Gomez v. Gomez , 303 Neb. 539 ( 2019 )

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    09/18/2019 01:11 AM CDT
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    Elizabeth A. Gomez, now known as Elizabeth A. Tonniges,
    appellant, v. Patrick W. Gomez , appellee.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed July 5, 2019.     No. S-18-894.
    1. Divorce: Judgments: Appeal and Error. The meaning of a divorce
    decree presents a question of law, in connection with which an appellate
    court reaches a conclusion independent of the determination reached by
    the court below.
    2. Contracts: Evidence. Contracts found to be ambiguous present a ques-
    tion of fact and permit the consideration of extrinsic evidence to deter-
    mine the meaning of the contract.
    3. Divorce: Property Settlement Agreements: Final Orders. A decree is
    a judgment, and once a decree for dissolution becomes final, its mean-
    ing, including the settlement agreement incorporated therein, is deter-
    mined as a matter of law from the four corners of the decree itself.
    4. Evidence: Records: Appeal and Error. A bill of exceptions is the only
    vehicle for bringing evidence before an appellate court; evidence which
    is not made a part of the bill of exceptions may not be considered.
    5. Visitation. A party seeking to modify visitation has the burden to
    show a material change in circumstances affecting the best interests of
    the child.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: Peter
    C. Bataillon, Judge. Affirmed in part, and in part vacated.
    Aaron F. Smeall and Jacob A. Acers, of Smith, Slusky,
    Pohren & Rogers, L.L.P., for appellant.
    Adam R. Little, of Ballew Hazen, P.C., L.L.O., for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy, Funke,
    Papik, and Freudenberg, JJ.
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    Papik, J.
    In the course of their divorce proceedings, Patrick W.
    Gomez and Elizabeth A. Gomez, now known as Elizabeth
    A. Tonniges, agreed to a stipulated parenting plan. That plan,
    which was later incorporated in the decree dissolving their
    marriage, gave Patrick and Elizabeth joint legal and physi-
    cal custody of their two children and set forth a schedule in
    which the parents would exercise parenting time. The parent-
    ing plan also included a provision that the children “will be
    enrolled and be participants in the Catholic religion” and set
    forth several specific Catholic religious activities in which the
    children would participate. Attendance at Catholic Mass was
    not mentioned.
    Years later, Patrick filed a motion alleging that Elizabeth
    was not complying with the language in the parenting plan
    regarding the children’s religious participation. In response to
    Patrick’s motion, the district court entered an order requiring
    Elizabeth either to bring the children to Catholic Mass every
    weekend in which she was exercising parenting time or to
    allow Patrick to take the children during her parenting time. It
    also required the children to attend Catholic Mass on Catholic
    “Holy Days of Obligation” and required Patrick and Elizabeth
    to coordinate to ensure their attendance on those days. We find
    that the parenting plan did not require the Mass attendance
    ordered by the district court. Accordingly, we vacate that por-
    tion of the district court’s order requiring Mass attendance.
    Because there are other parts of the order not challenged by
    Elizabeth, we otherwise affirm.
    Dissolution Decree and
    Parenting Plan.
    Patrick and Elizabeth were married in April 2010. During
    their marriage, the parties had two children, one born in 2011
    and the other born in 2013.
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    Approximately 5 years after their marriage, Elizabeth filed
    an action for dissolution. In that action, the parties agreed
    to a stipulated parenting plan that was later approved by the
    district court and incorporated in a decree dissolving the mar-
    riage. Several provisions of that parenting plan are relevant to
    this appeal.
    First, the parenting plan provided that Patrick and Elizabeth
    would have joint legal and physical custody of their children.
    With respect to their joint legal custody, the plan elaborated
    that Patrick and Elizabeth would have “mutual authority and
    responsibility for making fundamental decisions regarding
    such things as education, religion and non-emergency medi-
    cal and/or dental treatment.” The plan further required that
    Patrick and Elizabeth notify each other before making any
    decision regarding school enrollment, health care, or “partici-
    pation in religious activities” and that they “discuss these three
    areas with one another in an effort to reach a consensus on
    those issues.”
    The parenting plan also provided details as to how Patrick
    and Elizabeth would exercise their joint physical custody of
    the children. Under the plan, Patrick and Elizabeth had equal
    parenting time with their children. In the ordinary course,
    one parent would have the children 5 days one week and 2
    days the next week and vice versa the following week. The
    parenting plan also addressed holiday and vacation parent-
    ing time.
