In Re JOY D. , 216 Md. App. 58 ( 2014 )

  •             REPORTED
    No. 693
    September Term, 2013
    IN RE JOY D.
    Eyler, Deborah S.,
    Thieme, Raymond G., Jr.
    (Retired, Specially Assigned),
    Opinion by Graeff, J.
    Filed: January 29, 2014
    Crystal D., appellant, appeals from an order of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City,
    sitting as a juvenile court, granting the motion of the Baltimore City Department of Social
    Services (“BCDSS”) to waive its obligation to continue to make reasonable efforts to reunify
    Ms. D. with her daughter, Joy D.1 On appeal, Ms. D. presents the following question for our
    review, which we have rephrased, as follows:
    When a local department of social services files a motion to waive reasonable
    efforts to reunify a parent and child pursuant to Md. Code (2013 Repl. Vol.)
    § 3-812 of the Courts & Judicial Proceedings Article (“CJP”), is the court
    required to grant the motion when it finds that the parent has had his or her
    parental rights to other children involuntarily terminated?
    For the reasons set forth below, we shall affirm the judgment of the circuit court.
    Ms. D. has a long history with BCDSS and the court system, involving each of her
    five children: Joshua, born June 19, 1991; India, born July 7, 1996; Linda, born July 21,
    1999; Malachi, born June 11, 2007; and, Joy, born September 21, 2002. We previously set
    forth the background of Ms. D.’s involvement with BCDSS in In re Malachi D. and Joy D.,
    No. 3006, Sept. Term, 2010 (filed Sept. 20, 2011), an appeal involving the dismissal of
    children in need of assistance petitions (“CINA”)2 pertaining to Malachi and Joy.
    The order eliminated the Baltimore City Department of Social Services’ obligation
    to provide reasonable efforts to reunify Ms. D. with another child, Malachi D., but Ms. D.
    did not appeal the order with respect to Malachi.
    A child in need of assistance is “a child who requires court intervention because: (1)
    [t]he child has been abused, has been neglected, has a developmental disability, or has a
    mental disorder; and (2) [t]he child’s parents, guardian, or custodian are unable or unwilling
    to give proper care and attention to the child and the child’s needs.” Md. Code (2013 Repl.
    On June 18, 1998, Ms. D. brought Joshua to Johns Hopkins Hospital and requested
    that he be evaluated and hospitalized. When the hospital staff informed her that Joshua did
    not require hospitalization, Ms. D. became so upset that the police were called, and she
    subsequently was hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.
    On August 6, 1998, with Ms. D.’s consent, the Circuit Court for Baltimore City found
    Joshua and India to be CINA and removed them from Ms. D.’s custody. The children were
    placed with their maternal grandparents. Ms. D. previously had expressed a desire to place
    the children for adoption, and she had only “sporadic” contact with Joshua after the
    placement. Joshua, who has since turned 21 years old, was never reunified with Ms. D.
    Ms. D.’s parental rights with respect to India and Linda, who was found to be CINA
    on October 1, 1999, were terminated on November 6, 2003, after a contested hearing.3 Prior
    to the termination of Ms. D.’s parental rights to India and Linda, Dr. Dale L. Peterson
    diagnosed Ms. D. with borderline personality disorder, a “chronic and severe” condition that
    results in “‘very, very fractured’” interpersonal relationships and “‘inappropriate displays of
    anger and affective instability,’ including ‘sudden fits of rage.’” Dr. Peterson opined that
    Ms. D.’s disorder made it “‘highly unlikely that she could provide an environment of
    Vol.) § 3-801(f) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article (“CJP”).
    This Court affirmed the termination of parental rights for both children in an
    unreported opinion, In re Adoption/Guardianship of India S. and Linda B., No. 2032, Sept.
    Term, 2003 (Nov. 29, 2004).
    adequate safety and emotional stability for her children.’” Her “unpredictability also affected
    her willingness to parent, and . . . at times, she wanted to waive her parental rights.’”
    In 2000, Ms. D. met Elliott D. He was abusive and forced her into sexual activity.
    Despite the abuse, Ms. D. married Elliott D. in 2002 when she was pregnant with Joy.
    Ms. D. believed that, by being married to Elliott D., it would be less likely that BCDSS
    would remove Joy from her care, as it had with her other children. Ms. D. and Elliott D.
    never lived together, and he contributed very little to Joy’s care.4
    In June 2006, when Joy was three years old, Ms. D. took her to the emergency room
    at Johns Hopkins Hospital after Joy had fallen and injured her lip. While Ms. D. was
    registering Joy, she became hysterical and verbally abusive to Joy and the registration
    coordinator. A social worker who witnessed the incident took Ms. D. to a separate room.
