Perry v. Aiello ( 2017 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    16-P-1309                                              Appeals Court
    SAMUEL D. PERRY & others,1 trustees,2 & another3      vs.     VIRGIL
    AIELLO & others.4
    No. 16-P-1309.
    Suffolk.       May 3, 2017. - September 19, 2017.
    Present:   Kinder, Henry, & Desmond, JJ.
    Easement. Way, Private. Real Property, Easement, Restrictions.
    Adverse Possession and Prescription. Practice, Civil,
    Injunctive relief.
    Civil action commenced in the Land Court Department on June
    11, 2013.
    The case was heard by Robert B. Foster, J.
    Eugene H. Clapp, III, and William W. Park.
    Of the 63 Beacon Street and 64 Beacon Street, Boston,
    Massachusetts, Trusts for the Benefit of King's Chapel.
    66 Beacon Street, LLC. The plaintiffs shall be referred
    to, collectively, as the "King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs."
    DeLuca's Market, Corp.; Robert Aiello; and James S. Hughes
    and Stewart Grossman, as trustees of the Virgil J. Aiello 2011
    Irrevocable Trust and as trustees of the Candace Jans Aiello
    2011 QTIP Trust. The defendants shall be referred to,
    collectively, as the "DeLuca defendants."
    Diane C. Tillotson for the plaintiffs.
    W. Paul Needham for the defendants.
    HENRY, J.   The trustees of the 63 Beacon Street and 64
    Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, Trusts for the Benefit of
    King's Chapel (the King's Chapel trustees); 66 Beacon Street,
    LLC (LLC); and the DeLuca defendants own abutting properties,
    and dispute the extent of the rights the DeLuca defendants have
    in a ten-foot wide passageway which runs between the King's
    Chapel property on one side, and the DeLuca and LLC properties
    on the other side.    A judge of the Land Court concluded that a
    1947 agreement between the parties' predecessors in interest is
    partially enforceable and limits the DeLuca defendants' use of
    the portion of the passageway they do not own but over which
    they have a right of passage.    The judge rejected the DeLuca
    defendants' assertion that they have acquired by prescription
    the right to park on the passageway, but concluded that they may
    temporarily stop a truck in the passageway once per day to load
    trash and transport it off site.    We affirm in part and reverse
    in part.
    Background.      The DeLuca defendants own four lots in the
    Beacon Hill section of Boston at 7-17 Charles Street which,
    since before 1920, have housed DeLuca's Market, a grocery and
    wine store.   DeLuca's Market is bounded by Charles Street to the
    west, Branch Street to the north, 65-66 Beacon Street (owned by
    the LLC) to the south, and the passageway to the east.    Across
    the passageway is 63-64 Beacon Street, owned by the King's
    Chapel trustees, which runs the full length of the passageway
    and abuts Branch Street to the north and Beacon Street to the
    south.   The LLC property, 65-66 Beacon Street, is bounded by the
    DeLuca defendants' property to the north, the passageway to the
    east, and Beacon Street to the south.   The judge found and the
    parties do not dispute that each party owns the fee to the
    center of the portion of the passageway abutting its property.
    This case centers on the nature and extent of the DeLuca
    defendants' rights to use the passageway.
    In 1947, the parties' predecessors in interest entered into
    an agreement that provides in paragraph 1 that "appurtenant to"
    the King's Chapel and LLC properties is the right to use the
    "entire passageway . . . for all purposes for which streets or
    ways are from time to time commonly used in Boston."     It further
    provides in paragraph 2 that "appurtenant to" the DeLuca
    property is the right to use the passageway "for travel on foot
    and with hand carts" between the DeLuca property and Branch
    Street, "expressly excluding the right to place garbage or
    rubbish receptacles therein or to use said passageway for
    purposes other than those stated in [paragraph 2]."5   Paragraph 7
    The DeLuca defendants allege that the 1947 agreement,
    entered into just before the property was conveyed to their
    provides that the DeLuca property shall be subject to the
    foregoing "restriction" for the benefit of the King's Chapel and
    LLC properties, and paragraph 9 provides that the agreement
    shall be binding on the parties' successors and assigns and
    "[n]o rights, other than those hereby established, shall be
    appurtenant hereafter to the [DeLuca property]."   The DeLuca
    property thereafter was conveyed to the DeLuca defendants'
    predecessors in interest subject to the 1947 agreement.
