Commonwealth v. Dragotta , 89 Mass. App. Ct. 119 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    14-P-1796                                             Appeals Court
    (and one companion case1).
    No. 14-P-1796.
    Essex.      January 12, 2016. - February 25, 2016.
    Present:    Kafker, C.J., Cohen, & Blake, JJ.
    Assault and Battery. Wanton or Reckless Conduct. Parent and
    Child, Duty to prevent harm. Child Abuse. Practice,
    Criminal, Hearsay, Witness. Evidence, Expert opinion,
    Hearsay. Witness, Expert.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on October 1, 2010.
    The cases were heard by Richard E. Welch, III, J.
    Jacob B. Stone for Steven Amos.
    Patrick Levin, Committee for Public Counsel Services, for
    Heather Dragotta.
    Marcia H. Slingerland, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    KAFKER, C.J.       After a joint jury-waived trial in the
    Superior Court, defendant Heather Dragotta was convicted of
    The companion case is against Steven Amos.
    wantonly or recklessly permitting another to commit an assault
    and battery upon her infant daughter causing bodily injury (head
    injury), and defendant Steven Amos was convicted on three
    indictments charging assault and battery upon the same child
    causing bodily injury (two rib fractures, head injury, and arm
    fracture).2   On appeal, Dragotta and Amos both claim that the
    evidence was insufficient to sustain their convictions, and Amos
    adds that the expert testimony exceeded the permitted scope of
    such evidence.
    Sufficiency of the evidence.     Viewing the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the Commonwealth, the judge was
    warranted in finding the following.     E.g., Commonwealth v.
    378 Mass. 671
    , 677-678 (1979).
    The victim was born on April 27, 2010, without any
    complications.   Dragotta is the victim's mother.    Amos was
    Dragotta's boyfriend but not the father of the child.     On the
    evening of June 3, 2010, Dragotta and Amos brought the five and
    one-half week old infant to the Lawrence General Hospital
    emergency room because she was not using her right arm and cried
    when it was touched.   The X-rays taken at the hospital showed
    The judge acquitted Dragotta of two counts of permitting
    an assault and battery causing substantial bodily injury related
    to the rib fractures and the arm fracture. Before trial began,
    Dragotta's motion to dismiss three counts of assault and battery
    was allowed, as was so much of Amos's motion to dismiss that
    related to the three counts of permitting bodily injury.
    that not only was the victim's right arm fractured, but that her
    left arm was bowing.    The fracture of the right arm was a
    displaced transverse fracture, meaning that the fracture went
    entirely across the bone and the two ends were slightly offset.
    These findings prompted the hospital to file a report of abuse
    with the Department of Children and Families (DCF), pursuant to
    G. L. c. 119, § 51A (51A report).    The victim was transferred to
    Boston Children's Hospital, and Dr. Celeste Wilson, the medical
    director of the child protective unit, was sought for
    The next day, Wilson examined the victim and spoke to
    Dragotta and Amos about the cause of the injuries.    Dragotta
    told Wilson that she returned home on June 3 with the victim
    after visiting her relatives in New Hampshire, and she gave the
    baby to Amos while she went into the kitchen.    Shortly
    thereafter, Dragotta noticed the victim was not using her right
    Because of the unexplained injury to the victim's arm,
    Wilson ordered a full skeletal survey (X-rays), a computerized
    tomography scan (CT scan), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    of the victim's head.    The X-rays, as the Commonwealth's expert,
    Dr. Paul Kleinman,3 testified, revealed seven rib fractures near
    the spine, six rib fractures on the side and the front of the
    ribs, one fracture of the right leg, five fractures of the left
    leg, and fractures of the right and left arms.   He testified
    that rib fractures indicated the child's chest had been
    compressed with a force equivalent to that which occurs in a
    motor vehicle accident.   Kleinman explained that rib fractures
    are "very very uncommon in infants," in part because a baby's
    rib cage is flexible; rather, they are "overwhelmingly seen in
    children who have been victims of abuse."   The location and
    nature of the leg fractures were also very uncommon and would
    have occurred from significant twisting and pulling forces that
    are delivered to that extremity.   According to Kleinman, the leg
    fractures were highly specific for abuse.   While the right arm
    fracture was the single injury that an active child might incur,
    neither that fracture nor the fracture to the left arm was
    typical for a five and one-half week old infant who is not
    Kleinman described the fractures as being of various ages,
    with the arm fracture being the most recent and the two
    fractures to the lateral ribs being more recent than the other
    fractures, having likely been incurred somewhere between seven
    At the time of trial, Dr. Paul Kleinman was a staff
    pediatric radiologist and director of the division of
    musculoskeletal imaging at Boston Children's Hospital.
    days and two to four weeks earlier.4   In Kleinman's opinion, all
    of the victim's fractures were caused by inflicted injury.