    Once Ms. D. calmed down, she reported that she was a victim of domestic violence, and the
    incident with the registration process had triggered feelings “of everyone treating her like she
    was nothing.” Joy appeared to have “some fear of her mother.” Hospital staff provided
    Ms. D. with a number of referrals for support services, including the House of Ruth, BCDSS
    Adult and Family Support Unit, and Turnaround, a program that assists families and children
    who have witnessed violent acts. Ms. D., however, never enrolled Joy in mental health
    Elliott D., Joy’s father, has said that he is unable or unwilling to provide care for Joy.
    He is not a party to this appeal.
    Joy’s first contact with BCDSS was in 2007. On May 29, 2007, BCDSS filed a
    Petition with Request for Shelter Care with regard to Joy. Shortly after Malachi’s birth, on
    July 17, 2007, BCDSS initiated shelter care proceedings for him, as well. The juvenile court
    authorized Joy’s placement in shelter care, but it denied the initial request for shelter care for
    Malachi, ordering instead that Ms. D. ensure that Malachi receive “‘all necessary medical
    care’” and cooperate with BCDSS and hospital staff. On October 5, 2007, the petitions were
    dismissed without prejudice at the request of BCDSS, following Ms. D.’s compliance with
    the court’s orders.
    On March 13, 2009, while at a local hospital, Ms. D. was observed hitting twenty-one-
    month-old Malachi on his back. Someone contacted the police, and a child protective
    services report was filed. BCDSS concluded that there was no neglect, but based on Ms. D’s
    statement to a social worker at the hospital that she was overwhelmed with the care of her
    children, BCDSS placed both Joy and Malachi in shelter care. At the shelter care hearing on
    March 16, 2009, the court ordered that Joy be kept in shelter care. The court denied shelter
    care for Malachi, but it issued an order controlling conduct, which specified that Ms. D. not
    use physical discipline against Malachi and permit announced and unannounced visits by
    BCDSS and the child’s counsel. Joy subsequently was returned to Ms. D.’s custody, but the
    order controlling conduct was continued.
    On July 13, 2009, a BCDSS social worker made a visit to Ms. D.’s home. While the
    social worker interviewed Joy, Ms. D. became very upset and stated, in front of Joy, that Joy
    was “‘an evil devil.’” Based on Ms. D.’s statement and conduct, the children’s counsel filed
    a motion for immediate review of the children’s CINA petitions. Prior to that hearing, on
    August 31, 2009, BCDSS placed Joy and Malachi in the home of Charlene and Herbert K.,
    after Ms. D. requested psychiatric hospitalization of Joy. On September 1, 2009, the juvenile
    court ordered that Joy and Malachi be placed in shelter care. Joy adjusted well to Mr. and
    Ms. K.’s home, bonded with the family, and improved in all areas of development.
    During a supervised visit in April 2010, after Joy referred to her foster mother as her
    mother, Ms. D. became verbally aggressive and threatened to kill the BCDSS family
    preservation worker, Chante Hoke-King. Joy was frightened and cried uncontrollably. The
    police had to be called to escort Joy, Malachi, and the foster parent away from the building.
    In May 2010, BCDSS developed a service agreement for Ms. D., offering mental
    health services and parenting classes, to try to work toward reunification. Ms. D. denied
    having mental health issues and declined both individual therapy and family counseling. She
    also missed many scheduled visits with the children. Ms. D.’s desire to have Joy return home
    was “inconsistent and when positive conditioned on evil spirits being out of Joy.” Ms. D.
    referred to Joy as a “demon of hell,” whom she did not “really like,” and she stated that Joy
    needs to be “out [of] my house” and “should be with her bipolar and abusive father instead
    and drive him crazy.” She also sent approximately 2,000 e-mails to Ms. Hoke-King,
    protesting BCDSS’ involvement in her life.
    In July 2010, an adjudicatory hearing was held. The Master recommended dismissal
    of Malachi’s petition and sustained certain allegations in Joy’s petition.         The Master
    recommended finding that Ms. D. had acted in ways that had caused Joy emotional harm, and
    she had been aggressive toward BCDSS workers, threatening to kill one of them in front of
    Joy. On October 20, 2010, the Master recommended that Joy be found a CINA and
    committed to BCDSS. Ms. D. filed exceptions in Joy’s case. On January 21, 2011, after a
    de novo hearing, the court dismissed the CINA petitions, and Joy and Malachi were returned
    to the care and custody of Ms. D.5
    On June 25, 2011, while the appeal was pending in this Court, Joy called 911 and
    reported that she was being abused; she requested BCDSS involvement. Joy told the
    responding police officers that her mother had hit her on her bottom.6
    After the police left, Ms. D. took Joy to the emergency room at Johns Hopkins
    Hospital. She reported that Joy’s alleged behavior was unmanageable, and she did not want
    Joy home with her. She stated that Joy needed to be returned to foster care because Ms. D.
    could not manage Joy’s behavioral problems.            Joy also reported to social worker
    Kathleen Orr that she wanted to return to her previous foster family. Even when she was
    As indicated, on September 20, 2011, we vacated the judgment and remanded the
    matter for further proceedings. The circuit court consolidated the 2009 petitions and the
    2011 petitions.