    In addition, the parenting plan included the following
    The parents agree that the children will be enrolled
    and be participants in the Catholic religion (including
    First Communion and Confirmation). Further, [Elizabeth]
    shall allow for the children to attend their formal class
    (CCD) on her Wednesday parenting time. [Elizabeth]
    will provide transportation to and from Wednesday class
    on her parenting time, and if at anytime [Elizabeth] is
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    not capable of transporting the children, she shall advise
    [Patrick] who will then provide transportation.
    Patrick’s Motion and District
    Court’s Order.
    Approximately 2 years after the entry of the decree dissolv-
    ing the marriage, Patrick filed a motion styled as a “Motion
    to Enforce Decree and Parenting Plan.” In the motion, Patrick
    alleged that Elizabeth was not complying with the provision of
    the parenting plan requiring that the children “be enrolled and
    be participants in the Catholic religion.” Patrick alleged that
    Elizabeth was violating this provision by taking the children
    to Lutheran church services and activities during her parenting
    time. He asked that the court enter an order allowing him to
    take the children to Catholic Mass during Elizabeth’s parenting
    time and prohibiting Elizabeth from allowing the children to
    participate in activities of any other religious faith.
    At a hearing on Patrick’s motion, the district court stated
    that it interpreted the parenting plan’s language that the chil-
    dren would be “participants in the Catholic religion” to require
    the children to follow the tenets of the Catholic faith. The court
    continued, “[O]ne of the tenets according to [Patrick] is the
    children have to go to weekend . . . mass. . . . And, also, mass
    on . . . Holy Days of Obligation.”
    The district court later entered a written order. In the order,
    the district court reiterated its conclusion that the language
    providing that the children would “be enrolled and be partici-
    pants in the Catholic religion” required the parties to follow
    the tenets of the Catholic faith and that those tenets required
    attendance at Catholic Mass every weekend and on Holy
    Days of Obligation. Accordingly, the order provided that the
    children must attend Catholic Mass every weekend and pro-
    vided that if Elizabeth was not taking the children during her
    parenting time, she was required to allow them to attend with
    Patrick. The order also required the children to attend Mass
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    on all Catholic Holy Days of Obligation and required the par-
    ents to coordinate to ensure their attendance on those days.
    Further, the order required the children to attend Catholic
    Mass while the parents were exercising holiday or vacation
    parenting time “if it is otherwise feasible to do so.” Finally,
    the order provided that neither party may “take or enroll” the
    children “in any religion other than the Catholic religion”
    during their parenting time unless agreed to in writing by
    both parties.
    Elizabeth timely appealed the district court’s order.
    Elizabeth assigns, restated, that the district court erred in
    (1) interpreting the decree to require attendance at Catholic
    Mass and (2) granting relief greater than requested by Patrick’s
    [1] The meaning of a divorce decree presents a question of
    law. Accordingly, an appellate court reviews the interpretation
    of that decree independently of a determination reached by the
    court below. See Bayne v. Bayne, 
    302 Neb. 858
    925 N.W.2d 687
    Standards Governing Interpretation
    of Decree.
    Elizabeth asks us to reverse the order of the district court
    to the extent it requires the children to attend Catholic Mass
    every weekend and on Catholic Holy Days of Obligation.
    While Patrick’s motion was styled as a motion to enforce the
    decree, the district court’s order did not provide relief other
    than its interpretation of what the decree required. In doing
    so, the district court appears to have granted declaratory relief.
    We have recognized that our case law has generally permit-
    ted courts to resolve genuine disputes over the meaning of
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    language in a dissolution decree through declaratory relief. See
    Carlson v. Carlson, 
    299 Neb. 526
    909 N.W.2d 351
    Both parties also appear to understand the district court’s
    order as providing declaratory relief, focusing their arguments
    on whether the district court properly interpreted the decree.
    Before turning to the parties’ respective positions on that point,
    we pause to review the standards that govern the interpretation
    of the decree.
    As noted above, the parenting plan was agreed to by Patrick
    and Elizabeth and presented to the district court by stipula-
    tion. We have recognized, however, that once a court, as here,
    adopts such an agreement and sets it forth as a judgment of
    the court, “the contractual character of the . . . agreement is
    subsumed into the court-ordered judgment.” Rice v. Webb, 
    287 Neb. 712
    , 723, 
    844 N.W.2d 290
    , 298-99 (2014).
    [2,3] The fact that we are reviewing a judgment as opposed
    to a contract matters. Contracts found to be ambiguous pre­
    sent a question of fact and permit the consideration of extrin-
    sic evidence to determine the meaning of the contract. See
    David Fiala, Ltd. v. Harrison, 
    290 Neb. 418
    860 N.W.2d 391
    (2015). Not so with decrees. See Carlson v. Carlson, supra.
