Jamila Youmans v. Charter Township of Bloomfield ( 2021 )

  •              If this opinion indicates that it is “FOR PUBLICATION,” it is subject to
    revision until final publication in the Michigan Appeals Reports.
    JAMILA YOUMANS, and all others similarly                               UNPUBLISHED
    situated,                                                              January 7, 2021
    v                                                                      No. 348614
    Oakland Circuit Court
    CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD,                                        LC No. 2016-152613-CZ
    Before: STEPHENS, P.J., and MURRAY, C.J. and SERVITTO, JJ.
    In this certified class action, plaintiff Jamila Youmans, who is the sole class representative,
    challenged certain municipal utility rates and ratemaking practices of defendant, Charter Township
    of Bloomfield (“the Township”). Defendant appeals as of right the trial court’s amended
    judgment, entered after a bench trial, that awarded plaintiff and the plaintiff class permanent
    injunctive relief and more than $9 million in restitution. Plaintiff has filed a cross-appeal,
    challenging the trial court’s refusal to award damages for certain components of the Township’s
    water and sewer rates.1 We affirm the trial court’s ruling concerning plaintiff’s claims based upon
    a violation of § 31 of the Headlee Amendment, Const 1963, art 9, § 31, reverse its judgment
    awarding monetary and equitable relief to plaintiff and the plaintiff class, and remand for entry of
    a judgment of no cause of action in favor of the Township.
    By leave of this Court, the Michigan Municipal League and the Michigan Townships Association
    have submitted an amicus brief that supports the Township’s position. Youmans v Charter Twp of
    Bloomfield, unpublished order of the Court of Appeals, entered January 29, 2020 (Docket No.
    This case arises out of plaintiff’s challenge to various aspects of the Township’s water and
    sewer rates and its related ratemaking methodology during the “class period,” which commenced
    on April 21, 2010, for purposes of plaintiff’s assumpsit claims (i.e., six years before plaintiff
    initiated this action) and on April 21, 2015, for purposes of plaintiff’s Headlee claims (i.e., one
    year before plaintiff initiated this action). In October 2016, the trial court entered an order
    “certifying this case as a class action” and appointing plaintiff as the sole class representative.
    Plaintiff’s amended complaint included six counts, the first of which asserted several claims for
    violation of § 31 of the Headlee Amendment, and the remainder of which asserted claims for
    “ASSUMPSIT/MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED” with regard to both certain specific
    components of the Township’s water and sewer rates and the “arbitrary, capricious, and
    unreasonable” nature of those rates and the underlying ratemaking processes. After the trial court
    denied the parties’ competing motions for summary disposition, the matter proceeded to a 10-day
    bench trial.
    Wayne Domine, the director of the Township’s “engineering and environmental services”
    department from 1991 until his retirement in May 2017, testified that the Township consists of
    approximately 18,000 parcels of realty, approximately 3,000 of which are not serviced by the
    Township’s water utility. The water system provides treated, potable water to its municipal
    customers, but it is also used for firefighting capability, providing water to the Township’s fire
    According to Domine, much of the Township’s water system was privately constructed by
    real estate developers beginning in the 1920’s. The infrastructure was originally a piecemeal
    collection of “several subdivision well water supply systems throughout the township.” However,
    [i]n 1963, the township had decided that the existing well systems would not be
    adequate to provide the water quality and quantity required to maintain the
    projected future demands of the community. The connection to the City of Detroit
    system was found to be most dependable for the health and welfare of the township
    residents. Several miles of transmission mains were constructed. . . . Since then
    over 200 miles of lateral water mains have been extended into areas either by means
    of special assessments or developer funded projects.
    Since 2004, the Township has been subject to an abatement order, which arose out of litigation
    with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), to “dry out” the sewer system,
    i.e., prevent water infiltration into the system. After performing a long-term needs study, the
    Township approved a 20-year capital improvement program, which is funded by the inclusion of
    a “water debt charge” in the disputed utility rates.
    Domine agreed that the Township’s sewer system is a separated system, with “one set of
    pipes for sanitary sewage,” and a separate storm-sewer system, which is “intended to collect storm
    water runoff or . . . water from the land” and discharges such water directly into a waterway. The
    Township does not own its storm-sewer system, other than the storm drains that are on the property
    of the township. Rather, the storm-sewer system is owned and maintained, in concert, by several
    county and state entities. Oakland County bills the Township for the “sewer flow” that exits in the
    Township, as estimated by approximately 30 meters located in various areas, based on the
    Township’s proportional contribution to the entire system. Conversely, the Township does not
    measure “sewer flow” in order to determine the rate that it charges its municipal sewage customers;
    it bases the overarching sewer rate on water usage, which is the common practice throughout
    Oakland County.
    Domine was involved in the Township’s annual budgeting (on a limited basis) and water
    and sewer ratemaking from before the class periods in this case commenced until his May 2017
    retirement.2 He also coauthored the “annual rate memorandum,” which included an outline of
    recommended water and sewer rates and was presented to the Township “board” for approval each
    year. The “first” consideration in ratemaking was “to gather up all the expenses, and then
    determine a revenue that would cover those expenses.” Put simply, the rates were intended to
    allow the Township to “[b]reak even,” but the process is complex, generally taking place “over
    several months.” By nature, the rates are predictive—intended to cover expenses that will be
    incurred after the rates are set—and thus they merely estimate the revenue that will be required.
    Accordingly, to provide a “margin of error,” the rates were generally set to generate “a revenue
    stream slightly above” the projected expenses, but in some years during Domine’s tenure, the
    “water and sewer fund” was operating at a deficit. Even so, and in at least one year, a midyear
    adjustment to the rates was required to prevent an excessive deficit. The ratemaking process
    employed by the Township did not focus on individual line items; it employed a holistic approach,
    focusing on generating sufficient overall annual revenue to cover the overall annual costs.
    Jason Theis testified that he served as either the Township’s finance director or deputy
    finance director at all times pertinent to this case, during which time he was also involved in the
    annual budgeting process for the Township’s water and sewer fund. Theis is a certified “public
    finance officer,” which is akin to being a certified public accountant, but with an exclusive focus
    on governmental, rather than private, finance and accounting. He indicated that, in setting the
    disputed utility rates, it was desirable to budget both revenues and expenses “conservatively,” in
    hopes of ensuring sufficient revenue to cover expenses. As a result, with regard to individual line
    items in the budget, the actual amounts received or expended often varied considerably from the
    projections used in setting the rates. Over the ratemaking period of six months, the disputed rates
    would go “through many different iterations.”
    According to Domine and Theis, the water rate included a “variable rate” for consumption,
    which was intended to recover the Township’s operating expenses, depreciation improvements,
    and the cost of the water purchased from the Southeastern Oakland County Water Authority, and
    Thomas Trice, the director of the Township’s Department of Public Works (DPW), testified that
    he was also involved in the disputed ratemaking process during the pertinent timeframe.
    the water rate also included a “fixed,” “ready-to-serve” charge to cover extra operational expense.
    The fixed portion of the water rate generally represented about 80% of the utility’s required
    revenue stream, and it was intended to help the Township cover its “steady stream of monthly
    expenses” despite fluctuating water use and revenue over time.
    Similarly, Domine indicated that the sewer rate included a “variable rate,” which was
    intended to recoup operating expenses (including treatment of raw sewage) and depreciation
    improvements, and the sewer rate also included a “fixed” charge that was intended to recover the
    remainder of the Township’s operating expenses. In addition, both the sewer and water rates
    included debt service charges, which were assessed in amounts intended to pay the debt service on
    bonds or other obligations issued by the Township related to water and sewer.
    The parties stipulated that some portion of the Township’s utility ratepayers were not also
    on the “tax rolls” that fund the Township’s general fund, citing examples including tax-exempt
    entities like churches. Domine indicated that about 80% of the Township’s water customers are
    also sewer customers, with the remainder using septic-tank systems. A small portion of
    customers—about 3%—receive sewer services only; they are not water customers. Domine agreed
    that those “sewer only” customers are billed in one of two ways. The majority pay a fixed annual
    charge, while the remainder have elected to have a meter installed on their well-water line and are
    billed “for their sewer based upon actual water usage.” Additionally, the water system permits
    homeowners to install a “secondary” water meter that measures water used outside the home (e.g.,
    for lawn irrigation or swimming pools), and such water usage is not included when calculating the
    homeowner’s sewer charges.
    Because the Township has no way of determining the amount of “sewer” services a sewer-
    only customer uses, the “fixed annual charge” is determined by averaging the rate of the “sewer
    only” customers who have elected to have a water meter installed. Domine admitted that the sewer
    ratemaking methodology did not account for the sewer only customers explicitly. But Domine
    also indicated that, because the Township had been overestimating volume in an attempt to keep
    the sewer rate from excessively increasing, “a lot” of the time the Township did not collect enough
    “sewer revenue” to cover the associated costs fully.
    According to Theis, the budgeting program for the water and sewer fund—which he
    sometimes referred to as the creation of a “projected income statement”—involved “a lot of back
    and forth” “looking at five year trends of all the different accounts within the water and sewer
    fund,” establishing projected figures for “operational” overhead (including staffing expenses), and
    projecting the anticipated water costs. Of the 18 different Township funds for which annual
    budgets and projections are prepared, the water and sewer fund was the only “enterprise fund”
    (i.e., a proprietary, non-tax revenue, self-sustaining fund, which charges for services provided, is
    not supported by a millage, and falls outside the operating township budget), and it was the most
    difficult to budget for because it involved “more guess work” than the other funds, particularly
    with regard to commodity charges and tap sales. For instance, the revenue received during a “dry
    season” would vary by “millions of dollars” from the revenue received in “a wet season[.]” In
    addition to the Township’s 18 budgeted funds, Theis also oversees approximately another 10 that
    aren’t budgeted. Most of the Township’s utility customers were billed on a quarterly basis, while
    most of the “suppliers” billed the Township monthly. As a result, in calculating the necessary
    revenue flow to meet its utility expenses, the Township needed to plan to keep sufficient cash on
    hand from quarter to quarter.
    As an expert witness, plaintiff called Kerry Heid, who is a “rate consultant specializing in
    the public utility field,” ratemaking in particular, and has approximately 40 years of experience in
    that field. He agreed that the “first step” in utility ratemaking “is to determine the revenue
    requirement,” i.e., the revenue that the utility will need to cover its expenses, and he also agreed
    that this involves cost projections regarding variable expenses that are generally unknown when
    the rates are set.
    According to Heid, “almost industry-wide, the generally recognized standard to use for
    generally accepted cost of service and rate making practices for water utilities” was, at the time of
    trial, set forth in the seventh edition of “the American Water Works Association M1 Manual” (the
    “M1 Manual”). Heid’s opinions in this case concerning the disputed water rates were based on
    those methodologies and principles. He indicated that there are “two generally accepted methods”
    by which a utility’s revenue requirements are determined: (1) “the cash basis, or the cash method,”
    and (2) “the utility basis.” In Heid’s opinion, the Township used the cash method in calculating
    the disputed rates. Under that method, a municipality determines “its cash needs” by considering
    expenses such as “debt service, which would include principal and interest on bonds or outstanding
    debt,” “operating and maintenance expenses,” taxes, “[a]nd any other cash needs that the utility
    would need in order to operate its utility.” The total of such expenses constitutes the utility’s
    “revenue requirement.” In determining which expenses, precisely, are properly considered in
    ratemaking, a utility should only include an expense if it is “prudently incurred” and “necessary
    for the utility to operate.”
    According to Heid, after a utility has determined its anticipated revenue requirement,
    “[t]here are two different sources of funds that the utility needs to consider, such that the total of
    those fund sources would generate the needed revenue requirement”: (1) rate revenue, and (2)
    “miscellaneous revenues,” which are also known as “non-rate revenues.” Non-rate revenue
    includes any “sources of revenue that the utility does receive over and above the actual rates that
    are developed by the utility.” Before determining its rates, a utility should “net out the non-rate
    revenue from the total revenue requirement.” For example, if a utility’s initial revenue requirement
    was estimated to be $100,000, but it expected to generate non-rate revenue of $5,000, it should
    “design rates that would generate revenues of $95,000.”
    Heid indicated that, after determining its “net revenue requirement,” the utility would
    determine what portion it “want[ed] to recover through a customer charge,” such as the fixed
    portion of the Township’s water rate, and how much the utility wanted to recover by way of “a
    volumetric charge” for water use. Although there is an element of “discretion” in deciding the
    proper ratio of the fixed customer charge and volumetric charge, Heid opined that the proper
    method was to perform a “cost of service study,” which is something that the Township had failed
    to do, instead relying on what Heid described as “an arbitrary allocation[.]” In any event, Heid
    indicated that after deducting the fixed charge from the revenue requirement, a utility should divide
    the remaining portion (i.e., the portion it wished to recover through a volumetric charge) by the
    expected “total usage,” with the result of that equation equaling the appropriate utility rate. In
    Heid’s view, it was “[a]bsolutely not” appropriate for a municipal utility to design its rates to
    “over-recover,” i.e., to recover more than the utility’s net revenue requirement.