    Ms. D. subsequently sent an e-mail to BCDSS social worker, Diana Wade stating
    that her boyfriend, Henry E., had “threatened Joy sexually on 6/25/11,” and Joy had reported
    to her “multiple times her fear that he will sexually abuse her.” Ms. D. also stated that Mr. E.
    had expressed an interest in “pimping [Joy] out.”
    informed that she might not be able to return to her previous foster family, she persisted in
    her desire to return to foster care.
    After extensive discussion with hospital staff, Ms. D. determined that she would be
    able to safely manage Joy until Monday with the help of her fiancé, Henry E., who agreed
    to stay in the home and help her until Monday morning. Ms. D. did not report to hospital
    staff Joy’s concerns about potential sexual abuse by Mr. E.
    On June 28, 2011, Ms. D. again took Joy to the emergency room at Johns Hopkins
    Hospital and requested an emergency psychiatric evaluation. The hospital did not admit Joy.
    On June 29, 2011, Ms. D. took Joy to University of Maryland and reported that Joy required
    an emergency psychiatric evaluation for her “bad behavior.” When Ms. D. was informed that
    Joy would not be admitted, she became violent and verbally abusive. In an effort to calm
    Ms. D., the treatment team agreed to have Joy transferred to a pediatric clinic for evaluation.
    Ms. D.’s aggressive behavior continued, however, and she threatened a social worker.
    During the interview with a social worker, Ms. D. repeatedly called Joy a “liar” and
    a “horrible child” and loudly denigrated Joy in Joy’s presence. Ms. D. became increasingly
    agitated and began making delusional statements. Joy and Malachi sat very close to one
    another on one chair, and Joy appeared to make herself as small as possible, getting closer
    and closer to Malachi, indicating in a soft voice, “I don’t like when mommy gets angry like
    this.” The social worker concluded that Ms. D. needed a psychiatric evaluation in light of
    her “observed paranoid and irrational behavior,” and that Joy “was not safe with her mother
    exhibiting these behaviors.” BCDSS removed Joy, and on June 30, 2011, the juvenile court
    ordered the continuation of Joy’s placement in shelter care. BCDSS was able to place Joy
    back into the K.’s home. Joy has never returned to Ms. D.’s home.
    On June 25, 2011, Diana Wade7 was assigned to work with the D. family. Initially,
    Ms. D. acknowledged Ms. Wade’s efforts and reported that she had a good rapport with her.
    Ms. D. still insisted that Joy was a liar and the “major problem [in] the case.” She persisted
    in her belief that Joy was the “devil’s child,” and that the devil uses Joy. She thought that
    Joy needed an exorcism, stating that she wanted Joy returned to her only if Joy was “assessed
    for possible possession.”
    On July 26, 2011, Ms. D. contacted BCDSS. She was extremely anxious and
    overwhelmed. A family preservation worker, Ravital Shalev, met with Ms. D. for a home
    safety assessment. Ms. D. reported that she was overwhelmed by Malachi and his emotional
    needs. She stated that she was extremely frustrated, and she asked that Malachi be removed
    from her care. Ms. D. was offered family preservation services, as well as mental health,
    parenting, counseling and financial assistance services, but she “wanted none of it.” The
    following day, BCDSS filed a petition for shelter care, and Malachi was removed from the
    Ms. Wade is sometimes referred to in the record as Ms. Wade-Williams. For
    purposes of consistency, we shall refer to her as “Ms. Wade.”
    home. Malachi was placed in the same home as Joy, first with the K.’s, and then later with
    Ms. W.8
    In May 2012, a forensic psychiatrist, Ronald Means, completed psychiatric
    evaluations of Ms. D., Joy, and Malachi. Dr. Means concluded that Ms. D. has “signs of
    mania with severe irritability and seemingly erratic behavior.” She also has problems with
    anxiety and appeared “severely paranoid” at times. Dr. Means diagnosed Ms. D. with
    Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a “pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal
    relationships, self-image, and emotions.”
    Dr. Means found Joy to be well-adjusted despite her disrupted childhood. Joy advised
    Dr. Means that her foster home was a “better, safer, nicer environment.” With respect to
    visitation, Joy stated that she “sometimes” enjoyed seeing her mother, but she did not want
    to live with her and would rather be adopted and communicate with Ms. D. through letters
    or e-mail. In describing Ms. D.’s emotional responses, Joy stated: “One time she’ll love you,
    and another time, she’ll hate you. She yells and screams.”
    LaShaunna Lipscomb, a therapist at Neighbor to Family, told Dr. Means that Joy had
    done very well since being in foster care. She indicated that Joy “walks on eggshells” during
    supervised visitation with Ms. D., and that Ms. D. is “very volatile” and “no one knows what
    sets her off.”