    A decree is a judgment, and once a decree for dissolution
    becomes final, its meaning, including the settlement agree-
    ment incorporated therein, is determined as a matter of law
    from the four corners of the decree itself. Bayne v. Bayne,
    supra. The parties’ subjective intentions and interpretations of
    the language or what the court entering the decree intended
    are irrelevant. See, id.; Neujahr v. Neujahr, 
    223 Neb. 722
    393 N.W.2d 47
     (1986). This is so even if the language of
    the decree is ambiguous. See Bayne v. Bayne, supra. See,
    also, Ryder v. Ryder, 
    290 Neb. 648
    861 N.W.2d 449
    (resolving meaning of ambiguous dissolution decree as matter
    of law).
    With these standards in mind, we proceed to consider the
    interpretations of the decree offered by the parties.
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    Questions Raised by District Court’s
    Interpretation of Decree.
    Patrick and Elizabeth agree that the parenting plan requires
    that the children take part in those Catholic religious programs
    explicitly listed therein: “First Communion and Confirmation”
    and “CCD” classes. The parties divide on whether the parent-
    ing plan imposed additional obligations on the parents related
    to the children’s attendance at Catholic Mass. On one side is
    the interpretation advanced by Elizabeth: The decree requires
    the children to take part in those Catholic activities specifi-
    cally mentioned, but does not impose additional obligations
    such as Mass attendance. Patrick counters that the language
    requiring that the children “be enrolled and be participants
    in the Catholic religion” means that the parents are obli-
    gated to raise the children in the Catholic faith and are thus
    obligated to facilitate the children’s observance of all the
    tenets thereof.
    [4] Patrick’s interpretation was adopted by the district court,
    but we note that it also raises some difficult questions, both
    in the context of this case and beyond. Starting with this case,
    even if Patrick were correct that the parenting plan requires
    the children to follow all tenets of the Catholic faith, it is not
    entirely clear how the district court reached the conclusion that
    the tenets of the Catholic faith required the Mass attendance it
    ordered. At the hearing on Patrick’s motion, the district court
    suggested it credited Patrick’s view that Mass attendance every
    weekend and on Holy Days of Obligation was required under
    the Catholic faith. Patrick references an affidavit attached to
    his motion which he contends set forth his understanding of
    the tenets of the Catholic faith as it relates to Mass attend­
    ance, but that affidavit is not a part of our bill of exceptions.
    A bill of exceptions is the only vehicle for bringing evidence
    before an appellate court; evidence which is not made a part
    of the bill of exceptions may not be considered. Heineman v.
    Evangelical Luth. Good Sam. Soc., 
    300 Neb. 187
    , 912 N.W.2d
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    751 (2018). It thus does not appear there is anything in our
    record supporting the district court’s conclusion that the tenets
    of the Catholic faith require Mass attendance consistent with
    the district court’s order.
    Even setting aside the question of how the district court
    determined the tenets of the Catholic faith regarding Mass
    attendance in this case, a more fundamental question remains.
    Patrick’s argument is essentially that the parenting plan requires
    the children to do all that the Catholic Church requires of its
    adherents. An inescapable consequence of this interpretation is
    that the task of deciding what a person must do to be a faithful
    Catholic is placed squarely before civil courts. Patrick hardly
    runs away from the notion that his interpretation puts courts in
    the position of determining and enforcing religious doctrine. To
    the contrary, his brief is replete with citations to Canon Law
    and he argues not only that it requires Mass attendance but
    that a failure to comply with such requirements is a mortal sin.
    Brief for appellee at 5.
    While courts are regularly called upon to decide the extent
    of obligations imposed by earthly regimes, many courts have
    questioned whether they may just as readily determine what
    obligations are imposed by a religious faith. Language from
    opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court, at a minimum, raises
    questions about whether courts may pass on matters of reli-
    gious doctrine. See, e.g., Employment Div., Ore. Dept. of
    Human Res. v. Smith, 
    494 U.S. 872
    , 887, 
    110 S. Ct. 1595
    108 L. Ed. 2d 876
     (1990) (“[r]epeatedly and in many different con-
    texts, we have warned that courts must not presume to deter-
    mine the place of a particular belief in a religion or the plau-
    sibility of a religious claim”) (superseded by statute as noted
    in Sossamon v. Texas, 
    563 U.S. 277
    131 S. Ct. 1651
    , 179 L.