    Wilson reviewed the test conducted on the victim's head and
    testified that there was a subdural hematoma or bleeding on the
    brain.   Wilson gave an opinion that the injury was the result of
    inflicted trauma from an acceleration or deceleration motion to
    the head.   Two theories account for such an injury, either the
    head goes back and forth in such a motion as to create a
    whiplash or banging of the brain against the skull, or the head
    may accelerate into a solid object causing the skull to stop
    when it strikes the object while the brain continues going
    Wilson further opined that the victim would have been in
    pain when the fractures were inflicted, and she agreed that the
    arm injury was "acute."   Regarding the rib and leg fractures,
    the victim would have been "fretful," "irritable," or "fussy"
    when she was lifted or raised by others, or when her extremities
    moved.   Based on the "entire picture," Wilson formed the opinion
    and testified that someone had inflicted injuries on this child
    on more than one occasion.
    The fracture to the two lateral ribs form the basis of one
    of Amos's three convictions. Because Dragotta and Amos lived in
    New Hampshire for two weeks of the child's life, more charges
    that included other injuries may not have been brought because
    the other injuries could not be dated to ensure they occurred in
    Dragotta and Amos were first asked about these injuries on
    Friday afternoon, June 4, 2010, by Detective Daniel Cronin and
    by Amy Silverio, the DCF worker assigned to the case.
    Interviewed alone, Dragotta explained that her infant daughter's
    health was unremarkable until she was about two weeks old, when
    she developed some gassiness and could be fussy at times.      She
    told her pediatrician about this at the well-being visit on May
    11, 2010, and according to Dragotta, he recommended gently
    moving the infant's legs in a bicycling motion to relieve the
    gas and demonstrated the maneuver for her.     Dragotta showed Amos
    the maneuver when she got home.
    When asked how she thought the victim could have sustained
    her injuries, Dragotta became tearful and admitted that a
    maneuver Amos used to help the victim relieve gas could have
    broken her ribs.   Dragotta described the maneuver as one in
    which Amos would take the victim's "legs and push them towards
    her stomach and push down to relieve some gas or stool."
    Dragotta said Amos did this maneuver "pretty often" and
    "consistently for about one week."     She acknowledged that the
    victim would cry when Amos did this.    On one occasion, the
    victim made a particularly disturbing sound that prompted
    Dragotta to tell Amos not to do it anymore; she believed he
    heeded her request.
    Dragotta thought the injury to the victim's head and arm
    were new.   She suspected that her sister, who had briefly
    watched the victim during her visit to New Hampshire on June 3,
    may have done something.   Dragotta told Silverio and Cronin that
    her sister suffered from depression and had a "couple OUI's
    [driving under the influence of alcohol]."   Dragotta was
    informed that DCF would be taking custody of the victim and was
    visibly upset when she left the interview room and passed Amos.
    Upon entering the interview room, Amos blurted out, "If I
    tell you I hurt her, can she get her baby back?"    Cronin
    admonished him not to lie to protect someone else.    Amos
    immediately volunteered that he could explain the rib fractures
    because he was "positive" he had broken her ribs.     He
    demonstrated how he put his hands behind the victim's knees and
    pushed forcefully up and into the victim's abdomen.    He said
    this technique was something he had developed on his own; he had
    not been shown how to do it.   He acknowledged using a
    considerable amount of force and that he "pushed hard all the
    When Amos did this, he said the victim would grunt, cry,
    and defecate.   According to Amos, Dragotta had seen him do it
    three or four times.   He said that the maneuver "relieved" the
    victim for two to three hours and that he was doing it to help
    Dragotta, who was stressed "paper thin."   He admitted being
    concerned that he was hurting the victim and that he was pushing
    too hard.
    About a week before the interview, around May 28, Amos
    thought the technique was no longer working because nothing was
    coming out of the victim's buttocks.    He stopped doing the
    technique because he was afraid he was causing damage to the
    victim's internal organs and her ability to go to the bathroom
    on her own.
    Amos said he could also explain the head injury.    During
    that Memorial Day weekend, about the time he stopped doing the
    knee-to-stomach maneuver, Amos used the victim "like a guitar,"
    dipping and spinning her in the living room while he listened to
    music and Dragotta took a shower.    He said he had her in one arm
    with a hand on her buttocks and two fingers around her neck
    until he made a forward motion and removed his two fingers from
    her neck leaving her head unsupported and her head came crashing
    down on his collarbone.    The victim was still too young to be
    able to hold her head up, a fact Amos must have known as her
    caregiver.    The victim cried for a couple of minutes and he saw
    bruising on her ear.
