Op. Atty. Gen. 161b-7 (Cr. Ref. 59a-25, 125a-28, 469a-7) ( 1998 )

    required to make available same level of insurance coverage to retired employees 65 years of age
    and older as that provided to active employees. Minn. Stat. § 471.61. Sul:-‘d. 211
    16th -7
    (Cr. ref. 593-25),
    December 15, 19'98
    Patricia A. Maloney
    Amy E. Mace
    Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A.
    300 Peavey Building
    730 Second Avenue South
    Minneapolis. MN 55402
    Dear Ms. Maloney and Ms. Macc:
    In your letter to Attomey General I-Iubert I-I. Humphrey III. you submit substantially the
    Independent School District No. 622. North St. Paul-Maplewood provides group hospital.
    medical and dental insurance coverage to its employees The school district also allows former
    employees and their dependents to continue to participate in the same hospital. medical and
    dental insurance group that the employee participated in immediately before retirement.
    You then ask substantially the l`ollowing:
    ls the school district required by Minn. Stat. § 471.61. subd. 2b to make available to an
    eligible employee who is 65 years or age or older the same level of coverage that the employee
    received prior to retirement'?
    We answer your question in the negative .\linn. b`tat. § -.l'/'l .6 l . subd. 1b provides in part:
    .~\ unit ol` local government must allow :1 former employee and the employees
    dependents to continue to participate indetinitely in the employer-sponsored
    Patricia A. Maloney
    Amy E. Mace
    Page 2
    hospital. medical. and dental insurance group that the employee participated in
    immediately before retirement under the following conditions:
    (b) Until the fenner employee reaches age 65, the former employee and
    dependents must be pooled in the same group as active employees for pEoses of
    establishing premiums and covera§ for hospital. medical and dental insurance.
    (Emphasis added.) We note that the statute does not by its terms entitle retired employees to
    retain any particular level of coverage Rather it entitles them to continue to participate in the
    group in which they previously participated However in that respect these provisions are not a
    model of clarity. The initial clause indicates generally that the retired employee may participate
    in the same employee sponsored insurance “gro_up" indefinitely, while the second requires
    inclusion in the same "gEi_p" as active employees for premium and coverage purposes only until
    age 65.
    Resolution of this seeming contradiction. pursuant to established rules of statutory
    construction. leads to the conclusion that. while retired employees may participate indefinitely in
    an employer-sponsored group plan. the premium and level ot`coverage provided to retired
    employees 65 years ol` age and over may differ from that provided to then-active employees
    Minn. Stat. § 645.17(2) provides that the legislature intends the entire law to be effective
    and certain. .=\s noted by the Court in State \'. Perrv. 524 N.W.'.Id 21 (Minn. App. 1994), "a
    construction which would give no effect to [a] part of the statute. is to be avoided." § at 23.
    Minn. Stat. § ()4:'\.2(). subd. l provides that "when a general provision in a law is in
    conflict with a special provision ot`the same or another la\v. the two shall be construcd. if
    possible. so that effect may he given to l)oth." ll` that cannot be done then the special provision
    will prevail.
    Patricta A. Maloney
    A.rny E. Mace
    Page 3
    In this situation subparagraph (b) plainly is more specific and limiting than the initial
    clause of the subdivision l'~`urthermoret if subdivision 2b were interpreted to require that the
    same coverage be made available to retired employees before and after age 65, no effect would
    be given to that part of subparagraph (b) which limits the mandatory inclusion With the active
    employee group to retired employees under 65 years of age. To have meaning subparagraph (b)
    must be interpreted to imply that premium and coverage levels for employees 65 years of age and
    older may differ from those for active employees and younger retirees.
    Thus it is our opinion that local government employers including District 622 are not`
    required to make available to retired employees 65 'years of age or older the same coverage as
    that provided at the time of retirement. or that available to currently active employees
    Very truly yours.
    Attorrtey General
    Assistant Attomey General

Document Info

Filed Date: 12/15/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/2/2017