    Some sixty-six years later, in June, 2013, the King's
    Chapel and LLC plaintiffs commenced this action seeking
    declaratory and injunctive relief as to the DeLuca defendants'
    use of the passageway.6   The DeLuca defendants responded to the
    complaint and, as an affirmative defense, asserted a
    prescriptive right to park in the passageway.   The trial judge
    concluded that paragraph 2 of the 1947 agreement restates and
    sets forth affirmative easements, and that paragraph 7 sets
    predecessors in interest, and limiting their use of the
    passageway, was the result of a collusive transaction among the
    owners of the subject properties, all of which were then owned
    by various members of one family either individually or as
    trustees. The DeLuca defendants further assert that the
    agreement was designed to "severely limit what the Italian
    grocer buyers . . . would be able to do in the [p]assageway."
    We express no opinion on this factual point.
    Since at least 2000, the DeLuca defendants have at times
    parked one or more cars in the passageway, and their service
    workers have parked in the passageway several times per year.
    Since 2013, their employee or agent has regularly backed a truck
    into the passageway and loaded trash for transport to another
    forth restrictions.   The result, the judge concluded, is that
    the provision in paragraph 2 limiting the use of the passageway
    to travel by foot and hand-cart use is an affirmative,
    "restated" easement, and thus is enforceable over the portions
    of the passageway owned by the King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs.
    The judge concluded that paragraph 7 restricts only the DeLuca
    defendants' use of the portion of the passageway that they own,
    and that the restriction has expired because it was not extended
    by any of the parties.   Thus, the judge concluded, the DeLuca
    defendants may use their portion of the passageway in any manner
    not inconsistent with the rights of any other owner's exercise
    of its easement rights, but on the portion of the passageway
    owned by the King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs, the DeLuca
    defendants are limited to travel by foot and hand cart use.       The
    judge also concluded that the passageway is not wide enough to
    allow any party to park on it without obstructing access, but
    that the DeLuca defendants may stop a truck in the passageway
    briefly once per day to load trash, as such use does not
    unreasonably impair the plaintiffs' rights.    In addition, the
    judge determined, based in part on a view of the passageway and
    his determinations of witness credibility, that the DeLuca
    defendants did not meet their burden of proving that they had
    acquired a parking easement by prescription.
    Discussion.   1.   1947 agreement.   With regard to the 1947
    agreement, the issue before us is whether the provisions of the
    agreement constitute "restrictions" as that term is used in
    G. L. c. 184, §§ 23, 26-30, or easements.     The difference is not
    always readily apparent, and the distinction is outcome
    determinative here, as, unlike restrictions, easements do not
    become unenforceable with the passage of time.     See Labounty v.
    352 Mass. 337
    , 347-348 (1967).     See also Patterson v.
    448 Mass. 658
    , 663 (2007) ("An affirmative easement is not
    considered to be a 'restriction' affecting the use of real
    property such that it is subject to the statutory time
    limitation imposed by G. L. c. 184, § 23").
    In 1947, before the agreement was executed, the parties
    owned to the center of the passageway abutting their respective
    properties, and enjoyed a right of passage, in common with
    others, over the rest of the passageway.    See Tehan v. Security
    Natl. Bank of Springfield, 
    340 Mass. 176
    , 181-182 (1959); Murphy
    v. Mart Realty of Brockton, Inc., 
    348 Mass. 675
    , 677-678 (1965).