    Although Amos initially denied having knowledge of what
    could have caused the injury to the victim's right arm (which
    prompted the visit to the emergency room), he admitted at the
    end of the interview that he may have grabbed her arm too
    tightly when she was lying on his chest on the evening of June
    3, 2010.
    The following Monday, June 7, 2010, Silverio and Cronin
    interviewed Dragotta again, at her home.    Her mother, Kim
    Dragotta, was with her.    Dragotta admitted seeing the bruised
    ear during Memorial Day weekend and some bleeding in the
    victim's eye.5   At the time, Dragotta asked Amos about it, and he
    told her about the infant's head striking his collarbone while
    he was dancing with her.    Dragotta recognized the
    inappropriateness of Amos's behavior and acknowledged to
    Silverio and Cronin that Amos had no experience with infants.
    Discussion.   1.   Sufficiency of the evidence.   Dragotta
    argues on appeal that the evidence was insufficient to support
    her conviction of wantonly or recklessly permitting Amos to
    commit an assault and battery upon her child causing a bodily
    injury, namely, the head injury.6 "Wanton or reckless conduct may
    Wilson had also noticed a red spot in the victim's eye
    during her examination.
    Dragotta was convicted of only a single count that alleged
    she "wantonly or recklessly permitted bodily injury to such
    child or wantonly and recklessly permitted another to commit an
    assault and battery upon such child, which assault and battery
    caused bodily injury, to wit: interhemispheric subdural
    hematoma" pursuant to G. L. c. 265, § 13J(b). "[T]he elements
    of § 13J(b), fourth par., are (i) a child under fourteen; (ii)
    in care and custody; (iii) a substantial bodily injury; (iv) the
    defendant wantonly or recklessly permitted this substantial
    bodily injury, or wantonly or recklessly permitted another to
    commit an assault and battery on the child causing substantial
    occur by act or omission where there is a duty to act and the
    failure to so act provides a 'high degree of likelihood that
    substantial harm will result to another.'"     Commonwealth v.
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 752
    , 759 (2009), quoting from
    Commonwealth v. Welansky, 
    316 Mass. 383
    , 399 (1944).     See, e.g.,
    Commonwealth v. Pugh, 
    462 Mass. 482
    , 496-497 (2012).     The wanton
    or reckless conduct here was Dragotta's continuing to allow Amos
    to care for the infant knowing that he did not know how to do
    so, that he had not followed instructions in the past, and that
    he had repeatedly and forcibly mishandled the child in such a
    manner as to cause her substantial harm.
    The evidence that we consider under the Latimore7 standard
    established that Dragotta regularly observed Amos push the five
    and one-half week old victim's knees into her chest with such
    force that she defecated.    This was not at all like the gentle
    bicycling maneuver that Dragotta had been taught, and which she
    had explained to Amos.     The force she saw applied was described
    by the expert as similar to that typically associated with a
    motor vehicle collision.    The force here resulted in multiple
    fractures of the ribs and fractures of the right and left leg.
    In addition, the fractures were in various stages of healing
    bodily injury." Commonwealth v. Roderiques, 
    462 Mass. 415
    , 422
    (2012). See Commonwealth v. Robinson, 
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 752
    757 (2009).
    See Latimore, 
    378 Mass. at 677-678
    confirming that this technique had been used on multiple
    occasions.   These fractures would have caused the child to be
    irritable and fussy, and while that alone would not be
    sufficient to cause a parent concern, in combination with having
    observed Amos's maneuver, it should have plainly alerted
    Dragotta to the high degree of likelihood that the victim was
    being injured by Amos.
    Finally, Dragotta's tearful response during her interview
    with Silverio and Cronin, when she revealed that Amos's
    technique for relieving gas may have broken the victim's ribs,
    is direct proof that she knew the maneuver exposed the victim to
    bodily injury.   Even if the judge credited Dragotta's testimony
    that she eventually told Amos to stop using this much force to
    compel the infant to pass gas and defecate, she nonetheless
    continued to allow him to provide unsupervised care for the
    child despite her knowledge that he obviously did not know how
    to care for the child safely, as later confirmed by the child's
    subsequent, substantial injuries, including the head injury for
    which Dragotta was held responsible for recklessly permitting.