    On October 19, 2012, Joy and Malachi were placed with Ms. W., Malachi’s paternal
    aunt. Joy and Malachi have different fathers. For Joy, Ms. W. is a foster placement. Ms. W.
    is a licensed therapeutic foster provider through Arrow Project.
    Dr. Means concluded that Ms. D.’s personality disorder had “severely affected her
    functioning throughout the years,” and it had impacted her ability to parent her children. He
    stated that it was “particularly problematic that she remains ambivalent about whether she
    wants Joy to return to her care and only wants to accept her back under conditions that are
    unrealistic,” such as having an exorcism and assessment for possession. Dr. Means opined
    that Ms. D. needed prolonged individual therapy and medications in order to “begin to
    demonstrate stability,” but he noted that Ms. D. was “not invested in mental health treatment
    and does not believe in mental illness.” Ms. D. also had “no insight into her level of
    dysfunction and does not intend to participate in ongoing treatment.” He concluded that
    Ms. D.’s “ability to provide nurturance, supervision and adequate care for her children will
    continue to be significantly impacted by her severe personality disorder.”
    In July 2012, the juvenile court held adjudicatory and disposition hearings for Joy and
    Malachi. The court conducted an in camera interview of Joy and Malachi, and found that,
    although they loved Ms. D., they both were “visibly afraid of Mother’s anger and mood shifts
    and both wish to remain in the care of Ms. K.” The court found Joy to be a CINA and
    committed her to the custody of BCDSS. It found that BCDSS had made reasonable efforts
    to reunify Joy with Ms. D. by facilitating weekly visitations, making referrals, offering
    service agreements, maintaining contact with Ms. D., placing the children together, and
    ensuring the children’s needs were met. Ms. D., however, had been uncooperative at times,
    and she had failed to appear for scheduled meetings, refused to allow BCDSS caseworkers
    to enter her home, failed to regularly visit with Joy, and failed to follow through with
    aftercare services for Joy. The court noted that Ms. D. had demonstrated “fits of rage,” and
    had not been amenable to treatment for her mental health disorders because she did not
    believe that there was “such thing as mental illness.”         The permanency plan was
    On April 18, 2013, the court held a permanency planning review hearing. There was
    testimony regarding attempts to get counseling for Ms. D. She had been referred to Hebron
    House, a psychological therapeutic house providing counseling services, but Hebron House
    indicated that they could not help Ms. D. Ms. D. next sought mental health counseling at
    APEX, an outpatient mental health center, but it withdrew from services because of the
    “distraction of Mother’s constant e-mails.” Ms. D. indicated that she would not participate
    with BCDSS family involvement meetings.
    Ms. D. had completed anger management classes and parenting classes. She had
    maintained contact with BCDSS through letter and by e-mail, as well as during her weekly
    visits with the children. Ms. D.’s supervised visits were “generally going well.” Ms. Wade
    described one visitation, however, on February 26, 2013, when Ms. D. tried to give Malachi
    a time out for not wanting to look at a video. Malachi responded: “Don’t kill me.” On
    another visit, Malachi was kicking and screaming because there was no computer mouse.
    Ms. D. became agitated and threatened to call the police. When Malachi continued to kick
    and cry, Ms. D. became increasingly agitated and displayed rage in front of the children.
    Ms. D. accused Ms. Wade of abusing her. Following the visit, Malachi had to be placed in
    respite care for two days. The court found that, although Ms. D. had completed anger
    management classes, these events showed that she had not overcome her severe mood swings
    and mental health disorder.
    At the conclusion of the hearing, the court found, in pertinent part, as follows:
    Mother has previously indicated that she was overwhelmed by parenting [the
    children] when they were last removed – and Mother’s testimony today
    indicates that she was similarly overwhelmed on 4/9/2013. The continued
    cycle of Mother’s erratic and sometimes cycling rage behavior (leveled at
    various points at everyone involved in these proceedings – and even to [the
    children]) is imminently dangerous to the emotional safety of the [children] –
    [Malachi’s] two days of respite care and previously regressive behaviors after
    visiting with Mother are strong and persuasive of this continuing risk to [the
    children’s] safety raised by this record and recent events.
    Mother has continued to devote considerable efforts to challenge her mental
    health diagnosis and indeed the existence of any mental health illness.
    Regardless of differences of opinion on the underlying issues, the [c]ourt
    continues in its finding that the emotional injury of Mother’s cycling rage
    behavior, while perhaps improved in some small measure, remains at a level
    which is a real and serious threat to the emotional health and mental health of
    [the children]. Joy and Malachi deserve and need the stability of parenting that
    meets their emotional and developmental needs.
    While Mother loves [the children] and has made significant efforts to comply
    with the court’s orders and BCDSS service agreements; unfortunately, those
    efforts, both reasonable by BCDSS and those by Mother, have not made
    Mother closer to the ability to parent [the children] than Mother was when [the
    children] were last removed upon Mother’s admission that she was
    It would be contrary to [the children’s] welfare to return to the care of their
    Mother today: Mother’s [erratic] and sometimes explosive rage is emotionally
    injurious to [the children] and the most recent occurr[e]nce of that behavior on
    4/9/2013 establishes that Mother’s mental health issues have not resolved to
    a point where [the children] can or should be in their best interest and [safety]
    be placed in Mother’s care. The [c]ourt is also persuaded that [Joy] does not
    [presently] wish to return to Mother’s care.