    The Township called Joe Heffernan as an expert witness. Heffernan is a certified public
    accountant and retired from Plante Moran with at least 30 years of experience in conducting
    “public sector” accounting audits and consultations. He indicated that municipalities are obliged
    to have such external audits performed under Michigan law. According to Heffernan, before he
    reviewed the financial statements in this case, the Township’s independent auditing firm had
    “already looked at the underlying general ledger and tested the internal controls and looked for
    compliance with laws and regulations[.]” After doing so, the independent auditors issued an audit
    opinion indicating that the Township’s “financial statements are fairly stated” and were “free of
    material misstatement,” meaning that “they’re reliable.” Similarly, Heffernan discerned “nothing”
    in the financial statements that would have led him to suspect that the Township’s water and sewer
    department was potentially failing to comply with any applicable regulatory law.
    Heffernan testified that Plante Moran audits “125 communities in southeast Michigan.”
    About “[a] third to half of them don’t” issue rate memoranda or any other “formal written
    document” explaining their utility-ratemaking methodology. Nor was he aware of any
    “requirement” for municipalities to do so. In setting their utility rates, such municipalities “just
    look at two things, what do our cash reserves look like, do they seem too high or too low, what’s
    the percentage increase that we’re going to get from our supplier, and based on whether their cash
    is too high or too low they bump . . . up or bump . . . down” the rates. Such “simple” ratemaking
    was “really common,” and it “seem[ed] to work,” historically resulting in relatively proportional
    cash inflows and outflows for the utilities that employ it.
    Heffernan agreed that it is “possible to reach a reasonable water and sewer rate using a
    flawed rate model” or no model at all, and he also agreed that “mathematical precision” in
    calculating rates is neither required nor possible because rate models are based on predictions,
    “[a]nd honestly, every single one of your individual projections will be wrong” to one degree or
    another. “[T]he numbers are so big . . . and can change by so much you really have to accept a
    certain amount of fluctuation and variation[.]”
    The Township also called Bart Foster as an expert, with his expertise “in the area of
    municipal water and sewer service rate setting[.]” Foster has “30-plus years’ experience” in
    “providing financial, management consulting, and rate consulting services to predominantly
    municipal water and waste water utilities.” He has performed such services for “between 10 and
    20” municipalities in Michigan, and he was “pretty much regularly engaged for over 30 years with
    the Detroit Water and Sewage Department until they transitioned into the Great Lakes Water
    Authority” (GLWA). At the time of trial, he was employed as a consultant at the GLWA, and he
    indicated that he was familiar with Michigan regulatory law regarding municipal utilities.3
    According to Domine, one factor that was considered in setting the water rates was “non-
    metered water,” which was, in essence, “lost” water that the Township purchased but never
    actually sold. This occurred for “a variety” of reasons, such as broken water mains, leaks,
    “[c]onstruction water” (i.e., water used in the construction and maintenance of the water system
    itself), “billing inaccuracies,” “meter inaccuracies,” and “lag time” in meter reading. During the
    relevant “class period” years, Domine had estimated the anticipated “lost” water, for ratemaking
    purposes, at between 5% and 7% of the Township’s annual projected water purchase. Such “lost
    water” figures were included in setting the water rates, intended to offset the cost of the water that
    the Township had purchased but never sold to its metered customers.
    According to Heffernan, “water loss” is something that he commonly encountered in
    auditing municipal utilities because one “key” metric in “every” such audit was a comparison
    between “the volume of water purchased and sold by the water and sewer fund[.]” On the other
    hand, Foster indicated that he disfavored the use of the phrase “lost water”—preferring to use the
    phrase “unaccounted-for water”—because “lost water” is an “unduly simplified” description.
    Terminological disputes aside, Foster agreed with Domine and Heffernan about the essential
    underlying concept, explaining that for a municipality like the Township, which has no water
    “production facilities” and instead “purchases water wholesale,” unaccounted-for water “would
    simply be how much water is being purchased on a wholesale basis from the provider . . . compared
    to how much water [the municipality] sells to the customers[.]” Such unaccounted-for water was
    generally attributable to “the possibility of inaccurate meter reads, both on the purchase side and
    on the sales side,” “natural leakage out of the pipes,” and “uses of water for construction purposes
    that’s unmetered[.]” Foster indicated that “the Township had an unaccounted-for water percentage
    of between 4 and 5 percent,” which was “on the low” or “medium side” for municipalities in
    southeast Michigan. He opined that, because unaccounted-for water was “a cost of maintaining
    the system,” “it is appropriate to recover that” cost in the corresponding utility rates, and it would
    be inappropriate for the water and sewer fund or the Township’s general fund to bear such expense.
    Domine indicated that “construction water” is used primarily in “the flushing and filling of
    the water mains that are being built,” in “pressurizing the main,” and also when “doing bacteria
    testing.” In his opinion, the use of such unmetered construction water is “necessary . . . for the
    operation of the system itself[.]”
    In substance, Foster’s relevant expert opinions were largely identical to those expressed by
    In addition to “lost” water, Domine agreed that “the township’s facilities use water, but
    there isn’t a check written from the water and sewer fund to the general fund for the value of that
    water[.]” He explained that, rather than paying for such water with cash, the Township provides
    in-kind “services and value” to “the water and sewer fund,” the value of which “exceeds the value”
    of the water used by the Township’s facilities. Domine and Theis admitted that they were aware
    of no formal documentation of such in-kind remuneration. As an example of one such in-kind
    service, Domine indicated that Township firefighters performed inspection, “flushing, and some
    of the maintenance” on the Township’s fire hydrants. As other examples, Theis indicated that his
    services and those of his staff (i.e., accounting, finance, and human resources services) are
    provided to the water and sewer fund at no charge, as are the services of the Township’s “IT
    department,” which spends approximately 10% of its resources servicing the water and sewer fund.
    That fund is also provided “maintenance” and “cleaning” services by Township employees.
    Although some of the municipal buildings are equipped with water meters, readings were
    never taken, and thus there was no record of precisely how much water was used by the municipal
    facilities during the pertinent timeframe. As part of this litigation, however, Domine prepared an
    estimate of the water used by the Township’s facilities, estimating a total annual use of
    approximately 3.8 million gallons. Based on that figure, he estimated that the combined water and
    sewer services provided to the Township facilities was worth approximately $35,000 annually,4
    while the water provided to the Township’s fire hydrants was valued at $10 per hydrant, for a total
    of $31,000. Domine and Theis each estimated the value of the Township’s in-kind remuneration
    for such services to be more than $100,000 annually.
    Contrastingly, Heid indicated that any in-kind remuneration that the Township provided to
    the water and sewer fund was inadequate because, based on his estimations, the value of the “public
    fire protection” services rendered to the Township by the water utility “was in excess of a million
    dollars every year[.]” And with regard to fire hydrant water usage, Heid indicated that the $10
    estimate per hydrant was “grossly inadequate and without any basis[.]”
    According to Heffernan, most municipalities “typically” have water meters installed on
    municipal buildings, and their water and sewer departments typically bill the general fund for such
    water use. Foster agreed, indicating that he does not “normally see . . . the practice employed by
    [the] Township” of accepting in-kind remuneration for water from the general fund rather than
    directly billing the general fund for the water used by municipal facilities. But according to
    Heffernan, based on his experience with “other communities of a similar size,” he estimated that
    the true value of the in-kind services provided to the water and sewer department by way of
    Heid indicated that the $35,000 estimate was facially reasonable.
    “general fund” dollars was “in the neighborhood of” $700,000 or $800,000. On that basis,
    Heffernan opined that he would not consider the Township’s facilities to be receiving “free water.”
    On the other hand, Foster indicated that the value of the water used by the Township
    facilities and the in-kind services provided to the water and sewer fund were “close to being a
    wash[.]” But he also indicated that the Township’s in-kind remuneration strategy was “perfectly
    reasonable” and opined that the disputed utility rates would most likely go up, not down, if the
    Township were to undo the in-kind arrangement and, along with beginning to pay for water used
    by Township facilities, also begin to charge the water and sewer department for all of the services
    that it had previously received from the Township at no charge.
    Domine indicated that he never employed the term “non-rate revenue” while working for
    the Township and had not heard that term before this litigation commenced; rather, he categorized
    such revenue as “other revenue.” His testimony concerning the treatment of non-rate revenue in
    the ratemaking process was somewhat convoluted. He agreed that the annual rate memoranda
    “probably” contained no “discussion” of non-rate revenue—those memoranda “never” specified
    all of the “expenses” underlying the recommended rates—but he disagreed that non-rate revenue
    was “not factored into” the rate “model” for the disputed utilities, explaining that they were
    considered as part of the “revenue stream” for the Township’s annual budget, but not as a source
    of revenue attributable to the disputed rates. Later, however, Domine testified that “non-rate
    revenue . . . is not included in the rate calculation. It’s considered as extra revenue to pay towards
    the expenses.” (Emphasis added.) Later still, when Domine was asked, “[Y]ou weren’t recovering
    all of your budgeted expenses through the rate, but instead were leaving some of them off because
    you anticipated getting non-rate revenue[?]”, he replied, “Yeah, that—that would be what I’ve
    been saying all along.” He also indicated that non-rate revenue was “reflected in the numbers” in
    the annual rate memoranda, explaining that the total operating expenses listed in those documents
    were actually “the net expenses, after deducting the non-rate” revenue. Notably, Domine qualified
    his answers somewhat by stating that his memory of such issues was hazy, given that he had
    retired, and questions about non-rate revenue would be better directed to the Township’s finance
    director, Theis. But Domine also indicated that he “kn[e]w for a fact” that he had deducted non-
    rate revenue from the total operating expenses before calculating the disputed rates. In effect, this
    benefited the utility customers, lowering rates.
    When the trial court asked Domine whether the deduction of non-rate revenue from total
    operating expenses had “historically” been “manifest” in his “paperwork,” he replied, “It—it just
    came up in the last couple years . . . you got to understand, for 20 some years, a lot of it, I just did
    it[.]” Historically, Domine had performed the calculations informally for his own use, using
    “notepads and sticky notes,” rather than documenting the process formally.5 However, during his
    final two years working for the Township, he had created a detailed spreadsheet to explain to his
    replacement “how the process works[.]” The spreadsheet showed the same process by which
    Domine had deducted non-rate revenue from the total operating expenses “in the past.”
    Theis agreed that, with the exception of “the ‘16, ‘17 rate memo,” the rate memos for the
    other fiscal years at issue here did not include any “calculation that deducts non-rate revenue before
    setting the rate.” Like Domine, however, Theis disagreed with the contention that non-rate revenue
    had not been accounted for in calculating the disputed rates, indicating that it had been used to
    offset projected annual expenses in ratemaking. Theis indicated that certain informal spreadsheets,
    which he had prepared for his own use in prior years, documented that process of incorporating
    non-rate revenue into the rates. Theis considered a specific item of non-rate revenue to be
    attributable as revenue of the water and sewer department if it was “directly related” to those utility
    On the other hand, Heid indicated that, other than the Township’s “rate document for fiscal
    year 2016-17,” in his review of the documents provided to him in this case, Heid had “absolutely
    not” seen “any evidence” that non-rate revenue was properly accounted for in calculating the
    disputed rates. On the contrary, after comparing the “operating expenses that were reflected in the
    budget” for each class-period year “to the operating expenses that were utilized in the”
    corresponding “rate making model” for that year, Heid opined that the numbers indicated that the
    Township had not duly “netted out” the non-rate revenue in any fiscal year other than the one
    beginning in 2016. Heid summarized: “My opinion . . . is that the utility’s reasoning or explanation
    for the treatment of non-rate revenues does not hold water, that they did not net out the non-rate
    revenue from the operating expenses as reflected in the rate memos.” The Township’s failure to
    deduct non-rate revenue “was not a reasonable rate making practice” because it “is commonly
    accepted that the non-rate revenues should be deducted from the total revenue requirement when
    establishing rates,” and in Heid’s reckoning, “if the rate methodology is faulty,” then it is not
    possible to determine whether “the rate is reasonably proportionate” to the underlying utility costs.
    On cross-examination, Heid indicated that he had “solely derived” his opinions concerning
    whether non-rate revenue was duly incorporated into the disputed rates by reviewing the annual
    “rate memorandums.” He had not reviewed any “underlying work papers.”