    In these circumstances, the judge could find that Dragotta
    knew or should have known that there was a substantial risk that
    Amos would injure the child if she remained in his unsupervised
    care.   See Commonwealth v. Garcia, 
    47 Mass. App. Ct. 419
    , 422
    (1999) (even if there were no direct evidence that parents of
    thirty-three day old infant were aware of multiple rib,
    clavicle, and leg fractures, and a skull fracture, evidence of
    unexplained bruises and recognition that infant was in pain was
    sufficient circumstantial proof to conclude that "an ordinary
    person in the same circumstances would have realized the gravity
    of the danger").   See also Commonwealth v. Roderiques, 
    462 Mass. 415
    , 427 (2012) (evidence showed that defendant knew assaults
    were occurring but wantonly and recklessly failed to intervene).
    Similarly unavailing is Amos's claim that the evidence was
    insufficient to support his convictions on three theories.     He
    first claims that the injuries occurred when he was acting in
    loco parentis and attempting to care for the victim.     The
    excessive, unreasonable force Amos used breaking the infant's
    ribs while trying to cause her to pass gas and defecate clearly
    exceeded any imaginable loco parentis rights.8   See Garcia,
    supra.   His desire to amuse and interact with the infant
    likewise did not encompass a right to spin and dip her
    recklessly "like a guitar."   See ibid.   Finally, there was no
    justification for the transverse fracture of the infant's arm.
    In making this argument, the defendant cites Commonwealth
    v. Dorvil, 
    472 Mass. 1
     (2015), a parental discipline case.
    While it is clear that the defendant was not disciplining the
    infant, and he properly makes no such claim, we note that the
    force he used was so excessive that it falls beyond that
    permitted for discipline. See id. at 12 (a parent may not
    discipline with force that causes or creates "a substantial risk
    of causing . . . physical harm [beyond fleeting pain or minor
    transient marks]").
    Next, Amos argues that proof of recklessness is absent
    because he was unaware that his conduct was likely to cause the
    victim substantial harm.   The claim belies the recognition in
    his statement to Silverio and Cronin that the pushing maneuver
    may have been causing organ damage, that using the infant as a
    guitar and letting go of her head so that it crashed on his
    shoulder may have caused the brain bleed, and that his grabbing
    of the victim's arm so tightly may have broken it.    Moreover,
    proof of recklessness only requires that the defendant intended
    to do the reckless act, not that he intended a specific result.
    See Welansky, 316 Mass. at 398-399; Commonwealth v. Macey, 
    47 Mass. App. Ct. 42
    , 48 (1999).   All that is required is that "an
    ordinary person in the same circumstances would have realized
    the gravity of the danger."   Garcia, supra at 422.   Here, there
    is no question that there was sufficient evidence to support a
    finding that Amos intended the acts that caused the multiple
    fractures and subdural hematoma.   We are also convinced on this
    evidence that an ordinary person in the same circumstances would
    have realized the substantial risk of injury to which he was
    subjecting an infant by engaging in such conduct.     See ibid.
    Amos's third contention, that the Commonwealth was required
    to prove that Amos had exclusive control of the victim, fails to
    recognize that viewing the evidence and the inferences in the
    light most favorable to the Commonwealth was sufficient to show
    that Amos had control of the victim and that he inflicted the
    injuries.    See generally Macey, supra.   The Commonwealth need
    not "exclude all possible exculpatory interpretations of the
    evidence."   Ibid., quoting from Commonwealth v. Russell, 
    46 Mass. App. Ct. 307
    , 310 (1999).
    2.   Wilson's expert testimony.9    Next, Amos argues that
    Wilson improperly testified to a neuroradiologist's opinion that
    the subdural hematoma was acute, thereby depriving him of the
    right to cross-examine the neuroradiologist.     In giving her own
    independent opinion, Wilson referenced a neuroradiologist with
    whom she had consulted in reaching her opinion and that his
    "impression" was that the injury had an "acuity to it" that made
    it unlikely to date back to birth.     Wilson made clear, however,
    that she was capable of reviewing the scans of the victim's
    head, that she had done so in this case, and that she had
    reached her own conclusion that the injury was acute.     Because
    Wilson did not testify to the opinion of the neuroradiologist
    but merely included the neuroradiologist's impressions as
    material upon which she had relied in reaching her own opinion,
    the defendant was not deprived of his rights under the Sixth
    Amos claims that he objected to the "scope" of Wilson's
    testimony but without citation to the record. The only
    objection Amos lodged during Wilson's direct examination
    challenged her ability to interpret and testify regarding the CT
    scan and MRI results. The objection was overruled, and Wilson
    testified that she could read such scans.
