Colleen Bodnar v. St John Providence Inc ( 2019 )

  •          If this opinion indicates that it is “FOR PUBLICATION,” it is subject to
    revision until final publication in the Michigan Appeals Reports.
    COLLEEN BODNAR, GREG BOZIMOWSKI,                               FOR PUBLICATION
    CAROL BURKE, GLENDA CALVIN, KEVIN                              March 5, 2019
    v                                                              No. 337615
    Oakland Circuit Court
    ST. JOHN PROVIDENCE, INC. and                                  LC No. 2016-152330-CB
    Before: SHAPIRO, P.J., and SERVITTO and GADOLA, JJ.
    SHAPIRO, J. (concurring in part and dissenting in part).
    I respectfully dissent from the majority’s decision to affirm summary disposition of
    plaintiffs’ breach of contract claim. I conclude that, under Cain v Allen Elec & Equip Co, 
    346 Mich. 568
    ; 78 NW2d 296 (1956), defendant St. John Providence, Inc.’s policies amounted to an
    offer of severance pay that plaintiffs accepted by continuing to work at the hospitals. The scope
    of the disclaimer language and the meaning of the phrase “current pay rate” are ambiguous and
    therefore present questions of fact to be resolved by a jury. 1 I also conclude that there are
    material question questions of fact as to plaintiffs’ promissory estoppel claim and that plaintiffs
    should be allowed to engage in discovery to determine whether defendant Ascension Health is a
    proper party to this action.2
    The basic elements of a contract are an offer, an acceptance, and consideration.
    Kirchhoff v Morris, 
    282 Mich. 90
    , 95; 
    275 N.W. 778
    (1937). Plaintiffs rely primarily on Cain, 
    346 Mich. 568
    , in which the Supreme Court unanimously held that the plaintiff had a contractual right
    to severance pay as defined in the employer’s written policy. In Cain, the plaintiff was an at-will
    Id. at 570.
    The employer had a policy providing that an employee would be paid
    “separation pay.” 
    Id. The policy
    also provided that an executive, as the plaintiff was, “having 5
    to 10 years employment should be entitled to 2 months termination pay.” 
    Id. at 571
    marks omitted). In October, the plaintiff submitted his resignation effective December 15; the
    I disagree with the majority that we should review the trial court’s ruling as being made under
    MCR 2.116(C)(8) (failure to state a claim). I would review the trial court’s summary disposition
    ruling under MCR 2.116(C)(10) because the court found that plaintiffs failed to create a genuine
    issue of material fact on multiple issues and it relied on documents outside of the complaint. See
    Cuddington v United Health Servs, Inc, 
    298 Mich. App. 264
    , 270; 826 NW2d 519 (2012). MCR
    2.116(C)(10) allows a trial court to grant summary disposition when “[e]xcept as to the amount
    of damages, there is no genuine issue as to any material fact, and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment or partial judgment as a matter of law.” MCR 2.116(C)(10). “To determine if a
    genuine issue of material fact exists, the test is whether the kind of record which might be
    developed, giving the benefit of reasonable doubt to the opposing party, would leave open an
    issue upon which reasonable minds might differ.” Skinner v Square D Co, 
    445 Mich. 153
    , 162;
    516 NW2d 475 (1994) (quotation marks and citation omitted). In making this determination, we
    view the record in a light most favorable to the nonmoving party. See Maiden v Rozwood, 
    461 Mich. 109
    , 120; 597 NW2d 817 (1999).
    I agree, however, with the majority’s ruling that the trial court correctly granted summary
    disposition of plaintiffs’ conversion claims. I also concur with the majority’s ruling as to
    defendants’ cross-appeal.
    employer then terminated the plaintiff’s employment effective immediately. 
    Id. at 571
    . The
    employer denied the plaintiff severance pay and suit followed. 
    Id. at 572.
    The trial court ruled
    in the plaintiff’s favor and, on appeal, the employer argued that its policies did not establish a
    contract and instead were “a mere gratuitous statement of policy or intention” that “contained no
    suggestion of agreement, nothing of promise, no offer of any sort . . . .” 