    After finding that BCDSS had made reasonable efforts to achieve the permanency
    plan of reunification, the court changed the permanency plan to a concurrent plan of
    reunification and relative placement for custody and guardianship. It set the next hearing for
    July 9, 2013.
    In May 2013, Ms. D. became unwilling to continue to work with Ms. Wade. She sent
    a series of e-mails to Ms. Wade stating that she was “eliminating” her from the case and from
    supervising visits. She accused Ms. Wade of lying and “false reporting,” and she advised
    Ms. Wade not to contact her unless it was an emergency. She also accused Ms. Wade of
    making her physically ill, and she stated that she would file a police report against Ms. Wade
    if she received any certified mail from her. Ms. D. also threatened to “press criminal charges
    for harassment and assault.”
    On May 9, 2013, BCDSS filed a motion to waive the requirement that it continue to
    make reasonable efforts to reunify Joy and Malachi with Ms. D. The motion noted that Joy
    had been out of Ms. D’s care continuously since June 30, 2011, Ms. D. had a long history of
    not being able to provide for her children, and on November 6, 2003, the court had
    involuntarily terminated her parental rights to Linda and India.9 BCDSS asserted that it had
    A copy of the 2003 Order was attached to the motion.
    not sought a waiver previously because it was attempting to give Ms. D. another opportunity
    to address the reasons for the children’s placement in BCDSS’s care, and in deference to the
    court’s decision to continue a plan of reunification. Ms. D., however, had demonstrated
    repeatedly that she had no understanding of her untreatable condition, which was “immune
    to intervention.” BCDSS asserted that, in addition to the authority provided by statute, it was
    in the children’s best interest that efforts for reunification cease, noting that Ms. D.’s
    condition had not improved since 1998. Accordingly, BCDSS requested that the court waive
    the requirement that it make reasonable efforts at reunification, and it requested a
    permanency planning hearing.
    Ms. D. did not file a written response. Joy, through counsel, joined in BCDSS’s
    request. She attached as exhibits Ms. D.’s e-mails indicating that she no longer would work
    with Ms. Wade, which Joy noted would make it “virtually impossible” and “futile” “for
    BCDSS to continue to engage her in efforts toward reunification.”
    On May 30, 2013, the court heard argument on the motion. BCDSS presented
    evidence that Ms. D.’s parental rights to two of her children had been terminated, and this
    was the third CINA petition involving Joy and Malachi. Indeed, it asserted, this was the 40th
    hearing for Joy, who had been in the care of BCDSS for two years, and “[a]t this point there
    is nothing else that we can do for this parent and we’re asking you to waive reasonable
    efforts based on the statute.”
    Counsel for Joy noted that the court’s April 18 order stated that Ms. D. still had
    “erratic and explosive rage,” which was a danger to the children, and Ms. D. was “no closer
    to the ability to care for the children than she had been when the children were last removed.”
    She also referred to the e-mails from Ms. D., indicating that Ms. D. was “no longer allowing
    the [BCDSS] to work with her” and was “going to do her bonding with the children in some
    way that didn’t include the workers or supervised visitation.” On that basis, counsel stated
    that she did not believe that BCDSS could continue to make reasonable efforts to reunify
    Ms. D. with Joy, and Joy’s progression toward permanency should not be further delayed.
    Ms. D.’s counsel did not refute any of these arguments. She argued only that Ms. D.
    was frustrated because BCDSS had changed the location of her visits with Joy and Malachi
    after the court ordered that the visits remain the same.
    Counsel for BCDSS responded that visits had been held in many locations, including
    a library that had barred Ms. D., and there was no requirement regarding where visits were
    to take place. He argued that Ms. D.’s social workers had “bent over backwards” for her, but
    she was no closer to reunification than she was when the children initially were sheltered.
    He stated that there was nothing else that BCDSS could do for the family.
    Counsel then stated that it was a “mandatory waiver per reading of the statute.” After
    the court asked: “What’s the mandatory part?” the following ensued:
    [COUNSEL FOR BCDSS]: “If the [c]ourt finds by clear and convincing
    evidence that any of” – this is Section (d).
    THE COURT: All right.
    [COUNSEL FOR BCDSS]: “That any of the circumstances specified in
    Subsection (b) of this section exists, the [c]ourt shall waive the requirement
    that reasonable efforts be made to reunify the child –”
    THE COURT: All right.
    [COUNSEL FOR BCDSS]: “– with the child’s parent or guardian.” Thank
    THE COURT: All right. All right. Motion’s granted.
