State v. Hill ( 2014 )

  •                           Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	767
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Thylun M. Hill, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed August 8, 2014.     No. S-13-698.
    1.	 Expert Witnesses: Appeal and Error. The standard for reviewing the admis-
    sibility of expert testimony is abuse of discretion.
    2.	 ____: ____. Abuse of discretion is the proper standard of review of a district
    court’s evidentiary ruling on the admission of expert testimony under Daubert v.
    Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    113 S. Ct. 2786
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
    3.	 Judges: Words and Phrases. A judicial abuse of discretion exists when a judge,
    within the effective limits of authorized judicial power, elects to act or refrain
    from acting, but the selected option results in a decision which is untenable and
    unfairly deprives a litigant of a substantial right or a just result in matters submit-
    ted for disposition through a judicial system.
    4.	 Constitutional Law: Search and Seizure: Motions to Suppress: Appeal and
    Error. In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to suppress based on a
    claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment, an appellate court applies a two-part
    standard of review. Regarding historical facts, an appellate court reviews the trial
    court’s findings for clear error. But whether those facts trigger or violate Fourth
    Amendment protections is a question of law that an appellate court reviews inde-
    pendently of the trial court’s determination.
    5.	 Search and Seizure. Application of the good faith exception to the exclusionary
    rule is a question of law.
    6.	 Evidence: Proof: Appeal and Error. An appellate court’s standard of review
    with respect to a sufficiency of the evidence claim is very narrow, in that the
    court must find the evidence to be sufficient if there is any evidence, when
    viewed in a light favorable to the prosecution, upon which a rational finder of
    fact could conclude that the State has met its burden of proof beyond a reason-
    able doubt.
    7.	 Police Officers and Sheriffs: Arrests: Search and Seizure. When a police offi-
    cer makes an arrest, in the absence of physical contact, the fact that a reasonable
    person would have believed he or she was not free to leave is a necessary, but
    not a sufficient, condition for seizure; the subject must also yield to that show
    of authority.
    8.	 Constitutional Law: Search and Seizure: Search Warrants: Probable Cause.
    The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of the peo-
    ple to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
    searches and seizures, and further provides that no warrants shall issue, but upon
    probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
    place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    9.	 Search Warrants: Affidavits: Probable Cause. A search warrant, to be valid,
    must be supported by an affidavit which establishes probable cause.
    10.	 Search Warrants: Probable Cause: Words and Phrases. Probable cause suf-
    ficient to justify issuance of a search warrant means a fair probability that contra-
    band or evidence of a crime will be found.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    11.	 Search Warrants: Affidavits: Evidence: Appeal and Error. In evaluating the
    sufficiency of an affidavit used to obtain a search warrant, an appellate court is
    restricted to consideration of the information and circumstances contained within
    the four corners of the affidavit, and evidence which emerges after the warrant is
    issued has no bearing on whether the warrant was validly issued.
    12.	 Search Warrants. Even when a search warrant is invalid, the exclusionary
    rule applies only in those cases in which exclusion will further its reme-
    dial purposes.
    13.	 Motions to Suppress: Search Warrants: Affidavits: Police Officers and
    Sheriffs: Probable Cause. The good faith exception to the exclusionary rule
    provides that in the absence of an allegation that the magistrate issuing a warrant
    abandoned his or her detached and neutral role, suppression is appropriate only
    if the officers were dishonest or reckless in preparing their affidavit or could
    not have harbored an objectively reasonable belief in the existence of prob-
    able cause.
    14.	 Motions to Suppress: Search Warrants: Affidavits: Police Officers and
    Sheriffs: Evidence. Evidence obtained through the execution of an invalid
    warrant may appropriately be suppressed only if (1) the magistrate or judge in
    issuing a warrant was misled by information in an affidavit that the affiant knew
    was false or would have known was false except for his or her reckless disregard
    of the truth, (2) the issuing magistrate wholly abandoned his or her judicial role,
    (3) the warrant is based on an affidavit so lacking in indicia of probable cause as
    to render official belief in its existence entirely unreasonable, or (4) the warrant
    is so facially deficient that the executing officer cannot reasonably presume it to
    be valid.
    15.	 Search Warrants: Affidavits: Probable Cause: Police Officers and Sheriffs:
    Appeal and Error. When evaluating whether a warrant was based on an affidavit
    so lacking in indicia of probable cause as to render official belief in its existence
    entirely unreasonable, an appellate court should address whether the officer, con-
    sidered as a police officer with a reasonable knowledge of what the law prohibits,
    acted in objectively reasonable good faith in relying on the warrant.
    16.	 Search Warrants: Affidavits: Police Officers and Sheriffs: Appeal and Error.
    In assessing the good faith of an officer’s conducting a search pursuant to a war-
    rant, an appellate court must look to the totality of the circumstances surrounding
    the issuance of the warrant, including information possessed by the officers but
    not contained within the four corners of the affidavit.
    17.	 Courts: Expert Witnesses. Under the Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
    509 U.S. 579
    113 S. Ct. 2786
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
     (1993), and Schafersman
    v. Agland Coop, 
    262 Neb. 215
    631 N.W.2d 862
     (2001), jurisprudence, the trial
    court acts as a gatekeeper to ensure the evidentiary relevance and reliability of an
    expert’s opinion.
    18.	 Homicide: Intent: Time. To commit first degree murder, no particular length
    of time for premeditation is required, provided that the intent to kill is formed
    before the act is committed and not simultaneously with the act that caused
    the death.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	769
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: Leigh
    Ann R etelsdorf, Judge. Affirmed.
    Thomas C. Riley, Douglas County Public Defender, and
    Kelly M. Steenbock for appellant.
    Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and Erin E. Tangeman for
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    Miller-Lerman, and Cassel, JJ.
    McCormack, J.
    Thylun M. Hill appeals from his conviction of first degree
    murder. Hill argues that evidence found on his person the night
    of the murder should have been suppressed because he was
    seized the moment officers encountered Hill in the street, even
    though he fled. Hill argues that evidence found where he lived
    should have been suppressed because the affidavit in support of
    the search warrant was so lacking in indicia of probable cause
    that it was wholly unreasonable for the executing officer to
    presume it to be valid. Hill argues that the court should have
    suppressed expert testimony and exhibits relating to Omaha’s
    “ShotSpotter” system and its detection of the gunshots that
    killed the victim, because the testing of the accuracy of the
    system was inadequate. Finally, Hill alleges that the evidence
    presented at trial was insufficient to support his conviction.
    We affirm.
    Hill was convicted, among other crimes, of first degree mur-
    der in connection with the shooting death of an acquaintance of
    Hill’s on the night of February 18, 2012. Hill made three pre-
    trial motions to suppress evidence, all of which were denied.
    1. Motion to Suppress R esults
    of Search of P erson
    First, Hill moved to suppress all evidence gained as a result
    of the alleged illegal search of his person on the night of the
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    shooting. The motion alleged that the officers who appre-
    hended Hill lacked reasonable suspicion sufficient to justify a
    stop and frisk under Terry v. Ohio1 and that the search was not
    incident to a lawful arrest.
