vote by the town meeting of
    The plaintiffs sought to amend their complaint to allege
    that the act violates art. 30 of the Massachusetts Constitution.
    In light of the foregoing discussion, the judge did not abuse
    her discretion by failing to allow the motion to amend.
    The plaintiffs also seek specific performance of the
    contract. Specific performance requires findings that money
    damages are not an adequate remedy under the contract. See
    Perillo, Corbin on Contracts §§ 63.1, 63.4, and 63.5 (2012).
    The judge did not reach the issue of specific performance of the
    agreement as it is not appropriate for resolution on a motion to
    dismiss. Moreover, she disposed of the contract claims as a
    matter of law.
    required, among other things, the commissioner of the department
    to evaluate:
    "a long range education plan to determine: (i) the impacts
    of the withdrawal; (ii) the impacts of the withdrawal on
    current and future enrollment in the district; (iii) an
    inventory of all educational facilities under the
    jurisdiction of the remaining communities in the district;
    (iv) plans for the reimbursement of the [C]ommonwealth's
    capital expenditures for facilities located in the town of
    Worthington; (v) the requirements for continued assessments
    to the town of Worthington for district facilities
    previously paid by the town of Worthington; (vi) the
    administrative structure of the new district; (vii) the
    long-term fiscal impacts of the withdrawal of the town of
    Worthington, including detailed analyses of transportation,
    special education, vocational education and personnel
    costs; and (viii) fiscal recommendations to hold harmless
    the remaining communities."9
    This is not a situation where Worthington withdrew from the
    school district unilaterally and ceased paying the required
    amounts incurred by the school district while enjoying the
    benefits of the services rendered by the school district.     As
    the judge noted, the amended complaint does not establish any
    affirmative detrimental consequences, but instead provides a
    brief and unspecified accusation regarding additional costs.
    There is nothing in the amended complaint that rises above the
    speculative level as to factual allegations of bad faith or a
    representation by Worthington on which the plaintiffs relied.
    The plaintiffs argue that the indirect personnel costs,
    especially retirement benefits and health care costs, are
    sufficient to establish standing. However, § 4 of the act
    addresses these costs.
    3.   Remaining claims.    A.   Local mandates law.   General
    Laws c. 29, § 27C(a), inserted by St. 2012, c. 165, § 112,
    provides in pertinent part:   "Any law . . . imposing any direct
    service or cost obligation upon any city or town shall be
    effective . . . only if such law is accepted by vote . . . in
    the case of a town by a town meeting . . . ."     The amended
    complaint does not plead any facts that support Huntington's or
    the school district's position that either is likely to incur
    direct cost obligations other than a possible increase in what
    the remaining towns may be required to pay to support the school
    district.   These alleged costs are indirect and in any event are
    speculative; therefore, they are not sufficient under § 27C(a)
    to support the plaintiffs' claim.
    B.   Declaratory judgment.     Finally, as the judge correctly
    observed, because all of the plaintiffs' claims could not
    survive the motion to dismiss, there was no actual controversy
    at stake and declaratory relief therefore is not available.        See
    Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders v. Attorney Gen., 
    436 Mass. 132
    , 134 (2002).
    Judgment affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 16-P-1464

Citation Numbers: 92 N.E.3d 1225, 92 Mass. App. Ct. 644

Filed Date: 1/18/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023