    This appeal followed.10
    Maryland appellate courts review child custody cases under three “different but
    interrelated” standards of review. In re Adoption/Guardianship of Cadence B., 
    417 Md. 146
    155 (2010). First, we review factual findings under the clearly erroneous standard. 
    Id. Second, we
    review purely legal questions de novo, requiring further proceedings except in
    cases of harmless error. 
    Id. Finally, we
    review “the ultimate conclusion of the [juvenile
    An order waiving the requirement to make reasonable efforts to reunify a parent
    with his or her child is appealable pursuant to CJP § 12-303(3)(x), which provides that a
    party may appeal from an interlocutory order that “[d]epriv[es] a parent . . . of the care and
    custody of his child, or chang[es] the terms of such an order.” To be appealable within this
    statutory exception, an order must adversely affect the parent’s rights. In re Joseph N., 
    407 Md. 278
    , 288 (2009). See In re: Karl H. and Anthony H., 
    394 Md. 402
    , 430 (2006) (If an
    order changes an antecedent custody order in a way that “could deprive a parent of the
    fundamental right to care and custody of his or her child, whether immediately or in the
    future, the order is an appealable interlocutory order.”); In re Damon M., 
    362 Md. 429
    , 438
    (2001) (holding that despite their interlocutory nature, court orders regarding permanency
    plans are immediately appealable). Waiving a department’s obligation to make reasonable
    efforts at reunification adversely affects the parent’s right to the care and custody of his or
    her child.
    court] founded upon sound legal principles and based upon factual findings that are not
    clearly erroneous” for a “clear abuse of discretion.” 
    Id. (quoting In
    re Yve S., 
    373 Md. 551
    586 (2003)).
    When a child is removed from his or her parent’s care and custody and placed in foster
    care, a department of social services has a statutory obligation to make reasonable efforts to
    reunify the child with the parent. In re Joseph N., 
    407 Md. 278
    , 291-92 (2009).11 The
    statutory scheme presumes that, “unless there are compelling circumstances to the contrary,
    the plan should be to work toward reunification, as it is presumed that it is in the best interest
    of a child to be returned to his or her natural parent.” In re Yve 
    S., 373 Md. at 582
    At issue in this case is the circuit court’s application of CJP § 3-812 in waiving the
    requirement that BCDSS make efforts to reunify Joy with Ms. D. That statute provides that
    a department of social services “may ask the court to find that reasonable efforts to reunify
    In that regard, Md. Code (2012) § 5-525(e) of the Family Law Article provides:
    (e) Reasonable efforts. — (1) Unless a court orders that reasonable efforts
    are not required under § 3-812 of the Courts Article or § 5-323 of this title,
    reasonable efforts shall be made to preserve and reunify families:
    (I) prior to the placement of a child in an out-of-home placement,
    to prevent or eliminate the need for removing the child from the child's home;
    (ii) to make it possible for a child to safely return to the child’s
    (2) In determining the reasonable efforts to be made and in making the
    reasonable efforts described under paragraph (1) of this subsection, the child’s
    safety and health shall be the primary concern.
    a child with the child’s parent or guardian are not required” if the department concludes that
    the parent has:
    (1) Subjected the child to:
    (i) Chronic abuse;
    (ii) Chronic and life-threatening neglect;
    (iii) Sexual abuse; or
    (iv) Torture;
    (2) Been convicted, in any state or any court of the United States, of:
    (i) A crime of violence against:
    1. A minor offspring of the parent or guardian;
    2. The child; or
    3. Another parent or guardian of the child; or
    (ii) Aiding or abetting, conspiring, or soliciting to commit a crime
    described in item (i) of this item; or
    (3) Involuntarily lost parental rights of a sibling of a child.
    CJP § 3-812(b) (emphasis added).
    When the local department makes a request to waive the obligation to provide
    reasonable efforts for reunification, CJP § 3-812(d) sets forth the action to be taken by the
    court. It provides:
    If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that any of the
    circumstances specified in subsection (b) of this section exists, the court shall
    waive the requirement that reasonable efforts be made to reunify the child with
    the child’s parent or guardian.
    (Emphasis added).12
    CJP § 3-812(e) provides:
    (e) Permanent placement of child. — If the court finds that reasonable
    efforts are not required, the local department shall:
    (1) Request that a permanency planning hearing be held in accordance
    with § 3-823 of this subtitle within 30 days after the court makes the finding;
    Ms. D. contends that the court erred in granting the motion by BCDSS to waive the
    requirement that it provide reunification services to her. She asserts that, pursuant to CJP
    § 3-812, the court must exercise discretion in waiving the right to reunification services, but
    the court here believed that it was required to grant the motion and did not exercise this
    discretion. Although she acknowledges that the statute uses the word “shall,” she asserts that
    interpreting the statute as mandating a waiver of reasonable efforts where a parent has had
    a prior involuntary termination of parental rights would “nullify the court’s obligation to
    consider what is in the child’s best interests,” and it would violate the parent’s fundamental
    constitutional right to raise his or her children free from undue and unwarranted interference
    on the part of the State.