    At the hearing on the motion, Officers Mickey Larson
    and Jeff Wasmund described the circumstances surrounding
    their encounter with Hill on the night in question. Larson
    and Wasmund testified that at approximately 10:41 p.m. on
    February 18, 2012, they were in their police cruiser and Larson
    was pulling the cruiser out of the lot of the northeast police sta-
    tion, located between North 30th Street and North 31st Avenue.
    They were traveling in an all-black gang unit cruiser. The
    cruiser did not have emergency lights on top, but was marked
    in large print as Omaha Police on the sides. The officers were
    wearing tactical vests also marked “POLICE,” but otherwise
    were not wearing uniforms.
    Almost immediately, both officers heard what sounded like
    gunshots. They explained that it was clear to them that the
    shots had been fired nearby. Wasmund was “very confident”
    that the gunshots had come from the west; he was less certain
    that they also came from the south. The officers headed one-
    half block west to 31st Avenue and then turned south.
    The officers radioed the precinct to determine if the
    ShotSpotter detection system was able to pinpoint a more
    precise location for gunfire. As will be described in more
    detail below, the ShotSpotter system uses microphones and
    a global positioning system (GPS) to pinpoint the time and
    location of sounds consistent with gunshots in the area cov-
    ered by the system. The ShotSpotter soon gave the officers
    an address on North 31st Avenue about 21⁄2 blocks north of
    the police station. Thus, while the officers had been correct
    that the gunfire originated west of their original location, the
    ShotSpotter indicated the shots originated from the northwest,
    not the southwest. The officers had traveled only about two
    blocks south on North 31st Avenue when they turned around
    and headed north.
    Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    88 S. Ct. 1868
    20 L. Ed. 2d 889
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	771
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    The officers arrived at the address indicated by the
    ShotSpotter and parked their cruiser in the middle of the street.
    Only 1 minute had passed since the shots had been heard.
    About the same time the officers were stopping in front of
    the house identified by the ShotSpotter as the source of the
    gunfire, the officers observed a male rounding the corner at the
    end of the block and heading down the middle of North 31st
    Avenue directly toward them. This man was later identified as
    Hill. The officers noted that Hill was the only civilian the offi-
    cers had seen in the area since they heard the gunshots. They
    sought to determine whether Hill was the shooter, a victim, or
    a witness to the gunshots.
    Both officers testified that they stepped out of their vehi-
    cle and shined the vehicle spotlight in Hill’s direction. They
    then announced, “‘Omaha police.’” During cross-­ xamination,
    Larson was asked whether they had yelled, “‘Omaha police,
    stop,’” when they exited the vehicle. Larson answered
    “[u]h-huh,” but almost immediately thereafter, when defense
    counsel asked Larson to clarify whether they had ordered Hill
    to “stop” during their initial encounter with Hill, Larson indi-
    cated that they did not; they “just announced ‘Omaha police.’”
    Later at trial, Larson clarified that he announced only “Omaha
    police” and that he used a “normal tone of voice.”
    The officers did not have the emergency lights on. Hill
    paused. The officers did not observe a weapon on Hill, and
    they began to walk in Hill’s direction. The officers did not have
    their weapons drawn at that time.
    Hill immediately turned around and fled, running north-
    bound. The officers ran in pursuit, drew their weapons, and
    advised Hill that “we were police officers and you need to
    stop running.”
    Hill attempted to hurdle the white picket fence of a nearby
    house and tripped. Hill broke the top of a few of the pickets
    and hit the ground. The officers, trailing close behind, observed
    at that time a black revolver fall out from somewhere on Hill’s
    person. Hill picked up the gun and began running again before
    the officers could catch up to him. The officers thereafter fired
    at Hill, and he was apprehended.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Numerous additional officers arrived at the scene almost
    immediately, and Hill was placed under arrest. Several of these
    officers also testified at the hearing on Hill’s motion to sup-
    press. The officers described that they began searching Hill to
    determine if he had a weapon and whether he had been shot.
    The officers conducting the search emptied Hill’s pockets. The
    items in Hill’s pockets included paper, a wallet, and some latex
    gloves. A short while thereafter, officers discovered the dis-
    carded firearm in the path of Hill’s flight from the police. They
    also discovered the victim, whose body was located behind the
    house identified by the ShotSpotter as the source of the gun-
    shots heard by Larson and Wasmund.
    The court denied the motion to suppress. The court found
    that the officers had yelled for Hill to stop only after he began
    running away. The court reasoned that Hill was not “seized”
    until he was physically apprehended and subdued by the pur-
    suing officers. Therefore, the court did not analyze whether
    the officers had reasonable suspicion prior to that time. The
    court found that by the time Hill was apprehended, which was
    when he was placed under arrest, the officers knew that Hill
    was in the area of the shooting at the time of the shooting and
    also that he had a gun and had fled from police. The court
    concluded that such information not only provided reasonable
    suspicion, but also probable cause for Hill’s arrest. The court
    concluded that the search of Hill’s person was proper incident
    to Hill’s arrest. Furthermore, the court noted that the firearm
    had not been seized from Hill, since he had discarded it before
    any seizure of his person.
    2. Motion to Suppress R esults
    of Search of Home
    Hill moved to suppress the evidence found in the apartment
    where he was living at the time of the shooting. In particular,
    he sought to suppress bullets found in the bedroom where he
    slept, which a ballistics expert connected at trial to the bullets
    used in the shooting of the victim. Hill alleged that the affida-
    vit in support of the search warrant, made by Officer Thomas
    Queen, lacked probable cause.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	773
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    Queen, of the homicide unit of the Omaha Police
    Department, completed the affidavit for a warrant to search
    the apartment where Hill was receiving his Department of
    Labor benefits. In the affidavit, Queen averred that he had
    reason to believe ammunition, companion equipment, venue
    items, and other items of evidentiary value “to the homicide
    that occurred on the 18th day of February 2012 at 2240 Hours
    at [the address]” would be found at the apartment. The affi-
    davit then explicitly set forth as grounds for the issuance of
    the warrant:
    On Saturday, February 18th, 2012 at about 2240 Hours
    officers of the Omaha Police Department were in the
    area of 31 Avenue and Meredith Avenue Omaha, Douglas
    County, Nebraska, when they heard several gunshots
    close by.
    Shortly after the shots Officers observed a party in the
    same area and attempted to make contact with him. The
    party ran from officers and dropped a R.G. Industries .38
    caliber revolver. The party was apprehended and identi-
    fied as Thylun M. HILL.
    Shot Spotter was checked and it indicated that the shots
    were fired in the back yard of [address]. Officers went to
    that location and found a party deceased from apparent
    gunshot wounds.
    A data check showed that Thylun M. HILL was con-
    victed of 1st Degree Manslaughter in Hennipin, Minnesota
    on April 16th, 1998[.]
    A check of Department of Labor records showed that
    Thylun M. HILL was receiving benefits at [address]
    and was scheduled to receive those benefits up through
    October 27th, 2012 at that address.
    It is the belief of Officer Thomas QUEEN #1182 of
    the Omaha Police Department that, should this warrant
    be issued, the listed items would be recovered from the
    listed address.
    The county court judge signed the warrant, and Queen testi-
    fied that he executed the warrant in good faith, believing it
    to be valid. At the apartment, officers seized 37 live rounds
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    of .38-caliber ammunition inside a knit glove located inside a
    gray bag in the bedroom where Hill slept.