    Ed. 2d 700 (2013)); Presbyterian Church v. Hull Church, 
    393 U.S. 440
    , 450, 
    89 S. Ct. 601
    21 L. Ed. 2d 658
     (1969) (“[test
    employed by lower court] requires the civil court to determine
    matters at the very core of a religion—the interpretation of
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    particular church doctrines and the importance of those doc-
    trines to the religion. Plainly, the First Amendment forbids
    civil courts from playing such a role”).
    Additionally, many other courts have declined to resolve
    disputes that would require the resolution of questions of reli-
    gious doctrine. See, e.g., Wallace v. ConAgra Foods, Inc., 
    920 F. Supp. 2d 995
    , 996 (D. Minn. 2013) (dismissing case alleg-
    ing that food manufacturer misrepresented that its food prod-
    ucts were “‘100% Kosher’” because it would require court to
    decide questions of religious doctrine), vacated and remanded
    on other grounds 
    747 F.3d 1025
     (8th Cir. 2014); Abdelhak v.
    Jewish Press Inc., 
    411 N.J. Super. 211
    985 A.2d 197
    (affirming dismissal of defamation claim premised on alleged
    statements that plaintiff did not comply with religious require-
    ments because resolution of claim would require court to
    pass on matters of religious doctrine); Pielech v. Massasoit
    Greyhound, Inc., 
    423 Mass. 534
    , 542, 
    668 N.E.2d 1298
    , 1304
    (1996) (holding statute was unconstitutional because it would
    require courts “to determine what actions and beliefs are
    required of adherents to the Roman Catholic faith”); Zumno
    v. Zumno, 
    394 Pa. Super. 30
    574 A.2d 1130
     (1990) (declining
    to enforce prenuptial agreement that children would be raised
    Jewish because, among other reasons, it would excessively
    entangle court in religious matters); Lynch v. Uhlenhopp, 
    248 Iowa 68
    78 N.W.2d 491
     (1956) (declining to enforce lan-
    guage in divorce decree that children shall be raised in Roman
    Catholic religion as void for uncertainty). See, also, Jared A.
    Goldstein, Is There a “Religious Question” Doctrine? Judicial
    Authority to Examine Religious Practices and Beliefs, 54 Cath.
    U.L. Rev. 497 (2005) (collecting similar cases).
    At oral argument, Patrick contended that this court has pre-
    viously held that a court may consider religious questions in
    the context of a marital dissolution action, citing LeDoux v.
    234 Neb. 479
    452 N.W.2d 1
     (1990). LeDoux, how-
    ever, held merely that a court may find that a religious practice
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    poses a threat to a child’s “temporal well-being” and fashion
    relief to protect the child from that threat. 234 Neb. at 486,
    452 N.W.2d at 5. Unlike the cases from other jurisdictions
    cited above, LeDoux did not implicate a question of religious
    doctrine. Furthermore, at least one reported Nebraska appellate
    decision, Hornung v. Hornung, 
    1 Neb. Ct. App. 6
    485 N.W.2d 335
     (1992), has language suggesting a court should not decide
    whether a practice is required by a religion in the context of a
    dissolution dispute. In Hornung, the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    reversed a district court order requiring a father to attend
    Catholic Mass with his children and observed that the district
    court order was “tantamount to a judicial seal of approval on
    the mother’s belief that it is sinful for the children not to attend
    Mass every weekend.” Id. at 10, 485 N.W.2d at 337.
    As it turns out, we need not resolve the difficult questions
    raised by the interpretation advanced by Patrick and adopted by
    the district court. As we will explain, we conclude this inter-
    pretation is not consistent with the four corners of the decree
    itself. But while we need not address the questions discussed
    above, we note them for the consideration of practitioners or
    courts considering a parenting plan that would require judicial
    resolution of questions of religious doctrine.
    Interpretation of Decree.
    As we have noted, it is Patrick’s position that Elizabeth
    was required by the decree to take the children to Mass on
    weekends and Catholic Holy Days of Obligation when she
    was exercising parenting time or to give up her parenting
    time and allow Patrick to take them. Patrick contends that this
    requirement flows from the language that the children are to
    “be enrolled and be participants in the Catholic religion.” We
    disagree with Patrick’s reading.