    She further argues that, even if the record could be construed to suggest that the court
    did exercise discretion, it abused its discretion. This is so, she asserts, based on its finding
    at the previous review hearing that Ms. D. was in “substantial, if not total, compliance with
    her court-ordered services,” noting that the existence of remaining “problems was not a
    sufficient basis to waive reasonable efforts.”
    BCDSS contends that, pursuant to the plain language of CJP § 3-812(d), the court is
    required to grant a local department’s motion to waive the obligation to make reasonable
    (2) Make reasonable efforts to place the child in a timely manner in
    accordance with the permanency plan and complete the steps necessary to
    finalize the permanent placement of the child.
    efforts to reunify a parent and a child when the court finds the existence of one of the
    circumstances in § 3-812(d), such as the involuntary loss of parental rights of a sibling child.
    It asserts that the legislative history, and the statutory purpose, i.e., to prevent children from
    languishing in foster care for years while local departments continue to make efforts to
    achieve reunification with hopelessly dysfunctional families, confirms this construction of
    CJP § 3-812. Alternatively, BCDSS asserts that, even if the court was required to exercise
    discretion, it properly did so, because there was overwhelming evidence to support the ruling,
    particularly Ms. D.’s repeated failures to address the root causes of Joy’s placement in foster
    care, her history of uncontrollable rages, and her refusal to cooperate with services.
    With respect to Ms. D.’s constitutional challenge, BCDSS argues that Ms. D. has
    waived this argument because she did not raise it below. In any event, it argues, a mandatory
    grant of a motion to waive the obligation to make reasonable efforts to reunify a parent with
    his or her child does not violate Ms. D.’s fundamental constitutional rights.
    Joy also contends that the court properly waived the obligation of BCDSS to continue
    to provide reunification services to Ms. D. She asserts that the court had ample evidence
    before it to support a waiver of reasonable efforts.         Joy argues that where, as here,
    reunification services would be futile and the child’s best interests require a realistic
    permanency plan, the local department is not required to continue to offer services.
    Application of CJP § 3-812(d)
    The first question we must address is the meaning of the language in § 3-812(d),
    which requires that, upon a finding of the existence of a statutory waiver condition, the court
    “shall waive the requirement” of reasonable efforts toward reunification. Specifically, we
    must determine whether § 3-812(d) creates a mandatory obligation on the court to grant a
    local department’s request to waive the obligation to make reasonable efforts to reunify a
    parent and a child when the court finds that one of the statutory waiver conditions exist.
    In making that determination, we apply well-settled principles of statutory
    In statutory interpretation, our primary goal is always to discern the legislative
    purpose, the ends to be accomplished, or the evils to be remedied by a
    particular provision, be it statutory, constitutional or part of the Rules. We
    begin our analysis by first looking to the normal, plain meaning of the
    language of the statute, reading the statute as a whole to ensure that no word,
    clause, sentence or phrase is rendered surplusage, superfluous, meaningless or
    nugatory. If the language of the statute is clear and unambiguous, we need not
    look beyond the statute's provisions and our analysis ends. If, however, the
    language is subject to more than one interpretation, it is ambiguous, and we
    endeavor to resolve that ambiguity by looking to the statute's legislative
    history, case law, statutory purpose, as well as the structure of the statute.
    When the statute is part of a larger statutory scheme, it is axiomatic that the
    language of a provision is not interpreted in isolation; rather, we analyze the
    statutory scheme as a whole considering the purpose, aim, or policy of the
    enacting body, and attempt to harmonize provisions dealing with the same
    subject so that each may be given effect.
    State v. Phillips, 
    210 Md. App. 239
    , 259-60 (2013) (quoting Lowery v. State, 
    430 Md. 477
    490 (2013)).
    In light of these principles, we start by looking to the language of the Act itself, which
    provides that, upon certain conditions, the court “shall waive” the obligation to provide
    reunification efforts.13 The use of the word “shall” is significant; it “ordinarily indicates a
    mandatory intent, unless the context of the statute indicates otherwise.” Burch v. State, 
    358 Md. 278
    , 284 (2000). Accord Perez v. State, 
    420 Md. 57
    , 63 (2011) (“‘When the Legislature
    commands that something be done, using words such as “shall” or “must” rather than “may”
    or “should,” the obligation to comply with the statute or rule is mandatory.’”) (quoting State
    v. Green, 
    367 Md. 61
    , 82 (2001)); Miller v. City of Annapolis Historic Preservation Comm’n,
    200 Md. App. 612
    , 639-40 (2011) (Shall requires a particular course of action, and
    accordingly, it is mandatory.). Thus, pursuant to the plain language of the statute, upon a
    finding, by clear and convincing evidence, that the parent has involuntarily lost his or her
    rights to a sibling of the child, a court has a mandatory obligation to grant a motion filed by
    the local department to waive the obligation to continue to make reasonable efforts for
    These conditions include a motion filed by a local department requesting a waiver,
    and a finding by the court, by clear and convincing evidence, that one of the circumstances
    specified in CJP § 3-812(b) exists. Appellant does not dispute that these conditions were
    shown in this case. Indeed, she admits in her Brief in this Court that “[t]here was no dispute
    that on November 6, 2003, the Circuit Court for Baltimore City terminated the parental rights
    of Ms. D. to two daughters, India S.-B. and Linda B.”
