Hershner v. N.C. Dep't of Admin. , 232 N.C. App. 552 ( 2014 )

  •                                NO. COA13-790
    Filed: 4 March 2014
    v.                                      Wake County
    No. 12 CVS 8765
    Appeal by respondent from order entered 11 January 2013 by
    Judge Paul C. Ridgeway in Wake County Superior Court.                Heard in
    the Court of Appeals 11 December 2013.
    John Walter      Bryant    and    Amber    J.   Ivie    for   petitioner-
    Roy Cooper, Attorney General, by Ann Stone,                     Assistant
    Attorney General, for respondent-appellant.
    STEELMAN, Judge.
    Where unchallenged findings of fact support the decisions
    of the administrative law judge and state personnel commission,
    the trial court did not err in adopting their findings of fact
    and conclusions of law.         Where respondent failed at trial to
    present evidence to support the alleged bases for petitioner’s
    termination,   the   trial    court   did     not   err    in   affirming   the
    decisions of the administrative law judge and state personnel
    commission that petitioner’s termination was wrongful.                                 Where
    the   state       personnel      commission     had   a   quorum      at    the    time      it
    commenced business, it was authorized to issue a decision.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background
    Millie       Hershner      (petitioner)     was     employed        by    the   North
    Carolina         Department      of   Administration       (DOA),      Human      Relations
    Committee (HRC) (collectively, respondent) as a staff attorney.
    Citizens who believe their rights under the Fair Housing Act
    have been violated can file complaints with the HRC.                            As part of
    her    employment         duties,     petitioner      assisted        investigators          in
    these cases and helped to determine whether HRC should hear
    In        2005,     petitioner     was    hired     as    an    Attorney        I    for
    respondent.             She was selected for this position over another
    applicant, Richard Boulden.               In 2006, Boulden was selected for
    an    Attorney      II    position,     making    him     petitioner’s          supervisor.
    Prior       to    2006,    petitioner     had     only     one    disagreement             with
    Boulden.           At    the    time,   Boulden,      a   case    investigator,             had
    determined that a case had cause, while petitioner determined
    that it did not.               Subsequent to his promotion, Boulden did not
    train petitioner, or meet with her to establish any kind of work
    plan   or   standards,      as       required    by        respondent’s    “Performance
    Management      System.”         However,       on    Boulden’s      first   review       of
    petitioner’s work, he gave her a negative performance rating.
    Petitioner subsequently advised Boulden that he could not rate
    her performance negatively without stating the basis for the
    rating; Boulden then amended the performance ratings, so that
    they were positive, but in the lower range.
    Following    the        low     rating,        petitioner        contacted        the
    complainants in cases on which she had previously worked.                                One
    such complainant, Virginia Radcliffe (Radcliffe), had threatened
    to sue HRC.        On 3 January 2008, Boulden contacted Radcliffe,
    informed her that HRC was no longer working on her case, and
    told her that he would be the sole point of contact between
    Radcliffe and respondent.              Boulden claimed at the hearing that
    he   had    overheard    petitioner        speaking          with   Radcliffe    on      the
    telephone later that day, although he did not raise the issue
    with petitioner at the time.
    On   9    June    2008,        Boulden        informed       petitioner      of     a
    disciplinary meeting concerning her conversation with Radcliffe
    on 3 January 2008.         On 11 June 2008, petitioner received a Final
    Written Warning for unacceptable personal conduct, specifically
    insubordination,        with     regard     to       her    continued     contact     with
    Radcliffe.          This       letter    outlined          five   numbered     rules    that
    petitioner had been expected to follow.                           There was no evidence
    presented that petitioner had violated any of these rules, or
    that petitioner had any subsequent contact with Radcliffe.
    On     24     August       2009,        petitioner          was    dismissed     for
    unacceptable personal conduct, including conduct unbecoming a
    State employee that was detrimental to State service, violation
    of a known work rule, and insubordination.                          Specifically, three
    acts     were      alleged      as    the      basis       for    this    dismissal:    (1)
    petitioner sent two letters to Radcliffe, containing allegedly
    confidential        information;         (2)    petitioner         contacted      Stephanie
    Williams (Williams), another complainant, and informed her that
    she     believed      Williams’         case    had        “cause,”      before   a    final
    determination had been made by HRC; and (3) petitioner had been
    instructed to work on a single assignment, to the exclusion of
    others, and yet continued to work on other assignments.                                 John
    Campbell,       Executive       Director       of    HRC    (Campbell)     admitted     that
    petitioner was not fired due to a failure to meet expectations,
    a failure to do her job, or unsuccessful job performance due to
    lack     of     skill     or     effort.             Further,      an    HRC   Supervising
    Investigator, Maggie Faulcon, observed that she had “never heard
    of     anyone      ever    even      being     disciplined         for    discussing    the
    likelihood of the determination with a party, and for certain,
    never heard of anyone losing their job over such a thing.”