    Initially, we note that we are not presented with any argu-
    ment or evidence that the terms “enrolled” and “participants”
    are used as either legal or religious terms of art. We are thus
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    left to interpret those words in their ordinary, literal sense. See
    Shade v. Kirk, 
    227 Neb. 775
    , 777, 
    420 N.W.2d 284
    , 286 (1988)
    (decree must be interpreted “in light of the literal meaning of
    the language used”). In its ordinary sense, the word “enrolled”
    suggests only that the children must be registered in some
    sense in the Catholic faith. See, The New Oxford American
    Dictionary 566 (2001) (defining “enroll” as “officially regis-
    ter as a member of an institution or a student on a course”);
    Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 385 (10th ed. 2001)
    (defining “enroll” as “to insert, register, or enter in a list, cata-
    log, or roll”). We do not understand how the requirement that
    the children be registered as Catholics in some way also com-
    pels the Mass attendance ordered by the district court.
    This leaves the word “participants.” It is Patrick’s position
    that the children will be “participants” in the Catholic religion
    only if they adhere to all its required observances. We certainly
    understand that if the children did so, they would qualify as
    “participants.” But our focus is on what the decree required.
    And the word “participant” on its own suggests only that a
    person take part in something to some degree. See The New
    Oxford American Dictionary at 1246 (defining “participant” as
    “a person who takes part in something”). Indeed, it would not
    be uncommon for persons to be described as “participants” in
    a given activity even if they do not take part to the fullest. It is
    only with qualifying language not present here such as “full”
    that the word “participants” communicates the level of partici-
    pation Patrick argues the decree required.
    To be sure, the children must take part in the Catholic reli-
    gion to some degree if they are to be fairly described as “par-
    ticipants.” But, as we have noted, the parenting plan explic-
    itly requires the children to participate in “First Communion
    and Confirmation,” as well as “CCD” classes, and Elizabeth
    concedes that she is obligated to facilitate their involve-
    ment in those activities. We do not, however, understand the
    language of the parenting plan to require Elizabeth to also
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    facilitate their attendance at Catholic Mass as ordered by the
    district court.
    We find additional support for our interpretation in the
    decree’s complete silence as to the children’s attendance at
    Catholic Mass. The decree specifically sets forth a detailed
    2-week rotation regarding the regular exercise of parenting
    time. It also sets forth a holiday parenting time arrange-
    ment, covering various enumerated holidays. Additionally, the
    decree has specific language requiring Elizabeth to take the
    children to CCD classes on her parenting time. Nowhere,
    however, is there any mention of a requirement that the par-
    ties either have the children attend Catholic Mass on each
    parent’s parenting time or give up that time to the other par-
    ent for the other parent to do so. And despite specific alloca-
    tion of parenting time on a number of holidays, there is no
    reference to Catholic Holy Days of Obligation as such or a
    requirement that the parent exercising parenting time on those
    days bring the children to Mass on those days. In our view,
    given its silence on these points, the decree is most reasonably
    interpreted as not addressing attend­ance at Catholic Mass. See
    Bayne v. Bayne, 
    302 Neb. 858
    , 864, 
    925 N.W.2d 687
    , 693
    (2019) (decree is to be interpreted to, if possible, “bring all of
    its parts into harmony as far as this can be done by fair and
    reasonable interpretation”).
    Finally, we note that at oral argument, Patrick’s counsel
    contended that the children will be able to participate in the
    activities specifically mentioned in the decree only if they
    attend Mass as ordered by the court. We discern nothing in our
    record indicating that is the case and thus do not consider that
    argument here.
    Disposition of Appeal.
    [5] As explained above, we conclude that by requiring
    Elizabeth to either bring the children to Catholic Mass or give
    up her parenting time, the district court imposed obligations
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    that were not present in the original decree. The district
    court’s order thus constituted a modification of the decree as
    opposed to a proper order interpreting it. The party seeking to
    modify visitation has the burden to show a material change
    in circumstances affecting the best interests of the child. See,
    e.g., Fine v. Fine, 
    261 Neb. 836
    626 N.W.2d 526
    There is no such evidence here. Accordingly, the portions
    of the district court’s order regarding Mass attendance must
    be vacated.
    We note, however, that the district court’s order enforcing
    the decree addressed other issues, which Elizabeth did not
    appeal. This would include the portion of the district court’s
    order that the parties not allow for the children’s participation
    in religious activities outside the Catholic religion without the
    written permission of the other parent. Elizabeth did not argue
    that portion of the district court’s order was erroneous and
    explicitly stated in her reply brief she was not challenging it.
    As the rest of the order enforcing the decree is not challenged,
    we affirm in part.
    We find that the parties’ parenting plan did not require the
    children to attend Catholic Mass. Accordingly, we vacate those
    portions of the decree ordering such attendance, but other-
    wise affirm.
    A ffirmed in part, and in part vacated.