    The trial court denied the motion to suppress. The court
    agreed with Hill that certain information was missing from the
    search warrant affidavit. Most notably, the court found that the
    affidavit did not specify the time of death of the victim or that
    the death from apparent gunshot wounds was a homicide. The
    court also found missing from the affidavit the explicit allega-
    tions that (1) the officers responded to an area within several
    houses of where the shots were fired and the victim was
    located, (2) the officers arrived in the area within a minute of
    the gunshots, and (3) Hill was the only person in the area. The
    court said that it could not fill in this necessary factual infor-
    mation with commonsense inferences, and, thus, the affidavit
    lacked probable cause.
    Nevertheless, the court found that the officers acted in
    good faith when relying on the warrant and that therefore, the
    motion to suppress should be denied. The court noted, among
    other things, that Queen had knowledge of all the facts missing
    from the affidavit that would support probable cause. Because
    it was objectively reasonable for Queen to rely on the warrant,
    the court found no basis for suppression of the evidence.
    3. Daubert Motion in Limine
    Finally, Hill filed a pretrial motion in limine under Daubert
    v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,2 stating that he ques-
    tioned whether proposed witness Paul Greene qualified as an
    expert; “whether the reasoning and methodology used by the
    State’s witness to draw conclusions, inferences, and locations
    regarding the ability to triangulate noises using a so-called
    ‘shot spotter’ is valid”; and whether the proposed testimony
    was relevant and more probative than prejudicial.
    At the hearing on the motion, Greene testified he is an
    ex-Marine and the lead customer support engineer at SST,
    Inc. SST sells a product called the ShotSpotter to cities across
    the country. Greene stated he has experience in hearing and
    Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    113 S. Ct. 2786
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	775
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    recognizing gunshot sounds and in the information technol-
    ogy system design and operation of the ShotSpotter. The
    ShotSpotter is an acoustic gunfire detection and location sys-
    tem of GPS-enabled microphones placed in various locations
    of a municipal area. SST has been in existence since 1995 and
    has been selling and maintaining ShotSpotter systems since
    1996. In the summer of 2011, SST installed a ShotSpotter sys-
    tem in northeast Omaha.
    On February 18, 2012, the ShotSpotter system in Omaha
    consisted of approximately 80 sensors, spaced roughly 400
    to 500 meters apart. Each sensor has four GPS-enabled
    microphones. The digital signal processors of the sensors
    measure sound input to determine if the sound meets 28 dif-
    ferent audio characteristics of “impulsive audio pulses,” or
    a “bang, boom, or pop,” and could thus be categorized as a
    possible gunshot.
    If the sound meets the preprogrammed criteria for a pos-
    sible gunshot, the system transmits the information to a cen-
    tral location server, which uses triangulation to pinpoint the
    latitude and longitude of the sound and uses a process called
    “geolocation” to place that location on a map.
    Incident review staff in California then quickly look at the
    audio waveform and listen to a recording of the event to dis-
    cern if it is a false positive for a possible gunshot. Once the
    incident review staff rule out a false positive, they send an alert
    to the police dispatchers.
    Greene testified that the incident review staff are specially
    trained in recognizing the audio waveform characteristics of
    gunfire and in recognizing the sound of gunfire. SST requires
    the staff to be able to correctly identify 80 percent of 500
    audioclips during performance testing.
    Greene explained that the science behind the ShotSpotter
    system has been recognized for decades:
    The principles — the mathematical principles used for
    the triangulation, the location of the event or object we
    would call trying to locate an unknown point using two
    or more known points, the mathematics behind that are
    actually very old. The practical application of it, you
    know, in the use of technology is a little more recent,
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    but still fairly old. Came about with the advent of World
    War I and sonar. Since then, seismologists use the same
    mathematics, the same techniques to determine the epi-
    center of earthquakes. It’s still used by the Navy in sonar
    applications. It’s used in space as well.
    Greene described that the ShotSpotter system has “multiple
    redundancy” of the sensors, such that losing power on an indi-
    vidual basis does not detract from the accuracy of the array.
    Greene testified that in order to triangulate a gunshot, only
    three sensors are required to actually hear and participate in the
    incident. A fourth sensor is used for confirmation information
    in the event of a single gunshot. When there are multiple shots,
    the repetition of the pulse data serves as its own confirmation.
    The GPS satellites are synchronized down to a thousandth of
    a second from the atomic clock at the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.
    Greene testified that the official margin of error for the loca-
    tion of detected gunfire is a 150-foot radius, but that they regu-
    larly achieve accuracy of a radius of 10 or 20 feet or better.
    The ShotSpotter guarantees that it will give a correct location,
    within this margin of error, for 80 percent of detectible outdoor
    gunfire in the system area. Gunfire that is silenced or masked
    by other sounds is not considered detectible.
    When the system was installed in 2011, SST performed a
    live fire test that verified the accuracy of the system. Greene
    stated that an SST project manager was present during this test-
    ing. SST has not performed such a test since that time. Greene
    explained, however, that SST “monitor[s] for sensor health
    constantly.” The sensors self-calibrate every 48 hours, and if a
    sensor does not self-calibrate, SST is automatically notified. In
    addition, each sensor sends a “heartbeat pulse” once every 30
    seconds. In fact, each GPS sensor, as well as each of the four
    microphones attached to it, independently communicates with
    the ShotSpotter server about its health.
    When enough sensors lose network communication with the
    system, SST dispatches a technician to replace all of the inac-
    tive sensors. At the hearing on the motion in limine, Greene
    testified that SST generally dispatches a technician when the
    active sensor count is 90 percent or less. At trial, Greene
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	777
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    elaborated that SST’s written policy guarantees that SST will
    dispatch technicians to replace sensors when SST detects that
    the system reaches a “20 percent or better” reduction in sensor
    capacity. Greene testified that the system is designed so that it
    can lose up to 20 percent of its capacity and still make accu-
    rate detections.
    Greene created a “ShotSpotter Detailed Forensic Report”
    for the shooting on February 18, 2012. He testified that in his
    experience, he believed to a reasonable degree of certainty that
    the sounds detected by the ShotSpotter were consistent with
    gunfire. The report reflects that the alert containing the precise
    location of the shots detected on February 18 was given to
    Omaha police dispatch 48 seconds after the time the sound was
    detected by the ShotSpotter sensors.
    Three of the shots were detected by 11 sensors. The last
    shot was detected by four sensors. Greene explained that while
    there are a multitude of environmental reasons why the num-
    ber of sensors detecting an incident might be higher or lower,
    changing the direction of fire can have a significant impact
    on the number of detecting sensors. At trial, Greene further
    explained that if a shot were fired at the ground, fewer sensors
    would detect it, because the ground tends to absorb some of the
    acoustic energy.
    Greene testified that he did not specifically note the number
    of sensors in Omaha that were not working at the time of the
    incident, because the data in the report was based on the sen-
    sors’ actually detecting the gunshots; a compromised sensor
    would not produce location detection data. Greene explained
    further at trial that even if there had been sensors in the area
    not working, that fact would not affect the conclusions drawn
    in the ShotSpotter report.
