DOT v. Jay Butmataji , 260 N.C. App. 516 ( 2018 )

    No. COA17-689
    Filed: 7 August 2018
    Burke County, No. 11 CVS 785
    Appeal by defendant Jay Butmataji LLC from judgment entered 10 October
    2016 by Judge W. Robert Bell in Superior Court, Burke County. Heard in the Court
    of Appeals 11 January 2018.
    Attorney General Joshua H. Stein, by Assistant Attorney General Kevin G.
    Mahoney, for the State.
    Sigmon, Clark, Mackie, Hanvey & Ferrell, P.A., by Forrest A. Ferrell and
    Andrew J. Howell, for defendant-appellant Jay Butmataji LLC.
    STROUD, Judge.
    Defendant appeals the trial court’s judgment awarding him $150,000 as just
    compensation for the taking of his property by the Department of Transportation.
    Because the trial court did not abuse its discretion in excluding portions of
    defendant’s appraiser’s testimony and appraisal report which valued the taking of a
    Opinion of the Court
    temporary construction easement assuming conditions during construction which did
    not exist, we affirm.
    I.      Background
    On 10 May 2011, plaintiff Department of Transportation (“DOT”) instituted
    this action against defendant landowner Jay Butmataji LLC, trustees, and Branch
    Banking and Trust Company.1 DOT had condemned and appropriated a portion of
    defendant’s property in Burke County upon which it operated a motel. DOT took
    0.184 acres of defendant’s 3.573 acres of property. DOT described the taking as a
    temporary construction easement (“TCE”) to widen a highway.2 Defendant Butmataji
    answered DOT’s complaint and requested a jury trial to determine just compensation
    for the taking.
    Before the trial, DOT made a motion in limine requesting the trial court
    to instruct all parties, their counsel, and witnesses not to
    mention state, or intimate any of the matters listed below
    by statement, question, or argument in the presence of the
    jury or the jury panel without first approaching the Court
    of the hearing of the jury and securing a ruling regarding
    the same[.]
    In its motion, DOT listed several matters subject to the motion in limine. Before trial
    began, on 9 August 2016, the trial court considered the motion in limine and the
    1   Only defendant Jay Butmataji LLC appeals so it is the singular “defendant” we refer to in this case.
    2   DOT also took an easement in perpetuity for drainage, which is not at issue in this case.
    Opinion of the Court
    parties addressed at length their contentions about the appropriate evidence for the
    jury to consider.
    Defendant owned and operated a motel on the property and contended ingress
    and egress to his business was limited by the TCE during the construction of the road.
    The State argued that the appraisal prepared by Mr. Damon Bidencope, defendant’s
    expert witness, included valuation of loss of income to the motel and elements of
    damages not supported by the actual conditions of the property during construction.
    The State argued, “[C]ases are very clear, that you are not allowed loss of rent. It’s
    only the rent of that particular piece of the easement, not loss of rent from your
    business, even though this is a motel, Your Honor. You’re just not allowed. It’s very,
    very clear.” Defendant’s attorney countered,
    [W]e’re entitled to present evidence through Mr. Bidencope
    and through our witnesses of the effect that this temporary
    construction easement had on the remainder of the
    property, because that's what the law says we can do.
    So we contend we’re wholly entitled to put on that
    evidence and that Mr. Bidencope’s appraisal addresses
    that in a[n] accurate manner. Now, if they want to take
    Mr. Bidenquote -- cope on voir dire and address it at that
    time, that’s fine, Your Honor. But we wholly don’t think
    you should exclude it at this time in any limited phase.
    Mr. Bidencope then testified at length on voir dire.
    The trial court granted the State’s motion in limine in part and excluded the
    portion of Mr. Bidencope’s appraisal entitled “Building Rent Lost During TCE[,]”
    Opinion of the Court
    approximately two to three pages of the 91 page appraisal.3 The trial court later
    clarified its ruling for defendant as follows: “He can testify as to the [a]ffect of the
    TCE on the remainder of the property, but not as to the taking of the entryway.” The
    only question before the jury was the amount of just compensation defendant should
    receive. The jury determined damages of $150,000.00, and the trial court entered
    judgment accordingly. Defendant appeals.