    On   4    December   2009,   petitioner   filed   a   petition   for   a
    contested case hearing in the Office of Administrative Hearings
    (OAH).   On 3 February 2012, Administrative Law Judge Donald W.
    Overby (ALJ) issued his decision, and held that respondent’s
    dismissal of petitioner was unwarranted and should be reversed.
    Respondent appealed the ALJ’s decision to the State Personnel
    Commission.     On 23 May 2012, the SPC issued its decision and
    order, adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of law of
    the ALJ, and affirming the decision in favor of petitioner.
    Respondent appealed to the Superior Court of Wake County.            On 11
    January 2013, the trial court affirmed the decision of the SPC,
    and ordered that petitioner be reinstated with back pay and
    Respondent appeals.
    II. Standard of Review
    “In cases appealed from administrative tribunals, we review
    questions of law de novo and questions of fact under the whole
    record test.” Diaz v. Div. of Soc. Servs., 
    360 N.C. 384
    , 386,
    628 S.E.2d 1
    , 2 (2006).
    “[W]e     consider     de   novo    whether   the    Commission     erred     in
    reaching    its     conclusion        that     ‘just    cause’       existed     for
    petitioner's termination.”            Amanini v. N.C. Dep't of Human Res.,
    114 N.C. App. 668
    , 678, 
    443 S.E.2d 114
    , 120 (1994).
    III. Adoption of Findings and Conclusions by Trial Court
    In its first argument, respondent contends that the trial
    court erred in adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of
    law of the ALJ and SPC.         We disagree.
    The ALJ made one hundred and twenty five findings of fact,
    which were adopted by the SPC, and ultimately adopted by the
    trial court.      Respondent challenges the evidentiary support for
    only ten of these findings.              Those findings which respondent
    does not challenge are binding upon this court.                        Koufman v.
    330 N.C. 93
    , 97, 
    408 S.E.2d 729
    , 731 (1991).
    Even assuming arguendo that respondent is correct, and that
    these ten findings were not supported by evidence in the record,
    there were one hundred and fifteen unchallenged findings.                         We
    hold that these remaining findings of fact support the ALJ’s
    conclusions    of   law.        These    conclusions     of    law   support     the
    decisions   of    the   SPC     and    trial   court    to    affirm   the     ALJ’s
    This argument is without merit.
    IV. Affirming the ALJ and SPC
    In its second argument, respondent contends that the trial
    court erred in affirming the decisions of the ALJ and SPC.                                 We
    Respondent contends that petitioner was dismissed due to
    violations       of   guidelines,      particularly         those        in    the       Final
    Written Warning dated 11 June 2008, relating to the disclosure
    of    confidential      information         and    contacting        a        complainant.
    Respondent       contends       that   petitioner’s          violation          of       these
    guidelines constituted just cause for petitioner’s dismissal.
    At trial, respondent supported its claim that petitioner’s
    conduct    was     unbecoming      a   State      employee     with       two       letters,
    written by petitioner to Radcliffe, which respondent contends
    contained confidential information about cases and derogatory
    remarks     about     petitioner’s      supervisor       and        HRC.            However,
    respondent failed to offer any evidence that the information in
    these    letters      was    confidential.         Respondent       also        failed     to
    present evidence that these letters were detrimental to State
    service simply because they may have contained negative remarks
    concerning    petitioner’s        supervisor.         The     ALJ     concluded           that
    “[t]he Respondent failed to meet its burden to establish that
    any     information         released   by    the     Petitioner          .      .    .     was
    confidential to anyone other than the Petitioner, who is free to
    waive    that    confidentiality         as    she    chooses.”           The    ALJ       also
    concluded that “[t]he Respondent failed to meet its burden to
    establish that the release of information by Ms. Hershner was
    detrimental to state service simply because it may have been
    negative regarding one Supervisor[.]”                      These conclusions were
    affirmed by the SPC and trial court.
    Respondent also contended that petitioner was dismissed, in
    part,    for    the        willful     violation      of     a    known        work    rule,
    specifically         for   her    alleged     disclosure         to   Williams        of   the
    status of her case.              However, respondent presented no evidence
    that this rule applied to HRC attorneys such as petitioner.
    Evidence in the record instead supported a finding that this
    rule    applied       to    the      non-attorney      investigators,            and       that
    investigators        regularly       disregarded      this       rule.     Petitioner’s
    supervisor testified that he had never told petitioner that this
    policy was grounds for dismissal.                    One investigator testified
    that such a policy did not apply to attorneys, and that she had
    not    heard    of    investigators       being      disciplined         for    discussing
    preliminary          determinations         with     complainants.               The        ALJ
    concluded, based upon this evidence, that the State had not met
    its burden of establishing that this policy existed, or that
    such a policy was enforced prior to being used as a basis to
    discipline petitioner.