    Although Heffernan agreed that non-rate revenues should be accounted for in ratemaking,
    he indirectly criticized Heid’s methodology, indicating that it was not useful to compare the
    numbers in the rate memoranda and those in the water and sewer fund’s annual “budget” because
    such documents are prepared “at two different points in time,” “for two different purposes,”
    utilizing different accounting principles. Thus, inconsistencies between the two documents were
    Theis described the prior methodology as, for “lack of a better term,” “back of a napkin”
    calculations, which were not performed “consistently” during the relevant timeframe.
    to be expected. Heffernan explained that “quite often” the budget does not have “a great
    relationship to what actually happens” after the budget is set, and the same is true with regard to
    rate memoranda.
    Heffernan further explained that his analysis of the issues in this case involved “looking
    through the financial statements, some of the other documents ancillary to the financial statements,
    and most importantly, having some open discussion with the finance director, [the Department of
    Public Works (DPW)] director, and talking through what’s behind the numbers in order to come
    to a conclusion.” He focused on the financial statements particularly, “because those are what
    actually happened,” whereas the annual utility “budget” was “merely a plan of what you may
    expect to happen,” intended to permit the Township board to grant its “permission” for the “the
    various department heads . . . to conduct business and spend up to certain amounts for certain
    purposes.” Similarly, although “rate memos can help inform you as to” the thought process
    employed in ratemaking, they cannot demonstrate the results—”what really happened”—like
    financial statements do. For that reason, financial statements are vitally important in auditing
    municipal utilities. They permit an auditor to assess whether the revenues actually received by a
    utility are “proportional” to the actually incurred underlying expenses.
    Foster’s opinions in this case were also primarily founded on his review of the Township’s
    financial statements, and he agreed with Heffernan that they are preferable to the water and sewer
    fund’s budgets and rate memoranda because it was best to evaluate “the effect” of rates and charges
    “after the fact[.]” Foster added that having been independently audited, the “financial statements
    have a degree of review that is arguably more—more rigorous than a budget or a rate memoranda.”
    After reviewing the Township’s relevant financial statements, Heffernan and Foster both
    opined that the Township had duly accounted for non-rate revenues during the pertinent timeframe,
    although its calculations concerning non-rate revenue were not set forth in the rate memoranda.
    As Heffernan put it, “The work just wasn’t shown.” Even so, Heffernan believed that the financial
    statements and the proportionality of the water and sewer fund’s cash flows during the relevant
    timeframe “clearly” demonstrated that the Township had properly accounted for non-rate revenue
    in the disputed rates. Heffernan expounded, “That’s the great thing about the financial statements,
    you can’t hide. It’s in there or else the auditor would be disclaiming their opinion and saying
    everything is wrong.”
    Additionally, Heffernan indicated that even assuming, for the sake of argument, that the
    Township had not duly accounted for non-rate revenue in setting the disputed rates, that failure,
    standing alone, was insufficient to render the rates “unreasonable[.]” Foster agreed, stating that
    “it wouldn’t matter” because if the water and sewer fund had recovered too much in the disputed
    rates, it would have either adjusted its rates accordingly or taken the opportunity to prudently add
    to its reserve funds, and if it had recovered too little, “there would need to be rate increases in order
    to get the reserves at . . . the prudent level.”
    When asked, on cross-examination, whether failure to account for non-rate revenues would
    result in “an overcharge to the rate payers,” Heffernan replied:
    Potentially. And the reason I say potentially is there’s only an overcharge
    if in fact you have charged them more than their actual cost. And in the rates there
    are so many other things that could be inaccurate in your rate model and you don’t
    know until you see what—and that’s why I look at the financial statements, what
    were the costs, what was the revenue that came in, that tells you if you’ve
    Michael McMahon, who is an employee of the Oakland County Water Resources
    Commissioner’s Office, testified that Oakland County assesses fees to its municipalities for
    maintenance of the county storm-sewer system. The charges for “chapter 4 drains” are generally
    “assessed . . . to individual property owners,” although an “at large portion” is assessed to the
    municipality and some municipalities pay the “chapter 4” charges on behalf of their residents,
    while the charges for “chapter 20 drains” are “assessed to municipalities at large.”6 The county
    also charges municipalities a combined sewer overflow facility fee.
    According to McMahon, in 2015, the Township was in arrears of approximately $346,560
    with regard to its county drain charges because, before that time, the county “had sort of lapsed on
    some of [its] assessments.” The same situation had occurred with multiple municipalities, and
    McMahon was tasked with getting all the drain funds out of deficit. Accordingly, he contacted
    Domine, seeking to establish a budgetary plan for the Township to satisfy its arrearage. Ultimately,
    it was agreed that the Township would do that over the course of a couple years so that they could
    budget for it.
    Domine indicated that, as a result, in the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2015, the Township
    began including a line item in its water and sewer budget for “county storm drain maintenance”
    (the “drain charges”). Before that time, the Township’s “chapter 20” drain fees had always been
    paid out of the Township’s general fund with tax dollars, not included as an aspect of the disputed
    utility budgets. For example, in 2013, $23,000 was paid from the general fund to satisfy the drain
    charges. The first year after the switch, the new budgetary line item for drain charges was
    $200,000, which was included in calculating the disputed utility rates. An additional $200,000
    was included in the same fashion the next year (i.e., in the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2016),
    and $75,000 was included for drain charges the year after that.
    Domine indicated that, to his knowledge, the Township does not pass any of its “chapter 4 drain”
    charges onto its tax base or ratepayers.
    Domine was unable to explain specifically why the drain charges were shifted from a
    general-fund obligation to a component of the disputed utility rates, but he recalled the Township’s
    finance director indicating that he was closing the particular general fund from which the drain
    charges had previously been assessed and reallocating the line items that had been paid out of that
    fund “to other accounts . . . that would be more appropriate[.]” Domine agreed that one of the
    functions of the storm-sewer system is to collect water that runs off the road so it doesn’t flood the
    roadways, and the system also prevents soil erosion. However, Domine also testified that the
    Township does not own any of the roads within it, indicating that they are all owned by the county,
    the state, or private entities, and the county and state, not the Township, therefore have sole
    responsibility for installing any new drains that are required to ensure proper drainage from
    roadways. Trice agreed with that sentiment. According to Domine and Trice, the storm-sewer
    system also benefits the Township’s separate sanitary sewer system by preventing the “infiltration
    or inflow” that the Township was ordered to remedy in the litigation with DEQ; by lowering the
    water-treatment charges incurred by the Township (and thereby lowering the disputed utility
    rates); and by preventing the backflow of raw sewage into the ground, the sewer system, and sewer
    customers’ homes. Trice explained that the county storm drains run parallel with the Township’s
    sanitary sewers, and thus anytime the storm-sewer system floods as a result of improper
    maintenance, storm water would get into the sanitary sewer system and could wreak havoc (e.g.,
    it could collapse Township pipes).
    According to Theis, in 2014, the Township began to charge the water and sewer department
    annual rent of $350,000, which was included as an expense in the disputed ratemaking process in
    the years that followed. Such rent was paid by the water and sewer fund—by way of a quarterly
    journal entry in the ledger—to the Township’s general fund, for the use of the DPW facility. The
    DPW facility was constructed “probably” sometime between 2007 and 2009, and it was financed
    by a new debt millage. The water and sewer fund had occupied the DPW facility since sometime
    in 2009 or 2010. The Township’s motor pool also occupied several automotive repair bays at the
    DPW facility, which were used to service all of the Township’s different departments and funds.
    Trice testified that he was the individual who established the amount of the disputed
    $350,000 rent charge. He calculated that figure by estimating that the water and sewer department
    was occupying about 30,000 square feet of the DPW facility’s total 77,000 square feet, then
    applying an estimated annual rental rate of $12 per square foot. Trice established that estimated
    rental rate of $12 per square foot based on storage space that the Township was already renting
    out in the local district court building, and the figure was also approved of by the Township
    assessor. In setting the $350,000 annual rent, Trice opined that the Township had used the lowest
    number available. In his opinion, it would have yielded a much higher rental figure had the
    Township based the rent on an allocation of all of the actual costs associated with the DPW facility,
    such as insurance, accounting, IT, HR, administration, and consultants. Trice also indicated that
    the disputed rental figure was calculated only by reference to the space in the DPW facility actually
    occupied by the water and sewer department, it did not include the areas occupied by other
    departments, such as the motor pool.
    In Theis’s estimation, the annual rent of $350,000 was reasonable, given the Township’s
    related expenses for depreciation and bond interest with regard to the DPW facility, which were,
    in concert, over $400,000 a year. In addition, the Township incurred costs for ongoing
    maintenance, operation, and cleaning of the DPW facility, and it paid a share of the facility’s utility
    bills for gas and electric. In a broader sense, Theis believed that it was appropriate for the water
    and sewer fund to pay rent for its office space because, “as an enterprise fund, they should be self-
    sustaining, and all costs and revenues should be coming from and to that base of customers, as
    opposed to taxpayer[s] in general.”
    With regard to the disputed rent charges, plaintiff called James Olson as an expert witness.
    Olson is the director of a company that specializes in preparing federally mandated cost allocation
    plans for governmental entities, including municipalities. Olson testified that, in his professional
    opinion, the $350,000 annual rent charge was not “appropriate because it’s not based on cost,” i.e.,
    “the cost of the facility, . . . utilities, maintenance, insurance; anything that related to capital
    improvements on the building once it’s built, [and] that kind of thing.” To the extent that the rent
    was instead based on depreciation and the interest associated with debt for that facility, Olson
    viewed that methodology as improper because those expenses were already “paid for” by the
    special millage that had financed the DPW facility. Olson explained, “Well, if you’re a taxpayer,
    you’re paying for the building and its interest cost in a separate bill, so you’re paying for that once.
    You wouldn’t pay for it again in the rate that you pay for your water and sewer.” In Olson’s
    estimation, the amount of rent charged by the Township for the DPW facility bore no discernible
    relationship to the properly considered costs, it was instead improperly based on an estimated
    market rate. However, because of the limited information that had been provided to him, Olson
    had admittedly been unable to determine the Township’s annual maintenance expense for the DPW
    facility, and he acknowledged that it was “possible that there’s some maintenance expense that
    could properly be charged” to the water and sewer fund. Olson also indicated that his opinion
    concerning the propriety of the Township’s methodology in calculating the disputed rental figure
    involved a philosophical “gray area” of accounting principles.
    On cross-examination, Olson admitted that, as an enterprise fund, it was appropriate for
    the water and sewer fund to be funding its own office space somehow, and he was not of the
    opinion that it was altogether inappropriate for the Township to charge that fund some amount of
    rent. Additionally, Olson conceded that it would be appropriate for the Township to consider the
    central service costs related to the DPW facility—including accounting, financial, auditing, human
    resources, insurance, security, legal, and “IT” services—in determining the proper rental amount,
    along with “general administrative expenses[.]” Because plaintiff’s counsel had not supplied
    Olson with the necessary information, Olson had been unable to prepare a full cost allocation plan
    for the water and sewer fund, and he was also unable to comment on how, precisely, the Township
    had calculated the disputed rental amount. Finally, Olson admitted that, although he was not aware
    of any federal funding related to the DPW facility, his opinions in this case were based exclusively
    on federal regulations establishing guidelines for development of indirect costs for federal
    When asked to critique Olson’s opinion concerning the rent charges, Heffernan indicated
    that Olson’s reliance on federal regulations was inappropriate because those regulations do “not
    apply to any spending that’s not of federal dollars,” and although every township in Michigan
    receives at least “a little bit” of federal funding in the form of a community development block
    grant, only those specific federal funds must be spent in accordance with the federal regulations
    relied on by Olson. Heffernan also disagreed with Olson’s ultimate opinion that the disputed rent
    charges were inappropriate. In Heffernan’s view, there were “hundreds of activities” funded by
    the Township’s general fund that impacted the water and sewer fund’s finances, and the
    overarching concern was to ensure that the overall allocation of expenses was “fair” when viewed
    in the context of the “whole system.” Indeed, after performing such a review in this case and
    learning about all of the services that the Township’s general fund provides to the water and sewer
    department without compensation, Heffernan believed that the $350,000 annual rent for the DPW
    facility represented “undercharging,” not an overcharge.
    Domine confirmed that “OPEB” charges—i.e., charges for “[o]ther post-employment
    benefits”—were one budgetary line item that was factored into the disputed utility rates.
    According to Theis, “OPEB refers to benefits which are primarily health insurance expenses that
    the township is obligated . . . to pay on behalf of retirees,” including both those already retired and
    current employees who will become retirees in the future. Aside from health-insurance expenses,
    which are by far the largest OPEB item, all expenses of retirees fall under the broad penumbra of
    “OPEB” expenses.