    II.     Exclusion of Testimony
    Defendant’s only argument on appeal is that “the trial court erred in granting
    plaintiff DOT’s motion in limine to exclude defendant landowner’s expert appraiser
    Damon Bidencope’s testimony concerning the effects of the temporary construction
    easement on the remainder of the defendant landowner’s property.” (Original in all
    caps.) “The standard of review for a trial court’s ruling on a motion in limine is abuse
    of discretion.” Kearney v. Bolling, 
    242 N.C. App. 67
    , 78, 
    774 S.E.2d 841
    , 849 (2015),
    disc. review denied, ___ N.C. ___, 
    783 S.E.2d 497
     (2016). “A trial court abuses its
    discretion where its ruling is manifestly unsupported by reason or is so arbitrary that
    it could not have been the result of a reasoned decision.” City of Charlotte v. Combs,
    3  Defendant’s counsel noted that removing this portion of the appraisal would also have an
    effect on other portions of the appraisal, since “information about the TCE coming across the access
    and having an effect on the remainder of the property is not only found on pages 85 through 86; it
    effects an analysis of the other portions of his report and the other damages that he’s gone through in
    his report.” The trial court required Mr. Bidencope to revise his appraisal to remove the excluded
    portions. Defendant presented a full proffer of evidence of Mr. Bidencope on voir dire and reserved his
    objection to the modifications to the appraisal report.
    Opinion of the Court
    216 N.C. App. 258
    , 262, 
    719 S.E.2d 59
    , 63 (2011) (citation and quotation marks
    Defendant’s argument focuses on Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
    509 U.S. 579
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
     (1993) and Rule 702 of the Rules of Evidence
    regarding an expert witness’s qualification to testify; defendant argues “the trial
    court’s ruling was, in effect, a determination that Mr. Bidencope’s testimony on the
    TCE’s effect on the remainder of the property was not admissible expert testimony.”
    But defendant misconstrues the trial court’s ruling. Mr. Bidencope was not excluded
    as an expert witness, and he actually testified at length to the jury about the portions
    of the appraisal not at issue here. Defendant’s argument stresses Mr. Bidencope’s
    qualifications and his methodology, but there was really no question as to his
    qualifications and no question that he used recognized methodologies in valuing the
    property generally. Defendant’s argument assumes that once a witness has been
    properly qualified as an expert, he may testify to anything within his expertise, but
    that is simply not the case. Neither experts nor lay witnesses may testify unfettered
    by the rules of evidence and law applicable to the subject of their testimony.
    Furthermore, in condemnation cases, the trial court must also consider whether the
    appraiser’s opinion is based upon the correct factual basis and whether the appraisal
    is based upon any element of damages not considered as a proper consideration for
    that type of case. See Department of Transp. v. M.M. Fowler, Inc., 
    361 N.C. 1
    , 6, 637
    Opinion of the Court
    S.E.2d 885, 890 (2006) (“An opinion concerning property’s fair market value must not
    rely in material degree on factors that cannot legally be considered.”).
    From reviewing the transcript of the voir dire, arguments, and colloquy with
    the trial court, it appears the trial court’s concern focused on two aspects of the
    appraisal. First, Mr. Bidencope valued the “Building Rent Lost During TCE” on the
    assumption that the actual physical access to the motel was cut off or may be cut off
    at any time during the 5.1 year period of the construction project. Second, Mr.
    Bidencope used the loss of income from rental of rooms during the TCE as a portion
    of his opinion of damages.
    Defendant’s argument conflates the measure of damages for the permanent
    partial taking -- the portion of the property which was taken -- with the damages for
    the temporary construction easement -- damages arising from the actual construction
    period. For the permanent partial taking, just compensation is based upon the fair
    market value of the property just before the taking as compared to the value
    immediately after the taking, assuming the project has been completed as designed.
