Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                                                               283
    Honorable Vi. B. Baker
    collnty AttoPney
    Coleman County
    Coleman, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    Your request   r
    this mparfmint.   we
    or this   cotwp,
    le 2089 0r the
    ct *the plain-
    t 0r all ooets   that
    I desire to kaor whether
    after axing   wait and
    PS, in vaotican, by en-
    dooket, in eabetance;-ikw 001088
    by Attoxne;la and %ismisa this ease
    ter paying all oosta or suit in-
    ned by plaintiwe    Attorneys uith-
    the clerk a dollar for the aat or
    or aat 0r di~miseing,   the saee
    08 aAd where the dsfendant has XL& an-
    -Our Dlatrlot Clerk has oonatrued that Arti-
    cle to man that ahe is entitled, pador the
    above eircumstanaes, to oharge a dollar the same
    aa if the oaae had been dismissed in Court and.
    m&deed       judgaant enterad j~as$llka during
    Sionorable w. B. Raker, Page 2
    "It I8 4 oontentlon that where It Is dls-
    mlassd, or dlsaontinued, In vacation, under the
    above taots, that the Clerk rould not be entitled
    to charge anything for the dIsmIesal.w
    16 'Per. JUri8.,dismissal, dlsaontlnuancre and
    non-5ult,   Sect105 8, pp. 242, 2c3, reads as r0il0~:
    *iIa.        15 Vaoatlon.
    "*The plaiatirr may enter a dieoontInua5oe
    on the doaket I5 vacation, I5 any auIt wherei
    the dere5da5t has not answered, OIL the payment
    Or all oOutB that hare aoorued thereo5.*
    9hIestat&e, whioh has be05 in Orrmt
    with        50dirioation ai50e rery early tIma,
    give6 to the flaintirr, apon payment 0r 008t6,
    an unqualltied right, If the defendant haa not
    answered, to dlumlss the auft, dthoat a4 au-
    tion or the judge. Ho ordek or uoart Is aeuea-
    ==Y*   when aamuwer     has been tiled the uuit
    may not be dIsaIssed In taoatlon, ~YM    by entry
    on the dooket aI46 paylrmnt 0r coats.
    *Aa we hare seen in a5 earlier artlale,
    the entry of a displiseal by an attorney Is pre-
    sumd to ba authorized. The fOllo\ring entry
    ha8 thererore been held t0 be mrriaient   ah
    th0ugh the statute atatea that the *pm5tirr
    ma)- enter a discontlnaanae on the docket*z
    **05the     ~_ day or ~~ ~~~~~
    , in vacation,
    the defendants-        * noFEi?ia ,g answered hers-
    I5, the plaI5tIm I-      enter thie their dIseon-
    tlnuancrs and dlamls~ Tor   thiii Bait; all metrr
    that have aoorued having been paid by plaintilirr.
    Attye.   ror Plaintirrs*~
    Article 3927, Revised Cirll Statutes Or Teza8,
    lists the fee8 to uhlch district Olerks are eptItled.i.0
    Peoeirs In cirI1 wits. 'There Is 50 rse listed I.5 thle
    Artlole ror a disniseal, or dlsaO5tfnuanco u5deF AZ%iQle
    2CSQ; rq are mable to find a4uheme a4 author%7 whlah
    Honorable w. B. Baker, page S
    would authorize the dietrict clerk to charge a fee under
    Article 2089. We find in Artiale 5927 that the clerk ia
    entitled to one Dollar ror e&oh rinal judgment.
    *A judgment Is the tin&l consideration
    and terminationof a aoart of oompstent jurfs-
    dIotIon upon the matters submitted to It in an
    a&ion or proceeding.*Fort worth Acid Words
    Y. City of Fort Worth, 
    248 S.W. 822
    , 824,
    Words k Phrases, 3 Ed., Vol. 4, p. 607.'
    "f3ensPally-- the ocmrte oonstrue etrlot-
    ly statutes presorlbingfees, and reject Im-
    plicationsas to the fixing at tees and the
    orricers who are to reaeIVe them. . .I U Tex.
    Jnrle., Clerks or Court, Mee on Compenea8105,
    Section 2C, p. 250.
    It is the opinion or thi.6 Department that the.
    aotlon of plaintiff In entering a diecontlnaanceoa the
    docket In YaOatiOn la a suit where15 the defendant had
    not answered aad the peyIng of all costs that had accru-
    ed thereon, lrould not be a jthgraent.
    You are, thererorr,respectfullyadvised that
    It Is the opInIon ai thle Departmentthat under the facts
    stated In your letter, where.the plalntlfi enters a dIs-
    continuanceon the docket la Vacation, In a suit wherein
    the defendant has not answered, and vhere the plalaintirt
    had paid all costs that have acorued thereon, that the
    district olerk would not be entitled to charge a tee or
    One Dollar for a rlnal judgment,end that .theclerk would
    not be entitled to charge anything for the dIsmIssal.
    Trueting that this sat:sfaatorllVanswers your
    Inquiry, we are
    APPROVEDAUG 18, 1939

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1267

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017