    Heffernan testified that, unlike pension funds, which Michigan municipalities are
    constitutionally required to keep funded at actuarially determined levels, there is no such
    requirement with regard to OPEB funding, and thus many municipalities “really kind of ignored”
    OPEB funding “up until about 15 years ago[.]” Under accounting principles set forth by the
    Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) somewhere between 2006 and 2008,
    however, a municipality is required to treat its unfunded OPEB obligations as a liability, which
    tends to incentivize it to begin the process of properly funding such obligations.7 In doing so, there
    is generally an element of “catch up”—i.e., setting aside funds for the amortization of the unfunded
    actual accrued liability—while also setting aside funds to pay for the OPEB costs of one’s current
    employees. It is “strongly” recommended for municipalities to be proactive about funding their
    OPEB obligations because it reduces the net present value cost of that benefit. Additionally,
    On cross-examination, Heffernan admitted that the GASB has no authority to compel
    municipalities to duly fund their OPEB obligations, only to direct them concerning how such
    obligations should be accounted for in financial documents.
    Heffernan opined that municipalities have “a moral obligation” to do so, although there are still
    some communities that have not funded any of their OPEB obligations. He compared failing to
    fund OPEB requirements to not setting aside money for pension funds, which he viewed as
    “bonkers.” He explained: “[T]o not pay today’s cost for that really says I’m going to have
    employees provide me services and I’m going to tell them, in exchange for the services you provide
    me I’ll give you a salary; I’ll also give you this benefit that I’ll ask your grandchildren to pay.”
    In Theis’s view, OPEB entitlements were “earned” by employees during their work tenure,
    and the Township’s obligation to fulfill those entitlements accrued at the same time. Heffernan
    agreed with Theis that employees “earned” their OPEB benefits during their working career with
    the Township, although such benefits are “paid for,” primarily in the form of insurance premiums,
    after the employees retire. Theis indicated that the inclusion of OPEB charges in the disputed
    utility rates began in 2009, by way of a resolution passed by the Township board, and at some
    point, the Township also began to include OPEB charges in the fees charged by its cable studio
    and building inspection fund. The amount of the disputed OPEB charges included in the utility
    rates—which varied over the relevant years from about $200,000 to approximately $577,000—
    was based on a “very complicated calculation” that was, in turn, based on “a moving target” in the
    form of the latest actuarial reports concerning the Township’s future OPEB obligations.
    Ultimately, during the fiscal year that began March 31, 2016, the Township transferred the $2.7
    million in OPEB charges that had accrued in the water and sewer fund into a return-yielding retiree
    health care trust, which is “dedicated to . . . currently retired water and sewer employees as well
    as trying to save for the future retirees of the water and sewer fund.”8 Since then, smaller annual
    contributions of the accrued OPEB charges have been deposited to that trust. Such OPEB funds
    are partially intended as “catch up” to cover some of the past service cost, which was necessary
    “because all the prior administrations didn’t set aside that money as the employees were earning
    it, which is what you should do.” Theis indicated that the Township’s “OPEB costs are jumping
    up exponentially each year” and are “some of the largest in the state,” with current actuarial
    projections anticipating the future OPEB obligations of the Township at more than $160 million,
    more than $10 million of which is attributable to retirees or employees of the water and sewer
    According to Theis, by paying $2.7 million into the OPEB trust, the Township made an
    immediate impact on its current OPEB expenses. “[T]he OPEB line item expense immediately
    decreased the following year,” which resulted in a corresponding decrease in the disputed utility
    rates, particularly in light of certain recently enacted GASB accounting practices for
    municipalities. In part, Theis admitted that the OPEB charges in the disputed rates were necessary
    because the Township can only collect so much in a millage and they get rolled back by Headlee
    and so forth. He indicated that, although he is aware of “nothing . . . that forces” the Township to
    In the Township’s “main operating funds”—its “general fund, road fund, and public safety fund,”
    which employ about 80% of the Township’s employees—at the close of each fiscal year, any
    surplus funds are used to fund a similar OPEB trust for the employees of those funds.
    proactively set aside funding for its OPEB expenses, the Township’s goal is to fully fund its OPEB
    obligations in trust, thereby relieving the current operating budget and rate payers from that retiree
    expense. Theis hoped that it would actually accomplish that goal sometime during his career, but
    he had doubts, given that, at the time of trial, the Township was “only 3 percent funded.” In his
    view, the disputed OPEB charges were something that was ultimately for the benefit of not just
    the Township, but the rate payers, given that new legislation was being contemplated that might
    force the Township to more aggressively fund its OPEB obligations, which could compel a more
    dramatic rate increase in the future. In Theis’s opinion, it was prudent to be proactive, not reactive,
    with regard to such budgetary issues.
    In Heffernan’s view, there was nothing “improper” about the Township’s transfer of $2.7
    million to the OPEB trust. And Heffernan agreed that transfer will ultimately result in significant
    OPEB savings to the water and sewer fund because, once held in such a trust, up to 70% of the
    funds can be invested in “equities” with an expected annual return of 7% or more, whereas money
    held in the water and sewer fund is subject to certain regulations that has historically limited the
    annual return to under 1%.
    Domine indicated that, aside from delivering potable water to the Township’s customer,
    the municipal water system is also is also used for “firefighting capability,” providing water to the
    Township’s fire hydrants. According to Trice, the Township’s water customers receive a special
    benefit from the Township’s fire hydrants because those hydrants are only placed along the course
    of the “public water system[.]”
    Heid agreed that the provision of fire protection capabilities is one of the two fundamental
    functions of a municipal water supply utility, with the other being the provision of potable water
    to municipal customers. By nature, however, those functions fundamentally differ insofar as
    municipal customers use water on a relatively constant basis, whereas a fire hydrant generally
    serves in a standby capacity, being used only when there is a fire or “the utility needs to flush their
    system for periodic maintenance.” Nevertheless, the PFP function of a water system carries “a
    very significant cost” because “[g]enerally, . . . all of the facilities have to be oversized. They have
    to be two or three times the size that they would be” otherwise. Also, to provide PFP capability,
    a water system must have a source of supply that provides more water, a greater amount of elevated
    storage, larger water mains, and either extra higher-powered booster pumping stations. Hence,
    “[t]ypically, public fire protection is considered a service because public fire protection does
    require the utility to overbill, if you will, because it needs to be able to meet those particular
    demands when you do have a fire.” Professional standards would generally require that the value
    of such PFP services be paid for out of a municipality’s general fund, not borne by the municipal
    water utility and its ratepayers.
    Heid indicated that, in determining the portion of a utility’s PFP expenses that is properly
    allocable to the municipality, there are two generally employed methods. The first, “preferable,”
    and “most widespread method” is to per-form “a fully allocated cost of service study where the
    utility actually calculates the capacity requirements associated with providing public fire
    protection service and determining the cost of providing that service and what the rate should be
    for providing that service.” The second is an antiquated method that was developed in Maine in
    1961 (the “Maine Curve method”). Under the Maine Curve method, the peak day requirements of
    the utility are calculated by multiplying the estimated average daily water usage by an “average
    peak” factor of 2½, thereby estimating the “peak day” (or “peak hour demand”) on the system’s
    water usage. Subsequently, the utility’s overall “peak day requirements” are compared to the
    calculated peak day requirements associated with providing public fire protection, as calculated
    by a formula that is based upon population that establishes the estimated need of fire flow. The
    ratio between those two figures is then charted on a graph of “the Maine Curve” to determine what
    percentage of the water utility’s gross revenue should be recovered by PFP charges assessed to the
    given municipality’s general fund.
    Heid did not attempt to analyze the Township’s PFP expenses under the preferable ‘fully
    allocated cost of service study” method because he had inadequate information, and it is “virtually
    impossible” to do so in the adversarial setting of litigation because the process relies on the candid
    opinions of the given utility’s staff members. Rather, for each year at issue in this case, Heid
    calculated the Township’s public fire protection costs utilizing the Maine Curve methodology. In
    doing so, he estimated the Township’s overall “peak day requirements” using the “average peak”
    factor of 2½, and he admitted that, if the Township’s actual peak day requirements varied from
    that estimated figure, it would alter his analysis. Using the estimated figure, however, the results
    indicated that, during the relevant years, the Township’s water and sewer fund should have
    recovered between 10% to 15% of its gross revenue by way of PFP charges paid by the Township’s
    general fund. Indeed, under the Maine Curve method, the minimum appropriate charge to a
    municipality for PFP services is 6% of the water utility’s gross revenues. Heid opined that the
    Township had acted improperly by failing to pay such expenses out of its general fund and instead
    recovering its PFP expenses in the disputed water rates, which effectively forced the water utility’s
    “end use customers” to pay for PFP services that were provided to all of the Township.
    On cross-examination, however, Heid admitted that the M1 Manual indicates that assessing
    PFP costs to the rate payers, rather than the municipal taxpayers, is one method for meeting any
    revenue requirement for the PFP costs. Moreover, it is a method that is, in Heid’s experience, used
    “from time to time under certain circumstances,” although he did not specify when or under what
    circumstances. Heid also reaffirmed that the M1 Manual embodies the generally accepted rate
    making principles for water utilities.
    About 96% of Heffernan’s auditing experience involved Michigan municipal and
    governmental entities, and he indicated that he had never before encountered a PFP challenge like
    the one at issue in this case. Indeed, as far as Heffernan knew, neither his direct clients nor any
    other client of Plante Moran had ever been subject to any kind of requirement to have a PFP charge
    like the one described by Heid, although Heffernan had encountered municipalities that did so
    voluntarily. Similarly, Foster testified that, “most” water distribution systems in Michigan don’t
    even identify what the PFP costs are, and those that do generally recover such costs through their
    water rates, not by charging the general fund. Foster was aware of only one Michigan municipality
    that ostensibly recovered (or had in the past recovered) PFP charges in the fashion suggested by
    Heid, and it did so only because a local ordinance explicitly mandated the practice. When Foster
    was asked whether the Maine Curve method is “widely recognized as a method of determining fire
    protection costs” in Michigan, he replied: “I don’t believe so. In the few instances that I’m aware
    that an entity goes through the practice of allocating . . . public fire protection costs, other methods
    besides the Maine curve are used.”
    Heffernan explained that, for municipal utilities, it is difficult to accurately follow
    generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) concerning “revenue recognition” and “expense
    recognition,” which is somewhat similar to the non-GAAP concept that is commonly referred to
    as the “matching principle.” Under GAAP, “[e]xpenses should be recognized at the time the
    transaction occurs that causes you to incur a cost, regardless of when the cash flow goes out,” and
    the same principle generally applies to revenues, although there are exceptions. In the context of
    municipal utilities, however, following such principles is difficult because water meters are
    generally read on a quarterly basis, and thus a utility can only estimate how much water was used
    at any given time. Accordingly, the goal is to use such estimates to “get it materially right.”
    On cross-examination, when Heffernan was asked whether he was “aware of . . . any state
    or local laws that require” PFP charges “to be incorporated as part of a general fund obligation as
    opposed to a water and sewer” fund obligation, he replied that he could think of only one such law.
    He had reviewed one attorney-prepared “interpretation” of the Revenue Bond Act of 1933, MCL
    141.101 et seq., which suggested “that if you have a revenue bond, . . . it’s better to have the
    general fund paying for” PFP charges.
    According to Theis, the Township’s “water and sewer” fund was one of several Township
    “funds” with its “own set of books,” separate from the “general fund.” As an “enterprise” fund,
    the state did not require the Township to maintain an annual “budget” for the water and sewer
    fund, but the Township nevertheless did so in the interest of “transparency” and accurate
    ratemaking. From 2011 to 2017, the water and sewer fund had total “cash inflows of 156-ish
    million dollars, and cash outflows” of “151 point something million.” Theis opined that this
    represented clearly proportionate cash outflows of 96% of the cash inflows.
    Theis agreed that, as of March 31, 2010, the Township’s water and sewer fund included
    “about $4 million dollars of cash and cash equivalents[.]” One year later, on March 31, 2011, the
    fund included approximately $6.6 million in cash and cash equivalents; on March 31, 2012, it
    contained about $11.5 million; on March 31, 2013, it contained roughly $14.5 million; on March
    31, 2014, it contained “in excess of $18 million”; on March 31, 2015, following annual capital-
    asset purchases of $5.7 million, it contained about $12.5 million; on March 31, 2016, after the $2.7
    million OPEB transfer, it contained approximately $7.8 million; and on March 31, 2017, it
    contained about $8 million.
    After reviewing the water and sewer fund’s cash flows over that same period and duly
    considering its non-rate revenues, Heffernan opined that those cash inflows and outflows, which
    were within 4 percent of one another over the course of the relevant timeframe, were “very
    proportional.” If anything, Heffernan believed that the Township should have been “trying to
    increase their cash investment reserves a little bit” more. Put succinctly, his opinion was that from
    2011 to 2017, the water and sewer fund’s “total accumulation of cash, even though it varied from
    year to year, wasn’t unreasonable[.]”
    Foster agreed that the disputed rates and charges were both reasonable and proportional to
    the underlying utility costs, summarizing his opinion as follows:
    Based on my review of the water and sewer rates in place between 2010 and
    2017, . . . the revenues generated by the water and sewer rates have been
    commensurate with the revenue requirements of the water and sewer enterprise
    fund to provide service to the customers of the Township. The amount of money
    recovered through those rates has been proportionate to the cost of providing the
    service to the residents and businesses in the Township.