    Based on the testimony at the hearing and the arguments
    made by counsel, the court characterized the Daubert analysis
    in terms of two basic questions: (1) the detection and location
    of sound and (2) the classification of that sound as a gunshot.
    The court noted that Hill did not challenge the underlying
    mathematical and physics principles of triangulation utilized
    by the ShotSpotter, but instead challenged the “ShotSpotter’s
    testing, positioning, and maintenance of the sensors and the
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    process of classification of an individual impulsive sound as
    a gunshot.”
    In a 15-page order denying the motion in limine, the court
    found that Greene was qualified as an expert in the design,
    installation, and function of the ShotSpotter system and in
    gunshot sound recognition. The court also found that the
    ShotSpotter system was sufficiently reliable. The court noted
    Hill’s argument that because an SST project manager was
    present during the original testing of the system, there was no
    “blind” testing conducted. But the court reasoned that blind
    studies are not necessary when determining if electronic equip-
    ment operates properly and that there was no evidence that the
    SST project manager somehow influenced the testing results.
    The court also found that despite the lack of regularly sched-
    uled maintenance, there were sufficient safeguards in the pro-
    tocol, which provided for constant monitoring and maintenance
    when necessary, to support the reliability of the technology.
    Finally, the court found that there was a sufficient factual basis
    to support the classification of the sounds as being consistent
    with gunfire.
    At trial, Hill renewed his objection under Daubert to
    Greene’s testimony and to various exhibits concerning the
    ShotSpotter detection of the shots fired on February 18, 2012.
    Hill did not object, however, to the testimony of Larson,
    Wasmund, and other officers concerning their understand-
    ing of the ShotSpotter technology and their responses to the
    ShotSpotter alerts on February 18.
    4. Evidence at Trial
    (a) Chase
    During the trial, Larson and Wasmund reiterated their
    testimony from the suppression hearing. They testified that
    at the time of the incident, they were assigned to the north
    gang suppression unit. They primarily worked in the area of
    the northeast precinct, which was characterized as a “high
    crime area.”
    Larson and Wasmund testified that as they were leaving the
    precinct parking lot, with the vehicle windows rolled partway
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	779
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    down, they heard “loud” and “distinct” multiple gunshots
    nearby. They headed in the direction they thought the shots
    came from. They corrected their course about 30 to 40 seconds
    later when the ShotSpotter gave them an address.
    As they approached the residential address given by the
    ShotSpotter, approximately in the middle of the block, Larson
    and Wasmund observed Hill as the only civilian in the area.
    Hill was rounding the far corner from where the alley ran
    behind the residence specified by the ShotSpotter. Hill was
    heading in their direction.
    The officers parked their vehicle in front of the house.
    The officers then shone a spotlight toward Hill, exited their
    vehicle, and identified themselves in a normal tone of voice
    as Omaha police. The officers did not yet know a homicide
    had been committed, and they did not see a gun on Hill. They
    sought only to inquire whether Hill was a witness, victim, or
    the perpetrator of the shots they heard and which were identi-
    fied by the ShotSpotter. Hill paused for a moment, turned,
    and fled.
    The officers ran after Hill, yelling “Omaha police.” In his
    flight, Hill tripped over a picket fence and a gun fell from
    his person. At that moment, Wasmund was about 8 feet from
    Hill, and Larson was about 5 feet away, and both clearly saw
    the weapon.
    Hill picked up the gun and resumed his flight. The officers
    split up to try to catch him. Wasmund fired a shot at Hill when
    he saw Hill change direction and appear to have an open line
    of fire at both Larson and Wasmund. Larson heard two shots
    and, not knowing if Hill had fired at Wasmund or the other
    way around, fired one shot at Hill. Shortly thereafter, Hill
    was apprehended.
    At least seven other officers arrived almost immediately on
    the scene. It was revealed during the defense that one of those
    officers was a sergeant who was later under investigation by
    the Douglas County Attorney’s office for an unrelated incident
    of an indefinite nature and which incident resulted in a recom-
    mendation that the sergeant be terminated from the Omaha
    Police Department. However, no officers reported observing
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    the sergeant doing anything out of keeping with standard
    Omaha Police Department protocols on the night of February
    18, 2012.
    Officers who arrived at the scene shortly after Hill was
    apprehended emptied Hill’s pockets. The officers discovered
    a pair of latex gloves and a camouflage ski mask, as well as
    other miscellaneous personal items.
    When it was discovered from the search of his person that
    Hill no longer carried the gun he had previously dropped
    and picked up, the officers searched the area. They found a
    revolver lying on the ground in the path of Hill’s previous
    flight. Both Larson and Wasmund identified that revolver
    as the same one they saw fall from Hill’s person during
    his flight.
    The officers also went to the backyard of the address iden-
    tified by the ShotSpotter. There they found the body of the
    victim, lying face down in the backyard. The victim’s pants
    were pulled down to his thighs. Near the scene, officers found
    a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, two cell phones, a beer can, and
    other miscellaneous items eventually identified by nonforensic
    means as likely belonging to the victim.
    (b) Victim’s Cell Phones
    The cell phones, in particular, were identified as belonging
    to either the victim or the victim’s mother. The victim’s mother
    testified that because the victim’s cell phone did not make tele-
    phone calls, the victim often borrowed her cell phone.
    Over 6 months had passed before the police were asked by
    the Douglas County Attorney’s office to attempt to discover the
    telephone records for those cell phones.
    By the time the police investigated the telephone logs for the
    cell phones carried by the victim, the telephone company con-
    nected with the victim’s mother’s cell phone no longer main-
    tained the call records for the time of the shooting.
    What the mother had identified as the victim’s cell phone
    was actually registered to an unrelated party who did not know
    the victim. Call records for that cell phone were able to be
    obtained. The records showed several calls and text messages
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    to the victim on the day of the shooting from a prepaid cell
    phone registered to “John Doe” with the address of a U.S.
    Cellular store, as well as several telephone calls from the vic-
    tim to “John Doe.”
    The records obtained closest to the time of the shooting
    reflected that at 8:50 p.m. the night of February 18, 2012, the
    victim and “John Doe” had a 64-second telephone conversa-
    tion. At 10:19 p.m., the victim sent a text to “John Doe.” At
    10:26 p.m., the victim called “John Doe” and reached his
    voicemail. At 10:27 p.m., the victim again called “John Doe”
    and reached his voicemail. “John Doe” thereafter attempted
    to call the victim three times in an 11-minute period shortly
    after midnight and subsequent to the shooting. There were
    no attempted telephone calls from “John Doe” to the victim
    after the victim’s death was announced the following day on
    the news.
    (c) Cause of Death
    A pathologist determined that the victim had suffered three
    gunshot wounds. One wound entered the right cheek and exited
    the left cheek at a straight angle through the sinuses, causing
    little damage. The other two shots had entered the victim’s
    back and lodged in his body. One entrance wound was located
    in the left lateral chest. The bullet had entered at an upward
    angle and had punctured the victim’s diaphragm and stomach.
    The other entrance wound was located in the middle of the
    victim’s lower back. That bullet had also entered at an upward
    angle and it punctured the victim’s heart.
    The wounds in the victim’s face and chest would not have
    been fatal unless left unattended. But the wound to his lower
    back rendered the heart nonfunctional as soon as it was hit,
    leaving the victim only about 15 to 20 seconds of conscious-
    ness thereafter.