    Amendment to the United States Constitution.   Furthermore, he
    was able to cross-examine Wilson on her testimony and the basis
    for her opinion.   See Commonwealth v. Barbosa, 
    457 Mass. 773
    785 (2010); Commonwealth v. Greineder, 
    464 Mass. 580
    , 593-594
    (2013).   See also Crowe v. Marchand, 
    506 F.3d 13
    , 17-18 (1st
    Cir. 2007) (there is a custom and practice in the medical
    profession that doctors routinely rely on observations reported
    by other doctors, and it is unrealistic to expect a physician,
    as a condition precedent to offering an opinion, to have
    performed every test, procedure, and examination himself or
    herself); Mass. G. Evid. § 703 (2015).
    Amos adds to this argument that Wilson's testimony
    regarding the neuroradiologist's impressions, as well as her
    recitation of the details underlying her differential diagnosis,
    ruling out other causes of the injury, violated the prohibition
    against an expert presenting on direct examination the specific
    information on which she relied.   See Department of Youth Servs.
    v. A Juvenile, 
    398 Mass. 516
    , 527-528 (1986); Greineder, supra
    at 594; Commonwealth v. Jones, 
    472 Mass. 707
    , 713-715 (2015).10
    Our common-law evidentiary rules permit expert opinion
    testimony, even if based on facts and data not in evidence, as
    this testimony violates neither the right of confrontation nor
    the prohibition against hearsay if the facts and data "are
    independently admissible and are a permissible basis for an
    expert to consider in formulating an opinion," provided, first,
    that the expert refrain on direct examination from presenting
    the specific information on which he or she relied and, second,
    We assume without deciding that the admission of the challenged
    evidence was error.   Because the defendant did not object, we
    review only to determine whether the error, if any, created a
    substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice.11
    Amos presented a defense grounded on the theory that the
    victim's bones were not healthy, which was undetectable to him
    or Dragotta, and therefore, his innocent actions would not have
    caused injury to a healthy child.   In support of this theory,
    Amos presented an expert who gave an opinion that the victim
    suffered from rickets or, alternatively, a copper deficiency,
    that caused the bones to weaken and break.   A second expert
    opined that the victim's increased platelet count generated from
    the healing fractures could have caused the subdural hematoma.
    A high platelet count will make it more likely blood will clot,
    and in this case, that clot may have expanded in the small
    collection of veins in the skull causing a small tear and bleed.
    that the expert witness may be meaningfully cross-examined about
    the reliability of the underlying data. See Greineder, supra at
    583, 595; Jones, supra, citing Department of Youth Servs.,
    Contrary to the defendant's contention, the challenged
    evidence does not constitute testimonial evidence subject to the
    confrontation clause, because Wilson was not parroting the
    opinions of others, but was providing the foundational basis for
    her opinion that was independently derived. Regardless of this
    distinction, the same standard of review generally applies to
    unobjected to error whether or not it is constitutional in
    nature. See Commonwealth v. Vasquez, 
    456 Mass. 350
    , 358-360
    None of the challenged testimony undercut the defense
    theory.   In particular, one expert agreed with Wilson that the
    subdural hematoma was acute, eliminating any risk of prejudice
    from Wilson having conveyed the same impression after consulting
    with the neuroradiologist.   Moreover, the defense was able to
    elicit testimony from Wilson that bolstered its case, namely,
    that the victim did not exhibit signs typically associated with
    a head injury from an acceleration or deceleration event, and
    that Wilson failed to run a full set of tests to determine the
    health of the victim's bones.   In these circumstances, the
    admission of the challenged evidence did not create a
    substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice.
    Finally, this was a bench trial.    "[I]t is presumed that
    the judge as trier of fact applies correct legal principals."
    Commonwealth v. Milo M., 
    433 Mass. 149
    , 152 (2001), quoting from
    Commonwealth v. Colon, 
    33 Mass. App. Ct. 304
    , 308 (1992).
    "[T]he judge will understand the limited reason for the
    disclosure of the underlying inadmissible information and will
    not rely on that information for any improper purpose."
    Williams v. Illinois, 
    132 S. Ct. 2221
    , 2235 (2012).     "In bench
    trials, judges routinely hear inadmissible evidence that they
    are presumed to ignore when making decisions."   Harris v.
    454 U.S. 339
    , 346 (1981).
    We conclude the judge here was not improperly swayed by
    having some of this information introduced on direct rather than
    through cross-examination.
    Judgments affirmed.