    On cross-examination, however, Foster conceded that, hypothetically speaking, even if the
    disputed rates were duly proportional to the underlying utility expenses, the water and sewer fund
    could nevertheless use the revenue generated by such rates for clearly improper purposes, such as
    purchasing an expensive vacation home for the Township’s board members.
    Theis confirmed that the Township’s water and sewer fund operated at a net loss in four of
    the fiscal years from 2005 to 2010, which forced the Township to subsidize it with cash from other
    Township funds. In 2010, for example, the water and sewer fund ended “9 of the 12 months . . .
    with negative operating cash.” Over the years, Theis implemented multiple changes aimed at
    remedying such shortfalls, and since 2012, the water and sewer fund had no negative balances at
    any month end, although there had been “low balances.” One month in 2017, for example, the
    fund was left with only $1,800 in cash on hand. Theis also endeavored to build up a sufficient
    “emergency reserve” in the water and sewer fund to address emergent breaks and repairs of items
    such as water mains, which can cost “hundreds of thousands of dollars” or even “millions” to
    repair, along with operating reserves, debt reserves, and capital improvement reserves. According
    to Theis, such reserve funding is essential “for the prudent operation of a healthy water and sewer
    fund,” and despite his best efforts, he believed that the water and sewer fund was “still not in a
    position to have proper reserves[.]” He further opined that having total reserves of about $13 or
    $14 million was a “pretty conservative, appropriate . . . target to get to.”
    Theis admitted that, in reviewing financial statements for the disputed years, he found one
    instance in 2015 where a $600,000 expense was mistakenly counted twice in setting the disputed
    utility rates, thereby raising the rates. But he highlighted this as proof of how important it is to
    view the water and sewer fund as a whole, rather than focusing on individual line items, noting
    that despite including the $600,000 expense twice in setting the rates for 2015, those rates
    ultimately resulted in an overall loss for the water and sewer fund that year, raising insufficient
    revenue to cover the fund’s annual expenses.
    Heffernan indicated that although there’s no exact science to determine how much a
    municipal utility should keep in reserves, the water and sewer fund’s reserves of about $4 million
    in 2010 “felt a little bit low.” There is a consensus among experts that it is appropriate to maintain
    reserves for two fundamental areas: operating expenses and capital expenses (including future
    capital projects). In practice, Heffernan generally recommended that his clients maintain
    operational reserves of about 25% of their annual operating revenue, while his recommendation
    concerning capital reserves was dependent on the capital expenses the client anticipated in the next
    two to three years. Although a municipality could instead fund its capital projects on a pay-as-
    you-go basis, that was a “somewhat riskier” approach that Heffernan would “probably” advise
    against. After reviewing the water and sewer fund’s 20-year capital plan, Heffernan opined that
    in the neighborhood of $13.9 million was an appropriate reserve target, and he agreed that the
    reserve levels at the time of trial were still “well below” what was advisable.
    Foster added that his review of the Township’s financial records during the relevant
    timeframe demonstrated that “the amounts that were specifically identified on the rate memoranda
    as capital improvements, and the amounts that were actually, from the audited statements, spent
    on capital improvements over that time period are remarkably close.” This supported his opinion
    that the rates and charges have generated revenues commensurate with the revenues required to
    operate and finance capital improvements to the system over the time in question.
    In addition, Heffernan opined that a municipality’s reserve level is an appropriate
    consideration in both municipal utility ratemaking and in determining the proportionality of
    disputed utility rates. In short, a utility should “be setting [its] rates in a manner that will get the
    reserves where they should be.” If the reserves are too low, rates should be increased—even if
    this results in temporarily “disproportional” cash flows—and the converse is equally true. On
    cross-examination, Heffernan admitted that the Township did not have a written plan with regard
    to its target reserve figures, but he explained that, based on the other 125 cities and townships that
    he was familiar with as an auditor, it was “highly unusual” for a municipality to have such a written
    Following the parties’ closing arguments, the trial court took the matter under advisement
    and, on July 12, 2018, it announced its opinion orally from the bench.9 The court ruled in favor of
    the Township with regard to all of plaintiff’s claims pursued under § 31 of the Headlee
    Amendment, entering a judgment of no cause of action with respect to those claims. Generally,
    the court reasoned that, under the test set forth in Bolt v City of Lansing, 
    459 Mich 152
    ; 587 NW2d
    264 (1998), plaintiff failed to demonstrate that the disputed charges in this case constituted
    unlawful tax exactions.
    Turning to plaintiff’s common-law claims for assumpsit for money had and received, the
    trial court ruled partially in favor of both parties. With regard to non-rate revenue and revenue
    attributable to the Township’s sewer-only customers (“sewer-only revenue”), the court ruled in
    plaintiff’s favor despite repeatedly finding that in light of the Township’s ratemaking
    methodology—which the court referred to as “abstruse, recondite methodology”—the court was
    unable to determine whether the disputed rates were proportional to the associated utility costs
    and, if not, what “damages” figure was warranted. The trial court also chided the Township for
    failing to “show its work,” indicating that, based on the record before the court, it was “not evident
    that the rates are just and reasonable.”
    This was a common theme in the trial court’s decision. The court recognized that both
    Novi v Detroit, 
    433 Mich 414
    , 428-429; 446 NW2d 118 (1989), and Trahey v Inkster, 
    311 Mich App 582
    , 594, 597-598; 876 NW2d 582 (2015), held that municipal utility rates are presumed to
    be reasonable and that the plaintiff bears the burden of rebutting that presumption when
    challenging such rates. But the trial court indirectly criticized Trahey’s reasoning, and it refused
    to rely on the presumption of reasonableness in deciding this case. The court described that
    presumption as a “substitute for reason” and an exercise in “thoughtless thoughtfulness,” at least
    as applied here; suggested that Novi and Trahey are outdated, having relied on caselaw from “1942
    and 1943”; and indicated that application of the presumption of reasonableness in this case would
    “bastardize the presumption” and “absolutely, necessarily, unequivocally transform it into an
    unrebuttable presumption[.]” In support, the trial court reasoned that “[i]t is clear from a reading
    of the law that a presumption exists once the details are on the table for all to see. First comes the
    details, then comes the presumption.” In this instance, the trial court reasoned, the Township’s
    unclear ratemaking methods had
    impeded the Court, and more importantly, [the] customer[s] and taxpayers from
    passing upon the question of whether the [Township’s] rates are proportionate to
    its costs. This impediment, abstrusity . . . estops invocation of the presumptive
    reasonableness, the thoughtful thoughtfulness presumption of the rates. Short of
    It appears that the trial court had prepared some sort of written decision, which it read into the
    record rather than issuing a written opinion.
    blind deference to [the Township], . . . [the Township’s] impediment . . . hamstrings
    the Court . . . from even being able to hear a claim of disproportion. In a word, if
    the presumption were to prevail here, the presumption is and evermore shall be . . .
    After ruling in plaintiff’s favor on that basis regarding the non-rate revenue and sewer-only
    revenue, the trial court reserved its ruling concerning the proper “damages” figures. The court
    indicated that, if the parties were unable to settle concerning such figures, the Township would be
    permitted to “chime in” with regard to why, in light of the Township’s failure to “show its work,”
    the court should not simply accept plaintiff’s related damage calculations. After subsequently
    considering the matter further, the trial court awarded a “refund to Plaintiff and the Class” of
    approximately $2.935 million with regard to the “non-rate revenue” claim and about $2.173
    million with regard to the sewer-only revenue.
    As to plaintiff’s claim concerning “lost water,” the trial court also ruled in plaintiff’s favor.
    After construing Bloomfield Township Ordinance § 38-225 (“The township shall pay for all water
    used by it in accordance with the foregoing schedule of rates. . . .”) (emphasis added) and § 38-
    226 (“All water service shall be charged on the basis of water consumed as determined by a meter
    installed on the premises of the user by the department.”) (emphasis added), the court agreed with
    plaintiff that, under those provisions, “[i]f water is not consumed, as determined by a meter under
    [§ 28-226], then by process of elimination, or by default, [it] must be water used by the Township
    under [§ 38-225].” Put differently: “The cost for this truly lost water bucket per ordinance . . . was
    destined to be borne on the shoulders of the general fund taxpayers.” The trial court also rejected
    any argument that the Township paid for such “truly lost water” by way of the in-kind services it
    provides to the water and sewer fund. Rather than ruling concerning the amount of “damages,”
    the trial court instructed the parties “to crunch the numbers.”
    As to water “used” by the Township’s municipal facilities, the trial court held that, although
    the Township’s “rationalization” concerning in-kind remuneration was “obfuscated,” plaintiff had
    failed to “overcome . . . the presumptive reasonableness of the Township’s decision to pay” for
    such water with in-kind services. The trial court also rejected plaintiff’s contention that the in-
    kind arrangement violated Bloomfield Township Ordinance § 38-225, reasoning that the ordinance
    “does not specify” that in-kind services cannot be used as a form of payment. Nevertheless, the
    trial court found “liability in Plaintiff’s favor” and in favor of the plaintiff class. It awarded no
    monetary “refund” but ordered defendant to “henceforth” and “permanently” provide “explicit
    accounting . . . with explicit valuations” of the in-kind services that the Township provides as
    payment to the water and sewer fund, including payments for “construction water,” “lost water,”
    PFP charges, rent, and water used by municipal facilities.
    On the other hand, with regard to “construction water,” the trial court held that such water
    is “used” by both the Township and the ratepayers within the meaning of Bloomfield Township
    Ordinance § 38-225, and it rejected the argument that the Township paid for such water via the in-
    kind services it provides to the water and sewer fund. On that basis, the trial court ruled in
    plaintiff’s favor concerning the construction water, again reserving its ruling concerning the
    amount of “damages” and instructing the parties “to crunch the numbers.” After further
    considering the matter, the trial court eventually entered an amended judgment ordering the
    Township to issue “a refund to Plaintiff and the Class in the amount of” approximately $3.69
    million related to “the Township’s own water use,” which seemingly covered both “lost water”
    and “construction water.”
    With regard to plaintiff’s non-Headlee claim concerning the disputed county drain charges,
    the trial court stated no reasoning in support of its holding. Rather, it simply stated: “Storm water
    drain, judgment, no cause of action.”
    As to the disputed rent charges, without explaining its reasoning, the trial court ruled in
    plaintiff’s favor with regard to “[l]iability,” but it refused to award any “damages[.]” However, as
    noted earlier, it issued a permanent injunction against the Township, ordering it to explicitly
    document any in-kind services used to pay such rent charges.
    Similarly, with regard to OPEB charges, the trial court ruled in plaintiff’s favor with regard
    to “liability,” but it refused to award any “damages[.]” However, the trial court permanently
    enjoined the Township to “explicitly document the OPEB dollars in setting its water and sewer
    rates.” The trial court reasoned that the Township’s commingling of OPEB-charge revenues that
    had not yet been funded into the OPEB trust with “surplus” funds in the water and sewer fund was
    improper given that, until such OPEB funds were transferred to trust, they could be utilized by the
    water and sewer department “for whatever it deems appropriate.”
    Finally, as to PFP charges, without explaining its reasoning, the trial court ruled “no cause
    of action in part,” and “liability in Plaintiff’s favor in part,” initially holding that plaintiff
    “prevail[ed] in a dollar amount equal to the cost of water in fire hoses over the relevant time frame
    paid by the general fund.” After considering the matter further, however, the trial court entered its
    amended judgment holding that plaintiff and the plaintiff class were entitled to no “refund” in that
    regard because the Township “already pays” for such water by way of in-kind services. But the
    trial court issued a permanent injunction ordering the Township to expressly document such in-
    kind services and their associated valuations, and it also ordered the Township provide “explicit
    accounting of water in fire hoses to be paid for by the general fund[.]”
    Approximately two months after the trial court announced its decision, it held a hearing
    concerning the proper remedies in this case. While entertaining argument in that respect, the trial
    court asked plaintiff’s counsel whether, in light of the Township’s “abstruse, recondite”
    ratemaking, there was some “legal vehicle” by which the court might award plaintiff “damages”
    despite its having found both that it was unable to determine whether the disputed rates were
    actually disproportionate to the associated costs and that the amount of any disproportionality was
    impossible to determine based on the record evidence. The trial court indicated that it would keep
    that issue “on the backburner” and allow plaintiff to argue the issue further at a later date.
    Less than two weeks later, however, the trial court entered its initial judgment in this case.
    That initial judgment explicitly indicated that it was not a final order and that the trial court retained
    jurisdiction “for all purposes[.]” But in a subsequently entered order, the trial court ruled: “[T]he
    inquiry to plaintiff was and remains this: ‘Is there a legal or equitable doctrine which would yield
    a judicial adjudication in favor of one party because the other party obscured proofs needed for
    that judicial adjudication?’.”