    The pathologist did not observe any lacerations or trauma,
    other than the bullet wounds, to the victim’s body. The bul-
    let wounds, because there was no evidence of soot or stip-
    pling, were made by a firearm held at a distance at least 12
    inches away.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    (d) ShotSpotter Report
    At trial, Greene reiterated his testimony from the hearing on
    the motion in limine. In addition, the detailed forensic report
    prepared by Greene to document the incident was entered into
    evidence. The report indicated that beginning at approximately
    10:40 p.m. on February 18, 2012, four shots were fired in
    fairly rapid succession. The shots began either in the alley
    or on the side of the alley opposite where the victim’s body
    was found. The last shot was located approximately where
    the body was found. That last shot occurred after a slightly
    longer pause of 3.8 seconds from the preceding shot. From
    the first shot to the last, a total of 61⁄2 seconds passed. The last
    shot occurred approximately 10 feet from the first three. The
    report also identified the correct location of the officers’ shots
    in pursuit of Hill, which were time stamped as occurring at
    10:43 p.m.
    (e) Ballistics Evidence From Gun
    The gun that Larson and Wasmund identified as being car-
    ried by Hill and discarded during his flight had four spent
    casings inside the cylinder. The gun was discovered to have
    been registered in 1982 to a woman unrelated to Hill and who
    had been deceased since 2000. An expert working in the area
    of firearm and toolmark examination for the Omaha Police
    Department testified that the bullets found in the victim’s body
    were fired from the weapon found in the path of Hill’s flight
    and identified by Larson and Wasmund as the gun that Hill had
    dropped during that flight. The expert testified that test-fired
    bullets from the gun were consistent with the bullets found in
    the victim’s body, in both general and class characteristics and
    individual and specific characteristics.
    (f) Relationship Between Hill and Victim
    and Events on Night of Shooting
    Testimony at trial established that Hill lived in the same
    apartment building as the victim. Hill lived with his girlfriend,
    her infant child, and his girlfriend’s brother. According to the
    brother, Hill and the victim knew each other. They “hung out
    sometimes, drank together, you know, normal neighbor stuff.”
    He often heard Hill and the victim in the hallway engaging in
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    “casual daily arguments.” The brother described such argu-
    ments as common amongst most of the people in the building
    and “[n]othing out of the ordinary.”
    About 6 weeks before the shooting, the brother had told Hill
    he thought the victim was an informant for the Omaha Police
    Department. The brother had come to this conclusion because
    often he saw the victim with brand-new $100 bills and the vic-
    tim acted like he was a “big deal.”
    On the day of the shooting, the brother and Hill had been
    drinking continuously since the early hours of the morning.
    Sometime in the evening, Hill and the brother ran into the
    victim in the hall of the apartment building. The brother testi-
    fied that Hill and the victim began “[d]runk shit talking.” The
    brother did not know what Hill and the victim were arguing
    about, but they were yelling at each other.
    The brother went back into the apartment. But he continued
    to hear loud talking in the hallway. The next thing the brother
    remembered, Hill was in the apartment, seemingly upset. Hill
    was in the bathroom with the light off either whispering to
    himself or breathing heavily. The brother then passed out and
    did not wake up until the following morning.
    The victim’s mother recalled that at some point in the eve-
    ning, there had been a knock on their apartment door and the
    victim left. She did not see or hear from the victim after that.
    (g) Bullets Found Where Hill Lived
    Officers testified that the day after the shooting, they con-
    ducted a search of the apartment where Hill lived. In the bed-
    room where Hill slept with his girlfriend and the infant, they
    found a gray bag. Inside the bag were latex gloves and also a
    knit glove with 37 live rounds of ammunition inside it. The
    ammunition was head stamped “R-P 38 SPL.” It was the same
    as the ammunition used in the shooting.
    (h) Telephone Call Made by Hill in Jail
    The State presented evidence that while Hill was incarcer-
    ated awaiting charges against him, he made a telephone call
    in which he told an unidentified person to have his girlfriend
    “‘get rid of that bag, that gray bag.’”
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    (i) No DNA Evidence
    There was no DNA or fingerprint evidence found either con-
    necting Hill to the shooting or excluding him.
    Hill assigns that the trial court erred when (1) it overruled
    his motion to suppress and exclude from use against him at
    trial any statements he made and any evidence obtained by
    Omaha police officers as a result of the illegal search and
    seizure of his person conducted by Omaha police officers on
    February 18, 2012; (2) it overruled Hill’s motion to suppress
    evidence obtained from the search of the residence where
    he lived, because it erroneously concluded that the search
    was conducted pursuant to the good faith exception to the
    warrant requirement; (3) it overruled Hill’s motion in limine
    challenging the admissibility of the State’s expert testimony
    regarding the ShotSpotter technology; and (4) it found the
    evidence sufficient to support the guilty verdict for first
    degree murder.
    [1] The standard for reviewing the admissibility of expert
    testimony is abuse of discretion.3
    [2] Abuse of discretion is the proper standard of review of
    a district court’s evidentiary ruling on the admission of expert
    testimony under Daubert.4
    [3] A judicial abuse of discretion exists when a judge, within
    the effective limits of authorized judicial power, elects to act or
    refrain from acting, but the selected option results in a decision
    which is untenable and unfairly deprives a litigant of a substan-
    tial right or a just result in matters submitted for disposition
    through a judicial system.5
    [4] In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to sup-
    press based on a claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment,
    we apply a two-part standard of review. Regarding historical
    State v. McClain, 
    285 Neb. 537
    827 N.W.2d 814
    See State v. Leibhart, 
    266 Neb. 133
    662 N.W.2d 618
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    facts, we review the trial court’s findings for clear error. But
    whether those facts trigger or violate Fourth Amendment pro-
    tections is a question of law that we review independently of
    the trial court’s determination.6
    [5] Application of the good faith exception to the exclusion-
    ary rule is a question of law.7
    [6] Our standard of review with respect to a sufficiency of
    the evidence claim is very narrow, in that we must find the
    evidence to be sufficient if there is any evidence, when viewed
    in a light favorable to the prosecution, upon which a rational
    finder of fact could conclude that the State has met its burden
    of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.8
    Hill challenges four rulings of the trial court. First, Hill
    argues that the court should have suppressed the evidence
    of the gloves and mask found on his person, because he had
    allegedly been stopped without probable cause. Second, Hill
    argues that there was no good faith exception to the lack of
    probable cause in the affidavit supporting the search warrant
    of the apartment where he lived and that the court should have
    suppressed the ammunition found there pursuant to the search
    warrant. Third, Hill argues that expert testimony and exhibits
    concerning the ShotSpotter system, which detected the loca-
    tion of the shots fired the night of the murder, should have
    been excluded under Daubert.9 Finally, Hill argues that the
    evidence at trial was insufficient to support his conviction of
    first degree murder.