    Id. at 573.
    there was no offer, the argument ran, “there could have been no acceptance and hence no
    Id. at 573-574.
    The Supreme Court first acknowledged the benefits that employers derive from offering
    “dismissal compensation.” 
    Id. at 574-576.
    The Court extensively quoted a treatise on that
    subject, which provided in part that “[p]ublic opinion, the needs of the employees and the desire
    for a permanent, loyal, and efficient working force have united in making dismissal
    compensation seem the proper course for a number of American companies.” 
    Id. at 576,
    Hawkins, Dismissal Compensation (1940), p 25. The Court also reviewed out-of-state caselaw
    holding that the offer of such compensation was binding on the employer.3 
    Id. at 576-579.
    this review, the Cain Court first determined that the employer’s severance pay policy constituted
    an offer:
    We cannot agree that all we have here is a mere gratuity, to be given, or to
    be withheld, as whim or caprice might move the employer. An offer was made,
    not merely a hope or intention expressed. The words on their face looked to an
    agreement, an assent. The co-operation desired was to be mutual. Did the offer
    consist of a promise? “A promise is an expression of intention that the promisor
    will conduct himself in a specified way or bring about a specified result in the
    future, communicated in such manner to a promisee that he may justly expect
    performance and may reasonably rely thereon.” (Corbin on Contracts, § 13.) The
    essence of the announcement was precisely that the company would conduct itself
    in a certain way with the stated objective of achieving fairness, and we would be
    reluctant to hold under such circumstances that an employee might not reasonably
    rely on the expression made and conduct himself accordingly. [
    Id. at 579.
    “As for consideration,” the Court stated: “Suffice in this respect, upon the authority of a
    multitude of cases, to point out that not only were there rewards to the employee, but, in
    addition, substantial rewards to the employer, arising, in part, out of the accomplishment of ‘the
    daily work of the organization in a spirit of co-operation and friendliness.’ ” 
    Id. at 579.
    Court then concluded that the plaintiff had accepted the employer’s offer by continuing his
    employment “beyond the five-year period specified” in the policy, 
    id. at 580,
    qualifying him for
    an executive’s severance pay. 
    Id. at 571
    Cain is binding precedent that we must follow. Associated Builders & Contractors v
    499 Mich. 177
    , 191; 880 NW2d 765, 772 (2016). And, as the majority acknowledges,
    See e.g., Hercules Powder Co v Brookfield, 189 Va 531; 53 S Ed 2d 804, 808 (1949) (holding
    that an employer’s offer of “dismissal pay” was binding when it was made in anticipation of
    “reductions of forces.”). Though decided in 1949, Hercules Powder Co remains good law.
    Cain was decided under traditional contract principles. Applying Cain to this case, I think it is
    clear that St. John’s highly detailed polices constituted an offer for severance pay that plaintiffs
    accepted by continuing to work at St. John’s hospitals. I would also conclude that there is
    adequate consideration to uphold the contract. The timing of the revision to the policies is no
    coincidence. St. John was in the process of outsourcing its anesthesiology services and the
    revised polices provided assurances to the plaintiffs that they would be offered severance pay in
    the event that that a comparable job was not offered to them. The benefit received by St. John,
    of course, is that the polices prevented an exodus of certified registered nurse anesthetists in the
    event that rumor and speculation surfaced regarding St. John’s plan to outsource anesthesiology
    services. Further, plaintiffs had to perform in several ways in order to qualify for the severance
    pay including participating in St. John’s transition plan, working through the defined date of
    termination, and meeting multiple other requirements. I also note that the amount of severance
    pay was directly linked to the employee’s years of service, a clear indication that the payment
    constituted deferred compensation, i.e., payment to be made later for work done previously. See
    Dumas v Auto Club Ins Ass’n, 
    437 Mich. 521
    , 529-530; 473 NW2d 652 (1991).