    Hence, about three months after the initial judgment was entered, plaintiff filed a motion
    for relief from judgment under MCR 2.612(C)(1)(f), requesting entry of an amended judgment on
    the basis that there were, in fact, several legal or equitable doctrine that would yield a judicial
    adjudication in plaintiff’s favor because the Township had obscured proofs. At the ensuing motion
    hearing, the trial court indicated that plaintiff’s motion was “inaptly titled” as a motion for relief
    from judgment and would, instead, be treated as a motion to “supplement” the initial judgment.
    The court acknowledged that it “remain[ed] unsure if the [Township] committed the singular
    wrong of passing a rate disproportionate to costs,” explaining that, in the court’s estimation, the
    “wrong” committed by the Township “was wont of clarity” in its “abstruse recondite rates[.]”
    Based on the caselaw cited by plaintiff, the trial court indicated that it was persuaded that “such
    wrong of unclarity itself . . . fulfills the element Plaintiff needed to prove that the Defendant’s rates
    were disproportionate to costs in the amount of nonrate revenue and sewer-only receipts[.]”
    Thus, the trial court granted plaintiff most of her requested relief, entering an amended
    judgment awarding plaintiff and the plaintiff class, in sum, approximately $9.58 million (including
    prejudgment interest) in “refunds,” along with the permanent injunctive relief described earlier.
    The instant appeals ensued.
    On appeal, the parties raise several distinct claims of error, which we review under varying
    standards. “This Court . . . reviews de novo the proper interpretation of statutes and ordinances,”
    Gmoser’s Septic Serv, LLC v East Bay Charter Twp, 
    299 Mich App 504
    , 509; 831 NW2d 881
    (2013), and the legal question of whether a municipal utility charge constitutes an unlawful
    exaction under § 31 of the Headlee Amendment, Mapleview Estates, Inc v City of Brown City, 
    258 Mich App 412
    , 413-414; 671 NW2d 572 (2003). As a general rule, this Court also reviews
    equitable issues de novo, Sys Soft Technologies, LLC v Artemis Technologies, Inc, 
    301 Mich App 642
    , 650; 837 NW2d 449 (2013), reviewing any related factual findings by the trial court for clear
    error, Canjar v Cole, 
    283 Mich App 723
    , 727; 770 NW2d 449 (2009). “A finding is clearly
    erroneous if, although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court is left with a definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake was made.” In re AGD, 
    327 Mich App 332
    , 338; 933 NW2d 751
    (2019). In reviewing a trial court’s factual findings, “regard shall be given to the special
    opportunity of the trial court to judge the credibility of the witnesses who appeared before it.”
    MCR 2.613(C).
    However, a trial court’s decision to grant equitable relief in the form of an injunction is
    generally reviewed for an abuse of discretion. Dep’t of Environmental Quality v Gomez, 
    318 Mich App 1
    , 33-34 & n 12; 896 NW2d 39 (2016). “A trial court abuses its discretion when it chooses
    an outcome falling outside the range of reasonable and principled outcomes, or when it makes an
    error of law.” Planet Bingo, LLC v VKGS, LLC, 
    319 Mich App 308
    , 320; 900 NW2d 680 (2017)
    (Planet Bingo) (quotation marks and citation omitted).
    The parties disagree whether the trial court’s use of its equitable powers was proper here.
    As appellant, the Township argues that, having found that plaintiff had failed to demonstrate that
    the disputed rates were disproportionate to the underlying costs, the trial court erred by
    disregarding the presumption that those rates were reasonable. The Township also argues that the
    trial court erred by awarding plaintiff and the plaintiff class both the monetary award and
    permanent injunctive relief that it did. Contrastingly, by way of plaintiff’s cross-appeal, she
    contends that the trial court should have awarded additional refunds related to the disputed OPEB,
    PFP, and rent charges. We agree with the Township that the trial court erred by failing to apply
    the presumption that the disputed rates were reasonable and abused its discretion by granting
    plaintiff permanent injunctive relief despite her failure to demonstrate that doing so was necessary
    to prevent irreparable harm.10
    Aside from the claims that plaintiff asserted under the Headlee Amendment—which we
    analyze later in this opinion—plaintiff’s claims in this action were all captioned as claims for
    “ASSUMPSIT/MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED[.]” As our Supreme Court long ago
    recognized in Moore v Mandlebaum, 
    8 Mich 433
    , 448 (1860):
    [T]he action of assumpsit for money had and received is essentially an equitable
    action, founded upon all the equitable circumstances of the case between the
    parties, and if it appear, from the whole case, that the defendant has in his hands
    money which, according to the rules of equity and good conscience, belongs, or
    ought to be paid, to the plaintiff, he is entitled to recover. And that, as a general
    rule, where money has been received by a defendant under any state of facts which
    would in a court of equity entitle the plaintiff to a decree for the money, when that
    is the specific relief sought, the same state of facts will entitle him to recover the
    money in this action.
    Our decision in this regard renders moot the Township’s argument that the trial court erred or
    abused its discretion by amending its initial judgment to award additional “damages.” Hence, we
    decline to decide that issue. See Garrett v Washington, 
    314 Mich App 436
    , 449; 886 NW2d 762
    (2016) (“A matter is moot if this Court’s ruling cannot for any reason have a practical legal effect
    on the existing controversy.”) (quotation marks and citations omitted).
    Accord Trevor v Fuhrmann, 
    338 Mich 219
    , 224; 61 NW2d 49 (1953), citing Moore, 8 Mich at
    448. At common law, assumpsit was a proper vehicle for recovering unlawful “fees,” “charges,”
    or “exaction[s]”—including unlawful utility charges—that the plaintiff had paid to a municipality
    under compulsion of local law. See Bond v Pub Sch of Ann Arbor Sch Dist, 
    383 Mich 693
    , 704;
    178 NW2d 484 (1970) (quotation marks and citations omitted). Notably, such an action “will not
    lie against one who has not been personally enriched by the transaction” because the fundamental
    “basis” of the action “is not only the loss occasioned to the plaintiff on account of the payment of
    the money, but the consequent enrichment of the defendant by reason of having received the
    same.” Trevor, 
    338 Mich at 224-225
     (quotation marks and citations omitted; emphasis added).
    “With the adoption of the General Court Rules in 1963, assumpsit as a form of action was
    abolished. But notwithstanding the abolition of assumpsit, the substantive remedies traditionally
    available under assumpsit were preserved[.]” Fisher Sand & Gravel Co v Neal A Sweebe, Inc, 
    494 Mich 543
    , 564; 837 NW2d 244 (2013). Hence, an “assumpsit” claim is modernly treated as a
    claim arising under “quasi-contractual” principles, which represent “a subset of the law of unjust
    enrichment.” Wright v Genesee Co, 
    504 Mich 410
    , 421; 934 NW2d 805 (2019).
    In contemporary municipal utility ratemaking cases, a similar focus on principles of “unjust
    enrichment” is encapsulated within the rebuttable presumption that a municipality’s utility rates
    are reasonable. See generally Novi, 
    433 Mich at 428-429
    ; Trahey, 311 Mich App at 594, 597-598.
    In Novi, 
    433 Mich at 417-418, 428
    , our Supreme Court was charged with deciding whether MCL
    123.141 had abrogated “the longstanding principle of presumptive reasonableness of municipal
    utility rates,” had impacted the applicable burden of proof, or had altered the traditionally
    circumspect scope of judicial review. Ruling in the context of a municipality’s wholesale-rate
    challenge under MCL 123.141(2)—not a ratepayer’s challenge under MCL 123.141(3)—the
    Supreme Court held that MCL 123.141 had not meaningfully altered the presumption of
    reasonableness, burden of proof, or scope of judicial review, reasoning, in part, as follows:
    Historically, this Court has accorded great deference to legislatively
    authorized rate-making authorities when reviewing the validity of municipal water
    rates. . . .
    * * *
    [R]ate-making is a legislative function that is better left to the discretion of the
    governmental body authorized to set rates.
    * * *
    Michigan courts, as well as those in other jurisdictions, have recognized the
    longstanding principle of presumptive reasonableness of municipal utility rates.
    These courts have stressed a policy of judicial noninterference where the
    Legislature has authorized governmental bodies to set rates. As this Court noted in
    [Plymouth v Detroit, 
    423 Mich 106
    , 128-129; 377 NW2d 689 (1985)], the Court
    in Federal Power Comm v Hope Natural Gas Co, 
    320 US 591
    , 602; 
    64 S Ct 281
    88 L Ed 333
     (1944) stated:
    We held in [Federal Power Commission v Natural Gas
    Pipeline Co, 
    315 US 575
    62 S Ct 736
    86 L Ed 1037
     (1942)] that
    the Commission was not bound to the use of any single formula or
    combination of formulae in determining rates. Its rate-making
    function, moreover, involves the making of ‘pragmatic
    adjustments.’ And when the Commission’s order is challenged in
    the courts, the question is whether that order ‘viewed in its entirety’
    meets the requirements of the Act. Under the statutory standard of
    ‘just and reasonable’ it is the result reached not the method
    employed which is controlling. It is not theory but the impact of the
    rate order which counts. If the total effect of the rate order cannot
    be said to be unjust and unreasonable, judicial inquiry under the Act
    is at an end. The fact that the method employed to reach that result
    may contain infirmities is not then important. Moreover, the
    Commission’s order does not become suspect by reason of the fact
    that it is challenged. It is the product of expert judgment which
    carries a presumption of validity. And he who would upset the rate
    order under the Act carries the heavy burden of making a convincing
    showing that it is invalid because it is unjust and unreasonable in its
    consequences.” (Citations omitted.)
    * * *
    The Michigan Legislature’s intention that courts refrain from strictly
    scrutinizing municipal utility rate-making is reflected in several statutory
    provisions. . . .
    Courts of law are ill-equipped to deal with the complex, technical processes
    required to evaluate the various cost factors and various methods of weighing those
    factors required in rate-making. The decision of the Court of Appeals, however,
    superimposes Michigan courts as ultimate rate-making authorities despite the
    absence of any express statutory language or legislative history that would support
    such a role in the rate-making process.
    * * *
    The concept of reasonableness, as recognized by the courts of this state and other
    states in utility rate-making contexts, must remain operable, in order to provide a
    meaningful and manageable standard of review.
    * * *
    For these reasons, we hold that 
    1981 PA 89
     [i.e., the public act that last
    amended MCL 123.141,] did not render inoperable the concept of reasonableness
    in the process of judicial review of municipal utility water rates. The burden of
    proof remains on the plaintiff to show that a given rate or rate-making method does
    not reasonably reflect the actual cost of service as determined under the utility basis
    of rate-making pursuant to MCL 123.141(2)[.] [Novi, 
    433 Mich at 425-433
    (bracketed alterations added).]
    Because Novi involved a rate challenge pursued by a municipality under MCL 123.141(2),
    not a ratepayer challenge pursued under MCL 123.141(3), Novi’s statutory analysis focused almost
    exclusively on MCL 123.141(2). However, in Trahey, 311 Mich App at 594, 597-598, this Court
    expanded the scope of Novi’s pertinent holdings, applying them in the context of a resident-
    ratepayer challenge under MCL 123.141(3). Thus, the presumption of reasonableness was
    extended to the rates a municipality charges its ratepayers. Id. at 594. The plaintiff bears the
    burden of rebutting the presumption of reasonableness “by a proper showing of evidence.” Id.
    “Absent clear evidence of illegal or improper expenses included in a municipal utility’s rates, a
    court has no authority to disregard the presumption that the rate is reasonable.” Shaw v Dearborn,
    329 Mich App 640
    , 654; 944 NW2d 153 (2019),11 quoting Trahey, 311 Mich App at 595 (emphasis
    in Shaw).
    As authority for its position aside from Trahey, Shaw, and Novi, the Township relies on,
    among other things, two unpublished decisions of this Court that were decided together in 2019.
    Plaintiff argues that this Court should disregard those unpublished decisions because they are not
    binding and “were wrongly decided.” Plaintiff is correct that unpublished decisions of this Court
    are not precedentially binding under MCR 7.215(C)(1), but she fails to recognize that they may
    nevertheless be considered as “persuasive or instructive” authority.12 See Kern v Kern-Koskela,
    320 Mich App 212
    , 241; 905 NW2d 453 (2017).