    1. Motion to Suppress R esults
    of Search of P erson
    We first address Hill’s motion to suppress the search of his
    person. According to Hill, he was subjected to a Terry stop
    State v. Sprunger, 
    283 Neb. 531
    811 N.W.2d 235
    See State v. Matit, ante p. 163, 
    846 N.W.2d 232
    Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    supra note 2
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    “the very moment [the] encounter between [Hill] and the offi-
    cers was initiated.”10 Hill describes that he was walking down
    the sidewalk when the officers commanded him to stop. Hill
    argues that merely walking down the sidewalk in an area where
    sounds consistent with gunfire were detected is insufficient to
    support reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Therefore, all
    evidence later seized on Hill’s person and statements made by
    Hill should have been suppressed.
    Hill’s descriptions of the relevant events are not entirely
    consistent with the testimony presented at the suppression
    hearing, nor with the trial court’s findings in its order denying
    the motion to suppress. In any event, we agree with the trial
    court that Hill was not seized until he was subdued by police
    subsequent to his flight. By that time, there was probable cause
    for his arrest.
    [7] In California v. Hodari D.,11 the U.S. Supreme Court
    held that the defendant who fled from police was not seized
    by the officers’ show of authority until he was tackled sub-
    sequent to his flight. The Court said that in the absence of
    physical contact, the fact that a reasonable person would have
    believed he or she was not free to leave is a “necessary, but
    not a sufficient, condition for seizure.”12 The subject must
    also yield to that show of authority. Thus, the Court held in
    Hodari D. that the cocaine the defendant abandoned while he
    was running from the police, who were at that time pursuing
    him and ordering him to stop, was not the fruit of a seizure.
    The defendant’s motion to exclude that evidence was accord-
    ingly properly denied. The Court further explained that if the
    officers saw the defendant discard the cocaine and recognized
    it as such, the cocaine would provide reasonable suspicion for
    Brief for appellant at 19.
    California v. Hodari D., 
    499 U.S. 621
    111 S. Ct. 1547
    113 L. Ed. 2d 690
    (1991). See, also, e.g., State v. Van Ackeren, 
    242 Neb. 479
    495 N.W.2d 630
     (1993); State v. Cronin, 
    2 Neb. App. 368
    509 N.W.2d 673
    California v. Hodari D., supra note 11, 
    499 U.S. at 628
     (emphasis in
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    the unquestioned seizure that occurred when the defendant was
    eventually tackled.13
    We reject Hill’s argument that he was seized before his
    flight. Hill did not yield to Larson and Wasmund until after his
    flight and the officers discovered Hill was carrying a gun.
    Hill does not appear to argue that there was insufficient
    cause to seize him after his flight. In any event, we affirm the
    trial court’s conclusion that the officers had probable cause to
    arrest Hill by the time he was seized. The U.S. Supreme Court,
    in Illinois v. Wardlow,14 said: “Headlong flight—wherever it
    occurs—is the consummate act of evasion: It is not necessar-
    ily indicative of wrongdoing, but it is certainly suggestive of
    such.” Headlong flight while carrying a gun in a high-crime
    area where shots were heard within the last 3 minutes is suf-
    ficiently suggestive of wrongdoing to support probable cause.
    We affirm the judgment of the trial court denying Hill’s motion
    to suppress the evidence found on Hill’s person.
    2. Motion to Suppress R esults
    of Search of Home
    We next address Hill’s argument that the trial court erred
    in failing to suppress evidence found at his residence pursuant
    to the search warrant. Hill agrees with the trial court’s assess-
    ment of the affidavit in support of the search warrant as lack-
    ing in probable cause. But Hill disagrees with the trial court’s
    determination that the officers carrying out the warrant acted
    in good faith, such that the evidence found during the search
    was admissible. The State argues the trial court was incorrect
    in finding that no probable cause was stated in the affidavit but
    that, in any case, the trial court was correct in finding appli-
    cable the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule.
    [8] The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guar-
    antees “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons,
    California v. Hodari D., supra note 11.
    Illinois v. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. 119
    , 124, 
    120 S. Ct. 673
    145 L. Ed. 2d 570
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
    seizures . . .” and further provides that “no Warrants shall
    issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirma-
    tion, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and
    the persons or things to be seized.” The Nebraska Constitution
    provides similar protection.15
    [9,10] The execution of a search warrant without probable
    cause is unreasonable and violates these constitutional guar-
    antees.16 Accordingly, a search warrant, to be valid, must be
    supported by an affidavit which establishes probable cause.17
    Probable cause sufficient to justify issuance of a search warrant
    means a fair probability that contraband or evidence of a crime
    will be found.18
    [11] In reviewing the strength of an affidavit submitted as a
    basis for finding probable cause to issue a search warrant, an
    appellate court applies a “totality of the circumstances” test.19
    The question is whether, under the totality of the circumstances
    illustrated by the affidavit, the issuing magistrate had a sub-
    stantial basis for finding that the affidavit established prob-
    able cause. In evaluating the sufficiency of an affidavit used
    to obtain a search warrant, an appellate court is restricted to
    consideration of the information and circumstances contained
    within the four corners of the affidavit, and evidence which
    emerges after the warrant is issued has no bearing on whether
    the warrant was validly issued.20
    [12] But even when a search warrant is invalid under
    this test, the exclusionary rule applies only in those cases
    in which exclusion will further its remedial purposes.21 The
    exclusionary rule is a judicially created remedy designed to
    See Neb. Const. art. I, § 7.
    State v. Nuss, 
    279 Neb. 648
    781 N.W.2d 60
    See, e.g., United States v. Leon, 
    468 U.S. 897
    104 S. Ct. 3405
    82 L. Ed. 2d 677
     (1984); State v. Davidson, 
    260 Neb. 417
    618 N.W.2d 418
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    deter police misconduct.22 It is an “extreme sanction”23 of
    “‘last resort.’”24
    In Herring v. United States,25 the Court said, “[t]o trigger
    the exclusionary rule, police conduct must be sufficiently
    deliberate that exclusion can meaningfully deter it, and suf-
    ficiently culpable that such deterrence is worth the price paid
    by the justice system.” Otherwise, application of the exclu-
    sionary rule, as the Court explained in United States v. Leon,26
    would offend “basic concepts of the criminal justice system”
    and “‘generat[e] disrespect for the law and administration
    of justice.’”