    This construction of the statute does not mean that a parent who has involuntarily
    lost parental rights to a child will not receive reasonable efforts for reunification in the event
    of a subsequent CINA proceeding of a sibling. Pursuant to the statute, the local department
    is not required to request discontinuation of reasonable efforts for reunification. Rather, the
    statute provides that the local department “may ask the court to find that reasonable efforts
    to reunify a child with the child’s parent or guardian are not required.” CJP § 3-812(b)
    (emphasis added). Thus, as in this case, despite the existence of a statutory waiver condition,
    the department can choose not to file a motion unless it is convinced that reasonable efforts
    The legislative history of CJP § 3-812(d) supports the interpretation that the statute
    imposes a mandatory obligation on the court. In In re James G., 
    178 Md. App. 543
    we reviewed in depth the background regarding the “reasonable efforts” requirement, and
    the significant changes made to federal law in 1997 based on concerns that children were
    lingering in foster homes for too long because agencies were “‘engaged in excessive efforts
    to ‘repair hopelessly dysfunctional families’” and were “‘being reunited with parents when
    it was not safe to do so in the name of reasonable efforts.’” 
    Id. at 575-76
    (quoting Kathleen
    S. Bean, Reasonable Efforts: What State Courts Think, 36 U. Tol. L. Rev. 321, 326 (2005)).
    The 1997 changes to federal law included a requirement that states, in order to receive
    federal subsidies, must provide for the waiver of the requirement that local departments make
    reasonable efforts to reunify the child with the parent under specified circumstances. See 42
    U.S.C. § 671(a)(15)(D), Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (“AFSA”).
    In 1998, in response to the AFSA waiver requirements, the General Assembly passed
    House Bill 1093, which initially was codified at CJP § 3-812.1. See 1998 Md. Laws, ch. 539.
    With respect to the court’s obligation to waive the reasonable efforts requirement upon
    request, the initial bill contained the language “shall,” which was amended by the House
    Judiciary Committee to “may,” but was changed again by the Conference Committee. The
    explanation for the change was to strike “the language in the [amended House] Bill that
    would have made it discretionary for a court to grant a waiver of the local department’s
    for reunification are futile.
    obligation to provide reunification services if aggravated circumstances exist, and substitute[]
    language making it mandatory for a court to grant a waiver of these obligations under those
    circumstances.” Conference Committee Report to HB 1093 at 1-2. In 2001, CJP § 3-812.1
    was re-enacted as CJP § 3-812(d), with no change regarding the mandatory language. 2001
    Md. Laws, ch. 415. The legislature’s intent in this regard is clear.
    Accordingly, we hold, pursuant to the plain language of the statue, as well as the
    legislative history, that the language of CJP § 3-812(d) is mandatory.            When a local
    department requests the court to waive its obligation to continue reunification efforts, and
    the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that one of the statutory waiver conditions
    exists, including that the parent involuntarily lost parental rights to a sibling child, the court
    is required to grant the motion. The circuit court did not err in granting the motion to waive
    the obligation of BCDSS in this case.
    Constitutional Challenge
    As indicated, Ms. D. contends that, if § 3-812 is construed, as we have held, to be a
    mandatory requirement that the court waive the obligation for reasonable efforts for
    reunification, then the statute is unconstitutional. As BCDSS and Joy point out, however,
    Ms. D. did not raise a constitutional argument before the circuit court. Accordingly, we
    decline to address such a challenge now. See Md. Rule 8-131(a). In Hall v. State, 22 Md.
    App. 240, 245-46 (1974), we explained the significance of the lack of preservation regarding
    a constitutional claim:
    On matters of such import and significance as constitutional questions, we
    cannot overstress the necessity of preserving the issue below. . . . “[N]othing
    is better settled than the rule that the question as to the constitutionality of a
    statute will not be considered on appeal when not properly raised and decided
    by the lower court.”
    (Quoting Vuitch v. State, 
    10 Md. App. 389
    , 398 (1970)). Accord Seat Pleasant Baptist
    Church Bd. of Tr. v. Long, 
    114 Md. App. 660
    , 677-78 (1997) (constitutionality of a statute
    will not be considered on appeal when not raised below).

Document Info

Docket Number: 0693-13

Citation Numbers: 216 Md. App. 58, 84 A.3d 223

Judges: Deborah, Eyler, Graeff, Raymond, Thieme

Filed Date: 1/29/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023