    The effect of the 1947 agreement, therefore, was to restrict the
    DeLuca defendants' predecessors' existing rights over the entire
    Restrictions on uses of land generally are disfavored.      See
    Patterson, 448 Mass. at 662, citing Stop & Shop Supermkt. Co. v.
    Urstadt Biddle Properties, Inc., 
    433 Mass. 285
    , 290 (2001).
    "The Legislature has maintained this policy by limiting the
    duration of restrictions that are unlimited as to time . . . ,
    and by establishing a procedure through G. L. c. 184, §§ 26-
    30,[7] by which a landowner may 'remove or prevent the
    enforcement of obsolete, uncertain or unenforceable
    restrictions.'"    Stop & Shop Supermkt. Co., supra, quoting from
    352 Mass. at 348
    We agree with the judge's conclusion that pursuant to
    c. 184, § 28, the restriction on the portion of the passageway
    owned by the DeLuca defendants terminated after fifty years, in
    September, 1997, there having been no extension filed.   The
    As relevant here, § 26 provides that
    "[a]ll restrictions on the use of land or construction
    thereon which run with the land subject thereto and are
    imposed by covenant, agreement, or otherwise, whether or
    not stated in the form of a condition, in any deed, will or
    other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner of
    the land or in any order of taking shall be subject to
    . . . [G. L. c. 184, §§ 27-30]."
    G. L. c. 184, § 26, as appearing in St. 1990, c. 520, § 2.
    Section 28 provides, in pertinent part:
    "No restriction imposed before January first, nineteen
    hundred and sixty-two shall be enforceable after the
    expiration of fifty years from its imposition unless a
    notice of restriction is recorded before the expiration of
    such fifty years . . . and in case of such recording,
    twenty years have not expired after the recording of any
    notice of restriction without the recording of a further
    notice of restriction."
    G. L. c. 184, § 28, inserted by St. 1961, c. 448, § 1.
    judge treated separately, however, the portion of the passageway
    owned by the King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs and over which the
    DeLuca defendants had a right of passage, and concluded that the
    DeLuca defendants' rights over that portion of the passageway
    were easements unaffected by § 28.   In imposing restrictions,
    however, the 1947 agreement itself did not expressly distinguish
    between the portion of the fee owned by the DeLuca defendants'
    predecessors and the portion those predecessors had a legal
    right to use derived from their ownership of a portion of the
    passageway.   Contrary to the trial judge's conclusion, nothing
    in paragraphs 2 and 7 of the agreement suggests that one
    paragraph restricts the portion of the passageway owned by
    DeLuca's predecessors and the other paragraph grants easements
    over the portions owned by the King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs'
    While paragraph 2's "appurtenant to" language, in part,
    apparently caused the judge to conclude that paragraph 2 of the
    1947 agreement contained a "restated easement," we disagree.
    The agreement gave the DeLuca defendants' predecessors nothing
    that they did not already have.   To the contrary, it restricted
    the predecessors' rights.   The DeLuca defendants' predecessors
    enjoyed an unrestricted right over the passageway, in common
    with others, and the agreement served to restrict those rights.