    See Barnes v. Highway Commission., 
    250 N.C. 378
    , 387, 
    109 S.E.2d 219
    , 227 (1959)
    (“When the property is appropriated by the State Highway Commission for highway
    purposes, the measure of damages is the difference between the fair market value of
    the entire tract of land immediately before the taking and the fair market value of
    what is left immediately after the taking.”). In other words, damages are based upon
    Opinion of the Court
    a legal fiction that the project as planned has been completed immediately after the
    condemnor acquires the property. See generally id. The highest and best use and
    fair market value of the property in its condition immediately before the taking is
    compared to the highest and best use and fair market value of the remainder
    immediately after the taking as if the project were complete. See generally Barnes,
    250 N.C. 378
    109 S.E.2d 219
    . This measure of damages skips over the construction
    period, if any, and any temporary interference with use of the remaining property
    during construction.    The interference with the property during construction is
    compensable, but the method of valuation is a bit different. See generally Combs, 216
    N.C. App. at 261-62, 719 S.E.2d at 62-63.
    The only valuation issue in this case is for the temporary construction
    easement, so the law regarding valuation for a permanent partial taking does not
    apply. Damages for the temporary construction easement are based upon the same
    general principles of valuation as for the permanent taking, but the legal fiction of
    immediate completion of the project does not apply; this measure of damages
    considers interference with the property’s use during the construction, but not the
    impact of the project as completed on the remaining property’s value as a whole. See
    generally id. This Court summarized the law regarding the measure of damages for
    a temporary taking of a construction easement in Combs:
    A temporary taking, which denies a landowner all use of
    his or her property for a finite period, is no different in kind
    Opinion of the Court
    from a permanent taking, and requires just compensation
    for the use of the land during the period of the taking.
    Generally, the measure of damages for a temporary
    taking is the rental value of the land actually occupied by
    the condemnor. Leigh v. Garysburg Mfg. Co., 
    132 N.C. 167
    43 S.E. 632
    , 633 (1903); accord Kimball Laundry Co.
    v. United States, 
    338 U.S. 1
    , 7, 
    93 L. Ed. 1765
    , 1773 (1949)
    (concluding that the proper measure of compensation for
    temporary taking is the rental that probably could have
    been obtained); United States v. Banisadr Bldg. Joint
    65 F.3d 374
    , 378 (4th Cir. 1995) (explaining that
    when the Government takes property only for a period of
    years, it essentially takes a leasehold in the property, and
    thus, the value of the taking is what rental the marketplace
    would have yielded for the property taken; State v. Sun Oil
    160 N.J. Super. 513
    , 527, 
    390 A.2d 661
    , 668 (1978)
    (holding that where a temporary construction easement is
    taken, the rental value of the property taken is the normal
    measure of damages and is awarded for the period taken)[.]
    Where, as here, the temporary taking is in the form
    of a temporary construction easement, our Supreme Court
    has held that, in addition to paying the fair rental value of
    the easement area for the time used by the condemnor, the
    condemnor is liable for additional elements of damages
    flowing from the use of the temporary construction
    easement, which may include: (1) the cost of removal of the
    landowner’s improvements from the construction
    easement that are paid by landowner; (2) the cost of
    constructing an alternate entrance to the property; (3) the
    changes made in the area resulting from the use of the
    easement that affect the value of the area in the easement
    or the value of the remaining property of the landowner;
    (4) the removal of trees, crops, or improvements from the
    area in the easement by the condemnor; and (5) the length
    of time the easement was used by the condemnor. Colonial
    Pipeline Co. v. Weaver, 
    310 N.C. 93
    , 107, 
    310 S.E.2d 338
    346 (1984); see also 26 Am. Jur.2d Eminent Domain § 283
    (Where land has been appropriated for a temporary use,
    the measure of compensation is the fair productive value of
    the property during the time in which it is held. More
    Opinion of the Court
    specifically, the rental value during the period of the
    taking, together with any damage sustained by the
    property, may be awarded as full compensation.