    Finally,      respondent   alleged   as    its   third   basis    for
    petitioner’s   dismissal   that   petitioner   was   insubordinate,   in
    that she willfully refused to carry out a reasonable order from
    her supervisor.     Respondent contends that this directive was to
    work on nothing but an appellate brief for one specific case.
    However, the directive was for petitioner to make the brief her
    “top priority,” not to cease all other work.         The ALJ found that
    the case in question was ultimately dismissed as a result of her
    supervisor’s conduct, not as a result of petitioner’s work.           The
    ALJ further concluded that:
    The Respondent failed to establish its
    burden that the Petitioner was insubordinate
    in her handling of the writing of the
    Appellate Brief, when she had been commended
    by the Executive Director of the Agency for
    postponing her vacation to finish a brief,
    putting her work ahead of her personal life,
    she had never missed a filing deadline in
    her work at the HRC, the Petitioner still
    had fifteen days remaining within which to
    finish the brief before its due date when
    she was placed on administrative leave by
    the Agency Counsel, the HRC Agency Counsel
    eventually decided to abandon the appeal
    without ever filing the brief, and the very
    day    the   Petitioner    was   placed   on
    Administrative leave she was told by the
    Agency Counsel that the brief was only a
    "top priority" not her only priority.
    We   have   previously   held     that,   “according   to   the
    Commission's regulations, ‘just cause’ for dismissal has been
    divided into two basic categories—unsatisfactory job performance
    and personal conduct (misconduct) detrimental to State service.”
    114 N.C. App. at 679
    443 S.E.2d at 120
    .      In Amanini,
    we held that there was a distinction between the two categories:
    The JOB PERFORMANCE category is intended to
    be used in addressing performance-related
    inadequacies for which a reasonable person
    would expect to be notified of and allowed
    an opportunity to improve. PERSONAL CONDUCT
    discipline is intended to be imposed for
    those actions for which no reasonable person
    could, or should, expect to receive prior
    Id. at 679, 
    443 S.E.2d at 120-21
    .       In the instant case, the
    conduct at issue involved job performance, the first category.
    Alleged infractions under this category require prior notice and
    opportunity to improve.   As the ALJ found, however, petitioner
    had never received such warning.
    We   hold   that   petitioner’s    termination,   based     upon
    disclosure of information which respondent failed to prove was
    confidential, violation of a rule which respondent failed to
    prove was in effect, and disobedience of an instruction which
    was not, in fact, disobeyed, was not supported by just cause.
    The trial court did not err in affirming the decisions of the
    ALJ   and   SPC   that    respondent    lacked    just     cause   to   terminate
    petitioner’s employment.
    This argument is without merit.
    C. Whether a Quorum Existed
    In its third argument, respondent contends that the SPC
    lacked the authority to make its decision because a quorum of
    its members was not present.       We disagree.
    Of the nine members of the SPC, seven were present when
    petitioner’s case was heard.            Once the session of the SPC had
    opened, those with conflicts were asked to recuse themselves;
    two did so,       leaving five    remaining SPC members.                Respondent
    contends that five members did not constitute a quorum, and that
    the SPC lacked authority to rule on petitioner’s case.
    At the time of petitioner’s case, the SPC required a quorum
    of six in order to hear cases.                  
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 126-2
    (2011).1    The term “quorum” is not defined in Chapter 126 of the
    North Carolina General Statutes.              Black’s Law Dictionary defines
    a quorum as “[t]he minimum number of members . . . who must be
    present     for   a   deliberative       assembly     to     legally     transact
    In August of 2013, 
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 126-2
    (f) was amended to
    read “Five members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.”
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 126-2
    (f) (2013).     However, at the time of
    petitioner’s hearing before the SPC, the statute required six
    members to constitute a quorum.
    business[,]”       but    does   not   state       at   what    time    during   the
    proceedings        a    quorum   should      be    determined.         Black’s   Law
    Dictionary, 1370 (9th ed. 2009).                  However, several other North
    Carolina statutes note that once a person is deemed present for
    quorum purposes, he is deemed present for the remainder of that
    meeting.    See 
    N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 55-7-25
    (b), 55A-7-22(a) (2013).
    We hold that a quorum of the SPC is to be determined at the
    beginning of a meeting; once the meeting is opened, the SPC may
    conduct    business       regardless    of    subsequent       recusals   that   may
    reduce the number of members voting on a particular issue below
    the number required for a quorum.
    In the instant case, when the SPC commenced business, seven
    members were present, exceeding the six required for a quorum.
    At that time, a quorum was established.                    Respondent cites no
    authority     to       support   the   contention       that    this    quorum   was
    subsequently nullified by the recusal of two of its members.                      We
    hold that the SPC had a quorum, and therefore had the authority
    to hear petitioner’s case.
    This argument is without merit.
    Judges GEER and ERVIN concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-790

Citation Numbers: 232 N.C. App. 552

Filed Date: 3/4/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023