    Pursuant to c. 184, § 26, the statute extends to "[a]ll
    restrictions on the use of land" and pays no attention to
    labels.   See Myers v. Salin, 
    13 Mass. App. Ct. 127
    , 136 (1982)
    (§§ 23 & 26-30 reflect a legislative intent that
    "'restrictions,' with certain carefully specified exceptions
    [not at issue here], be regulated in various ways, without
    apparent differentiation among the types of interest thereby
    produced, the names given to them, or the methods used in their
    creation").   We have scoured the language of the statute and
    cannot say that its reach does not extend to restrictions of
    easement rights, particularly where those easement rights derive
    from an ownership interest in a portion of a way and a
    corresponding right of passage over the rest of the way.    At
    least when it comes to a passageway or a street, it is illogical
    to apply the statute to only the portion of the passageway the
    abutter owns when rights over that section are largely useless
    without the corresponding passage rights over the rest of the
    It is true that the Supreme Judicial Court has said that
    "[a] 'restriction on the use of land' is a right to compel the
    person entitled to possession of the land not to use it in
    specified ways."    Labounty, 
    352 Mass. at 347
    .   And, furthermore,
    an easement, on the other hand, "creates a nonpossessory right
    to enter and use land in the possession of another and obligates
    the possessor not to interfere with the uses authorized by the
    easement."    Martin v. Simmons Properties, LLC, 
    467 Mass. 1
    , 8-9
    (2014), quoting from Patterson, 448 Mass. at 663.     Here,
    however, where the 1947 agreement does not grant anything that
    the DeLuca defendants' predecessors did not already have, but
    rather restricted their common-law rights, we think the term
    "restriction" as used in the relevant provisions of c. 184 is
    broad enough to encompass the limitation of the DeLuca
    defendants' rights over the entire passageway.   If the King's
    Chapel and LLC plaintiffs wanted to continue to restrict the
    DeLuca defendants' use of the passageway, they were required to
    file a notice of extension of the restriction.   We conclude that
    the restrictions on the DeLuca defendants' right to use the
    portion of the passageway they own and the portion owned by the
    plaintiffs have expired and are unenforceable pursuant to G. L.
    c. 184, § 28.
    We comment briefly on the scope of the DeLuca defendants'
    easement rights.   The judge found that it is not possible to
    park in the passageway without interfering with others' right to
    pass.   Thus, we agree that no party has the right to park in the
    passageway.   The judge also concluded that a temporary stop of a
    vehicle in the passageway once per day to load trash for
    transport to another location does not unreasonably impair the
    King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs' right of passage.    On the
    record presented, we cannot say the judge's conclusion was
    clearly erroneous.    So long as continued temporary stopping once
    per day does not unreasonably impede the King's Chapel and LLC
    plaintiffs' easement rights, this use may continue.8
    2.   Prescriptive easement.   The DeLuca defendants contend
    they have acquired an easement by prescription to park in the
    passageway.   The evidence on this issue was conflicting and the
    judge's conclusion was based in part on his credibility
    assessment of witnesses.    The judge's conclusion that the DeLuca
    defendants had not met their burden is not clearly erroneous or
    based upon an incorrect legal standard.     See Brown v. Sneider, 
    9 Mass. App. Ct. 329
    , 331 (1980); Shapiro v. Burton, 
    23 Mass. App. Ct. 327
    , 330 (1987).
    Conclusion.     So much of the judgment as declares that the
    DeLuca defendants' rights in the passageway are limited by the
    restrictions contained in paragraph 2 of the 1947 agreement is
    reversed, and the judgment shall be modified consistent with
    On February 11, 2013, the DeLuca defendants entered into
    an agreement known as the "Good Neighbor Agreement" with the
    Beacon Hill Civic Association, Inc., which is not a party in
    this action. In that agreement, the DeLuca defendants agreed
    that "[a]ll trash will be stored inside the market and will be
    picked up inside the market in the morning no earlier than 7:00
    A.M."; all delivery trucks "will park on Charles Street only
    (and not on Branch Street)"; and the DeLuca defendants will
    comply "with all legally binding requirements of the recorded"
    1947 agreement. We do not pass on the question whether the Good
    Neighbor Agreement allows trucks to pick up trash from the
    passageway; none of the King's Chapel and LLC plaintiffs is a
    signatory to the Good Neighbor Agreement, and so far as the
    record reveals, they have no right to enforce it.
    this opinion.   In all other respects, the judgment is affirmed.
    In addition, the order denying the King's Chapel and LLC
    plaintiffs' motion to amend the judgment is affirmed.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 16-P-1309

Filed Date: 9/19/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/19/2017