    [13] The good faith exception to the exclusionary rule
    accordingly provides that “[i]n the absence of an allegation
    that the magistrate abandoned his detached and neutral role,
    suppression is appropriate only if the officers were dishon-
    est or reckless in preparing their affidavit or could not have
    harbored an objectively reasonable belief in the existence of
    probable cause.”27 It is, after all, “the magistrate’s responsi-
    bility to determine whether the officer’s allegations establish
    probable cause and, if so, to issue a warrant comporting in
    form with the requirements of the Fourth Amendment.”28
    And, ordinarily, “an officer cannot be expected to question
    the magistrate’s probable-cause determination or his judg-
    ment that the form of the warrant is technically sufficient.”29
    Penalizing the officer for the magistrate’s error does not
    “logically contribute to the deterrence of Fourth Amendment
    United States v. Leon, 
    supra note 21
    468 U.S. at 926
    Herring v. United States, 
    555 U.S. 135
    , 140, 
    129 S. Ct. 695
    172 L. Ed. 2d 496
    555 U.S. at 144
    United States v. Leon, 
    supra note 21
    468 U.S. at 908
    468 U.S. at 926
    468 U.S. at 921
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    [14] In sum, evidence obtained through the execution of an
    invalid warrant may appropriately be suppressed only if (1) the
    magistrate or judge in issuing a warrant was misled by infor-
    mation in an affidavit that the affiant knew was false or would
    have known was false except for his or her reckless disregard
    of the truth, (2) the issuing magistrate wholly abandoned his
    or her judicial role, (3) the warrant is based on an affidavit so
    lacking in indicia of probable cause as to render official belief
    in its existence entirely unreasonable, or (4) the warrant is so
    facially deficient that the executing officer cannot reasonably
    presume it to be valid.31
    [15,16] Hill asserts that the search warrant affidavit was
    so lacking in indicia of probable cause that it was entirely
    unreasonable for Queen to have relied upon it. When evalu-
    ating whether the warrant was based on an affidavit so lack-
    ing in indicia of probable cause as to render official belief in
    its existence entirely unreasonable, an appellate court should
    address whether the officer, considered as a police officer with
    a reasonable knowledge of what the law prohibits, acted in
    objectively reasonable good faith in relying on the warrant.32
    In assessing the good faith of an officer’s conducting a search
    pursuant to a warrant, an appellate court must look to the total-
    ity of the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the war-
    rant, including information possessed by the officers but not
    contained within the four corners of the affidavit.33
    Hill asserts that “Officer Queen’s omission from the affi-
    davit that [the victim’s] death was an apparent homicide and
    that the police assumed [Hill] was involved because he was
    in the same area shortly after the apparent homicide was a
    glaring mistake.”34 Our review of the affidavit reveals that, in
    fact, contrary to Hill’s assertion and some of the trial court’s
    See State v. Nuss, 
    supra note 16
    State v. Davidson, 
    supra note 21
    See, United States v. Leon, 
    supra note 21
    ; State v. Davidson, 
    supra note 21
    ; State v. Holguin, 
    14 Neb. App. 417
    708 N.W.2d 295
    Brief for appellant at 22.
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    findings, the affidavit referred in its introductory statements
    to a “homicide” at approximately 10:40 p.m. on February
    18, 2012, at a stated address. The affidavit further referred
    to the fact that Hill was found in that area near the time of
    the homicide.
    Considering those allegations, as well as the other allegation
    in the affidavit, we are certainly not presented here with a case
    of a “bare bones” affidavit—one which relies only on uncor-
    roborated tips or mere suspicion.35 The affidavit described
    how the officers had heard gunshots near their location at
    approximately 10:40 p.m. and how they arrived shortly there-
    after at the address identified by the ShotSpotter as the loca-
    tion of the gunshots. The affidavit described Hill’s flight from
    the officers and the fact that he was carrying a gun. Finally,
    the affidavit described that the victim had died from appar-
    ent gunshot wounds and was found at the address identified
    by the ShotSpotter and near where Hill was seen when offi-
    cers arrived.
    Courts are free to reject suppression motions posing no
    important Fourth Amendment questions by turning immedi-
    ately to a consideration of the officers’ good faith.36 We affirm
    the trial court’s decision that the evidence obtained during the
    search of Hill’s residence should not have been suppressed,
    because the good faith exception applied. Like the affida-
    vit presented in Leon, Queen’s affidavit certainly provided
    at least “evidence sufficient to create disagreement among
    thoughtful and competent judges as to the existence of prob-
    able cause.”37 Thus, as in Leon, the officers’ reliance on the
    magistrate’s determination of probable cause was, by defini-
    tion, objectively reasonable.38 Therefore, the district court was
    correct that application of the extreme sanction of exclusion
    was inappropriate.
    See, State v. Sprunger, supra note 6; State v. Holguin, 
    supra note 33
    See United States v. Leon, 
    supra note 21
    468 U.S. at 926
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    3. Motion in Limine Challenging
    ShotSpotter Technology
    [17] We turn now to Hill’s argument that the trial court should
    have excluded Greene’s testimony that the ShotSpotter detected
    gunshots at the specified address near North 31st Avenue on
    February 18, 2012. Under our Daubert39/Schafersman40 juris-
    prudence, the trial court acts as a gatekeeper to ensure the
    evidentiary relevance and reliability of an expert’s opinion.41
    The purpose of the gatekeeping function is to ensure that the
    courtroom door remains closed to “‘junk science’” that might
    unduly influence the jury, while admitting reliable expert testi-
    mony that will assist the trier of fact.42 This gatekeeping func-
    tion entails a preliminary assessment whether the reasoning or
    methodology underlying the testimony is valid and whether
    that reasoning or methodology properly can be applied to the
    facts in issue.43
    In determining the admissibility of an expert’s testimony,
    a trial judge may consider several more specific factors that
    might bear on a judge’s gatekeeping determination.44 These
    factors include whether a theory or technique can be (and has
    been) tested; whether it has been subjected to peer review and
    publication; whether, in respect to a particular technique, there
    is a high known or potential rate of error; whether there are
    standards controlling the technique’s operation; and whether
    the theory or technique enjoys general acceptance within a
    relevant scientific community.45 These factors are, however,
    neither exclusive nor binding; different factors may prove more
    significant in different cases, and additional factors may prove
    relevant under particular circumstances.46
    Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    supra note 2
    Schafersman v. Agland Coop, 
    262 Neb. 215
    631 N.W.2d 862
    State v. Daly, 
    278 Neb. 903
    775 N.W.2d 47
    State v. Casillas, 
    279 Neb. 820
    , 834, 
    782 N.W.2d 882
    , 896 (2010).
    State v. Daly, 
    supra note 41
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    288 Neb. 767
    In support of his assertion that the ShotSpotter technology
    was not established as reliable under our Daubert/Schafersman
    jurisprudence, Hill makes only three arguments: (1) that “blind”
    tests of the system have never been performed; (2) that Greene
    did not know what percent capacity the Omaha ShotSpotter
    system was operating at on February 18, 2012; and (3) that the
    SST employees at the incident review center “are ultimately
    just people using their own subjective opinions about whether
    particular sound files are consistent with gunfire.”47
    Hill does not challenge the underlying GPS triangulation
    methodology upon which the ShotSpotter location is based.
    Thus, insofar as these challenges present Daubert/Schafersman
    issues at all, they focus on whether that methodology properly
    can be applied to the facts in issue in this case.
    We first observe that Hill’s arguments challenging the
    ShotSpotter detection in this case are somewhat dubious given
    that the sounds of gunshots in the general area identified
    by ShotSpotter were simultaneously heard by Larson and
    Wasmund, and given that the victim was confirmed shot in
    almost the exact location identified by the ShotSpotter as the
    source of the shots Larson and Wasmund heard. Indeed, the
    principal import of the ShotSpotter evidence in this case appar-
    ently was the precise measurement of the timing between the
    four shots fired at the victim, and Hill does not challenge the
    ShotSpotter’s time stamps.
    In any event, we find no merit to Hill’s arguments that the
    trial court abused its discretion in denying his motion in limine.
    A court performing a Daubert/Schafersman inquiry should not
    require absolute certainty.48 Instead, a trial court should admit
    expert testimony if there are good grounds for the expert’s
    conclusion, even if there could possibly be better grounds for
    some alternative conclusion.49 An abuse of discretion in the
    trial court’s Daubert/Schafersman determination occurs when a
    trial court’s decision is based upon reasons that are untenable
    Brief for appellant at 25.