    In ruling that plaintiffs’ contract claim fails as a matter of law, the majority focuses on
    the disclaimer language found in the “Staff Reduction in Force/Workforce Transition” policy
    (RIF Policy), which provides in full:
    St. John Providence is an “at-will” employer. This means that no
    associate has a guarantee of employment for any definite duration of time. In
    addition, no associate is guaranteed that they will only be removed from
    employment if there is just cause for their removal. Any associate may be
    removed at any time and for any or no reason. As such, this policy provides
    guidelines only and does not constitute a contract of any type, or guarantee of
    continued employment in any position for any duration.
    Cain was silent as to the presence of a provision disclaiming a legal right or claim under the
    policy.4 Regardless, the statement that the RIF Policy “does not constitute a contract of any
    type” must be read in context of the full text of the provision. See Auto Owners Ins Co v Seils,
    310 Mich. App. 132
    , 148; 871 NW2d 530 (2015). It is clear that the import of this provision is to
    reiterate to St. John’s employees that they may be terminated at will and that the RIF Policy is
    not creating a contract of just-cause employment. However, this is irrelevant because plaintiffs
    do not assert that the policies provided them with just-cause employment.
    Further, I do not see why a disclaimer in the RIF Policy should be seen as controlling the
    “Severance Pay and Benefits for Staff (Non-Management) Associates” policy (Severance Pay
    Policy). While the RIF policy provides the general procedure to implement staff reduction and
    reassignment, the Severance Pay Policy, as one might imagine, pertains solely to eligibility for
    and computation of severance pay. The disclaimer language provides only that “this policy,”
    i.e., the RIF Policy, does not create an employment contract. Further, the primacy of the
    The majority characterizes as a “disclaimer” the policy language in Cain providing that the
    policy may be amended at any time.
    Severance Pay Policy is made clear in its text: “[t]his policy supersedes any other policy or
    procedure that may conflict with this policy, with the exception of Employment at Will. It is
    administered in conjunction with Policy – Staff Reduction in Force. Where differences exist, this
    policy takes priority for those eligible for coverage.” (Emphasis added). Read together, the RIF
    and Severance Pay Policies are, at a minimum, ambiguous as to whether defendant was
    disclaiming the terms of severance or merely reiterating that employees did not have a just-cause
    contract for employment. Scott v Farmers Ins Exch, 
    266 Mich. App. 557
    , 561; 702 NW2d 681
    (2005) (“A contract is ambiguous when its words may be reasonably understood in different
    ways.”). Therefore, the meaning and scope of the disclaimer language is a question of fact for a
    jury. Farmer’s Ins Exch v Kurzmann, 
    257 Mich. App. 412
    , 418; 668 NW2d 199 (2003)
    (“Ambiguities in a contract generally raise questions of fact for the jury[.]”).
    To summarize, Cain broadly held that severance pay policies are contractually binding.
    Cain did not address the effect of policy language disclaiming the creation of an employment
    contract, but under the circumstances present here, I would decline to rule as a matter of law that
    defendant was not making a contractual offer to plaintiffs. Considering the ambiguous contract
    language, the benefit that the policies conferred upon St. John, and the fact that St. John never
    revoked the Severance Pay Policy, I would hold that there is a material question of fact for a jury
    regarding whether St. John made plaintiffs a contractual offer.
    The next issue is whether there is a question of fact about the meaning of the phrase
    “current pay rate.” It is undisputed that the policies do not define that phrase. In affidavits, St.
    John’s HR manager and vice president stated that St. John considers only the “hourly pay rate,”
    in determining whether a comparable job offers an employee 80% of current pay rate. Plaintiffs
    argue, however, that other policy provisions show that when St. John wants to refers to an
    employee’s hourly pay rate, it knows how to do so. For example, severance pay is calculated by
    “multiplying the associate’s current base hourly rate x current standard weekly hours.”
    (Emphasis added). In addition, a chart in the Severance Pay Policy refers to “Weeks of Base
    Pay.” Given that, reasonable minds could conclude that an employee’s “current pay rate” is
    distinct from, and broader than, an employee’s base or hourly pay rate.