    Id. at 261-62, 719 S.E.2d at 62-63 (emphasis added) (citations, quotation marks,
    ellipses, and brackets omitted).
    The trial court excluded evidence of loss of motel income during the
    construction period.   Defendant contends the jury should have been allowed to
    consider “the interference with motel occupancy identified by Mr. Bidencope in his
    original appraisal report includ[ing] interference with access but also interference
    with ingress and egress, interference with parking, interference with walk-in
    revenue, and construction noise.” Defendant cites to Colonial Pipeline Co. v. Weaver,
    310 N.C. 93
    , 104, 
    310 S.E.2d 338
    , 344 (1984), to argue that loss of income is an
    “additional element[] of damage[,]” but the law simply does not support that type of
    damage. See Dep’t of Transp. v. M.M. Fowler, Inc., 
    361 N.C. 1
    , 6–10, 
    637 S.E.2d 885
    890-93 (2006).
    EVIDENCE[,]” our Supreme Court explained that in a partial taking such as this, a
    landowner’s loss of business income is not admissible evidence. Id. Although the
    Court was addressing valuation of the remainder of the land after a partial
    permanent taking, these same principles regarding loss of business profits would
    apply to valuation of a temporary construction easement:
    Opinion of the Court
    During a proceeding to determine just compensation
    in a partial taking, the trial court should admit any
    relevant evidence that will assist the jury in calculating the
    fair market value of property and the diminution in value
    caused by condemnation. Admission of evidence that does
    not help the jury calculate the fair market value of the land
    or diminution in its value may confuse the minds of the
    jury, and should be excluded. In particular, specific
    evidence of a landowner’s noncompensable losses following
    condemnation is inadmissible.
    Injury to a business, including lost profits, is one
    such noncompensable loss. It is important to note that
    revenue derived directly from the condemned property itself,
    such as rental income, is distinct from profits of a business
    located on the property. This case is concerned with lost
    business profits. When evidence of income is used to
    valuate property, care must be taken to distinguish
    between income from the property and income from the
    business conducted on the property. . . .
    The longstanding rule in North Carolina is that
    evidence of lost business profits is inadmissible in
    condemnation actions, as this Court articulated in
    Pemberton v. City of Greensboro, 
    208 N.C. 466
    , 470–72, 
    181 S.E. 258
    , 260–61 (1935). . . .
    Just compensation is not the value to the owner for
    his particular purposes. Awarding damages for lost profits
    would provide excess compensation for a successful
    business owner while a less prosperous one or an
    individual landowner without a business would receive less
    money for the same taking. Indeed, if business revenues
    were considered in determining land values, an owner
    whose business is losing money could receive less than the
    land is worth. Limiting damages to the fair market value
    of the land prevents unequal treatment based upon the use
    of the real estate at the time of condemnation. Further,
    paying business owners for lost business profits in a partial
    taking results in inequitable treatment of the business
    owner whose entire property is taken, in which case lost
    profits clearly are not considered.
    - 10 -
    Opinion of the Court
    Evidence of lost business profits is impermissible
    because recovery of the same is not allowed. Additionally,
    the speculative nature of profits makes them improper
    bases for condemnation awards as they
    depend on too many contingencies to be
    accepted as evidence of the usable value of the
    property upon which the business is carried
    on. Profits depend upon the times, the amount
    of capital invested, the social, religious and
    financial position in the community of the one
    carrying it on, and many other elements
    which might be suggested. What one man
    might do at a profit, another might only do at
    a loss. Further, even if the owner has made
    profits from the business in the past it does
    not necessarily follow that these profits will
    continue in the future.
    Recognizing that profits can rarely be traced to a
    single factor, business executives rely on complex models
    to determine profitability. Further, the uncertain character
    of lost business profits evidence could burden taxpayers
    with inflated jury awards bearing little relationship to the
    condemned land’s fair market value.