    In any event, the heart of the parties’ dispute regards the manner in which the rule of law
    set forth in Trahey should be applied. Specifically, citing in support Trahey, 311 Mich App at 595
    (“[a]bsent clear evidence of illegal or improper expenses included in a municipal utility’s rates, a
    court has no authority to disregard the presumption that the rate is reasonable”) (emphasis added),
    The pending application for leave to appeal in Shaw has been held in abeyance pending our
    Supreme Court’s decision in Detroit Alliance Against Rain Tax v City of Detroit, ___ Mich ___;
    937 NW2d 120 (2020). Shaw v Dearborn, ___ Mich ___; 944 NW2d 720 (2020).
    In the context of similar challenges raised under the Headlee Amendment, this Court has
    recognized that it “presumes the amount of the fee to be reasonable, unless the contrary appears
    on the face of the law itself or is established by proper evidence[.]” Wheeler v Charter Twp of
    265 Mich App 657
    , 665-666; 697 NW2d 180 (2005). But because the instant rate
    challenges are not pursued under the Headlee Amendment, such authority is not dispositive here.
    plaintiff argues that in a ratepayer challenge like the one at bar (i.e., one pursued under MCL
    123.141(3)), if a plaintiff does present clear evidence of either illegal or improper expenses
    included in a municipal utility’s rates, the presumption of reasonableness is no longer a relevant
    consideration—that is, the plaintiff need not also demonstrate that the rates, viewed as a
    comprehensive whole, are unreasonable. Put differently, plaintiff argues that Trahey stands for
    the proposition that, in the face of illegal or improper expenses included in the disputed rates, she
    is not required to demonstrate that the rates actually overcharged for the related water and sewer
    In stark contrast, the Township argues that, under Trahey, even if a specific expense that is
    included in formulating a challenged municipal utility rate is shown to be either illegal or improper,
    the plaintiff nevertheless bears the burden of both rebutting the presumption of reasonableness and
    proving that the disputed rates are unreasonable when viewed as a whole. In other words, the
    Township argues that absent a showing that the disputed rates actually overcharged plaintiff and
    the plaintiff class for the related water and sewer services, plaintiff’s challenge to those rates—and
    her request for monetary “damages” in particular—is fatally flawed. We agree with the Township.
    In our view, the flaw in plaintiff’s argument rests less on a textual dissection of Trahey
    than it does on the fundamental nature of plaintiff’s equitable “assumpsit” claims. “[E]quity
    regards and treats as done what in good conscience ought to be done.” Allard v Allard (On
    318 Mich App 583
    , 597; 899 NW2d 420 (2017) (quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Had plaintiff sought a declaratory judgment that certain costs included in the disputed water and
    sewer rates were improper or illegal, perhaps she would be correct that the presumption of
    reasonableness would be irrelevant. Instead, however, by asserting her claims for assumpsit,
    plaintiff sought “restitution”—in the form of a refund to herself and the plaintiff class—of
    whatever amount was necessary to “correct for the unfairness flowing from” the Township’s
    “benefit received,” i.e., its “unjust retention of a benefit owed to another.” See Wright, 504 Mich
    at 417-418, 422-423. Whether the Township would receive an unjust “benefit” from retaining the
    disputed rate charges in this case depends on whether the water and sewer rates, viewed as a whole,
    were unreasonable inasmuch as they were “excessive,” not on whether some aspect of the
    Township’s ratemaking methodology was improper. See id. at 419 (“Unjust enrichment . . .
    doesn’t seek to compensate for an injury but to correct against one party’s retention of a benefit at
    another’s expense. And the correction, or remedy, is therefore not compensatory damages, but
    restitution. Restitution restores a party who yielded excessive and unjust benefits to his or her
    rightful position.”) (emphasis added).
    Plaintiff’s strained interpretation of Trahey would permit an order of restitution in this case
    without any evidence or finding that the Township was enriched, let alone excessively
    compensated, by collecting and retaining the disputed utility charges. Moreover, even assuming,
    arguendo, that plaintiff is correct concerning this Court’s holding in Trahey, she fails to recognize
    that, to the extent that Trahey might be read as inconsistent with our Supreme Court’s decisions
    concerning the essential nature of unjust enrichment and restitution in Wright, or with Novi’s
    holding regarding the continued viability of the presumption of reasonableness, Trahey must be
    ignored under the doctrine of vertical stare decisis. See In re AGD, 327 Mich at 339 (noting that,
    under the doctrine of vertical stare decisis, only our Supreme Court has authority to overrule one
    of its prior decisions, and until that Court does so, its former decisions remain binding on all lower
    courts); Allen v Charlevoix Abstract & Engineering Co, 
    326 Mich App 658
    , 665; 929 NW2d 804
    (2019) (noting that this Court is “required to ignore” its former published decisions “in favor of
    any conflicting Supreme Court precedent”).
    The application of such principles in this case is straightforward. On several occasions,
    the trial court explicitly found that plaintiff had failed to rebut the presumption of reasonableness
    or demonstrate that the disputed rates were excessive in comparison to the associated costs of
    providing the related water and sewer services. On this record, we perceive no basis to disturb
    those factual findings. On the contrary, without a comprehensive rate study—or some similar
    evidence demonstrating that the disputed rates excessively compensated the Township for the
    related utility services—one can at best speculate about whether the disputed rates were
    proportional to the underlying costs. And several of the testifying experts at trial specifically
    indicated that, based on a review of the Township’s audited financial statements, its cash inflows
    and outflows over the disputed period were proportional. Therefore, we are not definitely and
    firmly convinced that the trial court made a mistake when it found that plaintiff had failed to
    demonstrate disproportionality in the rates.
    In light of that finding, however, the trial court erred by nevertheless ordering defendants
    to refund more than $9 million to plaintiff and the plaintiff class. Given that plaintiff failed to
    demonstrate that the Township would be excessively (and thus unjustly) enriched by the retention
    of such funds, the trial court should not have ordered the refund that it did. See Wright, 504 Mich
    at 417-418, 422-423; Trahey, 311 Mich App at 594, 597-598.
    We also conclude that the trial court abused its discretion by granting plaintiff a permanent
    injunction requiring the Township to document its ratemaking efforts in a specified fashion.
    “Injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that issues only when justice requires, there is no
    adequate remedy at law, and there exists a real and imminent danger of irreparable injury.”
    Jeffrey v Clinton Twp, 
    195 Mich App 260
    , 263-264; 489 NW2d 211 (1992) (quotation marks and
    citation omitted; emphasis added). See also Royal Oak Sch Dist v State Tenure Comm, 
    367 Mich 689
    , 693; 117 NW2d 181 (1962) (“Equity should not be used to obtain injunctive relief where
    there is no proof that complainant would suffer irreparable injury.”). Moreover, the party seeking
    injunctive relief has the burden of demonstrating that the requested injunction is appropriate and
    necessary. Pontiac Fire Fighters Union Local 376 v City of Pontiac, 
    482 Mich 1
    , 3; 753 NW2d
    595 (2008); Dutch Cookie Machine Co v Vande Vrede, 
    289 Mich 272
    , 280; 
    286 NW 612
    As noted, we find no basis to disturb the trial court’s finding that plaintiff failed to
    demonstrate that the disputed rates were actually disproportionate to the underlying utility costs.
    Consequently, plaintiff also failed to demonstrate that the injunctive relief ordered by the trial court
    was necessary to avert irreparable harm. On this record, one cannot tell whether plaintiff or the
    plaintiff class suffered any harm at all as a result of the disputed rates or ratemaking practices, let
    alone an irreparable injury or the real and imminent danger of suffering such an injury. By
    nevertheless granting a permanent injunction against the Township with regard to its ratemaking
    methodology, the trial court abused its discretion, overstepping the proper bounds of both its
    injunctive powers and the limited scope of judicial review that is appropriate in ratemaking cases
    such as this one. See Dutch Cookie Machine Co, 
    289 Mich at 280
     (holding that the party seeking
    an injunction bears the burden of proving that its issuance is warranted); Novi, 
    433 Mich at 428, 431
     (discussing “the difficulties inherent in the rate-making process,” “the statutory and practical
    limitations on the scope of judicial review,” and the general “policy of judicial noninterference
    where the Legislature has authorized governmental bodies to set rates”).
    As cross-appellant, plaintiff contends that the trial court erred by failing to recognize that
    the disputed PFP charges are unlawful under the Revenue Bond Act of 1933 (RBA), MCL 141.101
    et seq. In particular, plaintiff argues that those charges are unlawful because they permit the
    Township to receive “free service” in contravention of MCL 141.118(1), which provides, in
    pertinent part:
    Except as provided in subsection (2),[13] free service shall not be furnished
    by a public improvement to a person, firm, or corporation, public or private, or to a
    public agency or instrumentality. The reasonable cost and value of any service
    rendered to a public corporation, including the borrower, by a public improvement
    shall be charged against the public corporation and shall be paid for as the service
    accrues from the public corporation’s current funds or from the proceeds of taxes
    which the public corporation, within constitutional limitations, is hereby authorized
    and required to levy in an amount sufficient for that purpose, or both . . . .
    Specifically, plaintiff argues that the Township receives “free” PFP services, in contravention of
    MCL 141.118(1), because the Township’s water and sewer fund, not its general fund, pays for
    those services by incorporating the PFP expenses into the disputed utility rates.
    Assuming, without deciding, that the RBA is applicable here, that plaintiff is entitled to
    pursue a private cause of action seeking damages for violation of the RBA (which is an issue that
    she has failed to brief), that such a private action constitutes a valid end-around of the presumption-
    of-reasonableness standard discussed in Trahey and Novi, and that plaintiff is correct that it would
    violate MCL 141.118(1) if the Township were to fail to pay for its PFP services in the manner
    alleged, plaintiff’s argument is nevertheless unavailing. Plaintiff ignores the fact that, in the trial
    court’s amended judgment, it expressly found that the Township did, in fact, pay for the disputed
    PFP expenses by way of in-kind remuneration provided to the water and sewer fund. In plaintiff’s
    The referenced subsection, MCL 141.118(2), is irrelevant here, given that it applies to “[a] public
    improvement that is a hospital or other health care facility . . . .”
    brief as cross-appellant, she fails to explicitly argue that the trial court’s finding in that regard was
    clearly erroneous, and we discern no basis for disturbing it.
    There was extensive evidence at trial concerning the in-kind services the Township renders
    to its water and sewer fund, with Heffernan estimating their annual value at somewhere around
    $700,000 or $800,000. On the other hand, there was a relative dearth of evidence concerning the
    proper value for the trial court to ascribe to the PFP services. Plaintiff’s own expert, Heid, admitted
    that the “preferable” method of assessing the value of such services was to perform “a fully
    allocated cost of service study” and that he had failed to do so, having instead used the “antiquated”
    Maine Curve methodology. Therefore, we are not persuaded that the trial court clearly erred when
    it found that the Township’s provision of in-kind services constituted sufficient payment for the
    disputed PFP services. And in light of the finding that the Township was paying for those PFP
    services, we cannot conclude that the trial court erred by failing to hold that the Township was
    receiving “free” PFP services in contravention of MCL 141.118(1).
    D. MCL 123.141(3)
    Plaintiff also argues that the trial court erred by failing to recognize that the PFP charges
    are unlawful under MCL 123.141(3) (“The retail rate charged to the inhabitants of a city, village,
    township, or authority which is a contractual customer as provided by subsection (2) shall not
    exceed the actual cost of providing the service.”) (emphasis added). But plaintiff fails to explain
    how even a proven violation MCL 123.141(3), standing alone, exempts her instant claim from the
    presumption-of-reasonableness standard set forth in Trahey, 311 Mich App at 594, 597-598, which
    regarded a rate challenge pursued under the same statute: MCL 123.141(3). In our estimation, the
    rule of law set forth in Trahey concerning the presumption of reasonableness is binding here and
    that presumption must be applied. See MCR 7.215(J)(1). And for the reasons explained in part
    II(B) of this opinion, we conclude that plaintiff’s assumpsit claims under MCL 123.141(3) are not
    viable in light of the presumption of reasonableness discussed in Trahey and Novi. Hence, we
    reject plaintiff’s instant claim of error.
    Finally, plaintiff argues that the trial court erred or clearly erred by holding that the disputed
    OPEB, county drain, and PFP charges were not unlawful exactions under § 31 of the Headlee
    Amendment. We disagree.
    “The Headlee Amendment was adopted by referendum effective December 23, 1978.”
    Shaw, 329 Mich App at 652. It was “proposed as part of a nationwide ‘taxpayer revolt’ in which
    taxpayers were attempting to limit legislative expansion of requirements placed on local
    government, to put a freeze on what they perceived was excessive government spending, and to
    lower their taxes both at the local and the state level.” Durant v State Bd of Ed, 
    424 Mich 364
    378; 381 NW2d 662 (1985). Such purposes “would be thwarted if a local authority could charge
    higher utility rates to raise revenue and then use some of the excess funds to finance a public-
    works project.” Shaw, 329 Mich App at 643. As enacted, the Headlee Amendment “imposes on
    state and local government a fairly complex system of revenue and tax limits.” Durant v Michigan,
    456 Mich 175
    , 182; 566 NW2d 272 (1997).