    The majority concludes that “current pay rate” is unambiguous, reasoning in part that a
    “common understanding” of that phrase would not include benefits. I would not be so bold as to
    determine the meaning of that phrase as a matter of law given the different iterations found in the
    policy, as discussed above. However, I suspect that, when confronted with the circumstances
    faced by plaintiffs, reasonable people would consider more than hourly pay in determining the
    “pay rate” of the prospective employment. The majority also concludes that interpreting “current
    pay rate” to include all wages and benefits would lead to unreasonable computational issues. In
    an age of advanced analytics, I am skeptical that assigning a numerical value to an employee’s
    total compensation is “virtually impossible.” In any event, whether such problems are real or
    fanciful, they are not grounds for summary disposition before an answer has even been filed and
    discovery conducted. “Generally, summary disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(10) is premature if
    it is granted before discovery on a disputed issue is complete.” Marilyn Froling Revocable
    Living Trust v Bloomfield Hills Country Club, 
    283 Mich. App. 264
    , 292; 769 NW2d 234 (2009).
    For those reasons, I would conclude that the phrase “current pay rate” is ambiguous and presents
    a question of fact for a jury. 5
    The elements of promissory estoppel include: “(1) a promise, (2) that the promisor should
    reasonably have expected to induce action of a definite and substantial character on the part of
    the promisee, and (3) that in fact produced reliance or forbearance of that nature in circumstances
    such that the promise must be enforced if injustice is to be avoided.” Novak v Nationwide Mut
    Ins Co, 
    235 Mich. App. 675
    , 686-687; 599 NW2d 546 (1999). “[T]he sine qua non of the theory
    of promissory estoppel is that the promise be clear and definite. . . .” Derderian v Genesys
    Health Care Sys, 
    263 Mich. App. 364
    , 381; 689 NW2d 145 (2004). “In determining whether a
    requisite promise existed, we are to objectively examine the words and actions surrounding the
    transaction in question as well as the nature of the relationship between the parties and the
    circumstances surrounding their actions.” 
    Novak, 235 Mich. App. at 687
    Under the doctrine of promissory estoppel, “[t]he existence and scope of the promise are
    questions of fact . . . .” State Bank of Standish v Curry, 
    442 Mich. 76
    , 84; 500 NW2d 104 (1993).
    Similar to my analysis of plaintiffs’ contract claim, I would conclude that a reasonable jury could
    find that St. John’s highly detailed policies governing payment of severance pay constituted a
    promise that was intended to induce action on behalf of the employees, i.e., to remain and seek
    comparable employment through St. John. The effect of the no-contract disclaimer language in
    the RIF Policy upon the Severance Pay Policy is a question of fact because (1) promissory
    estoppel assumes the absence of a contract; (2) a reasonable person could conclude that St. John
    was emphasizing that it was an at-will employer rather than disclaiming a promise to pay
    severance pay and benefits; and (3) a reasonable person could conclude that the RIF Policy
    disclaimer did not apply to the Severance Pay Policy. Thus, I would reverse the trial court’s
    decision to grant summary of plaintiffs’ promissory estoppel claim.
    Lastly, I agree with plaintiffs that the trial court erred by dismissing Ascension on the
    ground that it was not a proper party to the action. If Ascension is merely St. John’s parent
    company, then it should be dismissed from the case. However, given that no discovery has
    occurred, summary disposition on this disputed issue is premature. Marilyn Froling Revocable
    Trust, 283 Mich. App. at 292
    . Plaintiffs are entitled to conduct discovery on the nature of
    the corporate relationship after which the trial court could determine whether Ascension is a
    proper party. Therefore, I would reverse the trial court’s grant of summary disposition to
    /s/ Douglas B. Shapiro
    However, I agree with the majority that the RIF policy does not support plaintiffs’ claim that
    they were entitled continued employment for a “placement period” of six months.