    Moreover, our well-established North Carolina rule
    prohibiting lost business profits evidence comports with
    the federal rule.
    In summary, the prevailing rule excluding lost
    business profits evidence in condemnation actions is firmly
    rooted in our jurisprudence. As a case that
    comprehensively discussed and applied this enduring rule,
    Pemberton provides the framework upon which we base our
    decision today.
    Id. (emphasis added) (citations, quotation marks, and footnotes omitted).
    Turning back to Mr. Bidencope’s excluded testimony and evidence, a motel’s
    business is renting rooms, so its business income is derived from rent, but the proper
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    Opinion of the Court
    measure of damages is the rental value of the property actually taken—not the
    interference with the business income for the entire property. See Combs, 216 N.C.
    App. at 261, 719 S.E.2d at 62 (“[T]he measure of damages for a temporary taking is
    the rental value of the land actually occupied by the condemnor.”) The distinction
    between damages for the property taken and business income for the entire property
    may be more obvious in a situation where access was entirely blocked for a period of
    time and the motel could not operate at all; the landowner would be entitled to the
    rental value of the land for its use as a motel, but not the business income that
    particular motel may have generated if it had been in operation. See generally id. at
    261-62, 719 S.E.2d at 62-63. Here, the “land actually occupied” for the TCE was 0.184
    acres of defendant’s 3.573 acres, so the rental value of the 0.184 acres would be a
    proper element of the damages.4 Id.
    Furthermore, based upon the transcript, Mr. Bidencope assumed that access
    to the motel was entirely blocked at least part of the time during construction, but
    the evidence showed that access was never blocked; he also stressed that DOT could
    have blocked the access at any time, so access was uncertain. It is true that DOT
    could have blocked the access, but it did not. Although the access was less convenient
    4Mr. Bidencope’s appraisal and testimony addressed the rental value of the “TCE Area Loss” as well
    and that portion of the evidence is not at issue on appeal.
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    Opinion of the Court
    due to the construction project, it was open. To this extent, Mr. Bidencope’s valuation
    was not based upon the actual conditions on the property.5
    Also, Mr. Bidencope’s appraisal seemed to consider the effect of the
    construction on the fair market value of the property as if it were being valued for
    sale during the construction. One portion of the appraisal stated:
    The motel’s ability to function is affected due to the
    uncertainty and possible disturbance of ingress and egress
    during this period. A potential buyer or tenant operator
    looking to buy or rent the property on the effective date of
    the condemnation would consider this factor. . . . .
    . . . . The uncertainly of use adds risk and adversely
    impacts the operation of the remainder of the property,
    which impact[s] the real property market value that a
    knowledgeable and willing buyer would pay.
    But the consideration of what a willing buyer would pay for the entire property
    during the construction is not part of the measure of damages for a temporary
    construction easement.6 See generally id.
    In summary, Mr. Bidencope’s opinions regarding the motel’s loss of income, the
    assumption of access being totally blocked to the motel, and the amount a willing
    5 Mr. Bidencope also assumed that the change in slope of the driveway made it “uncertain” that “large
    trucks and emergency vehicles” such as fire trucks could enter the property. Mr. Bidencope’s appraisal
    stated that “[a] motel property cannot operate without the ability of emergency vehicles being able to
    access the property.” But again, there was no evidence that emergency vehicles could not enter the
    6 Valuation during construction is also not part of the valuation of a permanent partial taking, since
    that valuation is based upon the legal fiction that the project has been completed immediately after
    the taking. See generally Barnes v. Highway Commission., 250 N.C. at 387, 109 S.E.2d at 227.
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    Opinion of the Court
    buyer might pay for the property during construction were either not supported by
    the actual evidence or not proper considerations for the jury to calculate damages.
    The trial court did not abuse its discretion by granting the State’s motion in limine
    on these issues. This argument is overruled.
    III.   Conclusion
    We affirm.
    Judges DILLON and INMAN concur.
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