    State v. Daly, 
    supra note 41
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    or unreasonable or if its action is clearly against justice or con-
    science, reason, and evidence.50
    It was neither untenable nor unreasonable for the trial court
    to conclude that the absence of blind testing did not seriously
    undermine the reliability of the ShotSpotter system in northeast
    Omaha. The court noted that there was no evidence that the
    presence of the SST project manager influenced the results of
    the electronic equipment, which accurately located the source
    of the test gunshots fired by police officers in the project man-
    ager’s presence.
    Likewise, the reliability of the ShotSpotter technology was
    not seriously undermined by Greene’s failure to identify the
    percent capacity of the Omaha ShotSpotter system at the time
    of the shooting. Greene’s testimony indicated that the system
    would have been running at least at an 80-percent capacity,
    according to their maintenance protocols. Furthermore, Greene
    testified that incapacitated sensors would not report data for
    the triangulation of the gunshots and that there were sufficient
    sensors reporting data for the shots in question to accurately
    triangulate their location.
    Finally, the court did not err in admitting the ShotSpotter
    evidence over Hill’s objection that SST employees were
    unqualified to characterize sounds as being consistent with
    gunshots. Greene testified that SST employees were exten-
    sively trained in the recognition of sounds consistent with
    gunshots. Greene testified as to his experience in identify-
    ing sounds consistent with gunshots, as well as the visual
    wavelength consistent with gunshots, and he testified to a
    reasonable degree of certainty that the sounds detected by
    the ShotSpotter at approximately 10:40 p.m. on February 18,
    2012, were consistent with gunshots. We also note that the
    system itself first identifies the wavelength of the sound as
    consistent with gunshots before sending data to the incident
    review staff.
    None of Hill’s arguments regarding the ShotSpotter system
    demonstrate that the trial court abused its discretion in admit-
    ting Greene’s testimony or the ShotSpotter report.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. HILL	795
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 767
    4. Sufficiency of Evidence
    Lastly, we address Hill’s argument that the evidence was
    insufficient to support the verdict of first degree murder. Hill
    argues that the evidence supports, at most, second degree mur-
    der upon a sudden quarrel.
    Hill points out that there were no witnesses to the shooting;
    that there was no blood, mudstains, or gunshot residue on Hill;
    and that the angle of the gunshot to the victim’s cheek indicates
    a taller shooter than Hill. He also argues that the State failed
    to establish any motive for the crime. He generally asserts the
    police conducted a deficient investigation, pointing out that
    one involved officer was under investigation and that the State
    failed to pursue DNA testing on certain items or to timely pur-
    sue telephone records of the cell phones found on the victim.
    Thus, Hill argues that the State failed to discover other possible
    suspects. He asserts that the “John Doe” who was calling the
    victim the night of the murder may have been the real killer.
    Finally, Hill alleges there was evidence of a physical alterca-
    tion precluding premeditation: the victim’s pants were pulled
    down and he had scrape marks on his body.
    All these arguments were made to and rejected by the jury,
    which was given a step instruction on second degree murder.
    These arguments do not demonstrate that the evidence was
    insufficient to support the jury’s verdict. Our standard of
    review with respect to a sufficiency of the evidence claim is
    very narrow, in that we must find the evidence to be sufficient
    if there is any evidence, when viewed in a light favorable to
    the prosecution, upon which a rational finder of fact could
    conclude that the State had met its burden of proof beyond a
    reasonable doubt.51
    [18] Hill concedes the evidence at trial established that
    Hill was near the crime scene shortly after the officers heard
    gunshots and that Hill carried the gun that was used to shoot
    the victim. He further concedes that officers subsequently
    found ammunition for that weapon in Hill’s residence. The
    evidence at trial also demonstrated that several shots were
    fired at the victim and that at least two shots were fired at the
    See State v. Matit, supra note 8.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    victim’s back. And, as demonstrated by the ShotSpotter time
    stamps, there was more than sufficient time between shots for
    Hill to form premeditation. To commit first degree murder,
    no particular length of time for premeditation is required,
    provided that the intent to kill is formed before the act is
    committed and not simultaneously with the act that caused
    the death.52
    Further, viewing the evidence in a light most favorable to
    the prosecution, we find there are explanations consistent with
    a finding of first degree murder for the physical state of the
    victim and his clothing, the cell phone conversations, and the
    angles of the shots. The condition of the victim could have
    been the result of running or falling. It is mere speculation
    that the unknown “John Doe” was the killer, and any inad-
    equacies in the investigation of another possible killer were a
    matter for the jury to consider. The angle of the shots, as the
    State argued at trial, could have been the result of the victim’s
    either being hunched over or on the ground when the shots
    were fired. In fact, Greene explained at trial without objection
    that the later shots were detected by fewer ShotSpotter sen-
    sors, which was consistent with the shots being fired toward
    the ground.
    Hill assigns that the trial court erred when it found the
    evidence was sufficient to support the guilty verdict for first
    degree murder. It was conceded at oral argument that the gun
    in Hill’s possession was the weapon that killed the victim. The
    victim was shot three times, twice in the back and once in
    the face. The victim was killed in a dark, secluded alley. The
    brother of Hill’s girlfriend testified that earlier in the evening
    of the shooting, Hill and the victim engaged in an argument
    and were yelling at each other, and that afterward, he remem-
    bered Hill was in the apartment seemingly upset. The brother
    testified that he had told Hill he thought the victim was an
    informant for the Omaha Police Department. If the trier of fact
    believed this evidence, these facts would be sufficient for a
    conviction of premeditated first degree murder.
    See State v. Nolan, 
    283 Neb. 50
    807 N.W.2d 520
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. SMITH	797
    Cite as 
    288 Neb. 797
    We hold that the trial court properly denied Hill’s motions
    to suppress and motion in limine, and we find the evidence
    sufficient to support the jury’s verdict of first degree murder.
    We affirm the judgment below.
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Brian D. Smith, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed August 8, 2014.    No. S-13-891.
    1.	 Jurisdiction: Appeal and Error. An appellate court determines a jurisdictional
    question that does not involve a factual dispute as a matter of law.
    2.	 Judgments: Appeal and Error. When issues on appeal present questions of law,
    an appellate court has an obligation to reach an independent conclusion irrespec-
    tive of the decision of the court below.
    3.	 Constitutional Law: Postconviction: Collateral Attack: Final Orders.
    The Nebraska Postconviction Act is the primary procedure for bringing col-
    lateral attacks on final judgments in criminal cases based upon constitu-
    tional principles.
    4.	 Postconviction: Collateral Attack. If a defendant has a collateral attack that
    could be asserted under the Nebraska Postconviction Act, that act is his or her
    sole remedy.
    Appeal from the District Court for Washington County: John
    E. Samson, Judge. Appeal dismissed.
    Jeffery A. Pickens, of Nebraska Commission on Public
    Advocacy, for appellant.
    Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and James D. Smith and
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    Miller-Lerman, and Cassel, JJ.
    Stephan, J.
    In 1983, when he was 16 years old, Brian D. Smith was
    convicted of burglary and kidnapping. He was sentenced to