    Plaintiff’s claims here are pursued under § 31 of the Headlee Amendment, which provides,
    in pertinent part:
    Units of Local Government are hereby prohibited from levying any tax not
    authorized by law or charter when this section is ratified or from increasing the rate
    of an existing tax above that rate authorized by law or charter when this section is
    ratified, without the approval of a majority of the qualified electors of that unit of
    Local Government voting thereon. . . .
    The limitations of this section shall not apply to taxes imposed for the
    payment of principal and interest on bonds or other evidence of indebtedness or for
    the payment of assessments on contract obligations in anticipation of which bonds
    are issued which were authorized prior to the effective date of this amendment.
    [Const 1963, art 9, § 31.]
    As our Supreme Court observed in Durant, 456 Mich at 182-183, “Section 31 prohibits
    units of local government from levying any new tax or increasing any existing tax above authorized
    rates without the approval of the unit’s electorate.” “Although the levying of a new tax without
    voter approval violates the Headlee Amendment, a charge that constitutes a user fee does not,” and
    the party challenging a given municipal utility charge under § 31 “bears the burden of establishing
    the unconstitutionality of the charge at issue.” Shaw, 329 Mich App at 653.
    As authority in support of plaintiff’s position, she primarily relies on Bolt, 
    459 Mich 152
    which set forth a three-prong test for determining whether a municipal charge represents a
    permissible “user fee” or an impermissible “tax” under Headlee § 31. In Shaw, 329 Mich App at
    653, this Court observed that in Bolt, our Supreme Court explained that
    “[t]here is no bright-line test for distinguishing between a valid user fee and a tax
    that violates the Headlee Amendment.” Bolt, 
    459 Mich at 160
    . In general, “a fee
    is exchanged for a service rendered or a benefit conferred, and some reasonable
    relationship exists between the amount of the fee and the value of the service or
    benefit. A tax, on the other hand, is designed to raise revenue.” 
    Id. at 161
    up). Under Bolt, courts apply three key criteria when distinguishing between a user
    fee and a tax: (1) “a user fee must serve a regulatory purpose rather than a revenue-
    raising purpose”; (2) “user fees must be proportionate to the necessary costs of the
    service”; and (3) a user fee is voluntary in that users are “able to refuse or limit their
    use of the commodity or service.” 
    Id. at 161-162
    . “These criteria are not to be
    considered in isolation, but rather in their totality, such that a weakness in one area
    would not necessarily mandate a finding that the charge is not a fee.” Wheeler v
    Shelby Charter Twp, 
    265 Mich App 657
    , 665; 697 NW2d 180 (2005) (cleaned up).
    Notably, the presumption of reasonableness regarding municipal utility rates is a “pertinent”
    consideration when considering the second Bolt factor. Shaw, 329 Mich App at 654.
    In Shaw, 
    329 Mich App 650
    -652, 664-669, this Court recently employed the Bolt factors
    in considering a Headlee challenge somewhat similar to the one now at bar. The Shaw Court
    upheld the challenged water and sewer rates in that case, holding that they were permissible user
    fees. Shaw, 329 Mich App at 669. In part, this Court reasoned:
    [P]laintiff . . . posits that there are embedded taxes within her utility rates, arguing
    that a charge need not pay for infrastructure to qualify as a disguised tax. . . .
    * * *
    Under the analysis suggested by plaintiff, a city could never use funds
    obtained from city-wide water or sewer ratepayers to install, repair, or replace any
    particular pipe or facility that is part of the overall water or sewer system. Take,
    for example, a water main that runs beneath a major thoroughfare on the west side
    of any average city. The water main does not transport water to the residential
    homes, commercial businesses, or industrial factories on the east side of that city.
    Yet, when the water main ruptures and must be repaired, the city can use funds
    obtained from the general pool of water ratepayers to make the repairs—without
    transforming its water rates into an unconstitutional tax. The city is not constrained
    by the Headlee Amendment to determine which specific homes, businesses, or
    factories in the city use water that flows through the specific water main that burst,
    and then use revenues derived from only those users to pay the cost of repairing
    that burst pipe. When the city uses funds paid by water ratepayers throughout the
    entire city to pay for the repairs to the burst water main, that repair does not
    transform the city’s water rates into an illegal tax on the ratepayers who use water
    that flows through pipes other than the one that burst. Rather, the water rates are
    used to operate and maintain a viable water-supply system for the entire city and
    the revenues used to make the repairs serve a regulatory purpose of providing
    water to all of the city’s residents. [Shaw, 329 Mich App at 663-665 (emphasis
    Shaw’s analysis of the Bolt factors strongly supports the propriety of the trial court’s
    Headlee ruling in this case. Addressing the first factor, in Shaw, 329 Mich App at 666, this Court
    held that it was
    beyond dispute that the city’s water and sewer rates comprise a valid user fee
    because the rates serve the regulatory purpose of providing water and sewer service
    to the city’s residents. Although the rates generate funds to pay for the operation
    and maintenance of the water and sewer systems in their entirety, this by itself does
    not establish that the rates serve primarily a revenue-generating purpose. “While a
    fee must serve a primary regulatory purpose, it can also raise money as long as it is
    in support of the underlying regulatory purpose.” Graham v Kochville Twp, 
    236 Mich App 141
    , 151; 599 NW2d 793 (1999). Further, . . . the cost of operating and
    maintaining the caissons, is part of the cost of providing sewer service to the city’s
    ratepayers. Dearborn must provide sewer service in conformance with state and
    federal regulatory requirements, and keeping the caissons functional helps ensure
    that sewage is properly treated before it is released into the environment.
    Similarly, in this case, it is undisputed that the contested rates are assessed to fund the operational
    and capital expenses of the Township’s water and sewer system, which serves the primary function
    of providing water and sewer services to the Township’s ratepayers. Moreover, to the extent that
    those rates result in surpluses during some fiscal years, Domine indicated that the Township’s 20-
    year capital improvement program was, at least in part, necessitated by the entry of an “abatement
    order” against the Township, which arose out of litigation with the DEQ and regarded the level of
    water “infiltration” in the Township’s sewer system. Categorically, such obligations arising out
    of administrative-agency regulations serve a regulatory purpose. On the strength of the entire
    record, we hold that the Township’s act of raising a prudent level of both revenue and capital and
    operational reserves through the disputed rates—including revenue to fund its OPEB obligations,
    the costs of providing fire protection services to the community, expenses related to the county
    storm-drain system, and necessary capital improvements—primarily serves valid regulatory
    Nor are we persuaded by plaintiff’s contention that, because some who are not ratepayers
    may benefit from the water and sewer system, the disputed rates must be an improper tax. By way
    of example, although county storm-sewer systems certainly benefit the general public when
    viewed on a macro scale—e.g., by preventing roadways from flooding, limiting soil erosion and
    the pollution of waterways, and decreasing demand on regional wastewater-treatment facilities—
    the vast majority of governmental enterprises benefit the general public, rather than just one
    regional subset of the public, when viewed on such a scale. As in Shaw, plaintiff’s proposed
    application of the first Bolt factor would effectively hamstring municipal utilities, preventing them
    from raising the funds necessary to comply with mandatory state and federal regulations if doing
    so will yield any sort of incidental benefit for society at large. In any event, viewing the disputed
    rates as a whole, we are persuaded that they primarily serve valid regulatory purposes under the
    first Bolt factor, which favors the determination that they are user fees rather than taxes.
    In considering the second Bolt factor, in Shaw, 329 Mich App at 666-668, this Court
    reasoned, in pertinent part, that the disputed “water and sewer rates” in that case
    constitute[d] a valid user fee because users pa[id] their proportionate share of the
    expenses associated with the operation and maintenance of the water and sewer
    systems. Mathematic precision is not required when reviewing the reasonable
    proportionality of a utility fee. “Where the charge for either storm or sanitary
    sewers reflects the actual costs of use, metered with relative precision in accordance
    with available technology, including some capital investment component, sewerage
    may properly be viewed as a utility service for which usage-based charges are
    permissible, and not as a disguised tax.” Bolt, 
    459 Mich at 164-165
     (cleaned up).
    * * *
    Plaintiff reasons that the amount of water that a ratepayer withdraws from the tap
    bears no relation to the amount of stormwater that enters the combined-sewer
    system, and she argues that funds derived from water ratepayers therefore cannot
    be used to pay for the construction, operation, or maintenance of anything related
    to stormwater without transforming the water and sewer rates into an
    unconstitutional tax. Plaintiff further argues that the city should design a system of
    charging property owners, rather than ratepayers, for the removal of stormwater
    that flows across their property before entering the combined-sewer system or the
    separated-storm system. Yet, under the Headlee Amendment, it is not this Court’s
    role to determine whether a municipal government has chosen the best, wisest, most
    efficient, or most fair system for funding a municipal improvement or service. This
    Court’s role, rather, is to determine whether a particular charge imposed by a
    municipal government is a true user fee or a disguised tax. [Quotation marks and
    citations partially omitted.]
    In this case, on several occasions, the trial court expressly found that plaintiff had failed to
    demonstrate that the disputed utility rates were disproportionate to the underlying utility costs, and
    as already explained, we see no basis for disturbing that factual finding. Because plaintiff did not
    carry her burden of demonstrating disproportionality, it necessarily follows that the second Bolt
    factor militates in favor of the Township’s position. See Shaw, 329 Mich App at 653 (observing
    that “the plaintiff bears the burden of establishing the unconstitutionality of the charge at issue”).
    With regard to the final factor, this Court in Shaw ruled as follows:
    The third Bolt factor also weighs in favor of finding that Dearborn’s water
    and sewer rates constitute a valid user fee. Each individual user decides the amount
    and frequency of usage, i.e., each user decides how much water to draw from the
    tap. See Ripperger v Grand Rapids, 
    338 Mich 682
    , 686; 62 NW2d 585 (1954)
    (explaining that “[n]o one can be compelled to take water unless he chooses” and
    that charges for water and sewer services based on water usage do not comprise
    taxes); Mapleview Estates, Inc[, 258 Mich App at 417] (holding that an increased
    fee for connecting new homes to water and sewer systems was voluntary because,
    inter alia, “those who occupy plaintiff’s homes have the ability to choose how
    much water and sewer they wish to use”). The purported charges at issue in this
    case are voluntary because each user of the city’s water and sewer system can
    control how much water they use. [Shaw, 329 Mich App at 669.]
    The instant case is distinguishable from Shaw with respect to the third Bolt factor. In this
    case, the parties agree that the disputed water and sewer rates were each comprised of both a
    variable rate, which was based on metered water usage, and a fixed rate. Indeed, Theis testified
    that the fixed portion of the water rate generally represented about 80% of the utility’s required
    revenue stream. Contrastingly, in Shaw, it was “uncontested that Dearborn determine[d] its water
    and sewer rates based on metered-water usage” alone. Id. at 667-668 (distinguishing Bolt on the
    basis that the disputed rates in Bolt were “flat rates,” not variable rates based on “metered-water
    On this record, we conclude that use of the Township’s water and sewer services cannot
    be viewed as “voluntary” for purposes of the Bolt inquiry. If a charge is “effectively compulsory,”
    it is not voluntary. Bolt, 
    459 Mich at 167
    . With the exception of those sewer-only customers who
    have elected not to have a meter installed to track their actual well-water usage, it is technically
    true that the Township’s water and sewer customers can avoid paying the variable portion of the
    disputed rates by refusing to use any water. But the fixed portions of those rates constitute flat-
    rate charges like those in Bolt, 
    459 Mich at
    157 n 6, and such flat rates can only be avoided by not
    being a utility customer in the first instance. To the extent that the Township contends that the
    fixed rates are nevertheless voluntary because ratepayers can avoid paying them by moving
    elsewhere, that argument is unavailing. See 
    id. at 168
     (“The dissent suggests that property owners
    can control the amount of the fee they pay by building less on their property. However, we do not
    find that this is a legitimate method for controlling the amount of the fee because it is tantamount
    to requiring property owners to relinquish their rights of ownership to their property by declining
    to build on the property.”). In light of Bolt, 
    459 Mich at 167-168
    , we conclude that at least the
    fixed portion of the disputed rates here—the most sizable portion—is effectively compulsory.
    Thus, the third Bolt factor weighs in favor of plaintiff’s position.
    On balance, plaintiff has failed to carry her burden of demonstrating that the disputed rates
    are impermissible taxes, rather than user fees, for purposes of Headlee § 31. The first and second
    Bolt factors clearly favor the conclusion that the disputed charges are proper user fees, and with
    regard to the third factor, “the lack of volition does not render a charge a tax, particularly where
    the other criteria indicate the challenged charge is a user fee and not a tax.” See Wheeler, 265
    Mich App at 666. Therefore, the trial court did not err by entering a no-cause judgment against
    plaintiff with regard to her Headlee claims.
    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded to the trial court for entry of a judgment
    of no cause of action in the Township’s favor. We do not retain jurisdiction.
    /s/ Cynthia Diane Stevens
    /s/ Christopher M. Murray
    /s/ Deborah A. Servitto