Welch v. Willey , 776 S.E.2d 364 ( 2015 )

  • An unpublished opinion of the North Carolina Court of Appeals does not constitute
    controlling legal authority. Citation is disfavored, but may be permitted in accordance with
    the provisions of Rule 30(e)(3) of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure.
    No. COA14-1264
    Filed: 21 July 2015
    Pitt County, No. 08-CVD-3727
    PEYTEN GWEN WILLEY, Defendant.
    Appeal by Defendant from order entered 3 July 2013 by Judge P. Gwynett
    Hilburn in Pitt County District Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals 23 April 2015.
    No brief for the Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Teresa DeLoatch Bryant, for the Defendant-Appellant.
    DILLON, Judge.
    Peyten Gwen Willey (“Mother”) appeals from the trial court’s order granting a
    motion to dismiss in favor of Francis John Carl Welch (“Father”). For the following
    reasons, we reverse.
    I. Background
    Mother and Father are the biological parents of a minor child. Father sought
    and obtained temporary custody of the child in 2008 based on Mother’s struggles with
    addiction and associated risks of harm to the child. In 2009, Father was awarded
    primary physical custody, and Mother was granted supervised visitation.
    Opinion of the Court
    In 2013, Mother moved to modify the 2009 custody order, seeking greater
    visitation based on changed circumstances. She alleged in her motion facts which
    tended to show how she had changed for the better and that increased visitation with
    her would be in the best interest of the child.
    In 2014, Mother’s motion came on for hearing in the district court. Father
    orally moved to dismiss Mother’s motion for failure to allege specifically that the
    changed circumstances alleged in her motion affected the child in a positive way. The
    court granted the Father’s oral motion, entering an order dismissing Mother’s motion
    without prejudice. Defendant entered written notice of appeal.
    II. Analysis
    Mother argues that the trial court erred in granting Father’s motion to dismiss
    her motion seeking greater visitation.        Specifically, Mother contends that the
    apparent basis for the court’s ruling – that she did not allege a causal connection
    between the change of circumstances asserted and the welfare of her child – is not an
    allegation that must be pleaded in a motion to modify custody. We agree.
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 50-13.7(a) states that an order for custody may be modified
    “upon motion in the cause and a showing of changed circumstances by either party or
    any interested.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 50-13.7(a) (2013). Our Supreme Court has held
    that “changed circumstances” means those changes that affect the welfare of the
    Opinion of the Court
    child, and that those changes can either adversely affect the child or benefit the child.
    See Pulliam v. Smith, 
    348 N.C. 616
    , 618-19, 
    501 S.E.2d 898
    , 899 (1998).
    Regarding the motion that must be filed, Rule 7(b) of our Rules of Civil
    Procedure states that the motion “shall be made in writing, shall state with
    particularity the grounds therefor, and shall set forth the relief or order sought.”
    In the present case, Mother alleged that she had been “successful in dealing
    with a substance abuse problem”; that she had completed an education program and
    was gainfully employed; that she had a stable home environment; that the parties
    had informally adjusted visitation by expanding the child’s visitation with Mother;
    and that it would be in the best interests of the child to allow Mother greater
    visitation. Nevertheless, the trial court concluded that “[Mother’s] failure to allege
    additionally a causal connection between any asserted change in circumstance and
    the impact, if any, on the welfare of the minor child, is fatal to [Mother’s] motion.”
    We disagree. We believe, rather, that the contents of Mother’s motion adequately put
    Father on notice as to the relief Mother was seeking and the grounds she was basing
    it on. Mother is stating in her motion that she is in a much better place in her life;
    that she can provide a good environment for the child during visitation; and that her
    improvement is a beneficial change in circumstances for the child. Therefore, we hold
    that the trial court erred in dismissing Mother’s motion. Accordingly, we reverse the
    order of the trial court and remand the matter for a hearing on Mother’s motion.
    Opinion of the Court
    III. Conclusion
    The trial court’s order dismissing Defendant’s motion for failure to state a
    claim upon which relief can be granted is reversed.
    Judges ELMORE and Judge GEER concur.
    Report per Rule 30(e).

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-1264

Citation Numbers: 776 S.E.2d 364

Filed Date: 7/21/2015

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023